Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 28, 1907, Image 3

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    Local Mention
Stv Ihi witches Friday IiIkM.
Mni. II, W, J I Mil WIIM III tlllTlt.V
iii Tiiiidny (ruin Powell I tit t !.
.1. II 'lYiiipli'tmi rt-turiMHl Huiiiliiy
(mni a IiiihIih'nm trip tn Purtliiuil.
MImm In in- llitriif i'iiiiii home Mhii-
iln.v, Mil- lllll JllMt I'lllWll l HIIIIKU.
fill It mi i'l school tit Alkali Hut.
Ml Minnie Ihililm lias dosed her
n IiiioI tit I'imt McKiiy nml In now
li'in lilnut 'it tin' HliiytoniM'liiMil Iiiiiim-,
A, W. t'luilili-r arrived Ihlswcek
from mi exteiulrd trip In tin .lull ii
liy rciinliy, t'niiyiiii I'lly nml
Mill lu ll.
Fil'Liv nlulii tln purler will In Iimi
Ihmixy in ilml tln krxlicili' nml I lii
visitors well, nit In Mhi'Im'I Ii nml
mi whul It m ens.
Wnlier K in x H im In (nun I lie
Kitux Urns, ruticli near Post Tues
ilny. Ill' no Inyliiu In snplli-N fur
tln iimiiiiI cpi'lntf r iimIi.
Vim rnn't liny unlit itiillum (or Ml
cent. Yuii can't i't iMimut I'lilul
Inir ilniin (r tin" than lln rimt of
In loir nml niiilcrlnls. Wn iloii't ilo
rhenp win k. i nhi Iihi i-i'iil" viilui-(ori'vi-ry
ilollnryoii pay. I'attkiison
A Wiijuin, Painters nml Ihi-nnilurs.
'ii LL
i? k oTm rnnnc
In (tM'itt variety t
CO. i
J. M. Knuulil wiii4ii frmil lilsrii,iii'h
mi Crooki'il river tlic llrt nltlilM
J. II. Mi nurr uii up Iroiiitln
(Touknl river rmirli one iliiy tlili
When In town lvi' ti ii irlnl. Tli
Ihi nirnl In toAii (or '.'.V nt tin
O'Nrll Ili-Hiiuirniil.
Chiuiuc lYimison In In (ruin his
iiuii'li iti'nr t'riMik this week, Here
port rvcryllilnir pmuiviiMlnir In Hint
purl i( tin-nniiity,
.1. II. tinner linn rlinnttisl t ln Inea
Hull of his oftlec from I In-purler of
tlii ulil I'rlni'Vllli' Unti l tn Hit' moms
foniii-rly nceiipleil liy Smith & Foster
mi Main street.
r v v v vw v v-ww v"w
T. J. Houston Iiiim rented tlii purl
nf tin1 .1. JiiIiiimoii farm Hint lies
mi ih t Ii i if lYonkiil river, nml has
lilovi'il Mm (nllilly until tin' place.
Jim- Miiirlx nml wife have til ken
chnnse of I In- ltlverslile ranch on
t'ronki'il rlvi'r, Verne Ilnlier, who
luiii Ui'ii comlnrlliitf Hit' ranch for
tin1 past year ivnn n pacui;cr on
Monday's Kliiki' for I'lirtlnml.
('. T. I.lllnril, it Paulina stockman,
cuiue In nil Tuesday's slne. Mr.
I.llliinl xpi'tit tin' winter In I'nrtlnnil
ullli Ids fiiinlly nml Im now on liln
way luii'k to Paulina where he Iiiim
litrjte Interests In cuttle mid ImrwM.
Ilf will Im-hIii rilling for liiirmn rljilit
What about that New
Spring Suit?
