Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 14, 1907, Image 2

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    Crook County Journal
THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1907.
Subscription 1.50 yr.
The Laidlaw Chronicle, in dis
cussing county division, lays great
streps upon the paving of milage of
jurors and witnesses if the new
county bill becomes a law, and
eoee on to say "with the enormous
distances which those in the
further parts of Crook county
must travel to reach the county
seat, a man having a cause of civil
action might in most cases better
remain at home than jay for the
transportation of his witnesses to
court. Unless the amount involv
ed is a large one his expenses are
to great he lose even if he wins."
Evidently the legal light of the
Chronicle scents more law suiu
the new county is a go. Like all
pettifoggers he is working for his
own selfish interests rather than
the public good in this county di
vision matter. How much further
away is the southern boundary of
the proposed new county from the
would-be county seat of Bend than
is any portion of Crook county
from Prineville? The difference
will make a wonderful (?) saving.
The fact of the matter is Prineville
is as near the center of population
in Crook county, and nearer the
geographical center, than Bend
would be if the county were di
vided. Cheap law suits is a weak
argument for county division.
The Bend Bulletin republishes
its alleged "comparative state
ment" in an amended form It
appeared last week with a small
cap head line which reads, "Levy
paid, for county purposes." Now
why didn't the Bulletin say so in
the first place. It knew that
Prineville levied its own read tax
and why try to convey the false
impression that the people of this
city paid less taxes than those liv
ing in the county? Why didn't
the Bulletin qualify its "compara
tive statement" with the truth of
the matter? If it had done so at
first it would have shorn the com
parison of whatever force it had.
If the Bulletin editor told the
truth he would soon have to hunt
another job.
Klamath Falls papers are unit
ed in their opposition to losing
any part of their county. The
Klamath Falls Republican says:
"The citizens of Klamath Falls are
unalterably opposed to the propos
ed Deschutes county bill, in so far
as it relates to taking part of this
county to complete its organiza
tion. This was the sentiment ex
pressed at the public mass meet
ing held in the court house Mon
day night, when resolutions were
passed urging the senator and rep
resentative to UBe every legitimate
means to defeat the measure."
Continued from first page.
pay him though he retained f 300
for that purpose. Warren
Brown did offe to do the work
for reasonable pay if the county
commissioners would get him
another recording machine with
which to do it, but as it would
take S125 to get the machine and
a further delay of several weeks
the county court employed Wil
liam Johnson to do the work
with a pen and he is now en
gaged in that task. Now the
Bulletin ink-slinger didn't know
this and did not intentionally
misrepresent Judge Bell. We
can excuse him as he does "the
reverand gentlemen" on the
ground that he does not under
stand what he is talking about
Sixth The Bulletin says that
an expert could find only 15400
spent on the roads in Crook
connty for the year 1906, and
that of this amount only $296.50
was spent on roads in the pro
posed new county. I am in
clined to think that the expert
must have been an expert fool
or an expert liar, for the road
master's records show that more
than $8000 was spent in the pro
posed new county and 13163.15
spent in eastern Crook. If the
Bulletin's readers who wonder
where the money was spent will
travel over their own road to
ward Shaniko by way of Trail
Crossing and Madras, they will
see where much of this money
was spent. Why did the county
court have over InW spent on
the Trail Crossing hill and
$1572.55 on the roads near Mad
ras? Was this for Prineville or
was it not more for Bend, Laid
law and Redmond? Which sec
tion uses these roads the most
the people of Prineville or the
residents of western Crook?
Now, who is it that had lied?
Why is it the county commis
sioners have refused to build the
bridges on the west side? Simply
because they had no right to do
so. Whenever a person or a com
pany crosses a county road with a
ditch it is the duty of that person
or company who makes the ditch
to build and maintain the triage,
and this is whv ao few roads have
been made in the irrigated district.
The irrigating companies do not
want roads until all their ditches
are completed so that when the
county afterwards builds roads
across their ditches it win te com
pelled to build and maintain the
bridges. Ihese county division
promoters are treacherously throw
ing the blame for lack of roads on
to the county commissioners in
the face of the fact that one of
the commissioners is a wet side
man ando another has large
property interest near Bend.
