Crook County Journal THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1907. WATT FOR TROUT FLIES Subscription 1 1.50 yr. SEEKING AN OUTLET WITH THE C & L A Good Move if it Gb be Made a Go. A move is being made in the western part of Crook County to build a wagon road northwest from Sifter about thirty miles to the summit of the mountains if the Corvallie & Eastern railroad can be induced to extend their line and meet the proposed road. The rail road officials are considering the matter favorably and will meet a committee of the citizens and look over the ground as soon as the snow is sufficiently gone from the mountains. It is said that the C. & E. could extend to the summit without a very great expenditure of money. There is but twenty miles to cover from the present terminus of Idan ha and much of this baa been gra ded for fcome years. The Journal believe this a move in the right direction and should be encouraged. If the C. & E. will build as suggested it will bring that road as near to rrineviile as is Shaniko and the wagon road will have much easier grades and no mud. We hope the move will prove a success. We Should Advertise. The presence here of A. P. Sto ver, of the Agricultural Depart ment, ought to be sufficient evi dence that the resources of Crook county need advertising. So great has been the demand on the Agricultural Ddpartment for infor mation concerning Oregon that an expert has been sent here to per sonally examine the resources of the country. Mr. Stover is in quest of information that will en able the government to answer the questions propounded by peo ple who are in search of homes. hat he sees and what he can lesrn will be embodied in a bulle tin and this will be sent to those seeking knowledge of this country, The gentleman had just return ed from a trip to the west side and was most favorably impressed with what he saw over there. Its a great country, he thinks, and one that the railroads cannot afford to overlook much longer. Gvic Improvement Brigade. i. JkWjil. JL. JL. Ji. JLJL. JkJk jVt. Jl. JWJ'.' Jk-.JW.Jk. JI.JLJL J. J I. J meets and Angler on the Del egates River. The boys and girls of the Civic Improvement Brigade are vieing with each other for the prizes of fered by our business men for vege tables and flowers raised by mem bers of the brigade. So great is the eagerness displayed that par ents have had much difficulty in keeping tbe youngsters from plant ing their seeds too early. Now, however, all restraint is removed and the hoe and spade are kept busy. The following are some of the prizes offered: The Winnek Co. Nasturtiums First price $1.00, second 75 cents, third 50 cents, with a like amount to go to the Brigade. Adamson & Co. Sweet Peas Three prizes of choice vases. C. W. Elkins Pansies First prize (if girl) a parasol, (boy) pair tennis shoes, Second, box of fancy stationary. Lippman & Co. Geraniums (house plants) First prize (if girl) fine rocking chair, (if boy) a pearl handled pocket knife. Sec ond a picture. Templeton & Son Five dollars for the finest rose. Foster & Hyde Poppies First, second and third, fancy glaHS dibh!8. Barney Milliron Largest head early cabbage First and second prizes, boxes choice candies. W. F. King Best half dozen tomatoeB First (if girl) fancy jardinere, (if boy) pearl handled pocket knife. 'Pupils Wanted. ThoBe desiring to take music les sons should consult Warren (Jliize, who will lie at home six or seven mouths. He is prepared to take a limited number of pupils. 3 ESet&tE 3 . jr. S Royal Insurance Co. g 3 Not Welcher.. 1 Paid dollar for dollar in the f Frisco conflagration. $ J. E. STEWART, Agt f Oregenian : Someone reported ast week that the flies of which the trout of the Deechutee River are particularly fond during the early summer had hatched and several Portland nimroda visited that famous stream. Unfortunate ly the report was untrue and the fishermen were unsuccessful. Upon their return the an lers said that almost any day now the trout flies, as they are commonly known, may hatch along the Dee- chutes River following which for a few days there will be fishing un excelled in this or any other coun try. This particular period lasts not longer than a week and during that time it is no exaggeration to say that the fish can be caught as fast as a hook and line can be cast in the water. The trout fly is larger than the salmon ilv. In the Deschutes River there is a large caddis worm