Local Mention Harry dim to In the city from CriMik, )r. (Minx war in thn riiy the firnt of thi wi ck from Lower Hrid(i. ( It. Allen of the tl'u r In. chnlcn country wan in town Mon day. Mm. II. M. Htrt-ct wax lit the city the nmt of the week on Iiimi neo, (irnrgn II. (tiddiiiRN wit in the city Tuctuliiy making final rool Oil hi liomenU'rtd. Krv. I). W. Hum and family l ft jeiterday for Uosehurg where thi-y will make (heir future home. John Jnncri and fmnily of Powell 1 tulle have moved to town in order to rend their children to nehool here. Next Kulurduy in Anter-Duy nt I. Michel'n, The inemherH of the Civic Improvement Itriuade pleue lx r thin in mind. Uev. Itellinton.of Forent drove, Ma to rwretnry of th Chrintian church, will preach in the Union church next Sunday holh morning and evening. The county clerk experienred a hun day Tuecday. That office took tiixteen laml proof which re quired the taking! of testimony of nlmoKt fifty people, It. M. Morrix of Culver whh in town thi llrcl of the week. He I one of the many people in that locality that complain of the time it taken to get mail from the county feat. Kv. K. C. Holladay lia leen nppoiuted to HUt'ceed ItcV. Jimictt pantor of the M. K. church t thin place. Uev. Jinnett gm-n to (inldettdale, Wiudt. Mr. CoinhM and her daughter, Mm. W, K. King, were paiwcnger to Shaniko today. Mrs. t!mnl will rpend the winter nt I'roMon, Calif., nnd Mr. King will iicconi pany her nn far n Portland. !uine in rtiHhing in the ctae line thero day. Yeoterdny J. 11. Ileum ttinpatched a tage nt one o'clock with the mail nnd exprewt nnd nine pHHengern, and another a little later with a Unit the t-aine iiumU'r of pftHcengem. W. F. Hammer returned the firt of the week from a trip over the MadraH country. Mr. Ham mer nv that the farmers are nil getting tnoro grain than tttey ex pected and the iulion now in what they can do with it. F. A. Ilice, thu civil engineer, linn jimt completed n plat of Mo- Ciiffery'a addition to tho lownMte of HiHterc The work is well exe cuted and would indicate that the town of Sinters appreciate its ponition with regard to prohnhle railroad hnihling. Minn Anna Heard nnd Frederick McCormack were married at the homo of Ed Klaytun last evening. Uev. Ridenour performed thu cere mony. There were about thirty invited gueetn preneut. Tho young couple left today for Portland, Salem and oilier nointrt before .... , ., .. . . witling clown on men larm near Urownaville. Watch this space Next Week J. L STEWART & CO Mr. Will of Hiftcru in town Mr. Ji-rry r.HrUr of CiiIt wiib in town Tlmrnlay, Williinn ('oiiiIih Iiiih linii'ht the lUlpli Jordan I'l.ur N. K. M ('uiii wii in from Ii'in rnncli llm fimt of tin? wri k. J. V. Hmttuck niid K. C. Kmijthl Ht-rn in llm (lrl of tli w k from ("rook. J.ff O'Kellry w in tin city yftTlity from IiIm rnnclt n th OcIhk'o, Uuy Kinney loft thy flret of the wwk for n vifit to lii parinU nt Nrwtnirjf, Or. Frank Hodman, who form"rly lived at Ilityptutk, cninri in with hi nutofrom PorllmidJuHt Friday. K. W. Lcwin of Portland, wim in tin city tli firt Uf th week in tlu inti-rifU of tint Underwood type wriUr. Mr. and Mr. J. W. Howard w-r in tlie city yeiMprday, Mr. Howard wim making litml proof on Ikt di fi-rt limd. William J. lialfoiir ttnd Mm KIi.n J. Kitti-r were unirried. ImhI Monday cvi ninu on tii'r Oclioro at tint Iiiiidi) of the hridu' father, J. W. ' Kilter. Tim ladiv of th Annex have decided