Local Mention V. (i. K illinK'HH'k o ColviT witu tt tlio cou nly Heat Monday. II. C. Kllli wm In th city ym UriUy. J. K. HU'wart tV lo., can invt you ni tenid M) ht re nl nil your liw punliaxm, (J. J. JoliiiHon linn r"turni'il from hi ranch on the lifml til Crooked Uivr. Oren Mill hni gone out to hi Uthi'r'i ranch t I'tulini, wIhti ho will nMml th tumiiicr. Mrs 1 1 . V V . Tnmr of Moonltiiv home, IiUho, in In tint diy viniling hr inothnr, Mr. Harmon. Mint's HuiU, Hal ami itncral FurnUhingit at ahout hnl( priiit at J. K. KlrwnrU A Co. J. Ia vin o( Ptuilinn witH in town Hatiirday. Mr. Dnviu haa 1 1 115 arrra ol In ml in the I'uulinu coiin Iry which, he ay. cannot he heaten for grain oml fruit. The genuine aale conducted ly Footer & II) tie proven audi a iuocena that we have derided to Mmtinue the aame during the coin lug wevk. 6-27 II. C. Kane haa aold hi intereat to hi partner K. O. Ijogsn. Mr. Iogan la now the aole owner of the buaineMM, Mr. Kane ha ac cepted a poeilion with Wuriweiler A Co. Heth Rodman waa down from hi ranch on lb headquartera of Crooked river Saturday,. He any that the cro and stock range are in good condition in hi part of the county. Will and Alfred Cook, of the Ilayatack country, KaNtern Oregon, formerly of thi place, arrived Sat urday with a hand of hornet which they are offering for aale. Brown ville (Linn County) Time. due Steve of Seattle 1 making a tour of Katern Oregon for the purHMe of inventing a little aurphm cah. lie goe from Triiieville to Burn and from that pluce to Ontario. lie will do hi inveaiing alter he hna aeen the whole coun try. A. H. Ireland, aupervinor of the weelern divinion of the Blue Moun tain national (oreet, waa in Canyon City Monday. Ho i in Grant county to look after huHine con nected with hia divinion of the re aerve, and to adjiiHt rang difUcul tiea where uch may arie through error in dewcription of range in permit. , Sheepmen everywhere are complying with the state law relative to dipping and are up plied with a health certificate lie fa re entering the reeerve. Blue Mountain Kagle. r cnnuir cititc oriunu ouiu Ready-to-wear at GORMLEY. Is : The Tailor Mri. Bi'ieHill waa a pangr on Saturday'a lage for The Halle. All ert Canning ha atarted (or Koliinil where he will auniinnr hi aheep. Jake Slroud and Henry Seal returned yeaterday from Bend. Mra. Kixner, a aiater of Mra. Michel, and Mr, Conrad, of Tort land, enme in on thi morning'a atugn for a viit in I'riiieville. A. C. Skinner, the creamery man, left the 11 of the week (or I'ortlnnd to order the machinery (or the creamery plant. We are advied by the Shaniko Warehoue Co. that the next wool aale at Shaniko have been k1 Kined until July Klli. "WilheIm (Joiner, a aubject of the C.r of KiiKnia, renounced allegi ance to the KuhmIaii autocrat Mon day and look out bin iiit i-t wilh Uncle Sam. What Htiple aay: Why, you do exactly aa vou adverliae. You have I lie greatest hirtwait and Indie' hirtwait auit bargain ever ahown in I'rineville. G-27 The reaidenla of the Paulina country are at laet connected with the world at Urge by telephone. Thi waa the largeat dintrict In the interior of the atate without thia convenience. G. M. Cornell returned lat week from the Paulina country where he haa been buying home for Ue in theatage buine. Mr. Cornell iMiught one hundred head of range horwea from Geo. Faulkner and Mr. Foter at an average price of ahout 130 a head. Howard i preparing for a Fourth of July celebration. There will lie the uaual literary exerciae follow ed by a dance in the evening. The committee in charge araure I'rine ville people a jolly good time if they will apend the day at the mine. Rev. J. T. Moor will preach at the Union church next Sunday morning.. There will be no preach ing in the evening, but the con gregation will oin the Young People'e aocietie of the city In a teuierance aerviee for which a apecial program hna lieen prepared. There wa a meeting ol the aub- acriliem to the local creamery enter- priae at the I'rineville Hotel June 20. Matter relative to the cream ery were gone over and an execu tive committee