Local Mention ! town ' ! William Hmci'il ttn in from Vml Friday. J. M. IIiMtkli of (irixly I'.ttt tt ma in town Monday. Will WurwilT i In Portland luyiiK (nil iu li-. W. W. Collin U in Hit city front Hjmkanp, Vnli. (Iwrg Yily itnd wifn nf I'twi wpre in Um city Friday. Mr. Morion and fnmily luivu fftunwd from C 1 1 Mtttole. Mr, D. M. Stewart hh up (ruin O'N. il the (W id Dm tm-k. Mm. W. F. KliiK and Min Ixittio Cran lilt (or Mt. JefWrnm Tmmlay lo gntlirr hiitkli-lrrli'. Mm. Iloritfun and daughter re turned tin firt of w in k from llieir I'ortlund trip. Mrii'g HuiU, Hut and iti'iicriif Fiiriiihini( at aloul hull price at J. K. HlowarU ,V Co. j i 0. N. Clifton returueil froi Portland Hturday. Mra. Clifton ! will remain in Portland a few week a longer. Millard Klkina wit given a vt ry pretty lawn parly Monday eve ning In honor id hi l.'lli hirtlidtiy. The home and lawn of C. M. Klkina wm gavlv feKtooned with Chinene lantern and with conic j thirty little folk gathered thereon ! prtwntrd n utoai unlmntid Mvne. J C. C. Price of Crook came to' Prlneville Ted ty to receive n cd-i leal attention for a hroken leu. A ! couple of week ao while helping hi men in the liuyficld a derrick roKi gave wiiy nnd tint 30-fix it iiiaxl fell to the ground. In fill ing it atruok the unfortunate man in the leg", breaking the left juxl Itelow the knee and pcriounly in juring the other. (iov. Chamltcrlain and party were in Prinevil'e Friday evening. Quite a numlier of our citimiin paid their reaiwla to the chief ex ecutive. Aa he waa fool aore and weary he tagged to he let off front any puhlic function. Th party left next morning for Hhauiko. Key. Jinnetl preached hi fare well aermon Sunday evening. He left on Mondity'a atnge for SHikam to attend the M. K. conference which ia to he held at that pluee. Mr. Jinnett will not return to thin charge, lie will come hack, how ever, in Octotar, to dvdirnta the new M. K. church at thia place. The many frieuda of the young paator regret lo lone him. Ilia miniHtrationa in thia community have btwn both pleamtnl and Ih'hu ficial. II. F. Jonca and Col. W. A. Belcher of Kedtnond were in Print" villa Monday. Thete gentlemen were appointed a committer to get out attractive printed matter to advertise their town. They are thorough believer in the u of printer' ink and to show their faith have placed an order with thia office for everal thotwnnd copira of a pamphlet descriptive of i ' . . . ' ,. ItCHllUMIUI BUM VieilllfcV. 1 lit PC I pamphlets will he put into the hands of xople that are looking , for homea in the west. Grocery Standard Corn, per doz Exlra Standard Can Fruil Gascne Soap, 10 bars Lion Soap, 7 bars for Pure Cane Sugar, per sack CoKee, exlra Caricola, per lb 45c Mocha and Java, per lb Gheridellas Cocoa Fancy Dried Apples, per lb Fancy Figs, per lb lib Japan Tea Standard canned peaches, per J. E. STEWART & CO Clin. O'NVil , in the city from II.ihI. Ilt-v. Milclifll of Itfhd ia vi-it. '"K 'ri n''H in I'rincvilh. J. II Cray Wit down from Hotuiy virw I In other day. Mr. Mcdregnr 'and wife of Moxicr, Or., are vittiting Dr. Iavix, Mi Kffio Dolilta returned from lu r trip to I'ortlund lh fimt of tin- wet-k. Minn Kdrit Williatnxtin left Hun day for a vimt to I'ortlund and Newport. A. W. Clothier panned through llie city the lant of the week (or i'orlluud. J. H. Hiewurt and family re turned Monday from an outing in the Caaeadea. It. M. Powell from the McKay report the aale of 100 ton of hay at H jHr ton. George J. Iloilder, representing HUke, McKall Co., wne in town the firl of Die week. Miaa Alice Hinith, who hna been nun pi iik on the MaUtlea, got hack the nrt of the week Hen 1 It-j friili ia hack from Kta enda. There ia no place like Crook county for him. Mra. S. J. Lafollctte returned the liret of the week from a vit-it with rehttivea at Portland. Mien Nora Dohha hint gone to Bend to take charge of the tele-! phone exchange for the Pioneer j ieople. j Claude Catch, bank t xamiiierofj Salem, Inm been in the city eeveral d.i vc look ing over our Ih'mI bunk ing iiixtitutiona. MiKfea Maude Vundeverl und Marion Wient who have been attending the Normal Institute returned to their