Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1907 Subscription fl.50 yer. A Rtmtdy Without Pr "I llnd t'hionlH'rlaln'nStoninoh iiml I.Ivor Tablet more- lionetielrtl than y other rvim-ily I ever until tor steimtcli trouble," hiivhJ. 1 Kioto, of lCdiim, Mo. Kor any (Unorder ot t he Htoutnch. MttoiiMtioHM or t'oiiKltpa tloii, theno tablet are . without M Hvr, for sale ly I I'. Ad.iniHou Watch Loat . A Bold luintiiii! 'am wnlch loot tlniut A COMPLETE SCHOOL LINE OF BOOKS rr Agents for Butterick Patterns and the Delineator. fll ER & C0. SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY AND The public schools of Prineville opened Monday with an increase of attendance all along the line. In the high school department the number of students from out- j side districts is greater than ever before, and many more are ex pected just as soon as the fall work is done. The high school staff is as follows: M. 15. Hoeken berr' principal, teacher of science and English; Catherine Conway, teacher of Latin and classics; Cor delia Stevens, teacher of mathe matics, science and Uernian; Ethel Bradford, teacher of history and English. It was a busy day Monday for Prof. Blanchard and his assistants when droves of children tWked to the graded school to be properly classified for the term There were 182 enrolled which makes a pretty good starter. There are many families living in different parts of the county that have not yet moved into town for the win ter and hence their children will not be enrolled until later on. The graded school teachers are: J. F. Blanchard, principal, seventh and eighth grades, Edna Morse, sixth grade; Anna Swinney, fifth grade; Aimee Cleveland, fourth grade; Cora Ferguson, second ar.d third grades; Emily Anderson, primary department. School Supplies AT WINNEK'S Grazing Regulations Upheld two week ago between I'rineville ami thi A. Zrll rmioli. A aniUMe reward will 1 paid for it tvturn to J. K. Stewart t o. IM:M The fourth important case won by the government upon the ques tion whether it is a crime to vio late the regulations of the Secre tary of Agriculture has just been decided in the United States Dis trict court, held at Deadwood, South Dakota, where Robert B Bale was lound guilty of grazing trespass on the Black Hills Na tional forest and fined $ 100 and costs. Mr. Bale at once paid the fine and was released. The defendant is a stock owner residing south of Rapid City and has been grazing about 150 head of cattle in and adjacent to the Black Uills National Forest for some years. When the range in the National forests was put un der administration in 1906 and the grazing fee system introduced, Mr. Bale refused to secure a graz ing permit or to remove his stock from the forest. After repeated efforts on the part of the local forest officers to persuade Mr. Bale to remove the stock, he was finally arrested and August, 1906, was indicted by the United States grand jury at Deadwood. The trial of the case was delayed over two terms of court by an effort to' have the case tried at Deadwood instead of Sioux Falls and the case was not presented to the jury until Sep tember 4. The court was prompt in overruling the defendant's de murrer attacking the constitution ality of the grazing regulations and in reaching a decision the jury was only out fifteen minutes. Steam Fittings Just Received. We have just received a line of Nteaiu fittings kuc.Ii an the