Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 30, 1907, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal
THURSDAY. MAY 30, 1907.
Subscription f 1.50 year.
Mmt Scrutinize Papers.
The general land office has sent
the following notice to Registers
and ReoeiTers: Your attention is
called to that part of the act of
June 29, which read m follows:
"That no notary public thall be
authorize! to take acknowledg
ments, administer oaths, certify
lpers or perform any official acts
in connection with matter in
which he is counsel, atrney
agent, or in which he may be
any way interested before any
the departments aforesaid."
Although this statute forms i
part of the act of Congress amend
ing section 553 of the Code of Law
for the District of Columbia, it has
recently been constructed by the
Attorney-General to apply to no
taries outside of that District; and
yon are therefore directed to scru
tinize all affidavits and papers filed
iu vour office for the nuriiose of
seeing that they are not executed
in conflict with this statute. Very
respectfully. R. A. Balunukr,
Redmond Ite
At the residence of John Ritter
in this citv, Mav 28, l!H)7, Mr.
Arthur J. IVcker and Mrs. KlUn
Stall, Rey. Moor of the Baptist
Church officiating. The wedding
was a quiet affair, onlv a few friends
being present. Mr.andMrs.IVcker
are well known here and will make
their home on tt Upper McKay
where Mr Decker owns a fine ranch.
And the Journal did the work
did the work, did the work on the
Fair Association envelopes, we
mean, and it is all right, too.
We notice W. J. Buckley with us
again after a somewhat prolonged
J. B. Merril, of Crooked River,
was doing business in this neigh-
borhood Saturday.
A. J. Booth came home from
Prineville, Friday evening with
team, wagon and harness. He has
also bought the Bert Laney forty
and proposes to do some farming
Messrs. Pratt Brothers and Ogg,
of Payette, Idaho, are here looking
over the country with a view to
purchasing and are also visiting at
the home of I. L. Harader and
other former Payette people here.
Geo. Woods has bought himself
a farm over towards the river. Not
Geo. Wood.
A. Ehret is here from Newberg,
Oregon, visiting his sons and will
probably stay all summer.
Prospects are good here for a fine
crop of strawberries this season. J.
R. Whitney has many vines with
over a hundred buds, blossoms and
fruit. That sounds pretty eood to
The Ladies Aid Society gives an
ice cream social Wednesday night
of this week. That sounds good
too. Music and recitations will he
given before the cream is served.
E. C. Park.
Redmond. May 27, D7-
Father Hkkey Cancels Engsgments.
Father llickev, ot asco. Has
been forced tocancel appointments
in outlying districts. It w;it his
intention to hold a aeries of meet
ings at James Connolly's on the
John Day, at the Axehandle school
house, and at King? ley, but unless
conditions improves he will be ob-
lired to return to Portlaud and
consult his physician. The rev
erend gentleman has never entirely
recovered from a severe attack of
pneumonia and bronchitis which
confined him in a hospital for
several weeks last winter, and in
consequence of his enervated con
dition his eye trouble is easily
aggravated, and compels htm to
remain in a darkened room often
for davs at a time. Father Hickev's
duties are numerous, the territory
which he covers iu his parochial
visits being extensive. Besides, he
is devoting much time and thought
to the publication of his periodical
the " Occidental Magaiine, and it
is a source of anxiety to him that
he may be forced, by the unfortu
nate circumstance of his illness, to
postpone the appearance of tin
magazine, and also that he is un
able to meet his parishioners as per
appointments. It is hoped tlia
his condition will speedily inprove
and that he may soon recover his
health and strength.
Nolii-e for rnlliiitiim
!VmrlniMil of tlii Interior
Olti.-e at The 1II. Onvon.
