Sunset Representative Here. Mis Kilah L. Milea, .eciil rep resentative of the Sunset Magazine, popularly Ftyled ."The Magmine of the Wide Awake West," called at the Journal office yesterday. The Pacific Coast has no more loy 1 or potent exponent than Sun net It is devoted exclusively to the interexts of the Coast. In recent months especially it has de voted many of its valuable pages to profusely illustrated article concerning Central Oregon. Read era of this paper have of late bee favored with extracts from r recent article which Sunset published in March.coucerning the great country known as '"Oregon's Inland Em pire." The article has been widely read and has done this country great deal of good in bringing our wonderful resources before the peo pie. n cunsei representative now here tells us the magazine has a large number of article already prepared concerning various lo calities of the state which will ap pear ai once, ana more in con lempiation. including an entire Oregon number. The magazine certainly deserves the support of every loyal Oregonian and the Journal hopes the people of thi 1 - . . v I ... locaiuy win snow tneir appreci anon 01 wnai it Has done tor us FOSTER &" HORIGSN 1 Information Concerning Eighth Grade Fi nal Ruminations. inree examinations, an nnally. In each county. County nuierlutendents to select months for their respective counties. (A.) January 24, 25, 11)07. (B.) May 16, 17, 1907. (C.) June 13, 14, 1907. (D.) September 19, 20, 1907. Program: (A.) Thursdays Arlth metic, writing. History, and Civil ' Government. (B.) Fridays Grammar, rhvsi- ology, Geography, and Spelling. bourees of Questions: Questions In the following subjects will le taken Irom the. following sources: Geography State Course of Study the coarse print In Frye's Elements of Geography; map questions In both coarse and fine print of Frve's Ele ment of Geography. t Spelling Eighty per cent from miscellaneous test words In Reed's Word Lessons, and twenty percent ; from iuaouscrpt. : Writing Specimens of penmanship a uiuicarea in copied matter and irom manuscript. , Language Reed's Graded Lessons m tnglish, no diagramming. Civil lioverumeut United States . uonstltution. . History List ol topics from His tory outline In State Course of Study and Current Events. Our regular examinations for thin county are January, May and Sep temlter. If necessary may give 'pwiai examination in June. C B. DlNWIDDIE, Supt. Bheu- A Woman Tells How to Believe malic Pains. I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease, rheu matism, for a number of years. 1 have tried many medicines but never got much relief from any of them until two years ago when I bought a Dome ol Llianiberlaln s i'ainBalm I found relief before I had used all of one Dottle, but kept on applying It mm noon ien ime a aillerent- woman mu 1- . i t luruugu my auvice many of mv mentis have tried It and can tell you : now wonderfully It has worked. Mrs. saraii A.Cole, 140 S. New St., Dover, Del. Chamberlain's Pain waim is a liniment. The relief from : pain which it affords Is alone worth many times it cost. It makes rest : and sleep possible. For sale by D. I. Adamson & Co. I DEALERS IN Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork. Fish, Game and Vegetables in season. After stock Home January sufficient" - Cured we 1st for all Bacon will have a needs of our and Hams. Bring Us Your Country Produce We can handle any amount of Country Esrs and liuttcr. The highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds. Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or shank. We will make the price right. J Summon. ' Ill III I irviitl ourt of the State of On- I eon, lor rook t omitv. Nlaiy I,. Cook, I'liitmill'. H P. Co.. "lVr.-n.lMnt. To It. K. o.k lln above named de fendant, in Ihr name ol the Slate of Ore gi: You are hereby rvuinsl to appear iul answer lli complaint Micd BfcMitist you in the alsv entilhst null in above named Court on or Istorr Ihc4ih day ol May A. t. HC, mi. I if vou tail lo o"ap i r and answer. I lie said I'laiiititt will a decree lor III relief demanded in her complaint herein, to-w it: Km-a di-so. I luiion of ih marriaue contract nowcit , lug Ji'lwwii tli llnn i If ii,t defendant sini for her cost mi. I disbursements ol tin. ! suit and for such other Mil. I further r..h..l a lo Ih Court an. I rspiity may wm just i. mi me premises. This summons is served iioii yotl hy publication therwl in in Crook l oiuu'v journal mini tlie ."sin ,av of rVhruar lis', tor alt tultaitil niiM'iitivt. w.-..k by ordered Hon. W. A. lu ll. County Judge of 1 rook. County, Oregon, made and en tered at rniu-vill Uhyuii. on the ifKrtl day of February A. 1. ;m7. M. . Union. f12' Attorney for riaintitT. ll.'.l.iirur at llauillion Uitfi) Stalilw I'KHKV I.OM1 WAl.T SNOplCkl.Y Ottle with Uwi, W. Ham Crfm CltioH, FOSTER & H0RIGAN Hats, Shoes and Clothing i 1 1 1 1 1 SJ A complete line of Gent's Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote'you our prices. A Choice Line of N Cigars & Tobaccos THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor m jeMiiiiiisj eigeggBSDsignaBgeigflia ' vs ILL IT WILL COST YOU wme lor oar big FKIck UICVCI.K ratakarue let line of hihtraae BELOW mn, MW m..?".;."," " " VHIVEH ' ui ucaicr in me wor kL DO HOT BUY A HsOrnir or en any kind of terms nntil too have rc,vi our romolele fiZ lnus Ulustnitinir and dcscritnnv everr kiud of hirh, 7r?M . i ' L Y Citation. . In the County Court of tlu Stutu ol Oro n, for th County ot Crook-In Hi liistUr of th Ke'lMl of Kliialiftli l'rin, ilivt'iiix it. Citation. To Williiim 1'riin', John I'rino, Frank H. I'rino, inrali I'owom, I'. ,S l'riny, I'hiiI Khoil, Nora UI10.I0, Annotia Kliolt, l!cr:li KIi.hIh. Hint Wnllm- KliiKlea an. I to all otliora intori'tto.l, (trttinjj : In the nam of tho Stat of Oregon, you ar. lu-rvhy ciUnl aiul rsuiroil to ai'twar in th County Court of tho tMt ofOrt-itun, for th County of Cnnk, ut th Ciurt nmni tlirof, t rrinovillo. in th Countv of Crook, on Momluv, th ,ii. .1 t xi.... I.... .. ... . I'm ""I 11 .'lay, I!', Ml III O CllK'K, in th forvuoon ui that day, thn Hti.i thuio to f how c:iii!i il'anv rxcut. why an or dor alioulil not 1k ina.l hy tli !laiv otititUvl court in Ih huuv ntiill unit tor, autlioriini:, ilirivtuiu and uiHir itijtli adiiiiniHliator of tli tnt of KIUttUt!t rrino, ilwiii, to m lota 1 and 2 and an o,uity in th a-t lot t of lot 3 of liUvk U of th town of I'rin villo, Crouk Count v, Stat .if Oropui. cording toM.lloK'!' 