Crook County Journal XT tyS THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1907. A FIZZLE iKNTS for llllTI l-KlCK IMTTEUNS and Till: DELINEATOR Subscription 1 1.50 rr. I FOSTER & HORIGflN DEALERS IN Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton and Pork. Fish, Game and Vegetables in season. After January 1st we will- have"a stock sufficient for all needs of our e Home - Cured Bacon and Hams. Bring Us Your Country Produce We can handle any amount of Country Eggs and Hutter. The highest market price paid for country produce of all kinds. Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or shank. We will make the price right. POSTER I HORIGAN alii THE OWL CASH STORE R. a ADAMS, 1 Vhe fie SMITH & CLEEK, Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars i COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED Poet Office MAIN STREET itViA . VtAivAiAi THE HAMILTON STABLES T. F. BUCHANAN, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable ratee. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent (j3) (Cj3 (gtp gnrmitfnrmnfifrmwwwiif wmwmmwnrwnmmrw A Complete Line of 1 School Books and I t 1 School Supplies at THE WINNEK CO'S. fiiUiiUliiliiiiiiUiiiiiliiiUiulii iaiiUaliiiiiililuliiiiilUiUil WATCH THIS SPACE FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK BY A. H. Lippman & Co. Hats, Shoes and Clothing A complete line of Gent's Furnishings at Prices that you can afford to pay. Call in and let us show you the goods and quote you our prices. A Choice Line of Cigars & Tobaccos Proprietor Proprietors ? Box 92 PRINEVILLE, OREGON )g Hi v. x r v y . A .A. j53 (j32 Oh, what a froot at Powill Uuttif. Only one nun Mneil the jtition (or county ilivinion. The anti-ilivision iHken were cheer ed to the evho. That was a hard jolt for Bend. Jonathan Bourne Jr., wa elected United States Senator for the long term and F. V. Mulkey, United State Senator for the short term at Salem Tudav. The direct rimary law is triumphant. The will of the people is supreme. As the location of the county seat at Hend for five years is only temporary, says tne Bulletin, "after which time it will be perma nently located by the people." How innocent. What better "cinch" does Bend want than five years? What's the matter with Red mond as a location for a county scat? It is a live, wide-awake lit tle town and is just as eligible for county seat honors as Bend. Speak out, Redmond, you are en tirely loo modest. Your blatant neighbor may hog the priie. The Bend Bulletin does not sty anything about the $371,000 extra money to be raised for state pur poses this year. It knows Crook county must pay its share of this besides the regular state tax Why not be honest witn your readers, Bulletin, and explain this matter? The Bend Bulletin, in speaking of the advantages of county di vision, says "all moneys expended will go to legitimate uses in the building of roads, bridges, etc." Is that so. Where do the grafters come in who are now working for county division? Nothing for county oflicials? They would drop it like a hot potato if that were true. Wonder if the west side peo ple swallow such twaddle? Forty per cent of the whole amount raised in taxes last year in Crook county were spent upon the roads. Of this amount West ern Crook received $3000 more than Eastern Crook. Yet the Bend Bulletin would have you be lieve it got nothing. Get vour ear close to the ground. Bulletin, and you will hear the rumbling of pro test from all parts of the county against division. The people of Western Crook should read carefully the result of the investigation into county af fairs by one of their own neigh bors. Mr. Street of Sisters, makes a vigorous protest against county division. The movement, in his opinion, is one that has been foiced upon the eople by design ing persons, and his letter to his neighbors voices his wrath and in dignation at the duplicity practiced by the Drake News Bureau. He ues some pretty strong language, but the occasion demnnds it. HEINZ Sweet, Sour and Dill Pickles and Queen Olives in Bulk at Claypool Bros. FIREMEN'S ANNUAL GRAND BALL Given By The Members of the Prineville Fire Depart ment Company 1 and 2 in Prineville Amateur Ath letic Club Hall the evening of February 22nd, 1907 Washington's