UNWRITTEN LAW UPHELD He Jury Returns a Verdict of "Not Guilty." A dio patch from Houston, V., Bays that ftr being out 35 min utes, the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty" in the cane of ex Judge William O. Loing, of Nel son, manager of the Virginia estate of Thomas F.Ryan, who watt placed on trial for the murder of Theodore Eetee, son of Sheriff M. K. Elites, of Nelnon County. Judge Loving shot and killed young Ketes April 23 st Oakbridge, following a buggy ride Estee had taken with the Judgee daughter, Miss Elizabeth Loving, who told her father that her escort had drugged and assaul ted her. The jury retired at 4.45, and from that time until the verdict was returned the defendant re mained in the same neat he had occupied since the trial began, surrounded by the memU rs of his family with the exception of his daughter. After the jury had been excused Judge Loving, his wife and other relatives shook hands and thanked each juror for the verdict. Tear streamed from the eyes of both the defendant and his wife, Judp? Loving was surrounded by many of his friends, though there was no demonstration. The following statement wis given out by counsel for Judge Loving: Within half an hour after the rendition of the verdict by the jury and the adjournment of court counsel for Judge Loving were called on by two of the jury, who stated that they had been appoin ted a committee representing the entire jury to convey to Judge Loving and his wife and daughter the information that, while they believed that Miss Loving's state ment on the witness stand of what she had told her father was a true account of what she had communi cated to him, yet not for a moment did the jury entertain the opinion that an actual assault had been committed by the deceased upon the young lady, but on the con trary, they were fully satisfied that no actual assault had been com mitted, but that there bad been an attempted assault. Counsel for. Judge Loving, on being interviewed in this connec tion, said: ''The conclusion of the jury to the effect that no assault was com mitted was absolutely correct." Holiver Megorden Pays Penalty. Holiver Megorden expiated his crime, the killing of his wife, Mary Megorden, by being hanged in the execution chamber at the stato prison today. As he stood on the scaffold he made no speech what ever, but finally whispered a prayer as the black cap and noose were being placed. He raised his right band over his eyes justas the black cap was placed over his face. It was one of the quickest and most featureless hangings ever held at the prison. The only incident was the fainting away and collaps ing of an employe of the local electric company, who was over come by the sight of the hanged man. lWidos the newspaper men only a score of people witnessed the ex ecution, among these were Sheriff Stevens of Portland and Father 1evesque of Woodhurn, Oregon. Megorden was fkS years of age and lived on a farm near Nyssa, in Malheur county. In March 11KV, be shot and killed his wife, Mary Megorden after a family quarrel, during which one of his ons, about IS years old, struck him with a gun. During the melee Mrs. Megorden started to run to a neighbor's house, but was over taken by her husband, who in a moment of passion shot and killed her. Megorden according to the prison chaplain, E. W. St. FierreTdied a Christian and to the last protested that he had not deliberately com mitted Uie murder. He was an educated man and had one of the finest fruit ranches in eastern Oregon. He was fond of chemistry and botany, and at one time was publisher of a paper at Canyon City. He was normally, it is said of a kind and loving disposition, and sympathetic. About half an hour previous to the execution, as he was walking up and down the corridor of the south ward, accom panied by Chaplain St. Pierre, he saw two little