Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 21, 1907, Image 3

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    Local Mention
CiimliiK.ouiiilint "llrid.v." Mitnlt n
A mill wm Imrn In Mr. anil Mr
W. I. Jlmiett Momliiy.
Fnxl I'uwill of I'millim. wiim lit
town on IniMlncMd Kntunluv.
A liojr wiw liorn to Mr. find Mr.
A. W. Morton) Mninlny mornlhu.
(Wltr VOX ! l.lllllOlltH, wiut In
town Tiiffiln.v.
Hritii new wvnory lor "ll'Uy."
Kwi your rjr on Iiit&II th llim.
HiiKh I.lntiT, or I'millim I vIhIUiik
In tliiTtty with IiIm wlfoimil clill.lif u.
H, A. I.y tU nml fmiilly ut l.uiiiontn,
nrt MNuilliiir iv wwk with Cluirli-
A iiliH-iiiiiin iflrl wit Imrn to Mr.
Mini Mr. ('. I ItoU'rlM of l'tuillim,
frVtiriMry 1U( It.
Tlii I'oiinily.ilrmim "ItrU.v" In tin
iiiowt IiiiikIiuIiIi thhiK that v'r lilt
Hit I own. Itok out lor It Mutvli N.
Tlu' ArilMrtiix Inn) n liltr lliiu-iil
tlm'r rniiiilur itHt'tliiir Moii.lny evtn
I UK. Out' fniiillilitit win Initialed.
limnl li.nmliiK nml I'lillllp
(Iriilimii ot liny t'tviA, wen- In (own
th rtrxt ol tin w wk.
w r a cTrn rnnnc
In great vsrit-ty at
Th Mlwu Knit nml J.;iuil V.
Ilmimoii mm vImIiIiiit t llic Iioiim of
tlu-lr iiiii lc, Km nk Fonit.
I. ovt Hiillcy of riiiillmi. In laid up
lit thf rolnli'Xlr HolH with hi oll
fiit'iny rlM'iiuintlmii.
Hlmimt prki Mi'in to In In orltr
we will cut our .IV- mtmlM to Sic nt
tlieO'NVII lUwtitiirnnt.
II. V. Johiiniui In ilnliiu t-lcricnl
work In th olthi of Korvnt 8uvr
vhior Irflnml. lit rommciii'iil Moil
iluy. J. II. (irny wiim ilown from t la
ITpMr IVlioco t lit flrnt of tin wwk.
Tlw witnii wiMlln'r In mtyn, him
Ktitrtetl tin yrrniMi nml nlm l nrt tlo
llltf woll.
tlmitli Morm of I'rliiivlllf. Mrtmlo
Cotik of Fnlrvltw, nml Ailii IMIrow
of lUttrook, mifttiwfiilly pimwtl tin
flKiilh k"'1i t'Xiiinliiiilluim nml nrt
now ntuiullii the Crook ('utility
Tht roiitMtnnU In tin Ititvr-tto-rlfty
orntorlotkl coiitittt whlrh lit kin
I'luce at tht CrtMik County IIIkIi
St-liool Friilny fVfiilnu, Mil nh Ut,
Imvo rhiMM'ii tht followliij; JmlKtu:
For oratory, ltv. Jlnnett, fortliH-ln-liliilloll.
Mm. .lohii WIkIc.
At the mt'iit tiifht'm exitinliin
tlmiH ht'ltl by Comity SiiNrliitt'iilt'iit
Dinwiddle, tho following triuhern
puiutHl: Flmt irriult Mln Add Tay
lor, Clmrlrii Ia'wIm, V. It. Cook, MUs
Oum Fvi'Kimon, Knt Mi-Nell, MIhh
Orphn I VI lit nml MIhh Minnie DoMm.
KtH'oml KC'itlt Mm. Miiuth Mo
I jttiKlillu. Minn Marlt (Inlltiwiiy.
Third jfriuli MlKt Horn ('liipjr,
MlMtTllllt Flmh. MIhh Joiiiili t'lltn
iiiIiikn. MIhh Norn Mitchell. Primary
rtTtlllt'iitt' MIhh Kinmii Amh-moii.
Reduction Sale
My entire line of Millinery
t Corner 2nd and Main StraaU r
New tati. (liireou rotiiiiH'
H "IMv" Murt h M.
When In town ulvt im it trial. Tin
U't men I In town for 2-V nt tin
O'Nell Hetiliiuriitit.
J. K. Kleiirl & Co., Iinven few
ItllKKliU and lliuk left oil lllell
thfy nrt luuMnit vrry low prlee.
