Local Mention l'.outricn J -on in quit pick with tlia iiienHfln. Mr. Aba Merchant of lUyvtack in viniting Mri. Iog&n. Hrui'8 Hnlfour ol Fife waa in the city the firnt of tho wwk. It. (la U' wood Ium returni-il to Port lit ml nflt-r M'mlmg a month in our city. Tl.o table at tliw Hold I'rlnevllht la miiilliil wllli I hi' Untof every hlntf In IIih market. If Mr. Wnolley, the popular Mar uliall-Wi'lU hardware man, wan in twn Tindy. Mm. M. K. Itrink, MUn Una HUwart auil Mra M. A. Moor If ft for 1'ortlnnn today. Tlia Minum 8uven, Conway, Whit anil Andrroon, left Haturday for their niM-ctive homo. ' Mra J. II. lYfnplt'ton and Mra. T. II. Lafullitt rfturned thr lat of tlif week from I.aOramfo. I'rof. H. A. Ford liaa gone to hi ranch at Winter whore he will hiuI thn aiimmcr month. Mra. M. K. HigK" returned the firat of the week from vinit with relative in the Xurna country. Kev. J. T. Mmre announce that he will preach at the Union Church next Hunday morning and evening. Wroley Htreet waa in the city Tui'aday tnuinaeting land litminetm. He waa aocomainel hy hia mother Mr. Joseph Street. Mr. M. A. Moore came in on Monday 'a atage to viait old frienda at Prineville. Hhe ia on her way from Chicago to Corvallia Christina liiheon haa returned to her home at Poet after trending the winter in attendance at the Crook County 11 gh School. Mra Lucy Hyrd of Burn i in the city vieitirtft frienda and rel ative. Hhe ia nccompiined hy her mother, Mra. Anderwon of Ontario. Wool ia now In-ginning to ac cumulate in the warehouse here. Ltrgcr mien nre looked for thin year. The first clip received here thi4 eAMon Udonged to the H rt A L Co. of Hay Creek. Slmniko He putdican. Mr. 0. 1. Wen nek received a tel ephone menHage from Anteloe Tueaday, that her mother waa dead. Mr. and Mra. Winnik left the following morning for Antelope. Mihd I va Booth left tho liutt of the week for a vinit in Portland and Halem. Minn Ilooth will be gone neveral week and will vinit relativea in The Dalit he fore re turning home. A. P. J one waa in from hia aheep ranch on Dry Creek Tuenday. Mr. Jones hug juHt lininhed shearing a band or 2000 aheep and ay the average weight of fleece for the lot waa 10 llm. lie will have hia wool in Shaniko in time for the next aale day. Charles U. Wc Iter, ToHtoflica in spector from Seattle, Washington, ia in thin part of the state checking up pontul affair. Mr. Welter Bay a that all rentala for jMtollice boxes inuet lw paid in advance in the future. Grocery Standard Corn, per doz Exlra Slandard Can Fruit Casene Soap, 10 bars Lion Soap, 7 tars -lor Pink Beans, per lb Pure Cane Sugar, per sack Coffee, extra Caricola, per lb 45c Mocha and Java, per lb Cheridcllas Cocoa Fancy Dried Apples, per lb....... Fancy Figs, per lb Pelile Prunes, per lb lib Japan Tea J. E. STEWART & CO J. B. Comett of Howard ia in the city. Mi Irene Harm- ia in Portland visiting friend. W. K. (luerin left on Tuesday' atage for Portland. Ker. J. T. Moore returned from The Da I lea Tuenday. J. II. Gray came down from Honnyview Tueaday. (leorgo Stevena of 8ilt'r waa in town the first of the week. Mine Carrie Hamilton of (irixzly la at the Hotel Prineville. Claude Dunham of Crooked river waa in town the firat of the week. Chaa. King returned Saturday from a brief busmen trip to Portland. , C. II. Fonter of Kistere left Mon day for Mount Hood where he will vinit relatives. Farmer oritur your ejrir " rlik'kena to the Hotel I'rlnevllle for the liltfhent enali prlee. 