Local Mention Mrp.Uolnriril.il liu frtiinird to her limue nt Vl, 0enn. Oinnr CIy'onl left Monday IW l'orllntid. J. K. Hli wnrt A Co., can ftve you 4 leant W) per cent on your hoe iiirhniin. Ilrv. V. T. J in not t left Monday (or Wall Walla where lie will vixil 1 1 i m family for nliotit ton dnyx. It. A. Kd ton wan in the rity lh lust of the week from I lie Hreene & Kilton initio rnnrli on Crooked river. J. II. Iforny wn in tho rity on Kridiiy from MiidniH. He wiot ac companied y hi diuiliti-r, Mif CW. T. U. Prion ni in town Tuesday from hi runi li nt Crook. Mr. Price report lionvy crop luit uny Hint tlirro in n nonroity of moil to harvest tlioin. County School HuMTintndent Pinwiddio lott for tf.ilom Saturday to attend tlio ootintv hoIuniI niior' Intcndi'iiU' oonvontion nnd tlio meeting of tlio Male teacher' nn nooittlinn. Miiwon Louise nnd Vovn Seinc-le pnwed through tlio oily tlio firnt of tho week on tlioir way to their home in Harney county, after M ndini; tlio wintor in Portland. Tlioy were tlio puocta of tlioir undo, Chan. Itodill, while in Prinovillo. Norria Morgan, foroman of the ftranl May ratlin intercHtu in tho aouthoru urt of tho rounly, wax in tho city the hint of tho week, lie Kay that nUn k of nil kind nro in lirnt i Ihi-k rondilioii and that roiioot were novor hotter for a roa)oroim yonr in that art of (rook ronnty. W. H. Hrown roturnod oarly thin week Irom a tiip to tho lloavor crook country in Crook rounly whore ho wont to buy hoof. Iur in)? hi oniiro trip ho found the mountain ranpo tho hct it ha Iwn for novoral yoar, and in nnolhor month thorouutry ho was in will U' full of U-ef Uluo Mountain Eagle. the two i.nriHtian Kmloavor Horiotio and tho Kpworth Uague bold a temperance rally at the Union Churrh Sunday evening The meeting wa adrewx'd ly Rev, Moore and Jinnott. Thoro wore two mull" quarlot, din t', nolo; alno declamation that wont to make up an intoroatiug program. Pur ing the hu miner monih these noeieiiett will hold Union mooting. Mr. I, Winnok and Mr. II. I Hoik nap were olertod delegate to tho Omnium KndonvorConvontion to l held nt Seattle thia month. r VVVVM'VVWV'V'VV SPRING SUITS Ready-to-wear Mr. V. T. Davenport i viitmg rolativoa at Hood Kivor, Oregon. For P.argaiim in (ircxerie, Fur- iiihlng, Clothing and Hhooaioo K. Htowart A Co. Flovd Knwrll, who live on Upper Crooked rivor, wa in town Monday. C. M. Klkina and wile and Mr. ThroiiMon will ond the Fourth at Howard. Mr. and Mr. C. W. Klkin and Mia Holon loft on today' Binge for a tliroe wm-k' vinii to Portland. ('arjM-ntor are at work upon the Uortructure of tho Moth' od let church. Mono NUhwonger, of Powoll lliitto, roturnod tho firxt of tho work from a viit lo nuuid point. Mr. Congdon, tho Shaniko ware- holme iDiiii. i in thi part of Crook Minlv looking after tho iutoroit of hi company. ' Thoro wn a general f xodu of tho 'oplo of Prinovillo Wedneeduy for Itoml, Howurd,Hiten, Lamonta and other ixdnt to apond tho Fourth. I. O. O. F. hall i undergoing oino e xtcnmve improvement. It ia received a frooh coat of paint and the interior of the building will lie overhauled. J. II. Lackey and wife, from tho Cold Spring! ranch were in town Tuonday. Mr. Liu-key wa in xearrh of help to harvest hicroie. Ho aya that it ia next to imi do lo find u man that want work. TO THIS FAUM1SUS. At haying is beginning, nnd will bo in full Mast, you will um more or lens Fnh Meats. It will pay yon to investigate the prices of meats at The O. K. Meat Market before buying. S'olb'a (Jrapo Juice, full quart MJo at Winnok. Mr. and Mr. Jatne Itoyd, from MiUholl, wore in town the firot of the wock. If. L. IlobU baa returned from a vicit to relative at Portland and Hillnboro J. W. Howard Jr. wa in tho rity over Hunday. JiMt i one of 0. A. (!.' pri