Celebrat ed Jenkins Bros. Olobe am Cheek Valves, Lubricators, best Scotch (jiiuge Glasses. We have also a line of packing on baud. We have the agency for the best Gaaoline Engine on the market. See oueruti at our shop. Don't forget that 1 carry Belting, Cap Screws, Shafting Boxen, Collars, and that I am prepared to make your planer bolts and any other kind of odd bolts and screws you may need. 2-14tf 1'iiiNKVir.LK AUf.Hi.NK Shop. If you want to buy a good second hand sewing machine, inquire of Will Percy, at Barber shop. 8-8 For Irrigated Farms f i and Fruit Lands In the Deschutes Valley write $r I H. F, JONES, Redmond, Oregon. &mz&mm.m m m mm m & r.s m ks t& m m &t m s& t& P, Royal Insurance Co. Not Welchers. i TENTH AND MORRISON STREETS. PORTLAND, OREGON A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL B., PRINCIPAL Educates for success iu a short time and at small expense, and sends each stu dent to a position as soon ss competent. Quality is our motto, and reputation Jor thorough work brings us over t(X) calls per month for office help. Individual iu. struetiou insures rapid progress. We teach the loose leaf, the card index, the voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier is our shorthand ; easy, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free write today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland. 2 ll t3 1 Clifton & Cornett I Successors to R. EL Simpson 5P SCH0 rr.- - I i OL SUITS Finest Line in the City School time is here and anxious mothers want to know where to get the Best Suits for the least money. Come to our store and cease your anxiety. We have all kinds, all prices and can fit any boy. i i THE HAMILTON BROWM School Shoes is i FOR BOYS AND GIRLS THEY WEAR LIKE IRON. MADE FOR HARD USAGE G) & Call and Inspect these Lines We have other Bargains, too I nces cS itPi SPiSeOj ri ?S Right i Lowney's Chocolates WIIOI.KSOMK tK 1 1 e i o I' ft D.P.Adamson& Co I Timlwr Ijiii.I. Art Jmi , Natic for f sUksliaa is:. Th IU.. OnK.m, Heixvinlvr Till, I-!. NoOtn hon'l'v tfivi'n llm in iMimi'limh't' wuh lit uroviMon tft Iho Conitrvw f June S. 1S7H, Plllltlt.l "All lor llu ml.- ( llinln'f UikU in Ihf sirtto ol itiltiiTnin. ir-utu, Ni Mt. snl W.liinin T.-mir) ." na riontnl l. nil iho TuI'lK' Unit Sihi.o ly . l of Aunux . ( 'li M. N.'hm. ot I'rincvlllr. nuinty oi Crook, o( Ori-it"". luu ou .Varvh I-'. If l, nl l lit Hit. i.t Iut sworn niHti'mi'iu, No. SMS. for the tHMvhitw w tli Un I, 'J, i, sikI I. of No. . in T No. ! IHtlUIl, rHUKv 1 1 'M . nilil will I'm r orooi toHhow Itml the UliilnoiiKltl in lilor vuliml'U' lor Iu limlH'r or mono than for meti'iiluintl imr. mmhX mut lo enliO'Usli horrUini to mUI Unit Hitorr the rouiuv tii'rk t I'rtnoi illo. ori'itou , on tlio I.Mh.Uy of IKfioinU'r. lif. Slio immin h wuiu-won: R. li. SmitB. Ir K. Rv, Vn M, Mori'.nil Churlin M. I'liarlion, ll of I'rtm'villi1, Ori'mm. Anv ml nil ihtjhuis rUiinlni) ilv-ml!f llir ftNivOMiiwrilMil Uii'li rr nunowlisl In ft 1 1 llioir i'UIiiu In una olli. v on or tx'iorv hII I.MIi ity of IktvmlH'r, 1, W-VJ V. W. MOOKK. Koitlalcr. Tlmlr Ijtnit, Al .Innr . !TS, Notice for Publication fulfill Stnlm tjtnd Otniv, Thi rtlloa. Orrgoti, K i'leiiiiMr Till, I.W. Notli 1 hi-n-liv irtv.'it tliMt In niiiipllHiwv wtlh thti tirovUtoiia of the aet of fimiirtiMa of JnneS, 1K7X, nlitleil "AnneUfir theaaloof tlllllHT iHllila In the sinieaof t'nltrornlm I ir- .in, ISevmtn, mill w