If you want tho very
jitet and best go ami boo
The Tailor
Asbestos Horse
hide Gloves
- Best Made 95c pr
Koyal ('lull Syrup, one-half
Hiillmi 50c
Acorn Syrup one-half jtnl 35c
Japan Tea, one pouml package
for 40c
Pure Viuw Nuttar, Hack $6.50
Slaror Dlainonil V Soap, six
liars (or , 25c
Mascot anil Lion Snap, seven
liars (or 25c
Hlaiularil Corn, per down $1.23
Stnnilard Fruits, per can 20e
Uist Corn Ktareli, three pack
am's (or 25c
Uhlradellas Cocoa, per can..25c
One pound ('liocolaU' 25c
lliMtrui' liny nf l'milliin, wiim lu
town HiIm Mii'k.
rW Hit' Kliowt wnlk r'rliliiy iiIkIiI
ut I'. A. A.C. Hull.
A Klrl wmn liorn to Mr. nml Mr.
Mnrlmi It, TruvlM Mutiirilny.
A ti'ii-piiiiml iclrl wim liorn to tin'
wlfi'iifll. M.Corni'tt Tlnirmliiy.
A ti'li-puiiinl lioy wiim liorn tit Hit'
wlfi of Ij'o l.nfi'lli'lti' Motiilny.
ThnninM Hluirp Jr., Iiiim Jimt. ri--turiiiil
from ii iiioiiIIi'm vlolt to I'ort-
In ml.
A. I.. Aii'Iitmoii, tlii triivi'llnu: mnii
(or tioMMi't & lVvi'r, Im iiiiiiuii; nur
iiit'ivliiiiilM iiK'i'n.
II. II. Iiiinliiim mni wlfi'iif 1'iwi,
wi-ri'ln town tin' lirxt. of llii'wii'U.
Mr. Iiiiiiluini Iiiim Ihiui- Inti-n-HtM In
utiM'lt nml Im ii Hi in Ih'IIi'vit la lilooil
ii iiiiIiiiiiIm, Ii Iiiim moiiiii llm lli-rt"
(onlM mi IiIm rum Ii.
II. ('. Kiiiii' Iiiim lumitlit tin- Inter
wt of Will r'nnl In tin firm of Kuril
A 1.KM. Tin Mi'W linn will roll
IIiiiii" tin' ciinily IiiimIihum In tin' pn'M
nt liHiilloii. Mr. Km if wiim former
ly with V. l' Klnn, nml Iiiim ninny
frli-mU In I'rliii'vllli' who will In
pli'iiMi'il toli-nru Hint lu nml Mni,
Kmit'Hrt lo Im- oik'i' niori' n-Mlili-nlM
nf HiIm i lly.
We have srrurnl lite gfncy lor the famous "SELZ" Shoes
nml aln-ady have a large shipment ol our Spring Slock on
our shrives with more rnroule.
h the best line ol $3.50 anJ $4.00 Men's Fine Shoes in (he world
Ijnc ol ladies' $3.00 Shoes are ihe superior ol any $3.50
line in the market
Every pair ol "SELZ" Shoes
guarantee. anJ their guarantee
new pair ol shoes free ii the
(action. Give them a trial.
Foster & Hyde
Ladies' and Gent' Outfitters
I I I ' H ' ' ' ' ' "' 1 I
JiM'I.lHter nml w ife were In from
I'millmt HiIm week.
J. II. Smllli whmIii from IiIh Me
Kay rnncli Mat unlay.
J. K. 'Stewart & ".. nn WiH'plnR
Hielmtm-k of uriRvrliKcoinplele nml
ran hiivi yon t leant 20 ier cent on
your pmvlinwM.
Jim' l.nrHiiii, who linn Ikimi work
Intf for I.011K & SniMlilerly, linn
neceptei) a poMltlon wit Ii the l.oue
I'lne TrnilliiK '., at O'liell.
J. It. Harvey of I'owell Hut ten,
wan In town the other tiny. He
nayn that the M'nple nf hln ni'luhlior.
hoixl nn ri'ittly pleimeil with the
auioiiut nf rainfall Hum far received.