homea at Hciul, Sunday. Mr. and Mm. P. It. Howard left Sunday for California. Mra. j Howard will etay alntui ai weeka and Mr. Howard will remain until hia health improve. U. V. Conatahle, Frank Petctt and K. Short were the utemtara of a hunting party that left Tueaday morning for the headwatera of the lteHchutec for a two weeka outing. Jack Summer, the telephone ntaiMtAte from IWville, waa i i town on Saturday. He left for the (ove in the afternoon, to join Mrs. Summers, who is visiting Mr. and Mra. Wm. Boegli. Madras Pioneer. W, J. Wright left at this office the other day some fine samplca of wheat that were grown on his dry ranch near Lamonta. The beads were well filled nnd are from six to six and a half inches in length. The wheat is of the Scotch fife variety and will yield a splendid crop. Work has been renewed on the Oregon Trunk railway line up the Deschutes river. It is cxix-cted that construction of this road, 125 miles from the Columbia, with North Bank and Dalles city con nections, will cost 13,500,000, u 1.1.1. ia in uiahl. Oatmi Hohr ... . ,. ,, o,,,. Villa ia now a lively place. Sup- ,. plies are brought in from the Dalles via the Miller bridge and a new wagon road up the enst bank of Deschutes river. Observer. Specials $1 2 22 1-2 6fic 25 7 25 22 1-2 33 1-3 25 12 1-2 10 40 can 20 THE LEADING BUSINESS COLLEGE r.l.KTt llt'tl.HtNU, rtiUII.AMO. OKKOOM Tho Best Is None Too Good For, You Our In uiw ir tti tn lsra-1 Iiu.Iii.hm ctAlw In tli United HI'. KnrulliiimU pact fmr, Ml piiplli. Kiiulptivnl, (InwliiKtM are all mpliirixl. IWH M upll In'o lucraUv polllim duiinf pwt frmr. W will plxa fom Whll OnlMlM-t'llt. II. W. IIKII.NKK, l-mi. SEND FOR CATALOGUE I. M. W'AI.KKH, Prtn F. M. Mcltue of Antelope waa in town yeitterday. L. S. Logan ia in the city from Li ranch near Crook. Horn Laat Friday to the wife of Pete Iehrman, a girl. Mra. Otto Gray ia vixiting re h liven in town. Chaa. Uedell returned from Portland Tuesday. , Charlea Purrirhand wife' are in from Camp Creek. Joe OcrarUo haa accepted a igni tion with W, F. King. BornSaturday, August, 17, to the wife of Knoa Iiiwe, a girl. Mita Maude Dobba ia upending her vacation at Ilwaco, Watih. C. O Johnaton from the John aton ranch waa in the city yester day. Mr. und Mra. Jamea Dyer are in the city from their ranch up the Ochoco. Minn Kate Williamaon left Sun day for Bend to vinil relatives and friend. M iff Belva Templeion left Sun day for Portland on a fhort viait willi relutivea. Minn Alva iVlaxhmutt from Sheridan, Ore , ia in the city viait ing relative. County Clerk Brown leaves to day for a week's vacation in the Haystack country. Mra. Klva Allen and daughters, Mixm-a Adah and Kva will leave Saturday via Shaniko for Eugene. Jamea T. Dudley, who bus been alllicted with cancer for many years, died Tueaday evening. He waa buried yesterday. Jake Stroud returned the firft of tho week from a month's vitdt to Portland, where Mr. Mroud is undergoing medical treatment for her eyes. Mrs. Shipp, Irene Barnes, Ethel Potter, Henry Stilea and Max I Infer got back last evening from a two weeks' outing at Big Mealows. They had a great time. C. J. Sundquist, who has a dry ranch up the McKay, left r.t this office some very fine Secimen8 of barley that was grown on his place this year. His garden truck looks as good as his grain, he says. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Prineville Creamery next Saturday at 2 o'clock in the citv hall for the purjs)se of electing officers and transacting such other business as may properly come tafore it. Dave Burnett of Culver was in town today. He says the people of his neighborhood are deeply in terested in tho scheme to haul freight to Shaniko by road trains. If the venture proves to be a profit able one it will give a great im petus to farming over there. Chas. J. Hanson of Trout Creek handed in ten patents yesterday to be recorded. The patents cover timber lands on Trout creek. Mr. Hanson is the manager of the Great Western Lumber Co. which operates a sawmill at that place. Georgo W. Kidder, who lives six miles south of this place, had the misfortune to lose hia barn and about thirty tons