nter and i a fui't one. Men' Huit. Hat and general Koruiohing at about half price at J. K. Hlewart A Co. ' Mix Wanda Iogan came in on Monday' i-tago from Portland to viail her father and brother. Iikd In Albany, Juno 2H, Mr. Kelieoca Ivor, a iter of Mark Powoll, of thia place. William Itcevea who hi lcn criiioing timler on the Ochoco for Portland buyora.left for the metrop oli tho firat of the week. Mr. J. I. Htroud left on Satur day' etago for Portland whore (die cxjicct to viit relative for a couplo of month. The Kpworth Ieague of the M. K. church will give an kit cream Mayor (ioodwillio and wife, of aocial at the courthouse ground Itend, wore in town Saturday. The tin (Thursday) evening. Lvory- mayor aay thnt lioud ia expecting a big crowd on the Fourth and that Prinovillo jieoplo may depend UHii a good fenftof trout. Tho Lanlluw Chronicle ays that a lrtur rwntly received from L. I. tin-gory, Secretary of the Oregon Trunk Line, etatea that he w ill be u our aoction again on a further tour of iuapoctioneoinotitno in July. He atatoa that progre on the line up the rivor i very hopeful. Mr nnd Mr. John Dohkina, of Lanmnta, Cook Co., were in the city on Monday lat, on their way homo from ihaniko. Thov report th crop in their neighborhood generally good, with indication at present of a fair yield of graiu. Antelope Herald. J. F. Huh ton of Crook waa in town Tueday. He ay tho people of the Crook neighborhwd have a big kick coining on their mail service. In fact they have no service nt all since the ollice at Crook waa removed. People de pond upon each other to carry mail. Oftentimes it is intrusted to children and it is a long shot if it is ever seen again. Choice Potatoes at Horigan A Siill, Get your orders lu early. Iter. It'. W. Pac has returned from a visit to Waxbington ixiinlx. Mr. Wilson and Grant Miller went down from Paulina Monday. P.yron Cndy roturnod Saturday from his trip to Pacific coaxt point. Heavy timber far the ('rooked rivor bridge near IWnr creek, through town .Tuesday. Mr. Hunt was in the city a few day this week from tlio W. F. Hammer farm at Madr.is, which he has rented. Hoy Prke was in tho city Satur day making preparation for a celebration at Paulina on the Fourth. W. II. Foster, who lives on the McKay, left at the Journal office yesterday a bead of lettuce that weighs two pounds and a pea vine that measures six feet in height. He remarked that the siiecimens were nothing unusual, merely going to show what a rich and fer tile soil would , produce if given half a chance. Indy invited. lining camping, is the all-important topic these days. Of the var ious places mentioned tho Matoles seems to be the favorite and many Prineville eople will spend their outing there this season. At a meeting of Fire Company No. 1 Monday evening, tho follow ing officers were elected: President 1). F. Stewart; treasurer, J. W. ltoone; secretary, Harold Paldwin; foroman, Charles Lytic; lirst as sistant foreman, A. 11. Roller; second assistant foreman, J. A. McClun. Saui Newgom has just returned from a trip to Denver, Kansas City and the state of Tennessee. He found the weather uretly warru for a man that is accustomed to the climate of Central Oregon and was glad to get back. Mr. Newsom saya that he never saw croj look ing finer than from Lower Trout Creek to Prineville. For Sale. Two lot with 6-rooin honxe. Otner prnertjr ; well improved. A bitricsiin at tiuuu. Term caxii. Addre It. L. Jor dan, l'riuevilks Oregon. 7Uf. MILLINERY Clearance Sale The McCormick has no Competitor FULL LINK OF REPAIRS W. F. Ag'ent Royal Insurance Co. . . ,ir ft f not weicnera. m i& t c ea ia t seta 3 1& c m t 5 Paid dollar for dollar in the Frisco conflagration. 