Local Mention Minim IlihxMii In tliiltiif Jur.v duly this vivk, lti'n' K link l In (mm liU much nt I'owl I hi ttii'k. HaiHN in Tuesday, May 7. Ik the M If.' Ill II l U'. llll, II MOM. JuliM It. Ilotvfird In In from hi ranch in Lower Hrl'lm- attending court tlil week. Jim itm Turner was In from hi ranch lu the Dim MoiintnltiM Tui'M ilu.v. lie Is getting ready for tin SpHllg llulHe i-1 1 Vim Morm returned Saturday from lln Hoinicy view stock fiirm when he pun-liitvcd it young team of driving tiorm-M. Tin' price paid was f.UHl. W. Friiuk I'ctett Him a passenger on KiiihIu.V'h staue for Albany. I If will slop n few days nt Portland ninl II. mm! lilvi-r on hi return trip, tlii Ilrt of t lit week. Pr. Hyde l feeling pwlty gay these day. He moved out In the country lult it short time hko iiml now n--ports n pair 'of twins at lil plm-e. The iliN'lor will t xi'luln, State I'.imliierr lcwl iiml A. I Ktover, of the C M. Itcpnrtiiient of Amliiilture, ixot lini'k from their trip to tin- wmt side Saturday. They took tin1 stiie Sunday tor Mhitulko. After tin' debate go to till' pnrlor of the old l'rlnevllle Hotel building f,r n-freshincnt. T!m htillf of tin Pnptlst I'lnirvli have arranged to serve oil Ire cream, coffee, etc, J. II. I la klu. of tlu Drill of Haw. ktiiH Hro,, ii w mtil ini'ii, returned n short t!m' g" from Itnkcr Couut.v, when In- Iiiim Httirli-il H sawmill, lie will move lit family vr lln-rtmnn-timi' tlil inoiitli. Iti'v. J. "I". Moore will poach nt the I'lilon I'titirt'li next Sunday nt 11 n. in. iuhI H i). in. Thcchnndi will observe till' I.liril" SllH-r III till' I'llMM' of tlx' morning service. Subject of the eve ning sermon, "Tin1 State of I In lieitd Between !eiith niul tin' Itesurnv ll.m." It I gn-atly to ! n'cri't Utt tlmt Itrv. Father Hlckey ili- not seem to lie strongly niul steadily recovering from lil prulouui'il Illness. Hi Iui almost lost lil voice from won thront mill Id litnmUliot eve mut make his literary work painful In I In- ex tn'iiii'. II'" Iui tin warmest syinpti thy of I lu I'oiiimiiulty ami tin lft wishes of every lioily for liU speedy and periiuuieiit nvovery. Now Hull our elty council seems Imbued with the spirit of Improve in 'lit would It not Ih a K'io'1 time to ngltittc the question of planting shade tnrs on our stnl. We have elty wnter tlmt could be iiwkI for the piii'piiw niul It would not l' long ls fore l'rlnevllle would Is-come one of the prvttliwt tow iih In the country. We have every thing right nt limiil. .hint piirih the mutter along. Ralph I'orlllv, the nmn that lot I wenty-oue hi'iul of nliii'p, enlteil nt the Joiiriiul olllce Niitunlny. While Mr. I'orllly ftvl kivtily I ho Ion of hi hIhti he I Htlll unntile to necount tor II. It polHOII Wll IIM-ll It WIIMW't Ullt ii Iouk time iiko, Mr. I'orllly think. He mill hi nelKhlior-H nre In theitium IiiihIihh niul nn on the Ix-Ht of term. Hi'HlileM the twt'iity-om hcml of oh) heep lie 1ot eluhtis-n IiiiiiIim. What about that New Spring Suit? If you want tho very latest and lest go ami soo GORMLEY, The Tailor Asbestos Horse hide Gloves Best Made 95c pr Groceries Japan Tea, one pound package for 40c I'Vls Naptlm Soap, 10 bar box irH! Corn Meal, Kill) sack 45e Hominy, 101b sack.... 45c Orape Nuts, per pkg l.rc run Cam Sugar, sack $6.50 Star or Diamond 0 Soup, six bars for 25c Mascot and Lion Soap, seven bars for 25c Standard Corn, per down $1.25 Standard Fruits, per can 20c Uest Corn Starch, thi-ee, pack ages for...,. 25c Ohlriulelliis Cocoa, per can. ,25c One pound Chocolate 25 tli'orto' Ito.v, of l'ot, In ft county ent Vlllor till week. Mr. I 'inker, of th" II rm of WIkIi Sl I'nrker, wiim In from the l k riincli mi lleiir t'ro'k tlil Hi-k. A. II. 