Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. THURSDAY, DEC 5, 1907 Subscription ft.50 yer. WILL IMPROVE GRAZING LANDS lUnge Condition Will be Bettered hj Increasing Water Supply for Stock In its invesugstions (or the im provement of grating lamia within the National Forest carried on during the past year, the forest service ha found that the ranges on some of the forests can not be fully utiliied by stock because of a lack of a proper water supply Plans have been made for better ing these conditious as rapidly as possible. Work to improve the water sup ply on the National Forest ranges will be started this year on the Leadville National forest in Colo rado and the Tumacacori National forest in Arizona, and before the coming of another grating season a number of ranges will be im proved very materially. On the Leadville forest, the forest officers will clean out and protect twelve different springs and pipe the water into troughs The work on the Tumacacoii for at in Arizona will be somewhat more extensive, although it will be confined to the improvement of the supply of only half a many prings as on the Colorado forest This method of cleaning out and protecting springs and other water ing places will result in much benefit to stockmen grazing on the stripe of ranges within the forests Improvement work along the same general lines will also be begun on other National forests. Plenty Water At 102 Feet Drilling has been suspended on N. H. Pinkerton well on Agency Plains at a depth of 102 feet, as Mr. Pinkerton believes the supply of water which the well now fur nishes will be sufficient for all purposes at his ranch. Water was struck in this well at a depth of 59 feet, but as the How from the two small veins struck did not amount to more than 15 gallons an hour, drilling was continued and the well put down nearly 50 feet deeper, through a very hard basalt formation. At a depth of 102 feet the flow of water has in creased, and it is believed that the well will now furnish sufficient water for ranch purposes, although it will not be sufficient to supply water to neighboring ranches. The success in the Pinkerton well will encourage others to try for water on Agency Plains. In the W. F. Magill community well plenty of water was secured" at a depth of 400 feet for all who owned an interest in the well. The Pinkerton well, while not furnish ing so much water, struck its first flow of water at only 59 feet, and the success of these two wells has demonstrated the practicability of well drilling on the plains. A number of other wells will be drilled on Agency Plains during the coming year. Madras Pioneer. The Key that Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-five and ninety years of are are not the rotund well fed, but thin, spare men who live on a slender diet. Be as careful w he will, however, a man pant middle age, will occasionaly eat too much or of some article of food not suited to his constitution, and will need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomaeh and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigo rate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there Is no reason why the average man should not live to old age. For sale by 1). P. Adamson. Stray Cattle Taken Up There came to my ranch 15 miles east of Bend cattle branded H U con nected, D and one or two iudintiuct brands. Respectfullv, 2w A. O. WALKER, Bend, Or. $250 Reward A reward of $250 will be paid for in formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person found guilty of interfering with the flow of water or dam of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. E. T.8LAYTON, Secy. P Pure Drugs AT D. P. Adamson & Co Rules and Regulations. Continued from flint pn. plote all proofs required by these rules. PF.F.US Uule 13 After tho making of proof of reclamation, cultivation and settlement, and the issuance by the construction company of a release of lien (a copy of which shall be tiled by said com pany with the State Land Board im mediately upon its execution). the State shall thereupon issue a deed to the applicant, or his heirs; provided, however, that no deed will be executed by the State until the lands embraced in the application have been pat ented to the State. FORFEITURE OF RIGHTS Rule 14. The rights of entry- men before the State Land Board shall be subject to forfeiture to the State for the following caus es: (l) failure to reside upon the land embraced within said entry as provided by law and these rules; (2) Failure to sub mit proof of reclamation, cultiva tion and settlement within the time specified; (3) Failure to purchase the necessary water right or release of lien from the construction company. LIEN FOR RECLAMATION Rule 15. As the object in with drawing the land from the oper ation of the United states gener al land laws is primarily for the purpose of affording proper se curity for the capital invested in the construction of the works