Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 03, 1907, Image 5

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    ! Iff
. , ; 4
1 ivy
y i it j i ' 1
Mail and Telephone Orders
Promptly Filled
Send in your mail orders addressing
carefully Ihe CW.ELK1NS STORE.
attention and immediate delivery. In
ordering be very earcJul in giving
description ol goods, sizes and color.
When You Come to Town Look
For the Big Red Canvas Front
1 11 11011 for Men, Women and Children. Tailor-made Suits, Skirts and Jackets. Men's, Ladies,' Misses',
" f lai CtUJrtn,' Shotl, Croctriti, Implement, and HariWe to b loU ia our bail Jin j t Im thaa colt of taw material for TEN DAYS
Wotlli ol liiojiesl grade drjiend;ilIe
ami well-known Standard Pry
Goodi, rurnisliingx and Ready-to-wear
apparel lor Men. Womrn
and Children, droreries, I lardwarr
and ImnlrinrnUi to 1 Hold at our
store at a mere traction ol the
aitutd cost nl the raw material.
Look For the Big RJ C.
rr-r-ki rvirc i i i i I OiL Tl .1 ., t-a t fiili Friilav .1 1 ft nir v 1 1 lit .Salurdav J:imi irv MoniUv January Mlli. Tnrxdav. January 1 5 lit. Vednesdav.
r.. . r- . . r ic. . i it. .,nn iiai.-y htfiinnino ttrunrauav. uanuaiy .-in. inuiauj,vi .v.... .
KiiNLV ILLLo greatest Uenerai otore to oe o.u ... - - 1Q, - m ..,, Prin,v.ll,.. f)min. U.k lor the Biu Red Canvas Front.
IT January 16th. Jhurday. January 1 , th linn o C. W. FJkins W the pas, years loeat.M in Prineville. Oregon, will I, placed on sale a, our old stand, PRINEVILLE. OREGON. beginnino WEDNESDAY,
ine enure iu.wu mwiv my" , . Ve sh ill prol.vt every buyer and our lull guaranti gms with every garnunl tlutt l.avw the store. We shall nlund money to any purchaser lor any
January 9th, at 9 a. m. Lvery man. woman and child is rommanueu w a Rl , , . .." i - ...i .. , ,i ' L. r..i,;Uw.,rt,n,nl mrrneJ into orand olicrin.i ol most allurtno hamains. You never heard ol it liclore and you never will
whatsoever. . No one should; overlook this event ( Mind you an ,m nu,se g - "ZZ. "to sell all" ami it must I. .old
Therefore .take advantage o. the greatest hargan. - J J o hf wo,,rs nwrf ,amm " nurU a, prirt, that will cannonade
?rl LrJTMt Milippi. Markthe date, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 9th to JANUARY 19,1,
rnilNCVILLL, uni-VJwn
shall nlund money to any purchaser tor any reason
most alluring bargains. You never heard ol it bclore and you never wdl again.
The stink that lornis the basis ol this sale is merchandise ol dependability and
and shake the city Irom center to circumlerenre. The doors will swing back promptly
:, , . .,.., I.,., u . vviu iliuv vim. to luwtui-lo voiniM-lf. ivrlcik n cluim-o llki tl.U. to wivo lit l-int tin- i.rlee yi.u nn t.l.llj... to pny tli niilnr dttil.T lr liluh lifin i t.iiT.
