Crook County Journal THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1 907. Subscription fl.SO J it. OFFICIALS APPOINTED. The irerident has appointed the new officials for The Dalles Land Office. On " recommendation of Senator liourne, concurred in by benator fulton, the president ap pointed Charles V. Moore, of Grass Valley, as Register of The Dalies Land Office to succeed M T. Nolan, removed, and named Louis II. Arneson, of Hood River, as Receiver of that office to succeed Miss Anne M. Lane, whose term laired March S. Both Senators nave given con siderable time to the selection of new officer for The Dalles Land Office, it being their desire not only to obtain men thoroughly qualified, but men against whom no charges can properly be made. Many candidates appeared in the field, some of them strongly in doreed politically. As each name was suggested Mr. Bourne requested Land Commis sioner Hallinger to have the rec ord of the individual carefully ex amined by his special agents, for he was unwilling to support any man unless he was satisfied in ad vance that the administration was convinced both as to his compe tency and his integrity. Mr. Ballinger willingly made these numerous investigations, but with the distinct understanding that he had done so at the request of Mr. Bourne. lie did not want the impression to go forth that he was running a private detective bureau. fenced if it wants it to be protected from stock. Coming as it does close upon the heels of the decision of Jud(ie Beatty in Idaho and Judge IV Uaven in California, which deelar ed that to grate cattle without a permit in the national forests is a criminal offense. Judge Hunt's de cision will probably upset the plans of those cattlemen who were expecting to use the national for ests for free craiing during the summer. To let cattle drift with out a permit on the national forests is now likely to subject a man to fine and imprisonment Additional Local. Get Your Grazing Permits. In a caee just decided by the Hon. Wiliiam H. Hunt, judge of the United States District Court of Montana, owners of live stock are held responsible if they suffer their stock to drift upon the national forests. It was declared that the national forests need not be fenced to exclude stock, no matter what the state law is, and that therefore it is illegal not only to drive stock upon the forests but even to per mit them to drift there, unless the owner possesses a permit. The result of this case will cause much comment in all the cattle states which have fence laws like Montana, where the law provides that owners of stock may allow their cattle to feed upon the open public domain and that an owner of lands not fenced is without remedy for the damage done by animals so ranging. For it means that grazers near the national for ests will be obliged either to take out permits or themselves to keep their cattle off the forests. Hither to it has been a belief that all the government could do in cases where cattle drifted upon the na tional forest was to cause them to be driven off. The decision is based upon arti cle 4, section 3 of the Constitution, giving the United States exclusive power to dispose of the public lands and make rules and regula tions respecting them, and it de clares that the rules and regula tions of the Secretary of the In terior, prescribed under the act of Congress of June 4, 11897, for the protection of the national forests, were valid under this section of the Constitution. By the act of February 1, 1905, the power to make such rules and regulations was transferred to the Secretary of Agriculture. The judge also decided that the general policy ol the state of Mon tana, voiced through its laws, to ward grazing on the open public domain and on unfenced private lands could not be given effect in the face of the legislation by con gress, under its constitutional powers, for the protection of the public lands in the national forests. The case which resulted in the decision was an action for injunc tion brought by the United Estates against Thomas Shannon of Geyser, Montana, whose land had been fenced but who refused to keep the fence in repair. Shan non's cattle drifted from his land to the better grazing of the Little Belt national grazing. He con tends that the government is oblig ed to