A Journal. Coaety Crook PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 17, 1907. NO. 5 VOL. XI r u r i ri ri i.J r i IJ ri t i j r t k J ri w J r u ri LJ ri LJ M I. J ri i. J n r -i L J n i J n lj n ti r.i tJ 13 r i u J r.i H u r.i t j r i t j r i r i kJ r.i u r i k j r i k j r. i li H k j r i k'J r i kJ ri Yi k j r i LJ ri k J ri k j r i kJ ri kJ L!S ri k'J ri kJ r.i kJ ri kJ r i k'J ri k j ri kJ ri k J n k'J r.i kJ ri kJ L3 VI'V.VilBIW.I'If.l' i Jh ilt Jb JWJIn Jw Jt JW ik. Jk J 111 1 IrYl. jCjLJl.jwjJjw;jkJ.Jklj.J.Jk.J.J.JwJi.J.Ji-JkJ Proclamation to the People ri LJ r.i k j r.i k'J r.i M k j 3 r.i k'J r.i k j r.i Li r.i k j r.i kJ r.i k j n kJ ri k J ri k j r.i k j r.i H k j c.i k'J r.i LJ r.i kJ r.i r.i ri k j r.i kJ r.i LJ ri k j ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ ri L J n L J r.i LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.a LJ r.i LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ ri L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i te. r L r L r L r k r. k r. L r L ........,wfir.iriMririnririririririrnrv i COUNTY Crook County on the Chopping Block. THE AXE SUSPENDED on 4th page o4iSiir4tfir4ir4 A CONTINUANCE SALE DIVISION Nod from Drake and 'At all off with Crook Connty Everythuif Fixed. Crook county in up against the real article this year. Heretofore one county division tight did not create much interest but thia year with two on our hand things premise to become lively. Mr. Drake want to annex every thing west of Crooked river to Bend and hag promised Madras for their support any old thine north of Prineville. lie hasn t left knob of Crook big enough to hane vour hat on. You can see what all that tommy rot about buildine the new court house at rtneville was for. Drake would cut the county to suit the court house, not build a court bouse to suit the county. Great is Drake, Well, what are you are going to do about it? The scheme bat been cleverly manipulated and for once Prineville was caught nap ping. Had it not been for our Laid law correnKndent we would have known nothing about the matter until it came up at Salem. But the protest from Laid law shows that Mr. Drake cannot bamboozle all the people with his spacious promises. The people of Cline Falls and bisters know just as well m ri . a aH Mr. urate mat a new county means heavy taxes for a long term of years. You cannot escape it, You roust maintain the expensive machinery of county government Bend. Hence the letter to The Journal. While in Laidlaw Mr. Drake cre ated the impression that he bad fixed the Portland delegation and that the rest was only a matter of detail. If a man was obstinate and refused to fall in with his scheme he was promised any old office be wanted. Thia method usually bad the desired effect. The common people on the west side, the rank and file that have to foot the expense, were kept so Misflful ignorance. They would do as they were bidden Drake would see about that. Only the leaders and men of influence were wanted at this time. Get the county and then you cannot help yourself was the policy. However, the people of Laidlaw. Uiine fans, Misters and other towns do not pro pose to tax themselves to death for the rake of Mr. Drake and bis townsite of Bend. They are quite content to wait until the country settles up so that the burden of taxation fill not fall upon the 0 boulders of a few. It is true the timber interests on the west side are largely owned by outside capi tal and can be milked to the limn, but you cannot get all your reve nue for county expenses from the timber. The farms count contrib ute their share and the contribu tion will be large for years to come. History repeats itself. It is true ol all new counties. It was true of this countv. It has been only itbin a few years that Crook county has been in a position u provide for the county s neeas ' . . . -. ithout it becoming a serious our den to the paxpayer. Cut this county into two or three parts and where will you hnd yourself f zoa will be tax ridden in order that a few scheming politicians may have a fat job. A Protest from Redmond. WEST SIDE PROTEST They Do Not Want County Division. AFRAID OF TAXES Drake, of Bead, Working People in tie Interest f His Townsite. tkc Drake waa forced to prom i hp them this help in return for tho.r help in making Bend the county seat. A part of the agreement is that at the next aesxion of the Legixlature, a new county will be organized with such boundaries a Madras shall desire. A Citizen. Officers of the New Counties. Redmond, Or., Jan. 17, 1907. Editor Journal: You have no doubt bv this time learned that Crook countv is to be divided. enclose a clipping from "Drakes nave Literarv Bureau" that may and you must have adequate coun- j escaped your notice ly ouiiuings to House your uuicibib and take care of the county busi- Of Merchandise With Prices to Equal our Competing Limited Sales We Carry the Right Line of Groceries, Dry Goods and Furnishings, and Our Prices are Right CLAYPOOL BROS. PRINEVILLE, OREGON i : : : : : : : nesa. Then again you must pro vide for highways and bridges and a thousand and one other - things never dreamed of at the time of creatine a county. But Mr. Drake did not enlarge upon these things when he was soliciting aid