'irmit, poMtiiuiHter nt H'-inl, wim rKciiM'il from Jury duty Imi'iiiim of lit cinploymeiit with the Kovern melit. A iniirrliiir'' lleeiiw wn liwiiedTueii iln.v to Wither D. lliiulliiKlon. of Klmnii, WhmIi., mid Ml Adit A. llur rl, of Mnlrii. i (ieorucJ. l,nrou wn li from the loue I'lue Trie Vit.'n "tore nt O'.Ncll Tileduy. i l mi.vm tlmt everylmdy I Iiiim.v lu hi purl of the County. Mr. Tho. IIoiimIoii, who ihvoiii. pmileil Mr. Held to I'orthiud, Rol home the llrt of the week. Hlie u,v Hint Mr. Held In u.-t t Iiir n l n ulfly. Itev. Mr. Mliehell ciime over from Hi nd the llrt of the week. He n-IhIi-iI the IU v. Mr. Heorite lnt Hun dny In the iIimIIi nt loll of ii new l're liyterlmi clmnli nt Iwildluw. T liew clilirrh KtnrtM out frtv from delit liud with euoiiull CiimIi on hand to wilt the cdllU'c. Tlil H'iikM well for our wet lde nclKhlior. Two operator an now employed at the telephone cxi'limitfe lu I'rlui Vltli Ml I . dil and Mm. Italph Jordan. The olllee will I o'ii Irom U ii.iii. until 10 p in. Ml Moler, of Hhmiiko, I i h-( imI today ami will remain until niter the new yleui I liiHtiilled which will tukenliotit three wii-k. Nlie will then return to hlin ulko iik chief operator at that place. Hunlcy MoitIm wum nlven n ur- ii le on hi l.'ilh I'lrthdny liiMt wei'k. Hi ilehth Kni'le chool mateM mid other aemliled lit t lie llullle ol I'elT.V I'olndexter wlieiv the youii folk imtde merry In the lurp. neinlily hall of the I'lilndextiT home. There w n mi aliuudauce of ood HiIiik to eat mid tie yiniii mini will huiK n liuiiiUr the (M'ciikIoii of hi l.Mh lintnl dny. ii ... n ror evervlhmz in B Fishing Tackle CO TO tD.P.Adamson& Co l Jillilc Fuller and wife pnniicd tliruiiuli town TiK-duy from A. ThoiuHoir ranch In the Muter country. The table nt the Hotel l'rlnevllle I HUpplled with thi'ht'Ht of everything In the market. tf A. W. Morgan of Hotel Itedmond wii In the city on ImiIhiich Frhlny. Hediuoild I lively he Hiiy. Lot of new Mnple coming In looking for land. Jacob KnMcr, a Hhecpman from the Trout Creek country, I In town thl week. Mr. Kawr Iiiim 5(MN) head which he Ih running lu the tiorth eiwUTil part of the country aud I doing well. Word wiik received In l'rlnevllle a few day ago that Mr. Laura WIiih ler hud dleil nt Irfing Itrmich, Calif., April 2S, after ii lingering lllnen. Mr. nml Mr. Wlnnler lived In l'rlnevllle Home three year ngo. She wae re lated by miirrlngt' to Mil Slaytonautl tho Klkln family of thl city. She leave a hiiHhuud mid four children. Oeorgi' HavU, a new arrival from U-u IhIiiii, Idaho, got on a "Jtim boni'" Sfiturdny night mid pro- ceeiled to put a few Idaho louche to l'rlnevllle. lie tnggered Into the home of K. S. Dohb on the, north Hide m line time lu the night mid Klrnlghtwny got Into trouble. HI nrreHt followed and Monday he wn lined U5 nml given ten day' hard work on the Htreet. He paid hi line and at the flrnt favorable opportunity lilt tho hike for part unknown. CLOSING OUT SALE Groceries ShriH'ded Wheat Biscuit 15c Hex Lye, per can 10c Diamond V. and l'ref. stock fruits except large sine, cans Hcrrles 25c Standard Canned l'niits pe can 20c Kxtra Standard, per can 22 (laseue Soap, 10 bars 65c Foive, per package...,. 15c link Hcans, per pound 5e Home cuivd shoulder, per pound 12c Nails, per pound 5c Kxtra grade Carlcoht Coffee, pr pound 22c No. 1 Pheasant Oysters 10c Fancy Toilet Soap, per bar.. .5c llaisclwood Cheese, per pound for 20c i, I. (illiMon, of Itedmonil, wim In town till week. Will 1'erpy, the mcw-Iiik miiililue man, In In Mllver l.nke. Mr. nml Mm. J. II. 