Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 14, 1907, Image 3

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    Local Mention
('oMiliiK,rtimliiK-'"IW't,v." Mnr h N
A mini til niiMiry wim limt on Mnlu
Irts-t. Tht' HniliT will lfiimt k'uvr
n tin Ht tlita tiltlrc.
Tln riiini'ilv-Uniiiiii "IW-tay" In tli
immt ImiikIiiiIiIo tliliitf tlmt I'ver lilt
t li (own. Lookout lor It Mnrt'li M.
Mlk M ulviililll iin.U. K. Tnylor Iiml
ileum- la-tun JiiBlu ti I.mki-y Tuail'ijr
to idIiiIiIInIi I III" OWIITlll) ol N
liorw. Alttr vai'loim wltni-om-a wi-ik
'iiiiiIiiiiI I In' J'i'ltf' ilit'lilixl tlutt tin
iiiiliiuil U'luiiifcil to Mr Tnylor.
Tin nxt ii-Kuliir nii-vtlntc ol tli
Alplllt llllll Ol'tllH'Olllltll KIM'tt'tU will
Im In-lit In llii lili;li m'liool mi Friday
Hltfrnooii l'Vlmmry I.V l-'liu pro.
KriiliiniiK liuvn Ihm'U tn-ii.rtl liy the
t'oiiunli trt In fliiirni, iiihI llH'iifd-r.
ti tt iromlw to la lntntitliiK na
I'll mm Im iii'IIi Inl.
In !iint vnrifty si
A rtHt'itlon wiut nlvt-n to tli ltv.
Mr. Tnvmirr ul IWml nt t lit luniio of
Mr. ml Mm. Ktili limt i-vmltm.
Will Kluvcii. who wurWa WWurt-w-llt-r
A Co.. Iiml tli tlilnl KiikiT ol
hi rltflit IiuiiiI nuipiitiitiil ymtt-r.
ilny. 1 1 wim wo I hi illy trim-u ilur-tiiif
the i-olil hh- a moiitli iin Hint
liloiwl ioImoiiIiii( llirviiliMiril. Ir.
1 1. v ili-, iw.IkI-I liy Hr. KilwnnU, n-r-lorimil
t lif iK-rullini.
Mm. 1UV' ol IWnr rmk
illiil Momlny lllilllt ol lllooil polMOII
1 1) if. 8ln Him litirtitl ViilmMility lit
Alknll l-'lnl. Mm. Hiiiimt wiia tin
iiml Iht ol i-lulil clillil rt'ii, nit ol whom
wetv nt Iioiiii1 nt tlii tlinti ol ln-r
ilcnl Ii fxivpt on iliiuuliti-r. Mm.
Iliiim-r wim ii lion t Vt i-nm nliiui-.
Motulny iilli-rniioii ilurliiK tlii""-wiiil-ly
(n-rtoil Mm. Mlllli-nn nii1nM
iil tin- ulmh-nta ol tin' liluh m-IiooI In
Im'IiiiII ol tlio Clilliln-iiM' I'lvlc- I tii-1iroviuii-tit
lriitfti, lili li mIii iiikI
ln-r ro-worki-m IiiIi-ihI to tutiilillxh In
rrlm-vllli'. Tlii I" worthy umli-r-tikliiK
iiml ilifH-rvi-" tin' ritrmwt mip
port ol li-iu hi-m nntl iiinnt".
Thi uaunl wrvlt-Mi In the I'rraltjr.
tt rliui t liiin h next Hinnliiy, rVUrti.
nry J7. Hnlijivt lor 11 . in., "Tim
Ui'i-niiiii I'milli-nl Sou." HuliJiTtlor
7:'l(l p. in., "A" 1 lie Ox to tin-Nlmiuhti-i."
Clirlndaii Kiuli-nvor nt
;.') Ii-iiilcr, MIh Kay lliililwln.
Toili-, "An Kuay I, tin vomii" n lliird
Ouo." CluUlliin Kiiilmivor i-holr
.riulUi- Hiitiirilny rvi-uliiK nt tin-
Iioiiii' ol Mm. Wliint-k.
