(Al Crook CoMinty ooiraal PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 11, 1907. NO. 30 VOL XI ri M t 4 L J A SOUND INVESTMENT Thi Realty AHoeintc of Portland, Oregon, is a eo-oiierative corjwration formed lor the purp nf buying, improving, managing and selling at a rofit high class, centrally-located business real rtdate. There in a vast numluT of Inventor who undcratand and appreciate the value and e xcrutional advantage of investments in thin high-class security, hut have not suf- llrh.nt im.iial to handle It on their own account. It U to this cla of inventor that the aodnte wish to announce that they are now forming a xol of NX),'). v(i d under the supervision of thelnmrd of director of the company in BEST u ri i j n ni w j 11 n L'J w J u r..i ii il fin r..i r.i u cu M ri r.i t J m t j ri k J M LU tJ ri i. J r.i M til t j r.i t j r.i lj r i i. j ri I. J ri kj ri k.j ri k. J r.i k j r.i kJ ni k'J r.i k. j r.i kJ r.i k j r,i kJ r.i fcJ ri t J r.i ki n.i kJ ri kJ k J r.i kJ r.,i A. Thin fund will he in- BUSINESS BLOCKS This ia the most ireaaured asset of the captalist. More large fortune have been amassed from Una class of investment than any other. It is the most substai.lial security known, and haa steadily Increased in value since the birth of the United States, and thia process of increase in value will continue just a long na the jKipulation of a city increases, and In about the aame proimrtion. The rental insure to the inventor a steady Income. All prolita are distributed on the first day of June and DcceiuU'r of each year, ami SUBSCRIBERS SHARE IN ALL PROFITS Thi pool of $.r0t),000.(Hl U hut the foundation upon which the Associate will build a tlO.OOO.OM.OO realtv company. Thow who auWrilie to thia fund are petting in on the ground II.H.r, and will continuously participate in the profit. This plan ha U-en successfully toted by . iii..tr r Em..rn and iWl n.mnanies. which have iiaid to their ground-floor investors from in iu.r t in :u) iu-r cent it annum over a period of HO years. The of- a i ..: . ..... ti ' i doer and director out of which they protcrtie under contract, which will he purchased a fund become available. I from 10 per cent to 30 per cent per annum over a period ol W years, ine 01 ra of thia company receive their remuneration from a email share of the profile a leu pay nil salaries, advertising and ollke expense. The Associate now own thof choice, down-town, income producing proerty and have other valuable ASSOCIATES THE REALTY OF PORTLAND, OREGON, paid a dividend of 12 per .nt to subscri lnt, 11M17, In-ing ita lir-l Hemi-iinmml tliatrihution of rolite. Investigation solicit will I ahly and courteously answered hy U. K. McCMHtK, who ie at the Prinevi auhscriberi on June icited. Intuiiriea lie Hotel for a short time only. Incorporated 1906 804-6-12 Dekum Building Capital Stock $100,000 THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ARE: W. II. M.H.aa. I'reaMetit, ft. K. I.vn.a. Third Vl-e -PriaMnt Prni- lreic..n Trust A Snvintrs Hank. 1'mi. r ill Itailway A Navlication to Iia Anomkw '.faiTil, Klrsl Vice-I'rea, llnomiK K, iiambkri aim, mrecuir, t'rea. IliU'rnla Kavlntia llrnik. i.vennr Slat ot Oregon. Hoar NT O. Ixmm. S.hi.1 Viee-I'rea. A. It. IMahokii. Iire.t.ir Prtu liiiimn l'tiln lumtH.r"o. Knnntree A PmiiHUnl, Heal Kslate T. I. HoaavMAM, IMrector Pres. Honey man 1 11 w. Co. S. V. KnOMTHita, svrelrv, Itniintrte A Iitnu!ul, Heal KsluU) II. K Kkynoi.im. Suj.t. Thia board of director! ia an active, alert managing board, aenaible of their reaponaibilitiea tJ---r-ir-irrreirririrnrir,rrr.ririricir!irir,iririiririr.rtrirririr;ir!nri l j ri k. j r i LJ ri k. j ri L J ri k j r i t 'j