The lnt nn.l crrati-xt vtvhu-s on earth now stare j on ... '"'"' " ;"'h!l .....low,.,! vmi. foin.- ati-l v will, own eye- nii.l Ik omi vtiuisl. w lieu you take Into eoUMl.leriitloit t'- t I.I- ale U ..( xllll tiiotv to n' lo. . iiuin
chandine tor Men. Women and l l.ildr.-n. l pwt e..-H- w i . 1 el . rt ,.f (ll1arH, wU eo.nev to yo.i ...hi lde.1 of the ...arvelou- linrual..- that will In- o..emi t., th. ih.,.,.1,. W i:i.i:slA Y. J AMWUY Uih. AT 0 A.
nv sale ever held, nnd hIso the very lann-st sale nnyono ever i itte m UM. ti oin ni- . . u tlif.ii-. We eaeh and every ,..nvliaT ntmulute tKitUtitetloii. We B.ira..t... every Karnient. every .rl.-e. every .tatein. i.t here made, mid
M AT C. W. KI.Kl.NS STORK. 1'UINKY IIXK. OKKUON. 1 his glu-an k M.h k w ill '",r1 ., .'',, - will elo ll- door- Jiimmrv Mh. to mark down and arrauue the entire -loek. m. that the u.a-e- ei.n U ea-lly hni.d ni.d will remain el-wed
will taUe linek, exchai.tfe or rvfuiid your money on any ,..m-hae inisa n-fae J';';,,. irvelou-"n-ortmeni -h..w... l.ut ur,nt"e8t In the Uwll.lerln; low .rlee n-ked. Ten day- ..I Inlmltalde l.uritaln- llore the In-kIiiiiIhu V elmdv,
nntil Weilnwdnv. January !th. at a a. in., when the jriyate-t -ale I1""' y , !TU,J;" " , , ,i.i al.-..I;.telv the Ul value- yon ever -aw. You will not U .ll-a..olnted. We Knarante.- you that our .rl. e are lower and the -l.vle- -u. li a- you only
Januarv 9th. mid eontinuinjr f-r ten day-, until Saturday. Jannary i.iin. . om " ... - !JIU.U iirtf.lliw .ii ,,,,l,klv. Were we to quote rlee- on the entire -to. k ve would require the -.nee ol n iM-nauo l.ew-u.Nr. -o we only tlve you it i!llu.Hte ol
could i.ietureiu vour mo-t exalUnl moment- of iinav'inat.on. w e cannon " ' i - ; " , lu (l , ,,, tlllt ,.Vervthliiu I- just a- advert I-.-.I. Satl-rn. tl..u K.iarant.vd In every In-li.n.-e or your money refunded hnuiedlately.
what vim ean -ave l.v meutioninc a few of the extraordinary barauis that win . oiun...
Men's Overcoats
Cloth, four button, -iiiide
breasted style, trimmed
with Mack horn button-,
-trotis worked button
hole-, a 3 inch eollar
with -troiiK tab. Three
outside pockets and flaps,
and small eh.uuie pocket,
lined with Italian cloth.
Mtronjr sleeve lining, chain
h.i nirer: worth at least
$12..V). In this
gigantic sale
the peer of any you see
elsewhere at 15.00; .En-
Hjsh ulster clothing; also
Kersev-, Meltons, and
.lr.-ils tiuiK. mode-, l-'-t
dome-tic Kersey-, blue
black and tan shades
Italian lined, plain l.-.pie
seams: all marvels o
jroodness. In this
iriirantic sale
l r ; - -A
L-..i.d i.i. lkina-L Mini tjn Khjult'H. wmie In
: V ... i t-
lit rt i -mm rit i m, nii.ut -
long, full backs, so lieeoinlng to young inen; at
present market value aciuaiiy n.iu ti.m,,
worth fl.H..j(l. in tins giainn- u-j ni.
-o iyi i H-..r.-....t - ll CI Clever and latest -tyl.
