Crook County Journal THURSDAY, MAR. 28, 1907. Subscription fl.50 yu. CAUGHT IN A BUZZARD A parti' of timber estimators consictini!: o D.Ji. Janney of Se attle, William V. Roirws and Earnest 'Kauffman of Portland, with three compa?smen and time other assistants, passed through Pnnevule this week on their re turn to Portland. ' They report a thrilling exwri ence while out in the woods in the north end of Klamath count? few days aeo. Thev were on foot cruising and estimating some tim her boucht bv the Lacv LumWr Company when overtaken by terrible hlitzard. The storm came up so suddenly that little time or heed was paid to it until it burst upon them in all its fun. Just what to do was a most pressing question w neltier to try ami reach camp or strike out for Silver Lake was the d ileum in which thev were placed. Thev decid for Silver Lake and after wading in snow to their armpit in places and almost exausted from exposure they succeeded in reaching a place of safey. Their camp equipment and some valuable instruments were left behind in the storm. Easter Services. The Christian Kndeavor Society of the Baptist church will hold Easter service at the Union church next Sunday evening. The following is the program: Sonn liy the choir. Srrlimire ivmllnir. "Wake I'll" Honir by cloven chil dren. lltvltatlon. KtvltiWlon. Wonderful Knater Llirht," l.v numlHT of cliililivii. Solo. Kevitatlon. OiiMrtet. Sonir. "Kaliulroiw." ly four youns Indie. Hecltatlon. Solo. Ret-it nt Inn. "The Kisen lAnl." Iy a ihuiiIht ot liil.ltvn. Ktvltiitioti. Song by the choir. Endeavor prayer. Sisters Happenings. a Editor Journal llnrlnj: the past three weeks the weather has leen very unsettled with snow and rain which makes it very disagreeable, iuy Allliinliam of the Black Butte Co., who has lieen very sick at his brothers', O. D. Allingham of this place, is able to be out ajcaiu. Onr telephone line lia reavhed us at last which makes it very con venlent for us. George Taylor of Bear creek, was shaking hands with friends at this place this week. The St. Patrick's ball the 17th of this month was well attended and everybody enjoyed themselves. Rev. Lilly of Cline Falls, preached In the Sisters school house Sunday. Perry South of MatoUn, was business caller Sunday. Joe Wilson and O. I. Alllnghaiu are putting a fence around our school house. Alex Smith of this place left last week for a trip to 1'ortland. Joseph Marell formerly of Prine- vllle, was in our town a few days this week. Katie McNeil and her father left last week for The Dalles where the former will make proof on her home stead. Our road supervisor, John Wilt has been iiivestijratiiiK county roads in this section. He reports roads in fairly good condition considering the heavy storms last winter. Harry Zumwalt of Wamic, is visit ing his brother, Frank Zumwalt of this place. M. J. Wilt and wife left this morn lng for Laid law. Wni. Cantrell is down with a slight attack of la gripiw at the Sisters Hotel. C. H. Foster, who has lieen absent for three or four months at Hood River, has arrived in this community again. The Man koii a Jon, Steam Fittings Just Received. We have just received a line of Steam fittings such as the t'elebrat ed Jenkins Bros. Glolte and Cliec Valves, Detroit Lubricators, Best Scotch Gauge Glasses. We have al so a line of packing on the road. We have the agency for the best Gasoline Engine on the market. See one run at our shop. Don't forget that 1 carry Belting, Cap Screws, Shafting Boxes, Collars, and that am prepared to make your planer bolts and any other kind of odd bolts and screws you may need. 2-14tf Phinkvillk Machine Shop Leased the Dillon Feed Yard. Alex Baldwin has bought the lease on the Dillon Feed Yard and is now in charge of the same. He gun ran tees the traveling public careful at tention and prompt service. A share of your patronage solicited. Teams and saddle horses to rent. Horses for sale. General team work done promptly. Country trips a