County Cort. Proceeiinp. MAY TKRM Continued from last wek. The clerk wi directed to draw warrant ou the general fund in of work ob basement of V - J - - new court house uixin written or der to that effect, signed by it leaat two member of the court and not otherwise. The clerk tu ordered to draw warrant for 1300 on the general fund in favor of the library tun J nd deliver same to the treasurer, to 1m nlaced to the credit of ' the r library fund on roll of 1906. The roadmaster was directed to expend upon the grades and 'rbaJa needed in Laldlaw district the amount said district ay into the road fund upon roll of 1906. Dr. Chas. S. Edwards, was ap pointed health officer of the county tor one year, from "July 1,'1907, to July 1, 1908, "at the rate now paid such health officer. , The roadm.stera report for March and April was approved. The clerk was ordered to draw, a war rant on the road fund for 12500 in favor of Karl McLaughlin, road master, for work tobe." accounted for at the July. 1907. term of court V. J. McGilloray was appointed road supervisor for the Deschutes district. J. W. Livingston was appointed road supervisor for the Kutcher district. C. R. McLallin was appointed road supervisor for the Redmond district. The following bills were allowed : Ed. Parker, milaiie 4 00 B. W. Lakin, taxes paid on wrong land 15 00 1. W. Spear, clerk of election... 3 00 J. W.Robinson, reeiaterins voters 6 60 W'm. Johnson, recording docu ment.......... ....... 107 Glass & Prodhomme, typewriter ribbons and blanks 25 62 P. T. Randall, abstract of land... 1 tO Fred A. Powell, taxes wrongfully paid 180 C. D. Calbreath, wood..... "28 60 E. O. Hvde. examining insane... 5 00 Telephone 4 Telegraph Co., rental 1 SO J. M. Watson, list of lands 1 40 N. H. Pinkerton, fees as deputy sheriff 96 00 McTaggart & Bye, mdse for road 5 00 Stroud Bros, mdse for poor 5 00 C L. Marker, work 8 25 Buebong i. Co, carbon paper 23 25 Robert Moore mdse for road, 44 50 Kd. Harbin, repairing 3 00 Glass & Prudhomme, blanks 18 00 MiU-hell A Mill, work 32 00 Adamson A On, merchandise 10 4S Walter A. Scott, merchandise... 5 34 Frank Klkins, mileg 2110 W. A. BelL salary 100 00 Frank Klkins, salary ! Warron Rrown. salarT JWO 00 C B. IMnwiddie, salary W. F. King, salary W. HMcFarland, snrTeror's fees 105 00 J. W. Elliott, view fees W 00 W. D. Cyrus, chainman'a fie 8 00 W. J. Wood, marker's fees 00 R. C Foster, chain man's fees 8 00 L. H. Root, chainman's fees 10 00 E. W. Wittle, chainman'a fees... 10 00 F. E. rtrton. marker's fees.... 10 00 C R. Tytin,chainman's fees 2 00 Mt. O. McKinnv.chainman'a fees 3 00 M. B. HocVenberry, salary X B. Dinwiddie, travelling ex penses S3 00 C..B, Dinwiddie, stamps 9 65 Catherine V. Conway, salary 150 00 Cordelia Stevens salary 150 00 BAP LaFollette, depco aaseseor 80 00 Jacob Mroud, dep co assessor 53 00 Wright 4 McKelly, work on courthouse w w David Pickett, janitor work 32 00 J. D. Lafollette. aasessors Ues... 132 W David Elliott, care Samuel Smith 40 00 Frank Elkins, stamps 22 00 Crook County Journal printing.. 124 50 S S Stearns, com fees 4 20 How U Ward OI Old Ags. The most aiiiwawful way t ward ing off the BiirHMK'h of old aire maliitnla vlorou dlnt-tlui. , This chii U dune by mthiff only food aultod to your nv Htid occupation, and when nny dloordorof tbestomnoh appen intake a done of Chikmhcrlttlu'a Stomach ami Liver Tablet to eorrvot It. If you have weak utomach or are troubled with Indigestion, Ju will find these Tablet to le Just what you need. For sale by 1. 1 Adamson. Trotting & Pacing Bred Stallion Hotioa. Notice Is hereby given that the Prlnevllle Church Assta-lntlon will meet on Krldny, May 10th, nt the riilon t hurvh, lor the purpose oi ns- JOHN "S" Will make the Soason at my lrn in lViuvilk Oivgon at $ir.