Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 03, 1907, Image 3

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    Local Mention
A girl waa iMtrn to thn wil of
llrnry KdwariU Monday.
ilia llrnnan IiiUmhI to giv. a
praml lall on ttia 'i'lil of rcbruary.
Minn Iura anl r.turnml to
Portland Wodnimday after upend'
inn ilta hulidayt at home in 1'ririe
villa. Walter HuliU and iaUr, Mia
Catherine, ol Culvrr, were viaiting
in town Ut wwk, attending the
joint inatallulion of tlm Kaitcrn
Htar and Mamma on ThurmUy
Mm. A. C. Knl(htcn and Mica
Aulla Hnydr are home (rorn a
thrf wwkV viait at I'ortland, Al
bany, Sfttiilu and Tacoma, where
thny had Imhii visiting with r lu
ll vm and (riindn.
C. N. Kliret, ol ilia firm ol Khret
Hroa., ol Htnlinond, waa tranaact
ing buainma in town laat week,
lie rf)Mrt Redmond and vicinity
to ho thriving and that twain
with hi linn hid Ihh vt ry good
thin lull.
Ktv. C. V. llalloinan, atr ol
the Baptint church at Urn Vallt-y,
haa Utn invited to do the preach
ing in the revival meeting which
are to hegin at tha Union church
next Hunday morning. A cordial
invitation in extended to all to at
tend theaa meeting)).
John Jonea ol Powell liutU,
haa gone iiixane imaginea
that Kline ona in trying to kill him.
Laat weak ha waa eXHwed on the
denert live night and reached
iiand in an exhatiated condition,
lie wax taken to hi home at
I'owell Butte where lie will be
cared lor at the home ol bio lather.
Mr. and Mr. Bhipp gave a
"Chrbttinaa frolic" in honor ol
Mioaea WhiU and Anderaon on
Friday evening, December 28.
Tha young eople began to a
enble ahorlly after 8 o'clock and
from that time until midnight tun
and frolic reigned aupremo. Light
refreshment were aervail. The
apacioua parlor ol the Hliipp home
were taalelully dicorated (or tha
The I'ilot liutte Inn ol llend waa
burned Hunday morning. Very
little ol tha content ol the build
ing waa aaved. The lira darted
on the iM-coiid floor and opread
with great rapidity. Nothing on
the aecond floor waa aaved and
nearly every thing on the firat
floor waa destroyed by water. The
lire atarted from a healer in one ol
the room. The window waa led
open and the wind blew the cur
tain againul a hot atove.
The 6 o'clock cloaing movement
ia to m given a trial in Prineville.
The proprietor ol the leading
tabliahmenl have met the roK
al ol the clerk (or ahorter hour in
a friendly spirit and promised to
do all they could without aacrific
ing trade. Thin puU the auccea
of the movement up to the people.
II the city and country trade will
get in line and do their shopping
early there i no reaxon on earth
why store employee cannot have
their evening to thenmelve.
Hereafter the eloren will clone at
0 o'clock, except on Saturday.
Prof. A. C. Strange led (or The
Dallea Saturday, the ttcene of hi
new field of labor. It it with a
deep ne of regret that we
chronicle the departure ol one who
ha U'en intrumintal in doing o
much lor the advancement ol the
Crook County High School. Mr.
Strange baa not only made hi in
fluence felt upon the student body
but aleo upon the community in
which be has made his home for
several years. lie and his estima
ble wife take with them the best
wishes of the entire city, Mrs.
Strange will not join her husband
until about the middle of January.
Taylor Hill came over from the
valley last week.
Mi Aulta Snyder commenced a
two month' term ol school at Mill
rreek Monday.
I'. It. (iile ol llend, wasin town
last week on hi return Irom a
business trip to Hum.
Mr. and Mr. George Millican
entertained Iriends New Year's
day at dinner. Ample justice was
done to an elabortte menu.
Marriage licensee were Wsued
December 31 to Allen M. Logan
and Koxa Foster, both ol Paulina,
and Walter A. McFarland and
Florence Demaris, both ol Prine
ville. A Dr. Harold Clark will leave
January 16th lor Mitchell, Madra
and other point on hi annual
trip, those having dental work to
be dona should have it attended to
before the date of departure.
Watch parties seemed to be the
order of tha day New Years. Miss
Mae llorigan entertained a party
of young people at her home. Mr.
and Mo. Niipp had company of
young folks at their home to eed
the departing of the old year and
welcome tha new. So also did
Mrs. Dillon and the ladies of tha
P. A. A. C. Annex.
A -A- -A A A A .A J J - J A . .