iwhliiuiiill lerrllory," u exU'lliieit Uiilll the I'llhlle Ijlllil Kin lea h)r IW'I of AuKttat t, Armlt llulx,r. of Prlnevltle, eounly of rriHik, 8Uite of )r- ron. Una on April '3. ft'oii in iiu win his aworn atHienwnt. No. !, ror the nr i-liua of the k1, SK1 N 'a Sr.' . nnit N K H v. of Stti. So. al. In Tp. ' nouili, rune Is emit n. (M., unit wlllotri'r proof to nuiw I hut Hie lullit Mimhl l more Tnlunhle flir lla tlin Imt or atone than for HgrtruWitrut purtHkaea, Mint to rattthlish hla elalill to and! lullit fM'fore tl onmty elerk nl I'rtnevUle, unnuo. on the 1-Jlh ttl t Ileei'lllla r. W7. He nuimHa wttner.a4ii; Rota'rt ii. Hlllllll. Ismmo N. Hinlfli. I- II. jtnHetle, bii.I t'hnrlea M. ClmrHon, nil of lrlnevllle. Otvicoli. Anv and all taTwum elnlinlnK aiiver'iy the alHivtMleMTllM'if ittnila are required lo nie their e alma 111 t lla oini uu or U'fore and! lath day of 1iwiiiIt. iwrr. Petition for Liquor License. To the ltonomMe County Oiurt of the Hlate of Orearon for 1 naik eounly WV tho tiiuleiaiitned reahlellla and legal voteraof AahwiMMt Tni'lnel, t rook roiiniy tmrim, rwietfully attilon your honornhle Ntly to irrant a llrenne to . tioiiaor anil t. U. fleer toaell aplrltuona, ninlt and vlnoua Honors and hard etdar in qiiantlllea Uia than one ffnllon In aald pnlllel, eounly and KtnM? for a ihtIihI of alx muntiia from and after theth dnv of Nov. 1S"T. U2 Some Special Values in Hi Gloves mi i8 S3 K D Oouarr ! Ij Ittner (? Iknlaon (' F Matipln la-e ljiiWler William Welch H ftiniu-r Allen Maelaiwrean John tre-iut Oliver Mit'ollum ("red Mil olluin O lliianaoti II. (i. f'hirk J II n'Kelly John Piiyn Jix-I .M oil 11 til (' M Mi Phi reon J Hale I, W ToinllniHin A ' IWnlon Aaher MH'ollum ; T llrndford J W Klklna Hert Jamea I) Mel'urty J T VMahurl J W Met 'olii in H Hhrnin l H Milium Tin. a K Kruakett W t Walker J W Jamlaon J C llrncan TAW hi-eler DiMinto llarrla I' ItOiiT lav WihhJ Knink V hltney Marry t'liirk f (I Whort K laivhl Verli'n .lollll Mi-laiin f 'Iiiui Mwttnaiin Mill) Wimil Frank I' If li Frank loik fllen n rater J U flnrk H H llliu-k Oml'riKikln tlrant llraakett V H Me orkln Notlee la hentiy Klven that the foreRoltiff petition of K. I. flouaer and 1. H. ileer will tie preaenteil to the tmnty t ourt of the Hiaie of onicon for Crook county on the nth day of Nov., I'f7, at which tltiui the anld trtiurl will lie aaked to grunt a llceiiae to .l aplrll'i- oua, malt and vlnoua Uiiuora and hard chlar In quanliuits leaa man one kuiioii in tiv wood Prii'lnct aa prayed for 111 aald petition tinted Mil" 12th day of Kept., ivn. K. I). )"I!HKK P. II. Notice of Administrator' Estate. Sale of Seal hcrehv given, that In tiuraiianci' ol tnn Hlate ol Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko -SCHEDULE Leaves Shuniko, 6 p. Leaves Prineville 1 p. First Class m. m. Arri' eu at Prineville 6 a. . m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. Accommodations it The Redmond Harness Shop J. H. EHRET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON A Complete new line of Harness, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL P (Vi g Paid dollar for dollar in the $ Frisco conflagration. I J. E. STEWART, Agt. 