Birthda y No Pains Will Be Spared to make this dance the equal of former dances given by the Firemen and to do this Good Music and Floor Managers have been secured for the Evening TICKETS $1.00 Notice to Debtori. AH ikthoiih knowing thcniHelveM to lie Indebted to the old firm of Wurz weiler & TIioiiihoii, by note or otfur wiNe, are reqmntecl to cull at once unl niiike settlement, at the office of M. It. UIuks where we nre now locat ed. All accounts not nettled within :W daya will lie placed in the hand of a lawyer for collection. Dated tlilx24, day of January, 1!W7. A. Thomson, tf Aktiiik Hodgks. The County Division Meeting at Powell Buttet Prove a Boomerang. Oh, what a frost the county di visionists got at l'owell Butte Monday night! Uee, but it was chilly for the sixteen spell-binders that were to lambaste l'rineville on any old thing that would go down with the people of l'owell Buttes. Very little went down, however. The lies about roads, double taxation, doublo assess ments and no asxessments and other kinds of rascality of which the people here were accused fell upon indifferent ears. The people knew better. They considered the arguments advanced by the di visionists an insult to their intelli gence. W. P Myers of the Laid law Chronicle whs handing them out right and left when the Prine ville delegation walked into the meeting. Mr. Myers evidently did not know the late comers for he kept right along making state ments that were without the slight esiJouudation; When it came to Judge Bell's turn he loosened up on Myers with facts and figures that fairly took away his breath. The lies about count)' roads were rammed down Myers' throat so hard that his eyes stuck out. The facts and figures were taken from the roadmnster's report and could not be refuted. The lies about Assessor Lnfollette were shown to le equally false and ma licious. The difference in value between the Blue Mountains and Deschutes timber was made so evi dent that even the Drake cohorts hung their heads with shame. They felt like the proverbial "two SHt." They were dumfounded with the turn things had taken. Instead of cheers and hand-clapping which they had expected they got contempt. There was no enthusiasm until the Prineville delegation unlimbered and then there was plenty of it. The boast ed anti-divicion meeting fell flat and the Bend c peel its slunk out of town. It is said that they got one signer to their petition. From Powell Buttes the Prine ville delegation went to Sisters so that the truth might be made plain at the Sisters meeting called for Tuesday evening. It was a repetition of the Powell Buttes af fair. The same old lies told in the same old way were hurled back with increased vigor. The "no divieioCiJr entiirent at Sisters is just as pronounced as at Powell Buttes. Only one or two signers were obtained. If Prineville had taken up the cudgel sooner there would have been nothing to this county division question. A Redmond "Kicker." (From first page.) influence of the newspaper at thut place has been secured by sprink ling a little salt on its tail. Bend is to get the temporary county seat for rive years, and no court house is to be erected during that time. The word "temporary" is surplussage, and is put in to sound nice, and not HumIi the game too soon; it pleases the big timber interests, as they will escape be ing taxed to build a court house either in Crook county or the new county. Within the five years there will be sufficient settlement south and east to make us certain of the permanent county seat. It was found convenient to get the help of the politicians north of Crooked , river, and they are to have a new county cut from the northern part of Crook. The peo ple of that region are too poor to support a new county at this time, but a few people around Madras think it will help their town to have a county seat it sounds nice and the hungry want an office. We desired their aid as trading etock, and will help them only so far as it will be upeful to us. By the help of the Lumber Trust, the D. I. & P. Co. and other meuns, we have secured promises from a majority of the members of the legislature to support the measure; especially has the dele gation from Portland been projer ly fixed. The matter has