Notier in hervliy f iwn Hint
iliiain K. NU'Kti,
of Prineville. Ort-s-m. lm tilts! notice of
tin intention to nuke fiunl tive venr
rot in unpiHMl ot lii cUim. vu:
UoineHvt'l entry No tMiT ml June
:'4, HUM, for tli tot I and 3 nt S, tiA
n.i ti1 of section 4, townnliiu M
fonth, rnp 1 e. w.m., and that iail
lno( ill be made lfor the count
lerk, at I rineville, tlreiron, on Julv 11.
He name the following witneows to
prove his cmtinn r'ii,lcn.v uihiii,
and cultivation of. the land, vit: Km!
Strmrt, Henry t.rimon, John K. lirimes.
I. h.vnni, all of rrmevilM, Orvn.
Mi t W. MOOKK. Krister.
Nott. tor itllfwttn.
lvnrtn rnl of th Interior,
IjuuI OiUo Tlw tfello, On-n.
May IW.
Notice i liorvby jtiven that
lovina Jones
(ormerlv l.ovina Morford, widow of
Abel W. Morford. sr., deceased, of
Prineville, Oregon, has rlUst notice of
her intention to make filial five-vear
irH( in support ot her claim, via
Homestead entry No WW made, Julv t.
PAH, tor the eV jiwWaml nU to l4 of
section 2S, township l;t south, ranee He.
w.m, and that said prixf will lie made
before the county clerk, at Prineville,
Onwin, on Julv 12. l'A, .
She name the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon
and cultivatiou of, the land, vii: Kd
warti T. lliitcson of Prineville, Oregon,
Alfre,l T. Stacks, of ljimoiita, Orvinm
tieorve Kamsav. ot Prineville, Oregou,
fjiura Kell, ot 1 ruieville, Oregon.
5-30p c. w. mookb, Kegister,
If otic of Wood Delivery.
C. U. Calbreath wishes to minoiim e
to his patrons that lie will deliver
wood two davs iu the week and
want the public to lietir this In mini
when ordering so that they will im
lie liiconvenoeucled by the delay.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land office at The IialU-o. Oregon
Notice Is hereby liven that
Jainea M. Henkle.
orOrtuly, Oreon. bas Sled notice or bl in
tentlon to make final flye-year proof la kiii
port or bis claim, vis: noniestead entry
lotrrl made May K. 12. for the ae. ,
section S, nS nwl and nwS ne'- of section
10. township 13 south, mnye Id, e. w.m anl
that said proof will be made beforethe county
derk. at IMnevtlle, Orecon, on July u. IW7.
He names the following witnesses to prov,
hiseontlnuoas residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, vis: Henry Montgomery
of Urinly. Orecon: Waller Newl.lll, of liriuK
Orecon: John W. iwis, of Grtxsly. On-con:
T. . Kucbanan of Prtnevllle, (rifon.
Mup C W . MOuKK, KWUt
Bicycle and Bicycle Sundries.
Your ihoiece of three grades .f
Bicycles, with the celebrated Nation
al at the head of the list. A com
plete line of sundries always on hand.
Prineville Machine Shop.
$20 Seward for Estray Horse.
There strayed from my premises,
one bay mare, one bay horse, both
have white star in forehead, mare
branded 21 on left stifle, horse brand
ed 5 on left stifle, also one yearling
buckskin colt branded L bar. Horse
should have bell on. Mare was raised
on Griizly Butte. Address
Ola Larson,
5- lo-lmp Lower Bridge, Or.
Nstice te the Public.
Beginning with June 1, 19)7, we shall
collect all city accounts each month and
request business houses with whom we
are indebted to present their accounts.
6- 23 The Wisnek Co.
Heavy Draft Horses for Sale.
Team of heavy draft horses for sale at
a Dargaln. Also harness and wagon
for particulars call at the Buchanan
uvery Barn.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land office at The Dalles, Orecon.
May t. Ii7
notice is nereby (iven that
Hemy J. Kdwards.
of Prineville, Orecon. has filed notice of his
Intention to make anal ave-vear proof In
support of his claim, vl: homestead ent ry
No. 10M5 made Jany. 2. IM-i, for the ns'
'', of section 2, se'i ne1. and e1- se1, of
section so, township 15 south, ranee 15 e. w.m.
and that said proof will lie made before the
county clerk, at Prineville. Oregon, on July
11. h07.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hts continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of, the land, viz; Francis B. Bnyn. (.