Whnt? IteUy." Where? t'luli
hull. When? Man h H (let your
tleketM fnrly,
('. Mt riiermui, of Trout ereek. Jim
( lark, T. H. Ilniulltoii nml Miller
Mt'l'hemon, of AkIiwimmI wen In
town tht Hrt of tht week. They
cniiit up to lulervlew tin fortut -nervt
ollli'lithi nml mrun their itlloU
lueut of nilliilner niliKe III tint ntterve.
Another pleilMitllt him-IiiI eveidni;
will U ijlveii liy the piiplht and tefteh-
r of tht Crook County I licit Helmut
Friday, Man h 13. Orlu MIIIn. t hnlr.
limn; I'.lvn ItiddiH mid Aifiien I'llloit
t'oliMtllult the roiiiuiillet that will
have char ire of the evenliiK.
Mm. (Iriinvll Nyt of Itenr cnt k. U
iiiltt uli k w ith w hat I Htippowil to
tut blood polHiiiiliiK. Slit took riirt
of the lute Mm. Ilniiiej who died
from t hut rniiiH nml III mippowi
that In mum way the point ut wiim
coiiiniunli'iiteil to Mm. Nye tliriuli
her teeth, tut her teeth nml Jimnare
tht tient of troulili.
Hulk v, IUk nml Wnlklnjf plown nt
J. I.. Hlewnrt 4k In., nt fur l luw
the iiMtinl prut.
When In I'liiievlllt tlon't forget to
enll nt the Cnnh (Inwery for nil (t"iod
t lilnifx tn fftt, nt ltl roek prlt iK.
Millinery koimIn nt net unl nut until
Hprlnic atoek nrrlvea.
T. F. MijCai.uhtkii.
1'hfiiHiiitl nervlt'in In tht f'rtuby
ti rlmi elitin h on February 21 Hul-
Jitt for It a. in.. "Tin Hiijuliy
Sehool." Thetnt for 7-'M) . in.,
"Cttpltnl and Itbor nml the llalilu
that inakf I'oor." Chrltttliin Kit-
tleiivnr at OuK). Them will In a joint
meeting of tht thre anolftlitt the
F.pworth l-enjnie nml the two I'.n-
deitvom. Topic, "Forelun MIhhIoiim,
Tht KIiikIoiii of the iMlnmU."
Ii'iidrr. Mm. Wlnnek. The Ijidlcn
Aid will meet In the iliiin h lllirary
on Thumdnr, I'eliruiiry 2H,
The Crook County. High Sehool
w ill Im the m-elie of n lively MtrilKKk
on the evening of Mun li Int. The
tUHHle will lie n mental tint between
tlelmtliiK teaniH clioMfiirotii the two
high win ml mxlitliH. The debatem
lire putting III noiut hard' work on
the theme for illwuwdoii and an the
time for the content drawn near In
tenttt wnxett iitrotiger. Kiu-h o
clety f.-elMcotilldeiit of winning. The
following were eh!-teil juilgen: Hull.
1. N. WlllliiuiHon. Iter. IliiH ami It.
K. (Irny.
We have iwurrtl the ayenry fur the lamotu "SE12" Snoes
anil alreatly .Have a large sliipmrnl ol our Spring Slock on
our shelves with more enroule.
la lite hesl line ol S3.50 and $4.00 Men's Fine Shoes in the world
Line ol Ladies' $3.00 Shoes are the superior ol any $3.50
line in the market.
Every pair ol "SELZ" Shoes is accompanied by a written
guarantee, and their guarantee means something, it means a
new pair ol shoes free ii the first pair does not give satis
faction. Give them a trial You can not lose by it.
Rideout & Foster
Ladies' and Gent's Outfitters
Ueuy?" Ak Wln-llfiffi'firraraorafFfTSra
frtO f
M - - ----- M.. i. - a.
"l rFr rr"p rF rr
J, K. Ktewnrt & Co., nrt keeping
their MttH-k of groecrlc complelt mid
can nave you at leant 20 t cent on
your pnndinm'H.
