Crook County Journal POSTER & HORIGRN , vv-) vv vy v y ' "-s-- F--s ViVB SsF VHP S"s THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1907., rnRRFfTPnlCO A(J,:nts for huthikick i.rri-:uNs ami rui: di:ijm:atou Subscription fl.50 yr. DEALERS IS Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork. Fish, Game and Vegetable in season. After January 1st we will have a stock sufficient for all needs of our Home Cured Bacon and Hams. Bring Us Your Country Produce We can handle any amount of Country Eggs and liutter. The highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds. Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or shank. We will make the price right. FOSTER & H0R1GAN 1 "Tin? r? within the ro)Htil ihw county of lVchuls will xrt a good county government ami got mow rot ami bridgv ini-i provement! than it now get, WITHOUT ANY INCH EASE IN TAXATION. Iiniwl, it can do thii easily w ith even less taxation." Ucml bulletin. Well, that set tle it for the liullt-tin hath mul it. There aw a few "reasonahle men" who would like a few fact and figures to Puj'Krt the state ment. The l?end Bulletin in some spacious argument for county division, says that "the great question with reasonable men is not 'What we pay?' but 'What do we get for our money?' " Sure enough. Bend exju-cta to get the county seat and as many of the county otlices as it dare take. Then again there is the small item of count v buildings that IV nd would like to have to; adorn that townsite. "Reasonable men' outside of Bend townsite will take these fact into consider ation before they put their heads in the noose. Th Drskt News Bureau Getting Deiperate It Pays No Attention to Truth. E m Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete line of Gent's Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choiee Line of Cigars & Tobaccos The Bend Bulletin with ila usu al jierversity for distorting facts, makes a "comparative statement" of the levy paid by Priuevillo and the balance of Crook county for the past three years. In order that vou may sec just how near the Bulletin get to the truth we publish the Bend paper's "compar ative statement" and then give the actual figure as taken from the county records. I1KMD Ht'Lt.KTlN'a "sTATKMKS T." V.ttM VAtt l'.HM! I'rtnevllle 1S If t rook county 21 21 la The above statement is as f:i4e as it is misleading. It is intended to create the impression that this city is shoving its just responsibili ties upon the n-st of the county. If the Bulletin wanted to tell the truth its statement would have read like this: THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor c option SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED MAIN STREET Poet Oflice Box 92 PRINEVILLE, OREGON I w ? . t9. . . . THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRIXEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent gnntfwwmmwirfwwww wwnmntntntnmtmmrwy; A Complete Line of School Books and I School Supplies at THE WINNEK CO'S. 7.u.hduu.aWaiaui..waaun .ttiUiUiiUUiiUiUUilWUMIttK WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK BY A. H. Lippman & Co. The Bend paper very safely asks, ''where are the bridges wliieb our money has paid for? Where are the roads which the rapid new development has made ?o es sential?" And in the nest breath it says, "why, it takes a year to pet a deed or mortgage recorded after we have gone .or To miles to the county seat to do the busi ness!'' In answer to the first query we will cull the attention of the Bulletin to the expenditures of the road master. By reference to this table it can he seen at a glance just how much money was collect ed and how much spent in each road district in the county. In answer to the second question we will refer any "reasonable" man to County Clerk Brown. It it takes a vear, ves, make it six months. yea, three months, or even a month to have your mortgage re corded vou can have a chrome with the mortgage. As a matter ol fact, the Bulletin willfully and maliciously slanders our county clerk when it seeks to spread broadcast throughout the county such gross misrepresentations. Write the county clerk and see for yourself. That will settle the matter. HEINZ Sweet, Sour and Dill I Pickles and Queen Olives in j Bulk at j Claypool Bros. orm tAL KUH'KKS, V.I04 V.Ntt T I FIREMEN'S ANNUAL GRAND BALL Given By The Members of the Prineville Fire Depart ment Companys 1 