W. Jones. Wek Vandervert, Waller J. V'an
denrert. all of Prineville Orecon.
&40p C. W. M(RKE, Rtwlster.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior
Land office at Tne Dalles, Oregon,
May 28, VMS
Notice Is hereby liven that
(ieorge Hobbs
of Prineville, Orecon, has filed notice of hi
intention to tnuke final commutation proof
In support of his etaim,vtK: homesUtd entry
No. LHlttf made Dec S, 18, for the n1, sw'4
and lots 3 and 4 of section 2, township ltt s.,
range 1-4 e. w.m , and that said proof will be
made before the county clerk, at Prineville.
Orvgon, on July 11. UU7.
He names the following witnesses to piove
his continuous residence upon, and cultiva
tion of. the land, viz: J. A. Kill,, It, W. J.
Pancake, William Baldwin. James H. Green,
ail of Piinevills. Orecon.
V. . MtMjKE, Ktglster.
Notice tor Publication
lVpartment of the Interior.
Land otlice at The lall, Oregon
Mav 2S, 1A7
Notic is hereby given that
Alex Hintou
of Prineville, Onvon. has tiled notice
of his intention to make tliul rive-year
proof in support of hisclaitn, via: home
stead entry No ltMiM made March 8.
UKrj, for the wlj nw4 and wl sw
section 27, towthip 17 south, range 17
e, w.m, and that said proof will he made
before the county clerk, at Prineville,
Oregon. on July 12, P.7.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, the land, vi: An
drew Anderson, of Prineville, Oregon,
O. t". .Nit,, of Prineville, tlregoti,
tiardner Perry, of Prineville, llregon, T.
J. Ferguson, of Crook, Oregon.
6-;'p C. W. MlHtRK. Register
Notice for Hublleatlon.
Di'Partment of the Interior.
Land ortte at The lilies, Oregon
May , 1AT
Notice Is hereby given thnt
Franels H, lljivn,
of Prineville, Oregon, has riled notice of hl
intention to make final five-y-ar pnsf in
support of bis elulm. vi: hoiiiesttad entrv
Nk ws made Nov. ?7, l-.-tW, for the sel4 of
seetion S. township IS south, range 14 e. w.m.
aud t tint said prtM,f will be made Iwforv the
county clerk, at Prineville, Orvgou, on July
11. IMC.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous itsltent-' upon, snd culiiva
tlon if. the bind, vis: Henry J. Kdwards i.
W. Jones. liek Vandervert, W'alter J. Van
dervert. all of Irinevllle, On'gon.
6- iUp C. W. MOOKE. lUlter.
In compliance with the new Sheep
Law fur Oregon rvoniriiig nil nheei
in the state to lie diel lietwcfii
the tirst of April mid the 1st of Au
gust, Ir. Win. II. tmiimlug. of
rrineville. has liwn appointed depu
ty State Shtvp InsMvtor fir Crook
eonnrv. Sheepmen will notify him
when reaily to dip.
Notice is herdv given iliat under
and by virtue ot an eneculi.m nod onler
of sale of moilg:igcd prois'rty issued tint
ol the cbcuit court llie Mate ot
Oregon tor t'rsk county on the "St h
lav of Mav. 1AI, . ami to me ilirivttl ami
deiiverel, tiMn a iuilgeimnt, order and
Uvree therein rnlere.1 and rtnderc,l in
Rtid cirt on the 14th day of Mav, IA7,
which sai l judgement was enrolled and
docketed in said court on Mav I I, PAC,
in favor of Crook County Hank, a cor
iHrlion, a defendant, and against F. C.
