Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 21, 1907, Image 3

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Tli followiiiH l !'' program to
I given ilurinn the siwi-ion of tin
Hi-coml Aiiimai Crook County
Hymliiy rVlmol Cotivriilion to U
liehl nt I'mieville Nov '22 to 21:
1st i1ii.v-l"rl.ln.v, Nov. .
2 . ill Wimi and I'rn.ver Hrrvlre
It.'v. I. I. Hrow ii
2;it i irwiiiiUulliHi, iio1iil input
uf inuiiiiiIIIii h, rtr.
2:30 Hound Taiilc ('iiift,riim,i',
Kinidny Hi IiihiI Mannuriiiciil,
Itov. num. A. riilin
Ilrliitluti i.l Hit' I'uKh.r li
Hie Htlllilil.V hVlliiul.
J. II. Shlpp
3A" ........... ! I Mm-iiKoli!!!
3:15 , Add ii-xm Our (ln-nl-Hl Nit-d
Itcv. Out. A. Philips
4;!M .... Hull Cull of Hiindiiy K(li().i,
Iti-ulntritlloii, ('.
7-W .. Hoiiit nmt I'rnyer Servse,
lti-v. A. Iloiiwl
7:M .AiMivim .The W-nk I'Iium
In iur Niindn.v Helmut,
Uev. II. Clum. iHiiiMtuiHv, I). I.
N:W .... Knit i... Mm. Ciillnvntli
H.M) Aililn-N 'I'lit lti-ul Aiin-rl-riill
ltiv. Clum. A. I'IiIn
MitllMMI HKHMloN '.M dll.V
0;3tl ,,. KiMimiiul Prnrr Service,
Mr. Uiwn urt' A. Iltyit
:M Mnslr In I lin Kimdiv Kt'lmols,
Iti'V. Clum. A. riilppM
10::w ,Vi Kliiuilil Attend Hun
iliiy Helmut,
Prof. Itliiurlinnl
11.H0 , IMmminkIoii
ll:l.i ,., Itiuiiul Tnlili 'unferviici'
liev. Clum. A. I'lilppM
2 . ill. .... Hour iiml Prnyer Kcrvlee,
lU'V. I.lllli.
2:15 ... ItusliieM ItfimrlH, flc.
2:4." Addnwt Junior lemrliiient,
ltiv. Clum. A. !'IiIm
3:15 Tin' Work of tin Prlninry
nnil Junior ienrttiientM
(1) The Trad le-Hi ill,,. Mrs. Wlnm-k
CM Tim lli-nlniii-rn Mm K. IU-II
(3) Prltnnry t'liuut ...M Ihm ('Icvi-lniul
(4) Thi Junior Mm. 1 1 ousel
7:.'UI ,. Hour mill Prnyer Service
Mr. Ihtrulil II. .him
7;M .Address What Will You
lit About It'.'
Itev. t A.IIouwl
H:50. ,.,. ,.. Duct
Mi-H.laini IIiiiImoii nil. I Kiuu-ulM-rK
K:30 Address Soul Winning In
The Sunday Hi-hool,
lii-v. Clum. A. I'IiIiim
2:30 i. ni llally of Sunday Schools.
KvciiIiik Service lrt-Mlavttarlaii rhurvli
...... .......Cliwlnit Service.
Fine Ranch Property for Sale
ITiK) scr of deeded Id ml Umi mile
noiithi'MHt of 1'h.iIuiii, Or. SUK'k or
farm lam), Can rin liny, firniu or'i, An ideal dairy ranch,
t IimhI summer riii. All crops ilo wel1.
1 raise liny for 1M00 cow uii.l 10,000
kIiivd. I'.H.r health tlui r.snin lor
sellinir. My land I so shunted that It
control tli waitir mipply of a Jhi-jjo
Huopn of rountry. If you pn'd'r to takn
up iftHiit KiivriiniKiit lanil itu.lir li.mio
HUta.l will hi' 1 1 you (IimhIi'iI IaiuI U fur
iuhIi wiilt.r. Will Inur the fiilU'Nt In
vxHtittaliun. : MuhI K' to California.