and 2 in Prineville Amateur Ath letic Club Hall the evening of February 22nd, 1907 Washington's Birthday T I No Pains Will Be Spared to make this dance the equal of former dances given by the Firemen and to do this Good Music and Floor Managers have been secured for the Evening T ! j TICKETS $1.00 j Department of the Interior, Contest Notice. L'nitid KtaU-K Land OHW, The Dalles, Orpfrmi, January 11, 1!JU7. A Biilhcient content affidavit having tx en iile'l in this office by James K. Htewart, contestant, against homestead entrv So, 11412, made April W, '.. for K) NKJ4, SKJi NKX, Sh4 SK'4. Section Town ship 15. K, Kan;.'o 21, K. W. M., by K1 ward K. Zimmerman, Contestee, in which it i alleged that mid Kduurd K. Zimmer man has wholly abandoned said tract for more than xix months last rat; ttiat said tract is not settled upon ana cultivated by -aid party as required by. law; that mi ll I'uilnreH still existx; that said alleged ab sence was not due to his employment in thearmv, navy or marine, corps ot the United States in time of war. Haul parties are hereby notified to appear, lespond and oiler evidence touching caid allegation at Id o'clock a. in. on March 2, 10U7, before Warren lirown. County Clerk, at his of lice in Prineville, Oregon, and that final bearing will lie held at Id o'clock a. m., on March '. l!Ri", before the Register ami Receiver at the United States Land Ollice in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed December 14, li0(l, set forth facts vhicli show that alter due diligence )erson,il service of this notice can not be made it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 1-31-np Register. I'llnevllle .U2 :Ui Crimk county -1 21 liut the truth ia not in the Hull elin. If it did not misrepresent facts it would not M'rve the our Hse of the county division jtriift eft). It tlilhU do H it U told. The Bulletins htfiirett do not show the road tax, school tux and general tx for the city of Trine ville. If it had added tluKe IU in, which we have taken from the dame recordK, the refults would have heen a we have given them, lint thin would not suit the pur pose of the county divttdmiiet. A the Bulletin well know, Trine ville' city charter granted by the leitisdature exempt!" the citv from Davina a road tax. This matter it left with the citv and thiu munici pality ece to it that a road tax i collected. Iht year t nulls wa levied for road and general pur- iiofes". and five mills for bthool purpo-, no if you will add II mills Hi the Isulletin a hgurea vou will eel the correct amount of the tax lew in l'rineville for this year The Bulletin says that the peo ple of Prineville "pay no road lax, though its roadt and bridges twl the county a pretty figure annunj; ly " Prineville doea not get one penny from the county for it roads or bridges. Not a cent. This money is raieed by a city levy. The Bulletin know thi, of course, hut as it i the niouth pinji jf the grafters it must hay whatever it can to inflame the passions of the eople on the west side against this city. The truth make no difference to the Bulletin county division sentiment at any price is its slogan. How the Soad Money Has Been Spent. So many false statement have been circulated regarding the ex penditure of the road fund, thai we append the official figures, showing the money collected and paid out by each district for the year l'JOfj. The road roaster's re port i a? follows: lnTKicn. Wss will qii r:. 1 f c: ck k., J0( ,Jtl VUl LtltlllC LUIC VI LKlUtCd 1 lilC UHUti ill UUUUl IV iri Air m hirh v v- OiJl IS HALF PRiC is pQ To Make Room for a Full Line of the Well Known jj SOROSIS SHOE FOR WOMEN 1 B ) ThcsOrc .the bcstVdlucs Ever Offered from a (i(M)d (Icon Moth. Regular $'.VS vnlues go at il.SS Ilrgular i'.VM valtirn go nt $1.95 llcgnlar $MO vitltn n go nt 2.45 Hogtilar $ J ."rl v allien go nt $2.75 Tlioro art also a few Hrokt'it l.inos in sinnll i-i.cs lroin J ti -I which will W plartsl on our otnititort ami marktHl in plain llgtiivtt at li'a than one-half their value. Ladies' Waists Misses ami Children' pa, (loo kind for ...-too S,"e kind at ftV 8 This is Our Usual time to Clean Up. Big Jj Bargains are Best and Thickest Here Now 1$ S3 our.(i()N ij f A few sizes from our large Fall Sloek at one-half priee for this sale. RS3 C Flannelettes The same (trades- that sold for 1"h, lIV? and "h will go at this Bale, for 10c, 15c and 20c Pillow Tops 'Akf line at 25c 7"k! line at , 40c Pillow Cords 25c, 35c and 50c Irclnu-l. I'mhuU)t Bt-r Cr.