sjieclalty Any one wishing to buy or rent horses call and see me. To Teachers and School Board. No legislative enactment of the recent legislative assembly affecting the school laws of Oregon will be in force until May 'la, r.Kli, at wliieh time we hope to have a copy of the revised school laws in the hands all school district boards. C. B. Dl.NWIDDIE, Co. School Sup' Petition for Liquor License. To the Honorable County Court for ('rook Uountv. Mat oi Oregon: We, the umiersi)?iiel, residents and legal voters oi lilack Jiutte rrecmct, Cro County, Oregon, respectfully petition your Honorable iiody to grant a license to George A. Htevens to sell spirituouH, malt and vinous liquors and hard cider quantities less than one gallon in JJlack Butte Precinct, said County and State lor a period of six months from the 1st day of may, is(. Chas Hindman., 0 E Person, Ham Alex ander, M L Oliver, Koixirt Jordan, J Winter, WTK Wilson, A x Traban, J Wilwn, L McCallister, H E Glazier, George McCallister, C L Gist, J H Roberts Cli Johnson, Wit Hooth, Hubert Kru F M Booth, J E Fuller, W R Cantrell, O Allingham, II B Reed, P Van Tassel, R Sturgeon. Alford MeReynold.s, H Allen. R Gist, F M Zumwalt. J B Hudson, Mar tin Wood, Uuy A Claypool, w J Wood, H E Vincent, J Y Todd, G C Johnson, Kr Wie..-e. D H Fryrear, 41 M 1 homus, .1 tuiberg, WN Cobb, K L Johnson, John Fryrear, H H Davis, W F Fryrear. Jap jonnson, naipn jonnson, nas i arxon, r Dickson, W K Clavpool, S M W Hindman Frank Bodvl'elt, A (! Allingham, Walter J HinnchB, w A Vanbuskirk, llurton Oiiey, F F Seltman, J W New, Dnuthit New, W H Cyrus, lister Bryan, 1) W Farthing, H IStidham, J B Fryrear, T J Fryrear. Notice is hereby given that the forego ing petition will oe presented to tlie Conn ty Court on Wednesday the M day of May, 1907. At which time the said Court will be asked to grant a license as prayed for in the above petition. Dated this 21st day of March, l'.K)7. Gbokije A. Ktkvems. Redmond Items. Redmond, Ore., March 25, 1007 Lots of buyers in town again last week. Some of the sales we got and others not. One party tonocd here on their way to ttie Silver Lake district. It is reported that the Iverson eivrhtv is sold. Further particn lars mav be at hand next week Mr. and Mrs. McLallin enter tained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L L. Welch Saturday night. The eucher club met Thursday as usual, with Mrs. Park this time An uncle of Mrs. B. A. Kendall from New York was here visiting for several davs last week. Mr. Tinslev is doing some fenc ing for A. W. Morgan. We have just received a But specimen oi black i.angsnan rooster all the way from Omaha He came through in fine shape Stop and see him. Mr. and Mrs. Tinslev are both slightly un.ler the weather. Everybody is trying to get a lit tie more clearing, a little more fencing, plowing and seeding'done, besides about two hundred and thirty seven other things all of which need attention first. E. C. Park L J 1 k. J r i I -J r T L J r LJ r t t. J r.i U r w J r i. J LJ n c J r t J r.i k. J r -y LJ r i LJ ri LJ r t L J r i LJ r i L J ri LJ ri LJ n LJ r L J n LJ r-i LJ Register Soon be Appointed. Appointment of a register and receiver for the land office at The Dalles is imminent, according to the opinion of those who have been watching the condition of things there savs the Portland Journal. The term of office ot Miss Anna M. Lang, now receiver will expire within the first week of April, her term having commenced close to April 3. it is taken as a safe guess, therefore, that the next week will see the announcement of the officials to assume charge of the office in place of M. C. Jsolan deposed, and Miss Lang, whot-e term will expire. Sulky, Dick and Walking plows at J. E. Stewart & Co., at far below the usual price. The Koval Insurance Co., of Liver pool, England, enjoys the distietion of lieing listed among the companies there were but six of them which settled claims in the San Francisc conflagration at 100 cents on the dollar as adjusted. Assets over sixty Million and an annual income of more than fifteen million. It pay to insure where you know your losses will lie paid. The Royal gives such insurance; J. E. Stewart & Co are their Prineville agents. 