Tho regular meeting of the Alpha
and (K'hiK'oiilun llternry ntH-ltlett wm
heltl In the high Ht'liool Friday ii (ter
iioon, February l.'ith. The Kpivlnl
featun watt a debute on the San
FnuiclHt'o entanglement growing
nut of the Jnpunt'Mt hcIioo) cxcliittlou
tiiettlou. The winning Hide JtiMtllled
the Ooldeii (late city In ejecting the
JnpaueHt Htndelitx. A mimical and
literary program added to the Intt-r.
tut of the meeting. ,
The grand uniform ball of the
I'rlnevllle lire department will take
place Febrtinry 22. The boya are
Hparlng no exH'UHp to mnke theoc-
cuhIdii a pleiiHuut one. The ln'wt
itupiH-r ami the In-nt iiiumIc that can
he hud will be nt your command
that evening. I'rlnevllle owe much
to her fin tighten and right here Im
a chance to hIiow hoiiic HtiliHtanllnl
appreciation, (let your ticket h
I'oHt Im to have a tdiiMitlug 'match
February 22. Ilet f will U Htitmtltut
ed for turkey an the reward of
The reception tendentl to Mr. and
Mm. Ftvd W. WlUon Friday even
ing by the 1. A. A. C. and lmllin an
nex wim well nttendetl. The card
rooniH, billiard room and bowling
alley down Ktaini found many de
votee while up ntalm the big hall
wan given up to the dancem. The
evening wan a mimt enjoyable one
and will lougtM pleuHiuitly remem
lKntl by the gucHtn of honor who
Hhortly leave tor The Dallett.
Mm. Mellaril l'owell met with a
painful accident on Friday hunt.
She wiih doing nome blacknmlthlng
on her own nccount when a hot
cinder flew from the anvil and Htruck
her In the eye. Ir. HdwnrdH wan
called and he nays that the eight
may lie naved If no further complica
tion bo t In. The hot. Iron ttearttl
the outer covering of the lrln bo that
In order to get the right focuHMpeelal
l.V grttutul ghiKHeH will Ik lieeetwary.
lo yon know
nek about her.
The Indie aid Mork-t.r of the M. K.
rlnin h will hold an Kiwler aale oil
the Hatiirday nftfriioou ami evening
pnveillng Kaater Kuudiiy.
On Ttleaday evening a meeting of
the boy of the high arhool waa held
for the piirpow of organlscliig a bane
ball team. The following office!
were electetl: 1'realdent, Iitter
Cohm; captain, liert Itnnitu; were-
larr, Orvnl (iHhorn; mnnnger, Orin
MIIIm. I'rnt-tk'e will iM-gln lininedl-
ately and a gamelNt'i be arrogned
with the former atudcut of the high
win ml.
HEINZ Hwi-et, Hon rand Dili
1'icklen ami Qnewi Olivet in
Bulk at
Claypool Bros.
Saturday evening there wan a
plcanaut party at the home of J. II.
(irny on ivewaom creek. I he oe-
ciutlon wan a farewtlt party to Mr,
and Mm. Homer Norton who are
win to leave for their old home In
KniiHiin. Thotte preHcnt were J. II.
Kelly and family, Floyd Howell and
family. Hoy Gray and wife. Mm.
Nancy Noble. Mm, Etty Wiley, W.
If. Keene and wife, E. F. Long and
wife, Mr. and Mm. llalier; the Mlanea
Knox, Krummer. Taylor, W'elboro,
Edna and Trixy lying, Grace Wlbton,
(ioldle (iray and May Heed; and
Metuim. E. U. Knox, J. H. and W. II.
Pont, E. K. (flllenwaU-r, Clarence
Stover, J. Howell and M. lirumnier.
Mt. Jeffemon Iidge, No. W, I. (.
). F of Mini not, wan Inntltuted
Sat unlay evening, February 11, by
S. I). (). M , T. II. I.aMlett, iIxhIhUmI
by other memliemof Ochoco Iwlge
of I'rlnevllle. Tho offlcem cf the new
liKlgenre an followa: John T. Die
ney, N. (I.; N. ii. Plnkcrtou, V. O.; C.
E. Hounh, necretary; John McTag-
gart, treaaurer; U. C. Dove, warden;
Jainen Kaan,- I, (.; A. Uatalgla, O.
(1.; Fred Davln, It. S. N. 6.; N. C. B.
Ilium, L. 8 N. G.; M Van Taaael, It.!
S. V. G.; Ernent V. Doty, L. 8. V. G.
The lodge ntnrtn off with twenty
menibera. About twenty Odd Fei-
lown from I'rluevllle weut down to
help give their nlwter lodge a good
aciid-off. They all report a nplendld
time and are unntlnted In their praine
of Mail ran honpltallty. '
The celebration of the forty-third
muilvcmary of the , Knlghtn of
I'ytlihut lant evening In Belknap Hall
will long In a memorable one in the
annalH of I.una Ijtidge if I'rlnevllle.