ri k j r i k j ri l j ri kj r i kj r.i h. j r i kj ri kj r.i Li r, i k.j r i k. j r i u ri kJ rii ki r i i. j ri LJ ri L J r i k. J r i L j rii ki r.i ki ri Li r i ti ri Li ri ri Li r.i Li ri Li r.i ki r.i ki ri Li ri Li ri L J r.i ki ri Li r.i ki r.i ki r.i Li r.i ki r i Li r.i ki M ki ri ki r.i ki r.i k j r.i ki r i kJ r.i ki ri ki PRICE THIS YEAR Million Pound of Wool at Shanlko. Sold A ecial to the Oregonian, daUnl Bhaniko, July 8, aya: One million pounda of wool were aold here today at pricea a little higher than the lastealet here on June 12. The Botany woreted mille, of Pal- aaic, N, J., bought tome 514,0(X) pounds, including the Prineville Iand A Livet(M;k Company'a clip of 100,000 pounda, for which they paid 21 o, the highest price paid in Hhaniko this year. J. Koeh hmd & Co. bought lDO.OOo pounda; Hallowell, Jonea & Donald, 1G5.000 tound; Farnaworth, Thayer & Stevenson, 100,000 pounds; J. M. Kueaell, 85,000 pounda, and the I'endleton Wool Scouring St Pack ing Company, 35,000 pounda. The clip of T. 8. Hamilton of 00,000 pound, brought 20jc. The J. N. Williamaon clip of 70,000 pounds, brought 20ic, and the J. V. Abbott clip of 40,000 pounda brought 20gc. Including the galea of today, 3,000,000 pounda have been eold here thia Reason, which practically cleans up all the wools that come into thia market, for which the growers have received about (K),000. About 35,000 head of sheep have been Khinned from Shaniko this season, valued at $125,000. But go right into Adamson's Drug Store and get ahold of the If pound of crude rubler that is on exhibition. It came from the Castiolla KubWr Plantation Co. n Mexico. It is in the raw state and ia juat aa it is prepared by the natives. It ia full of bark, sticks nd insects which have become fust in the sticky substance during tlie course of coagulation. Much ntereat attache to the subject of rubber production and millions f American capital are invented n the industry. Strawberry Killed on the John Day. TJhe Villon Jecd 2arci jfx Siaidwim, Prop. Jino 7cuf Xi'vcry flgrs for The traveling public guaranteed, eareful attention and prompt service. Team and Saddle horses for rent, llorsea for sale. General team work done. Country trips a specialty 1 Cilatioa. 1 July Reduction Sale pf f g i g I Ranges, Stoves and Heaters g 8 Furniture, too, Must Go It(K)m we must have m order to set 1 up my wood working machinery. Therefore my stock of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters, besides all fur niture made on the Facific coast will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Come in and see for yourself. If you need anything in the stove lino between now and 1008 it will pay you to get my prices. A (liKimtch from Moro to the Telegram dated July 4, says that R. 8. Ward, who lives in the north end of Sherman County, is in the countv jail there; V. G. McDonald owner of a ferry across the John Day Hiver, northeast of here, is alichUy injured, and John Free man, a resident of Gilliam County ia doad as the result of a fight and subeeauent shooting on the John Day River Tuesday afternoon Ward and Freeman are said to have been intoxicated. In a quarrel at the ferry Ward struck McDonald with a spade knocainir him down. A few mo ments later Freeman was killed is said by McDonald's gun. Ward and McDonald were enemies. A Coroner s inquest was neld a tun or.Kon, tor ii I the ferry last night, but up to 10 In tlii county wnirt of Hie 8in ot Oivfton foi Hie am lily oi (Tool. In ilif nmii.T ul (he mute of William C, Artitnimnif. ctitun Tu Auni Armalmnie, Chrlt U. Armotronic, Kt-atuvv A. Arintriiir, intHtu 1 Armatronii, Murv K. Ariimtrtiui , Flort'tte 1. Kparku, MiibU