from which originates the troutfly. When the weather becomes warm enough the worms come to the sur face of the water and their thin lobster like shells split in the back and out crawls the troutflies. The insects are beautiful and have four long gauze wings. The insect just after they are hatched are very weak and when they attempt to fly often fall into the stream or fly near to the sur face which is just as fatal. For five or six days of each year the flies are numerous. It is a very easy matter to catch the flies, and when placed upon a hook they are certain death to a trout. When a cast is made the trout will often jump two or three feet in the air lor tbem. it is no rare occurrence to see several large trout jump for the same fly. During this short period thou sands of trout are caught in the Deschutes River. After the flies become less numerous the trout lie come more wary but can be caught with arti facial insects with good re suits, but nothing like the initial opening of the fly season. The Yellowstone River is known as one of the greatest fishing grounds in the country but those who have fished in the two streams declare that the fishing in the Des chutes River is the better. The trout in the Yellowstone River where it connects with the Yellow stone Lake bite with the rapidity of a swarm of sun-perch. How ever as they are so numerons and as the water is warm coming from the Yellowstone Lake, they are not so gamy as the trout of the Des chutes Kiver where the water is always cool.' Along the Deschutes River but few fish are lost when once hooked if tbe troutflies are about. The fish will swallow the hook often be fore the line becomes taunt, and while they put up a noble battle. they are easily landed. The only thing to guard again i is the line which may break if the fish are pulled in without being given time to exhaust themselves. Bicycle and Bicycle Sundries. Tour cholcce of three grades of Bicycles, with the celebrated Nation al at the head of tbe ltot. A com plete line of sundries always on hand. FRINEVH.I.K MACHINE SHOP, Stray Hone. There came to my place. May 7, a coal blacU horne, about years old. weighs about HOOlbs, branded blot ched cv or figure 2 lying dowD, on left shoulder. Owner can have same by paying for this notice. C. E. Wkioht, 5-9 Prinevllle, Ore, Where did you get that pretty Shirt Waist?" At CW. ELKINS of course 50 new Patterns 75c to $5. nFiwriniTQ i HOME-CURED MEATS at i r ctcu7Adt jp. rn Improving Sight Relieving Nerve Strain That's what our GLASSES art doing. If you have reaon to be lieve that there is anything wrong with your eyes at all, you should have them examined at once. No charge for tests. Small charge for proper Glasses. W. FRANK PETETT Graduate Optician. Adamton'a Drug Store, PRINEVILLE r5 m m a &a m m m m m m m m S For Irrigated Farms f and Fruit Lands i In the Deachutet Valley write m H. F, JONES, Jj Redmond, Oregon. ft s 3 m m m s ss m c& t&mm l Cheapest Place in Town For Millinery. A NEW LINE OF HATS JUST RECEIVED TODAX. r u r i ri T A nw ltn m I .ailire Dree anil Nh-t Hat Imm n .. . Children s everyday Hats $1.20 lo $6. 50c to $1.50 All the latest styles and shades in Ribbons al bedrock prices. Lawn and silk Baby Hoods from 50c lo $1.00 Old Hats made to look like new. Fresh Strawberries Just Received LJ r .i u n LJ K.J i j rt LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r i LJ r i LJ ri LJ ri LJ LJ r.i Water buckets Irom 5 lo 35c j All kinds of 25c goods going al 5 and 10c r.i LJ 25c Curry Combs lor 15c 2qt Granite sauce pans 10c Fancy Glassware Irom 5 lo 20c 2qt Granite Pans 10c 1 l-2qt granite sauce pans 10c Fancy dishes Irom 5 to 20c ri L J r-'' LJ r i L J r i L J r i w J r i LJ r i L J r.i L J ri L J ri L J r i L J r.i L J r i L J ri L J ri LJ ri L J r i L J r.i L J ri LU ri L J r.i L J r.i L J ri LJ r.i L J n L J r.i L J Ej T. -F. McCallister & Co. j LJ LJ ririririririririPirirrijfr.iririririririririririririri JLJ1L ljljljljljljljljljljl. .JLJLJLjLJLJL JLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ D a I (h AGENTS for HUTTliRICK PATTERNS and Till; lHil.lNKATOU m ry iaaaa XaJii'i " n1 nagaj. , gBPCTMBwgwagiWaaMMMBMMMSjMasj3SMWaMnhM ijpwati1 wy-'j&graircag-xa aVv 5-9 We want to see you before you kuyjj $J your Spring Clothing, Shoes and Supplies 0 fl 1 U1e aiIU iJUiuiuci ffi Shirt Waists ffil mi fflNew Silk Gloves KM H the Ittlett atvloft ami fnnliioim, with Uih mitt tlirw-inwirtpr length alwvi mutloof Krvnch ljtwn. Uutil in! WhkIi Nlka, NM tlii'tii early liiU the lim i compMu. In a lengths ami tH)lor lnajxH'tion Udiei New Tailored Suits and Skirts All the very 1attt fash ions and material in Kton,lVny Jackets ami tight fitting check, fancy MrijH, jlaiils ami" mixtures $15 to $25 rson ana , &Jii$on SPainters and Decorators Estimates Furnished on all kinds of work in our line. Sample of ii to date WALL PAPERS on hand. Drop us a card and we. will call with sample" and color plans. Carriage Painting a Specialty ik3. 