1'lat themif now on til and of record in th ollic of th County Clik of Crook Count v. Stat of Oregon, aviling to - at (mhli uctiun to th hight hiddt'r for mail and apply th pro,! of aiuh vale to th payment of churge and I'lnim agaiiiHt Haiti tato and exiiei! of .! miuiatratioii and for ciu-h further order a may be proper in th piiuiei. WitiiefD, th Hon. V. A. IWI, iudg of the rounty court of th Stat of Uro- gon, lor the louuty of t'raik. with the seal of wiid uiurt ailiil, this "Hh day ol March, A. I'., l!W. .HKAI. Attt: Wards HhoWX, Clerk. Timber Land, Act of June 3, lsrx, Notkt for PablicatMa. 1'niteii States Ltitul OttW. The Duilci, Orrgon, Kelirtinry ti, :m;. Notice is loreliy given that iiuompli. ance with the provision of th act of Con gress of J un 3, 17n. enlilied "An act lor the sale of timber Ihii.ii.ui the stucn of t'aiiiornia, Oregon, Nada. and Washing, ton Territory, ' an extended to all the Pol), lie IjiiiU State bv act of Aniru,t 4 ivk I th lullowiug-named penwtna have died in j tins ollic their sworn yuiriiients, to wif I Kl liter E. .pauliling, Trim-viHe, county i of CrtKk, state ol Oregon, nwoni Matetm nt .o. josis, met. uivriiiher IX !'.(. for the ot th r. . h'i and SWij N . ol Section 34, Tp. 14 Soiilh. itangti m W. M. Ad.lie VanderpiHil, of I'riuevill, countv of Crook, statu of Oregon, sworn s!atenieu"i .o. uiiii j)ts-eiiili-r li for H... fnm,,. Off. Belknap cf a 'wards CMm J-- fW X Httmm,-, Long & Snoderly Dcnlcrs in Fine Wincn, l.ii)itora ami Cigars. Wo IihiuIIc the cclchrateil JSttljjfWH'k W hisky, notcil for itn rich, mellow flavor. Solo agontB for Hop (JoM IWr and tho famous Napa Sotla. 2ro.rn.Il3r Tiado Sollcltod. 0. Jfys Pa, iAi.u Aj.vohi, PkoMrrtv UT oa Niuat Orrica .)s Is... NoatM Ai.oook'i liaim .xio m oriswna MailuiM.i (main ?. w PURE BRED Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs $1.50 a Setting C M. Elkins, Prineville, Oregon Hi 'fi. n :K.n.v;tM r t 'Vf 'v 'st 'VJ TJho deception SMITH A CLKKK, I'Moi mr-MitH Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY OUDl-KS SOLICITI-I) 1'oi.t Oll'uii IUx 5IJ MAIN STHKKT I'HINKVILI.K, OKKCON J Kand-Painted China jl Finest in the City. jj S3.50 FUfJCTUMZ-FRGOF TISHS ?" Hack for Sale Cheap. Two-ueated covered Ilatk, In good repair; for Bale at a bargain. Ad dress Box 341, prineville. Or. Summons. In the Justice's Court for District No. 1 Crook County, Oregon. W. E. Cook, Plaintiff, vs. C. N. Banta, Defendant. To C. N. Banta, the ahove named de fendant, in the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to annear answer the complaint tiled auainst NAILS. TACKS ..a UK GLASS US 8 ' the tlclr rnthr trml ' and DUnrtare itlrln and -it," also rim atrip n" to iircvent rim ratting. This tire wilt o-!:L-!t hoj- other iiir.kv-.rr. r.l-AsXXO and and you in the above entitled action on or bo fore Saturday, the latdav nf In... tmi? aaid date beinK six wei-ks from the date of .tie nr.! puuucauon 01 tins suinnions, and ,y""lg? to apntpr and answer, the oooiiuu win laKe juii)nient atfain.-t vou for the sum specified therein, to-wit: For the gum of.ri0 and for the costs and dis- uurxenienis ot tlie action. inis suiiiiiioiis is served upon you bv publication thereof bv order of il, ,,i; signed, a Justice of the Peace, in and for . 