'nmfl from the MrKay wtre In town Tuewdny. Itru. Myern, of the Ijildiaw ( liroiil rle In atti'iiilliij t'lrcult (mrt thl wwk. II. 11. Ileed, of ( live Pall, In In at tendance at thin term of the circuit court. The pupil of the pulillo Mchool held their annua! picnic Friday. They 'iit the day at the Oliver Powell place and nil report a good time. WuriwelliT k Co. have Iiml no many Imiulrlin nliout their Horowl lun that they wlh to Inform their patron that their KomokIn uhlpiiieut left I.luu, Mu., April lfl, mid that It I due to arrive it 1 1 n out any time now. It will Ik the InriceNt Hltixle hlpmeut of laillew mIkh-m ever hroiiuht to thl country. The following iervliii are an-notiiiii-d at the Mothodlt church next Kiinday. The pator will prencli at 11 a.m. on the Hiihjecl: "I'eter'n IMectloti." In the evening a niNi'lal iiervlce will Ik held by the F.pwortli I'iikui In coinmeniorntlon of the ISth aniilvcmary of their or. Itanliutlou. The pantor will addre the younu; 'opl oil "The Choice of the HlKhet." KHcal iiiiinIc. THE BUT SHOE FOR TOUR MONET THE GOTZIAN Sold n Small ProiU anil a Lon CuarntM. Bt for young A At C W. ELKINS. J. II. tiray came down from Ilon nyvlcw farm Tnenday. M. A. I'hiiian I In the city from hi ranch at O'Ncll. He I attending court. 1. II. Dunk I In the city thl week from the H. U. L. Co.'h ranch near Lower Hrldge. Coffie and cake, Ice cream and nud wlchcn, lemoiiade, etc.. In the parlor of the old l'rlnevllle hotel building. Friday afternoon and even ing. Chnrlf llernuril piuined through l'rlnevllle Friday on hU way to The llalle with AH)0 head of nliecp from hi ranch at Itenvcr Cm-k. He will hear at Antelope. Hln nhti-p art In good condlt Ion. It will take about two week to make the Journey. Fat lemon Ac WIIon have rented the back part of the old pOMtoftlce building for a enrriage hop. Now you can get your Imgglcfl palnteil In the I ant of style aa they understand their biiHluewi and guarantee their work. W Kirk Whlted came over to Lnldlaw the flrxt of the wwk. He Kayi Uinta new wagon road ha Jut lecu open ed bet wwn Inldlaw and Ileud and that the distance to travel between tho two places ha U'en leenel about two miles. The new road Is lighter and smoother and has a much lietter grade. The old road was not a county highway ami the owners closed It. J. H. IVmarrls and I M. Ilrown killed a large brown liear near the lk'inarrl nawmlll lu the lilue Moun talus Sunday. They had noticed strong Indications of the presence of bruin mid Sunday morning started out to see what could Ih found. A trail wax soon picked up and a dog brought the game to hay. The benr was very fat and oue of the largest ever killed In that vicinity. Delicious Ice Cream AT RDAMSON I CO. D. P. Men's Shoes $3.50 values now $2.90 $3.00 values now 2.20 $4.00 values now 3.20 $4 50 values now 3.25 $5.00 values now 3.85 Ladies' Shoes $3.75 values now $2.90 $4 00 values now 3.10 $3.00 values now 2.30 $2.85 values now 2.15 $2.25 vnlues now 1.90 $1.50 values now 1.10 Pants $3.50 Corduroys at $2.5C $2.50 Corduroys at $1.60 $2.50 Medium wool at. .$1.85 $2 00 values at... $1.15 $1.50 values at 95c c i Did I J tewart William A, Ktewart, of Font filed a hoinewteiid Tlielliy. Ed Hyde returned Friday from a vh.lt to I'ortlind. For nil the comfort of home no to the Hotel l'rlnevllle. tf Ml Addle Vanderpool left yeter day for a vllt to I'ortlund. Col. llekher ami C. M. Itedfleld were over from lU-druond th flrnt of the week. The work of jcrndliiK Main mreet hiui Ixm'ii couipletisl aud the force hiut lwn trannferred ti Kecoud utreet. Harvey A. Wutkln mid Laura IfalKht were marrleil Wednenday, May 1, at The Dalle, Ore, The youujf couple will make their home at Trontdale, Ore., w here Mr. Wat- ktn In engaged lu lmlne. The Annex reception Friday even- ln wan well attended and Kreatly enjoyed. While tin iiiiimIchI program waa not very Ioiik It brevity wan more than offtw-t ty Ita quality. Ad encore for each numlier waa demand, ed. Danclnir, howllnjt. w-hUt and billiard offereil a great variety of entertainment for everyone preent. LADIES. Call and tee the elegant New EASTERN MILLINERY At C W. ELKINS. Hugh O'Kane wn In Monday from his ranch near Itend. F. C. Row lee, of Itedmond, Is at tending circuit court this week. ' Miss Inga Sat her, of iSend, ient Saturday and Sunday In our city. W. F. Foster returned Saturday from a brief visit to his former home at Paulina. Car'tcntem have Just finished put ting In a new floor In the Crook "ounty Hank building.. J. E. Stewart 4 Co., ""have a few Uuggtes aud Hacks tuft ou which they are making very low prices. ' J. E. Stewart & Co., are keeping their stock of groceries complete and can save you at least 20 er cent on your purchases. A. 8. Ireland returned Monday from a two weeks' trip lu the west end of the IJIuc Mountain reserve. Farmer bring your eggs and chickens to the Hotel l'rlnevllle for the highest cash price. 