H. 8. Brown and son came up to
spend the holidays with the county
A marriage license has been is
sued to Emil C. Zemke and Lillie
Wawrinofsky, both of Madra.
The Crook County High School
took up its work yesterday with
Professor Hockenberry in charge.
Miss Stevens arrived Tuesday and
is now installed in Mr. Cleveland's
room. Everything is moving aa
smoothly as usual.
The improvement at the sheriff's
office are now complete. Doors
have leen cut tetween the sheriff's
office and the county superinten
dent's room adjoining o ihat the
latter room csn be used for tux
collection purposes exclusively. A
small counter haa been put in the
sheriff's office fencing off a ortion
ol the room to Ut used by the pub
lic. V. K. King and Robert Suett
inger led yesterday lor the Tules,
soma 15 miles above llend, to do
some extensive plumbing. John
F. Ityan is having bis home mod
ernized. Water will be pumped
Irom the Deschutes river and con
veyed throughout the building. A
bath room and heating tank will
be installed and everything made
up to date.
wish to extend our thanks to our
many friends and customers for their
liberal patronage during the Christ
mas season, and also to inform them that
during the remainder of the Holidays we
will sell the remnant of our Holiday stock
including Toilet Articles, Toys, Hand Hags,
Dolls, all kinds of Dishes, etc. at almost any
price you may offer us. We need the room
and what is our loss is your gain.
Rideout & Foster
The General Furnishing Store.
Mr. Springer from the Haystack
counlrv waa in town Wednesday.
Il nit vii nvervhndv is Ituav in his
- - - j - . j
neighborhood. The Urizzly Butte
Lumber Conmanv is hard at work
getting out logs for the spring run.
The poetofflce was moved De
cember 31 from the Masonic build
ing to the store formerly used by
Adamson Co. The drug store
has been moved into the new ad
dition next door. The new quart
ers give the pontodice ample ac
commodations. The building oc
cupied by Dr. Hyde as an office is
to be taken out and a side door
ut in so that the mails can be
landled without interfering with
that jKirtion of the office set apart
for the use of the general public.
The space between tha top of the
boxes and the ceiling will be filled
with a glass partition and the
front doors of the postoffice will be
left open so that access to the
boxes may be bad at any time.
This improvement will be greatly
appreciated by those who rent
The people living in the West
Branch country have a big kick
coming against the discontinuance
of the Prineville mail route, aa
they get the most of their mail by
the hand of the carrier. Mitchell
The A. F. & A. M. a nd the O. E.
S. held installation services in Ma
sonic hall last Thursday evening.
The Masons installed the following
ollicers lor the tnsuing year: B.
F. Johnson, V. M., Carey W.
Foster, 8. W; Harold Baldwin, J.
V.;T. M. Baldwin, treasurer; 0.
C. Hyde, secretary; Charles 8. Ed
wards, 8. D.; William Marka, J.
1).; William ' Boegli, tyler. Car
nation Chapter, O. E. 8., installed
the following: Mrs. May J. Wigle
W. M.; Harold Baldwin, W. P.;
Mrs. Angie Smith, A. M.; Miss Iva
Booth, conductress: Mrs. Louise
Haner, assistant conductress; Mrs.
Margaret Elkins, secretary; Mrs.
Margaret Lafollett, treasurer.
Some very choice refreshments
were served after the installation
ceremonies were over.
Great Gearing Sale.
Announcement has reached this
olfice whereby the large general
merchandise stock ol C. W, Elkins,
Prineville, Oregon, is to I sold
out within ten days, commencing
January 9. This action taken by
this well known and estabished
firm has been quite a surprise t
business circle, but undoubtedly
will be weleonif-il by ih entire
buying public, which ihu eud
paying regular prices for their ciip-
plies, niiil the 7'I.IXK) Mm k now
thrown on the uiiiil.' t it u-tm.i-1,-1
ingly low prices will surely attract'
l.irgecrowd from the intire Mir-'
rounding country, as it meuns the!
saving ol nuny dollars.
The house is making vast prepar
ations to accommodate the exact
ed masses score ol extra clerks
having been employed. The store
will be closed Irom Saturday, Jan
uary fi, until Wednesday, January
V, to arrange and mark down the
big stock. Men's $10 suits will be
sold at I4.K5; $12.50 suit at $6.05;
boys 20c sui-penders will go at 6:,
and $1 men's underwear at 4uc;
4 cents will be Ihe price for 10c
outing flannel and $1.26 lor ladies'
$3 shoes. Ladies' and children's
20c hose will be reduced to 7c; 10c
handkerchiefs to 4 cents, etc.