The Bulletin muck-raker says
that "when a bridge was wanted
across Crooked river at Prineville
the corporate limits were drawn in
so that the county would have to
pay for the new bridge." Again
the Bulletin does not know what it
is talking about. The city limits
were for a time extended to the
top of the grade beyond the Crook
ed river bndae because the county
would not keep that grade in the
condition the people of Prineville
wanted it. When the road was
put in good condition for travel
the city withdrew its limits to the
old boundary. When the bridge
washed out the city limits were on
the old lines east of the river
When a new grade was demanded
up the Crooked river hill for the
benefit of the west side trave
Judge Bell refused to build it un
less the citixensof Prineville made
a private donation of 12000. Prine
ville paid the I2C00 and the county
$1500 toward the making of that
grade. Now, my Bulletin odium
belcher how do vou reconcile these
facts with your floods of calumny in
which you have been trying to
drown the generous citizens of
older Crook?
Seventh The Bulletin says that
I have accused it of publishing all
manner of lies against Prineville
but I mention none of them di
rectly. Lets see if we cannot
mention some of them in just two
of its slanderous issues.
(1) Issue of January 18. The
Bulletin says that the action of the
county court in building a court
house regardless of the protest of
800 citizens has created a determi
nation to forever be rid of such
treatment. In other words the
Bulletin avers that the building of
the court house is the cause of the
effort to divide the county. The
Bulletin and its blindfolded read
ers know that such a statement is
false. I have a letter in my pos
session from one of the wealthiest
lumber firms in Portland stating
that Mr. Drake was at their place
of business working in the inter
est of county division and tolling
the same story that the Bulletin
has been howling about the un
equal distribution of road money
and the discrimination in the mat
ter of taxation, etc. Mr. drake
was there working up a lobby for
Salem and when be had all things
ready notified his hirelings at
Bend to start out with their pe
titions and the Bulletin began to
belch forth its torrents of misrep
resentation and abuse thereby to
make the people dissatisfied and
ready for the petitions. The re
monstrance against the court house
was a Bend movement and the ef
fort to divide the county is a Bend
movement, all for the purpose of
enriching the man who owns the
townsite of Bend and prolonging
the life of the Bulletin.
(2) In speaking of the jople
who live in the vicinity of Prine
ville the Bulletin says, "This class
of citizens have but little in com
mon with the energetic and pro
gressive class of farmers who are
settling the Deschutes valley,
and "One of the chief reasons why
there should be a division of the
county is the difference in these
two classes of people." Now, I
fail to see any difference in the
class of people of the two sections,
and furthermore their interests are
identical. The people on the desert
are beginning on a small scale to
do just what the people along
Crooked river have been doing on
a larger scale for the past thirty
years. They will find that raising
hay and stock will always be the
leading occupation of the people of
the whole terntory.
(3) The Bulletin says that
"$17,978.12 was raised for roads
and bridges in 1906," and "hardly
a cent of this was spent in western
Crook." In the issue of lies for
February 1, the Bulletin says,
"Only $296.50 was spent on roads
in the proposed new county." The
report of the road master which
has been published in the Journal
shows that the proposed Deschutes
county and on roads leading from
the railroad to it over $8100 was
spent in the year 1906. If I
should utter such untruths 1
would find no fault with any one
who would call me a liar.
(4th falsehood) That Judge Bell
refuses to pay for the $300 worth
of work left undone by ex-County
Clerk Smith and is saving the
money to put in the new court
house. This is two lies in one.
But I must not trespass further on
your space in enumerating the lies
that have been published in the
Bend paper. There are too many
of them. It has lost all sense of
common decency and hence can
not do much harm. Yours truly,
Homer M. Street.
Tie Editor and the Advertiser.
Once on n time I knew a man
Who mild It didn't pay
To dvertle the good he had
To wll or trade away.
UtMi th Dillon FW Yard.
Alex U.O.lw In htm IniUKht the leiiae
on the IMIInn Food Yard nnd Is now
In rlwirKV of the name, lie untiriin.
toew the traveling public curvtul at
tention and prompt nervloe. A share
of your patronage oIIoIWmI.