Sir Knlghtn and Invited guenta an
KfMntiletl In Delknap Hall where an
excellent uiunlcal and literary pro
gram wan given. After the exer
clnen Chairman Macleod announced
that nupiHT waa ready at Hotel
I'rlnevllle mid nil pnntnt were Invit
ed to partake of the good thlngH
pn-pansl tiy Mm. McDowell. It wan
about 10 o'clock when tins banqueters
took their ponitlonn at the table and
for two bourn did full juntlce to a
tootliHonie menu. The Hon. J, N.
Wllliainnon acted an totintmnnter
and actiuited himnelf nplendidly.
The Sir Knlghtn have a reputation
for never doing thing by halves, and
their celebration last eveulng will
Ht ill further enhance their tame tut
George Miliiron and wife from Alka
li are in town. They have a very
nlrk baby and came in to be near the
Superior Grain Drills
Strictly made to measure
The latest metropolitan
Prices within reach of all
The Tailor
ff - L : -
Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Single Disks,
with or without grass seed attachments. The effectire feed method of lub
ricating the discs, style of discs and other good point all combine to make
the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made.
Wo Carry a Full Line of Repairs
Catalogues Mailed on Request.
W. F. King
Railroads in Trouble.
The Dallei Optiniiet of Febru
ary 14 fays' that "notwithstanding
the fact that the heavy snow has
been a godsend to the farmers, and
this being true, the railroads will
finally get their share, they are
now having much ado to keep run
ning even with the greatest irregu
Immediately following the big
blockade which cut off all com
munication with Portland for
several days, the company en
countered difficulties east of the
city in the shape of washouts at
Deschutes and lleppner. These
had no sooner been repaired than
Saturday night a freight was ditch
ed at Eagle creek near Bonneville
in consequence of a broken rail.
Several cars were overturned, but
happily no one was hurt. Accord
ingly no trains came up from the
Metropolis until Monday. Not
only hao traffic on the 0. R. fe X.
been delayed, but the Great South
ern and the Columbia Southern
have also suffered a great incon
venience. The Great Southern, on auceunt
of the proximity of its track to
Fifteen Mile creek, has been
especially unfortunate. No sooner
had the track been put in running
order after the first freshet than
Saturday word was received by
Contractor " Tyler that several
bridges had been washed out along
the line and his assistance was de
sired to repair them. Since then
there has been no trains from
Dufur. It is reported that several
hundred feet of track has been dis
placed along the Biggs Shaniko
road and trains have been prevent
ed from running for more than a
tV A A A A A AAA A A dk.
The O. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS, Proprietors
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables
and Country Produce, also
Fish and Game in Season
Highest Market Price Paid
for Butter, Eggs and
.Country Produce ::
Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention
Big Reduction In Hats !
Our Stock of Ladies' Hats
Consisting of all the latest
styles will be sold at a big
,. , !. ,1. ilMlMl,!.,.!,,!, I,,!.,.,.,,., ,t,Trt,,.,. t-tttTTTI1ll'lll
5c pound
Wm. Rogers & Son
Sflver Plated Tea
Spoons at - 85c set
30 Days Credit On Approved Accounts
Grocery Specials
Tea Garden Syrup, J gal can 50c
Acorn Syrup, J gal can. 35c
Fels Naptha Soap, ten bars 60c
Schilling or Folger Bk Powder 40c
Japan Tea, J lb pkg . 20c
Pure Cane Sugar, per sk 6.50
No. 1 standard oysters, per can 10c
Star or Diamond OSoap, 6 bars 25c
Standard corn, per doz , 1.25
Standard fruits, per can 20c
Best Corn Starch, three pkgs 25c
Ghiradellas Cocoa... 1 25c
1 lb Chocolate 25c
Hazelwood Cheese, pound 20c
Prize Bak Powder, lb tins 50c
Corn Meal, 10 lb sks 45c
Gasene Soap, 10 bars 65c
Lion Soap, 7 bars 25c
Force, per pkg . 15c
Grape Nut 15c
Pink .leans, lb...,. 5c
Tinware Specials
XXX Tin wash boilers 90c
21 quart dish pan 35c
No. 1 lamp chimney 5c
No. 2 lamp chimney 10c
Dietz Standard Lattern 55c
Lot 1. Values up to 75c . 25c
Lot 2. Values up to $1.00 45c
Lot3. Values up to $1.50 75c
Men's Suits
$10 Suits
12 suits
14 suits
15 suits
17.50 suits..
21 suits
... 8.50
$1.50 Fleeced underweaT 85c suit
2.50 Wool underwear.$1.85 suit
3 50 Wool underwear 2.35 suit
Jo Eo Stewart dk Company
I i--