PurliiK tht' l"Ml wwU Hip follow.
Init iH-moim provtil up la-fun County
CU-rk Hrown: Thtimiluy Tlinln-r
i-lnlui John Amltlli', IIom, lilnho;
1 1. -n. W, Kiitx-ru, Jullii May Hurl
Kim, Vlolu llorltfim, Kllmi KiHMh-rly,
I'rliii-vllli-; Mtiiim-I Wlut-U-r, tlrlnly.
I'liilnv tin InllowliiK tlinU'r claim
wen1 iiiiuli- K'"l: Nmiii'V J. Iinilin
Itt'iliiioml; Clim-nif C Atthlt'', Muil-
hm; U'lin V. Mi'N'ivlly, Onrrvtt
lloovt-r. I'.ilwnnl T. Untinon, I'rlinv
vllli-; WIIIIhiii U. Morloril, Hninin-I 1).
I'rlii', Lniuoiitn; Wlnthrop A. Koli-y.
SUli-m; Jiu-oh It. Merrill, l'rliii'vllle.
Hiiiiinliiy. Iji'mIm MrCulllMter mul
tli-orip- W. Mi-CnlllHlor ol SlnU'm,
provi-il up on thi'lr lioimntriiilii.
The lollotviiij; provfil up on llinlier
fliiliim Annii Crook", tlrUily; Vk tor
tl'Connor, Hi-iliiioiiil; Uorn Clifk,
rrlm-vllU'; Ni-Uon V. KkkIi!"". A"Ii-
Reduction Sale
My entire line of Millinery f
DFnitrFn ppirr5 W
Cornar 2nd nd Main StrU
Nw tu". llnrni'ou" rontuiin.
H. "Ih-Uy" Mnn h M.
Iter. TAVfiii-r ol Itfil. In mwlMtlns
Itrv. Jiiiiii-tt nt tin1 n-vlvnl iiiii-Uiiu".
Win-ii In town lvi- ua ii trial. Tin
ImhI nii'iil In town lor !t"c nt tli
O'.Ni-ll Iti-oluiiniiit.
Hulky, HUk mul Wnlkliitt plow at
J. K. HU'wnrt ft Co., nt fur Ih-Iow
tlio iihuiiI price.
A lure wi-ll pnrty In to l" jjlvi-n to
Mr. Mini Mm. Kn-I W. WIImoii tiy tin
I'rliievllli- Ainiiteiir AtlilelU- :iuh
mul I Millie Annex ut Hie ilnli hull
on Krhlny ffiiliiK, Feliruiiry 15.
I .nun l-oilue No. K, K. ol 1'., w III
ii-li-liritti lh lorty-thlnl minlvemnry
of Unit oriler Fi-lirunry An i-n-terlnlniiii-ut
will lieulveii In Ih-lkuup
hull to Im fulloweil hy H liniiiuet lit
Hotel ITInevllle.
When In rrluevllle iloii't foruct to
mil nt the Cnxh (Inn cry for nil koimI
llilnit to fiit . nt ImhI riN-k prUi.
Millinery koihIm nt m-tiiiil ro"t until
MprhiK utoek nrrlve".
I . r . MIS ai.i.imtkii.
A telepholiu metwiitfi' froiii Knlelll
on l elirunry VI ny tnit no inn
tocrvnti' IHih'IiiiUhi c-oiiiity wa re.
portitl from t lit t-oiniulttie. A priic
tli'itl Joker tlpNil off it "lavornlili
omen" liniHe to lleinl Hint wilt
the teiiiiornry ronnty m-nt town In
M freiuy of Joy.
Wlmt? "Mmy." Where? Hub
hall. When? March . et yur
tU krU early.
J. K. Htewnrt Co., ft re keepluir
their "lock of itroeerlin coinpleti' anil
can nve you t leiMt 20 ier cent on
your piirchaea.