(.X). Money due when inatv is known to lo with foal. This is a well breU voung Stallion ns then' is in the State, of good size, ami dijnition and his colt are pul smooth oirs with plenty of bone and style. M. K. HKKJS. ww psi:i!fftl5; DRAFT STALLION hodvcome. Moot Imr called tor i ii.m II lllU U 1X"1 1 J a 1 A-J A A The Imported Registered Coal Black Per cher on The Property of T. J. Ferguson. WAI.T KNOItKHI.Y Long & Snoderly 1 Valors in Fine Wines, Liquors and gars. We handle the celebrated Sedgwick W hisky, nottMl for its rich, mellow lUvor. Sole agent for Hop (Jold IWr and the famous Napa Soda. iTcimilTT Tiado Gollcltcd. 41 .11 .H ft ft t A. 7.M.I., Chairman of Hoard. Notics to Dsbtota. The old firm of Foster A llorliian has dissolved unrtnershlp and all accounts lue said rlrin must 1 set tled at once. Any Indebtedness atcalnst said rlrm will lie settled on I demand Carv w. outer. J. V. Hokioan. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Ore- f son. for the County of Crook. In the matter of the estate of George B. Tavlor. devsed. To Klla Taylor, Robert J. Tavlor and all non-resident and nknown" heirs of George B. Taylor, deceased, greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, von are hereby cited and required to annear in the Countv Court of the State nf Ommn. far the Countv of Crook, at th Conrt raom thereof, at Prineville in th Countv of Crook on Monday the first dav of Jalv. 1307. at 10 o'clock n the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if anv there be. why an order of this court should not be made anthorixina M. R. Elliott, the admin istratorof said estate, to sell at public aale. the real Drooertv belonging to said tUte, to-wit: the southeast quarter of section thirtv-two in township twelve outh. of raoire ten east of Willamette Mamlun in Crook Countv. Oretron. Witness, the Hon. W. A. Bell, Judge of the Countv Court of the State of Ormmn- for the Conntv of Crook, with the oral of said Court affiled, this 28th dav of Mav. A. D. 1907. 5-30 Attest ;Ssall .. Warhkn Bbowx, Clerk. By May Belle Reed, Deputy Clerk. Hotics for Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreiron. Mav 25. 1907. NoUo U herebr ctvsn that or E. Crawford, of O'SelL Onion, hal flled notice of hit Intention W make Una! eoinniutatlun proof In aupport or bin claim, tii: Momtwieaa mrx Ira Kn UM1 n.ftflf. ann . 1HJ3. iur 1117 r. , NW', and lou i and t of aectlon 1&. lowunhlp Uaoatb, nnf 14 EVt'. M., and that aaid proof will be made before the KecUter and Receiver, at The Dalle. Umxon. on juij xi. He namea the followtnc wttneaaea to prove hla contlnnoas raatdenee apon, and culUva- tion of 1H land, via: Fmak forest. J. B. Merrill. Vlck Butler, Dure Weaver all of Prlnevllle, Oregon MWp C W. MOOKK, IWUUr. Itotics of Dissolution of Partasrship. Notkv Is hervbv irlvvit that the flrui of Foster & llorliran Is dlssolveil bv mutual consent Cnrr. rster ntliintr. All debts or nrrounts due or owluir by the old flriu will be set tled by them. Dated this 2nd day of May l'.H),. Caht . r ostkr J. W. Hokioas. He will stand for uervice at the ranch of (Jeorjue W Newsom Crtvk on Mondnv, Tuesdnv and tHlncsday week, eoinmencinsr the 1st of .Mav. He will Ih at v . ' . of T. J. Feriruson the rest of the time. Terms To insure, 115. No resonsilility for atvitlonis. iiov on of each o ranch 10 jzeccpzion While a bilious attack Is decidedly unpleasant It I quickly over when l namlHTlain s fwiiiwn ami iivvri . . , 1 CI Ci 11 Tablets are used. For saw ty u. v. The ImDorted tni?iish KeiTisterea Dhire otalitons i i .. auamsuu. Incubator for Sals Cheap. A trixxl Incubator, unu'tteally new, at a bargain. Inquire of Mms. N. K. Loo an. rrlnevllle. Or. -WStl Hotics to Creditor. V,-.ti,i 1 titrl,v ipiven. lr the under. -iirned. the ailiimiislrator of the e4tate of David 1). Feeder, ilecwmwl, to ail H-ron havint; claima asainst aaitl rotate to pre sent them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at his othce In I'nneville. Oreeon, within ix months from the nrat publicakion ot thi notice. Dated this lUh day or April, iwf. Admini.