2-7tf For Sale. Best residence location in town trees, shrublierv and lawn, liar gain! Address Box 81, City. 3-14tf Water Closet Cleaning. Now is the time to have your out houses cleaned for the summer. my work is not satisfactory it will not cost a cent. All kinds of od jobs taken care of. Address V. L. 1 Makkku, Prineville, Or. lmo J. L. Stewart & Co., have a few Buggies and Hacks left on which they are making very low prices. . JLJLL JL'J j Spring Millinery im MiK ,or !K:K ,ATT,;KNS aJ n m W?We want to see you before you buybfi ax JUST RECEIVED. Mats an J Street Hats. in Press all kinds thai ran All tlie latest styles Hals lor Chililrcn, and sues. We Have every variety ol shapes fee trimmed lo suit anybody. RIBBONS. The latest in Ribbons al low prices Handsome ribbons lor gentlemen's watch lobs. Lawn and Silk Baby Hoods. Cotton and Silk Veiling. Fancy 1 lat Tins. Children's Supporters at 5c a pair. Stove Polishing Cloves, etc. Call and inspect our stock. L .J r t L J r i LJ r i L u r y L J r i L J T 1 L J r t w J r i L J r .i L J r - L J r.i P3 your Spring Clothing, Shoes and Supplies 03 Cash Groceries Fancy Home Cured Baeon. Sc and 20c pound. Cow Boy Rope. 16c pound. , Appless $2.25 a box or Cl,c a pound. Oranges, Lemons and Bananas. Fresh Garden Seeds. Best Ax Handles 35c each. Look Out for Our 5 cent Counter Next Week T. F. McCallister & Co. In the I tie-1 style slid fashions, ith Hi! and tliiee quarlerliimlh shwes Hindoo! Kino l-'roneh I.uw It, lt.'t t'-tx Htul WhpIi Silk, See llirin euilj w hi'o thu line is complete. New Silk Gloves In nil lonirtli! Hint colors road for . vour inspect ion Petition for Liquor License. To The Honorable County Court for ("rook County, Mate of OreKnn: We, tlie undersigned legal voters of Ash wood rrecuK't, Crook County, Oregon spectlully petition your Honorahle body to grant a liceiixe U the lirm of IJmton A Grater to ell spirituous, malt and villous lnjuors ana liara eider in uantities le tnan one gallon in Ahwood l'recinet, (Jrook County, Htate of Oregon, for a period of six months beginning on the loth day of Mav. 1!JU7. Henry bolken, James .Mullarky, Walter Miti:bell, ieo Crockett, hee Wood, John Lawler, J C Ifrogan, J W Kl ki lis, John Mc Ieminn, Allan Mattlx'iinun, J'ho Wyniaii, Frank Whitney, Roy II Tavlor, C K handy, lien D Canlew, C P Afaupin, (' H MeCorkle, Kan Croolv, Jas A lirown, W 1) Walker, W T Hmw, J i Clark, Thorn Lewis, J It llapbist, A C Kenton, ii C Uratcr, K IJean iiiistoii C O liarher, JameH Jamison, Frank ilnak. Grant liraskett, RolRTt Hamilton, Alex Maeor hv, C. H. Brown, Ashcr McColluin, Fred MeCollum, liert Jumes, Milo Wood, Frank P Hipe, (ieorge i I'oindexter, L W Toin linson, W H lloak, PcUr harsm, John Cregun. J ( Poindexter, Lee Riilgeway. Notice is hereby given that the foregoing petition will be presented to the Count) Court on Wednesday the 1st day of May, 1907, at which time the 'said Court will be asked to grant a license as prayed for In the alKive petition. Dated this 2th day of March, W07. IlKNTON A O RATER. A. C. Benton, II. C. Grater. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, the administrator ol the estate of Simon li. Hmead, deceased, to all persons interested in caid estate that said adminis trator has made and tiled in the County Court for Crook County, Oregon, htrtlmi! accounting of his administration of said estate, anil that the Court has set Monday, the tith day of Mav, 1117, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. ni. at the County Courtrooms in Prineville, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said final accounting. At which said time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and object to said accounting. flated