To prove that he wan oft Ida baao
And make him clearly we.
I Kave him half n'patre of space
And let lilm have It tree.
It altuoMt ncarvd htm Into fits
To we himself displayed
Aa 1 deployed him. but he felt
It Influence on his trade.
I kept It up, his buslnewi boomed,
The customer swooi,ed down
pon tils store until he had
The blKi?et rush In towu.
One day I went around to call
And found him on the run.
With people waiting for their turn
When thtwe ahead were done.
"Well, well." 1 cried In trreat delight.
To see thing boom that way,
Pon't advertising pay, old man
What have you got to say?'
I thought he'd like my work so much,
And think my plan so uiee.
That he'd not only pratae my ware,
But pay me double price.
And did he do It? Listen, please
I thought that I'd drop dead
Wheu suddenly he turned on me
And vigorously said:
"Take out that advert laement, quick
tioiticru yer peaky skin,
I'll never git a chance to rent
El long ei It stays In."
Inland Printer.
If you want Oregon Burbank seed
potatoes to plcnt this spring hunt
up or write Peter Poppearu of Prine
ville. He ha a choice lot for sale
See hm ad.
Rotlcs to Taxpayers.
The time for paying tie amiroaetiv
ami your attention is rwixvt fully callnl to
I if .l V. : ..i t
Mine, it tut (iiiuiry t9 ill iniB oult-v '
iart-n 10 renate oi 3 per cent will be ml
lowevl. If one-half is paid by the first
Monday in April, the time "for paving
balance will tie extended to the tint Mon
day in October without further cost.
Taxes become delinouent the first Monday
in April, when a penalty of 10 per cent will
be added and interest rhann-d at the rau
of 1 per cent a month. Frank Elk:ns.
Mienn of t-rook to.
un; ii:lim:atok
HEINZ Sweet, Sour and Dill
Pickles and Queen Olives in
Bulk at
Claypool Bros.
Seed Potatoes
Why don't you buy your seed po
tiktoM tiefoiv the nrloe ireta to Ih
doubled. I have a hundred btndtela
ol Oregon Ibirbank lor sale. They
are good and rlH and free from frot.
I will deliver at vour houe any.
where within 7 mile of iTlnevllle at
$1.60 a htmhel aa soon as the weather
oiien. Write a powtal card tvlllng
rnmr name and adiire anti now
mauv bushelH you want to J-ktkk
Pori'KHiv, Prineville, Or.
w.wt.T tlorliran have received a
shipment ofSX) boxem of first class
apples from Seattle which they are
offering for sale at 2 and f 2.'A er
box. Also a tew boxes of choice ap
ple for immediate tine at $1.50 er
box. 13-13-tl
Some Values In Sweaters.
ttl.00 Sweater for -
fi Oil SuHiitera for . W
S4.IK1 Sweater for ...... - I2.UU
S.'l.0u Sweater for I2.W
1I IM Sweater for . UH
12.50 Sweater for . '"&
SI.T5 Sweater for II.
We guarantee everyone of the above
to le all wool and good value at
the rvirular t.rlce. HIDEOUT k F0STE
of the Prineville Fire Department
WiB be given at the P. A. A. C. Hall on February 22. 1907'
We have spared no pains or expense to make this die mosl en
joyable evenl of the season. Doors open at 7:30 o'clock. Dance
., starts promptly at 8 o'clock with
The Grand March
Jack Summes, Ceo. Meyers, Chas. Lytle Frank Elkins, W. F.
King, ol Company No. I, and G. Young, P. Barnes. W. G. Woodw
ard. Warren Crooks and John Luckey ol Company No. 2 will
have charge ol the floor, make you acquainted with the girls and
look after your troubles.
9k We Will Sell Our Entire Line of Ladies' Fine Shoes at about
US To Make Room for a Full Line of the Well Known JM
to ?