7 ; : ii,uj ouii, oaiu onier neme uvu uiiv 01 aprii iuij, anil hy said order it was further directed that this summons be published in the Crook County Journal, once a week for sir suc cessive weeks. The date of the first publi cation of this summon was April IX, 1:)7. Given under my hand this 17th day of J. Lt. IjUCKEV, Justice of the Peace. W. A. Bell, Attorney for Plaintiff. Regular Prioo t To Intpoduco Wo Will Soft Ynri it .CamnfA Pain fon OltlY U oTii.e La?ar (CASH WITH ORDER 4.S6) HO MORE TROUBLE FRC5J PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC- J r'"' "Aiw. or ULASS. Senons punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. VtSuetlfTIOat Made in all sires. It is Hvelvand un ridimr mAn i --.i , ,j wu, a social qua!y of rubber, whic without ailowinK the air to escape. We have lmmireiis of l. 'i?ri T ,' 1 p , Punt ,"r,:' that.heirtires havcorly been Pu upou orrwSefnli an ordinary tire, the puncture res stitnr niiatiti-s beinir iven bvii.i w h ' hSn or soft roads is overcome by the patent '-isn':..! Weave" trend wh:Ui ciivc-; ?l a r fmm i-iii M.ieezed out betweea the tire and the road thiisovercominff all "t on .PTh-f' 't or iS f th, J ST? W bu,for ffei"? l-urposes weare mttmKB .pecinl K-fofv priceJo t S at OIK expense 11 fV.r any reason they are nU satisfactory oa examination returned BZU?t2i.a?WttM f?,e' '-". A y0r Postmaer, these tires, you will find'thit ih . ; C : .7'r IZl ? or,lcr r of finer than any tire y have ever used or seeSat r.ny price. viiUtZtUSi that when you want a bicyrle vou will Bive us your order. We tar. v,, T .,A.?l 1 Pw-l punlwise of the SWi; of S,-, tion a,, i. t couui, tvane r.i r..( v. Al. James Dyer, ol i'rineville county ol trook,. tare ofOrejioii, sworn Miitem.iit No. ifcSM, tiie.l IH-crmber 13, 1'lilti, lor tin purchneot the fiVVijof Ki tion 4 NK'? .WH,.'an. NW, N K 1 , of.seetion 9, And will offer proofs to fhow that the lands sought are more valuable for the timlier or stone thereon than fi ir fiirriiMi 1. Uurul iuriKi!i, .and to establish their claima to said lands liefore the County t'lerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on April Uith They nuiiie as witnesses; Byron Cdv James . Klliott, Clyde C. lion. A. fj! Kniphten, 1. CStiinsoii, rUv V. ('oiistiii)li- aiu u. A. roster, ol rrmeville, Hn (ron; J. W. 1'arrish, of JetTerxni, UreKli. Any and all persons flaiuiiiiK adversely any of the above-described lands are rtv luested to iile their claims in this ollice on or before the said atth day of Anl. )7. Michakl 'f. NoiiAN, Uexisler. flolken, James Mullarky, Wnlti- I'ctitioij for Liquor Liccuhc. To the Ifoiioralile County Court for the County of Crook, htute ol'dreifon. The undirsicned re.siiJiTits and li-cal votera of lilack iiutte i'rreini't, Crook County, Onron, respectfully petition your ..uncial.,: trty to Kniiii a license to v M Zumwalt dt JJ C Miller, Jiartnership. to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors and fermented cider in quantities less than one frallon in iilack Iiutte Precinct. Crook County, Onifon, for a period of sir months from and alter the 1st duy of May P107 J H Taylor K M iiootfi, 8 Dickson, O l AlliriKham, li C Foster. James 15 Fuller h'-',''wTer-, VV K Arnohl, A ( AlliiiKham, H J VS ol, L Uist, It M Wood, C K (ist, f-arn Milwell. T J Frvrear. J It V'r. r. Douthit New, WK Uraham, W A ley, J U Wilson, C K Person, W K Clay- petils, parts and repairs, and For a Weak Digestion. o Medicine cttti replace food but Chtiuiberlaln'u Btoniach and Liver Tablet will help you to fluent vour it i uoi ine (luantltv of food taken that gives Btrenjrth and vliror 4-n .1... ...... ...... 