to liolii tlieir fair i .h-loiKT J p,.r,ty f riw. in evidence and 31st. Mrs Kayler, Mrs. Ilrink j it is safe to ay t!i' young couple and Miss Jennie Williamson will ; will remember tin ir wedding send- have charge of the matter. ; ';' f '' ' , I he bride w the younpevt daugh Uev. J. T. Moore announces that j ter of I). F. Stewart of ibis place, the Haptist church, on account of and i" a general favoriie with in.portant bt.siness, will hold a everybody. The bridegroom is an , . .. ... j '.Oregon hoy nnd is a traduateof hu,...e, meel.ng tiexl Saturday , A (, nl T,w evening at 7::it). Kvery meiulu r j young man is .ii' . hvti ician and is is urged to In- present. : employed with tho (ieneral Klec- ., , ,. ; trioul Compauv St henectady. Uev.l.eo. U. Kads, u.t.smnary; ,. jf h)W, f of the middle Oregon Hapti-l A- frit H, xvil, t1(.m tQ t1(.ir fu. soctation, was in Prineville ami ; ture home in New York held serviie Wednesday evening., He was on hU way to the Hend nnd Sisters. Dr. Rosenberg nearly cut his thumb tiff while splitting wood this morning. It was dressed by Drs. lblkiiap & Kdwards The di tor says that wife will split the in the future hii Ul..l ! A. h. Ireland returned tlie tirsl of the week from a trm to the eastern division of the Blue Moun- allii-ration is all right. It sounds x, . i. i i .. kood. Kedmond did the proper tain reserve. Mrs. Ire and and . ,, . ... , .' , , thing at the Prineville fair last the fasmly will return in a few V(.ar H(, ,ve con5,i,,nt that days from Hiddles where they have their generous spirit will no re- been (-pending the nummer. jciprocated a week hence. II. P Throe of Joseph, Willowa! f county, passed through Prineville' the first of the week on his way to southern Oregon. Mr. Throe was hunting lipoid Willowa friends in Prineville. Some Crook county; people are doing well over in his country, he says, J. M. HlaVesley, I who was t-heriff of Crook county) years ago, is serving his second; term in Willowa. Polk nnd lien ton Mays, who lived here nt one time tire doing well over there. Watch Lost : A Bold hunt tut! cane wati'h lost hIhiuI j two weeks UKO between Prineville and the A. ell rioieh. A suitable reward: will lJ paid for its return to J. K. j Stewart A Co. t'-l-'f Rooms for Rent A U"xl oiilnido room Dutiable fori I iteiitleiiian. Oilier rooms tor either j fliy r j,,.,,,!,,,,,,,,,, inquire at this joffile. tM-'if THE l.F.ADING BUSINESS COLLEGE KI.Kt niTll.lilJKI. KlMITI.ANIt. OltKU(l! OUR FACULTY IS STRONGER THAN EVER W hmtv ul IMS-urtl lh -fvli' ttt two lilgh-wilfirti, rarllrsl men, M lifting liin.lii.- rclumum, Irion the r.l, W tort mi I'iiic iinliiriiiit, W ' ri' glln fuu the Unl (bat money i nn pruenrc. II. W. HKIIMKK. I'm. SI1ND FOR CATALOGUE 1. M. WAI.KKIl, Prln Carlon-Stewrt Wedding J. W. Carlrton of Kcheiiectady, N. V., was married yeftenday at II o'clock to Mi-s Una Stewart, the youngent daithtcrof I. F. Stewart of this place. The Uev. J. T. Moore performed the ceremony in the presence of the members of the family. After the wedding dinner the young people left on the etage for a visit to Portland, Spokane and Chicago. From the latter place they will proceed to Sehnectady, their future home. It is doubtful if ever a young bride left Prioeville followed by o many good wishes as did Mm. Carlson. Not only by good wishes but by several and divers token? of esteetn in the shape f old shoes, placards and (lags. Covering the "Uiol" of the "tap-' was a large placard annuurr n;t "Can't You See; Ju.