H.Ouiiilln and all hi'tr nf Wlllmin 0. Ann. IrunK. uukuown. If any there Im. arvt'tiiiK In thu imnn'iil the liiato u( Or'Kn. you art hereby vlttMl and rwiuired to amn'Mr in tlia n.iuttr enurt of the Stale of Oregon. txmmy oi inMK, ai mv rnri rtM.iu inervtn. ail ,,.. ,t II' I'r ueville. In Hit) umntyoi crook, on Moiulay, I o ClOCK lilts uloruiiiK i"o imui iiiii tnratnuavoi auicumi, iwi, ai iu o viwi in iu i , . , , forenoon of that day. Uien and there to allow I not Wen leamett DO re nmo. II any there tie. wliv the adiniulatraior of theeiitateof William C. ArinalroiitcdiH-eaM! tale of Mid deeeaned In cnnik oimnty, Oregon, I rlpnrv Ot LOfraU bemet. l.l r..M 1 ..tfliilM Im.iiiv Iturlieiilitrlw tl.M'rttMNl MM I - loitowa. lu-wii : i ne tiorineam tiiiarter oi tee lion tweiity-Ave iu lownslil eleven aoiitli ol rantre elithteen earn ot Wtllaincllt) meridian in crtMik eouiilv. Oregon. w itniiM. in uou. vt. a. eii, jiiiitfe oi in (Xiniily court of the Slate, ot Oregon, for the tt'unty ot rrtHik, wtin the aoal oi Baitt court ai ilxeu, una itn uay oi June. a. ii. wn, Atteat (0-1.1) WiHKKN Brown, clerk 9 PRINEVILLE, OR ' f Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior. Laud onice at the Uallea, Oregon June a, inn. Notice la hendiy given that Marv I. MeDnuell. widow of Charlea K. McDowell, iloceaaetl, of I'rlnevllle. Oregon, haa Hied notice of her In tention to make tlnal flve-year uriHf In iuu- portor hereiHim vu: lioinealvait entry NO. lihtia uiaiie jauupry i, lor ine fn1. nc;-. ot ncclfiHl 21, NI. NV. and NWW NK' of aeHloii 11. townaliie Uaouth. ranee IA K, v m and thai aaid nrooi will be inado before the comity clerk, at I'rlnevllle, Oregon, on Auguat , nan. Hhe nauiea the lollowlug wltneasea to prove liercontlnuoui reaidenoe noon, and cuillvft' Hon of, I lie land, via: Andrew Morrow, of Orlztlv. Or: Fred Stuart, of I'rlnevllle. Or, William llalvtn, of Prlucvlllu, Oregon; William lloraell, ol rrlnevllle, Oregon. 6-13 C. W. MooHg, Register. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.' Notice for Publication. Unite! States Land Otiice, The Dalles, Orecon, June 5, 190' Notice is hereby given that in com. iiliance with the provisions of the act of Coiiares of June 3, 1878, entitled "An net for the mile of timber lands in the Htateo of California, Oregon, Nevada, mil YYoMliiimton Territory." a extend ed to all the l'nbliu Land States by act ot August 4, iw- Don't Robber Season Closed. Practically The strawberry season has prac tically closed in Hood River for this year says the Glacier. How ever, there are still daily consign ments going forward by expre s. This year's crop has been prac tically 1U0 per cent larger than the berry output of last year. The total strawberry crop of 1906 was about 28 car loads; while the crop this year will amount to about 45 cars. The prices that have prevailed this season have not been as large as those received last year. This is due mainly to the fact that the places in Oregon, Washington and Montana that have been our most open market in former years are now being supplied by local grow ers in the respective vicinities. The state of Washington, that was at one time one of the heaviest consumers, baa shipped nunureus of car loads of berries into the east ern market this year, and the Bit ter Koot country in Montana haa also had a heavy yield this season. It is evident that as the various sections of the northwest are being brought under irrigation systems, that the several localities will pro duce larger crops of small fruits. But it still remains that the Hood River strawberry is still without r 1 ! peer as a snipper, uur oernes have been shipoed to the Atlantic coast, and they have arrived in good condition. There has never been a time when we have had better shipping facilities then we have had this season: The splen did ice service of the Davidson Fruit company, added to the ex cellent car service of the Northern Pacific railroad, has given the Hood River berry a splendid op portunity this year. County Court Proceedings. A. H. Lippman & Co Sbcr 0. 