4-20 tf Those Outstanding Warrants. The Laldlaw Chronicle seems grently KrturlHHl over the fact that t'.Kll.W Is outstanding In county warrants. Ia a recent issue It aayt: The report of the County Clerk which appeared - in last week's Journal shows that that there are unpaid warrants, outstanding to the amount of $,M1.43 and that these warrants hare been outstanding since October 1st, 190(1. We do not know how much longer but we think for some time. (Query) How did the county court enter Into a contract for the new court house without violating the restraining order of Judge Brad- shaw? How did It hnppcn that they could Incur additional Indebtedness for tho new court house when the Indebtedness of the county was already over 4,000 lieyond the con stitutional limitations? ' For the Information of the Chron lele we will state that the outstand ing warrati t are for claims allowed but not called for. If people do not want their money the county court Is not to blame. It has much to answer for without lielng held re sponsible for something over which It has no control. Them warrants are held for seven years and If not called for within that time are can celled. The county will le a good many hundred dollars lietter off next OetoWr If some of thexe negligent claimants do not' bestir themselves. Mail Orders Solicited Any Goods Not Exactly as Represented May Be Re turned at Our Expense Superior Grain .,l. it . . """V ' Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand .Single Disks, with or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make the 8UPERI0R the best Seed Drill made. We Carry a Full Line of Repairs Catalogues Mailed on Request. Every article In the J. E. Stewart & Co stock has lieen cut In price you can save money by trading with them. - Spring Millinery ; JUST RECEIVED f Complete Line of the Very Latest Styles 4 IMRS. ESTES Leather Chairs, Rockers i 1 1 I KEz . . . . - a m k f . i i r- I - r4l jjL' For Salt by A. M. Llrf IVIhIi at kjkj. b. less xnan roruana rricoa rgj fFy .-.ii ht!J!'ii iin irtni ii ntifii iinjiruni n u ii..iiii ii.in?niA.nil-.ini7yi?3l Men's Gloves $1.25 Horsehide glove. 95c $1.50 Buckskin glove. $I.IO Men's Suits $10.00 values at... $5.85 $12.00 values at $7.25 $14 00 values at $8.50 $15.00 values at $9.00 $17.50 values at $10.50 $21.00 values at $14.00 Notions. Photo cards, each 5c Talcum Powder, can 10c Small Rice Buttons, per do..lc Curling Irons 5c Moth Balls, per pkg 5c Stocking Darner, each 5c School Crayons, per box 20c Handy school book carrier....5c Com j piacksmithing Ih The Kind Horseshoeing. Wagon and Made by Karpen Bro Chicago Hats $3.50 Lion Brand at. . . .$1.95 $3.00 Lion Brand at . . . .$1.60 $2.00 Lion Brand at. . . . .95c Underwear $1.50 Fleeced Underwear, per suit. 85c $2.50 All Wool Underwear, per suit .$1 60 $3.50 Wool Underwear, per suit .....$1.90 Corsets Values up to 75c 25c Values up to $1.00. .... .45c Values up to $1.75 75c paey Drills That Pleases I' You Get At J.H.WIGLFS First I'luce North of the Prlneville Hotel General Repair work done and Couches One Lamp Chimney 5c Hardware and Tin ware Specials No. 1 Adze Eye hammer, ,65c No. 1 Lamp chimneys. .. .5c Capwell Horse shoe nails, per pound 2')c 50 lb spring balance. . . . .25c Fancy carving set, $3.50 val ue for $2.25 Large bread toaster 15c Granite wash basin. . . . . .20c 3 doz U. S. clothes pins. .25c Heavy fire shovel 10c 22 Peters' shorta 15c