Kowlee, defendant, for the sum of
.t0t.7 H2 with interest thereon at the
rate of ten Js'r cent per annum from the
Uth oav ol .Mav, 1AI7, exctpt tlmt
I'JVKiO tKI thereof lHr iutereat at the
rate of eight percent per annum, and
the further sum of ,.VtHI a attorneys
fiea, and iu favor ot tieorv Wood,
plaintilf, and against F. C. Kowle and
Sladcline N. Kowlee, defendants, for the
sum of l-ttsS.lkl with interest thereon at
the rate ol ten per cent per annum from
May Uth, D07, and the further sum ol
$76.00 attorneys fees, and the further
sum of I2.,V) a coats, and iu favor ol
Shauiko Warehouse Company, defen
dant, and against F. C. Kowlee, do
fondant, Iu the sum of l7U.ti2 with in
terest thereon at the rate of leu per cent
per annum from the 1-tili day ol May,
117, and the further sum of f Itt.OO as
attorney fei-a, and whereas, bv s.tid
judgement, orvlor and decree, it as
orderel, adjugel and decreed that the
hereinafter described mortgage,! per
sonal and real property, to wit: 17 bend
of work horse that ar broke to worts,
17 sets of harness use I on and in woik-
iug Said horses, 1 colt, 5 wugous. H
buggies. 1 hack, and one tree or stump
pulling machine with all cables and
eiin pine tit. also all the following des
criUl real protietlv to wit: Lots one.
two anil three in Uka-k lortv-six, lots
oue, twr and thre in Ulock fortv-aeven
and lota eleven and twelve in Ivhs k
thirty-eight, all in the town of Kcdmond,
CrHk Countv, Slate of Oregon, accord
ing to the plat thereof now on lite and
ot record in the otlice of the tvuntv
clerk ol crook county, Oregon, together
with the tenements, Hereditaments ami
appurtenances thereto Irelonging or in
any w ise appertaining, le sold to sati-fy
all and each of said iudgeiiients and
costs, 1 w ill on
Saturday the 29th day of June 1907
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon
of suid day, at the Hamilton Stable, in
Prineville. Crook County, State of O e
gon, sell, at public auction, to the hili
est bidder for cash, all the al'Vodeevu.
ed personal property Irelonging to I hi
deiendants F. C. Kow lee and Madeluu
N. How lett, and at the hour of 2 o'clis k
in the attcruoon of said day 1 will sell in
public auction, to the highest bidder lor
cash, in front ot the front door of Die
court house in Prineville, Crtaik County,
Oregon, all the right title and interest
of the defendant F. C. Uowleo and
Madeline N. Kowlcv in and to the almve
deserilted real property, and apply lb
prH-e,s.!a of such sales to the payment
of siid judgements, costs, expenses, hi
torneys fees and dishursmetits in the
order and priority set forth and designa
ted in said judgement, order and decre".
Ihited at Prineville, Oregon, Mav 2Htli
Sheriff of Crojik County , State of Oregon
l!y John Combs, putv.
Piano for Sal at a Bargain.
A tirxt-vhiKH Whitney lMiino, eon.
cert sixe, ouk finish, lirst-ehiMs) con
dition. Will la Hold cheap if taken
in the next :t0 days. Inquire nt tin1
Journal otlice.
I Deer ing
Jyv A full lino of extras for all iWriny;
fw ltl.,..l vY.i in ni.t..t. ... ,r .
fey u-.. , : , :., ...... K;mM
thitiij in the having or httrvonttng lino. fji Vf-TvNwVu'.vV-. J ,W
.- . ' , ' "s ' s
V' s S .
"Dillon Jccd 2arci
Jiiex 33atduin, !Prop.
S'ino Tfcw jCivcry S?ys for jfftrc
The traveling public guaranteed careful
attention anil prompt service. Team and
Saddle horses for rent. Horses for sale.
General team work done. Country trips
a specialty
71 ' I
Administrator's Sale.