for reclaiming the same from its desert condition, no one shall en ter any of such land until he has first entered into a contract with the construction company for the purchase of the necessary water rights. The law provides that the water rights purchased by tee entryman shall, as soon as title passes fron the United States to the State, become an purtenant to the land, and that the person, association or com pany furnishing the water for the same.shall have a prior lien on said water right and land up on which said water is used, for all deferred payments for said water rights. CONTESTS Rule 16. Any person qualified to make entry upon segregated land may contest an entry or final proof for any sufficient cause affecting the legality or va lidity of the same. Application w) contest must be tiled with the Board, and must be made by affidavit setting forth the facts constituting the ground of contest, which affidavit must be corroborated by the affidavits of two or more witnesses. Personal service upon the con testee of a copy of the contest affidavits shall codstitute service of notice of contest. Proof of service must then be filed with the Board. The contestee must file his an swer with the JJoaid within twenty days after date of ser vice. At the expiration of said twenty days, if there is no ap pearance made by the contestee, the Board will set a time for the evidence and deter mining the rights of the parties to such contest. AMENDMENTS Rule 17. These rules may be changed or amended by the Board, but only after ten days notice by mail to the construc tion companies, fixing a time and place for a hearing on any pro posed change or amendment. How Diphtheria Is Contracted One often hears the expression, "My chilil caught a severe cold which developed into diphtheria," when the truth wa that the cold had simply left the little one particularly hub. ceptilile to the wandering diphtheria germ. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy U given it quickly curen the cold and lessens the danger of diph theria or any other germ lineane being contracted. For sale by I). I'. AdaniHon. THE PLACE TO j I Y Ck I Ci f Ok THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY "WlAvl V- 1 SAVE MONEY I. MICHEL, Proprietor SANTA CLAUS Santa Claus has gone into close partnership with us this year and we consequently have more good things to choose irom than you can lind anywhere else. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY Buy your Holiday Goods now. Don't wait to join in the big rush at the last minute. We have presents lor everybody in plenty. Our lines have not depreciated in quantity or quality in spite ol the heavy buying ol last week. Just today we have received another shipment ol the very latest, things Jobbers have to oiler and it is still an easy matter (or you to select just the righ thing, but don't wait We will be unable to get another supply when this one is gone. Below we list a lew items Irom each ol our various departments. Just the things you have in mind to buy lor the home folks or particular friends. Remember we have seven sections devoted to your Holiday needs. One each, (or lather, lor mother, lor little boys, (or little girls, lor the baby, lor big boys, and (or big girls. Talkinz Machine Free With every f50 the machine, you buy the records. save THE LEADER THE REDMOND NEWS BUDGET The Thanksgiving dinner given by the Indies' Aid Society was a decided tucceos financially, socially musically and other ways. They wish to thank all who contributed in any way to that ucceaa and especially Colonel Belcher who helped in many wayt. The ladies were pleased to hand to the Rev erend Lilly a neat um m a dona tion and to tend a like mm to Reverend Mr. Short who was un able to be preeent. Mr. Chapman has bought Mr. Roger's forty known as Young's north forty and will proceed at once to improve it quite exten sively. Mrs. Chapman will teach the Lone Pine school. The money from the sale of the school district bonds has been received and build ing will probably begin very soon. The school board was to consider places Saturday night. The entertainment committee of the D. I. fe P. Settlers Association announces a swell tree feed, oyster supper and general good time for Saturday evening December 14. Hard times? Not a bit of it. Come and see. There will also be music and speaking. It anyone thinks they will be of the back woods type let him come and find out for sure. Neighbor DeLorimer got in on Thursday with his mules from WaiUburg, Washington, just in time lor Thanksgiving dinner and will continue improvements on his place just east of Forked Horn where he began about a year ago. Drive him out of the country? You couldn't pull him out with his own mules and they are the beet ones on the segregation. The Ladies' Aid Society an nounces an all day meeting for Thursday of this week at Mrs. John Tucks to discuss and make articles for a bazaar to be held shortly before