A pouiiil pnrty wan jflven ly the
menilii'm of the Hnpllnt church and
and theyoiinif Huplo In ttciicral Innt
Friday cveiilnn. Itev. Moore wan
the recipient. The crowd K'Hhercil
and weiv nvclvt'd liy their piwtor at
the Union chuivh, after which nil
went to the home nt Mr. Horrlnan
where refreMhnientn were nerved and
a Kvticml K'd tluii' wan had. .
(laseno Soap, 10 liars 65c
Force, per package ISc
Pink Ileans, per pound 5c
Homo cured shoulder, per
pound 12c
Nails, per pound ....5c
Extra grade Carlcola Coffee, pr
pound 22c
No. 1 Pheasant Oysters 10c
Fancy Toilet Soap, per lmr...5e
llajsehvooil Cheese, per pound
for 20c
M. K. Hrink In In i'oriliuii!.
I'" Orny In lii truui )il Oonkiil
river ranch.
Om ar Klnnnnl Im In from lil" rniu li
ni'iir i'atillnii.
Km Ijuly Mai lM'th walkln In Imt
iilii-p Krlilny nlglit.
(li'iirKe A. Htr-ii tit KImUtm, l
MIN-mllnii a (ewrtay at tli comity
I. M. nii'VHWi wan In Hatnrilnjr ar
rmitrliiic Ur M Kranlnir iirtvlliw
for tin- comliiH miiumi'r.
Tin n-ci'iitulvmiin. In tin' prtrrnf
llmlH-r mni tin' nt llvlly of tin- lny
ilt imirki-t Iiiim proilm-i'l m rutnlili'
fur Hu' few i-lnliiiM tlmt I'-ft t lx
llli-il upon.
Joint mni llnvii tlrlinin linvr Jimt
ri-tnriii'il from Sliitnlkn w Ith fri'lclit
for our iiienlmnlM. Tln-y nay tin
roniU nn Imil, iilinowt too heavy for
CluirhK It. Ilorton. tlin Klamatli
Fit I Unit tie buyer, linn nnmvlel In
nlitiilnliiK almni li of oim hoo (or
Mprlntf ilellvi-ry. Mr. Ilorton "ay
that tin retnll prli In nomewlint
hlulier limn lal year. He l pnyln
I Ilfi mr lii nil (or yrnrlltiK. $! (or 2-
yenr-nlilM anil Irom fJ7 to f.10 (or
oliler ntiH'k.
is accompanied by a written
means something, it means a
lirsl pair does not give satis-
You can not lose by it
I "
Itnlph I'orllly wan on our ntnvtn
J. W. Htanton wan patronising
our uien-hantn Satunlay.
Since cut price neein to ln In onler
we will cut our 35c mealn U c at
the O'.Nell Itentnurnnt.
Mm. Jnneph Llnter of Heaver Creek,
who lian Ihimi quite 111 at the home
of Ward Cram, In tiow convnlcttclnK
Ir. Honi'iiU'rn jH'rfornuHl a critical
oMTiitl(in that lirnutflit the much
IHi'ded relief.
We have Uvn Informiil by fieople
who fnrmerly got their mall at liny
ntack that the HayRtack ollUt haa
Urn dlnconttiiuiHl and that their
mall nhould lie addnnncd to Culver.
They urn now mippllcd by a rural
free delivery, the necond of It
kind to he cntubllnhed In the county.
Your Home Life
would 1k brighter If you'd let tia
deenrnte your houne. Novel Idcan In
lnexHiiHlve wall pnpern. I'attku
noN & Wiijion, rnliitern and Icor
ntom. Men's Shoes
$3.50 values now, $2.90
$3.00 values now .... 2.20
$4.00 values now 3.20
$4.50 values now 3.25
$5.00 values now 3.85
Ladies' Shoes
$3.75 values now $2.90
$4.00 values now 3.10
$3.00 values now 2.30
$2.85 values now 2.15
$2.25 values now 1.90
$1.50 values now 1.10
('. C. Duiihitiii In In town thla week.