In the county court of the State Oregon
for crook countv. In the matter of
the estate of Elizabeth Prine, de
Notice is hereby given, that under and
in pursuance of an order of the county
court of the State of Oregon for crook
county, made and entered on the 6th
day of May, 190, in the matter of the
estate ol fclizaheth Prine, deceased, au
thorizing, empowering and directing me
to sell the hereinafter described real
property belonging to said estate, I will
Saturday, the 29tk itj sf J mm, 1907,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon
of that day, in front of the front door of
the court house in Prineville, crook coun
ty, State of Oregon, sell, at public auction
to the highest bidder for cash in hand at
thetimeof sale.all the right, title and in
terest the said Elizabeth Prine had, at
the time of her death, in and to the fol
lowing described real property, to-wit:
Lots one and two and an equity in the
east 36 feet of lot three, in block four
teen of the town of Prineville. crook
county, State of Oregon, according to
M. Hodges' plat of said town now on file
and of record in the office of the county
clerk of crook countv, State of Oregon.
Iated this 29th day of May, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth
Prine, deceased. 5-30
Rotice of Final SetUement.
Notice i hereby given by the under
signed, the administrator of the estate ol
Joseph Whitfield, deceased, has made and
tiled his final accounting of his adminis
tration of said estate, and the Court has
set Monday, the tirst day of July, 1'.Xj7, at
10 o'clock a. ui., at the County Court room
in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and
place of bearing said final accounting. At
which time and place any person interested
in said estate may appear bird object to
said final accounting.
Administrator of the estate of Joseph
Whitlield, deceased. &-!p
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Hon. County Court of the State ol
Oregon, tor urooK county
We, the undersigned legul voters of
Beaver Precinct, Crook county, Htate of
Oregon, uo neretiy most respectively pe
tition your Honorable touy to grant red
M osier a license to sell spirituous, malt or
vinous liquors in less quantities than one
gallon, for a ieriod of six months from the
3d day of July, 1907, at Paulina, Crook
county, Oregon.
That the foregoing petition may be
granted your petitioners will ever pray.
John Davin. Paulina; Win Lytic, Paulinu
jonn l r aulkner, " a J t leiurnenH, "
(J P Lee, " H Faulkner,
Klruer Clark, " ti A Wilson, "
0 Kinerd, " Thomas Payne, "
HC Morris, " B U Heisler,
U Morgan " A (1 Heroggins "
bee Miller, " JL Hmith, "
Marion Morgan, ' Chas Htewart, "
8 W Miller. " N B Longley. '
T Long, " C L Morgan,
Georire Roba. " R J Hkelton. "
J W Fogle, " (i W Faulkner, "
A A Foster. " Kd Vancure. "
C 8 Wiley " Win Coulthnrd "
8 Cirimauu, " Klie Uoyer, "
W N Dunkle. " Henrv Hmith. "
Tom Miller, " A U eeneeal,
BobRayl. " ('has Barnard, "
Geo W Miles, " K K Hotlner, "
(ieo Henccal, " M J Senecal, "
T W Davis, " M Knard, "
W E Kiesher, " L V Bailey, "
notice is hereby eiven that the under
signed will apply to the County Court of
the Htate of Oregon, on the 3d day ot July,
A. 0. 1!J7, the same being tlie first day of
the regular July term of said Court for a
license according to the foregoing petition,
to sell liquors in less quantities than one
gallon at Paulina, Oregon, for a period of
six months beginning with the 3d day of
July, 1907. FRKD MOSIEIt.
"atierson and
Painters and "Decorators
Estimatea Furnir-lioil on nil kinds of
work in our line. Samples of ti-lo-l:ile
WALL I'APEItS on hand. Drop
us a c.'inl mid we will call with samples
iii.d color plntiH.
Carriage a
vjci uui a need uuuic uuyiii.