Christmas. Frank Morrill has returned from Gist where he has been working for the Hightower-Smith company. It is reported that Mr. Mander scbeid has rented his farm and will shortly return to Oklahoma. Messrs. Gibson and Richardson go out this week to work at the ditch camp. A pleasant dance was given Thursday night at the hotel and another one Saturday night at Z. T. McClay'e. Water will beout of the Pilot Butte canal this week so that silt may be removed up by the Rock Cut Bridge. ' E. II. Lockyear is still improv ing taster, if anything, than could be expected. C. R. McLallin is quite enthusi astic over the possibilities of kale as a fall and winter forage plant. A happy occurrence at the home of Mr and Mrs. Walter Gillespie on friday November SJy was the advent of number four. We are pleased to report mother and son as both doing nicely. Two young men are clearing on FURS.IHIDES WE BUY KM for ftpot cash, lo to SO' more mnnny for jna to ship Rw Furs and Hl.l to eathaa to aell at home. Writ for Price Llrt. M arket Kport. Hhleplna Timch. snH almat our HUNTERS'&TRAPPERS'GUIDE."r;. 4 pan, )Uier hound. Brt thinf on th ftih)ct rr written II I urt rati of all Fur Am mala .All Wt Trpnr' ftaerata, Dya, Trap. Oam Ijwi. Hfw and rhr lo trap, and l Unrm ft -no-e-f il tr.t"r. It rular V.nryrl1il: To Mir mrtfrnwra. l to. H-dea tannd into beautiful K-.f-f. Our Macneli and Imtit atirnu nimb V. trap" ! 00 p-r b-4il-. Mt-p -f Hid od fur. tomuKim buius priest. Aaderch Umv lct. lit, MluUMiaa. cash purchase we will give you- -Free one your tickets. New Prineville Hotel Building a forty in section 3, this township, tor a Tacoina man. This will im prove the looks of the east side of the canal north of town consider ably. Mrs. Lilly accompanied her husband yesterday to church ser vice at Redmond and helped very much by tinging a very pleasing solo, "Just for Today." K. C. Park, Judge A. L Frazer Dead Arthur I Fraier, Judge of the Stat Circuit Court in Multnomah county since 1M8, and ol the Portland Juvenile Court since 1905, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital Tuesday morning at 8:30 o'clock from the shock of an opera tion for appendicitis, performed November 22. The death of the jurist was an unexpected blow to his many friends in this city, and to the bench and bar, for he was taken ill but two days before he underwent the operation and was reported well on the road to re covery until late last week. Ore gon ian. Mrs. Bradley Acquitted "Not guilty" was the verdict rendered Monday by the jury in the case of Mrs. Annie M. Bradley, charged with the murder of former United States Arthur M. Brown, of Utah, at a hotel in Washington, D. C. on December S last. Amid the applause ot a crowd that filled the courtroom. Mrs. Bradley, with tear-dimmed eyes, was dis charged from custody and a trial that has evoked National attent.on during the last three weeks was at an end. The jury, into whose hands the case was delivered took the first ballott 25 minutes after entering the juryroom. No agreement was then reached, the vote being 9 for acquittal and 3 for manslaughter Arguments followed, and an hour later two of the three joined those for acquittal. Money Turned Over We wlxh tonmifiunce to thorn? that contributed for the henctit of Mm. Chan. Share that the money col. lected (Kll. id) ham lieeu turned over to Mra. Sharpc. S.VKAU ZlCI.L. SaHAH I'OTTKIt. When you want a pleasant laxa tive take l hnmherlain wtoiuaen and Liver Tabletn. For sale by D, 1'. Adamson. Will Close Out Wood Yard C. u. Ualhrcath wlshe to an nounce that he Is going to cloee out hlrt wood yard , but will continue to run the sawing machine. l-'-Stf Timber Land, Act June 8. 1WS. Notic far PlUiutiaa United HUttea lnd Office, The PhIIf. Onfun. Nuvemlier la, 1W7. notion la hereby given that In compliance with toe provlaloiia ofthe act of Congress or June S, 17, entitled "An art for the sale of timber land) In the Hlate of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," mm extended to all the i'ubllc Uind H lutes by act of August 4, 1M'. Maltha J. Wlcle. of Prtnevllle. county of Crook. Hta of Ore- iron, baa on Ort. h, 1'Jmi. died In thin office her xworn statement, no. with, ror me pur chase of the LoU 'J and , HE'4 NX and HW'i ME'i of Hee. 4. In TP. is eouin, range i n. M.. and will offer proof to nhow that the land nought la more valuable for Ita tlmteror atone thanfor agricultural purpose. and toeslahllsh her claim to mm land before ibe county aierk Bt Prtnevllle, Oregon, on the 30lh day of Jan- ary, laon. Khe name aa witnesses: W. H. Huston. John W. Colllna. L B I,arollette, and Walter O'Nell all of Prtnevllle, Oregon Any and all persons claiming adversely the aliove doacrtlwd landa are requi-U ed to file their olnlms In tbl orllce on or be fore tbe (aid SOth day of January. . 