'h 17' fif t'fllt 1jW FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham berlain's, Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C, had been troabled with a very bad cough for over a year. She says: " A friend bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rbmbdv, brought it to me and insisted that I should take it I did o ami to my surprise it helped me. Poor hatOm af it cared me of my cough." For sale by D. P. Adamson & Co I April Reduction' Sale off Ranges, Stoves and Heaters Furniture, too, Must Go Room we must have in. order to set up my wood working machinery. Therefore my stock of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters, besides all fur niture made on the Pacific coast will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Come in and see for yourself. If you need anything in the stove line between now and 1908 it will pay you to get my prices. f A. H. Lippman & Co PRINEVILLE, OR WURZWEILER & GO. l'ltlNKYILLi;, OREGON V HV to wit tli man l KlNl llilntfi n!lt. hfi our Nw Hi.iIhk l ino ryt of Sinc.rttr ClolhiBf for hUn Irom J 1 $12.50 to $25.00 m 'cr I 8 8) Keep Chicken ofl the Streeti. From tlilM tlinc forwnnl clilfkoim nuiHt not 1! iiIIowimI to tun tlio HtrtfiH. TIiIh iiu'iuih fvi'rylMiily. Tlii' llv onlliiiuut' rVKiinlliiK tlilx nulHitnc'e will lx rljjlill.v onlowil auahiMt nil vlnlatorH. J. II. ( kookm, (Ity MnrHlml. Leaaed the Dillon Feed Yard. Alex Unldwiii Iwih iMMiKtit I lir li-'iw on I lu Dillon I'VimI Yard mid Ih now In idiaruo nt I ho hhiiii'. 1 1 KUiinin tiin the trnvellnn iulilio I'lin-lul at ti'iitloii mid roniit wrvhf. A hiir of your jintronaKi' nolictti-d. 'IVaiun anil Haddli horwn to rent. Ilnren for Male, (ielieral team work done (iromptly. t'oiintry trlpM aHMrlnliy. Any one wIhIiIiij; to buy or rent home call and we me. CHGQE CQOSTT mi OFFICERS: W. A. BOOTH, President O. M. EuKiNt, Vice Pretldant Fato W. WitaoN, Oathlar 0IRE0T0R8: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkinb. O. F. Btkwart, Faro W. Wiliion. Transacts a (Jen oral liankintf liusineHH Exchange Uouht and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention f The Redmond Harness Shop J. H. EH RET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON A Complete new line of Harness, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL 3 K cy ! '( fit . ft ) ? r Jftenderson & ZPottard flar Country Orders Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of . the l'oindexter Hotel V&AAiJkAAA A AJVAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAJ The Crook County Real Estate Co ft E F Farms, Timber Lands and Town Property f brought and sold. Homesteads and Tim- ? it i . .i i i .. . I ; . . .. j i r Der Claims Locatea, eurveyini ami eniiiimini Abstracting. Call on or address THE CROOK COUNTY KFAL KSTATF CO 4 Prineville, Oregon. THE PLACE TO SAVE HONEY The Leader I. MICHEL, Proprietor THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY Our line of LADIES AND MISSES DRESS GOODS is comphtto. In fact we have everything for the wife mul diiuxlitur ami at priceH tlutt will BurpriHe you very greatly. See our Line and get our Price. SUMMER SUITS. Men and Hoys Bummer RuiU. Jnnt tlie thing to keep cool during the hot days of June, Julv and Anoint. We have them in the two piece, the Itiml the young, miifdle aged and old men want. They are in Flanels and fancy Worsted. Come and roe our line. Our boys lino of BUSTER BROWN SUITS are the finest ever shown in I'rineville. -Come and seo for yourself. Price very reasonalile. SHOES. THE PACKARD mid FUNTSTONE for men and boys and the JULIA MARLOWE for Ladies and Misses make up the most complete line of shoes ever put on the market in this section of the country. Once a customer always a customer in these lines. Give us a trial. A very fine line of Fishing Tackle and Ba nlwavs on hand. ise Ball Goods THE LEADER New Prineville Hotel Building PRINEVILLE, OREGON