4-lCitf Karl Helma returned the last of the week from a visit with friends at Vancouver, Washington. A. W. IJoyce of Haystack left the other day for a month's visit to Hood River and other xinU. A. J. Noble and family have moved to their ranch at Paulina where they will nd the summer. A. S. Ireland returned the first of the week from a trip of insjiec- tion in the Maury Mountain Forest Reserve. R. P. Miller and family, of Post, who came to Prineville for school advantages, returned to their ranch at the clone of the school year. William Merchant and wife from Yameill County are visiting at the home of Sheriff Klkins. Mra. Merchant is a winter of Mrs. Logan. George 8 lay ton of Idaho, a brother of Kd. Slavton. is here on a visit. Mr. Slayton is an old Crook county man and notes many changes since he left this county years ago. The Uxly of A. B. Webdell who died at Prairie City about a year ago, waa brought to this city yes terday for permanent interment. He was a Mason and the memU-rs of that order took charge of the remains. Prof. M. B. Hockenberry and family will leave tomorrow for their former home at LaGrande, where they will spend the summer. They will return early in the fall, and Mr. llorkenUirry will continue Ida good work in the High School. II. C. Kllia left Tuesday for Bend after spending several days in this vicinity in the interests of his com pany. Mr. Kllia says the Pioneer telephone company will furnish the instruments for the proposed Bear Creek line, but will leave the line in the hands of its original owners. . For everything in 1 I Fishing Tackle p CO TO t D.P.Adamson& Co i 1ft J III 1 I W a n Specials $1 25 22 1-2 65c . 25 5 7 00 22 1-2 33 1-3 ... 25 12 1-2 10 6 . . 40 For all the comforts of home go to the Hotel I'rlnevllle. If Will Arnold was in the city Wednesday. Bokn On Friday, May 24. to the wife of William Prine, a girl Bohn -On May 2H, to the wife of Otis Ixigan, a son. Itev. W. P. Jennet returned the first of the week from a trip to Walla Walla, Washington. I B. Lafollett and family re turned yesterday from The Dalles C. C. Hon of Howard haa taken up his rsidenre in our city. C. A. Crooks of the P. L & W. Co. left the first; ol the week for Portland and way points. Charles Carey and wife of Prairie City are In Prineville risiting rel atives. J. f.. Mewart & Uo., can save you at least 60 per cent on your shoe purchases. Fred Smith is in the city from bis Paulina stock ranch. Mr. Smith reporU stock In fine con dition. Kev. Bass left the last of the week for KHenshurg, Washington, where he may make his future home. George Millican, who has been suffering from a very severe attack of erysipelas,' is retried as a little better. A. C. Cronk, telephone man, left Wednesday for Shaniko where he goes to look after the Pioneer's inleiests. Men's Suits, Hats and general Furnishings at about half price at J. K. Stewarts & Co. Mrs A. II. Lippman and daught ers left this morning for a trip to Portland, Salem, and the coast. They will be absent about three weeks. I. N. Smith and Percy Smith returned the first of the week from trip to the Deschutes. They were fishing four days and report a big catch of trout. K. m. Lewis received a compound fracture of the arm at a point just hove the elbow today. Mr. Lewis was kicked by a horse which he has been breaking. He Buffered a scalp wound also. Dr. Rosen burg is attending him. LADIES. Call and tee the elegant New EASTERN MILLINERY AtCW. ELKINS. The Stage Line Changes Hands. J. 11. Reams has bought the in terest ol G. M. Comett in the Cor- nett Stage & Stable Company, the transfer to take place the first of June. ' The sale includes the stock and equipment on the Prineville-Shan- iko stage line as well as all build ings, stage stations, etc. There are about sixty head of horses on this line and several coaches. The consideration could not be learned but it is said to be about $10,000. Mr. Reams will continue the company under its old name and will do everything in his power to improve the service. The two-horse coaches will be J. thing of the past and rigs will always be in first class shape. Died. In Portland, Oregon, May 13, 1907, Mrs. Clarence Lister, aged 6 years. Mrs. Lister is the daughter-in-law of Chas. Lister who lives on the Ochoco. THE BEST SHOE FOR YOUR MONET THE GOTZIAN Sold on Small Profit and a Lonf Guarantee. Best for