this 2lt day of March, 1!)7. J. Jl. Kki.i.y, Administrator of the Estate of Himon If, binead, Deceased. i "vV cow, V tf ( " !u : mv - v - -x 1 ;. v ; 5 1 J f:Jy K i v J - " : 1 i ' - 1 i f i - V .: '1 I , J.' T.l I I ?v v ? i V- I 1 v- :-' V rAz c j c rh Shirt Waists w m an St Ladifi New Tailored Suits and Skirts All the very latent fastiioiisHiiil materia la in Kton,lny Jackets iul tight fitting chtvk, fancy stripe, jilahls nml ntixture! $15 to $25 ffi $12.50 to $25.00 fl W e like to roll the limn v w nuts Ihlmts liitht. h-eonr Ne Spiloil Line ol .Snitnly C lothing for Mn from FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of people who have been cured of coughs and colds by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and com merce over a large part of the civilized world. AN INSTANCE. Lucy Su.ldreth, of Lenoir, N. C, had been troubled with a very bad couKh f ir over a year. She says : A friend bought a bottle of Chamhkki.aix's Cough Rbmrdy, brought it t me ami insisted that I should take it. I did to and to my surprise it helped me. Four bottle ol it cored me of my cough." For sale by I). P. Adainson?& Co i: o - c r. o a- 3 pj o ffiWITR7WF.II.KR r m ikim:villi:, oiuic.on m I A Complete Line of I School Books and 1 School Supplies at I THE WINNEK CO'S. fiiuiuiauiiuuiaiiuiuniinln iaiululiiiiiiUiuluiiiiUiaiu March Reduction Sale of t 1 Ranges, Stoves and Heaters 4 Furniture, too, Must Go Room we must have in order to set up my wood working machinery. Therefore iny stock of Ranges, Stoves and Heaters, besides all fur niture made on the Pacific coast will be sold at greatly reduced rates. Come in and see for yourself. If yon need anything in the stove line between now and KM)8 it will pay yon to get my prices. A. H. Lippman & Co PRINEVILLE, OR Nottc to Debtori. All MT!ili kiiowlnir I lu'iiiwIvrM t lie liiili'litcil ti iIiim.IiI lirm f Wm-K- WI-lliT V Tllllllixilll, ti.V lint"' "V "IlliT- wIhi. iin ri'ijin'wlcil to full nl onrr unit inakf t l Irmi'iil 11 1 tin-iilltic i.f M. It. Mult licio vm' lire now liM Jit ml. All lu-ci'iiiitM nut .wl tli'il within :!i)iIhvh will In- plm i'il jn tin- IiiiihIm i.f n liiwvrr (iir rnlliftlini. linli'il thixl, iln.V nf .liuiilniy, llHiT. A. Tiiomho.k. tf AllTIII U llllMUKI. i to U i AS The Redmond Harness Shop J. II. EHRET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON ! I CRQOE GOUSTY Ml 0FFIC1E"9 w. A. Booth, Crelelenl O. M. Elkins, Vlcl Prldinl Fnro W. Wilson, Oathlnr DIRECT'ns: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins, D. f. SrfwABT, fnna W. Wiloon. TnillHIlOlH it fllMK'lill I;inkinyf liu.sineHH Kx(!liaiiK Honglit and Sold Collections will re r!civc prompt attention A Complete new line of Harness, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL a jfcenderson $ tPollarci Country Orders Solicitod Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel MiAAAAAAAAAA AAAOifWAA AAAAAAAAM I The Crook County Real Estate Co Farms, Timber Lands and Town Property brought and sold. Homesteads and Tim ber Claims Located, surveyed and estimated Abstracting. Call on or address Till' CROOK COUNTY KFAL FSTATF CO Prineville, Oregon. I THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY The Leader I. MICHEL, Proprietor THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY J "UST a few days are left beforo the arrival of our immense stoek of Stirirn? nnd Summer Dress Goods. During these few days wo are going to give you Better Bargains than Ever Before. While our lines of the heavier dress goods are somewhat broken, wo still. have some EXTRAORDINARY good pieces which we will oiler you at extraordinary low prices. SHOES THE LEADER New Prineville Hotel Building Our new lino of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes will soon bo in and in order to make room for this new stock we are selling everything in our Shoe line at remarkably low prices. Fresh and fancy groceries is our hobby. See us before buying. PRINEVILLE, OREGON : .