keep its land in Montana 4 DELICIOUS it J HOME-CURED MEATS j J 4 J. E. STEWART & CO. For genuine Bargains take notice of J. E. Stewart 4 Co.' add. Since cut price seem to be In order we will cut our 35c meals to 25c at the O'Xell Restaurant, J. E. Stewart A Co., have a few Buggies and Hacks left on which they are making very low price. S Royal Insurance Co. Not Welchers. Paid dollar for dollar in the Frisco conflagration. J. E. STEWART, Agt n LJ r L J n u r i i j r i. j ri 1 Cheapest Place in Town flFor Millinery. ri k. J r i r t I J LJ r i LJ r.i w J n t j ri i. J n LJ ri LJ ri L J r,3 LJ TA LJ n LJ r.i L J n LJ r i c J rr LJ ri LJ r.i L J ri ton,.. tR LJ A new line ol Ladies Drrss and Sired Mats Irom Chil Jrrn's every Jay I lats All Ihc latest styles and shatles in Ribbons at bedrock prices. Lawn and silk Baby Hoods Irom A nobby lot ol Hats jus! in this week. Old Hats made to look like new. Groceries ? Get our Prices. 25c Curry Combs lor 15c 2ql Granite sauce pans 10c. Fancy Glassware Irom 5 lo 20c Water buckets from. 5 to 35c All kinds ol 25c goods going at 5 and 10c 2qt Granite Pans 10c 1 l-2qt granite sauce pans 10c Fancy dishes Irom 5 lo 20c Mrs. Elmer Clark of Paulina, Ik down with an attack of pneumonia. Rev. J. T. Moor will preach next Sunday April 21st at the Shepherd school house near Powell Butte, at 11 R. ra. E, A. Jenkins of Madras, wm In town Saturday. Mr. Jenkins ha leased his place for two years and about the first ot May will start overland for California. A. R. Eastwood was lu the first of the week from his ranch In the Blue mountains. Mr. Eastwood report an unusual amount ot snow In these mountains tor this season ot the year. Judge Bradshaw. Hon. J. X. Wil liamson and M. R. Elliott have been selected as the judges for the debat ing contest between The Dalles and the Crook County High School. These gentlemen are a guarantee to the visiting team that they will I' accorded an Impartial bearing. The debaters are working like beavers and a spirited time ts anticipated. $ For Irrigated Farms ? $ and Fruit Lands wr 5 5 m D.J I rh JL la the Deschute Valley writ. H. E, JONES, Redmond. Oregon. M. L. Lewis, the telephone man from Burns, was In town Saturday. He was here on business connected with his line In Harney county. Mr. Lewis Is seeking an outlet and thought to establish connections with some of the local wires at Paulina to this place. He has a No, 9 wire strung about half way lie tween Burns and Prinevllle. This end ol It Is located at the Lillard ranch. His customers do not pay rent tor the telephones but just for the services rendered. His system has been very successful In Harney county and with outside connections should become popular wherever In troduced. 1 T. F. McCallister & Co. LJ r .1 La 50c to $1.50 r.i l J r i 50c to $1.00 m r L J i.i L J r i L J r.i L J r.- LJ r LJ ri L j r i L J r.i L J LJ r.i L J r i L J r.i LJ r L J r.i L J n L'J -,r:i LJ ;nssH if,.N J fti rS ( - C v ?::&S Q AGENTS for HUTU-HICK lVTTliKNS and Till: DULIMiATOU urnnf f coo rnii KoffirA VH11 o j-i .1 oi 1 C 1! Vii Spring and Summer ru omrt waisis w pq New Silk Gloves fin In a , lengths and colors sSI rwulv for vour insiHTtion ft (Jj your Spring Clothing, Shoes and Supplies $J Liditi New Tailored I ..J . IJJ ouits and bkirts lu the llwt tyl ml fmiliioiii, with long snd tlirtHMtiitrur IiiikIIi lH've mads of I'm I'reui'h Ijiwii, Itnlixt Sin! Wmili 8ilk, Se them mrly Idle the line ia iHuiipU'lo. All tho very latest fasliionsHiul materials in Kton.l'ony Jackets ami tight fitting check, fancy strijH's, plaids niul inixtuns $15 to $25 D3 $12.50 to $25.00 Ct like In 'll the man ho wania ihlntf rlxht. Hwor Nt KimIiiji l.lni g1 ol sincariljr L.kthln lor Man Irom w For Sale. Relinquishment of Homestead En try, with hoiwe and improvements, situated on Deschutes river, for sale cheap. Inquire of L. C. Eman, O'Nell, Oregon. 