Department of th Interior, Content Notice. I'nilrd 8 Late Land Offlo, Thr Dalln, Urejron, January H, 1907. A (tiftirirnt contest afflilavit hiving htn filed in thi ofllr by Jame K. 8u-wrt. contestant, againt nonwUil entrv No. 1M12, made April 2fi, !!. tar XH SK. HKW NKW. KKU SK';. Section 29. Town- liiplft, Kanirp HI, K. W. M., by K.- ard E. Zimmerman, Content, in which It la allefred that aaid Kdwanl K. Zimmer man haa wholly abandoned aaid tract for more man m nuuun last pam: mat mm tract is not nettled upon and cultivated bv aaid Partv at required bv laws that men failure atill exinu; that said alietredan senoc wai not due to his employment ill the army, nary or marine, corps ot the United State in time of war. (Saul partiea are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching aaid alb-cation at 10 o'clock a. m. on March 2, laOi, before Warren Brown. County Clerk, at hi of- nc in rrmevtlle, Ureffon, and mat nuai hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m., on March 8 1907. before the Reititr and Receiver t the United State Land Office in The Dalles. Oretron. The mid conteatant havine, in a proper affidavit, tiled December H. l'JOti, m forth facta which iliow that after due dilirence personal service of thi notice can not be matte, it Is hereby ordered ana airaeteu that such notice be given by due and proper publication. MICHAEL T.KOLAK. 1-Sl-np Register, Department of the Interior. Contest Notice. United States Land Office. ThePalles. Orejron. January 10. 1907. A suthcient contest affidavit having been filed in tliis office by Carl John 5und quist, contestant aeainst homestead entry So. ltiM, made February 18, 1905, for VW (Section .12, Township 13 tvuiin. Kan re IS Kast, v . M ., iy Jonn v. r aoer, Cwnteetee. in which it is alleged that said 'John C. Faber has whollv abandoned said tract; that he has changed bi residence therefrom for more than six months last past; that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law: that said alleged absence was not flue to his employment in tne army, navy or marine corns of the United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby noti- neu to appear, rrcponu aim ouw rviiu-ucr touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. ni. on February SI, 1907, before Warren Brown. County Clerk, at his office in Prineville. Orevon. and that final hearing ill b held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Febru ary 28, iy07, before the Hegiter and Re- H-iver at the United states Laiui Office la The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed January 2, 1907, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be maae, it is nereny ordered ana aireciea that ruch notice be given by due and proper puoi ic-aiion. 1-24-p Michael T. Kolar, Register. '. SherifTs Sale. In the County Court of the State ofOre- - con for the Countv of t rook. Will Wuntweiler, Arthur Hodges and A. Thomson, partners, doing business in the firm name of Wursweiler A Thomson, plaintiffs, vs. Tom U'Connell, defendant. Notice is hereby given that by virtueof an execution issued out of the County Court, of the State of Oregon for Crook County, on the 23d day of January 1907, upon a nidetnent rendered in said Court on the 6th day of Jane 1905, in favor of Wurs weiler A Thomson, plaintiffs, and against Tom O'Connell, defendant, to me di rected and delivered. Commanding me to make tne sums of tlOt.55 with interest at the rate of 6 per cent from tbe 2nd day of May 1904, and 47.S0 costs out of th per sonal property of the above named defendant, and if sufficient could not be fo ind . then out of the real property belonging to said defend ant on or alter the said 6th daj of June 190V I did on the 24th day of January 1907 levy upon tbe WK SEW. EH SW Section 26, Township Li,, ilaiige 16 in Crook County, Oregon, and I will on Saturday the 2d day ot March, 1907. at the hour of one o'clock in the the after