JameaCram In In from liln rniu li
on Crookiil river.
I. W. Ward lian rHtnnied from
a vlnlt to I'lirtlmid.
For ill tie Iiaricalnn take notice
of J. E. Stewart Ci.'m add.
K. S. Doblm lift Saturday for
Shanlkn wit h a hunch of lni-( rattle.
Poen Mu Im-iIi kill Macduff FHday
nlxht? No, Macduff Win tin I nut of
Fred ('lay pool mid wife returned
TucMdny from a vlnlt to ( IhiiIim
Krrli knoii'n place mi I leaver. Cni-k.
F.very article In the J. K. Stewart
A Co ntiN-kn I in Ui'ii cut In pi Ice;
you ran nave money by tradliiK wild
The annual clirtlnii of ollli-ern of
the I'. A. A. C. will lie held Monday
eveuliiK, April lnt, at 8 p. in. A full
attendance of ineinbem In dcnlrril.
(1 rami pa Cram In ki'UIuk all rlnht.
The plants cant waa reinovHl the
other day and the old ifi'iitU-inan
feeln pretty (f'd for a man of IiIm
C. A. MllU-r wan tn the flmt of thin
week from the Martin ranch nn
t'rooki'd river, where he In w lntcrltitf
liln nlieep. He nayn the Mliccp are
ntnmllnif the winter flue ami will In
remly for the riitiKenooii.
The Kanti-rwile and nupper given
by the liullin of the MethiHlInt thun h
and their (rleiidn on the ZU, win a
Kreat nuwi'mi. They n-port a crowd
ed houne from the iimmiIiik until after
10 o'clock. Alxiut f'O wan nall'd
Irom their effort.
U V. Ualley In quite low at the
l'rliievllle Hotel. He han In-en fall
Iiik 'or aeveral yearn and came to
town a couple of weekn bro In a
nertoun condition. A comlilnatlon
of ilromy and kindred dlnennen
make liln cane complicated.
Itcv. Cralu ol Mad ran, conducteil
the quarterly meeting at the M. K.
church Sunday owing to the alnwiice
of prvHldliig Flder Sklpworth. lie v.
Craig wan prewut at the Flutter fair
tn itelknnp Hall Saturday evening
and took an active part (in the nup
in"1")' Itcv. W. 8. CiMik and wife of Pow
ell Ilutten were In town yesterday.
Itev. Cook will begin a Berlin of meet
ings at the Shepherd nchool houne
next week. He will preach every
evening, commenting at 7:30 o'clock.
The peole of the neighborhood are
cordially Invited to lie pnneut. The
llev. Mitchell will occupy the pulpit
March Slut.
An IntiTt'Ktlng debate took place
Friday between the fifth and sixth
grade of our public nchool. The
quentlon wan, "Itinolved, that the
American Indian ban Ikimi mint rent
ed." The subject wanri'markably well
handled (or young (olkn. In fact we
doubt If then were many grown-ups
present who would have stood much
show wllh the youthful debaters.
On the affirmative side were Wamn
Yancey, Vlda Porn-nee, Lawrence
Llnter, Inla Enten, Ruth Kicker,
Janle Lnelllng, Itiiy Moore, Arthur
O'Nell and Edith King. For the
negative were Roliert Llnter, Mary
Carter, UushIc Collins, Cany Stearns,
Vau Brink, Arthur Michel, Fayue
IM, Lelaud liclkimp and Millard
El kins. The negative side won.
The leaders (or both the nlliriuatlve
ami negative sides took notes like
veterans and In their ndiuttal show
ed that they wen thoroughly (a
mlllar with the subject. The judges
were M. U. Elliott. County School
Superintendent Dinwiddle sand It. E.
tj. E. STEWART & CO. ft
Mail Orders Solicited
Any Goods Not Exactly as
Represented May Be Re
turned at Our Expense
Superior Grain
Consistin? of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Single Disks,
with or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub
ricating the discs, style of discs and other gixnj points all combine to make
the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made.