English sparrows that had found themselves im prisoned within the mslosure. His heart went out to the birds and be opened a window to liber ate them. Hotica To Creditors. Xotice is hereby Kiven, by the under- xipneit the ailministrawir of tlu Kstate of Jolin Trior, (It-ceased, to the creditor ol ami all other persons havtnir claim ajrainst said deceased to present them to uie undersigned at uie omceol M. K Kllitktt in lrimvill Oreiriin within ais months from the first publication of this notice with the proper Touchers. Dated, this 30lli day of May, 1907. S-3o Isoh I'lkkk Administrator of the Estate of John Prior, Deceased. Notice for Publication. Department of the In lM lor. Land office at The Onlles, Oregon. May . 117 Notlne Is hereby given that Hcmy J. Ed wards, of Prineville, Oregon, has Bled notice of his Intention to make II mil live-year proof In support of his claim, vii: homestead entry ". lU84o made Jany. !P. lwa, for the di', sw'4 of section -Ja, se'4 ne'4 -nd eH se', of section so, township ii south, range lae. w.iu. and that said proof will be made before the county clerk, at frinevUle, Oregu. on July 11. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva i Ion of, the land, vU: Francis B. Bayn, (I. W . Jon.-, Oii-k Vandcrvert, Walter J. Van-di-rviTl, allof Prineville Orvgon. Mop C w. MtxiKK, Register. Timber Land, Act June S, 187S. Notice for Publication. Onlted States Land Oflice, The Dslk-s, Oregon, May Ivti. Notice Is hereby given thai in compliance with the provisions ol the act of congress ol June 3, 1S78. eutiilcl "An act for the sale o( timter lands in the states of California. Oregon, Ncvstla, ami ashiiiglon Territory," as extend to all the public laud states by act of August t, ISO!, Date Jones of Prineville, County of Crook, State of Oregon, has on September 10, lsu6 tiled in this oilice his sworn statement No. 32UU, for the purchase of the se',4, m si-!j and se'j ne'4 of section No M, in township No. II s, range No. le, w.ui. and will nfli-r prmif to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone Uihii for agricultural ptmiosi-s, and to establish his claim to said Innd helore the county clerk. t Prineville, Oregon, on the loth day of Hep- U'Hiocr, iisj. lie names s witnesses: Rvron rilr A C Knigliti n. KnlH-rt K. Siinpsou, L'ri S. if inkier, all of Prineville, Oregon. Any slid all persons clsiming adversely the sliove di-scrils-il lands are rcjut-sted to file their emims in tins onice on or oelore salt! luth day ol September -6p C. W. VOOKK. Register. Notice of Final Settlement. Xotice is hereby given by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Joseph W hitheld, deceased, has made ami tiled his final accounting of his admiiiis- tnition ol said estate, and the court line set .Monday, the lirst day of July, 1HU7, al PI o'clock a. m., at the County Court room in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing said final accounting. Al which time ami place any ja-rson interested in said estate may appear ami object U said linul aiMrounting. W. H. MAYFIEU), AilministratJir ol the estate of Josepli Whitfield, ileceaseil. 5-2ip II MAA WOO CENT Regular Prloo $ JttlfSn nee tviir IS ALL IT WILL COST YtlH to write for our hie. FKI.K ICT:w:i.k ti showing the most complete line of high-griile BILLOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. , DO HOT ilUY A nmVnt r from anyone. at on any kind e terms cntil you have received our complete Free Cata logue, illustrating and r.tsenbing every kind of high-grade and low-grad-..'Jf.'r.V1'1 Pallrns a'"J latest mlels, and learn of our remarkable l.OW JVKlCfeS and wonderful nc-r offer made possible by selling from factory direct to ruler with no m Micmen's profits. ' WE SHIP ON APPRO VAL m:hnut a cent drfimit, ray the Freight atn allow to Days ree ;i r al and mUc other liberal terms which no oth. t house in the world will d . You wiu it.arn everything and get much valu able information by sinij ly writing us a postaL Ve need a Rldnm !