1 0 . 1-11cr.veu.-111. nuiiiie amount di gested and anHliuiltited. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial. Thou sands have been benefited by their use. They only cost a quarter. For sale by D. P. Adamson & Co. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all persons in terested in the estate ofC. O. Ambs, de ceased that the undersigned, the adminis trator of the estate of the said C. O. Ambs, that he has tiled his final accounting oi' his administration of said estate and the Court has set the tith day of May, 1J07, at the County Court rooms in Prineville, Oregon as the time ami nlace for h..,.ri,. said final accounting. W. A. Uooth Administrator of the Kstate ofC. O. Amos, deceased, 4.4 order at once, hence this remarkable tire ofler. CQRSTEE-r'iB-'i '.r"C t"it-np-wheels, saddler. Prices chanred by 6 rvl?- " " Trondeatu offers we are making. It oniy cosu a postal to leara everytr LiT Wrih sow" ad COMY, Ocpt. "J I" CIUOaSQ, ILL. Sham'co Warehouse Co. Shant'Ao, Oregon ? ? General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Hacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Go's. "White Kiver" and "Dalles Patent" Flour, paid for Hides and Pelts. Highest price Special Attention is paid to Baling for Eastern Shipments. Wool Grading and Stock Yards with all the latest for Handling Stock. and best facilities Tffark 2our Soods in Care of "S. TO. d o. 1 9 John H Frvrear H K Alien. iAUtr llrvnn rear, Foley pool, W K ( antrell James D Taylor i 1J Kut. ham Alexander. K W P..i.;... C L Denuison, A (i Truhan, ,i J, (Jliver' Y?, Y, Arno1,1- Jasper Johnson, AI Kllisoii! J H Palmer, Cha- Ifindinau, Fred Wiese John V Todd, WN Cobb. Ji K filazier, j ) Winter, W T E Wilson, Walter J Jfinnchs, W K Uooth, U 11 Fry rear, Ola Larson, C L Johnson, J li Hojsoii, H Ji Davis. Notice is hereby given that the foregoing petition will be presented to the County t o irt on W ednesday, tlie 1st day of May 1117. At which time ll.a,.:.l i;,rt ...r. 1 i be asked to grant a license as prayed for in .! b.jovc Jicuuoil. wateii tins Ist day ol March 1!KI7. r , . Zl'MWALT & .MlLtKK. F M Zumwalt, D h .Miller. Notice of rinai Settieinent. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the administrator oi the estate ol Minion 11. Kmead, deceased, to all persons interested in said estate that said adminis trator has made and tiled in tin; County Court for Crook County, Oregon, his Him! accounting of his administration of said estate and that the Court has set Monday the 6th day of May, 1IJ07, at the hour of lii o clock, a.m. at the Countv Court num.. rriiieviue, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said final accounting. At winch said time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said accounting. Dated this 21st day of March, 11)07. I II k',,. Administrator of the Estate ol bimon if. uitiuitu, ivcceaseu. D. P. Adamson & Co I'etitl tin for l iquor Licence To The Honorable County Court for Crook 1 euniy, Mill" in ireg..ii: We, the undersigned legal voters of Ash '" io, i iuciK t oiinty, uregioi, n spertiuuy iM tttton your lloiiorat.te (tody to grant a lieenso to the linn of 11,-uton X Ursti-r to sell spirituous, malt and vinous li.iiors and hard cider tu tiaiititu le nan one gallon in Asltwood J'reeliict l-rook County. Htate of ( t, periml of si, month- beginning on the loth oiiy 01 .nay. iyuj Henry .Miti liell, ins. t'riH'kett. Wood, John ,an r, j t; urogiin, J W Klklns, John Mr lieniniu, Allan Ma U'liiian. 