.rdt..rati(. HtHllir ,rH rill.'ll I S. TlieV COIIle ill
I.I....1. ami nnli-ru woiil.I lie desirable even limri
than the value, ?20.00. In this gigan
tic -ule
Dress Goods and Silks
... .. , n 4
Ml wind novelty plai.l- n-guiar i' values
Mohair-timl ltrilliantine-. worth ..h-. -ale price
only JSC
Xoveltv Suitings and I'an.y Mistim-s. oiles
and Crashe-. late fall -tyles, goo.l siiane- ibe
Ulack Cheviot Sideline, worth tl.. yard, -ale
price, yard DIC
otch riaid-and Shephenl I htrKs. Hill wi.m
nrettv and up-to date pattern, worth iw yar.l
Our sale price. ier yard 28c
Thousand- f janl- of dress print- in black.
white and silver gray i.n.l tmllgo nine, wot . n .c
In this gigantic sale, price per yard 4Sc
ivv Fnnev Outings, miles and mile- of above
i,,,.r..linn,li,.. in bolt-. Come and pick thcin out
at this giguntie sale at 4C
Heavy Fleei-ed Outings excellent value- at Yiy
nrettv ( es hriis: t lev come III an colors, n inn-
thev la-t your choice, at per yard 6c
fiO-inch White Stitin lamask, would -ell regu-
lurlv for ilO.', sale price 47c
Very wide Ued Table lama-k, guarniiliiil
worth "Xk1. -ale price 4yc
Extra Heavy Crash, regular price 17V. guaran
teed all linen, sale price 8c
Ueil Spreads, full si7 white crochet lied spread-.
all good patterns, real Marseille- patterns. ...i
values for $1.29
Extra wide and heavy duality shifts, size 72x'.Kl,
ifiiarauteed value, our -ale price 36c
Knl! size nillow ca-'-. made of good quality
muslin, 40c value, our -ale price 17c
Hjili.rmlM full size, heavv white er.H-hct bed
spreads of good patterns, real Marseille- pat
terns, positively wort 11 .. -aie price i.y
Extra quality I luck towels, giinrunl.vil
all linen, i'x: value at 1 lc
even ino.-
Men's Pants
$2.00 Men- Trousers, $1.19 Mens Trousers in neat
rliwliniu litrht or medium weights, double
stitched throughout, a great assortment of
tht,,n It, nil ui-eu IlliUltlVelV Wlirtll f-.M- H
this gigantic sale $1.19
$2.50 Men- Pants, $1.!K Same as above only
. ii-.. i . I.. ..II ,.ttil . li iri .1 irn
oeirer qua. ..jr. oiih-i m m. ri,n ...... . ..... .
always sold for $2.50, during these ten days $1.98
i-jvi M....M Tn,iru In nil 1 lie kI rilM-il worsteds
sewed with silk throughout. In large varieties
and nobbv patterns to cnoose iroiu; imu
ranging up to $.50; latest styles only; Trousers
WHICH will appeal most i i iiuri.i to i. vv...
tnmed to made to order garment-, our sail
nrictt ...$2.49
f - "
$2.50 and $3.50 Corduroy I'ants $1.4:1. Imported
cellently made, very bent of liuingn, up to
now VL
Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts
t3.00 and :.50 Skirls, $1.23. They come in all
descriptions, hanging full of that indescribabl.
..V:.... ....,).. A ..,.,..!..' fr.,i.b...l Hi. rill, r I, lit.
torn, light nnd dark mixtures, guarun j OO
twil worth :.XM. our wale urice 1 tO
4m uii-oii iitvluli tietnitifiillv trimmed Skirts
ViHnilanme' oe'i-feit fitting garments, that show
Mm vei-v newest, kind of fashion, made of all
wool cashmere und mannish mixture-. Skirts
that show a score of new plait treatment, skirts
that show careful and painstaking tailoring;
latest arrivals, worth up to $6.50. Our O fj?