F. C. How lee of lUilmonil. wii
trniiHiu-lliiK biiMlnewi III town tliln
week. Mr. How lee "ny Hint Ile.
lo yon know "IleUy?" Ak Win
nek about her,
Klm-e cot prlt-e seem to le In order
we will cut our 3.V inenl t 2Tc at
t he O . Veil IteatAUrnnt.
Tlie ItoyAl InHUrince (., of Uver
pool, Knulnnil, enjoy Hie iluith-tlon
of lielnif lUteil aiiioliK the rotnpniile
there were but nil of them whk-b
"ettliil clnlma In theHnn Fram-lMCO
coiiltiiKratlon at 100 renta on the
dollar ft" AiHiiMted. AkwI" over
...omt Uoulel at ureM-nt but that I "I1 Million and an annual Income
. , . ' I of more than fifteen million.
there will be unite a "tlr In that f
tlon im aooii a the roml" are open
fornprliiK travel. '
J. K. Htewart A Co., have a few
HiiRUle" and lliu-ka h-lt on whh-h
they are tiinklnit very low firlce".
l.iiMt Frlilay eveulnit the teiu-hem
and pupil" oltliehlKli whool met III
the hltth "tin ii 'I Inill'lliiif mid eiit a
UlOMt elijoyiible cvelilllK. The pro.
Kritmiue wim In cluirife ol MImmc"
Howard and Siimmem'and Mr.
(ohm. One ol the li-nturea of the
evening wn n conlint In which eai-h
pnrtlclpnnt aimwiiri'd m-veral que
tloiiKby wiinlMlH'Kliinlim with hi" ltd
tlal". l'rliea were a wardiil to Mewim.
John Trlday and Warren LlHter for
the Ixnt lint of aiiMwem. Mr. and
Mm. W. F. Kin. Mm. HiM-kenlierry
and ditiiKhtcr mid aevernl lormcr
tiident" were Kiiet" durlnif the
It liaya
to luaiire where you know your
imm- will be pnld. The Koyal Klvea !
"iich liiKtirmii-f ; J K. Htewnrt ft Co.,
are their Trlm-tillc jiKcut". 2-71 f
If I'loi-iie" or hi" fplrlt "hoiild
evercimie Imck to enrlii mid mxnln
take up hi" "enrcli fur mi lnuu-t mini
he would Hot have to look lulitf In
I'rliievHle. Katuribiy lu"t Hardener
I'erry found a urn of money on the
"treeta mul Htruliditway came to the
Journal office to w-ek an owner.
Not that he exNctcd the editor to
have Much a aiiin looee In hi" Jenna
at any time, but to neck the aid of
the paM-r to And the pemon who
can make good hl claim to owm-r-ahlp.
Now don't all apeak at once.
We know how hard It la to Identify
cit"h o will give everybody who baa
a claim until next Saturday to pro
acnt the aame at till office.
Superior Grain Drills
hive ircurfj
ami already have
the aaency lor the I
a large ahipmenl ol
our shelves with more
amoui dlAJ-, ohoes
our Spring Stock on
It the lost line ol $3.50 and $4.00 Men's Fine Shoes in the world
Line ol Ladies' $3.00 Shoes are the superior ol any $3.50
line in lite
Every pair ol
guarantee, and
new pair
-SELZ" Shoes
their guarantee
ol shoes Ii
Give them
ii the
is accompanied hy a written
means something, it means a
first pair does not give satis
You can not lose by it
Rideout & Foster
Ladiet' and Gent' Outfitter
Hand-Painted China
Fineit in the City.
D.P. Adamson&Co
n l M 'I i M' '
Iteuiiiiiliiir Hiinilny moriilnK Itcv.
lU'tiur.l W. Ilnaa w ill hold revival
m--tliiw at Cnlon clum-li. hveninx
"ervlw" at 73W p. in. A cordial Invi
tation to all to nt tend thine aervioc".
Dr. Itoaenborn broke the I. A. A.
0. bow Hum; record Sunday. ( . nam
Smith iiml John Comb" wore the
belt tor a hunt time, then Alex.