'rsn ana Painters and 'Decorators Estimates Furnished on all kinds of work in our line. Samples of up-to date WALL PAPERS on hand. Drop uh a card and we will call with samples and color plans. Carriage tPainting a Specialty iPrinovitlo, Oregon, Notice i of an order (if the eotuity court OreKnn lor Crook county, maile on the 3d day of Scot , l!a7, 111 the matter of the eatale of David II. feeder, deceased, the llliilcralgned the ailinihiatraUir of aaid eatnte, will aell at liilbiii-auction to thv tiighcat bidder, for caah gold coin of the United HihIcm, and autijcci to counrination by the aald county court on Friday, tlx 18th day of October, 1907, at lOo'i iia k 111 the forenoon, at the front door of the county cuurtbouae fu rriiieville. On: gon, all the right, title, intcrcat and eaiate of the anld IMvid ii. KeeibT at the tuueoi nia dcaih, and all the riKht, title, Interi-al am: cataletliat the said estate has acquired othe than or iu additioii to that of the aaid Onvl I). Feeder at the time of hia death, In and to all that certain lot, niece or parcel of Ian aituate, Win and being In the county of Crook, state uf Oregon and more particularly described aa follows, to-wit: the aoumwc cfiiarter of H;ctioii seventeen in townahi aeveutecn aoitlh, of range eleven east of Wil atnette Meridian. Terms and conditions of aale: caah, ffold coin of the United Hiatus. iMlcd tliis 12tb day of Held., I'JII7. M. K. ELLIOTT, Administrator of the estate of Oavld I), Feeder, deceased. SunimofiH In the (Mrcuit Court of the Htule of (IreKoii lor the tJountv ol trook. J. I), ('omits, Sere ta Hamilton, William Combs. Mary Howard, John Coinlis, Vic toria Kuiulret, Miimla Klkinn, .lennic King uml Jane Coinlm, I'laintills, vs. Charles Adams, and all others interested, Defendants. To Charles Adams anil all others in terested, the above named Defendant. in the name of the Htute of Oregon: Yon are hereby coininunileil to appear and Answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suitonor before the first (lay ol the next regular term of the Cir cuit Court of the Htute of Oregon for ( rook county, to wit: the 21st day of October, 11)07, and you are hereby notilicd that if you fail to so appear and answer, for vant thereof the pluintiff's will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in the complaint, viz: for a decree of said court ratifying and confirming pluin tills title to the north half of the north east quarter and the north half of the northwest (tntrter of Mention 22 in Town ship IS south, of range 10 cast of the Wil lamette Meridian in Crook county, Ktate of Oregon, and removing the cloud from pluiutill's title thcieto, ami that the de fendant mid all persons claiming by, thro igli or under liini be forever barrel) and estopped from claiming or having any right, title or interest in or to said prem ises or any part thereof or the appurten ances and that the plaintiffs J. D. Combs, Herepta Hamilton, Mary Howard, William Combs, John Combs, Victoria Kundret, Manila Klkinn and Jennie King be decreed to be the co-owners in fee simple of suid premises and that the plaintiff June Combs be decreed to have a dower interest iu and to suid premises, and for other am) further relief aa mat aeeni meet to the court and just in the premises. Jhis nummonn is published iy order ol the Hon. W. A. Bell. County Judge of Crook county, Oregon, made nt chambers to rrincvuie, uregon, neptemoer i, i.nji. Duted and published the first time Sep tember 5, 1!HJ7. M. K. Jtlf.I.N K, Attorney for IMaintilla. $1.50 Kid Gloves for $1 SjxH'ial oiler of tho well-known Mascot Glovc All U-olnjip I'm Kitl (ilovcs in Hack, white, ml ami brown