Sale nrice ,JJ
T.ndleH Hicrh tirade Petticoat-, made of heav
French mercerized sateen, all lengths, plaited
flounce with dust ruffle, worth from $1.75 to
') no nil n-o in one grand offering at one uric
In this gigantic -ale 9c
Tenl:icket. short Kiminoiiiis. of flaiinellette
Perstnn designs, worth $1.00. at 39c
Men's Furnishings
Towels that have always -old for 2IK-, at... 92C
Full sizeil Turkisli liath towels, regular 25e val
ue at 14c
I0,(HK) vds of Creloniie-. miles ami miles or them.
real Turkish and Persian designs, .Mi niche- wide.
worth 17V. now per yard 4c
Eadie-' and Children'- Handkercliiefs made of
line white lawn, hemstitched, worth N liigau
tic sale price 2c
Ladies' Einen finished Handkerchiefs, sold regu
larly at 10c. tiigantic sale price 3C
Ladies' finely hemstitched Handkercliiefs with
rioral designs in corner worth up to 20c. In
this gigantic -ale 4c
Dozen- and doxeii- of ladies' hemstitched and
embroidered handkerchief-, al-o -ome lace trim
med, pretty, neat designs, all new and fresh
goods, worth 25c. In this gigantic sale 7C
Knee Pant Suits
I'liderwear 3n. An except loual good 7.V value,
Shirt- and Prowers to match In plain color-, u
standard 7.V -eller. our sale price 38e
t.V White and Colored Itorder I landkerehlcf- 4e.
A neatly linished handkerchief, regular price, l.V
waich 'cm go at
White Lln.n iluish.d llaiidervhicfs. ready tor
imini-diule use, worth 2"e, now 6c
:kV Mens Snsp. nders I'.V. Men- extra good mm-
peiiili-rs. heavy elastic, a stanuaru .me m-ner n.
all st vies ." 19
JUe Mens '.lack Hose. 7c. Men- fast black Macco
hose, nil sixes, nil exceitlonal good 2lH value
our ,ale i.f'u'e 7
7.V I'ress Shirt-. 'UK'. I'inedre -hlrt- In fancy
olors. eollarli . in all made of line wash-
utile materials, imsit ively worth T.V, during
i in iI;ivh 39
$l..r l ancv Kilild I nderwear, 'A'. Flue tin riblM-d. Iieavilv Ill plain cob r-
ail sizes, shirt- and drawer- to match, formerly Milt. 1.5U. A matchle bargain at tiu-
Our sale price, per garment
Wright's Health I nderwear, 1W. Come- In
cream and iilnk onlv. All extra good value. In
Oil-gigantic sale 5
Men - 75c Work Shirts. -l:c. Men's excellent
made work shirts of madras, liervale and ging-
li.-inis. in a great variety of colors, worth --
i )nr mile nrice 39'
10.- ILockford Hose. 4. Extra heavy ltockford
SiH-ks. regular nrice Ilk. riblHtl top, fully seam
less, tit
'k- fati.-v and nliiiii Hose. !k Men's fancy Ho-i
iilso i.o'i in colors, in all size-, fully seamless.
worth iV. in this tell davs' -ale 9c
in.- f...nd.itia llanilkerchlefs. 4c. Hed and bill.
full lUmbnia llandkerchlefrt. never -old for
limn 111,- now 4e
1 ou l.eavv Work (ilove-. (i'.tc. Extra heavy In tunned work glove-, all si.c- and -lyle-
Men's Clothing
$imi;i nil to match. $t.s.V A fine suit of
cl-.l : u. all to match, come lu homespun and
w ,.Mnl Scotch mixtures. Till- -ult I- positive.
Iv wo: 1. 1 fill or your money refunded ffJ OP
ti. .nn lime during fill-gigantic -ale.. wl.OO
4-1. . ii wen - Willis, n 'ki. i in- n pn-seiii- n un
ol snlls 111 worsted- and serge-. Al-o mime dark
fancy mixtiire-. lu the new and swagger fad
cut. sack eoat, entirely custom made. Keineiu
ler. yon get your money buck If not -atl-tled.