4-lltf I Hides and Pelts KftiiaKt at the 1 0. K. Meat Market FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. ; AN INSTANCE. Lucy Suddreth, of Lenoir, N. C, had been troubled with very bad cougll for over a year. She says: " A friend bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rbmbdy, brought it to me and insisted that I ahould take it. I did to and to my surprise it helped me. Four Wtlrr si k cared me of my cough." For sale b D. P. Adamson & Co Notice to Creditors. SSotice is hereby Riven by the under signed, me auminiBiraior 01 me restate 01 George B. Taylor, deceased, to all perwnf having claims, against the estate of the said decedent to present the same to the undersigned at his office in Prineville, Ore gon, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated April II, 1907. M. R. Elliott. Administrator of the Estate of tieorge B. lay lor, .Deceased. teased the Dillon Feed Yard. Alex Baldwin has bought the leaae on the Dillon Feed yard and Is now In charge of the name. He guaran tees the traveling public careful at tention and prompt service. A ghare of your patronage solicited. Teams and saddle horHes to rent. Horses for sale. General team work done promptly. Country trips a specialty. Any one wishing to buy or rent horses will and see me. DRAFT STALLION The Big Belgian Property of the Haystack Live stock Association. He will be kept for service at the Leach place, three miles west of Lamonta. Mares left with the keeper to breed will be charged for feed only. Terms To insure living foal, $25. No responsibility for accidents. v Haystack Livestock Association Culver. Oregon. A complete line of School Books and School Supplies at 0 2 B The Winnek Company. UJUiUiiUuuliUjnilwUjUlu iUiUJujuiUiUiujUiUiUlUIUF; I April Reduction Sale oft ir; - "ft g Ranges, Stoves and Heaters f Furniture, too, Must Go Room we must have in order to set up my wood working machinery. Therefore my stock of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters, besides all fur niture made on the Pacific coast will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Come in and see for yourself. If you need anything in the stove line between now and 1908 it will pay you to get my prices. I A. H. Lippman & Co ! PRINEVILLE, OR f & vr 1 m IIWURZWEILER & COM Exp Chicken 08 th Strteti. From this time forward ehkkena imiHt not lie allowed to tun the streets. Thia tniwiw everybody. The city cinllnanee regnrdlnir tills nuisance will lie rigidly euforced against all violators. J. II. I'kookm. City Mnrshal. Itotica to Debtors. All ierons knowing thrniwlvcs to lie Indebted to the old linn of W'uri weller & Thomson, by note or other wise, are mtuesteil Ut call at once and make settlement at the olllce of M. K. Hlggs wln'rw we are now Im'iit ed. All accounts not settled within :M days will lie lilaeel lu the liamls of 11 lawyer fur collection. Dated thls24, day of January, 1!K)7. A. Thomson, tf ' AKTHI'U IIoimikm. mi mm mi 0FP10GRS: W. A. Booth. Praaldent O. M Elkihs, Vic Pr.tldnl Frio W. Wilom, Oashlar DIREOTORS: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkihs, D. f. Btiwast, Fho w. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking Juninen8 Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten . tion Sr3!f3i5SBEiSEr3r3r .. - I The Redmond Harness Shop J. H. Eli RET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON to 9 D A Complete new line of Harness, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL jfcenderson & Pollard Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars Ctr In Stock Country Orders Solicit od First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel The Crook County Real Estate Co Farms. Timber Lands and Town Pronertv S brought and sold. Homesteads and Tim- 1 - 1 .1 1 k oer Claims Ltocaiea, surveyu ana eHiimaicti h Abstracting. Call on or address I THE CROOK COUNTY KEAL ESTATE CO w 4 Princville, Oregon. w TEE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY The Leader I. MICHEL, Proprietor THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY JUST a few days are left before the arrival of our immense stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods. During these few days we are going to give you Better Bargains than Ever Before. While our lines of the heavier dress goods are somewhat broken, we still have some EXTRAORDINARY good pieces which we will offer you at extraordinary low prices. 5 Vf SHOES Our new line of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes will soon be in and in order to make room for this new stock we are soiling everything in our Shoe line at remarkably low prices. Fresh and fancy groceries is our hobby. See us before buying. THE LEADER New Princville Hotel Building PRINEVILLE, OREGON t