5 J. E. STEWART, AgL $ The Brewery Feed Yard and Sales Stable (iiKxl sl al If. Good hay and (train. Plenty of room to accommodate the travelling public. 5-23 at GORMLCY, The Tailor tie(3rCO0C(WCCiCC Wurzweiler & Co. 1 I . 1 Have received a full $ line of the famous 2 I "Sorosis" Shoes Lowney's Chocolate WHOLESOME 0KLICI0U8 D. P.Adamson & Co AU Kind, of Millinery at greatly Reduced Prices. A Large stock to select from. Choice Line of Ladies Shirt Waists Zonas toilet preparations Mpc FcW Millinery II o LJito Parlors Corner Second and Main St. A T. MORRIS, Prop Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko SCHEDULE Leave Hhaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive at Prineville ft a. m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrive at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations i Millinery Reduction Sale FOR 30 DAYS Improving Sight Relieving Nerve Strain That' what our GLASSES nre rtoliitf. II you have reaon to le Uove that there la anything wrong with your eyea at nil, you should have them examined at once. No charge lor testa. Smnll charge tor proper Glaawaes. W. FRANK PETETT Graduate Optician. Ad.rn.on'. Drug Store, PRINEVILLE ei 00 2 350 5 00 800 HATS hata for a tt u $ 65 125 2 2 75 450 I Delicious Ice Cream I d. p. adamson i co. g Don't fail to ee them. XC0CCOKCMOCK:!ii Grocery S 4 DELICIOUS i i HOME-CURED MEATS f 3 at I J. E. STEWART & CO. tj.l w t Timber Claims liought and Sold. R. K. Jones ami J. W. Ritterare pre- narnl to naniiie uiniier ciiuiiid. isiiiin Im.iKht or sold. For turtlior particulars address Box , Prineville, Or. 5-30p2in nriririnnrirnHnnnnjnrvinnHrir'irwwiriri L JLjl.JkJLJkJliJUJI.JkJI.JUJLjVkJI.JI.JI.JI.JI.JI.JI.JI.JLJI.JLjl. J k J LJ r,.i LJ r,a U-J n LJ L J r -i LJ n kj ri lj r.i k j r,i k j r.i Li-J ri Li k j LJ r.i LJ r.a LJ LJ rn L J r.i k'J ra LJ ra L J n LJ - r.a LiJ ra LJ r.i LJ r.i L J t j r i k J r.i k J r i LJ n k J r i LJ r.i LJ r i L J r i LJ ri LJ r i LJ n lj r i LJ n L J ri LJ ri L J r.i LJ ri k J ri LJ r i LJ ri LJ r i LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ 10c 25c 30c 35c 50c 75c RIBBONS Ribbon for .i ti it u 5c 15c 20c 25c 40c 60c VEIUNGS 25c Veiling for 15c yd 35c " " 25cyd 50c " 44 35cyd l5ABY HOODS $ 40c hoods for 30c 75c 44 44 55c 1 00 44 44 65c 1 50 44 44 85c M ALINES 40c M alines for 30c Colors light blue, white and black. soap specials-Two Weeks Only 5 Bars Three Hart, 25c 4 bars Casene, 25c 4 Bars Tyec. 25c. For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands $ In the Deschute Valley writs H. F, JONES, 5 U . Redmond, Oregon. & Hotice of Fluid Settlement. Notlee la hereby given, by the nn deralgned, the niliiilniHtratrlx of the eHtnte of B. F. Zell, deeeaaed, that ahe hna made and tiled her final ae counting of her iiduilntatratUm of said estate; and that Monday, the lt day of July, l'.H)7, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Court room In I'rineville, Oregon, hue lKen duly appointed by the Court aa the time and place for hearing aald final accounting, at which time nnd place any ieraon Intereeted In said estate may npHar and object to aaid final iM'couuting. Dated tliia l(!th day of May, 1007. Mary Zkj.l Admlniatrntrlx of the Estate of It. F. Zell, deceased. 5-16 g T. F. McCallister & Co. I LJ LJ r ir.iriririrnririrrirrijinnririr-inrririririmmr.i LJLJLJLjLJkJUJLJLJLJLJLjVLJLJLjLJLJLJl.JLJkjLJLjUJUJtJ l!Jl!lQ!101iMillj LtfTt r .i I P LJ riririririnirir.irirriniriririrrviriririririririririririiririniririririririririr.i L'uiiuyaBJLJwai-aLiaLiijuaLauyLijwj LJ ' I WhodoesyourSubscriptionBusiness? StiindarJ Corn, per iloz ..,....$1 25 Extra Standard Can Fruit 22 1-2 Gascne Soap, 10 Lars 65c Lion Soap, 7 bars (or . 