Local Mention Mr. Lur Andrti I the city from Lidlnw. Htmilnr Io)(in U In tlin city Irotu rlln'l. Mien MaRie (iliux li ft yiitriliiy for vixit to i'orlliiml. Mr. mii J Mr, Ituoth nncl Mir Iv Ifft yinlrrdity for tln Mlln. MIm Hood (iilmon in in from I 'out th if wi-ck oIUmkHdk tint Normal hcIkmiI. Minn Hi'uliih Crook wuk a pa m;ngir on WtulwiuUy'iinUf.i hountl for I'ortlttiicl. Mm. John Hdinwr wu in from llii rVlituwr home ranc h on Crook nl river thin week. Mm. K. N. Inn returned Tue day from m two montliN itojourn in the Willumetla valley. Men's HuiU, llali) ami general Furnioliiiign at ahout half price at J. K. HiewarU A Co. I'eicey Davia anil wife h ft yes terday for The I)illeg where they exMH-t to reniiln in Ihu future. .. Mr. Z. M. Brown and daughter arrived yeaterday from Portland, They will nix-ml a few week vixit iiiC relative. Kdgar Htewart and family, Mr. Ilorigan and family, Mri. Still and Mi Alieo Hmith left tha firet of tha week for the Matolex. Mr.'iind Mra. Clifton left yeater day for the metropolis Mr. Clif two will lay in a full supply of good during hi alxtence. Mf. Fraud Clark of I'aulina i in the city attending the teacheri' inxtitute, which i hcing held at the Crook" County Hitfli School building. The regular Sunday morning eer victw at the I'renhyliriaii rhurt-ti next Sunday morning Mr. Jin Kelt will preach. Union service will he held in the Union church at night. F. M. White wa in ihu firwt ol the week from hi ranch at Cline Fall. Mr. White own an eighty acre tract junt Im-Iow the fall and raie all kind of vegetable, lie ha planted aeveral hundred Ix-rry plant tliin year and ay thu plant are doing nicely. Hotel Paulina at Paulina, i un dergoing improvement!, which, when completed, will make it one of the lwt hotel in interior Ore gon. Every tiling in new. Electric light are being put in, hot and cold water, hath, etc., will afford the traveler every comfort that he could, wild). Special provision i made for the accommodation of the commercial man. The Oregon State Land Board of Agriculture ha issued the cata logue for the 46 annual fair to he hold at Salem Oetolier Hi to 21 inclusive. The booklet i neat ly gotten up and contain all the neceary information for the guid ance of evory clans of prospective exhibitor. Cash prize's are listed in the sum of $10,000, which will be awarded in the livestock, agri cultural and manufactured prod uct, ana in nuuinon there are special premium and trophies val ued at 13000 for award in thette de partment. M. II. Morton left thu firl of the week for Hum. ' T. M. Alco in of Brownsville was in the city the other day. Mi (h rtie Sharp returned yea terday from her visit to the roact. Arthur Hodge i now at home at III!) N. Sixteenth street, Boise, Ida. W. II, Birdaong came down from hi ranch on the Ochoco Saturday. ti. W. Miller of Lamonta transacting business in town Mon day. Mis Kthel Smith of Lamonla arrived in Prinevllle Sunday to at tend the normal institute. Si Hodge and wife, Mart Bailey and wife, Orange Hodges and wife and Mis Gertie Hodge left Satur day for an outing on the Matole. Perry Potndextar, Kalph and Mis licrnie, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and Will Ford left the other day for a two weeks' outing at Crane Prairie. Mr. and Mr. Shipp, Miase Ethel Potter and Irene Barnes, Max 11. Holer and Henry Stile left Tuesday morning for an outing at Big Meadow. Mr. C. M. Elkins, Mr W. F. King and the Misses Fay Baldwin sonifies the best in BUSINESS COLLEGES IIKXT TKAININOi II KMT I'OHITIONM Kiiriitliiiriit, at year, K4.1 pupil. tirwU Usui are all employed. W will place jrou into pu-ltlim wlian competent. SEND FOR CATALOGUE PORTLAND. ORE Joe post was down from Pont last Sunday. T. H. Hamilton of Ashwood was in town Sunday. Walter Lithgow of LamonU was in town yesterday. Mis Wanda Logan left Wed nesday for Portland. I)r. U. C. Coe was in from Bend the first of the week. W. T. Casey of I'ewell Butte i rcKrted to lie very sick. J. F. Morse and wife left Friday for Seven-mile hill for an outing of a couple of weeks. If you want to buy a good second hand sewing machine, inquire of Will Percy, at Barber shop. 8-8 Mis Daisy McCallister and Miss Mamie Clark returned Monday anil Mayl Iftiwaril ti.,1 liitctr Miirt . . ... . .... , ,' from a few days fishing at the Cove day from their outing. I hey had i . 