12-r.p C. W. MOOKK, Kcglater. Standard Talking Machine. We furnish PRINEVILLE, OREGON 11 " Royal Worcester " and " Nemo " Corsets Gloves A Complete Line for Ltdies Misses Children w ft S3 DRESS 8 8 Thankagivinj? prices on nil of our lino of Fancy Dresa Plaids, Plain and Fancy Mixed Weaves, Mohairs and Serges, in colors and blacks. Regular 65c and 75c Values at.. . 50c per yard Regular $1.50 and $1.75 Values at ....$1,15 M Special Thanksgiving Flannelettes Regular 25c values at 18c Regular 15c and 20c values al 12,C i i See our line of Men's " Sincerity " Suits and jj Overcoats. They are made by the best hand jj work and guaranteed to stand hard ware fjj ?T? WURZWEILER 3 CRQOE www mi OFFIOIRB: W. A. Booth, Pratltfant O. f. STIWABT, Vic Prldn O. M. Elkimi, Oathlar OIRCOTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini. O. f. Stiwaut Transacts a General Hanking HumnesH Exchange Bought and Sold CollectionH will re ceive prompt atten tion SrJ F WW W WWW VI HOTEL PAUUNA ELMER CLARK, FROP'R. Modorn ConveniencPH. Heinl Accommrxlatioim for t!cm riicrinal Men. Feed and Livery Htablnin Connection. Katkb kkom $1 to f.'l PKK PAY. Paulina, Oregon: IAAAAAAAAAAA Timber Laud, Ai t June 3, 1H78. Notice far Piblicatiea United States Land Oflicn, The Pallen, Oregon, Kept. 21, 11)07. Notice iH hereby given that in com pliance with the provinions of the act of Congreaa of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the Mile of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wanhington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 181)2, Ella A. Ken von, of Redmond, county of Crook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this oflice her sworn statement, INo. 4.t.iZ, tor the purchase of the NW SWJiand NJi HVM of Sec. 10, in Tp. 13 south, range 16 east, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to eHtaUlich her claim to said land lielore the county clerk, at l'rineville, Oregon, on the 13th day of December, 1!K)7. She names as witnesses : t Maries M. Charlton, L. K. Hudson, of l'rineville, Ore., Kachel Lw Noland, of Portland, Ore., Cecil Kenyon, of Redmond, Ore. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-Describee lands are requested to file their claims in this ofhee on or before said 13th day of December, 1907. 0-10p C. W. MOOKK, Koglster. City Property for Sale Dcxirable resilience locations In different parts of l'rineville, Improved or unim proved, in lots or blocks. Alio some choice business lots on Main streets, near the center of the city. For particulars address Box m, Prineville, Or 7-25 Men's Suitf, Hata and general FurnishingH at about half price at J. E. Stewarts A Op. ry r mi t m .; t t, it n is iv! vi'i i. ei rum biv j v-. dfc1 fc-vW man if li'SMniriMlirn rd GOODS Ladies Fine Cash- Hose mere Iti'Ktilur Vk' vnltnti nt......50c lii'Kiilor MV vttlucM lit 35c Clifton & Cornett Successors to R. E. Simpson SCHOOL SUITS P ffi ffi' Ox Finest Line in the City School time is here and anxious mothers want to know where to get the Best Suits for the least money. Come to our store and cease your anxiety. We have all kinds, all prices and can fit any boy. ffi I THE Sc HAMILTON h ool 5 FOR BOYS THEY WEAR LIKE IRON. Call and Inspect these Lines We have other Bargains, too Prices mm m m mmmimtmmmmt mm v Notice to Creditors. Notice la hnruliy Klvon, by tho unclorlxne1 executor ol the Katute ol L. V. Bailey, ileeemieil, Ui all itreilitiirH mid othom liiivlitK eliiima aKiiliit the CBlste ol the milil L. V. ftittley lo nresent lue Hmne Willi tne iiroiier vn the tniilernlKiieil t the ollleu of M. H. Klllotl resent lue smne witn tne proper voiienera id In l'rineville, OrKin, within six rnontha form the nrat liulillciiliiiii ol una notiee. Unte.l thla lUth liny of Hei.t., 1WI7. (IKOItUK W. BAILKY. Executor ol the laat will ol L. V. Hiilley iloveaaed. f Royal Insurance, Co. J Not Welchers. 9ff It) I Paid dollar for dollar in the z Frisco conflagration. I J. E. STEWART, Agt. Wanted One Beaond-hand writing desk with roll top. Address Journal Olllce. lm Butterick Patterns mul llm Delineator 10c ant! 15c None Higher SALE m Offerings gl A few Ladies' and Misses' Skirts at Half Price. Fascinators, Knit Shawls and Capes all Reduced. ffi 03 & CO ffi IS S BROWM Shoes AND GIRLS MADE FOR HARD USAGE Stats Selection Notleo (or IMilillcatlon. V. 8. ImiuI Ollleo, The liHllea, Oreuon, , , NiivenilM'r K, liar7. Niitleu la hereby Klven tli,it miller tiio pre vlalona uf the net o( ConKreaa of Aiinuat tl ISIS, Hint the HCtaaiiiileniemnry ami Kiueniln lory theroio, the Htute of (ireKon luta thla ,Uy filed In this cilllee Ita iipplli atlon. No. l. ', select the HIC'i of the flWJi ef bee. 81, T. 17 aoiilh, rhiiKU 17 K., W. M. Any andall neraona cllmliir mlveraely nny nf thOBliovo ileaerlheil lamia, or ilealrliiii for any reason to objeet to the final allowanee of the aiime, ahould llle their eliiima or ohlertlona In thla ollleu on or before tho llltu ot Jium. Hryi I wMji U.2IWW 0, W. MOOKE, Keglater. For Irrigated Farms I and Fruit Lands In the Deschutes Valley write H. F, JONES, Redmond, Oreuon. Right 51 -r"? f IS