-?! in everp tnn ani M rM- - - make money to suitaol j young men who apply at once. ' .50 PUHCTUES-FROOF TIRES ?.N iX Mtfft and Twums Wanted. 11 hoitil iif li,ir Hiol fame io,in work tn lutrvent: III have .'Ul or S." day run; will imy i to er day for men. ft. 00 ht piwn lor horsi ami IxmiiM anttie. Ailtlre ri-l:Llnl T. t nr J. It. Miihhihiin- UraMM Valley, Sherman County, Ore. Xotii-c (or I'tihlicatloii. Department ol the Interior. Land odlee al The lallea. Oreron June , 11 Notice l hereby l-a that lsrv tell widow of Wenlamin F. Xell, tleceae,l. i Priuevtlle, Oregon, has Slel notii-e ol her In tention to make filial five-year pnsil In snp- I-rt of her claim, vis: homestead entry No. 01 . made IVr. II. isoi, hr the to, SK,, SKi, S i.. and lol 4. sei'tmn Al, and hd I o se,. lion ill. loanshipIT. tame UK, WM. and that said proof aill he made before the eountv clerk, at iVineville, Oregon, on Augast . !, She names the follnwttui wftneiwa to prov her iMiiiiiiuous rt-stdem-e usn. and cultiva tion of. the laud, vlt: Silas Hodges, lamt-a A Moitln M. A. M si Held. Armon t'arey. all ol l"rineville, Oregon. ! C. W. M.siag. Kitlster. Piano for Sale at a Bargain. A Brut-elans Whitney lliuio. con- ivrt lv, imk flulsh, Ilratn-liias eon- lltion. III lie aohl rhei U tttkeu In the nest SO days, lmiulre at the Journal oltii-e. Pttitioo for Liquor Uceaao. To the Hon. Count v t'ourt of the Slat of Oregon, for I'rook county e, the imilersigne.1 legal voters of Heaver I'rcciiict, I rook pounty. Slate of tlretroii, Jo hereby most respei tively ie- iihoii your noiHiraoie taaiy lo gram r red M osier a license to sell spirituous, malt or Vilnius liiiiora in leas tiiantities than on gallon, for period of sii niontha from the M day of July, IUU7, al Paulina, Crook county, Oregon. mat the toreg-iing petition may be graiiusl your petitioners will ever pray. John Davin lauiina; Win Lytic, fan Una John T Kaulkner, " S J Cleiumens, " tl P Lee, ' H Kaulluwr, Klmer flark, " t A Wilson. " O kineni, " Thomas Payne, " H t' Morris, " B U Heisler, " L K Morgan " A I) -roggina " le Miller, " J LKniilh, " Marion Morgan, " t'has Stewart, " S W Miller, ' S 11 Iingley, " T Long, " C L Morgan. " tieorge Koha, " K J Skelton, " J W Kogle, - O W Kaulkner, " A A Kosu-r, " Kl Vancure. l" S Wiley. " Win Coulthanl. " lirimauil. " Klie Hover, ' W N Punkle, ' Henrr iSmith, " Tom Miller, " A U Senecal, Bob Kayl. . " Chas Barnard, " tieo W Miles K K llolltier, Ueo Sfnccal. M J general. " T W llavU, ' M Knard, " W K Klesher, L V Bailey. " Notice is hereby (riven that the under signed will apply to the County Court of the State of Oregon, on the 3d day ol July. A. I). l!V7, the same being, ttie first day of the regular July term of said Court for a license according to the foregoing petition, to sell li.iuors in leas ouautities than one gallon at Paulina, Oregon, for a period of six months beginning with the 3d day of July, li.;. PKK1 MOSlKk. Notice for Publication. Department of Ihe Interior. Land otttoe at The Iiallea, Oregon May 2S, 111 Notice Is hereby liven thai James M. Henkle. of Orliily, Oregon, has BU-d notice of his In tention to nuike dual nve-year proof In sup. port of bis claim, via: homestead eutrr No. HM71 made May 2S, isoa, for the aS ae' of section S, ne' nw'4 and nwL, nel of section 10. township I south, range IS. e. w.m and thai said pnsf will be made before tlie county clerk, al rMnevllle, Oregon, on July 11, 1J7. lie names the following wltuesses to prove his continuous lesldence upon, and cultiva tion of. the land, via: Henrv Monhromerv. of Orlialy, Oregon: Walter Newblll. of Orisafy Oregon: John W. lwl, of Gristly. Oregon; T. K. Buchanan of Prineville. Oregon. o-op U. Mi Kill 1- Keglster To Introduce Wo Will Sell You a Sample Pail for Only .80 . -"-pi J ,J J CAC Notice the thick rnbher trend A" and pnnetnre strips "I." and also rim strip "11" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make SOFT, I'XASTXC and HASi llLDlMU. NAILS. TACKS M OR GLASS uinw-r r--r fliiT mr ai'd IvSIs WITH ORDER S4.66) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire makine. No dancer from THORNS TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Seventy-fivo Thousand pairs sold last year. DESCRIPTION! Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined iniHa w! P?'l.q"'y ?f rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small puncS without allowing the air to escape. We have hun.lrcls of letters from aaiisned tustomefs stn ' i that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more 1 1 5 " fdinar re, the puncmre resisting mialities KinK Kivea by scvernl layers o? thin ac - il! prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holilmg l;:M:k" sent.on commonly felt when riding on os.-' aft or aofl roads u overcome hy the patent "ll.isket Weave" trend which prevents a!! air from bung aqueezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular nrice of ihesS tires is B.u per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special fnctory price to the rider of only 4.8o per pair All orders shipped stone day letter is received We ship C o.U. on approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented XWi' a'ii'TwTS'i? 'ilT-'IVL".', of 5 Pt r ce,nt tic.re,,X making the price .r,4 per pair) if von send FULL CASH Willi OKDKIt and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to tie used m case of intentional knife cuts or heavy pushes). Tires to be returned at OUK erpense if for any reason they sre not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as sale as in a bank. Ask your Potmaster Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Hditor of this paper about -us. If you order a pair oi these tires, you will 6nd that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and' look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at anv price. Wc know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicvclc vou will fjive us your order. Vis want you to scrd us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire oiler. COASTF"ft.Flf2AfF? built-up-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and . - ------- cvciyimiiK in llic oil yen line are sold bv us at half the usual Write lor our biir K1INHKY catulrfne. t write US a postal today. LM NOT TUINK OF BDTfNO a icvctr nr a :r of lireo fvii n .iivnn, ttnfil 1-...m ... . wonderful ofJcra we are making. It only c.sn a postal to learn every tiling. Wrilt It MOW. pricea charged by dealers and repair men. no iinr iifufr n Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May I!r7. Notice Is hereby given that Oeorge K. Crawford, of U'Nell, Oregon, has Hied nolle of bis Inlenllon to make final commutation proof In support of bis rial in. vis: Homestead entry No U.HO made April ti. IfW), for the KS NW, and lots iand 3 of scllon 18. Uiwnshlp 14 south, range 1 E., V) . M.. and that said proof will tie made before the Keglster and ru-ceiver, at ine Iiallea. Oregon, on July 22, l'J07. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon, and eulllva- non oi ine land, vis: Frank Forest. J. B. Merrill. Vlck Hutler. nave weaver an or l-lnevllle, Oregon 4-8p C. W. MOiiltK. Ili-glster. E. C. PARK mporter and breeder of high-graile Poland China JCogs and SSacA jCanyshan Chickens Young Ktock for nale. Address Redraond.'Oregon. Professional Cards. fyjm- Cumming Headquarters al Hamilton Uvry Stable a . ... nntuttit, UrtooH C C 33rix ' Jtftforney-ae-jCat Olllce with Ueo. W. Barnea SPrintailt, CliioU, ?tttomy-a-Cam Printout; Or a on. Notice lor Ptildtcatutn IVpartmoiit of h Interior, ljind ollii- at The imivo, tlrev'n