Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 20, 1906, Image 1

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    Crook County Jon real
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The Christmas Gift
WHAT SHALL I BUY? i mora nleaftincr than a Gift
3 . a w .w - I O
both Pretty and of real Utility
j vv e unci lur yuui bcicvmuii luiiumng.
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, EutSki jtau ju ju
For Ladies For Gentlemen
j"urg Silk Muffler
Silk Waist Patterns Handkerchief-
Bilk SluwU Ulovw
Wool Shawls Tic
Fancy Ribbon Hhaving Outfit
Fancy How ' I''!"
Handkerchief Smoking Jacket
(Jlovr Cardigan Jacket
ltath KoU Patterns Hose
Huil Case I!uh
Veilings Belt Huekle 8iip)H-rs
BlipiMW, Uc, Embroidery, Corubs, Brushes Suit Case
For Children For The Home
Mil ten White Blankets Towel
(Jlove Bed Spread Table Linen
Hood Napkins Carving S t
Silver Ware Haviland
Hsndkerfehlefs Chocolate Sets Salad Set
Clothing Nickel Tea and Coffee Pot
Shoes Water Sets
Hlippers Breakfast Sets
' Coat Pillow Tops Table Scarf
Mush Set Rugs Uce Curtaim
Tlnilr In4, At of June . I"7&,
Kotics for Publication.
I'nll-1 HUM w (MTv,
Tli IMIea. Oregon, Oi ioin-rM, I4j.
Ndtli la here I. T Ktveii tlml III roiitlillanr
Willi Hi provision of the art of Ooiia;raa of
hlliea, H?. rnlltlril "Anwl lor the aalr iif
limlier Inii'la lu tit Mfaiea tf i 'allfnrnla. Onv
gni, Nevada, aim wuAiiiiiKU'ii wrnuirr." aa
ealeii'leil Ui all ti ruMle-larMl HtHlca lv aft
nt Aiiut 4. IW. KUimi frU (lw.w of
Iim tlila ) r ftl' il In llilaoltliw litanworu tau
iiflit Nii'IIHM, for tlii pur-liiMt tf loll Mid
', nr' t nfwt, In lonhlp No. 1 H, rsnicr
No 17 K. W! will oir.T pr..f lo show
(IimI llii Uml pfHiiclit la MMirit vs1uhII fur lu
llmtr ur atiiii ilmn lor iMtrlctiltural pur
Ihnm, and Uia!tlMt lilarlatm lo aaH land
lifom thi iviunty nlfrk al frliii'Vllia. Urtoa.
on llicMih day of January, IMI7.
naliM-a aa wiirc : 4 " 4Hiina, w n
Hualon, II Y Hualon, Waller O'Mrll. ail of
'rluiv 1 1 1-. f lr-on.
Any and all pvraona elalmlnc adyraeljr
tlii- alMvi tliacrrlti4'd Un!a am rwqoU
rd Ui ltl llM-lr nlaltna In Hi la oflli on or b
Inn- lli aald 2lih day of January, lian.
lU.-Jp MH'HAaLT. Hiflau-r.
lilHiri irwnt of lli InUrtor,
Noiliv lor liilllsion.
Ijtnd Olnw l Tli' IkiIIm, imnon.
N.,v. intr m, mM.
Noll- la licrHly alyrn tlial John H. Morn,
of I'rliwvlll, Onieon, haa nli-4 noUiofhla
Inivniloii Ui maai final rvtiiiiiiuUMon proof
in aoitport ui lila rlulm, vlx: lloitiiiliid Kn
irr.Nollllo maU ly ll.lvuh, forilirHK'4
MK'.ofHfiMlon H.S'iSV.', an.l NrW N,
of M.H-IIOH 'JH, Townahlp I Moll 111. IUiikx IT K.
W M. and thai auld proof will Iw madr la-fon
ihn t'.Miniy Cli'ik. al Prlnrvillr. Onuin. era
Jnnuary 14. IW. ,
He nuiiH tlif roiiowltic wlinaam a ui prove
hla oontliiuoiia ri-oldi-nti! upon.nnd rulUva
Mon of Ihi land, viz:
.Imrwa ( rain, . ('. Kord, l.ulhfr ilanan, of
PrIiirTlllr', lnon, Jm-ph Hinllh. orrauiina,
non. Michakl T. Nol.AH.
IVMp Hr(lalr.
Ivriartmisnl of tlia InUflor,
Notlrw for Puhlliwilon.
Ijand tiffloa at Ttie liall, Un-on.
Niimnki M. IWM.