For (urtliiT partii'tilur imiuiri at iIiim
offiio. 10-JJ1 t.r
City Property for Sl
Hoiibi', barn anil tlinw loin for h1;
BimkI liH'ation; prlcu rKiinniKblii. Ail
IlroiMi T. J. hVriiMoii, I'rlnovUU', Ore.
! t
Style 45, Price $2.50
The above represents one of our staple numbers
in Ladies Afeclimn-Wcight Shoes. This shoe is
neat and durable and is equal to shoes generally
retailed for $3.50, Come and see for yourself.
Children's School Shoes
In Children's School Shoes as in other lines
we can give you better values for the money than
can be obtained elsewhere. A trial will convince you
Local Mention
Jou Siuitii of I'utiliiift nn in
lown H.itiml.iy.
I. A. McHowi ll c. 0-il w in
town mi Limine m Monilny.
Jolm Cumlm lilt HuturJay lor a
tiioiithV nojoiirii in
Portia inl and
Houtlicrn California. lie will viit
liix inotlirr nl 1'ri Hlon, Cut.
Mii A in 1M ioii hit for hft i.oiir)
nl liny tVntcr, WuhIi., Hutunlny.
Mglit lioinki')in rooum for
rout. Iminire nt the Ri'ilWy.
Wnlluon Wliltwtl and wifo of
Mailrni ar visiting rnlativcR iiire
tl 1 WH'k.
M. 8, May flnlil 1 bringing liia
cut tin" from Uonlanil to fi-J dur
ing tint wintrr.
C. C. Dunham and V. M. Pun
ham of Iti-ar Vm-k came in Mon
day on luniii!.
A. Canning returned tlim wek
from Uonlnnd wlirre he tutu U t-n
attending hia nliw'l'.
(1. M. Cornctt and A (I. hoggin
rHurui'd from Madraa Monday
wlu-ro they diHporpd of alxiut a
liumlrml lu ad of tinhrokin liorm-H.
E. (. Hmilli returned the lant of
the wwk from HiKtera and Rend
whi'ro hn linn Wen with FHK'lal
Agent WttltH of the (icncral Land
Miita Lica Wood left ynU-rdny
for New York, wlu're oho in to join
Mr. and Mm. Drake of Rend, Ore.,
and then nail for JCuroo. Ore
Mina lamina Iiiwuon who waa
kieked in the clieat -lftft Thursday
by a liorw, i able to lx' around
again. Hi t injuries whilo eevere,
are not thought to 1 of a imthiii
hint nature.
Library Rooka for the public
achoola have been .delayed on
account of a ahipment of hooka
from the rant having gone eatray.
Hooka have probably ln-en shipped
by t hia time aa'the tini limit ex
pired Nov. 16.
At the Find IVabyterian church
next Sunday Dr. Dunemore will
preach in the morning ot 11
o'clock, and in the evening, there
will lo an addre by Rev. Cha.
A.'rhippa, Sunday School Worker.
The Male 6.uarttslt will aing at
the evening ttervice.
rrinevillo is to have n, skating
rink. A. H. Lippman baa work
men now engaged in putting up
the structure and -it in expected
thntthe rink will be running in
full blast in aUiut a month, l'erry
I'oindexter ban leawd it and will
conduct the rink. The builJing ia
30x112 and i on one of Mr
Lippman'a lota on the north aide.
On Sunday all the churches will
hold their morning service na
usual; but will go together for a
maun meeting at the Presbyterian
church at 7:30. Rev.C. A. Phips
will make the address and special
music will be rendered. This will
lw the closing of the Sunday School
Convention. At 2:30 o'clock in
the afternoon however, a grand
rally of all the Sunday Schools
and visitors will be held in the
Union church.
M. O'Connor ol The Dallee ia in
the city.