9?fossie Sisters, Oregon Weal estate, brokerage and insurance Choice Smproued irrigated Jarms for Sate "Growers seem to have gone wild over the loganberries, was ine comment of a Front street fruit denier. " It has been cultivated here hut a few years, yet the yield in this part of the state this year something enormous. When the fruit was a novelty it attracted a ereat deal of attention, and it was believed that it would be a ! favorite with fruit consumers. The condition of the market shows what has come to pass. It is glut ted with logans." s. The logan is one of the most pro lific of berries, and this year has been an unusally favorable one for their growth. Berry growers ap pear to have planted more of these than of any other small fruit, and the result is that the market is flooded. For several days offerings of the fruit have been excessively large, to clean up stocks, whole' salers let them go at 50 to 75 cents a crate of 24 boxes. Logans are not necessarily ruined Aultie Snvder, l r. m.. .. i C i . 1. O i .. . ..I miriiieviiw, win ij viuua, i I . , , ,, l4 4utt ;il Oregon, lias tins itay tiled in this oiliee l wneii wiejr puhcu, v..uj nu. her sworn statement No. 3774, for the n0, j-eep many days in that con- piiri'llliMW in nit- iaiib a nun t mm r.71) 1 , . . .. NWVi of Section No. 18, in Township union, oonw, iuvcin v. wuun No. 15 8., lltuige No. 20 E., W. M., and prefer it when it begins to soften, will offer proof to show that tho land I r , , . ,.c , , BotiKhtia more valuable for its timber as its acidity men is muuiueu aim or stone than lor agricultural purposes, ami o establish her claim to rhiu land before the County Clerk at Prineville, Oreuron. on the 19th day of Aiiirust, l!H)7. She names as witnesses : Byron Cady, and A. C. Kniuhton, of Prineville, Oreiron. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or neiora sivui linn nay oi Atigtisi, liX7. 6-13r C. W. Moors, Register is sweeter. A good many loganB are used for preserwing, but they are not so great a favorite for table use as are strawberries and rasp lierries. Telegram. P. Zell will file him. your saw. Try 6-1 3tf Wanted. Typewriter for Sale. A bran new Smith Premier TyH wrlrer for sale nt a bargain. Inquire Laborers Laborers wanted for work on the Court House. Wases J2.50 a day Nine hours. Apply to C. C. McNeely Court House, rrlnevllle. Or. 7-lltt JULY TKRM. In the matter of the A. Kutzman et al road. The same being duly considered upon the reports of the viewers herein filed and the court now being fully advised, the said road is hereby disallowed and costs of survey and viewing road, both times, taxed to the petitioners in bond and bondsmen. In the matter of the petition of Oren Waite for a private change in the county road. No bond on file and the same continued. In the matter ot wrongful ast-sss- mt nt of J. P. Mclnery. Continued for affidavit to show special taxes. J. H. Hornev, wrongful assess ment. Sheriff ordered credited on roll of 1906 with $5.40, the amount allowed by Sheriff as wrongfully assessed to J. H. Homey. E. B. "Graham, wrongful assess ment. Sheriff ordered credited on roll ot 1906 with $1.50 amount allowed by Sheriff as wrongfully assessed to E.B. Graham. The netition of John Y. Todd t for a change m the Longhollow road: board of viewers