ot hay, by tiro, last Tuesday. The cause of the fire is not known, but it is believed to have resulted from carelessness with matches about the barn. The loss of the hay alone will amount to $2 10, .as hay is selling for $8 per ton at the ranches Madras Pioneer. Lowney's Chocolates WHOUSSOMK DKL1CIOU8 D.P.Adamson & Co Strayed Strayed from my ranch in Lake county, last May, one brown saddle horse with hotililes on, branded JW bar on left shoulder, also one brown bald faced horse branded cross L on loft stille. Aiivono miditiK them will be liberally rewarded by notifying me. Address 1IKNKY K. UK A Kit, 8-22-Imp Prineville or Cliff, Or. DIED " On Tuesday, August 20, the 2 year old child of Clarence Harvey. The child waa suddenly taken sick at the home of J. K. Harvey of Powell Buttes, -and although medical ost-istance was promptly called it waa of . no avail. The little , one waa buried today at Prineville. The Creamery Ready For Buainew The creamery plant that haa been under construction for some lime has U-n completed and turned over to the stockholders by L. B, Zeimer, a representative of the firm of Monroe & Shelton of Portland. The plant is modern in every way. The machinery consists of a large cooling tank, or rijs'ner, a five hundred gallon churn and other appliances used in the production of butter. With this plant one man can turn out 1200 pounds of butter per day. A 2J horse-jHiwer engine will furnish the motive power. Butter-making will begin this fall. Teacher Examinations The good work done by the summer school held at Prineville this year was shown in the exami nations held at the close of the term. The following received first grade certificates: Francis Hara der, Clino Falls; Marion Wiest, Ik nd, Mrs. Laurene Andrus, Laid law; Jessie Hartley, Elva J. Smith and Grace L. Smith, Madras; Nellie E. James, Laidlaw, and Ada Morse, Prineville. Those that received second-grade pa pent are: Dora' Clapter, Port land; Tillie , Fisch, L. II. Arens rnier, Madras; Lillie Holsworth, Sisters; Hose Gibson, Post; Minnie Taylor, Hay Creek; Cora Streitel, Cleveland, 0.; Joanne Irving, Sail man, and Nora Mitchell and Jen nie Cumming, Prineville. Third grade Kena Noble and Marie Moehring, Madras; Grace Robinson, Culver, and Lizzie Kee- ter and Blanch Hillman, Prine ville. There were but two applicants for stale papers Maude Vande vert, Bend, and P. C. Fulton, Madras. Redmond Items. Redmond, Aug. 19, '0' Miss Nellie Muma of Paris, Canada, arrived yesterday for an extended visit at the home of her brother, C. W. Everyone who sees them seems to think that E. M. Eby has all the rest of the segregation beaten on oats. Good for Ezra. C. M. Hedfielvl was conducting a party over our part of the segrega tion on Saturday. John Moore and wife are visit' ing Mrs. Moore's parents at me Hotel Redmond. Mrs. Lou Reed moved to Bend Saturday. This kind of weather keeps the self-binders going pretty steady as also the mowers. The deep well will soon be in running order. The gasoline en gine is installed and the pump head is now to be put on. Tues dav we expect water from the depths of the eanh Friends of John Trisler of Otumwa, Iowa, will be pleased to know that he contemplates spend ing the winter here again. He says that be could camp under a juniper, work all winter and come out in the spring feeling better than if he lived in the best house back there. How is that for puff on our climate? T M. Alcorn was delivering stereoscopes and views Wednesday and Thursday and later went across the mountains by private conveyance. H. A. Shenck of North Dakota is visiting an "bid friend, E. M Eby, and expresses very well pleased country. nimsell as with this QUICK FREE OF r. o. maniey ot me u. i. r. Co. has been spending some time here lately. ' Vic O'Connor was expected I a .j 1 f . 1 I t T. hack from Portland the last of the Week. We presume he got here but did not hear. J. C. Brocker, a promoter of the Eugene-Portland electric line was; in town 1 uesday. It looks as though we would soon have all kinds of railroads. Self-binders are kept busy these I days. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and daugh ter, of Pueblo, Colorado, left Thursday for home after visiting with their son and brother II. r Jones. The two D. I. & P. construction camps have been consolidated and are now working under the direc tion of Lou Heed. More single handed men are wanted. Apply at the camp or at the local office. E. C. Park. Staa Fitting! Just Received. We have just received a line of Steritu fittlnpi such rm the Celebrat ed Jenkins Bros, (ilobe and Check Valves, Itetrolt Lubricators, llest Scotch iaiiKe Ulrnwe. We have also a line of imcklng on baud. We have the agency for the lKit (laaoline Katrine on the market. See oue run at our shop. Don't forget that 1 carry Iteltiiiu. t'ap Screws, Shafting Boxes, Collars, and that I am prepared to make your planer bolts aud any other klnu of ontl bolts and screws you may need. 2-Uti I'BINKVILI.E MACHINK SHOP. Delicious Ice Cream L -AT- P. RDAMS0N I CO. MILLINERY Clearance Sale All Kinds of Millinery at greatly Reduced Prices. A Large stock to select from. Choice Line of Ladies Shirt Waists Zonas toilet preparations Mrs. Esfes' Corner Second end Main Ste. General merchandise J business For Sale. I Annual sales $35000 ft m For information addreu box 77, (L S PRINEVILLE, ORE. f Have Your Watches and Jewelry Repaired by W. FRANK PETETT Adamson'i Drug Store, PRINEVILLE AAA AA A.AAAA 4 Boys' and Youths i Canvas Shoes, while they f last, per pair $1.UU. jj, i J. E. STEWART & CO SERVIC H7 JLi CHARGE During the harvest months of August and September we will pay the telephone chaf ges on all orders amounting to. $2.50 or more that are telephoned to our store. Our stock is complete and quality and service are the best to be had. W. F. Ek Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville 6 a. ni. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m( Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations r.n i. 'A r-t t. j IMILLINE r n r -t r L J LJ n r i r-i LJ r- L J rt LJ ri LJ r-t t J r i LJ n LJ ri L J r.t LJ l J r-t LJ r i L J r-t LJ r LJ r t LJ n LJ AT HATS hats for $1 00 2 360 5 00 800 I 50 1 CO 1 75 2 00 3 00 R I BBONS AT COST r "1 LJ ri LJ ri L J r i L J T. F. McCallister & Co. LJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJI For Irrigated Farms T and Fruit Lands n s In the Detchutes Valley write m H. F, JONES, I W Redmond, Oregon. j) 2 i&a t s& m m z& es m I Royal Insurance Co. 1 1 Not Welcher. Paid dollar for dollar in the $ j place any person interested in said estate f FrisCO Conflagration. M may apiHr aiul object to said thud ac g - gicountintf. MA.KOAKET N K, 85 J. E. STEWART. AeL i Kiecutrii f will of M. O. Sye, d,eawd. ire!rAt'ir.3rI hiierson and 2i$n n I i Painters and 2)ecoraters Estimates Furnished on all kinda of work in our line. Samples of up-to-date WALL PAPERS on hand. Drop us a card and we will call with samples and color plans. Carriage Painting a Specialty iPrneuiie, Oregon. i piacksmithing 2 it Horsesh ing. Wagon and and Shaniko KL Jb JL JU Ji. L J n LJ r-t k. J L J LJ n LJ r i L J ri LJ m LJ ft LJ r, "t L J r,t LJ r t l J n LJ r t LJ r..i L J r .1 L J r.: L J r.t LJ ri LJ ri L J r.t LJ r t L J ri L J rt L J r.t LJ r.i L J ri LJ r t L J r.t COS VEILINGS 25c Veiling for 15c yd 35c " " 25cyd 50c " " 35cyd "baby" hoods $ 40c hoods for 20c 75c " " 40c 1 00 " " 5oc 150 " " 75c MALINES "40c M alines for 30c Colors light blue, white and black. L J iririr-nr.i For Sale. Two lots with ti-room hontw. Corner property ; well improved. A bargain at $1(XK). Terms cash, ddrextt K. L.Jor dan, Prineville, Oregon. 7-4tf. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the executrix of the last will and testament of M. 0. Nye. deceased, has made and filed her final accounting of her administration of mid estate, and that tho ' Court has set Tuesday, the 3d day of Sep , temher, 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, ! at the County Court room in Prineville, i Oregon, as the time and place of hearing m wni.t tiinil ni'comit.inir. At which time ami i P;lt,,(1 "li9 lll,' ot Jul-V' l!7 That Pleases i? iLJLJLJLJkJkJLJ L J RY Is The Kind You (Jet At J. H. WIGLE'S First I'litce North of the Prineville Hotel' General Repair work done