ThoiiiMoti with ii m'onoI7tl ruptur
ed the honora. The wore miiile by
the doctor wart M) out ol n piMwIhle
Ik), lie made "even ""trlkc", then a
""pmv" and then two 'Vtrlke"."
We pivdli t that It will lie a loiitf
time In-fore till" wore I" iK'iiten.
F.lnewhcro will Ixi found a notice
from Sheriff Klklim notlfylmt taxpay
er" of a "iivlnif ol 3 per cent If their
money renche" hi" ofllce by March
15. II one-hall I" paid by the flint
Monday lu April the time for paying
balance will be extended to the Hint
Monday In Oetolier without further
coat. Tiixe" lieeniiie delinquent the
flmt Monday In April when a pen
alty ot 10 Hr cent will U added and
lutereet chnrKod at the rate of 1 per
cent a month.
Thomo" Ionit ol Newaom enrk,
wiiH In town the flmt of the week.
Ilrnii new Hcenery for "Uetay."
Kii-p ymir eye on her all the time.
George llolilm won In town
Wedncedny Irom the JoIiiihoii ranch.
He lulorui" up that he him completed
a contract for clearliijt 1000 acre on
the JoluiMon ranch and Iiiim taken a
contract to clear 200 iu-re" on the
Haldwln ranch near lleiid. The
work on the latter place will !h com
menced at once.
An orKanlzatlon of the atockmen
of northern Grant ha lni-n effected
with hend(uurtem at Monument.
It I" an effort on the part of the
atiM-kmen to itet Into a poaitlon
where they can make an effective
Ilht for their rlKhta. They are buay
at the pntietit time endeavoring to
"cure ranite In the Heppner reaerve
and It I" aafe to May will do all they
can to alleviate tne conuutona in
till" county. They are taking a atep
that the Columbia river atockmen
took a long time ago and their or
iranlxatlon ahould contain the name
of every atock ralaer In Northern
(irant and the cooperation ol every
cltlsen. Loiir Creek Ranger.
Kev. C. 1'. Bailey, who haa been
holdlnif protracted meeUnRa In thin
and Surnrlite valley thm winter, ar
rived In Lakevlew the flmt of the
week, havlnit cloaed hla meeting at
the State Line limt week. He tiegan
meetliiKH at Crane creek, and wan
net there bv large audlencea but on
account ol the heavy ralna he
thouicht It beat to clime the meeting"
there and come to Lakevlew. He
Ix-Kan a acriea of ineetlnga In the
ItaptlHt church Tuewlay eveulng and
will continue till a week from next
Sunday, when he will make a trip to
Klamath Fall", returning here to
take charge ol the work here until
a pantor can be found to succeed
Kev. A. F. Slmmona, who was trana-
lerred to the Lake City, Modoc coun
tv charire. Hev. Bailey made TheeX'
amtuer olllce a call and Informed ua
that while at 1-ake City tltere were
about 52 convemloiiH and 27 at line
creek, where he bapttned 12. Lake-
view Examiner.
Strictly made to measure
The latest metropolitan
Prices within reach of all
The Tailor
jfti AAA AA A rtth A AAA
Much Intercut 1" U-Ing manlfeated
In the Inter aocloty oratorical con-
U-"t which will take place In the high
hcIiooI building on the evening of
March 1. The uroicramme will con
alHt ot a tew mimical number", decla
mation", orntory and debate. The
mu'Htlonto be debated la: Be It re-
"olved, "That the part of the Bl
teenth amendmeut which enfrau
chlnea the neirro ahould lie repealed,
The debater will lie allowed 50 per
cent on argument, 25 per cent on de
livery and 2o per cent on compo
sition. The contestant In oratory
will lie marked 50 ier cent on
thought, 30 jier cent on delivery, 15
H-rcent on coiupoaitlon and 5 per
cent on diction. A prise la to be
given the winning team and niedala
will tie awarded to xne winners iu
declamation and oratory.
Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Single Disks,
with or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub
ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make
the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made.
We Carry a Full Line of Repairs
Catalogues Mailed on Request.
W. F. King'
SUua rtttlag Joat Sacdvad.