May US, 1K07 Nolic la hereby giwn that Alex llinton ot l'rinille, Oreijon, h Bleil notic i ( hi inteniinn to make filial live-year prool in support of lusclaiin, viaj lionie stea.1 entry No ItMtvi made Marvh K, h.)2, for Ihe S nl nd wV, (w of sytioii 27, tow nship 17 aotith, rang 17 e, w.m, and that said proof will be mad before tft eountv clerk, at frineville, tlregon.on July . l7. lie name the following witmwaoa to prova hi coiitiniHiua rrailnr upou, and cultivation of , the land, via: An drew Anderaon, of rrineville, Oregon, t). V. .Miies, of l'rineville, Oregon, tiarvlner IVrrv. ol Prinevillit. Onutin. T. J. Kergnaon, of t'rtaik, Oregon. ass")) v. r.MtstKis, neguier Notice tor Publication, ttonartineal oftihe Inbsrtor. Land Otne at To liwllea, Oregon, v . . , . MMftW. otice la lioreby given that Lovina Joneo (ortuerlv Uviua Morlonl, widow of Ab4 V. Morlonl, r., deswoesl, of Priiieville, firegon, haa rlle.1 notioo of her intention to make dual five-year proof in support of her claim, vii: lloincwtea.1 entry No WAS made July ft, 1H01. for the eS nwl ml st of eeetion S5, township lit aouth, rug 14e. w. m, and that aaid proof will he made leftir the eountv clerk, at Prineville. Oregon, on July 12, l7. j She names the following witnemea to ! prove her contiutioua reenlence Un, and riiHivation of, the land, via: Kd waril T. lateon. of lrineville, Oregon, Alfred T. Macks, of lmoiita, Oregon, tiesirge Kainsav. of lrinevillo, trgon, Ijtura .ell, of I'riueville, Oregon. 5-;p c. w. MiHiaa, Kvgieter. Timber Laiit, Act mm t, let. Metk IW raUkalM. failed Kialsa land offli-. The Italics. Oregon. J tins . I mil. Notice la kerelo in.a ihal In emilian- with III provision ol the a-lol our.sai of must. l:i. nitlet "Aa act lor Ihe saleof timber Unit In lh aisles ol rallfornla. trs ton. Nela, an.l s.hluiios Terriiorv," aa ttinded lu all the PxiWK- land Mialea by si I ul August 4, IsKI, Keraard W, Haas, ol minerals, euumv ol Crook, stale ol tu-egon, aaaa lw. ti, I sua, tti.-l la this onus hi swura sutriaeal. No. lirja, t,r the piiM liaae ol the lii, HMV ol aeclloa 4 N .' NSl, anil K Y g4 of section No.. In loanahip No 11 a, rani NsllVOI, ami will oiler rtaf lo show lhal Ilia laud sous In la luur valuable htf Its timber or stone lhan fur aarlculiural riurpiswa, aad to rataMlsh his elaua lo said sad betora Ihe couniv clerk al I'rliievUlv, On-gon. on the 10th day ol tiridembcr lw7. He names aa wllnnwia.- A. II lln.lou, J. W. l-olliiis, H. P. Melkuap, L H, lalolieiis. all ol lTlnell. Oregoa. Any and all iwnwiu rtalinlng adversely the above ,liavrt bed land are requested to ale Ihelr claims la Ihlsoiriea ua or bvlut said lutb day ol m-.teiub,-r, Ivul. C W. MOOKK, Keglster. Kotic of Wood Delivery. V. I. I'alliretilh wIhIuss to niilioiuu-e to Ida (mtroiia that lie will deliver wood two tiny In the wivk itml WHtita the putilli to lienr thin In mind wlH'ii onlerliiK o tlmt they will not lie Ineonvencem-leil by the ileltvy. Notice of Final Settlement. In the 0 uaiy t'ourt of the 8 tale of Ore gon, for Crook t'ouutv. In the mailer ol Ihe Kstate ol J. a Kelley, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, thai (trace L. Kelley, the exeeulrlx of the last will and testament of J. 8. Kelley, deceased, haa tllel in lbs above uattied court ber ilnal eivouut, and the Mh day ol August, 1AR, at the hour ol ten o'clock la the loremam haa been, by oritur of Ihe above named court, fixed as lb lime lor bear ing ol objections to the same and all person are hereby notified to appear la in abova entitled court on or befors said time and pre sent any oldecltous II there be any such lo said report or be forever debarred therefrom. -U (.a Ail L. Kiixst, Admlulatratrli ol the last will ami testament olj. 8. Kelley. Timber LaaJ. Ant of June a, lirrs,-NotU-e for Publ,Uon. I'nlted HlatM laud Office, The Ikallea, Oiegon, Junaa, Ivor. Nolle la