noon of said day, at the front door of the Court house in tbe City of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest, which tbe said defendant, Tom O'Connell had in and to the above described real property on the Jth day of June 1905, or any time thereafter, in and to the above described real property to satisfy said judgment, interest and costs, and accruing costs. Fkahk Elkims, Sheriff Crook Co. Or. . By John Combs, Deputy Department of the Interior, - Notice for Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. January 24, 1907. Notice is hereby given that John R. Powers, of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled no tice of his intention to make final five-year proof in support of his claim, vis: Home stead Entrv No. 7916 made January 24. 1900, for theSJi KEfeand TS. XW of Section 2s, township Id South, Kan ire 16 E., W. M., and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, at Prine ville. Oregon, on March nth, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: Alfred Carey, Henry Smith. C. A. Dun can, Charle Feuerhelm, of Prineville Oregon. Michael T. Nolak, 1-Slp Register. Neighbors Got Fooled. "I waa literally coughing myself to death, and had become too weak to leave my led; and neighbor) pre dicted that I would never leave it alive; but they got fooled, forthankn le to God, I wan Induced to try Dr. King's New Dlricovery. It took juKt four one dollar bottles to completely cure the cough and rentore me to good Bound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher, of Grovertowu, Stak Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by D. P. Adam son & Co., and Templeton & Son, Druggists. 5oc. and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Wood Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that ,eii!ed bids will be received hy Crook ounty unto March 7, 1907, for 80 cords uf womi, either dry or gre.n sound body juniper ond four feet long, or green pine wood 16 or '11 inches or four feet long. Hid to specify kind and quulity ii'id length of worn! unit price per corn , an. I to be delivered on or before Octolxsr 15 1:W7, "t the Court Hon nnd High School building in I'nnevillc, Or. All bids to Ins hied with the county clerk. By order of the court. 1-17 Waekes Hkom'm, County Clerk. Notice to Taxpayers. The time for paying taxe approaches and your attention is respectfully called to me name, xi me money la 111 mis oiuce oy March 15 a rebate of 3 per cent will be al lowed. If one-half is paid by the rir.-t Monday in April, the time for paying bulunce will lie extended to the fir-1 Mon day in October without further cost. Taxes become delinquent the fir t Monday in April, when a penalty of in per cent will be added and intre-t chargi-dnt the rate of 1 per cent a month. Frank Ki.kinh, Sheriff of Crook Co. Biq Seed Potatoes I FOR SALE. Why don't you buy your Heed po tatoes lierore I lie price getH to he doubled. I have n hundred IiiihIh'Im of Oregon Burliatiks for sale. They are good and ripe mid free from front. I will deliver at your liouHe any where within 7 miles of prineville at 1 1.50 a biiHhel as soon us the weather opens. Write a postal card telling your name and address and how many bushels you want to I'ktek Poppkscu, prineville, Or. Fin Ranch For Sal. FOn SALE. 1520 nor. of kowI Intnl. 640 Bon of iol nu'rtilow, 80 m-n of nlfiiltn, Tmlnmv jrmvl piwtiiiv In lid; nil under a 8 wire folic and will Ih toll for fs an hoiv. All tools will b thrown In. 20hoil of horns broken, 700 IknuI of cattlo, m iit "(4 thorn stock rattle, isoinc ntwrn, vrarllnjr anil a-jrar-oldw, all for $20,000. Tart cawli, twin no on ray term. For further In formation Inquire t I V. Halley, Paulina, Oregon. 12-27-6 Rising From th Grave. A prominent manufacturer. Win. A. Fertwell, of Lucania, X. C, re lati a most remarkable experhtKt, He nays: "After taking less than three bottles of Electric Hitters, I feel like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Urtght'a disease, In the Diabetes stage. 