We have Juat received a line ol
8team fittings such aa the Celebrat
ed Jenkins Bros. Globe and Check
Valves, Detroit Lubricators, Best
Scotch Uauge Hlaasea. We have al
so a line ol packing on the road.
W e have the airency lor tne oest
Gasoline Engine on the market. See
one run at our shop. Don't lorget
that I carry Belting. Cap Screws,
Shafting Boxes, Collars, and that 1
am prepared to make your planer
bolts and any other kind of odd bolts
and Mcrawa you may need.
2-14tf Machine Shop.
Black Butte Items.
Twenty-one inches of snow has
settled down to about six inches of
The larger part of the popula
tion hereabout are getting ready
for a grand St. Valentine ball
Thursday night at Sisters
We hope we are still citizens of
Crook: county. The way some of
our west side agitators have been
misrepresenting well-known citi
zens of older t-rooK maces us
afraid to trust our county affairs
in the hands of these strangers.
We have had but little sunshine
on the west siae ot urooK since
this county division agitation com
menced. It seems the heavens it
self would hide its face in shame
from a people so destitute of s
sense of shame as to lead and be
lead by such lying rascality and
selfishness as has characterized the
agitation for county division.
Square Deal.
neighbor Got Fooled.
"I was literally coughing myself
to death, and had become too weak
to leave my bed; and neighbors pre
dicted that I would never leave It
alive; but they got fooled, tor thanks
tie to Uod, 1 waa induced to try Dr.
King's New Discovery. It took just
four one dollar bottles to completely
cure the cough and restore me to
good sound health," writes Mrs.
Eva Uncapher, of Grovertown, Stak
Co., Ind. This King of cough and
cold cures, and healer of throat and
lungs. Is guaranteed by D. P. Adam-
son & Co., and Templeton & Son,
Druggists. 6oc. and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free.
The 0. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS., Proprietors
Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables
and Country Produce, also
Fish and Game in Season
Highest Market Price Paid
for Butter, Eggs and
Country Produce ::
Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention
i''t'i'ii'''''t''l''l'l'"l"l"t"'''l"l 'l''M''iiitiiiiiMMi
Big Reduction In Hats
Our Stock of Ladies' Hats
Consisting of all the latest
styles will be sold at a big
4tp,f,mttit 1 . l".i. HiMHne1'l"l''l"'l"'4i
5c pound
Win. Rogers & Son
Silver Plated Tea
Spoons at - 85c set
30 Days Credit On Approved Accounts
Grocery Specials
Tea Garden Syrup, 1 gal can 50c
Acorn Syrup, gal can 35c
Fels Naptha Soap, ten bars 60c
Schilling or Folger Bk Powder 40c
Japan Tea, J lb pkg 20c
Pure Cane Sugar, per sk 6.50
No. 1 standard oysters, per can 10c
Star or Diamond C Soap, 6 bars 25c
Standard corn, per doz. 1.25
Standard fruits, per can 20c
Best Corn Starch, three pkgs..... 25c
Ghiradellas Cocoa 25c
1 lb hocolat 25c
Hazelwood Cheese, pound 20c
Prize Bak Powder, lb tins 50c
Corn Meal, 10 lb sks 45c
Gasene Soap, 10 bars 65c
Lion Soap, 7 bars .. 25c
Force, per pkg 15c
Grape Nut 15c
Pink lieans, lb . 5c
Tinware Specials
XXX Tin wash boilers 90c
21 quart dish pan ; 35c
No. 1 lamp chimney 5c
No. 2 lamp chimney 10c
Dietz Standard Lattern 55c
Lol 1. Values up to 75c .
Lota Values up to $1.00.
Lot3. Values up to $1.50.-..-
Men's Suits
$10 Suits..
12 suits
14 suits a
15 suits
17.50 suits..
21 suits
. 7.25
... 8.50
... 9
$1.50 Fleeced underwear 85c suit
2.50 Wool underwear.....$1.85 suit
3 50 Wool underwear 2.35 suit
Stewart $k Company