-trator of the Estate of David D. Feeder, deceased. Belief from Khsumatic Tains. I BufferiHl with rheumatism tor over two years." says Mr. Uoiand From the estate of the famous Peter Stubbs, of GIos. England Blaisdon Glory No 8622. By Blaisdon Conqueror No. 15989. Blaisdon Standard No.8623 By Blaisdon Champion No 19351. s-S -A. 8MITH A CLKKK, pHoi HirToim DomcMic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars country ommits soijcirr.n MAIN STKKKT Poet tHlke llox 1IJ riUNKVll.KK, OUKUON v. k. J I k J r t U I r - L J r 1 t J I T I, I r i. j r -( t. J 1 i k. J r t . J t 1 U 1 t i r 1 1 J 1 (" t w J r 1 k. i iSttw Wffl make the season 1907 at Haycreek and lamed uiesolcould hardly walk, I . Terms: $20.00 to insure mare with foal. THE BALDWIN SHEEP & LAND CO Bbck Percheron Stallion T U 1 G O T 5 6 0 4 1 Foalded May 11, 1900. "Bred by M. partment of Ome, France. Imported April 12, at other times It would be In my feet aud hands so I was Incapacitated for duty. One night wheu I was in severe pain aud lame from It my wife went to the druir store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Uiilin. I was rublted with It nud found the pain had nearly gone during the night. I kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that It drove the rheumatism awav. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months." For sale by D. P. Adam- son. Professional Cards, fyj'n- JC' Cumming Sradmatm Vrrrrmmry Suryrrm Headquarters at Uaralllon Llrerj Stable The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIIoIbE, OREGON First Clat. MeaU 25c and Up Freah Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. rt k t r i u r.i wj r,i k j r.l w j r J r.y i. j r L J r n i. j r,n k. j r.i k. j i - w j r t k j r,.i WJ k. j L. JI.Jk.Jk.JtJk.Ut. Jk. JU JWJk. Jk. J4.i. . Jk. Jk. Jk.Uk.JL. jkyikUW JkJW Jk.Jk.UJ GO TO H0RIGAN & STILL Sonera tBlacksmithiitg FOR THE Choicest Meats in the Market. C. Vallee, De- lm. Pre- Jttornjf-at-jCam Office with Geo. W. Barnes sent owner Lamonta Percheron Horse Company. There will be no regular stands this season, but the Stallion will move from place to place. It will come from Willow Creek down the McKay to Prineville. From Prine ville to Lamonta. If anyone desires information or service at any other point will please drop a postal or send word to Henry Montgomery, Grizzly, Ore, Their wants will receive immediate attention. iPrimfiil: &. CUioti, ttornty-at-jCam Commtjf SPhjftieiam'S ffielJcnap dc &dwards iPhysieianl and Sirytomt. Ofmw 0w mm m tfimnmA't ZPrintmitt, srtffon. WS8 mm. is Hi' n WILL COST YOU "nl"rs Co write for our W FKK BICCLK cataloeue ho wine the mryrt complrte line of faifh-entde Regular PrioB GO-tin hail To Introduce We Will Sell You a Samole Pali for Only II aivitLu, iiura un iiuiiukii I BKLOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the workL 1L nn fot mnr m mnirni r y, , mm mm m aw wm mmm m m mmmm at any trice. or on aa kind if terms, antU von have received oar complete Free Cata- leaea illustrating and describing every kind of nieh-grade and low-ersde bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW FKlCaUl ana wonderful new offers