ordered to meet at beginning of proposed ohanire and view out. survey and - o report to court on same. M. F. Hawthorn et al Petition for county road. Request to with draw papers allowed. The resignation of C. M. Wey mouth as justice of the peace of Bend precinct, was accepted. R. B. Mutzig was appointed to fill the vacancy. . The matter of bids for supplies for the chemical department of the high school was left to the decision of M. 15. HockenU-rry, principal of the high school. Lucy A. Dobbins; private change in county road. Road viewers or dered to meet at ln-ginning of pro posed change, view out, survey and reiort to the court. W. R. Booth; affidavit of wrong ful assessment. Continued for affidavit to show amount of special taxes. Florence Drake Alfidavit of wrongful assessment. It appearing that Floyd Lobdell constable of Bend precinct, has re moved therefrom, such office is hereby declared vacant and A. C. Lucas appointed constable. W. R. Wilkinson et al Petition for private change in Bear Creek and Bend county road. There being no such road in the county as mentioned in the petition, and that prd'jKised change asked for does not connect with any estab lished county road, the said matter is continued for petitioners to cor rect petition. W. R. Cook et al Petition for county road. Petition, proof of posting, and bond approved. Viewers and surveyors ordered to meet, view out, survey and report to the court on the road. C. R. Shattuck et al Petition for county rord. Petition, proof of posting and bond approved Board of viewers ordered to meet at beginning of road, view out, survey and report on same. Fred Mosier Petition for liquor icense. No petition on file and no licehse can be granted. County roadmaster's report read and approved. Clerk ordered to draw warrant on the road fund in favor of the roadmaster for $2500 to cover amount due on said report and for road work for July and August, 1907, to be accounted for at the September term of court, Earl McLauehhn Keport on contract of Ed Harbin for the For est. Post and Wiele bridges. Con tinued for further conference, Miriam C. Ellis road Road viewers and surveyors' report Reports read first and second time and road approved. Petitioners to pay $24 costs. Carmichael Green, Rosland Pe tition for liquor license. On ac count of irregular papers license not allowed. The fallowing bills were allowed and ordered paid : Prineville Machine shop.repairs S 1 00 M E Snook, carbolic acid 50 J J Smith, cleaning court house.. 6 00 F. LLanit. completing list of land 42 30 Anton llolub, expense in May term ot County court 68 10 D S Pufur shorthand notes 11 95 C M Stroud, board 7 50 Wm H Kirkham.school examiner 4 00 M V Turley, witness fees 10 20 C C Cooner. Brand iuror fees 12 00 ofi Hinton F Taylor L Hendricks Chat Carroll II If Crook Forert II Grimes Walter Lithgnw Tliot 8hrp jr Ola Laroon ThnmThronson T F Mc 'all inter F Harris W B Lamb, wit new feea 7 00 " 8 00 " 7 SO " 9 0 " 6 00 " 12 00 " 8 4U " 7 20 " 10 00 " 8 20 " 10 50 " 6 00 9 00 " 8 00 C C Bennett J B Merrill J II Edwards J A McCall Philip Francis JGHolt . F O Miuor M A Lehman H Gibson J H Horney John K Helfrich J S McMeen John R Howard 12 00 6 20 12 00 12 00 10 80 74 80 12 20 10 00 7 80 12 00 10 00 10 00 12 00 ieo Wood " 6 60 II F.hret " 6 60 illie Parry " 8 00 Frank Hughes " 11 00 Walter Knox " . 8 00 Billie Hmead " 7 20 oseph Poet " 7 40 II W Fiirchtld " 7 00 Rose Knox " 2 00 C M Red field " 12 00 Wm EBurkland " 13 00 Lewis McCallister " ...... 11 00 E Edwards " 12 00 John Dorrance " 6 20 J O Dorrance " M 8 00 Veda Dorrance " 4 00 W II Kinder " 4 00 F Cadle " 4 00 A S Ireland " 4 20 Ella Davis r " 12 00 II Hmith " 6 80 Wm Johnson " 10 00 R M Powell " 6 90 Wm French " 7 50 Ralph I'ortily " 6 80 W J Wright ' 5 80 CJ Stindqnist " 3 80 E M Harris M 82 20 WmMoss " . 