-t Marr id." A Hag from the rear of th oath bore an in vitation to "M et the Hridu." Remember the Redmond Fair The people of Prineville and Crook county generally must not overlook the Kedniond fair which will lx hel l from Septeniler 1!) to 21. Kvcrvliody enjoyed them- selves ut the Hedmond fair last venr nnd it is Guaranteed that the1 ,ir this year will be "bigger, let- j ter nnd buer than ever." llie School SCHOOL SUPPLIES All the Public School and High School Books that are authorized by the State Texbook Commission Old Books Exchanged Your old books that are in good condition may be ex changed for new ones by paying a little additional. Best line of Tablets, Note Books, Fountain Pens and Lead Pencils ever brought to Prineville GIVEN FREE A good Foot-Ruler D. P. ADAMSON & CO ... . .. The Cove Orchard 1 Special Prices on Fruit at the Orchard From Sept. lt to Sept. 15th. PRICE LIST Apples -50 to $1 a bushel Pears $1.25 to $2 a bushel Prunes 75 a box, $1.75 a bushel Peaches 85 a box, $2.25 a bushel Grapes 15 a pound, $1 a box Tomatoes . 3 cents a pound We do not furnish boxes at these prices. Come Early. WILLIAM BOEGLI, Prop. Change of Dates Owing to the fact that many turfmen were unable to get their horses to Prineville for the raees during the coming fair, the date hit been changed to Oetoln r 21, 25, 26, 2H, 2'J. This date will r init of horses making the regular racing circuit and reaching Prine ville in time to take part in the greatest meet ever held here. 8o everybody will please lcar in mind that instead of holding the fair from Oct. 15 to 19, it will be held from the 24th to the 20th. Every lily get in line and boost. A Superb Edition The fifth anniversary edition of the Portland Journal issued Sep tember 8 is a magnificent testi monial to the epirit of enterprise and progress possessed by the youngest of the great metroisditan dailies of Portland. It i a credit, not only to Portland but to the whole elate of Oregon. Its appear ance just now is timely. People are flocking to Oregon in great numbers and a copy of this nujierb edition would settle once for all any doubts about the country. Heautiful half-tones represent leading features from all parts of the state and these pictures are supplemented by able descriptive articles. The edition contains 100 pages and weighs over 14 pounds. Do not fail to secure a copy. Hose Wanted The Journal is in receipt of a letter from II. Siiiiniiiif, Wilbur. Wash, who wishoa to move to Crook county, and wauls a 6 or ti room Ihhihb in 1'rinevflle. An von with a house to rent cannot . i . . . . . ,., .. ,1U iA C, iu,ie it oay. Good Seed Grain for SaU Kye, I?iisian oats, ami Maooroni client. Thin venr'a rron. Aililrww C. .1. Numlqiiist, Prineville, Or., or call at the ram-li 8 mil8 north.west of Trine- vide. U-l'Jplui ooks - ' QUICK 'REE OF W. Horse for Sale Urolicn and unbroken. Wewh from lUUUto 1400 pounds. Arm from 4 to H vars. For further information write T. J. Ferguson, Prineville, Ore. B-12 City Projxrtjr for Sle Mouse, barn and three lots for sale; jjood locution; prire remonable. Ad dress T. J. Ferguson, Prineville, Ore. Futur for Kent Stork pastured by the day, week or month. Apply to A. J. I'ltzer, Urizzlv, Or., known as the V. II. Ouinn ranch. 