young & old At C W. ELKINS. For Sals. Bent residence location In town: trees, shrubbery and lawn. Har- galul Address Box 81. City. 3-14tf Hack for Sal Cheap. Ml Two-seated covered Hack, In rood repair; (or sale at a bargain. Ad dress uox 841, priuevllle, Or. Notic To Creditors. Notice is hereby given, bv the under signed the administrator of tlia Estate of Jolm rrlor, deceased, to the creditors of and all other persons having claims acauiat naid deceased to present them to the iindemiened at the ottloe of M. K Elliott, in Prineville, Oregon, within six month from the first publication of this notice with the proper vouchers. Dated this 30th day of May, 1907. 6-30 lsoii (ll.KKK Administrator of the Kstate of John Prior, COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Fifteen Pupils Received Their Eifhth Glide Diplomas. The annual commencement of the public schools waa held in the I'.A.A.C. hall Friday evening. The ball was filled with the friends and acquaintances of the graduates. R. A. Ford, the principal of the pub lie schools, presided. After a selection by the orchestra the chairman announced the "Hose March" by the little girls of the first and second grades. The little tots were dressed in pink and green and each carried a large rose. They locked very pretty and went through their drill without a mistake. The "Lullaby" by the girls of the third and fourth grades was well done and was rewarded with generous applause. The "Sunflower Drill" by the boys of the third and fourth grades was most creditable. Tbey were well drilled and went through the various evolutions without a bitch. The chorus "My Own United States" by the pupil of the fifth and sixth grades was well render ed. Mies Ooldie Gray gave a decla mation entitled, "The Light on Dead man's Bar." It was well re ceived. The class address by Rev. Bernard V. Bass was clear-cut and scholarly. Superintendent Dicwiddie then presented the following graduates with diplomas: Goldie Gray, Lot ta Smith, Frances Petett. Allie Horigan, Teresa Snyder, Caroline Christiani, Verna Smith, Elmer Mitchell, Newton Poindezter, Cecil B. Stearns, Martin Prine, Clark Morse, Alex C. Barnes, Stanley Morris, Lawrence Hyde. After the class song the audience was dimmissed. I Delicious Ice Cream -AT- D. P. ADAMS0N & CO. Timbvr Claims Bought and Sold. R R InnM atwl A W Uit tor I 1 lo , handle timber clrima. Claim ttft.iirht nr MtlH For ttlrtlitr nikrtlfMilmr address Box 0, Prineville, Or. S-30i2in DELICIOUS ft HOME-CURED MEATS f 1 J. E. STEWART & CO. E 3 3 3 -3 E 1 3 t3 E C9 m For Irrigated Farms and Fruit Lands la the Deschutes Valley write n H. F, JONES, Redmond, Oregon. g i 3 C 3 E4 C E4 E 3 tf BANK STATEMENT. Refhtrt of tl Conditio of Tht First National BiitiX, in PrinerUle, in the SUitt of Ortgon, at the chtu of hi$im$, May $0, 1907. Kesources: Tioans and dlnoouiiU $ 208,640 69 Overdraft, wcursd and unsecured. 16.4WI 18 U. s. Uond to secure circulation 13,600 00 m 84 9,6t6 28 Bonds, Securities, etc Banking-house furniture and fixtures Due from National Banks (not Reserve Atrents) . . . .-rrr 29.405 92 Due from State Banks and Bankers 20,077 47 Due from approved reserve airents. 114,701 28 Checks and other cash Items. . . 982 28 Notes of other National Banks 1.4J0 00 Fractional paper eurrency, nickles and cents 6 68 Lawthl Monk Resirvi in Bank, vh: Mpecie vzi.hho Ival-tender notes . . . 4,000 25,885 Redemption fund with U. Treas(S of circulation)... 625 00 Total $441,014 82 Liabilities: Capital stock paid in t 50,000.00 Surplus fund 60,000.00 Undivided profits, less expense and taxes paid 11,551 32 Dividends unpaid ... 850 00 Individual deposits subject to check 308,337 99 Demand oertifioatesof deposit.... 11,375 21 Total .$441,014 52 STATE OF OREGON, County of Crook, I. T. M. Baldwin. Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemly swear that tne above statement is true to the best of my know ledge and belief. T. M. BALDWIN, - Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of May, 11)07. M. K. BRINK. Notary Public. UORRKCT Attest: Will Wuhzwkilkr Carey W. Foster Directors I "Where did you get that i I pretty Shirt Waist?" I j At C.W. ELKINS of course I ISO new Patterna 75c to $5. I a. Jr. Allen ThcCotzianSIioo The longest wearing hoc on th market. "It (Its like your foot print." I C. W. ELKINS iMiMt4talttie(t D 1 I n t 2 ioyai insurance ui. 2 S Not Welchers. S S S 2 Paid dollar for dollar in the f FriiCA cnnfLne-rntSfMi. . . 5 J. E. STEWART, AgL 9 awTCiseHiMiwiteeH rSnrinn MillinpnTt JUST RECEIVED A Complete . Line of the Very k MHC PCTPCr The Brewery Feed Yard and Sales Stable Good stallr. Good hay and (train. Plenty of room to accommodate the travelling public. 5-23 A T. MORRIS, Prop Improving Sight Relieving Nerve Strain That's what our GLASSES are doing. If you have reueon to le lleve that there is anything wrong with your eyes at all, you should have them examined at once. No charge for tests. Smnll charge fur projer Glaeses. W. FRANK PETETT Graduate Optician. A dam ton's Drug Store. P&IH i IL.L& What about that New Spring Suit? If you want the very latest and best go and see G0RMLEY, The Tailor Hotice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given, by the uo derwigned, the administratrix of the estate of B. F. Zell, Ueoeawnl, that she has made ami filed her final ac counting of her administration of said estate; and that Monday, the 1st day of July. 1!W7. at 10 o'clock iq, the forenoon, at the County Court room iu Prineville, Oregon, haa been duly appointed by the Court as the time and place for hearing said final accounting, at which time and place any person Interested in said estate may apjiear and object to said final accounting. Dated this ltith day of May, 1907. Mary Zki.l Administratrix of the Estate of B. F. Zell, deceased. 5-16 Leather Chairs, Rockers i fssz i " r.. .....;.".v ForSakbyA. H. LIPPMAN A CO. at less than Portland Prices B AN KIN i BY MAIL YOU MAY KEEP AN ACCOUNT WITH US IN PORTLAND, OREGON And Your Neighbor Knows Nothing of it 4 INTEREST Write for our booklet on BANKING BY MAIL Uncle Sam' Poet office sukee ear Banking by mail eyttem a eccce SAVINGS BANK OF THE Tide Guarantee & Trust Company Pays 4 per cent on Savings Accounts 4 " " " Certificates ol Deposit " ,3 " " " Accounts Subject lo Check J. Thornburn Ross. George H. Hill T. T. Burkhart -John E. Aitchison Chas. H. Kopi - 240-244 Washington St, Cor. Second PORTLAND, OREGON. k. JIJk;t.L,JL.JUJlL.JL,b.Jk.Jk.lJ Cheapest Place in Town LJ For Millinery. L J n LJ ri Li n t j n LJ LJ A new line of Ladies Dress and Street Hats from $120 to $6. Children's everyday Hats 50c to $1.50 All the latest styl es and shades in Ribbons at bedrock prices. Lawn and silk Baby Hoods irom 50c to $1.00 Old Hats made to look like new. n LJ ti Fresh Strawberries Just Received LJ LJ ri ri L J m LJ ra LJ n LJ ri soap specials-Two Week Only 5 Bars Three Hart, 25c 4 bars Casene. 25c 4 Bars Tyee. 25c. ' 25c Curry Comts for 15c ; 2qt Granite Pans 10c 2qt Granite sauce pans 10c 1 l-2qt granite sauce pans 10c Fancy Glassware irom 5 !o 20c Fancy dishes from 5 to 20c Water buckets from 5 to 35c All kinds ol 25c goods going at 5 and 10c LJ ri LJ n LJ ri LJ n LJ ! T. R McCallister & Co. I LJ LJ rnarrarraririrarnnrii irimrnnrrirsrriwrnrrnnri IUjtUtUtUtUliJUBItaBatlslsBlkUL;! Blacksmiths That Pleases fJ. f Is The Kind You Get At . $ J. H. First R Horseshoeing. Wagon and Made by Karpen Bros Chicago im A.i. '. in per cent President Vice President Treasurer Secretary AssL Treasurer r-.i LJ ri LJ eci LJ r.i LJ r.ci LJ ri L J ri L J ra L J r.i LJ ra L J ri LJ ri LJ ri L J ri L J ri LJ M LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ra ri L J ri LJ M LJ ri L J ri L J ri L J WIGLE'S Place North of the Prineville Hotel eV & General Repair work done 1 and Couches V-::. -r--i-, 2 Jieoeasea,