in sup- port of his townsite. Not be. He is too shrewd a promoter for that. He merely explained what a nice juicy plum the timber interests was and all that was needed was a little squeeze and it would fall into the lap of Bend instead of go ing to Prineville. The people of Bend would then have a rest about the Prineville court house. Drake would start his papers barking for county buildings in his own town site and you can bet he would set no limit as to cost Bend would then awake from its long sleep and show some signs of life. But (yes, there is a condition) the clever scheme of Chief Carver Drake may not work. He is mighty clever as everybody knows, but when he and Mr. Rvan paid Laid law a visit last 'week the cat got out. Only a few of . the best of them were let into the secret and the conscience of some of these re volted at selling out everything to A Grumbler Answered. There has been a tendency from a lew flissausnea persous w mm Dlain that some portions of the new counties have not been fairly treated, and some interest over looked. This complaint is without cause, ana is uniusv to me uouur hl committee appointed to look after the matter. The wheel has been fairly turned, and the prizes honestly distrbuted. Bend gets the county seat by Hrht of discovery. Madras tates the front seat with a foolscap Redmond takes a back seat; Laid law geta no seat; bisters, Wine Falls. Culver and Lamonta each sets its seat patched with red flan . .' n - nel as a mark ol distinction: rnne ville gets a raw seat; a few politic ians get nice warm seats; me peo ple get a tack-seat, (pronounced tax-eat.) If Prineville is dissatib fied with her prize she may ex change it for one of Mr. Drake's web feet to help paddle her up Salt creek. A.Kicker. Laidlaw, Or., January 10, 1907. Editor Journal: There is a move making in this vicinity that may be of aome interest to your readers, especially those in West Crook County. It haa just leaked out tnat a lew men from Bend A. M. Drake, J. II. Ryan, together with two or three from this place, nave organ ized a new county named Des chutes with Bend as the county seat. The law has already passed the third house of the Legislature, and is signed by the Mayor of Bend. The north boundary of the new county is Crooked river, the east boundary is a line close to the town of Prineville, and the south line cuts off a cood slice from the northern part of Lake and Klamath counties, and is so fixed as to make sure that no future mishap may get the county seat. Thia is a brilliant move for Mr. Drake, and is the cause of great rejoicing at Bend, ine matter has been very neatly bandied, so that there has been do protest from the people of this section, or from any part of the county, as they knew nothing of it. Since the facta nave been known there has been a tendency to object by some of the settlers, but the of ficers of the new county are doing their best to hush them up- A great many persons here, at Sisters, Cline Falls and Redmond think it is too soon to organize a new coun ty, but as the thing seems to be an accomplished fact there is no use to roar; all we have to do is pay our extra taxes and praise the shrewdness and unselfish public spirit of Mr. Drake. We regret that our leading citi zens have permitted themselves to be outwitted by Mr. Drake, but we humbly bow to the will of our self constituted lords. A Citizen. P. S. Our people have arranged to go en masse to celebrate laying the corner stone of tne new court house at Bend as soon as Mr. Drake returns from Salem. We desire a copy of the Journal to be planted in the corner stone. A. C. J. H. In order that the old-timer of Crook county may know "where they're at," we herewith give the official boundary of the proponed new counties of Deschutes and Jef ferson with the official lmt of would-be county officials: Deschutes county begins at the summit of the Cascade mountains on line 13 and 14 south; thence east to the northeast corner of township 14, range 13 eat; thence south six miles, east six milts, fouth to the southeast corner of township 26, range 14, thence west to the summit, thenue north along the sun. mi t to the place of begin ning. The officials for Deschutes county are as follows: County Judge, A. M. Drake. Sheriff, C. S. Benson. Clerk, A L. Goodwillie. Assessor, A. M. Drake. School Superintendent, Overturf. Coroner, II. F. Jones. County Surveyor, L. Wiest. District Attorney, VV. P. Myers. Countv CommiKsioners, A. M. Drake, E. F. Balton, J. I. West. Jefferson county begins at the northwest corner of the summit of the Cascade mountains, thence to the southeast corner of township 13, range 11, thence north six miles, Ihence east to Wheeler county, thence north to Crook county line - thence west to the summit and along the summit to the place of beginning. We have received a quiet tip that the Antelope and Bake Oven sections will rm aauea hefore the question is settled. The Jefferson county ticket is as fol lows: County Judge, Guyon Springer. Sheriff, Max Lueddemann. Clerk, John McTaggart. Assessor, Don Rea. School Superintendent, Andrew Larson. Coroner, H. J. Healey. County Commissioners, Guyon Springer, Max Lueddemann, John McTaggart. nrinw in thnse old ehllled plow shares and have them