heretiy alven that In rsiinnllanne with the provisions of the Act oft'iuign-Mof June I, llCs, enlllled "An ant lor Ihe sale of liumer lands In Ihe HtaUuf tallfornla, Ore giHi, Nevada, anil Waablngion territory." as mended to all Ihe lulillo.nil HlaUsi by act af August 4, fvj, llorsse W , lllgvlow. of WenaUihea. county of t'helan, Mlate of Washington, baa oa february It, lwn. Hied In this office bis sworn state ment No, Mrr n,r Ihe purchase in Ihe kWHWi, and NSIC.if section No. an, in township Nik It H, raoa No. la K W al. and will orler pnsiflo show tlmt lit land ualii Is mors valuable fr lis llmlier or alone Mian ror aarlculiural puriaava, and to ealnbllah his elaliu Ui sMld land hrnn the HigUh-r snd Itexvlveral The Issib-a, Oregou, on Ihe Dnili day of August, I so;, lie oaiiies as wllneasM.- Wilin . Hlge Wiw, of tlond HI ver, Oregon, Mill IVrcr, ol Prineville, Oregon: ('harlea M. tiiarllon. of Prlnevllla, Oregon; Hubert t. Hmllh, ol Prineville. Oregun- Any and all perwona claiming adversely live alanrvMleaertlieil lands are requested lo tile Ihelr elalms In thlsomeeou or ta-Aire said lth day of August IWIT. a-Unp f. W Moon a Hcglsler. I County SPiyMician ) ffielcnap 6c 6 d wards !PhjfMi'eiant and nSmryon. 00 JCee Zoar m,t . titan'! Store PrintoH!; Orooon, Physician and Suryton Cath amworott promptly day or my At Off' tmro doors ooutA of Ttomptoton'o 3r, Stomo. &oMtdonoo oormor oi mmd 9&om Strooto, Prinooitt; Orooon. 0. J?yd Physician and tSuryoon CaUJi Answkkkp Promptly Ost oa Night urricauNK door mouth or A mason's Kbijo Htokr. Both olllee an resj denoe telephones. Prinooitto, - . Orooon Jfttornoy-atC am Timber Land Act' June t, 187a. Nolle fbr Publication. United Statea Land Offlne, The IXallea, orecon, June , 117. 1 Notice la hereby given that In compliance i with the pmvtslonaof Ihe act of eoiiareaaofl June S, tsTH, entitled An act for the sale of Umber lands In the states of California, Orw gou, Nevada and Washington Territory," as encoded u all Ihe publla land slaU- by act of August .lswl Joseph P. Taylor ol Prineville, county of Crook, state ol Oregon, haa on January i!nd, 190), filed In Hits ottlce his sworn sfstement, No. 8T7H, for the purchase of the N', Nt,, HK'i NWt, and N'i .NK1, of section No. 21, iu township No. 13 aouih, range No. 1.1 It Yiil.. and will offer proof loahuw lhal the laud sought Is more valuable for Its llmlier or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim lo said land before Ihe county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on the llih dsv of September 17. lie names as wftueaaes: Noma P. ViK'oln. C. John 8undiiiii, J. r. .M. KIiniuey, J. 0, Kvaus, all of Prineville, On-gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely thel atKive-descritw-d lands are reutieetcd lo file their claims In this olllee on or helore said lllb day ol September PU7. a-ISp c. W. Moos a. Keglster. - Citation. In the County Court of the State of Ore- fiiti, for the t'oiintr of t'naik. n the matter of Ihu estate of tieorge It. Taylor, deeetMeil To Mile Taylor, Hubert J. Taylor anil all iiou-reailleut and unknown heirg of (itmrgv) U. Taylor, deceased, greeting: In the nam of the State of Oregon, you are hereby citesl and reitiirel lo appear In the County Court of the Ktate ol Oregon, f jr the County of Crook, at the Court room thereof, at Prineville in the County of Crook on Monday the firat day ol July, 1107. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to (how cauae, if any there be, why an order of I hia court ehould not lie made authorising M. K. Klliott, the admin istrator of aaid eetale, to ecll at public aale, the real roierty belonging lo mild eeUle, to-wit: the aotitlieasi ouarter of section thirty-two in township twelve aouth, of range ten east of Willamette Mervdian in Crook County, On-gon. itnoss. the Hon. V. A. Ilell. Judge of I he I 'mi my Court of the State of Oregou, lor the Oouuty of t ro ik, Willi the aeal of said Court alllied. tit is 21 li day ol May, A. 1. 