Notlrrla IK-H-Iiy ilrai thai Alu-I W. Mor-
font. of Prlrov!U iirifin, haa fld nollia of
hla InU-nHon to imikf rinai nva-yrar pnif in
MiiDiMirl of hla claim, via: Hoinratfad Kntry
Ni WkVJ inartx Aucuai 14, 11. for Ihc N W, of
Hivtlon It. Townolilp l Houlh. Haiurr UK,"
M. and that aald pnaif will Im made before
llir( 4iuniv li ra, at rrtrtvvllie. Uwm,
Januarr IUh. IMii.
In haiii- the followliK wltnmana to nrov
hla xnlnuua rmldrni upon, aud cultiva
tion of ih land, via:
1 1 I . tr -1. .1 ... ...... U I u w
Yancry, William Adiuiia, of Frliwvlll, Ore-
(on. MK'HAEX I. Mi"-A.
H. M. S.
Great Comic Opera GWei
by Local Talent De
cember 21-22.
Sullivan' great ojra "Pinafore"
bich ia to le given in Club Hall
in thin city, Friday and Saturday
nigliU, Dec. 21st and 22 J, by local
talent, for the benefit of the Crook
County High School, was written
before England bad reached ber
prem-nt unequaled rank u a naval
power. In fact t the time it is
probable that our own navy was
r.oniderably superior in strength
and efficiency, although as all
know Englang has always needed
a greater naval power than we
owing to her insular position and
scattered portsessions. This inef
ficiency was due to the prevailing
syetem of appointment of naval of
ficers. At that time England's
leading admirals and other officers
of the Admiralty were men of
wealth, rank or family. Although
many were excellent seamen, the
majority were incapable. The
English people knew this thorough
ly and gave the great opera a wel
come such as no opera had ever
had before.
The amiral of the British fleet of
which the "Pinafore" is a ship. Sir
Ilewrt Land, Final 1'roof.
Notice for I'uljlii-atum.
t .'tilted 8UU Land Office,
The Dalle, On-ton, November SO. MM.
Notice ia hert'liv f;ivell that Kciiecca A.
lirav.of 1'rinevUfe, Ureson. haa i led no
nce 01 inu-iilion to maae tiroot on net, j u offli-pr of triia
ii-ert-ind iiaim No ai. for Hie nkw iosepn rorter, is an omter 01 mis
SS'!4' NV' ciK'i and LotaSand 4 of rteo
tmn IK, lowiiMiip In s. K in a, vv M. oe
lure the t'minty Clerk al Prineville, Ore
gon, on the mh day of January, 1!j7.
Mie naniea the following witnesea xo
prove tile complete irrigation aud recla
MiuUon of xaid land :
W. H. Ki-ehn. Homer Norton, F. A.
Rowell, of l'rineville, Oreeon, W. H. Fost,
ol Font, Oregon.
AllLllAr.l, I. ,iiia.,
ll'JInp Kegiiiter.
i Shanico Warehouse Co.
General Storage, Forwarding
Commission Merchants
Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire,
Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, Sulphur,
Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed.
Agenta for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White
River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highet price
paid for Hides and Pelts,
Special Attention is paid to Wool Grading and
Baling for Eastern Shipments.
Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities
for Handling Stock.
TTJark 2our Soocis in Care of
"S. W. Co."
iyyw s&y wwww w5il2S
W. A. BOOTH, Prldnt
O. M. Elkino, Vic Praaldant
Frio W. Wikon. Oathlar
W. A. Booth, 0. M. Elkim,
0. F. 8twaht, rate W. Wilson.
Transacta a General
Hanking Husinms
E xchange Bought
and Sold
Collections will re
ceive prompt atten-tion
Notice for Publication,
m-partment of the Interior
I Jind tiince at The Dallea, Ureson.
lecenitr 7. 1WC
Nnt'ee Ik hereby kiven that Kov lltnrey.
of Fiini'Ville, Oregon, ha Bled notice of
hia intentuin lo make boat bve-year proof
tn atiMKirt vt hvn claim. vii6! Honieateaa
r.ntrv AO nr.-.1 inane January 4, ir. tor
Uif I. 'i rb in tertioii 12 and t. .
ol taction 1.1, lownxhip IS ISoiith, Kanee
111 r., M,ami tlial aaul prwit win oe
made U foro the t'otintv Clerk, at l'rine-
ville. llreeon, January 17th, 1SW7.
He namr) the loliowmir witneaaea to
prove his continuous residence uivon, ami
cultivation of the land, vie
Onrt Mom, J. A. MolHt, A. E. Anderson,
K. Harvev, all of Frineville, Oregon.
Ii:ip Mhmiaki. r. Nolan, Hemtcr.