1 fully believe Elec tric Bitters will cure me permanent ly, tor It ha already stopped the liver ami bladder complications which have troubled me lor years, Guaranteed at I). P. Adaiuson & Co., and Templeton & Son, druggists. iTK-e only &w. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of A. P. Daw son, deceased : Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the administrator of the estate of A. P. Davrsou, dewa-ted, to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same with the proper vouch er to the undersigned at my residence near Lamotita, Oregon, within six months from the date or this notice. Dated this 30th day of December. 1906. J. S. McMKKS. Administrator of the estate ol A. P. Daw son, deceased. ' A Valuable Lesson. "Sis years ago I learned a valuable lesson," writes John Pleasant-, ol Magnolia. Ind. "1 then began tak luir Dr. King's New Life Tills, and the longer I take them the better I And them." They please everybody Guaranteed at D. P. Adamsou A Co., and Templeton & Son, druggists. Sjc. Notice to Debtors. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to the old firm of Wuri weiler & Thomson, by note or other wise, are requested to call at onee and make settlement at the office ol M. R. Biggs where we are now locat ed. All accounts not settled within 30 days will be placed In the hands of a lawyer for collection. Dated this 24, day of January, 1907. ' ' ' i ' ' A. Thomsox, tf Arthtk Hodgks. Department of the Interior, ' Notice for Publication. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, January 24, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Thomas B Zell, of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled notice of his intention to make final five-year proof in support of his claim, via: Home stead Entrv No. 10002 made November 14, lHOLfor the SEV of Section 20, Township 15 boutn, Kange IS w . M.. and tnat said proof will be made before the County l terc, at t nnevuie, uregon, on Jiarcu sin 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot tne land, vis: Dick Vandervert. W. J. Vandervert. J A. Kinys, C- D. iwanson. H. J. Edwards. of Prineville, Oregon. Michael T. Nolak, 1-aip Kegister. Department of the Interior, Notice for Publication. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 25, 1907. Notice is hereby given that Edward HotT, of Prineville, Oregon, has filed no tice of his intention to make final commu tation proof in support of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 13998 made Novem ber 22, 1904, for the WW NEii of Section 9, Township 16 South, Range 14 E., W. M., and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk, at Prieeville, Oregon, on March 8th, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, vis: Richard Meyer, Charles Wolfer, Moses Neiswonger. Charles D. ffwanson, of Prine ville. Oregon. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, l-31p Register. Common Colds are the Cause of Many Serious Diseases. . Physicians who have gained a na tional reputation as analysts of the cause of various diseases, claim that if catching cold could lie avoided a long list " of dangerous ailments would never be heard of. Every one knows that Pneumonia and con sumption origiuate from a cold, and chronic catarrh, bronchitis, mid all throat and lung trouble are aggra vated and rendered more serious by each fresh attack. Do not risk your life or take chances when you have a cold. Chamlierlafn's Cough Remedy will cure it before these diseases de velop. This remedy contains no opium, morphine or other harmful drug and lias thirty years of reputa tion back of It, gained by its cures under every condition. For sale by D. P. Adamson & Co. Notice for Publication. (Isolated Tract.) PUBLIC LAND SALE. U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, January, IS, 1907. Notice is hereby given, that as directed by the Coiiiiuinsioner ot the Ueneral Land Office, under provisons of act of Connress approved .Mine 27. l!i. Public No. 30li, we will oiler ut public sale to the higlieH bid der, at 10 o'clock h. in. on the 2lst day of February next, at this oflice, the following tract of land, to-wit: The 8 fi 4 SW' of Section 27, Township 10 South. Kange 19 East, W. l. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above dcignated for sale. M ICHAEL T. NOLAN, Regi der. ANN K M. LANIi, Receiver. 1-17- Hunting for Tronble. "I've lived In California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wounds, boils, cuts, sprains, or a cawe of piles that IJucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Waltes, of Allegliana, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every case. Guaranteed at I). P. Adam son & Co. and Templeton & Sons' drugstore. 2.rc. Notice of final Settlement. In the matter of the Kstale of Lemeul lioone, Deceased, Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the ndministratrix ol theKstutcof I .emeu I (j. Doolie, deceased O.ot 1... I.uu I.. t'.l.l :.. ..... inn, ..iic una muni; nun itinj ill Liie vijujiv l,...rt I.... i.. ...I I I 1. ..!..:? vLiii. 11171 iiiiai ui;i uii nil iir ui iiei uuilll'lis- iration ol ssiki eslale, anil tne said Uourt basset Monday, the 4th dny of March at till- I ',l ill Tit V Ciiri P....1.1 li, l,-i,ivilln II.... gon, as the time and place fur hearing said uii. ii iiccoiiiiiinK. ii wiiicii nine ami place, any person interested in said estate mav nmiear and object to .-aid final ne. counting. Jlated this 31st day ol January 1!W7, Ella Boonk, AdiniuiHtratrix of the Ks tute of Lemeul G. iioone, Deceased. Professional Cards, fy"' Camming JVWm Ve Hoattuartm al Hamilton Livery Stable Qt C. S3r, Jt Office with YY. Karnes Belknap dt Cdwards ffJkjfin'mmt mint frry js V Jmr SW Am ZPrintvilIt, f Jt Casern 60 ry OfiRmm Sav wx bwNtrwV mm T?mmjwmm ' CVgy SMm; JVwkvMIwtf 0mmmm Am4 mmmt 9?, Jvj . 0. iPkjftitimH mmm Smrym Calls Answtrkk PaoMrriY Pat ob NiaHT Orvic One Poo Soars or Apamson's Paeu Stork. Kssiixkc Orrosira MsTHonisT Cavaca Vrjv', nryea) ZPrimtmtll: OrrfH, pTlTlTlTSlCTl a u J d ri.: g i iituiu-i cuuicu tuiua h Finest in the City. a iii f D. P. Adamson & Co I Leased the Dillon Feed Yard. Alex Baldwin has bought the lease on the Dillon Feed Yard and is now in charge of the same. He guaran tees the traveling public careful at tention and prompt service. A share of your patronage solicited. Some Values In Sweaters. $0.00 Sweaters for 14. 00 t5.00 Sweaters for 1:1.75 4.00 Sweaters for J.!H) jtf.50 Sweaters for ...,-..tl0 $.1.00 Sweaters for fl.UO -'.50 Sweaters for l.75 1.75 Sweaters for tf 1.35 We guarantee everyone of the above to lie all wool and good values at the regular price. HIDEOUT A FOSTER WOMEN a- mate? Kobertine give what every woman most desiresa perfect complexion. It brin? that soft, smooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheek that denotes youthfulness. It will bring beauty to those who lack it: It will retain It for those who already possess It; It will enable you to successfully combat the ravasea of weather and time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just try Kobertine. Tour druggist will give you a free sample. All drug--ists keep Robertlne. KM the) isoncleilul waten Isre,isa9a emarkabier SSStaaajbB asjd tMaV &M&0li TlaV aaiatjrjbrj aejaipptafl ajsjilMMa psjassjasa ajwaay Jtadacaj tMasatsst, MMiM arv immf i tiw ja MM MM wan al mm mm ml mm hmM. Lmmmti mmi DADIUM SPRINGS full Sm YfmjfmmwAktm ie n ' Ma, UM fll V H 9 - 11 mrmm U "1 FOSTER I H0RIGRN 1KALKK8 IN 0 Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork. Fish, Gam and Vegetables in season. , After January 1st we will have a stock sufficient for all needs of our Home Cured Bacon and Hams. Bring Us Your Wc can handle any amount of Country Kj;us and Huttcr. The highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds. Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or shank. We will make the price right. POSTER & fi ir fxxxTw s Irj- lriH UWL LAtt iukl m D n AHA t?4 2 THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRINEVILLF, OREGON Stork boarded by the day, work or month at Reasonable niti'H. Hi'tiicuiber hh when in Prineville. Ratks Uk.isonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent The Dal Ees Nurseries K. II. WKHKK, Proprietor, The Dalles, OrcRon GROWER AND DKALKR IN FRUIT. SHADE "f"0 BT IT C GRAPE VINES ORNAMENTAL 1 1 B2 C W SMALL FRUITS Evcr(recat, Rom and Sbmbbtrjr, Hracialkt, Tulip. Llliti, Dahiliai, Peooii, Etc. t WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, IT IS FREE Remember our Trees P. B. POIN DEXTER, Agent I'UIXEVILLK, OUKGON THE GREATEST CURE FOR COUGHS and GOLDS mm mmm a fei i-.j t m'-n r-s Ji..-!l-:j ..... -US fiJ i.: ,.i r'Oll Croup, Whcov.-'n'.- ";';;!., I. rrnci La Grippe, Quinsy, Hoai-i.t-rosj, ! i ,i.:orr;r.;c c: i.h3 Lungs, Weaknc&v oi Iau i-.'ihua and " .1 .::.;...: cf THSOAV, LUUG-- Mil) CHEST Eleven years f. It. King a Ifcw Discovery permanently cured ma of a severe uml daiigerouu throat and lung trouble, and I've been a woll man ever eincs. G. 0. Floyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. PRICE OOo SOLD AND Templeton & Son and D, Country Produce HORIGAN Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complote line of Gent's Furnishings at Pricf that you can att'ord to pay. Call in a inl lot us show you the pods and quote you nur prices. A Choice Line of Cigars & Tobaccos nn rrr - MC D rJ are Grown Without Irrigation ik J fcl "..1 . i AND 81.00 GUARANTEED BY P. Adamson & Company ' 11 U li H ft I' I'KHltY I.OM1 Long & Dalrt in Jim Wi, Ximumrt nd Cifort jjt r Jfop Sold S9r ai t r , .. . -..- -- -- - 3Ta,mll3r Tiado Collcitod. S mmf ! piacksmithing 4 In The Kind J. H. , 1 s Flrnl 1'lii.v Norili iiniu1 rriiii-vuii' iioii-i m mk 1, HorslHH'inij:. Wnjron ami (Joiioral Hojmir work uono 1 V Km V 'ii1 iik m Km mf c e j Domestic and Iiuportcu liquors, Vincs - and Hilars COUNTRY ItI)i:US SOLICITS!) Potit OlVu MAIN STHKET I A 4 4 4i f ? ' ? it'" The Opera Saloon C. A. BEDELL, Proprietor In The (ilac Hall A First Class House in F.very Respect Choicest Brands jjy and inrinrinnrinriJinrinriririririHrifir'ww.i JL! JL JL JLJL, JL JL JLJk jVk.JWJL Jk JLJL JUJL JLJLJk. JLJLJI.JL J r l LJ n LJ r,i l J n u r LJ r LJ r LJ n LJ r i LJ r i l J LJ n LJ r r LJ L J r i LJ r l LJ The O'Neil Restaurant MILLER BUILDING, PRINEVIloloE, OREGON First Class Meals 25c and Up Fresh Oyters and Fist in Season SMELZER & ELLEFSON, Props. L JL 'JL.UL L JL JL JL JL JLJL JL J1. L JL JL JL JL Jk Jlj JL JW JL JL JL JL LJ n LJ r T L J rn L J ri LJ r.,i LJ n L J n LJ r.." LJ r i LJ LJ r 1 LJ r 1 l J n L J n LJ r.i Soneral blacksmith ing IIOHRKBIIOKINO, WlKII) W'oitK, KTC, Neatly and Pkomitj.y Donk Whkn it m Donk Hy : : : Robert 9oorc Satisfaction Will I'lUNKVn-I.E, LJ r,irrnrr?rr irir " .irw irnnrimFii LJL .ILJL JLJLJLjt.'JLJL JLJL JLUfLJLJLJl. JLULJL jLJLJL JI.JLLJLJJ Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko SOUKDULK I.chvi'h Shiiniko, (i p. in. Arrived ill, I'l'inoville 6 ii. m. 1i iivi'B riini'villi! 1 p. in. Arrived at Hlianiku 1 a. in. First Class Accommodations W AI T HSOI1KHI.V Snoderly That Pleases j You (lot At WIGLE'S I c g p z ( o n SMITH A VIKKK, ri.oi uim.HM A 2s V. - f l!ox 2 PlUNKVILLK, OHK(i()N W, 4 f J m I of Liquors, Wines Cigars . rinr,i LJL.J JLUL JklUL JL JL JL JL JL JLL J JftJ JLJL JL JL JL JL JLJLJL JL JL JL J Re Guaranteed OuKIKIN, Sliinglos, MouIdiiiKu, WinOown, DoorH, (JliiHHfiH, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP&PERRY ritlNEVILLE, OKEUON P4 L J r i L J LJ L J r..i LJ r.n L J r..i L J r i LJ r.t L J r.i L J ri L J r i L J r i L J r,t LJ ri L J LJ r- LJ LJ LJ r.i LJ r..-i L J LJ r.i LJ rvi L J L J r,.i LJ n LJ r..T L J n.i LJ LJ r.i L'J