. ptl
ti1.. .. t . e . . I. rrrmti imp it. . ...II Ill
"i tvt ro ni-tits) mr tut' ucttvinu LIltL, lanunia t nt' ww ki "irr h
iH'in the ideal hitrvetttini; maehiuoit
0 Deering Binders, Mowers and Rakes 5
fgl ll.ivt never faihsl to "make good," no matter Imw dilllfiilt the tenter
LrfJ We would like to show vott some of thest uiaeliines. Call on u ami we will tell von flJ
la aT i .1 t t. i . i, , wmm
Vrt U"V Ilif I'rt rinij line th-xrrves your consideration. II is a qtntion el prolil lor yon as m il its lor K4
tU ottrsclvcv LfJ
t . ,1". t
h . : nrf-AttXY-'
1 X M A
pkinkvilij:, ohi-c.on Qj
Steam Fittings Just Received.
We have Just rtvelved a line d
Steillll Mltllls nmdl lis the ( elebrul
ed Jenkins I'.i'us, lilnls mid t'lnik
ViilveM, I N't rdt l.iilii'ii'iiluis. lies!
Si-uli b iiiiiure tlbiswK, We b'tve iih-iii
n line nf poi kiiig: mi hand.
We have the nueiny fur the Isst
liiisidlne Kiiuliie.Hi the liinrUet. Si e
one run nt our shop, (lon't foruel
that I curry Melt In:;, t'lip Scrrxv,
Nhttfllny: Hiim, I 'llnrv, mid Unit I
mil lri'mtYi Ik iiinke your id.iner
bulls noil nn.v other Ulml d udd bulls
and HeriMVH .vim mti.v neeil.
J-Utf I'ltl.NKMI.I.K M AI'IM.M-: Slluf,
Notice to Debtors.
Nulli-e is hereby uivi'll lluit nil
moiih Indebted Iu the t'Htilte of UeJUI-ih-r
IMIIlun, diienwd, iniiHt Mi llie ill
mice, ullierwlse the.v will h;netui;iy
custn. Mi:h. I.i.mhia I'll I ius.
!Mni Adliilnlsl nil t lx nf suid estnte
April Reduction Sale of I
Ranges, Stoves and Heaters a
Furniture, too, Must Go
Room we must have in order to net
up my wood working machinery.
Therefore my stock of Ranges,
Stoves iirnl Heaters, besides all fur
niture made on the Pacific coast
will be sold at greatly reduced rates.
Come in and see for yourself. If
you need anything in the stove line
between now and HXJ8 it will pay
you to get my prices.
I A. H. Lippman & Co
Office m-.
w. Booth, Prunlrrtt
O. F.8TfWHT, VlraPmlitrnt
O. M. Elkini, Caahler
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins,
D. f. 8rt wamt
Tiiub-siictH a (lent'ial
Mankind; lousiness
I'lxi! hail fro UoiiKht
and Soll
Collootions will re
oeivo prom it. attention
1 1
t3 sv
The Redmond Harness Shop
A Complete new line of ilarneti, Saddles
and other lines as usually kept in a first
class Harness Shop. There is also in con
nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop.
Country Orders 'Solicited
Wines and
Finest Cigars
In Stock
First Door South of the Poiiulexter Hotel
irr i .
I The Crook County Real Estate Co
Farms, Timber Lands and Town Property
brought and sold. Homesteads and Tim
ber Claims Located, surveyed and estimated
Abstracting. Call on or address
Prineville, Oregon.
I. MICHEL, Proprietor
Popular Trading Headquarters
For Thrifty Wide Awake Shoppers
It is the model daylight store in the city and our methods and policy shall
be as bright, clean and honest as the sun which nhines on every purchase
you make here. It is our intention to make this store an educator on
qualities and values, and no matter if you know much or littlo about mer
chandise, you will always receive fair and honest treatment. Do not for
get that this is n home place managed and controlled by home people, it is
the stove that you will be proud of, - While no man can command success,
we can do more, we can deserve it. '
TALKING MACHINE FREE With every $50 cash purchase-, we- will give you-free-oneStandard
Talking Machine. Wo furnish the machine, you buy the records.
Save your tickets.
Nw Prineville
Hotel Building