shades in all size gloves fitted while voti wait. from to All Special Sale on all Royal Worcester Corsets In order to clean uj our stock of broken lines and styles that we will iiscontinuo this fall, we will offer for a short time all of our lines of Corsets as follows: Regular $1.25 value at $1.00 " $2.25 " at 1.50 Odd lota, your choice .75 Our New Fall Lines m to Our fall lines things iu Press contain nil the new ("Joods, Shirt Waints, M Skirts mid l.adi. s ami Children's hA Coats have beiiuu to arrive and we will be glad to have von call and look the lines over and compare our prices, style and quality. We feel sure that we can please von. Sorosis Shoes You have a pleasant exjerience in footwear await ing you if you are not already a SOROSIS wearer. If vou have never worn Sorosis shoes this is an ex. cellent opportunity to exjerience the maximum of shoe comfort and satisfaction. Most Styles $4.00 They are shapely and fashionable $( to crqoe mm mi OFFICERS: W. A. Booth, Pr,id.nt 0. F. 6TtnT, Vic Pmldsnt O. M. EiaciNt, Oaihlar OIREOTORS: w. A, Booth, O. M, Elkims, O. F. Btiwart Transaetrt a (leneral Hanking Hu.sitHSMM Exehaiifre I5ou,rht and Sold ColleetioiiH will re ceive prompt attention 1 bLrJTJrjibTIT SUMMONS. Iti tlii'Cin iilt Court tit tlit mute of Oregon, for ( 'rook County. John F. MucklntoHli, I'liilnttrr, vm. 11. iit I i-vviM n) , iloinir IihnIiiohh miller tin mi mi' mill Ht.vlo of 'I'lm (iiiU'Wooil MifiliiK & Triiillnjr Coniliiiii.y, Hefi n- ilnnt. To the above named 1!. (iitte vvoml iloiiiK IhihIiii'hh tiniliT the fiiinio find Htvli' of t!i fifitevviiiiil Mliilnir & Tnidliij; ('niiuiy, Pt:fi'iidiint. In the name of the Suite of Oregon You are hereby required anil coin inatided to appear In the above en tilled eourt uikI aimwer the from. plaint of the above named plaintiff In the abovtM-ii titled Kill t till or be fore the 6th day of October, A. 1). 11)07, and that If you ho fall ho to ap pear atifl atiHwer for want thereof, the above naiiu'd plaintiff will taken decree) fix prayed for In IiIh Hiild com plaint, to-wlt: KirHt For a Jiidnreineiitfortlie mini of f Cl-J.iMI, together with InU-rcHt on :;). 7(1 thereof nt the rate of eljrlit per cent pcranntim from the 1:1th day of Mareli, 1!H)7, and for tlio further hi ill of Hevt-nty five dollar iih a rea Honable attorney fee herein, and for the coHtH mid fllHbiii'HiiientH of HiIh Hllit. Second Tha t the lleiiHHet forth and ullejred In I Ik; t-ald complnlnt be fore cloHed, and 1 lie inlulnn clalniH therein deHeribeil be Hold hh by law required, and In the manner therein provided, and out of the proceed of the mild Hale that the coHtw and dlHbiirHinentH of thlH nnit be paid, and then the amount of the mild judgment and the cohIh of the Hfi.ld Hale, and the re mainder, If any, be paid to the de fendant, and that the plaintiff have Hilch other ami further relief an In equity may Rcetn JiiHt and rlht. ThlH HiimnioiiH Ih nerved upon you by publication thereof In the Crook County Journal, a weekly newHpiipei' of Kt'iieml circulation, publlHlied at I'rlnevllle, Crook County, Oregon, which Ih hereby dcHlgnated iih the proper paper to give you notice, for the period of hIx full coiiHceutlve weekH, commencing with the iHHiie of AtlKOMt I5t,li, A. I). 1!)07, by order of the lion. V. A. Bell, Judge of the County Court of theStnto of Oregon, for ('rook County, made and entered at chamber tlilH 14th dny of AugiiHt, a. o. v.m. (ilCO. V. BAUNKH AND (I C. BlflX. 