C. L. I'arrisb came in TtK-nday
from Crook.
F. P. Moody of The Dalles came
in Tuesday.
Hulled barley, loMest cash price
at J. K. Stewart A Co.
W. F. King left Tuesday for
Shaniko on business.
(I. IC. Price of Crook was in the
city attending to business.
Misa Jesuit) McCallister got back
Saturday from Portland.
Will Ford and Chaa. O'Neil left
Tuesday for Rend where they will
work on the I). I. A P. Co. ditch.
J. D. Watts, special U. S. agent,
of Portland came in Sunday,
J. H. Ilorney of Madras was in
ths city the first of the week.
C. W. Colby of Crooked river
was in the city the first of the
A billanl and iool table are to lie
installed in the Logan Candy
Carl Hyde and Charley Sum
mers who have been working on
the I). I. & P. Co. ditch are back in
A box of g.-ometrical figures was
received at the High School Mon
day morning. These figures were
much needed and will greatly
facilitate the work of the geometry
Everybody is invited to the dedi
cation of the Methodist church
Sunday, December 1. All the
other cliurchi-e will dismiss their
services. All should count on
attending the lecture by Dr. Cole
man on Monday evening, Dec. 2.
The Rend Madras-Shaniko stage
line is a thing of the past. The
remainder of the stock atout
twenty-five in nnmlier were aold
at public auction at the Pilot
Iiulte Rarn in Rend yesterday.
The report is current that the line
was run at a loss during the entire
J. E. Adamson of Mitchell has
bought the lease of 1). P. Adamson
& Co. on the 1G0 acres of road
land west of town and is prepar
ing to move onto the place at once.
Mr. Adamson has been in business
at Mitchell for about seven years
and says that he will be glad to
try farming for a time at least.
The boxing gloves and punching
bug which were sent for by the
Athletic Club of the Crook Coffhty
High School, arrived last wwk,
and have already been tried by
members. At a meeting of the
club held last Wednesday it was
decided to send for a tennis and
basket ball outfit and to fix up the
grounds for these games. It ia ex
pected that in time, the literary
societies will organize opposing
tennis and keep things lively on
the High School campus.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, of Hay
Creek, Oregon, are guests at the
Portland Hotel. They, however,
are planning to remain but a short
time as they will spend the re
mainder of the winter in Florida
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharp, Jr.,
spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Edvvards at their charming
ranch residence. Mrs. Sharp
writes enthusiastically of life on
their own ranch, which she is en
joying to the utmost and is going
in extensively tor horseback riding
A Deutsche Market"
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church will hold "A Deutsche Mar
ket" In the old bunk tiullillnur, on
Friday, December ti. For the benefit
of those that never attended any
t hlnir of the kind we apiH'iid the fol
lowing Information, written by one
of the ladles:
You enter the room with your mate,
A lady will hand each a plate,
.Inst turn to the Hunt a lady so neat,
Serves yon one of our tlve kinds of
Move on to the next the sign having
pen d :
Which tells you "White and lirown
Then pickles cheese and baked beana,
Must not lie lett out iy an means,
A helping of salad you take,
.) list for your stomach's sake,
Keen on to the south attain yon buy
For here we serve cookies, dough'
nuts and ole.
Now turn to the east and make the
lust 1 1 lea.
Tula Is the booth for coffee, cocoa
and tea
Come have a seat you paid as yon
And thlrty-ftvo cent Is tho money
you spent.
5 p. m. to 9 p. ni.
$250 Reward
A reward of 250 will bo paid for In
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of any person found guilty
of interfering with the fiow of water or
dam of the Squaw (!reek Irrigation Co.
K. T. SLAYXON, Secy.
Fred Smith left Tuesday for hia
home at Paulina.
Chas. Daly of Rear Creek was in
the city the first of the week.
The Prineville Flouring Mills
re running night and day to keep
p with orders.