Till- suit goes In till- gigantic -ale
$15.00 men'- Hue -tilt-, S5. A grand assort
nient of -ingle and douh..hrcii-tcd -tick -nils,
black, blue nnd brown cheviot-. Merge, vebuir
linished cu liiietv; -ome -olid worsted- lu grny
mid brown, uobbv tweed uilxture- In nil the
mo-t desirable and newest -hade-, all -uiH-rbly
tailored; cult- French faced, linished; perfect tit
guaranteed. alue- that are equal III every re
sx-ct to -ult- that -ell for fl.i.oo. tint
sale price
$S..i( all worsted -ult. $'J.4.i. This I- the eer
of anv you ean -e elsewher.1 at a $20.00 price
mark. A marvel of gondii. , all -Ixe. Don
fail to ask for thl- -ult. A geuulni1
$101 value
$.0.0O Men - -ult-. flO.Vi. Thl- eu
title- you to t-hoo-c a suit from twenty lot- n-
liuelv made and a- elegantly finished a- the most
fastidious ilri-s-r could desire. Flue home and
foreign -lilting-of -t vie and tone and III a great
variety of effect-, tailored Into garment- ol
faiiltle- fashion. Kersey, cheviots, vicuna
hotnesiiiin. tweed. Scotch mixture- and cassl
mere suit-, In black, blue, brown, drab, tan und
fancy design-, -Ingle and donble.bri'iisted. All
of this season'--tyle-. ort h r.M.OO. 1A Or
In tin- gigantic -ale lv.OJ
Boys' two-piece Suits, $1.!IS.
Suits' of dependable fabric-, neatly
linislied, worth $3.. our QQ
sale pr
Saint: as above,
sizes, stayed on tin
i:,iiui .
2.65 (
only finer, all
Inside to make
them extra strong for boys' wear.
We doubt if euual suits could be
obtained for $4.50 else
where. Our -ale price..
Knee Pant Suits, 2 X. Hoys
5.00 Knee Pant Suits, made of
heavy materials. Our
sale price
30 distinct effect- in Hoys' Ultra1
Fashionable Knee Pant Suils, in
all the Bwellest novelties and sta
ple materials. Worth up 0 AO
to $0.00. Our sale price.... J.40
Boys' all-worsted Knee Pants,
made of dependable material-, all
sizes, splendid values at $1.00, dur
ing this ten day Sale your
come and pick Ilietn while they last, at
!le It. iv-' SiisiH-nders. 4c. Boy- excellent -II-
i.nilei:s. made of g I elastic, the kind that
don't "bust" Standard 21 kr value. Our-uli
price c
All wool I nderwear Kk: Natural wool -hlrt-imd
drawer-, a line -hi-er wool underwear, -ell-
the world over at $1.50. Watch 'em go at 89c
$1.50 lire Shirt-!lSc. Men'- ttne-t tire -hlrt-with
or wit hunt eollar. fancy and nobby de-ign-
line French iniidra-, -ome -ilk cordeil and Htrlp-
...l worth l.5ii. Your nick during the-.- ten
day- 9"''
50c Men'- Suspenders, 2e. Men'- line-t -u-pen-
ders. were considered excellent value- at aUi
ff.nel- l.llf'LleS 11 ll si vies. Including t he fainoii-
"i:nV."t" i vl.. uiimie'iider. Your choice In thl-
gigantic -ale at 28
$1.00 Work Shirts, 47c. The very fliic-t ami be-t
of material. French iniidra-, heavy shirtings
........... .-Wed Lillian eti- All - Zen. Ill WllSllll llll Ol'
ui,o.u- uhlrtM which we nor nobody else ever oi-
- . . .... i i
fered for less than $1.00, (luring im- piiciioiiienm
sale 471
A consolidated lot of Men's and Boys' Cap-, val
ue- inniriiig un lo 75e and $1.00, all sizes, in every
imaginable -I vie: there are more than HO dozen
,.r 1 1... in but if von want to get your share In
ii Iv for such' values sell quickly. Keltiember,
they go at
22.50 Suit- for 11.05. A comprehensive 11 tx
excellent maiiiilsh mixture- In cheviot rrcnt hut-
repre-elit lug only 11HHI fashion-. Come In -Ingle
and iloiiblc-hrca-tcil. a -ult that you woul
have dilllculty to duplicate at 25.00
any when-, lu thl- gigantic -ale
$12.45 represents a lot of -tilt- that are the
product of the world - most skillful tailors; they
are equal and are guiiranleed to excel any $10.00
tailor inaile-to-order -ult. or we will chccrlull.v
refund your money. A great ratigr
of designs. In thl- gigantic -ale
Hosiery and Underwear
Women'- and Children' Vest- and Pant-, -Ilk
taped, heavily ribbed, lleece-llned, In all sizes atiil
styles, ier -nit $1.00, during t hese ten Oy
at TV
day-, per garment .