We Carry a Full Line of Repairs
Catalogues Mailed on Request.
B. O. McCulloch in on a vlnlt to
Grnntn Tann.
$70.00 In taxes wan paid tn time
to get t he 3 per cent discount.
J. F. Morris is able to lie out
again. He ban lnin laid up nearly
II whiter with rheumatism.
A. I). Lowery Is In town this week
pn-paring to move Into the Mitchell
country. He has leaned his ranch on
the (khoco to Jefl O'Kelly.
Thne children are down with the
measles in Mrs. Mnling's houne onoth
street. The little folks belong to the
family of Mr. Iteamn, who has but re
cently come from Kentuckey.
Greeue Iteard and his sons, Henry
and Frank, left for their homesteads
In Luke county, Monday. They are
pn'parlng to bn-nk up lots of ground
thtn spring and expect some good
Champ Smith returned the first of
the week from Brownsville, Or.,
where he was called by the serious
Illness of his father. The old gentle
man passed away Tuesday night.
In speaking of his death the Browns
ville Times says: "Another sturdy
pioneer a state builder has gone
to his reward. This time it Is W. B.
Smith, who has been a resident of
the Wiliauiette valley for about 56
years, a gnater portion of the time
having Iteen spent In this commun
ity. The end came Tuesday night,
March lth, 11107."
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Hideout & Foster Is
hereby dissolved by mutual consent,
Herliert Kideout having sold his In
tenst to Oncar Hyde. The new firm
will conduct the business at the old
stand under the firm name ol Foster
& Hyde. 3-21
Snrinn Millinen
r- - i i
A Complete Line of the Very
Latest Styles
c ; l c c l
Men's Gloves
$1.25 Horsehide glove . . 95c
$1.50 Buckskin glove. $I.IO
Men's Suits
$10.00 values at $5.85
$12.00 values at '.$7.25
$14 00 values at $8.50
$15 00 values at $9.00
$17.50 values at $10.50
$21.00 values nt $14.00
$3.50 Corduroys at. . . . .$2.5C
$2.50 Corduroys at. . . . .$1.60
$2.50 Medium wool at. .$1.85
$2.00.values at $1.15
$1.50 values at. 95c
y S S S 3 3 JUS s ,
W. F.
The O. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS, Proprietors
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables
and Country Produce, also
Fish and Game in Season
Highest Market Price Paid
for Butter, Eggs and
Country Produce
w Telephone Orders Will Be
The Dalles
R. II. WEBER, Proprietor, The Dalles, Oregon
W rri? irr c ii n i?
m rnutt, onaut
Ml unnnmLii i nu
Si EnfiniM. Roact uil Skrakkcrr. Hytcinihi. Tnlivt. Lilliet. Daailiu. reoaiei. Etc.
ill Wf PamamKAr Mir TrAA
$3.50 Lion Brand at. . . .$1.95
$3.00 Lion Brand at . . . .$1.60
$2.00 Lion Brand at 95c
$1.50 Fleeced Underwear, per
suit .85c
$2.50 All Wool Underwear,
per suit $1 60
$3.50 Wool Underwear, per
suit $1.90
Values up to 75c 25c
Values up to $1.00. .... .45c
Values up to $1.75. . . . . 75c
I'i I'S'AX
Given Prompt Attention
At a fmwn VitKonf lnnert in
Good Fire
Hardware and Tin
ware Specials
No. 1 Adze Eye hammer. .65c
No. 1 Lamp chimneys 5c
Capwell Horse shoe nails, per
pound 20c
50 lb spring balance 25c
Fancy carving set, $3.50 val
ue for $2.25
Large fry pan 20c
Large bread toaster. ..... 15c
Granite wash basin 20c
3 doz U. S. clothes pins . .25c
3 gal stone churn 85c
Heavy fire shovel 10c
22 long cartridges 20c
22 Peters' shorts 15c