C. M. Red field and Tom Langon
of the construction camp at the
river ted were in the city the first
of the week.
There was a large crowd at the
ance at Lamonia last muay
iglit. The music was furnished
y J. M. Sharp.
A new star was added to the
American flag last Saturday.
Oklahoma and Indian Territory
jointly makes the forty-sixth
twinklor to Uncle Sam's collection.
Friday Nov. 15, was regular
meeting day for the literary so
cieties of the High School. The
Ochoconiana kindly invited the
Alpha society to assist at their
program. The eccial feature was
mock trial, which, being well
carried out, was both instructive
nd amusing.
B. F. Johnson returned from the
Paulina country the last of the
week where he has been adjusting
range difficulties. Mr. Johnson
reports a crew of seven men work
ing on the Pioneer Telephone &
Telegraph line from Paulina to
Burns. The construction work is
nder the direction of A. W. Clo
thier, and Mr. Johnson says that
t is one of the best telephone lines
he has ever seen. The work has
been completed to a point about
ten miles beyond Paulina and will
soon lie connected with the Lewis
lines from Rurns. Upon the com
pletion of this line a great volume
of business that the local com
panies have never been able to
handle will be handled through
the central office here. To date
the people of the Burns country
and adjacent territory have been
compelled to use a very indirect
route, which has been both ex
pensive and ineffective as compared
with the service they will be given
over the Pioneer company's lines
when the connect on is com
Notice to Farmers
The Hotel Poindexter Barber Shop
Makes Special Offer.
The Poindexter Rarber Shop has
not chamred hands but has only
banned Its name. It will hereafter be
known a the rolndexter Tradln;
Barlier Shop for we are going to
offpr the nubile a chance to get nil
work done at this shop in this way
If you have some produce of any
kind that you want to trade or
exehauge for work In this line Drtng
It in to me and we will exchange
Burlier Work for same. Any one
man may bring in as much as fo
worth of the kinds of produce herein
mentioned and get a credit for same
at this shop.
F.ggs, fruit, butter, cabbage-, lieets,
potatoes, parsnips and onions. We
can use most any sum oi nmeu
truck. Leave at the Poindexter
Hotel building. Itemeinber you can
bring anywhere from 50 cents to ii
worth and get a credit for same,
This chance will be open for 30 days
onlv but you may have six months
to trade out your credit. This Is a
chance for you to make an exchange
throinrh the dull season. Now is
your chance.
Have Your
Watches and
Repaired by
Adsmton'. Drug Store. PRINEVILLE
City Property For Sale
My property near the high school is
for sale, l'riee 1000 cash. Kor further
particulars write or 'phone.
10-lm C. W. STARR, Prineville, Or.
Cream Separator
Made in all Sizes
Ea iest Running. Ask ns for
names of users in Crook Coun
ty. C W. ELKINS, Agent
Redmond, Ore., Nov. 18.
Tuesday ot last week E. H.
Lockyear five miles south of town
had a very bad accident in being
kicked by a horse. Ilia nose was
torn nearly off and the skull some
what fractured. Mr. Hewins who
was with him said that the nose
was the only thing that saved hia
life. Dr. Turley of Bend was
called and came prepared to ad
minister chloroform, but could not
on account of the condition of the
nose. Twenty-one stitches were
taken. Friday evening Mr. Lock
year was getting along nicely. He
had sat up so the bed could be
made and a part of the bandages
were removed. We with many
others hope for his speedy re
covery. We neglected to say that F. T.
Redmond was visited by his brother
and wife for several days. They
have already departed and ex
pressed themselves as very well
pleased with the country. The
reason for neglect was that no one
mentioned the matter to the re
porter. W. L. McEwing is organizing a
chorus of some fifteen or twenty
voices for a Christmas entertain
ment. F irst practice to be Friday
nieht this week. If folks will
only turn out as well as they have
promised there is bound to be a
very successful entertainment.
Colonel Belcher reports several
and buyers in the past week and
business good. We are to have a
new neighbor out our way.