82 80 Bill Borgett " . 33 00 Dave Newman " 33 00 Geo I) Milliron " 16 60 John Milliron " 18 40 Koliert Wiley " 18 60 P G Milliron " 18 40 Jesse Yancey " 4 00 Anton Holub " 80 80 Chester Evans " 14 00 ArtMi.es " .... 16 00 RP Miller " 7 60 CHEriekson . " 18 00 James Croft ' 82 80 L E Morgan " 24 00 L E McCord ' ... 13 40 Dick Van levert ' 2 00. Tim Gibson 33 00 LM Hodges " 4 00 GW Wiley 4 00 P B Davig " . 2 00 W A Booth " " 4 00 Cordelia Stevens, teacher High School.... : 75 00 C V Conway, teacher high school 75 00 Crook Co. Journal, high school expenses 62 50 G G Brown, state list of lands... . 6 30 W A Bell, Judge's salary 140 52 Frank Elkins, sheriff's salary 416 6ti Warren Brown, clerks salary 300 00 W F King, treasurer's salary ; 87 23 C B Dinwiddie, supt. salary 125 00 Frank Elkins, deputy sheriff's , salary l months 150 00 warren Brown, deputy clerk's salary months 112 50 John D Lafollette, assessor's salary, 1H months 125 00 T F Buchanan, care horse 10 days 7 50 C D Calbreath, wood...- Pacific TAT Co, rental Mrs C E McDowell, meals for jurors 36 40 David Pickettjanitor high school 20 00 W C Congleton, deputy assessor 116 00 Mrs Maude McLaughlin, grade examiner 9 00 Margaret G Elkins, grade exam iner 9 00 Frauk Elkins, telephone, express and stamps 19 15 C B Dinwiddie, stamp3 16 10 C C McNeely, moving records 8 00 E A P Lafollette, dep assessor. . 32 00 Crook Co. Journal, court houee Neil S Jennings, jurors fees 9 00 Hugh O'Kane Asa R Mishler C W Spring H C Knighten J G Cantrill Roscoe Knox C E Person L C McPherson E A Jenkins C C Buchanan T H Lafollett J L Gard W H Foster G W Horner Philip Graham E W Kelson B S Larkin A Friend C W ralmehn J B Brown M D Powell H P Evans C M Mudd II W Carlin Henry Montgomery James A Brown Sam W Millor W H Kinder J H Messinger S J Newsom W J Wright W H Cadle Wardwell Cram L B Lafollett Samuel Dingee I W Spear J F Wiegand 11 40 3 00 expenses.. 78 00 8 40 " 11 90 " 5 60 16 00 14 00 " 20 00 " 20 00 " 21 60 " ...... 19 20 " 18 00 " 14 00 23 00 " 14 30 " 23 40 " 19 00 " 22 60 " 21 20 " ......... 22 00 ' " 17 60 " 19 00 " 14 80 " 17 00 " 7 00 " 7 00 ,. 9 80 " 10 60 " 2 00 " 2 00 " 4 00 " 2 00 " 5 80 " 5 00 " 4 00 " 2 00 " 2 00 " 3 00 ' 5 01) J W Elliott, viewers fees 8 00 W R MeFarland, surveyor's fees 12 50 Mann & Beach, hunters liceuse 6 00 Shaniko Warehouse Co, freight 25 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies... 50 94 W F King, court house expenses 48 25 W F King, mdse for high school 20 50 D P Adamson & Co, mdse 4 60 David Elliott, care Sam Smith.. 40 00 M II Bell, material and labor fo" painting cages county jail 25 00 Robt Moore, blaeksmithing 27 20 J D Lafollette, assessor's salary... 32 00 The Winnek Co, mdse...... 11 40 Warren Brown, stamps etc 53 30 T A Long, medical services 11 00 S Edwards, health officer's salary -.-.4 30 25 C S Edwards, expreBsage etc 2 85 W H Kinder, special juror 2 00 J W Wright " 2 00 LS Logan " 3 00 W H Foster " 3 00 J F Harris " 3 00 F McRae . 3 00 Geo Ray, witness fees.. 4 00 Ed White " 2 Alex Hinton " 1 S S Stearns, commissioner's fees.. 9 20 R H Bayley ', " Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. Yoiir choicce of three grades of Bicycles, with the celebrated Nation al at the head of the list. A com plete line of sundries always on hand, 1'KINIiiVII.LK Machink Sllol". Incubator f or Sal Cheap. A good Incubator, practically new, at a bargain. Inquire of Mrs. N. K, Logan, i'rlnevllle, Or. 4-lHtf s i i i Woney, Call at the Jourual OHlee. can oai you vo mo a I jm... ' V