1 bos Wyman Frank Whitney, Uy JJ Taylor, C V. S tudy, Ceo 1) I'ardi w, C P Miiiipin, C s iei oraie, pun ( rooly, .las A llrown. W It Walker, W I Shaw, J li I lurk. Thorn Lewis, J It r.apbist, AC lieiiton, 11 C uraier, tv Dean Huston (' o llarls-r, James Jamison, Frank itoak, tiranl liraskett, UolH-rt Hamilton. Alex Mator- ov. . is. iirown, Aslier Md'ollum, Fred .'ici oiiuiu, liert Janu s, Jliio WimkI, Frank r iiiS', uiHirgi. it rmiiilciter, L W Tom. itiisuii, M 11 Doak, Peter l.aron. John (.regun, J (i Poiii.lextcr, U-e Kiilgewav. Notice is hereby given that the foregoing r1"1"" win oe pre-emed to tlie I oiintv t..ourt on W ednesday the 1st day of M ay, wii, vnii'ii lime tlie salil Oourt will hp aked ti grunt a license as prayed for In the Dated this :Wth day of March, Ifd)7. . , , IISMTON A (iKATXH. A. C. Kenton, II. C. tirater. Petition for l.iijiior I.Iceiisc. lo the Honorable County Court for Crook 1 oiinty, Mate of Oregon: W e, the undersigned, resident and legal Voters of it lack Iiutte Precinct, Crook County, Oregon, respectfully petition your Honorable iiody to grant a license to George A. rUcyeiis to sell spirituous, malt aim vinous inpiors and hard cider In minnutios less than one irullon m 111.,..!, iiutte Precinct, said County and Htute for a period of six mouths from the 1st day of 11. 0. has ilitidman. 0 K Person. Kam Alex- aimer, m tlllver, HolsTt .Ionian. J Y VVinter, W T K Wilson, A O Truhan, J 0 it mv muster, Ji K i a er Oeorge McCallister, C I, (list, J H Hoberts, CI, Johnson. WK Ihsith, Robert Krug K M llooth, J K Fuller, W K Cantrell, O 1) ..ooiiiiHiii, ji i) ueeii, r van 1 assel, It U surgeon, Alford Mclteviiolds, H Allen, C iw.v, r .,i .iiniaii, j 11 iiiMlson, Aiar- iin voou, iuy a tJlaytxiol, W J Wood. If 1 V nice nt, J V Todd, ii C Johnson, Fred 1 -c, u 1, rryrear, i ai 1 nomas, .IN Ouilierg. WN Cobb. V. I, lol.m...,. !.,, K Fryr. ar, K If Davis, W F Fryrear. Jap Johnson, Italph Johnson, Chns Carson, H iien'on, w iv i iaypool, M M w Hiudmaii. ibiik oooyieii, a o Aliingliam, Walter.1 iiinii. os, ,r a. niniiusKirK, iiurton Oncy, FSeitman, J W New, Itouthit New, W !''Xr'1B' Ll-;t'.'r ,'Jryii, IIW Farthing, J .. .JU..HUIU, j i, rryrear, t j rryrear. notice is hereby given that tlie foreuo- lug petition will be prnsoiited to the Coun ty Court on Wednesday the 1st day of ""ji n wineii nme tne xuiii court will be aked to grant a license as prayed "! in 1.1c f'i'iltioil. Dated this ilst day of March, IK)7. (jeoriie A. Htkvkns. 5j,nnrtriiiririrtrvii IJ r t L J r.i L i r.i L J r i L J r 1 u 1 1 u r 1 LJ r 1 ii r 1 L. J r 1 k. J r 1 L J r 1 LJ ri L J r 1 n t j r : The 0'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIIbUE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oysters and Fish in Season SMELZER & ELLEFS0N, Props. r.i k j r i k j r i L J f 1 L J r i L J r i lu j r.i kj r.i k j r i LJ r i u r,.i kj r i k j r.i u r..i LJ r.i k j iri f. r,i L J r i L J r i LJ r i L J r.i L J r i l J r i ti r i L J r i k'J s r i L J r i tij r i LJ r i Li r i