made sosaible bv selling from factor direct to rider with no middlemen's proota. VF MHIP OJ APPROVAL miunti a cetd iHmil. Pav the Frelarht and allow 10 Day Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no othi r bouse In the world will do, . Yoa will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing ns a postal. We need a Kldmr Aommt In every town and can offer an oooortunitv to make money to suitable young men who apply at OBce. RnpurinTiinc.pnnncTiRtrco n ly awv viav huh i hwwi iat.v t a o f awj av -av ffl lOU BM 'aw waw, ifAjftieiam ana Onrytom 0fr fm daorg Mont A m Vmmtfmtmm'B NAILS, TACKS i OR fiLASS 1 WONT LET OUT THE All (cAaH with onocn M as) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. mnking. No danger from THORNS. CAC- 1 1 TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. II Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual lis. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. uiili a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the sir to escspe. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating 1 tiat tnetr tires naveoniy Deen pumpea aponceor twtce in a wnoie season. 1 ney weign no more tftan nn ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being givea by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome bv the oatent "Basket Weave" tread which crevents sll air from bcine squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these uresis 90.50 per pair, dui ior advertising purposes we are maaing a special iactory price to tne ridel- vea. we snip Physician and Surf on Call Answekku Promptly Day on Nisht OmcK one Itoos Nokth or adimsoh's KKUU HTORR. RKHIUliNCS OPPOSITC Mrthodikt t'HllEfH ' Or ergon I I M jfiiorny-at-jCam CPrintviilt, Ortijon, Kotloa the thick rnbher tread "A" and ponotare strips "l" and "l." also rim strip "II" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make SOFT. KLAsTIC and of onlv It. 80 per pair. All orders shiDDed same dav letter is received. We shin C. you ao not pay a cent umu you nave examined ana touna mem strictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount of 5 percent (thereby making the price S)4.66 per pair) FULL CAH11 WITH OUOEIt and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel D. on approval. ited. pair) If you send Summons. In the Jtmtice'H (!ourt for Ditrtct No. 1 Crook County. Oregon. W. R. Cook, Plaintiff, vb. C. N. Banta, Defendant. To C. N. Hanta, tlie above named de fendant. In the naiui! of the Mate of Ore gon: You are hereby required to appear and aimwer the complaint tiled agaiimt you in the above entitled action on or be fore Haturdav. the lHt dav of June 1!W7. Raid dute being six weeks from the date of the firt publication of thit Hummonii, and 11 you fall bo to appear and answer, the take judgment against you plaintitt will take judgment agai!Miy for the buiii Mpecilied therein, to-wit: For plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at t'i n expense u ior any reason tncy are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster, Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about ns. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find thai they will ride easier, run isster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. GO ASTER' BRAKES, everything in the bicycleTeare'sotd'by ns at hslfthe usual prices charged by dealers and repair men. Write for our big KUNDKY catalogue. vain unr laAfT but write " P0"'1 tod,T- uo MOT think, of bcyinq t-JU ffyj WMI I bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and v.cnderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it MOW. MM OYCLE QQ1IP AHY. flept. ML" CHICAGO, ILL. the