In today's pajier appears the
concern a advertisement giving
prices and particulars. The sale
is to commence Wednesday, Janu
ary 9 at 9 a. m. and lasts only ten
days, so it behooves all who want
to get the bargains ol a life time to
get around.
Superior Grain Drills
On the Road From Redmond,
to Prineville.
January 1, 1907.
Dear Journal Coming through
Redmond this morning I noticed
so many , new buildings and im
provements that I had to turn
back and ask what road led to
Prineville. (No, Redmond is still
a dry town. It was not that.)
But joking aside, if you folks want
to keep in touch with the western
part of the county you will have
to come over here once in a while.
The person who has not visited
Redmond since the fair is pretty
nearly a back number by now.
The watch party at Carl Ehret's
last night was well attended.
Everybody enjoyed themselves with
games and other tecreation, and
the New Year came all too soon.
The dance given at the hotel on
Christmas night by Miss Morgan
was well attended and everybody
had a "perfectly lovely" time.
Neighbor Sroufe says that he
haa sold his forty of ditch land to
F. Forest, also a nor to M.
Work on the well is temporarily
suspended while waiting for cas
ing to arrive. One hundred and
eighty feet of hole is the record so
Strictly made to measure
The latest metropolitan
Prices within reach of all
? The Tailor
v mm v v w w w v v yy v y
d J d 5 tk Sf S S 2 s s
r. :j
m via suj
wv: 7
Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 1G-7. all right-hand Single Disks,
with or without grass wd attachments. The effective feed method of lub
ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make m
UITIL'omi k t 4 o.i r:n i- frt
We Carry a Full Line of Repai
Catalogues .Mailed on Request.
W. F. Kiln
Mr. Franz of Payette, Idaho, is
in the neighborhood visiting
friends. Dame Humor says that
be has lought a forty of A. W.
Morgan, and Miss Rumor's elder
cister says that there is a wedding
scheduled for the near future.
This is getting to be quite a com
munity for pure bred poultry.
(We told you so.) Mr. Laney
now has Buff Leghorns, and Mr.
Redmond Buff Plymouth Rocks.
This makes at least eight breeds in
thoroughbred poultry in Redmond
and immediate vicinity.
Saturday, January 5, the Mod
ern Woodmen of America are
scheduled for public installation
services at the hall, to be followed
by a basket supper. Each lady is to
bring a basket containing supper
for two. The newly elected of
ficers are B. F. Hensley, consul; L.
L. Welch, advisor, while C. N.
Khret and J. II. Khret were re
elected banker and clerk resjiective
ly. We did not get the names of
the other officers. E. C. Park.
T. N Balfour and son Bruce, of
Fife, were in town last week
The new Hotel Prineville was
thrown ojten to the public Sunday.
Many visitors were shown through
the building and all expressed
ereat surprise at the details ar
ranged for the con.fort of guests
Goto Adamson's drug store and
have your eyes scientifically tested
liy W. Frank Tetett, tlie Optician.
Examination free. 11-S-tf
IirlliK In those old chilled jilovv
shares and have them ground tor &i
cent each and save from 50 to "3
eeuts In buying new ones, l'rineville
Machine Shoo.' 12-l:ltf
ivcuuiuuii uaic f
My entire line of Millinery
4 Corner 2nd and Main Street 9
Cause and Effect
The Explanation: The 0. K. Market since establishing
its business August 14, 1905. has built up a
trade unsurpassed by any other opposition shop
ever openend in Prineville.
Why? Because ai the first fhey established their prices
satisfactory with fhe people. That is the secret
ol the success which has attended their business.
The rule applies the year around.
We Carry a lull line ol the best meats, vegetables, etc,
and expect to conduct our business in the future
the same as in the past
We Thank the Public for their Patronage
The 0. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS., Proprietors
Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention
Iihb asVaaa aaabaahahB abafci kkKKkb
pui n 'f'T't' "fi'i i if! TTTTtTTTTTI'
Big Reduction In Hats
Our Slock of Ladies' Hats
Consisting of all the latest
styles will be sold at a big
i , , ,;. L, . , J', T I iM ii i i. ii. i.i-S. i -I i 'I - 1 - 1 " - I, II 11
Many Fancy and Use
ful Articles at about
The Regular Price
Toilet Cases
Fancy Dishes
Express Wagons
Men's $1.00 Shirts 70c
Men's $1.50 Shirts $1.10
Men's $2.00 Shirts $1.40
Men's 75c Work
Shirts - - 50c
Fancy Chamber Set
Waterman Fountain
Pens -
Silver Tea Spoons
85c set
We Still Have About 1500 Pairs of Shoes in Stock. Prices Very Low
Stewart & Company