& )
Thcttltirc IhcfbcstSValucs Ever Offered from
a Good (lea it Stink.
lloirular ?.'J.-r vitlucn a nt $1.35
Kt'gitlar $l.M values go at ,
Regular fl.lX) value go at
Koirular I 0 value l'o at
There are alo it few ISrokeu Id'ne in mnnll ni.e
from 'J to 4 whieh will lie plaeetl on our counter
and marked in plain figure at lea than one-half
their value.
81 This is Our Usual time to Clean Up. Big 93
Bargains are Best and Thickest Here Now t$
Ladies' Waists
A few size from our largo
Fall Stock at one-half
price for this sale.
Misses and Children's
KX4 taps, lwc kind for -h:
Q STmj kind at
The same tirades that
sold for 1Tm UtV; and I'.V
will go at this sale for
10c, 15c and 20c
Pillow Tops
"0e line at
7re, line at
CoL Wm. Draper. Major L Michel
Baldwin will hold you up for a ($)
G. N. Clifton and Harold
and show you up the stairs.
Mrs. McDowell will serve an elegant supper in the spacious
dining room ot the new Hotel Prineville at 50c a cover.
Supper Ticket oa Sale at th Hall and Hotel
The Music Committee have secured the services ol the bes
musicians in town who will combine in a grand orchestral union
especially lor this occassion. y
All Firemen Will Appear in the Uniform of Their
Respective Company.
You are Most Cordially Invited to
Come and Help Us Celebrate
ELKINS, General Committee.
A Complete Line of
I - School Books and
e School Supplies at
fi'iii.uiii.iuiiiiiiiuiiiiaiuiiiiu i.wuiiuiuwuiuiuiuiuiuiur;
A. H. Lippman & Co.
M I'KiNi-vn.i.i:, oui:;o:
Pillow Cords
25c, 35c and 50c
Sick Headache.
TIiIh tllKttVHHliiK tilliui'iit rtwulw
from a dlHordcrvd runt It Ion of tln
atoliiiuh. All that In ikhmIimI to t ffivt
ill-lire lnndoHeor two of ClmniU'r-
luln'tt Stomiu'h iiml I.Ivor Tiililrtx.
Infm-t, tin1 attm-k may ! tvanlcil
off, or irrvntly Icmwih'iI In wverlt.v,
by taking ii (low of tlnt' TaNHH im
(toon hm the 11 rut Hvniptotn of an at
tack iiih itrM. Sold I y 1 1. I'. Ailam
hoii & Co.
mi mm mi
W. A. Booth, Praildanl
O. M. Elkihi, Vic Prldnt
Frio W. Wilson, Oathlar
W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkini,
O. F. Stiwaiit, Frio W. Wilson.
Transacts a General
Hankintf Bumnen
Exchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt attention
The Redmond Harness Shop
A Complete new tine of Harness, Saddles
and other lines i usually kept in a first
class Harness Shop. There is also in con
nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop.
jfcendorson & Pollard
Counlry Orders Solicited
Wines and
Finest dinars
In Stock
First Door South of the l'oiiulexter Hotel
f rnnk fnnnh Rrnl Fstatp fn
Farms, Timber Lands and Town Property
brought and Bold. Homesteads and Tim
ber Claims Located, surveyed ami estimated
Abstracting. Call on or address
4 Prineville, Oregon.
Af v w v v v v v v v v v v t v v v v v v v v v v v ii
I. MICHEL, Proprietor
Special Underwear Sale
We muBt have room for our spring stock so
have decided to sacrifice our Ladies', Gents'
and Children's Winter Underwear in order
to secure the room. If you want genuine bur
gains come in and get prices.
Sweaters Sweaters
Now is your chance to get a good one at cost.
Come in before they are all gone.
Something Good to Eat
Do you want to enjoy some of the good things
of this life? Who doesn't? Well, we keep
them, and right fresh, too. We carry the sub
stantiiils as well as the delicacies. If you take
a look at our show windows you will go away
hungry. Try it..
Our 5-cent Bargain Counter is a
money saver. Look it over.
meet the prices of our competitors on every
Our stock is not shelf worn.
, With every $50.00 cash purchase, we will give you Free
One Standard Talking Machine. We Furnish the Machine
You Buy The Records. SAVE YOUR TICKETS
New Prineville
Hptel Building