n n L'J r : Seneral ffilacksmithing HoufKsiioKi.No, WtMii) Work, en., NKATt. V ANU I'ltoMITf.V DtNK Whkn it ih Dunk By : . ftobcrt 7oorc Satisfaction Will 11c Guaranteed Pkinkvii.i.k, OltKtKtS. r.i Li r.i L J r i L J r.i LJ r.i L'J r.i LJ r 1 L J n LJ r.i LJ r i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ Cj r.i L'J n L'J lr..l Shinglett, MouldiuK, Windows, Doorn, (J lasses, Klc, Ktc, Etc. tu SHIPP & PERRY PIUNKVILLK. OIlKfirtV Prineville-Shaniho Stage Line Dally Between Prlnevlll e and ShnnlUn HCHEDULK Ieavoa Shuniko, C i. m. Lcavi s rrinnvillo 1 ji. m Arrivoa at Prineville 8 m. Arrive at Hlianiko 1 a, m. First Class Accommodations Tlmlx-r Land, Act ot June 3, IN7H, Notice for Pibltratioa. Unltid btates Land Olllce, The Dulles, Oregon, February (I, 11107. Notice is hereby irlven that III (fltllllll, fttire with tho DrovfHicmH of tin. lift llf I 'nil. greas ot June 3, 1H78, entlllcd "An act for me suit; ot umber lauds In the Ki.ii,. .f .uiiiornia, iregon, pi eviulii. ani W i min ton Territory." as extenderl to all the I'ule nc ijiiim niuies iv net. ..f t.......! i iuo. the following-uained nersons Iimvh l 1 ... I i' this olllce their sworn stiitemeiiis Mary I,. Hinilh.of FnnevillH, countv of Crook, stnto of Oreeon suorn i..i...,.....i No. WIWI, tiled November !i7, l!Kl, for Hie v ir i y 4 ' Y 30, Tp It MUlltll, To Teachew and School Board. No IcftiHlatlve enttctiiicnt of the recent letrlttlHtlve aHHcmlily affcc.litiL' theHi hool Iiiwh of Orcfron will lie In force until May 25, VM)7, at which time we hope to have a copy of the revlHod Hchool laws in the hands of all Hchool dlntrlct boardw. 0. ii. UiNwiitDiB, Co. Hchool Sup't. Water Closet Cleaning. Now Ih the time to have your out hotiHCH cleaned for the Hummer. If my work Ih not HatlHfactory It will not cost a cent. All klmlH of odd jolm taken care of. Addrenw V. h. V Makkkk, I'rineville, Or. - into Timber 1 and, Act June 3, 1K78. Notice for Publicdlioa. United Stiiles I.un.l (nil. .. The Dalles, Oregon, December 2, VM. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 8 1m78, entitled "An uct for the sale ol timlier hinds in tlie Htales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended lo all the I'lit lic Land Ktutes by net of August 4, IHirj, Louis M, Hodges, of I'rineville, county of Crook, Htate of Oregon, lias this day tiled in this olliee I.I. sworn statement No. 3737, for the purchase ...... ,. 74 i, y4 oi nuciion no. V, In l ownship No. 13 H llange No. 15 K., W. ai., una will oiler proof to show that the lioiu nuuein in ntore v;i nul, i r.,i ou i... her or stone than for aerieu It.n r I iiiiti...ui.. and to establish his claim to said land Ik lore the County Clerk at 1'iliievllle. Or. gon, on Qie lllthday of April, 1!X7. lie narni'S as wii ikimulh. w it tr..uo.t. John W. Collins, h. II. Lafollette, Walter O'Neil, of I'rineville, Oregon. ' Anv and all persons claiming adversely the iibove-de-icnbed lands are requested to nie iiieir claims in this olllce on or before said lth day of April. KKI7. 