8-12-2 Bargains in Fruit If ton wish to nave your monev on fait ami winter fruit, here ix the chance. I lutvo a lot of all kinds of fruit. I will ell a) per cent cheaper than market price. ran boo winter nppicj, uanifii pear, Italian, Petite anil Hilver prune and three kimU of plums, which are. he;inmiig to ripen. 1 have also a line potato crop to sell, ami ifanylxxly wants a winter fupply of pota- tiH'D ami want to xave 'Si per cent all you hare to do i to write a postal card to Peter l'opeseu, Prineville, Oregon. P. Semi your order for potatoes on time, m 1 w ill have them ready when the itirL'injr time comes. The fruit orchard i" ix mile from Prineville on the old Heisler ranch. Kor further infonuaiion addreiw, Peter Pope-u, Prineville, Ore. Have Your Watches and Jewelry Repaired by W. FRANK PETETT Adamaon' Drug Store, PRINEVILLE HOTEL PAUUNA ELMER CURK, PR0P R. Mutlern Conveniences. Seeial AmmiimMlationa (or Commercial Men. Feed ami Livery Stable in Connection. Ratkb from 1 to eKR DAT. Delicious Ice Cream AT 3h d nriAMAftN rn n . w . . . . .. . . , MILLINERY Clearance Sale All Kinds of Millinery at greatly Reduced Prices. A Large stock to select from. Mr s.Estes' TSBS? Corner Second and Main Sts. j Generalmerchandise J 3 business For Sale. s j , Annual sales $35000 jf tFor information address box 77, i PRINEVILLE, ORE. W Boys and Youths f j Canvas Shoes, while they r 3 last, per pair $1.00. 4 J. E. STEWART & CO B Paulina, Oregon. & UitkAAAA&AAAAAl KUS City Property for Sale neirable resilience locations in different parts of rrinoville, improved or unim proved, in lots or blocks. Also some choice hnsineas lots on .Main Btreets, near the center of the city. Kor particulars address !ox Pi-inovUle, Or. 7 2.r SERVICE CHARG During September we will pay the telephone charges on all orders amounting to $2.50 or more that are telephoned to our store. Our stock is complete and quality and service are the best to be had. F. Siiiii bcr 0. 7osse Sisters, Oregon S?ea Cstatc, Brokerage and Snsuraneo Choice Smproved irrigated Farms for Saie you L JLJtJI.Ji;jUJkJkJI.JkJkJkJUjVl.l JL.ikJkJkikJI.Jli.Jkil.JII.JI. L J HMILLINER r -i t.j n tj ri kj r i k. j r i AT k. j r i HATS hats for it ti n k j r i Li r tJ r i LJ r t LJ L. J r i ki n k j ri lj r t w j r t i. J r t k j n .j r k. J ri k. J r i $1 oo 2 350 5 00 800 S 50 1 00 1 75 2 00 3 00 RIBBONS AT COST L 1 I T. F. McCallister & Co. Li r r. k J 7)Mon jfex Baldwin, iProp. Fine 9 civ jCivery S?ys for Jffire The traveling public guaranteed careful attention and prompt service Team and Saddle horses for rent. Horses for sale. General team work done. Country trips a specialty R3 v. s?. zr-. s?. jZ'. sr. s-?. z. jf. Z. , vS- 'SS-S- S- 5- "iv -v "---v glacksmithing 0 II) n 8 Horseshoeing. Wagon and General Repair work uone f Henderson & fPollarcl Wines and Liquors Country Orders Solicited First Door South of Subscribe For The Journal Call live mo a r i Li Li r i . J r t L -I ri Li r 1 Li I T Li r i - k .1 n Li r ,t Li r Li ri Li ri Li ri LJ r Li ri Li r.n Li l t r Li n L J r..n Li r,,t Li rt Li rt Li r i L J r i Y COST VEILINGS 25c Veiling for 15c yd 35c " " 25c yd 50c " " 35c vd BABY HOODS $ 40c hixxls for 20c 75o " " 40c 1 00 - 44 " 5c 1 50 4k 14 75c MALINES 40c M alines for 30c Colors Ikht blue, white and black. Li k j irTirirmnF i , jkikik.ii Seed 2arci That Pleases Is The Kind You Get At J. H. WiGLE'S First Place North of the Prtueville Hotel . Finest Cigars JjCir In Stock the Poindexter Hotel mipwrmm'---'. & r 4' iTOM!tlWWWIWfWSl'