1107. ft-.tU Alteet (Seal) Warkbn IIhown, Clerk, Ity May Belle heed, Deputy Clerk. Hotice to Creditor!. Notice is hereby given, by the umler- signed, the Vdnunistrator of the e-lateof Duvfd 1. reeder, ileceaseil, to all person having claim against aaid estate to pre etit tlielll with the proper vom liers to Ihe undersigned al tils ottlce in I rineville, Oregtiti, within sis inoiitli from the llrst publication of this notice. Dated till 11th day or April, 1117. M. It. Klliott, Administrator of the Kslnle of David I), feeder, deceased. GO TO HORIGAN & STILL FOR THE Choicest Meats in the Market. We are prepared to serve our many patrons better than ever. We have always on hand a select stock of BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, VEAL. Fish, Game and Vegetables in Season If you want to buy in quantity call on ua. We handle all kinds of country produce. HORIGAN & STILL SDiiflllQllSllS iili!MSul011fl!lilljl IrCJ aafc .-erJt inJUl'r jaMa Wll Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete line of Gent's Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choice Line of Cigars & Tobaccos I'KHMY LONil WAl.T "MUlKHtV Long & Snoderly Dealers in Fine Wines, Liquors ami gars. We handle the celebruted Sedgwick N hisky, noted for its rich, mellow tla vor. Sole agents for lkp Gold lloer ami the famous Nnpa Soda. nTcimllr Tiado Golicltcd. 1 Vhe c JtocoDtion i SMITH A ri.KKK, riioiHOTtiiiH it 3 4? Domestic and Iinnoitctl I. in inns. Wines t: 1 ' - and (Cigars COUNTRY ORDMRS SOLlCITI'l) MAIN STltKKT I'llKt OlltlT Hlllt il'J ritlNKVH.I.K, OIIKCON ilnrlin'irri'sjrwnnririrnjfrrrnr'ts'-tri'iri-ir.r inirimKirrJi LJ r 1 LJ n tv J rt LJ r -t ti r 1 LJ M LJ n L"J r t LJ r 1 L J r.i LJ r t LJ r t LJ r,i LJ ri LJ n L J The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloloE, OREGON First Clati Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Seaion SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. LJ r .1 LJ r.i LJ ri LJ I t L J M L J r..i L J r t LJ ri LJ M L J r t L J r.,i L 4 11 II L J nnriririnriririnnriinrsririrtririMrinrinrvi LJLULJLJL JLJL JL JL JLJL JL jVk JL JL JLUL JL Jk JL JL JLJL AJLJLJ rifiiriririr.'iririniririr'ir'iiriririr innnnrir irirvi L JLJLJLJLiJWJIJJL. JLJLJLJl. JLjfk JkJLJL JL. JLJJLJL JUL JkJk'JL J r.i LJ rt LJ L J M LJ rt LJ n LJ r i LJ ri LJ rt LJ rt LJ CJ rt LJ M LJ LJ ri LJ rt LJ Scnoral ffilacksmithing lIOHHIIllKINfl, Wool) WOKK, r"TV NRATI.Y AND I'ltOMITI.V IroNK Wiikn it i Dunk l!v : : : !iobcrt 77oorc Satisfaction Will Re (iuarantced I'UINKVIt.l.K, OltKOON. r i L J rt L J r t LJ rt LJ r,t L J n L J rt LJ rt L J ri L J r i L J n L J tt L J r "i L J rt L J rt L J r i rtrtrtrtrtrrrtrtrtrrrnirtrrrtrrtrtrtrtrrtrtr- LULJLJW'JLaLJLIJL JL JLJL. JL-JLUfL JL JL JLLJLULL. JLJL JLUL.JL.UL J H Sliiii(,'ltn, MmiltliiiKH, WiiiiinwH, Pnorf, ilnKHen, Ktc. Kin., Ktc. SHIPP & PERRY i'. riUNKVII.LK, OUKtiON Shaniko Warehouse Co. ShnniAo, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants Di-aliTH in IMiickHtnitli Coal, Flour, Hiirbi'd Wire, NailH, Cimfnt, Liuit", Coal Oil, I'limler, Sulplnir, Wool nnd Grain, Fuck and Twine, Grain and Ki-i-tl. ApentB for WiiHoo WariilimiKn Milling Co'h. "While Hivr" and "DallfH Paten t" Flour. Highi-nt prion paid for Hitles and Peltn. Hjiecial Attention in paid to Wool Grading ami Raling for KiiHtern SliipnientH. Slock YardH with all the lnteHl. nnd bent fucilitien for Ifaiulling Htock. 77farc 2our Soods in Care of THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor l'K INK VII.LF., OKKfiON Btock hoarded hy the day, week or month at Jteanoniihle rates. Ilemembor uh when in Prineville. IIatka Ukasonabi.k. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent UED CYCLE CGiY, "j l zmm, ill. Prinootl; Oroyon.