Journal VOL. XI PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, JANUARY 10, 190$. ) NO. 4 Cfo LJ r 1 u r.i U J CI r.i M r.i ft u r.i u ri tj m IT J r.n LJ r. i CJ r.i k J M t J r.i r.i LJ r.i L J LJ J r.i LJ r.i L J r.i LJ ri LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ 3 r.i li r.i l J r i LJ ri LJ ri L J r i L J Tul L J ri LJ ri L J M LJ ri LJ ri LJ ri L J L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i L J r.n L J ra L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r.i r-fj Si i i A Seal of Public Approval Tim x'0le of Crook county have Imltwd ami co-onrale with u in launching one of tin nuwt successful Ixminexa enterprise ever attempted. It ha Un left to the people and not to IK a to whether our rot'lhoda of distributing bargain are right, and the fact that lince our (iHim have liwn oKnt"(l to I bo public our building lis Un overcrowded with eager buyer, who mudti their wlfclion and departed bundle laden, ha couvinoed ua that our method are right. Thin, therefore, In an evidence that the eopU have placed iiHin our (iieat Gigantic Hale A SEAL OF PUBLIC APPROVAL No ale ever held in Prineville haa created hucIi enthusiasm or haa attracted audi throni: of ieole. Hundred nnd hundred of careful and aavinir houm-wive who have taken advantage of the golden opHrlunilie, are aaving dollar and dollar on the ao bought high grade merchandise, well know the quality of good handled ly u. and when we aay that we do a we udvertiH it i the truth, the truth in it entirety, for our reputation ia at atake If you have not been able to make your aelectiona before do not dcapair. In spite of heavy xalea our assortim-nt i atill immeiiae, comprising thousand! and thouaand of bargain. All artich-a quoted in our earlier adverliMenivnt are mill in evidence and ahnll lie replenished from our eerve Mock until they are completely old out. W ahall atrive harder and harder by making additional reduction and every day will find aome new and extraordinary bargaina to intereet you. A daily visit to our More will amply repay itelf but remember there are only eight more day left to attend tit ia Gigantic Hale January 1 1 to Saturday, January 10. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded GOODS EXCHANGED ELKINS C. W. Prineville, Oregon This Sale positively ceases Saturday, January 19. Htore open at 9 o'clock ever)' morning" and clow ut 6 p. ok, excepting Saturday, when it will close at 9 p. m. Look for the Big RED Canvas Front r.i L J ri L J r.i L J r.n LJ ri b J r.i L J r.n L J r..i LJ r.i L J r.a LJ r.i L J B3 LJ r.i L J r.i L J r.i L J ra LJ C.1 LJ r.a L J r.i L J r.i LJ li r..i LJ r.i LJ r.a LJ C.I L'J r.i L J r.n L'J E3 LJ r.i LJ LJ r.n L J 3 LJ r.i LJ r,3 LJ rn LJ r.i LJ r.n LJ r.i L J r.a LJ r.i L J r.3 L J E.l LJ ri LJ r.i LJ B3 LJ C3 LJ r.3 L J r.3 LJ r.3 LJ r.3 LJ r.3 L J r.3 LJ r.3 L J rn LJ L'J r.s LJ GI?4&&I?4I?4I?4I?4I& I What Is more pleasing to the boy than a new suit of Clothes, when presented just before Xmas? If the Clothes suit the boy, the Suit clothes the boy And the price Suits the parents. We have the Suits at Reasonable Prices. CLAYP00L BROS. PRINEVILLE, OKEGON : : Shaniko Warehouse Co, SAnniko, Ofgon General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants Doalera in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, ' ' Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Sacka and Twine, Grain and Feed. Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price , paid for Hides and Pelts. 3 I Special Attention is paid to Wool Grading and Baling for Eastern Shipments. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for Handling Stock. JTfark 2our Soods in Care of "S. 10. Co." 1? FOR SALE Four pure-blood Polen Clilna Bourn; three raontlia old Inquire or addretia J. H. Gray & Son, Prineville, Or. 12-29p-lm Lmm4 tbt DLUoa Fm4 Yard. Alex Ilildwlii hit ItoilKht tlic U-nm-on tlto Illlon h'n Yard nnd ia now In chance of the (tniiic. lie Kuiirim tera the travellnic puldic can-ful at ti'iitlon and prorni't wrvk. A Mliare of your pntronitKe aoliciutd. Leather and Robber Bcltlnf. J nut ivcclvwl. a ntK'k of hflilnir lot h leather and ruhU-r 1 lin Ixn to H IrR'hea wide In Icatht-r, 4, .', 6 and H luchea wide lu ruliln-r. l'rliievllle Matddne Shop. 12 6 Hand-Painted China 4 rincai in uic D. P. Adamson & Co For Sale Dr. McLaughlin liav colt coinlnir 3-year-old next June; elrwi by Hchiueer'a "Omtloii," he by "t'autlon" the jcreat mjxmhJ Mire of the North went; he by "Meriioneer, nrm nam JSora liy Altnifo; mvoiid, Netty Iller Orico M01; third, tlatcher mare, Vrrmont; fourth, ThormiKhbml. TIiIm colt will make a UM-pound home; a aure trottt-r; hla brwdlng U Kllt-edx'. and If you want a nntt-clHMM Un V horxe. me that la brinl of the lent trot tlnjr lilood In AnK-ncn, don't overlook hill). For further particular limuire at Junlptr Butte HUwk Ranch. 14i-lmp JOHN 8C1IMKER. I Norris Art Pottery I In K AND CUT GLASS P. ADAMSONN & CO. FOR SALK. 15J0 ai-reaf kxm1 land, (MO acre of gtHn moadow, 30 acrve of alfnifa, balance kxh1 paMture land; all under a 3-wire fence and will be aold for $H an acre. All tool will be thrown In. 20 head of home broken, 700 head of cattle, moot of mem atocK eattle, aome steer, yearllnini and 2-year-oUU. all for $26,000. Fart cnh, balauce on eaey ternm. For further In formation Inquire of L. V. Bailey, I'nuuna, orefon. Vl-ziS HONZ Sweet, Sour andill Pickles and Queen Olives in Bulk at ' Claypool Bros. TAXES IN CROOK COUNTY IS MHli Levied for State and County Taxes 11 Mills for PrineriUe. O'Neil Bakery la tha Miller Building Freeh Bread, Flee and Cakes alway on hand. l'AHtry of all kinds made to order. t PRINEVILLE, . OREGON The counties of the state of Ore gon will be called upon in lvU7 to par nearly double the amount of state tazea they did in 1906. Thia is due largely to the fact that in 1906 no levy was made for appropri ations to the amount of over $371,- 000 held up by the referendum on the omnibus appropriation bill. The items of these appropriations must be included in the levy for 1907. The amount of money need ed for state purpees in 1907 will be approximately $1,500,000 of hich $400,000 will be raised from indirect sources or retained from unexpended appropriations, leaving $1,100,000 to be apportioned among the several counties. Crook county's share of this is $13,325, bile only $8125 was raised in 1905. The total aeseesable wealth of Crook county is a little lees than $5,900,000. Our county court at its meeting last week made the following levy: For state and county purposes 8 mills. Cieneral school fund 3 mills. Road fund (excluding Prine ville) 1 mills. Crook County High School 1 fund mill. Thia makes a total of 15 mills for state and county purposes. If you live within the corporate limits of the city of Prineville you must add 11 mills more i. e., 5 mills for district school purposes and a levy of 6 mills for city pur poses. The city council made the levy for Prineville and the people living in the school district voted the tax for school purposes. Thus, for state, county and city 26 mills will be the levy. If you live in the country 15 mills will square the tax bill. Christmas at Trail Crossing. "Christmas Bella," Hpend Anthem, Chorus. Recitation "How We Christmas." M. A. Lehman. Male Quartet. "Thou of Lijiht," takeo from Schubert's "Elegy of Tears." First tenor, W. 8. Mc Ewing, second tenor, Mr. Louther. First bass, M. A. Lehman, second bass R. M. Morris. g Dialogue, "Little Thoughts of Little People," by Jessie Windom, Iris Louther, John Robinson and Robert Robinson. Vocal Holo, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear," Edwardo Marzo, bv Millie A. Lehman. Recitation, "The Holly Buh," Archie Roberts. Violin Solo, "A Boy's Beet Friend is His Mother," by Ray Archer. Vocal Solo. "Little Em itv Stock ing," Iris Louther. Recitation, "OuUide, Anna Lee Martin. Instrumental Solo. "The Maid en's Prayer," Ray Archer. Pantomime. "Jesus Lover of My Soul," Miss Roxie Morris. Recitation. "A Suciretion for Santa Claus," Orvil Morns. Male Quartet, "Jehova, Great Jehova, Guide Us," from Moiart's uie Aanbernote," nret tenor, w. I. McEwine. second tenor. Mr. Louther. first bass. M. A. Lehman. second