Ladies' and Misses' Shoes
Over 3,000 pairs of the very finest of this -ea-oli-
anivals, hand sewed, lace or nuuon oa...i..,
bluchers, suitable both for dress or -treet wear;
light medium and heavy weigni,
French kid,
patent leather, vlcl kid and calf, by far the be-t.
of any shoes brought to this market. I hey come
ill all size- and widths in every ltnngimiin.- hi.m-
.,.,.., ....em. military. (Julian, and
V.i rill ll n i n' iir", .,...
French heel, worth from $2 (5 to $a.50; conn
. .i,.b. 1 1....,, ..r tiiiu most mighty -ale at.
'.. $2.69, $2.29, $1.98, 1.79 and $1.26
iiu..M ...i f'l.ildrenu Shoe-, value- that -old for
$1.50 $175 $2.50 and $3.50; pick your -ize at this t.nst of the raw material
gigantic sale per pair at and up irom... 40c Ladle- Best Wool Sweater-, all color- and -lz(
.. ...... . u..t ui,.. ul-zes 0 to 5. regular 40c Positively worth $4.00 or your money refunded
I until in -o 1. - - , ..
values, during tliese 10 days 17c at any time during t hl--ale l.b9
I, miles plain HlacK Hose.
seamless, all sizes, regular 21k
value-, gigantic ' -ule
Ladles' black Hose, -eainlesH
double heel and toe, guaraiitet
fast, black, regular 'ins
1 .miles iiiack iJsie 1 nreai
Hosts also lace ami plain blm
worth 50c, your choice,
-ale price ,
The -tamliird brand of lltisb
Brown Hose, the best host
the world for the children
lose in
Standard children's fast blai
Hose In all size-, double hi
and toe, regular 25c value-,
price, pair
Infant-' I lose In all
colors, worth up to 15c
per pair
1500 dozen Lisle and fancy hosiery for woini
men and children at less cost than the actual
size- and
VIen's Shoe Department
Men -Ingle
and double
sole, lace-In---London
ex ten-Ion Hole,
lu vlcl kid. box
and ltuiau
Calf. Every posit Ivel
gu a r 11 11 1 eed
for good .1 em
A sl 11 lid ard
$;t.n value;
during these 10
nl ...