crounrt lor a cents each and save irom oo 10 io Mntj In luivlnir new ones. Prineville Machlue Shop. i-s-iou Later. Laidlaw, Or., January 14, 1907, Editor Journal: Since writing vou last week, 1 learn mat l was in error in a lew matters, i ne new county as organized extends to the north line of Crook so as to accommodate the people of Madras The partial failure of cropB in that region has made times hard, and a few of the politicians will see hard times unless they can get a bite from the county crib. Mr. FOR SALE Four pure-bltMxl Polen- Chiua Hoars; three months oui. Inquire or address J. H. Gray & Son, Prineville, Or. 12-29p-lm FOR SALE. 1520 acres of Rood land. 640 acres of jrd meadow, ,H) acres of alfalfa, balance good pawture land; all under a 3-wire fence and will be sold for fS an acre. All tools will be thrown in. IK) head of horses broken, 700 head of cattle, most of them stxk cattle, some steers. Yearling aud 2-year-olds, all for $26,000. Part cash, balance on eauv terras. For further in formation inquire of L. V. Bailey, Paulina, Oregon. 12-27-6 Leased th Dillon Feed Yard. Alex Baldwin has bought the lease on the Dillon Feed Yard and is now in charge of the same. He guaran tees the traveling public careful at tention and prompt service, of your patronage solicited. A share Leather and Rubber Belting. JiiMt received, a stock of belting both leather aud rubber ltf Inches to 8 inches wide iu leather, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Inches wide In rubber. Prineville Machine Shop. 12 0 A u AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AAAA r ohaniko uarohouse Co. General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants DealerB in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, NailB, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. Agents for WaBco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Baling for Eastern Shipments. Wool Grading and Stock Yards with all the latest and best for Handling Stock. facilities are of 7?fark 2our Soods in "S. 71. Co' Wood Bids Wanted. Notice 1 hereby Riven that sealed bills will lie received by Crook County up to March 7, 1907, for SO conls of wood, eituor dry or gre.'ii sound body jumper wood four fuel long, or green pine wootl io or a uchoa or four tool lone, mas io specuy kind and quality and length of wood and price per cord, and to be douverea on or before October 15. 1!K)7, at the Court House mid Hwh Miool buildinit in Prineville, Or. All bids to be filed with the county olurk. Hy order of .tno court. 1-17 Wakrks Drown, County Cleric. Gatewood Mining & Trading Company OF HOWARD, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON Subscription Price $1.00 per Share Paying from the grass roots down. Capitalization 500,000 Shares. Treasury Stock 100,000, Par Value Non Assessable. FOR SAL.13 DANDY BOB Thoroughbred Poland China Boar, farrowed April 19, 11)06. A fane nie. Pedigree furnished. 1 . . . . j- i i l Black kangsnan uocKereis aiso for sale. E. C. PARK, Redmond, Oregon. For Sale Dr. McLaughlin llav colt coinltiK 8-year-old next June; sired by Schmeer's "Caution, he by "Caution" aoft, tne jrreat aneed' sire of the Northwest; he by "Electioneer." first dam Nora by Altairo; second, Netty 1'iiier Orlco 84(11: third. Hatcher mare, Vermont; fourth, Thoroughbred. This colt will make a 1150-iiound horse; a sure trotter; his btvedliiK la Kllt-ede, aud If vou want a first elans stock horse, one that Is bred of the best trottins blood In America, don t overlook him. For further particulars Inquire at Juniper liutte Stock Kanch. 1-3-lmp JOHN SCHMEER. The property consists of 33 claims in the South eastern part of Crook county, on the head waters of the Ochoco river. There is an abundance of water for power purposes and some of the best timber in the county is located on these claims. The economic con ditions for mining could not be better. The mines are now on a paying basis, but with additional machinery they can be made a big dividend payer as the output can be doubled with very little additional cost of labor. In order to install this ma chinery the management has decided to issue 10,000 shares of Treasury Stock, This stock will in all probabilities be the last offered for sale. It will be sold at $1.00 per share. There is no deviating from this price. That the stock will increase in value is a certainty. You can find no better place to invest your money. If you desire to get in on this you will have to do so at once, as this stock was put on the market in order to give the residents of the county a chance to realize something from an investment in one of their own properties. This is not a speculation at all but a sound business investment based upon ascertained facts. The mine has been developed beyond the experimental stage. About the best recommendation we can give these mines is that the men employed by the company are investing their savings in the purchase of this stock. Also such men as Clark, Daly, Fair, Haggin, and a host of others have made their money from mines and the development of them. . Send all Subscriptions and Correspondence to the Gatewood Mining & Trading Company Further Information of thia valuabla HOWARD, Crook County, OREGON property will bo nut on roquost