3-7 Michael T. Nolan, Itcgiater purchase of the K aim iaii i or HeclU Itange II) K W. M, Klijllll JI. Hmltll. ol' I'rl'iu.vlll,. i... Crook, state of Oregon, sworn stiii.enint No, 3t)l. Illeil November m Mil c.rtl,,. piiruliase of the NK'i HWW. NWl? Kl.:i and Lota t and 3 of Hcction 3d, Tn. ii Houth, Range 111 K., W. M. Joseph Murrell. of I'rliiovilln eoii,n ,.r Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. H714, hied December 'HI. llinu forth,. I onri niise oi me mwk k. nwvk ii and H HVi'A of Hection Irt, Tp. 14 Houth. Kange J. N., W. M. Arthur llodires. of 1'rlnevilln Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement by aet Timber Land, Aet Juno S, M78. Notice for Publkilioa. tlnltod Htatei Land Offlee, The lialli.s, Oregon, June m, iwt. Nntleeli hereby given that III 'oindlHiiefl Willi the provision nl the aet of coniiress of .nines, l7s, entitled "An set Mr the saleol tliiila-r lauds In tin. Hlates of cslllornla, Ore- Htm, "..inn., nun viAHiiiiiuKiii 'lurrltory," aa oi AllgllKt isi, AN NIK L. WRK1IIT, ol Howard, county of crunk, Xtiiui of Oregon, has this day filed in tills offlna he, nwiirn H'Htel '.II, 1.11. M1. 1 HW'J of Modioli N Kl! N K'i nf Hiv i.iiku iv r.tiH,. v. m. ami . ..rr... .......f ... show tlint I hi. lull. I soilulit Is llliirn viilimlili. lor IU tluilsT or stoiifl than for uriiiii i lurinisea, and to establish her elalin to ssld and l.i' tliecomiiv elurb .. i Pro.i.uin.. gon, on the Mill day of May, lifl. mm iiaiiies as wini. hs,.: w. j. Hawkins James 11. Hawkins, 1. M. Itlnil... .,t Z,, .A Miller, all of Howard, Oregon. leu in tins ortina li..r sworn slsCe. for Ilia purchase nf tin) HWW II , H'i HKU of Heetlon It mT w u'n ' '""w"ll,l' M Houth, No. 3721, Ii led December Zl, 11(00. for the tiiirchasc or the Lot 4 of (section 31, Tp. 12 Houth, i'.ange 111 Kast, Lots 4 and ft of Hec tion 0, Tp. 13 Houth, Kunge Id East and ..ui.u itr j'ltinu, vv m , And will oiler proofs to show that the lands sought arc morn valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish tliclroliiiins 10 sum muds netoretlie County Clerk at i'rineville, Oregon, on April 30th, 1117. rheyTISmc as witnesses: I, H. Illevins w"".ry.?,;,"Mly' Wi-Wit. W.J. Wright Wade II. Huston, John W. Collins, Led u I'u,i,llL'tt'' ,,i,'!,n '''"'y, "ale Jones and K. K. Biinpson, ot I'rineville, Oregon; Uri ti Mmkler of Luke, Oregon ; C. A. Cline, of Lower llndgn, Oregon. . Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the aliove-dnseribed r,. 'inested to file their claims in this olliee on or before the said with duv ofAorii oi, 'j lleglster. I Ally sil'I a I nerHmiH hi,., i... ..i n. ahovu-dnserl bed lands are rcuuestvit to tile i .", f M" "n r before said l U ...... ,11 U1WJ, 2-2H-pd Michakl T. Nolan, Keglstor. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. Notice for Publication. . m. ,, United Htntei Uml Olllce, v ,n i ,)1"I,H,' Ofegmi, Diieunibur la, ltKSI. N ot ee fa hereby given that 111 eoiiipllnnce Willi the provisions uf tho act of congress of llm her lands In the states of California, Oregon. Die iiiihUelan,r status by act oi August 4, Kllen J, Ilodites. b'.J'f j"vll'o, ciiiiity of ;iok, Mtat of Oregon, , Vv" ,lKy iH1,L"' 1,1 0,,,(U ber sworn slat: ' llient No. Hti'.l4. for tin, ,.nr..h.u v ui . ,i.. 0 T,"rn,'!"J "o. 14 K.,' Range No IH. W. M., ana WiUo fcr proof to show that the land sought in mi)ru valuable for Its ' She names as witnesses: III A Fostnr Km Hl,l'i!f,b'.'J,1H ' l,i;rH"!'" "'aiming adversely the a vu described landsaru reiiiiestisl tottlufhelr '" oMpri "iiot1." ' u "u "r bu'"ru "Ml" !y M Ichaol T. Nolan, Register. ' rr