Notice for Publication,
lvpartment of the Interior,
I And l mice, at Bunia, OrM Nov. , 1IXM.
Niiiv la hcrehv arlven Ihal Janica W. Kofle.
of Pu llna. Oregon, haa nUnl notltvof hla In-
lenilon 10 tuuke nnui nve year proof in su-
lrt of lila cinini, vlx.: rlomeaiead fcniry No
and Hill, kpo .-L lit. Id K.'ranae 24 . w M.
and 1 hut KHld proof win tie made liernre viar
n'li lirown.tfouniy clerk, at hia otnceal Frine
ville, Oregon, on lKwmlier 1'AHl.
He mimea the follou-lnie wlineaaea to prove
hla coniliiuoua rcKlilcnce upon aud cuiilvw
Hon of the land, via: Hnuh J. l.lBler. Vt tlllam
t'oulthnrd, March Locau, U V. ltlley, all of
fiiunim, onttuu.
Il.22np Wm. Farre. Register.
There strayetl to my ranch, the old
J. O. Powell plnce, on McKay creek.
otie mack horHC, weight aliout KkhI
(kiuihIh, sailille marks, lirniuli'tl half
circle on nulit jaw, 1 .1 011 left slioul-
iier mil nun circifH tin Hie li'it Ktiiit;. 1 , , , ,1 .
tlwncrcan have same bv callltnr at ! reve&1 to the captain the plot,
... 1
Hie ntiove place ami paylnir the ex
ptMiHca on mtiil home.
12-13-1 nip A. J. Dkckkk,
type. He is a middle aged bache
lor who owes his cabinet position
to what is popularly called a
"pall." In the opening act the
"Pinafore" is in Portsmouth har
bor awaiting inspection of the ad
miral. The scene ojiens with
chorus by the sailors, followed by
the visit of Buttercup, the bum
boat woman, with trinkets for sale
to the sailors. Ralph then tells in
one of the finest solos of the opera
of his hopeless passion for Jose
phine, the daughter of the captain
which is followed by a solo by Cap
tain Corcoran. Josephine, then
the stage being vacated, sings of
her secret devotion to a common
sailor and her shame at loving be
low her rank. Sir Joseph then
comes on ship where he asks per
mission of the captain to pay court
to his daughter, which is granted.
Ralph, despondent over this turn
of affairs, attempts suicide and
Josephine in her agitation avows
her love and thus puts an end to
his purpose. They plan to steal
ashore by night and be married
and are aided in the plot by the
sailors and female relatives of Sir
Joseph, who accompany him
wherever he goes. Dick Deadeye,
however, the villain of the story,
secretly jealous of Ralph, plans to
which he bewails the misfortunes
which have befallen him and fol
lowing this he is warned by Butter
cup of a coming change in his life.
Sir Joseph tells of his unsuccessful
suit and ia urged to try again by
the captain. He then gives Jose
phine advice which fixes her reso
lution to marry Ralph. In a series
of duets and solos which follow,
Deadeye reveals to the captain the
plot. Then comes the attempt to
elope which is frustrated by the
captain. This is followed by a
solo by Buttercup in which she re
veals the fact that Ralph and the
captain had been exchanged when
infants and that Ralph is really
the captain and of high degree.
This makes the marriage more wel
come which is at once arranged.
Sir Joseph in his sorrow is soothed
by Hebe who promptly appropri
ates both his heart and his band
The captain long in love with But
tercup plights his vows with her
and thus endeth the story.
There is much that is laughably
ridiculously in tbe play but all
should remember that it is a bur
lesque and as hss been said before
intended to ridicule away a system
hich was rendering inefficient
the British naval service, which it
was instrumental in accomplish-
ng. There are many beautiful
songs wnicn all snouid near, new
scenery has been painted (or the
occasion and an expert has been
engaged to arrange the stage set
tings. As a consequence, the opera
should be a great success. The
cast of characters will be found
elsewhere in this issue. The even
ing will appeal to all, to the music
lover because of the melody, to the
story lover for the story, to him
who wishes to do good because of
the purpose, and to tbe student for
its historical interest. It you be
long to one or all of these classes,
as no doubt you do, unless you are
deaf and blind, you cannot afford
to be absent. We cordially invite
you to be present on one or both
nights and assure you that if you
come tbe second night also you
will enjoy it better than you did
the first.
the cm
Tbe People' Ticket Elected
A Quiet and Or
derly Day.
The city election Monday waso a
quiet and orderly affair. Two
tickets were in the field, a Peoples'
ticket, headed by Med Vanderpool
for mayor, and a Citizens' ticket,
headed by T. H. Lafollette. The
entire Peoples' ticket was elected.