appointed. This committee conaiala of I). l Adam- on chairman, I. L. Ketchutn and U. K. Stewart. They were intrud ed to tclfct suitable ground for the plant and to hiiHten the work of conalruction. It i the jmrpon of the committee to have the plant In running order within two month. WeUh'a Jrate Juice, full quart Mfc at Winiiek'. Ueorgo Feulner of (Culver wa in town the fir ft of the week. For Bargain in Groceriea, Fur mailing, Clothing and HlMHee J. K. Stewart A Co. J it me Smith of Suplee waa in town Monday with a load of wool bound for Shaniko. He in haul ing for Mclntonh A Son. Frank VaninJ baa aold hia place near Paulina for IH.WX). Some 200 head of atock went with the ranch. C. I). Calbreath ha received a new wood aw outfit and hn it in giMul running order. The engine i larger than the one formerly ued and give ample Kwer. J. II. Hnwkina left the IuhI of the week for hi future home at Halfway,. linker County. Mr. Hawkin will Ut in Crook County again aWit January lttocloe up hi bueineea intercut here. Walt Vandervert, foreman of the Cornett Stage Line at Silver Lake, wa in the city Saturday. He reorU good Cubing over in hia country. Many good strings have been taken out thia spring. Rev. W. P. Jiunett will preach at the Prcubyterian next Sunday morning. In the evening a tempe rance rally will be held in the Union church in which the three young people' aocietie will unite. An intcreating program ie being prepared. The evening worxhip will be ommilted on account of thi aervice. Or. W. L. Mar Jen ia in receipt of 1100 the donation of W. W. Brown, the Wagontire horaeman, to the public library of thia city. Mr. Brown' laterality i duly ap preciated by thoee active in pro moting thi very laudable work and thia contribution ia moat op- portune aa it will put the library in better ahape for public good. Burn Times Herald. J M E 3 E t M J ! $ Royal Insurance Co. Not Welchers. Paid dollar for dollar in the f Friaco conflagration. ? J. E. STEWART, Agt. i MKaiccKi:aai;e3ic :-Wil!!jiaCC'K!'C I Wurzweiler & Co. Have received a full line of the fatnoua "Sorosis" Shoes Don't fail to aee them. nxiitixiii! Grocery Specials Standard Corn, per doz - $1 25 Exlra Standard Can Fruil . 22 1-2 Gasene Soap. 10 bars...... ...... 65c Lion Soap, 7 bars lor . 25 Pink Beans, per lb - 5 Pure Cane Sugar, per sack 7 00 5 Collee, exlra Caricola, per lb 22 1-2 45c Mocba and Java, per lb.. ..... Gheridellas Cocoa Fancy Dried Apples, per lb . Fancy Figs, per lb ..- ................ Pelile Prunes, per lb lib Japan Tea. 33 1-3 25 12 1-2 10 5 40 Lowney't Chocolates D.P.Adamson & Co S WIIOLEHOME IIKLIC10C8 DELICIOUS HOME-CURED MEATS at J. E. STEWART & CO. 4 tJ.E w Choice Pot tor at Horigan & Still. Get your order in early. C. N. Khret of Redmond waa a buinei viaitor Monday. Mr. Cronk, a telephone man from The Halle, ia here repairing the line. We pay 20c each for egg at the O. K. Meat Market. 6-27 ' We make good what we aay when we advertie our ladies' waita and auita at actual coft. Come in and aee for youraelf. 6-27 Wm. Bocgli wa in the cilr to day from the Cove Orchard. Mr. Boegli eaya that, although hi or chard baa an exceptionnally good crop of alLkind of fruit, the de iimnd ia o much grater than form erly that he will not 1 able to aupply one-third of the people. Married -At Culver, Sunday, June 2l, at the home of the bridu't father, Mi Lilly May Rend to Howard W. Turner of Madru Rev. W. P. Jinnetl jierformed the ceremony. About thirty guenta were prevent. After a aumptuoua dinner the young couple departed for Shaniko en route to New York, where they will visit Mr. Turner' relative. They will return in about two month to make their future home at Madraa, where the bridegroom ia a prosperous Ijuhi neaa man. MILLINERY Clearance Sale All Kindt of Millinery at greatly Reduced Price. A Large atock to select from. Cbmca Una of Ladies Shirt Waists Zonas toilet preparations Mrs. Estes' fSES Corner Second ami Main Sta. a r i t n Br ueiicious ice ireanif The McCormick has no Competitor FULL. LINE OF REPAIRS w. F. King', Agent The Brewery Feed Yard and Sales Stable Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily and Shaniko (iood stall. (iooJ liar and grain. Plenty of room to accommodate the travelling public. 