6-wp AttorneyH for the i'laliitlff. The Airedale Terrier Tin' Airedale Terrier Mian. bird full fur a dog of 10 to 15 puiiniU, nliltelt Hllghlly Iih weight, TIiIh Ih I he lieitvleHl of any of the terrier brit'iln. Head tniiHt U long with lint oknll narrowing nllghllv to tlio eyt'H mid free from w rlukle. I icep ami pnwerful Jaw w It'll mi ehoppliieMM. I.IH tight itgaiiiMt the teeth wbh Ii ineel HqiiJiivly. Black turn: F.ant V.hIiih'i1. Hat agalnut Hide of Hie head uml hiiiiiII In hIm1. Kyi Hiuall, dark and full ot ciivhhIhii, Nitk Htrongaiid free from throitl Iiichh. Coat liiird and wiry, making a deuw cuverhig to the bndv. Tail color head, earn and leg: black or colored back. DogH uiuliTMl.i'd or IhoHe hIiow lug while niiirkM or pnU'heN, or lliow with overHhot or tindei'Mhot J.-iwm arc dUiiiialllleil, Character mIiowh hi rontfly In l IiIh brifd. The Airedale Iuih a rough mid ready, dure devil itpH'nntuee. Of abiitidant energy mid kceiuieMH, yet he hIiowh no rent leHMiicHH but carrlcH hliuwir with a Helf.polHt' uml H'rfet't iVHlrnlnt that Ih a Hource of pride and pleiiHiin to bin owner. Never necking a light, yet he I alwnyn ready to defend IiIm rlghU and t hone of IiIm iiihhIit ami Ih quick to rcHeiil nti Insult. Tlie Airedale In point of luti'lllucncc Ih HiirpiiHMcd by no oilier breed of dogH. 111m nlroiig qualllleH are tin mo U-hI Hiilted' for ll) Watch tlog atid companion: (2) Water tlog and retriever; (.'!) Jltinter of blggmue; ( .MoHHenp'r dog; (.I) All round hunt ing dog. He immhohhch a remarkably liardy coiimI ll ut Ion and itdaplH lilm hcU to IiIm HiirroiindlugH. On a long trip with pack out III In the iiioiiii talim the wrller'H t wo Alrednli H l,uiich"aiid "Judy" fornged off the country cnlehing and eating rabbit and w oodchuckM, being In Hplcndld ph.VHlcal condition at I he end of the trip while a Heller t hat wiih along would have Htarved hud he not lieen fed from the footl Hiipply of the party. The Airedale Ih a dog that Hohloin hnrkn iiiiIckh with good mid Hullltleiit caiine. lie Ih aliHoluioly free from tiie "yapping" that Iiiaki H ho lllllliy breedn (if terrlei-H a iiiiIhiiici', The Airedale terrier Iuih been a dlHtlnet breed In Fngland for over a century. He Iuih been known iiImo iih the WaleiHlde Terrier but owing to the fact that IiIh nallve heiith Ih In the Aire Vallev In Yorknliln', by common cotiMciit he Ih now failed the Airedale. The breed wan little known In America until 1WIS but nliice thai flafo Hh popularity here Iuih Mimic rapid Htrlden until today the breed Ih In big demand by all chtHHcH, eHpechilly HporlHineii, Fabiiloim prlci'H lire being paid for the Individual HpirlmeiiH. The record ho far Ih $750.00 for a. hIx iiioiiIIih puppy mi l fKHHI.OO for a grown dog. The nniial range of prlcen for pupplcH of g I breeding Ih from 115.00 to $50.1)0. For Sale by O. IIODKCXN" Prineville, Or. Great Reduction Sale .of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters Furniture, too, Must Go Room we must have in order to set up my wood working machinery. Therefore my stock of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters, besides all fur niture made on the Pacific coast will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Come in and see for yourself. If you need anything in tho stove lino between now and 1908 it will pay you to get my prices. A. H. Lippman &Co PRINEVILLE, OR &