bass, R. M. Morris. Recitation. "A Xew Year's Ca Meda Martin. Anthem. "We Have Seen His Star in the East," by the Chorus. Senator Fulton Exonerated. FOR SALE DANDY BOB Thoroughbred Pojand China Boar, farrowed April 19, 1906. A fine pig. Pedigree furnished. Black Langshan Cockerels also for sale. E. C. PARK. Redmond, Oregon. Bring In those old chilled plow shares and luve them ground for 25 cent each and save from 50 to 75 cent In buying new ones. Prineville Machine Shop. 12-13tf The Christmas program at Trail Crossing this year was one of the best in the county. The musical program under the able instruction of W. S. McEwing was exceptionally well executed. The program follows: Piano Voluntary, "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," with variations, Rav Archer. Hymn, "Joy to the World," Chorus. Recitation, "Thrice Welcome," Rov Louther. Vocal Solo, "Dream of Paradise," Hamilton Gray, bv W. S. Mc Ewing. Recitation. "Merry Christmas" Velda Morris. Recitation, "Joe," Bessie Robin son. Commissioner of Indian Affaire Leupp has transmitted to the secre tary of the interior a report on the legislation for the exchange of lands of the Klamath Indian reser vation which completely exoner ates Senator Fulton of Oregon from any personal interest in the matter. Senator Fulton intends to push criminal proceedings against the Cosmopolitan, which charged him with aiding Weyerhauser in un lawfully obtaining lands. Pro ceedings in the case are temporarily suspended on account of District Attorney Baker's being injured in the Terra Cotta railroad wreck Sunday. Live Stock Apportionment I. 0. 0. F. INSTALLATION As Elegant Banquet at the Ho tel Prineville 75 Guests PresenL Ochoco Lodge No. 45, 1. 0. 0. F and the Rebecca lodge held a joint installation Saturday evening at the Masonic hall. There was a large attendance. After the in stallation ceremonies the company proceeded to the new Hotel Prine ville, where a sumptuous banquet was served. Seventy-five covera were laid and full justice was done to the initial spread in the new hotel dining room. Ochoco lodge installed the fol lowing officers: Noble grand, I. W. Spear, vice noble grand, Earl McLaughlin; secretary, L. B. La- follett; treasurer, I. L, Ketchum; conductor, J. H.Templeton; Ward en, Henry Houston; inside guardi an. Joseph Crooks; outside guardi an, Marion Templeton. The Rebeccas installed the fol lowing: Noble grand, Mrs. A. Thomson; vice grand, Mrs. Julia McDaniel; secretary, Mrs. Julia Young; treasurer Mrs. T. H. La- follett; warden, Mrs. Vira Cyrus; inside guardian, T. H. Lafollett; outside guardian, Sam Rhuburg; chaplain, Mrs. Minnie Clifton; con ductress, Mrs. Amanda Cobra. Strangled Himself. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson has apportioned 16,250 cattle and horses and 220,000 sheep to the eastern division of the Blue mountain forest reserve for the coming season. To the western di vision of this reserve he apportion ed 28,000 cattle and horses and 240,000 sheep. This is a reduction of 20 per cent in sheep on account overgranng. The secretary ap portioned 1,800 cattle and horses to the Maury mountain reserve. Strayed. There strayed to my ranch, the old J. O. Powell place, on McKay creek, one black horse, weight about 1050 pounds, saddle marks, branded half circle on rnrht Jaw, 1 J ou left shoul der two half circles on the left stifle. Owner can have same by calling at the above place aud paying the ex penses on said horse. 12-13-liup A. J. Dkckkk. Nailing a board acrosa the top of the doorway of his lonely Grant county home, Leon Battig, a half invalid bachelor, living by him self on the old Keeney ranch, looped a piece of clothesline over the board and let himself strangle to de&Sti, says dispatch to the Telegram. Battig's suicide was a curious one, being executed in such a way that he could have called it off at any time before unconsciousness set in, as the loop was so arranged that by hands or feet he could have gotten his toes on the floor and have freed himself. When found, after the body had been hanging probably several days, the