Men-Shi-- lor
IttiHlnen- wear
That men n-
-ervlee nnd
comfort, nil
ham-- and leather-, all slxc-, -trtctl.v union
made, hand He wed, worth $100. Ill till phe
nomenal-ale at $2.48
Men- Heavv Work Sin--, thuihle riveted, lack
I and wel; every pair guaranteed, worth
$3.75. Come and pick I hem out at $2.49
We offer the l-'-t -hoe on the market for the
price, certainly toe equal 01 any vi.oo aini .i.iw
make; the latest toe and tyle III all the mo-t
Xi-'ii-lve leal her. I ln-e -ln-- compare with
the hlghe-t grade hIiim-m made. All go In thew
10 day at from $2.89 to $2.48
Hat Department
Fedora and Campaign -haH Hat In black and
drab, an excellent $2.00 value, conies lu all slue-
luring thl- -tiqiciiiloiiM -ale ya
Men- Fedora and Tourist. -Iiape Hal-, -elected
from lot- when. then, wen imlv one or two
left, an I combined making a total of about 350
Hat-, worth up to $3.50; during thl- -ale, your
choice, each $1.48
John It. Stetson, Knox and Itiinlnp -Iiiiim hat,
III nil colors and si vies. Including the lale-t fall
-tyle-, during the-e 10 day- $1.98
Below We Quote a Few of the Many
Thousands of Bargains to be Had
Pin-, I paper, 100 count for lc
Hook- and Eye-, card I
Wire llalr I'Iiim, ht package 1
Ll 1 Tn lie lc
Best Safely Pin-, card 2
Embroideries, yard 2i
Braid Ores- Trimming
A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thimble- lc
Household 'I'rea-tm1 Needle Case, -cliff, a ort
incut of nil kinds ami sizes of needle-, slaiidaril
25c -eller. (ilgantlc -ale price 3c
5c Fliit-hltig Braid 3
All Silk Taffeta and Satin Ribbons worth up t
12c, now 3
llc Groceries, Hardware, Etc
One-half pound package be-t Japan Ten, worth
50.; lb, while they last iter pkg 13c
2 ounce bottle Superior Lemon Kxlrnct, regular
25c value. (Ilganlle -ale price 12
8 ounce bottle be-t Vanilla Extract , regular
value, (iigantlc -ale price 2!c
Purest Violet Oals, regular 21k' value per pkg l ie
( ream of heat, 20c and 2.c value-, per pkg 1 ft
Falrbnuk- Mascot, Soap, fie value, now ;ii
Standard Naphtha Soap 10c value, now ftr
3 (it. seamless Agate (irntille Hp kettle, were .'l."x
now 1 w
S (it. -ame a- above, wen! 05c, now '2H
Seatnle (iranlte cup, were 15c, now ik
Ainethy-t (Iranlte I)lpMr-, were 3k now lie
10 qt. -eainle. iranlte liuckel-, were $1.00, nt T-7i:
14 qt. -ame a- above, were $1.25, now tile
Large Flour Sifter-, were wk; now 1 10
10 (it. Tin pall-, were 25c, now IRe
Oiinrantccd Air Tight Heater-, famous "Mar-
brand 22 inch, were $4.00. now 2.!)
0 lit. Tin milk pan-, were 13c, now 7c
Wednesday, January 9th, to Saturday, January 19th. Look For The Big Red Canvas Front
Let Nothing Keep You Away
The hour 1- Met, the date
you know. The greatest
sale ever held open- at
Wednesday, January 9, at 9 a. m.
Look For The Big Red Canvar- Front
Owing to the reputation we have established as merchant- of high grade dependable merchandi-e the-e price- am n- represented and not In any way exaggerated In
' " 1 ... . . . ..,. u.. ,ir.,..f ..,, -flu. ....reli.tMep fltllt f. 1 1 A It A T K h wp ftuuiii'., eni'li nnd
l.,,.u,.u ,.., l,,.eu ,..o.,..e I-eflltwlell nt. nllV t llll fof RI1V rCIISOtl W latSOCVer 11 HUH nil.-.n..w.w..T - - -
and every Htatement here made, and we will exchange any purchase unsatisfactory for any
this advertisement.
- ..!.... .it.,, Lit i, vvr (iii!kpiinhi.i i'i-it'v e-ii i-ineiit. (.very nrici
reason whatvT Every in'.-iuln figim-. One price to all. Sale positively open- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, AT SI a. in
Mark the Day and Mark it Well
January 9, at 9 a. m. sharp
A -ule that will blaze a, trail
through the tangled meslie- of
compel 11 Ion annihilating high
price-. Look for Red Canvas Front
NOTICE. Merchants wishing to
buy portions of the stock at the same retail prices listed in this paper will be waited on between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock every morning only. ONE PRICE TO ALL