5-23 A T.MORRIS, Prop Improving Sight Relieving Nerve Strain That'a what our GLASSES are doing. It you have reaHon to tie Ileve that there I anything wrong with jour eyea at all. you ahoulil have them examined at once. No charge (or tent. Small charge lor projier rilaeeea. W. FRANK PETETT Graduate Optician. Aimmum't Dnif Store, PRINEVILLE Timber Claims Bought and Sold. R. K. Jonea and J. W. Kitter are pre- Cirnl to handle timber claim. Claimi i-iht or K)ld. For hirtlier particular add rem Box 22. Frineville, Or. 5-X)p2m P. AT ADAMS0N i CO. Hotic of Final Settlement. , C4aaaa3asc3a-a3t:4 For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands i In U Detckutea Valley write n H. F, JONES, J Redmond. Oreaoa. ) 2IC4iIEEaEKGia lb! Notice la hereby irlven. by the un dcrxlc-ncil. the mlminlxtratrix of the E ; eetate of U. b . Zell, deceased, that alie naa luaue anu-nieu ner nuai ac- countlnir of her ailinlnlHtratlon of ald etttate; and that Monday, the 1st day of July. 1!K)7. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the County Court room In I'rineville, Oregon, haa lieen duly appointed by the Court a the time and place for hearing said final accounting, at which time and place any pewon Interested In eald eetate may appear aud object to aald final accounting. Dated thia lth day of May, 1907. Mary Zki.l AdmtnlKtratrlx of the Eetate of B. F, Zell, deceased. 5-16 Between Prlneville 8CHEDULF Leave Hhaniko, 6 p. m. Arrive at Prinerille 6 a.m. Leave Prineville 1 p. m. Arrive at Shaniko 1 an, First Class Accommodations 1 Millinery Reduction Sale FOR 30 DAYS LJ ri n LJ LJ ri LJ ri LJ n LJ n LJ n LJ n LJ ri LJ n LJ n LJ ri LJ ri LJ n LJ n L-J LJ n LJ ri LJ r.i LJ n LJ ri LJ $100 2 360 5 00 800 HATS hata for t u it it .4 it t $ 65 1 25 2 2 75 450 10c 25c 30c 35c 50c 75c RIBBONS Ribbon for i tt it t 5c 15c 20c 25c 40c 60c VEILINGS 25c Veiling for 15c yd 35c " 44 25c yd 60c 44 44 35cyd BABY HOODS S 40c hoods for 30c 75c " " 55c 100 " 44 65c 1 50 44 44 85c MALINES 40c Malines for 30c Colors light blue, white and black. Fresh Strawberries Just Received soap specials-Two Week Only 5 Bars Three Hart, 25c 4 bars Gasene, 25c 4 Bars Tyee. 25c. - ' 1T.F. McCallister & Co. LJ nrinririririr.iriririrtiri LJLJkJkJLJLJLJLJLJkJLJLJ LJ em l j ii LJ ra ti ri t i t it t ti ri u 1 1 fcj e,i LJ CI L J ti3 LJ El LJ na L J B3 L J ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ LJLJL JLJL. JLJkJLUt JLJLUIuULiUliJ i A GENUINE SALE ; i FOSTER & HYT)E j Announce a genuine sale on their entire stock of ; Ladies Shirt Waists, Shirt Waist Suits and Skirts. We ( are forced to this on account of the delayed season. Nothing in the above lines will be reserved, some to be j sold absolutely at cost J 9 I t i t N OTJR SHIRT -WAIST STOCK Is the most complete in the city. We offer it I you at the following prices: Value up to $1 50 durinti this sale 90c '2 00 4- 44 l 15 ii ti ti it it ii ti GRAND Fourth of CELEBRATION At . Sisters, Ore. July 2 50 3 00 4 00 ii it i ii 1 35 1 65 2 25 The above consists of Lawns, Silk Organdies, Swiss and Silk Mulls in White and Black Colors. In Shirt Waist Suits we offer you $2 00 Blue Calico now $1 15 1 50 Whit Uwn 1 40 3 00 Check Gingham 1 55 4 50 White Uwn 2 55 J. E. STEWART & CO We have an assort ment of Duck Skirts in both White and Tan to be sold at cost. nil Kemember when we say COST we mean ac tual cost, not 25 per cent above- Salute at 4- a.m. Literary Program at 10.30. Oration by Prof. R. A. Ford. Barbecue at Noon The afternoon will be taken up by various sports such as Horse Races, Foot Races. Sack Races, Tug-of-war etc, for which suitable prizes will be given. Grand Ball In the evening at Sisters Hall. I Placksmithing That Pleases f H This Sale Commences Saturday Morning June 22 I FOSTER & HYDE, Update Furnishers. J Is The Kind You Get At J. H. WIGLE'S First Pltu-e North of the Prlueville Hotel Horseshoeing. Wagon and General Repair work done ft I I'