J. L. McCulloch, for treasurer, was
on both tickets.
The vote was fairly representa
tive of the city, although fifty or
more could be named who did not
respond to the call of civic duty.
A total of 198 votes was cast this
year and 178 for 1905. Last year
the contest for marshal brought
out a full vote but this year as
both tickets contained representa
tive citizens there were a good
many stay-at-homes. The follow
ing is the vote:
For Mayor,
Med Vanderpool 117
For Councllmen,
H. Rosenberg .1 105
W. Ward 121
Carey W. Foster 113
For Treasurer,
L. McCulloch 19
For Recorder,
H. Haner. 117
For Marshal,
J. H. Crooks 114
Head Quarters
The L?ader.
for Santa Claim
For Mayor,
T. II. Lafollette ......81
For Councllmen,
W. F. King 94
Frank Johnson 83
0. I. Wlnnek "0
For Recorder,
M. H. Bell 79
For Treaaueer,
J. L. MeCulloch - 189
For Marshal,
W. II. Kinder. 2
Bad Time to Slip Cattle.
The second act opens with a
plaintive .solo by the captain, in
An Elegant Display
of Toilet Caes, Manicure Seta,
Brush Seta, Albums, Shaving
Seta, Mirrors, and many other
fine Toilet Articles.
Rideout 8c Foster
Leather and Rubber Belting.
Just received, a stock of.belting
both leather and rubber 1 Inches to
8 Inches wide In leather, 4. 5, 6 and
8 Inches wide In rubber. Prinevllle
Machine Shop. 13 6
Have Your Picture Taken early.
Those wishing pictures for
Christmas should have their nega
tives taken as 6oon as possible in
order to avoid the rush later on.
The Portland Oregonian says
that cattle shippers in the country
seem to be laboring under the mis
taken idea that the only time to
sell their stock in this market is
at Christmas. For several days
they have been rushiDg in their
cattle in a way that has completely
demoralized the market. It would
not be so bad if the stock was good,
but the larger proportion was
made up of lightweight and half
fat steers and common cows. The
result is that the market is glutted
with stock that it is almost im
possible to move at any price.
Shipments before the holidays
are always large, but no such rush
of cattle as has occurred the last
few days was ever before known in
this market. Had the stuff come
in earlier it might have been
moved, but now there is practical
ly no demand for it. The market
for sheep holds its own".
King of All Cough Medicines.
' Mr. E. (1. Case, a mail carrier of Can
ton Center, Conn., who has been In the
U. S. Service for about sixteen years,
says: "We have tried many cough
medicines lor croup, but Chamberlain's
Cotit;h Remedy is kinn of all sin! one to
he, relied tifKin every time. We aUo
rind it the best remedy for coughs and
colds, giving certain results and leaving
no bad after effects." For sale by I). P.
Adumeon & Co.
Gatewood Mining & Trading Company
Is more pleasing to the boy than a new suit
of Clothes, when presented just before Xmas?
If the Clothes suit the boy,
the Suit clothes the boy
And the price Suits the parents.
We have the Suits at Reasonable Prices.
Subscription Price $1.00 per Share.
Paying from the grass roots down.
Capitalization 500,000 Shares.
Treasury Stock 100,000, Par Value Non Assessable.
The property consists of 33 claims in the South
eastern part of Crook county, on the head waters of
the Oehoeo river. There is an abundance of water
for power purposes and some of the best timber in the
county is located on these claims. The economic con
ditions for mining could not be better.
The mines are now on a payiny basis, but with
additional machinery they can be made a big dividend
payer as the output can be doubled with very little
additional cost of labor. In order to install this ma
chinery the management has decided to issue 10,000
shares of Treasury Stock. This stock will in all
probabilities bo the last offered for sale. It will be
sold at $1.00 per share. There is no deviating from
this price. That the stock will increase in value is a
certainty. You can find no better place to invest
your money. If you desire to get in on this you will
have to do so at once, aa this stock was put on the
market in order to give the residents of the county a
chance to realize something from an investment in
one of their own properties.
This is not a speculation at all but a sound business
investment based upon ascertained facts. The mine
has been developed beyond the experimental stage.
About the best recommendation we can give these
mines is that the men employed by the company are
investing their savings in the purchase of this stock.
Also such men as Clark, Daly, Fair, Haggin, and a
host of others have made their money from mines and
the development of them.
Send all Subscriptions and Correspondence to the
Gatewood Mining & Trading Company
Further information or thi. v.Iuabl. HOWARD, CrOolt County, OREGON
property will b tent on roquaat a J r