25 Pink Beans, per lb 5 Pure Cane Sugar, per sack 7 00 Collce, extra Caricola, per lb 22 1-2 45c Mocha and Java, per lb 33 1-3 Ghcridcllas Cocoa 25 Fancy Dried Apples, per lb 12 1-2 Fancy Figs, per lb : 10 Petite Prunes, per lb 5 lib Japan Tea 40 J. E. STEWART & CO LJ r.i k'J ri LU ri LU ri LJ ri tea r.i k'J ra LJ r.n LU rni LJ r 1 LJ ra lj r.i lj ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ r.a LU na LJ ra I am prepared to give you better prices than you have ever received before and I guarantee your Papers or money efunded. L J r.a L J . Notice for Publication Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 28,1907 Notice ie hereby given that William F. Mason, of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled notice of Ins intention to make tmal hve-year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No 9407 made June 24, 1901, for the lots 1 and 2 anil t v.v and f5J nw4 of section 4, township 14 south, range 15 e. w.m., and that said proof will be made before the county clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on July 11, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, vix: Fred Stuart, Henry Grimes, John K.Grimes, J. I), fcvans, all ol .frineville, Oregon. 5-3Up C. W. MOOKK. Register. Notice. Maltese Jack will stand for servicer nt the MeFarland Feed Yard from Monday to Friday evening of every week. Davk fc.Ll.ioTT, Prop. Notice to Creditors. Notice is herehv given by the under signed, the administrator of the Kstate of George B. Taylor, deceased, to all persons Having claims against ttie estate 01 me said decedent to present the same to the undersigned at his office in Prineville, Ore gon, with the proper vouchers, within six notice. months from the tirst publication of tins Dated April 11, 1907. M. R. Elliott. Administrator of the Estate of George B. Taylor, Deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given, by the under signed, administratrix with the will an nexed of the Estate of Leander Dillon, de ceased, to all persons having claims against said estate to present tnem, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated this 21st day ol March, IW. Lknoka Dillon, Administratrix vith the will annexed of the estate of Leander Dillon, deceased. Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $1 50 Crook County Journal 1 50 Total 3 00 My Price for the two $2.25. Weekly Oregonianor Semi-Week- ; ly Journal, one year... $1 50 Crook County Journal, one year 1 50 Weekly Examiner, San Francisco... 1 50 Cosmopolitan Magazine.... 1 00 Total 5 50 My Price for all four $4.50. Breeders Gazette, one year .$2 00 Semi-Weekly Journal, one year .' I 50 lU Crook County Journal, one year 1 50 Total 5 00 LU rtri LU L'J Til Ly r.n LJ m Li'J r.;n LU rrt LU rv"i LU My Price for all three $3.75. Weekly Oregonian... M 50 Crook County Journal . 1 50 Total " 3 00 My Price for the two $2.50. Portland Daily and Sunday Jour nal .$7 50 Crook County Journal.. 1 50 Total , 9 00 My Price for the two $7.50. i m !Painters and Decorctters Estimates Furnished on all kinds of work in onr line. Samples of up-to-date WALL PAPERS on hand. Drop us a card and we will call with samples and color plans. Carriage !Painiing "a Specialty tPrineoille, Oregon. $8 00 Daily & Sunday Oregonian, one year....: Facific Alonthlv, Illustrated Magazine, one year 1 00 rook County Journal, one year... 1 50 Total 10 50 My Price for all three 1 year, $9.10 1 lacksmithing That Pleases Cut out and enclose money with bargain you want. GUY LAFOLLETTE, NlAVSPAPlDRS &' MAGAZINES POSTOFF1CE I5UILDING. PKTNIOVII. UKK. Is The Kind You Get At First Plm-e North of the Pi ineville Hotel 4 & J. H. WIGLE'S Horseshoeing. Wagon and General Repair work done K!-jMi-!rr-iri--ir--r!nrr.r-rr '.4 H4 P14 H4 K4 V4 ftifl 1 K$ K$ L41JJLiLiLiLiIJLljulilLllJLiLiLiULiULULULiUlijLIJLiUL!UL 0