1 ranch. a good lime and report herrie plentiful. J. H. Fdward wa in from hi ranch at Powell Buttes yesterday Mr. Ed wards say he has just lead ed the I. II. lMoj it'll place lor a; term of three years, and will take' Arthur Lindltorg returned a few K)ession this fall. jdays ago from a two-months' trip awheel in neighboring counties. hi work Mr. and Mr. J. H. Coe were in J the city yesterday from O'Neil. Mrs. Coe is just returning from a i two months' visit with relatives i that live near Salem. J. 11. Reams ha returned Willow Creek where he has - i mm t , He exix-cla to continue .... ,, in me irooK ouniy uiimi ncnooi putting up hay for winter ue. Mr. i J " Beam say that he has contracted 11 J"8'" enough hay for winler ue on hisj A stack of hay containing 35 slaue lines It takes about 800 'tons was consumed by fire last Mrs. Long and son Frank were down from Post last Friday. Born Saturday, August 3, to the wife of Omar Claypool, a girl. John Moen of Post was Sn the city Saturday from his homestead on Crooked river. Holler & McClun secured the contract to paint the house of Thou. Sharp Jr. It is a three weeks' job and call for the finest kind of work. When the carpenters and painters get through, Mr. Sharp will have ono of the finest homes in the county. Item from Post Friday afternoon st Earl McLuugli- ! lin's place on the Deschutes. The tons to put him through. Ii.f I. K fuUArd upriVM 111 . ,, j . . i stack was struck by lightning and Prinevllle Sunday evening to take, ,. . . charge of the normal institute work in methods. Mr. Tisvers was in structor in methods hist year. His was destroyed in a few minutes. Nils Berg received a very pain ful Injury last week while running work was so satisfactory that a lone of A H. Lippinan's new joint second engagement followed. iers. Mr. Berg was running a short At Tuesday's meeting of the piece when in : ome way he got his " i .- . .i 1 1 i Ladies Annex, Misses Bertha Bald- ,,nnu ,nl ,He raP,u,y "voiving win, Freda Lippman and Celiaj knivw' "living Nelms were appointed a committee to take charge ol an entertainment to bo given to memU'rs of the P. A. A. C. sometime about the first of SeptemlMT. Another matter that received the attention of the ladies of the Annex wa the subject of getting a physical director for the club during the coming fall and winter months. The ladies oelieve something of the kind is needed and appointed a committee to take the matter up with the P. A. A. C. It is to be hoped that the c'.llb will take favorable action on the suggestion of the Indies. G0RMLEY, The Tailor Has just ivceived a full line of Fall and Winter Goods The present capicity of the elec tric light plant is to be increased by the addition of an engine, boil er and dynamo. The new machin ery was shipped from the east July 31 so that it would reach here in ample time to be installed, this fall. This auxiliary plant will furnish power to meet all demands and a better service may he exacted from its installation. As I haven't seen any items from Post for a long time, a few at this lime will not come amiss. First and foremost the hay crop is about all put up with the excep tion of a small amount of second crop. Improvements are the order of the day in this part of the county. J. II. Gray and son have made quite a numlier of improvements on their BonnyvieW farm. George Wiley is the owner of a fine horse that has no equal in the county for his age. He will no doubt be seen at the Crook County fuir. There i nothing like blood ed stock for the farm. There is money in it, too. Harvey Dunham has just com pleted a fine new home on his Spring Hill farm. It is up-to-date in every respect. The sanitation is looked after. The plumbing is scientific; a gravity water system supplies water. It is modern in every respect. Dick Koopman has moved into his new two-story house, and yet he feels that he will never get it finished. The lumber for it was hauled from Prinevllle. George Hay has just put the finishing touches to a fine new house. Harvest hands have been very Have Your Watches and Jewelry Repaired by W. FRANK PETETT Adamton't Drug Stora, PRINEVILLE QUICK SERVICE FREE OF CHARGE During the harvest months of July, August and September we will pay the telephone charges on all orders amounting to $2.50 or more that are telephoned to our store. Our stock is complete and quality and service are the best to be had. W. F. Kin: scarce in Ibis neighborhood this year. The construction of a new tele phone line will soon put the New- som creek people in touch with the remainder of the county. J. S. Delicious Ice Cream AT- D. P. ADAMS0N & CO. Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily and Shaniko Between Prinevllle SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive at Prinerille 6 a, m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations MILLINERY Clearance Sale All Kinds of Millinery f at greatly Reduced Prices. A Large stock to select frorn. Choice Line of Ladies Shirt Waists ifl i - ri i-i hi auwucjr a whs.uwic( m urimi roitur III iu "... ;:." a m uelicioub m s 51 D.P.Adamson & Co 4 Boys' and Youths w J Canvas Shoes, while they f j last, per pair $1.00. t J. E. STEWART & CO ft Zonas toilet preparations Mpc Fctc Millinery in aj ljiw Parlors Corner Second ami Main St. 1 npnpralrnprrTianrlisri I business For Sale. Annual sales $35000 y For information addreaa bos 77, S PRINEVILLE, ORE. Li i. j u r i u r i i.J L J n r i L J r i LJ Li Li r- Li n Li n Li ri Li n Li ri Li r ,i L i n l J n Li n Li Li Li n Li n Li r-i Li MILLINERY AT COST ?i oo 2 350 5 00 8W HATS hats for u u ti .( n Li r.a Li r.-t Li Li r..i Li n Li r.i Li r,3 Li n Li r.T - Li r.i ui B3 Li r.i Li Li Li ri Li r.i Li r.n Li ri Li r,.Ti Li ra Li r.a Li ra Li ri ui E.I Li ri Li ra Li r.a Li r.i Li r,a Li r -r.?r-inrr"ir-rir-irirrnjirir-irrir-ir!inr3rrrr'!irir!jir-nr..i LjLJLiLiLLiLJLiLiLjLJLiJLiL.JLJLjLiLJI.JLULiLiLJLiil.JLi $ 50 1 CO 1 75 2 00 3 00 RI BBONS AT COST VEILINGS 25c Veiling for 16c yd arw " " 25cyd 50c " 35c yd BABY HOODS $ 40c hoods for 20c 75c " 40c 100' " u 5oc 1 50 44 " 76c MALINES 40c M alines for 30c Colors light blue, white and black. g T. F. McCallister & Co. L'J Laborers Wanted. Lnhorera wantHl for work on the Court Houne. Waes $2.50 a day. Nine hours. Apply to C. C. McNeely, Court Hou, Prineville, Or. 7-lltf Dairy for Sale. Near Prineville. A money-maker. A snap for the amount of money invested. For further information aihlress Box 2t, Prineville, Or. . L iLUliJCiLitiL JLiLiLiLiLiLJLJLJLyLjiLiLJLiLiLJLiLiLiLJLJLjLILJLiLiLJLiLiLJLJLJLJLJl. J Li Li Grocery Specials Standard Corn, per doz $1 25 Extra Standard Can Fruit . 22 1-2 Gasene Soap, 10 bars . 65c Lion Soap, 7 bars lor 25 Pure Cane Sugar, per sack 7 25 CoKee, extra Caricola, per lb 22 1-2 45c Mocha and Java, per lb Cheridcllas Cocoa Fancy Dried Apples, per lb Fancy Figs, per lb lib Japan Tea ' Standard canned peaches, per can.. 33 1-3 SR 12 1-2 10 40 20 J. E. STEWART & CO I BANKRUPT STOCK I At Public Auction Li n Li m L'i L'i Li r.a Li L'i ra ri L"J ra L'i na Li na L'i r.a Li ra L'i ra L'i ra L'i ra Li ra Li ra L'i ra L'i ra Lli ra LU ra L'i ra Li ra L'i ra Li ra L'i ra L'i ra Li ra L'i ra L'i ra L'i ra LU Timber Claims Bought and Sold. B. E. Jones and J. W. Ritter are pre pared to hamile timber claims. Claims bought or sold. For lurlher particulars address Box 2i2, Prineville, Or. S-30p2m A Chance to buy goods at your own price. If you don't believe it come around in the evening. Sacrifice sale going on during day time. J. M. STAR K r.a Li a Li a Li ra Li ra i ra Li ra Li ra Li r a Li r.a Li ra Li ra Li r.a Li ra Li ra Li ra Li ra Li r.a Li ra Li r.a Li ra Li r.a Li ra L'i r.a Li ra Li na Li r.a Li r.a Li ca L'i ra Li ra Li r.a Li r.a L'i r,a Li ra L'i ra Li ra Li ra 1 Royal Insurance Co. I Not Welchers. $ 1 Paid dollar for dollar in the 1 s Frisco conflagration. jj? J. E. STEWART, Agt m S.3 -3 1& 3t t,St t S,J 3 m SX is3 m For Sale. Two lots with 6-rooin house. Corner property ; well improved. A bargain at $1000. Terms cash. Address R.L.Jor dan, Prineville, Oregon. 7-4tt. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the executrix of the last will and testament of M. C. Nye. deceased, has made and filed her final accounting of her administration of said estate, and that the Court has set Tuesday, the 3d day of Sep tember, 1907, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing said final accounting. At which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said final ac counting. MARGARKT NYE, Executrix of will of M. C. Nye, deceased. Dated this 25th day ol July, 1907. S3 SPainters and decorators Estimates Furnished on all kinds of work in our line. Samples of up-to- date WALL PAPERS on hand. Drop 0 us a card and we will call with samples and color plans. Carriage Painting a Specialty !Prineoille, Oregon. m p m 1 I Si fflacksmithing That Pleases f A Is The Kind You Get At 5. ITS I I? J. H. WIGLE'S I Vlrt t'hice North of the rrineville Hotel aV 5 Horsesh'"ing. Wagon and General Repair work done Li LjayaeuiJuiuiuiuuiuUbUuuuyLUikUuuuaLiuwBuu