A new family is now oscupying
the lied field house Brown by
name and neighbor O. H. Long is
iving in the O'Connor house.
Ray Archer went out to the
ditch camp to work last week and
J. J. Ellinger came in from there
to spend Sunday at home.
Walter Gilletpie is home from
quite an extended trip in riorth
Fancy Cove Apples
Sweet Potatoes
J. E. Stewart & Co.
New Millinery
All the latest styles in Trim
med Hats, Street Hats, Tlain
Sailors and Children's Caps.
Aleo Handkerchiefs, Collars and
other notions at
Mnc Fctoc' .nillincry
I ii o. loiwj Parlors
Corner Second and Main Stt.
Carefully gj
Filled at
4 Boys' and Youths
! Canvas Shoes, while they f
last, per pair $1.00.
1 Royal Insurance Co.
Not Welchers. I
I Paid dollar for dollar in the
Frisco conflagration.
i J. E. STEWART, Agt
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, by the unclereiRiiea
executor of the KstHte of L. V. Btiiloy, decvueil,
to all creditors unci others having claims
aitftinst the estate of the said L. V. Bailey to
present the same wllh the proper vouchers to
the undorslgned at the offlee of M. R. Klhott
in Prineville, Oregon, within Bix months form
the lirst publication of this notice.
Dated this 19th day of Sept., 1907.
Executor of the last will of U V. Bailey,
An appeal to the pride
oi the owner of a home
Everyone who owns a home i!r
anxious that that home shall make
the beit appearance possible. Two
thing are necessary to produce satis
factory results in painting and var
nishing a home t
First A satisfactory color scheme.
'Second Paints, varnishes, stains
and enamels of such good quality that
they not only give the exact color
effect required, but are sufficiently
durable to keep up the attractive ap
pearance of the bouse in spite of the
wear and tear of living in it.
These are offered by the Sherwin
Williamt Paintn and Varnithes. The
Sherwin-Williams Co. not only make
rvery kind of paint and varnish used
for a house and the best quality of
that kind, but they make suggestions
for the selection of colors, varnishes,
stains and enawels, so that any given
idea can be earned out, and car
ried out with the best materials.
rfe-vLt- ass ,h-
W. F.
6 sp-' v' (jp; fpg
c'w'j cs?i iS5j cJwbeiewj tsio ewg cwj M cwb ts-o
P. A.A.C. Halljhursday, Nov. 28
Harold Baldwin, Harry Lanius,
Dr. Rosenberg Jack Summers
Supper at Hotel Poindexter
Dance Tickets, $1.00
jftax Baldwin, Prop.
Jftine TJew Xi'vcry tfyrs for Jftre
The traveling public gurant '. c !
attention and prompt service. i. v. 1
Saddle horses for rent. Horses for sale.
General team work done. Country trips
a specialty
Is The Kind
J. H.
Horseshoeing. Wagon and
21 & 52' SSa
Jfeonderson & ZPollard
Wines and
Country Orders Solicited
First Door South of
You should see to it that when you
buy paints and varnishes for your
house, or any part of it, or when you
give an order to your painter for any
painting and varnishing you want
done, that Sherwin-Williams Paints
and Varnishes are purchased.
In large work it is always best to
have a practical painter; but there
are many little things about the house
that you can readily finish yourself
by using Siierwin-Williama ready-to-apply
Come in and have a little paint
talk with ns. Now is the time to
'brighten up" your borne for the
long winter months. We can tell
you the best product to use for any
purpose you may have in mind and
secure complete finishing specifica
tions for you from The Sherwin
Williams Co., if you desire them, for
special work. Our line of Sherwin
Williams Products is complete and
we are in a position to take the best
care of your paint and varnish re
quirements. .
Jeed 2ard
That Pleases
. m
You Get At
Place North of the Prineville Hotel 4
General Repair work done
,S8 V
Finest Cigars
In Stock
the Poindexter Hotel