sum of KM and for the burwmenU of the action. Thia BUinmoiiB ib served coHts and dis- upon you by publication thereof by order of the under signed, a JiiHtice of the Peace, in aud for the above entitled Court, Baid order being dated the lutli Ay of April 1007, and by Baid order it was further directed that tins summons be published in the Crook County Journal, once a week for six suc cessive weeks. The date of the first publi cation of this summoiiK was Anril in. l!)07, Given under my hand this 17th day of April iwi. J. it. ijUckbi, Justice of the Peace, W. A. Bell, Attorney for Plaintiff. We are prepared to nerve our many patrons better than ever. We have always on ham! a .!. it stock of BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, NELAaLe rinrvirirvviririnr.v, k. .li. Jk. JW JWitJtJLjwJk. JWJk. Jk,JTkJtJLJki JLJtJa'Jk.JkJi JWJk, jk 4 L'J r, 1 t. j r n k. J n L J n L.J r.,i k-J r.-i LJ r.i u r 1 k. j r t a. J ri i j r 1 k. j k. j r.i 1. J r,.i t j 1. j r y k. j ri k. J r "1 W J r t I. I ; r t ' v. J ! r t 11 r 1 l J 1 r 1 i fj ! r 1 1 1 J : r t i i. J r t i 1. j l r T 1 IJ I r t !u ; t t 1 L J i r 1 ; J ; r i Hoittr3IIOK!N(l, VHI WoHK, ICTC., N KAT1. V AMI TkoMITLV DoNK WiiKK it ih Dosk Itv : : , : Robert 7oorc Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed I'ltf NKVII.I.K, OltWIOS. tir irl'inr Tnnnnmrt irnr nr,ir-ii r ir Tnnr i i. J k. j t. J W J i. J i. J k J k, u k. J k, U k. 'J k J k. J V a. i. .Jk.Uk.Jk. JU.Jk,, J Fish, Game and Vegetables in Season If you want to buy in quantity call on We handle all kinds of country produce. us. ! V1 Hliingli'h, MoulilinRH, Window, poor", (iliiHHen, Klc. Ktc, Etc, SHIPP& PERRY IMUNKVIIJ.E, ORKtiON I 6 H0RIGAN & STILL Mats, Dhoes ana Clothing A complete line of Gent's ' Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choice Line of Cigars. & Tobaccos m f 1 1 A irej vi li 1 lla I 1 IS 1 r 1 m Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prlnevllle and Shaniko MIKDULK Arrive at Prineville 6 a. ni. Arrives at Hhaniko 1 a. 111, le aves Hlimiiko, ft i. 111. Leaves IViiieville t . m. First Class Accommodations mm mm THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, proprietor Strayed or Stolen. A litrht bay home, Huddled marked, 15 haudH hltrli, welKlm SKM). Iiranded anchor 7 connected on left (moulder; wliltr face, one white eye; wax in Sum Kmlth'H paHture a month hkk. I will pay $10for Information leadliiK to ltn recovery, or 100 for Informa tton that will lead to the arrest and convitlon of the peroon that Htole it. AddreHH; .fohn A. Moliler, Alma, Lane Co., Or. 51) Imp Notice to Creditors. Notice iB hereby (liven by the under Hined, the oiliniiiitnit(ir if tlie Kntnte ol (ieorne II. Taylor, (lee.eaw cl, lo nil prr.som linviii cliihiiM nxuinst tlie eHtllt of the 8(1 id ileeeileiit to prexeMl the name to tlie unilerMiKiied ut liix olliee in 1'rineville, On goii, with tlie proper vouehern, within nix monthrt from the lirct iiulilieiillon ot'tliiB notice. JJuteil April 11, Ii7. M. It. Ki.i.iott, A(liiiinitiator of the Kutnte of (Jeoiue H. Taylor, I)ecenHl. Shaniko Warehouse Co. Shaniko, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding A N J) Commission Merchants Den lorn in IUiiokHimth Ooal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, Sulphur, Wool and drain, Hack and Twine, drain nnd Feed. Agents for Wiihco WarelioiiH Milling Co'b. "White River" nnd "Dulles Patent" Flour. Uifdiwt price paid for HideEi'nnd Pelts. Special Attention is paid t Muling for Kiislcrn Shipments. Wool Grading and Stock Yards wilh all the latest and bent facilities for Handling Htock, 97ark 2our Soocis in "S. It. Co." of The Journal for Printing