-ck Kvdinontl.. Uliu k Ktttt HnytAck Muiititncry Lnniuiitii Kutchvr. ( riM Kovk . . Willow Crt-!k Hy f 're-fck w AmIiw.mxI ..... I. Ml law ., . . . .. 2. o : : 3 32i ms ( v.m iii m l :', us 7'; i r.-i ii; 1" lit) Wi m tut! ( 47: 47 AS KB Ull Kii 171 61 iWI HU R7 Bill m Hi M 4'm 7'i! 25 13 142 24! 4IKI .l 71 12i 1M 11,2 U! 127 l! Kl l 4 :m 1W 7H! 2N) fit)! 71 mi 71 '.16 MilftTi -V) 4S 27 l.'.il 170 6hi ! !fl ft M H7H m 'IV, l Ml 117 W 12W 111 22 -ri Wl l;n 25 (MM m 4ii Mi tt Ml. -iU 77! VM T Vl Wl Mi Kv . .. I 24 -114 , VA 12 tt 11 Jolinmin Cretk . I 1 f! W; w V 111 'Ah Mill Crwk ' Wl M 7.V 12(1 (Wl Ml 21 Hnwril. ..' 111 OHi S M' 711 M! '2l.'l m Siimiiiit Camp enrfk. Br'WM!. NVwimim (Tfck.... Mnury H;hvit crei k... 1H2 72! 1"S l.ii Kl SHi ln 12! 11 24 Wl A6i n ri 114 bn 4k If 2W W 4m wl 12 7 i 227 1DI 2lr2 H.V 11:1 ..! j Wl Mi 10 l.'ii '2i-'i 77 ,... Hnrrtin 1 4fA W t m 227 Ml lit 71i 41 (W fii m Xi'J 22 hu a i No Bi 1 77 The law requires that at leant 50 per cent of the amount collect ed shall be expended in the di drict paying the same. In the Laidlaw district the $50 appropri ated has not been lined by the supervisor, consequently no further amount was appropriated, but the proportion belonging to Laidlaw remains on hand. DeFchutea pre cinct has not used its 50 percent but the balance remains to that precinct's credit, which applies al so to Mill creek, Beaver creek and IJardin precinct. Leather and Rubber Belting. Just received, a Htock of bcltinif both leut lier and rulilier 1 Inches to H Inches wide In leather, 4. 6, Ohiiii H Inches wide In rubber. Prineville Machine Shop. 120 Some Values In Sweaters. lO.OO Sweaters for MM $5.00 Sweaters for H.75 4.00 Sweaters for 2.!I0 W.50 Sweaters for 2.00 a.OO Sweaters for fl.lM) USA) Sweaters for 1.75 tl.7.r Sweaters for f 1.25 We guarantee everyone of the above to be all wool and (food values nt the recular price. HIDEOUT & FOSTER SWURZWEILER & CO. PKINl'VILLi:. ivi 'J V of King of All Cough Medicines. Mr. K. i. HBe, a innil currirr ( Citn- ton Centfr, t'oiin., who Iihk Ihmmi ill the IJ. Service fur alHiut sixteen Vfars, fyn: "Wo have lrul iminy ciiiiii iih-IIi'Iih'H furrruup, lit "lmnti I.iiu'b I'oUKh Keaipily if. kiii)t tif nil mi l tun- tn Im relied upon every tliu-. li' .Ui find it the iiewt rciiuilv f r eoim'l ami culiltt, (fiviiia certiiln result ami Iciivinir no iuld utter effect. i'or wile h)' 1'. I . Adaiiiron Co. The Redmond Harness Shop J. II. Ell RET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON A Complete new line of Harnett, Saddles and other lines at utually kept in a firtt clatt Harnett Shop. There it alto in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL CRQOZ nn Ml OFFICERS: W. A. Booth. Prlrtenl O. M. Elkins. Vic Pr.ldnt Frio W. Wilson, Caahler 0IRE0TOR8: w. A. Booth, O. M. Elkins, D. f, Stcwaht, Frso W. Wilson. Transacts a General Hanking Business Ex oh an k Bought ami Sold Col lections will re ceive prompt attention Jfcencierson cf Pollard Country Orciors Solicited Wines and Liquors I'incst Cigars In Stock 1'irst Door South of the Poiiulexter Hotel Thp Crook fonnti Rral Pstate fo Farms, Timber Lands and Town Property brought and sold. Homesteads and Tim ber Claims Located, surveyed and estimated Abstracting. Call on or address THE CROOK COUNTY KLAL LSTATl- CO Prineville, Oregon. '(FVVVVVWVVVVVWllVVVVVVVVVWV'M THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY The Leader I. MICHEL, Proprietor THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY Leased the Dillon Feed Yard. Alex Hnlilwln has bought the IiwiHf on the Dillon Feed Yard and 1h now In chiirjre of the Hiitne. lie K'lianin teeH the traveling pulillc careful at tention and prom itxer vice. A Hhare of your patrouae Bolielted. A Few Special January Sales We have a big stock of heavy weight Outing Flannels on hand, and in order to reduce this stock we are olfering our regular 12Jc Outings at 10c Through the month of January These flannels are all new and are exceptional values. Men and Hoy's Caps, regular 50c and 75c values your choice for 25c. All wool sweaters ranging in price fram 75c to $2.50 Each. TALKING MACHINEFREE With every $50.00 cash purchase, we will give you Free One Standard Talking Machine. Wo Furnish tbe Machine You Uuy The Records. SAVE YOUR TICKETS THE LEADER STES; PRINEVILLE, OREGON