knees were touching the floor. Hans Hanson found him. On calling at the cabin and opening the door, he was astonished to be hold the face of the man he came to see swaying at a rope's end. Battig must have had extraordi nary resolution. Baltig had just sold his ranch for $4500, but he owed the state $1000 on it, the purchase having been school land, and by the terms he was not to get any of the money for two years. In addition, he suf fered from stomach trouble, and it is supposed he decided not to wait and suffer. The Coroner's jury verdict was death from an "unknown cause." Gatewood Mining & Trading Company OF HOWARD, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON Timber Ijuid, Aot of June 3, 1878. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, October 20, ltW!. Notice is hereby given tliat in comull- ance with the provinions of the sot of Con gress of June 8,1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the States of California,, Oregon, Nevaila, ami Washing ton Territory," as extended lo all the Pun He band Stales by aot of August 4, XXrl, the following-named persons nave on tkin tember 15, 1U06, tiled in this office their sworn statements, to-wit Owen u. Ogilen, of Hoquiam, county Chelialis, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 3'2iW. for the ourchase of the m NWU. 8W NEU, Lots 2 and 3 of Section 1, Tp. IS 8, R 17 K, W M. Herman Hubble, of Hoquiam, county of Cliehalis, state of ashington, sworn statement Mo. SMi, tor the purchase or the 8KW of Section 33. Tp. 12 S. R 17 K, W M. Florence Hubble, of Hoquiam, county of Cbuhalis, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 32111, for the purchase of Lot 4 ot section 9, l.uts l, 2 and 3 ol Sec tion 4, Tp. 13 8, R 17 K W M. And will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricut tural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lanns before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on January ia, Thev name the following witnesses Owen C. Ogden, Herman Hubble, Florence Hubble and J. K. McCaulie, Hoquian, Washington; I. W. Ritterand R. K.Jones, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are re quested lo tile their claims in this office on or oeiore tne said iftui auy ot January. 1SW7. M 1UHAKL T. NOLAN, l0-25p Register Capitalization 500,000 Shares. Treasury Stock 100,000, Par Value Non Assessable. Subscription Price $1.00 per Share Paying from the grass roots down. The property consists of 33 claims in the South eastern part of Crook county, on the head waters of the Ochoco river. There is an abundance of water for power purposes and some of the best timber in the county is located on these claims. The economic con ditions for mining could not be better. , The mines are now on a paying basis, but with additional machinery they can be made a big dividend payer as the output can be doubled with very little additional cost of labor. In order to install this ma chinery the management has decided to issue 10,000 shares of Treasury Stock. This stock will in all probabilities be the last offered for sale. It will be sold at $1.00 per share. There is no deviating from this price. That the stock will increase in value is a certainty. You can find no better place to invest your money. If you desire to get in on this you will have to do so at once, as this stock was put on the market in order to give the residents of the county a chance to realize something from an investment in one of their own properties. This is not a speculation at all but a sound business investment based upon ascertained facts. The mine has been developed beyond the experimental stage. About the best recommendation we can give these mines is that the men employed by the company are investing their savings in the purchase of this stock. Also such men as Clark, Daly, Fair, Haggin, and a host of others have made their money from mines and the development of them. Send all Subscriptions and Correspondence to the Further Information of thia valuabl property will b ant on roquoat Gatewood Mining & Trading Company HOWARD, Crook County, OREGON