in real ity been settled, hut it is advisable that it be made to appear that the great majority of the people are in favor of the new county. Let every citizen of Bend be a committee to talk and work. Come down heavy on the mean ness of Prineville how that she is building a court house by taxing the timlier trust that she does not spend money on our roads; (we have no roads located, but talk just the same.) Talk of the unselfish public spirit of Mr. Drake and the citizens of Bend that they want no ollices, and are com pelled to accept theburden of tem porary county seat because it must be located somewhere. To a resi dent of Redmond, show him that in five years the country around that town will be so thickly settled that it will he sure of the county seat, and make a similar speel to the eople of Laidlaw. Old Crook county is entirely too large for one county 84 miles north and south, and 100 miles east la If! We Will Sell Our CU To Make Room for a Full Line of the Well Known y SOROS1S SHOE FOR WOMEN m . PftM t r . ( Ijf J Xi III . l-rj2r J 1 This is Our Usual time to Clean Up. Big Bargains are Best and Thickest Here Now Ladies' Waists A few siwa from our largo Fall Stock at one-half price for this sale. .Misses am! Children's Cups, " kind for . 4."r 8.M5 kind at AOe M S3 WURZWEILER and west, containing 7750 square miles; the new county is 84 milen north and south, and about t0 east and west, and will contain near 5000 square miles. A strip 24 miles wide is taken from the north of Luke and Klamath coun ties and added to the new county to make it smaller. A Ku kk.m. ' " King of AU Cough MoJlcln. Mr. K. (1. ', a mail rarriiT of Can ton Centfr, Conn., who lm been In tin1 U.S. Service for about ixt-en years, ay: "Wo have triil miiny enuli medicine for croup, but Clintnlierlmiri i 'on nil Hi'mctly in kiiK of nil unl on to lie relied iijkiii every time. We nln tind it the dent remedy for coulm ttml coUIh, giving certain remits mid leaving no bad lifter effect." For mile, by I). 1. AdaniKm A Co. cedde mm mi OSSIOEH8: W. A. Booth, Prtldnl O. M. ElKiHt, Vic Fdio W. Wilson, C.hl.r 0IRE0TOB8: W. A, Booth, O. m. Eikini, D. F. Stiwart, Frio W. Wilson. Transacts a General Hanking- Husiness Exchange Bought and Sold Collection will re ceive prompt atten tion tiTiAiTUrr4TlT THE PLACE TO Thn I Cki (A CY THE PLACE TO SAVE MONEY IwCQUCI SAVE HONEY I. MICHEL, Proprietor A Few Special January Sales We have a big gtock of heavy weight Outing Flannel on hand, and in order to reduce this stock we. are offaring our regular 12c Outings at 10c Through the month of January These flannels are all new and are exceptional value. Men and Boy's Caps, regular 50c and 75c valuen youv choice for 25c. All wool sweaters ranging in price fram 75c to $2.50 Each. TALKING MACHINEFREE With every $50.00 cash purchase, we will give you Free One Standard Talking Machine. We Furnish the Machine You Iky The Records. SAVE YOUR TICKETS THE LEADER PRINEVILLE, OREGON Entire Line of Ladies' HALF PRIC 7 Thcscrare'the brsKValucs Ever Of find from a Good Regular f&Sft valuta Regular $'..M values Regular f-I.W) values Regular RAO values There are nlmi a fow ... - - from 2 to 4 which will V" - "' am! marked in plain their value. Flannelettes The same Grades that sold for lAe, Ltle and Ac will go at this sale for 10c, 15c and 20c PR ink villi;, orlt.on I The Redmond J. H. Ell RET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON A Complete new line of Harness, Saddle and other line a usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL jrfencierson s tPollarci Wines and Liquors fiar Country Orders Solicited First Door South of J The Crook County Real Estate Co ' Farm, Timber Land and Town Property . brought and sold. Homestead and Tim- f I r1 I I 1 1 . 1 k uer viaima L.ocaiea, jji Abstracting. Call on I TIIIJ CHOOK COUNTY HFAL ESTATE CO j i Prineville, Oregon. i Fine Shoes at about i s & (lean Mock. g at $1.55 go at $1.93 go at . , , C2.43 go at $2.75 llrokon l.iiw in hiiihII aivia ...... ... ..'.... '. bo placet! on our counter figures at less than one-half Pillow Tops Alk; line at .. . 25c 7Ao line at 40c Pillow Cords 25c, 35c and 50c & CO. Harness Shop 1'incst Cigars In Stock the Poindexter Hotel surveyed aim t'Hiiinuieti or address ' a