Crook Connety JoMiraa! VOL. X PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 29, 1906. NO. 50 V TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR THANKSGIVING SAL r.i M r i t J r - ri n - : ' a R Dozen of Ladies' and Children's Fleece M Lined and Woolen Hose which I bought V at the manufacturers price are now on sale at a trifle more than the jobber gets for them 120 1 f-3 Ask lo we (he ColJan Shoe lor Ladies Best Shots made lor $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Hose Children's Flced Hose Regular 25c value .-15c Children! Wool Hose Regular 35c value 22Jc Ladies' Fleeced Hose Regular 25r value 15c Ladies' Fleered Hose Regular 35c value 22c Ladies' Fleered Hose Regular 50c value 35c Ladies' Wool Hose Regular 50c value 35c Ladies' Worsted Hose Regular 55c value ... 40c Ladies' Worsted Hose Regular 65c value ...50c Ribbon Fancy Ribbons Regular 35c lo 50c values now , ., 15c to 25c Big Lot Silk and Satin plain shadts 5c to 20c "Qenita" -,' Ladies' Union Suits Rrguutar $1.25 Fi c i i . .i ... i .. opraai wr wis saie ai ...... $1.00 Ladies Black Worsted Vests Regular r S1.75 value Special lor this sale at yl.aW ladies' Jersey Cotton Vests and Fants Regular 60 value Specal at 4 1 2C Child's "Naiarath" Waist Sperial at 22C Men's Hose Men's Fast Black Cotton Sox. 8 pair lor $1.00 Men's Fast Black Cotton Sox regular 35c value Sperial now at 25c Men's Wool Hose regular 35c value 25c New Fancy Silk Mufflers $1.25 to $2.00 W4 r.a r 1 IT J rn lj r..i 13. t LJ m m m m P3 i'.i Our Gold Bond Profit Sharing Coupon are Good in This Sale DO YOU KNOW ABOUT if? C. W. ELKINS 1. j r 1 1. j r 1 r 1 CJ f 1 I. J 1 r - 1 J EL. r r 1 j 1. j r . 1. J r 1 tj t.i t j r,.i ri t. j r.i Li r 1 r.i r.i Li r, 1 LJ r i LJ r..i LJ r,.i LJ fl LJ r.i LJ n LJ r.i LJ r." LJ r- LJ r.i LJ r.i LJ n LJ r.i L J L J r.i LJ r i L J r.i LJ r i l J ri L J r 1 L J n L J r.i L J r.i L J r.i LJ r.i L J Tinttmr Land, Art June 3, 1878. ' Katie far f aMicatisa. ' Vnil Htsttna Land Office, Tim I hill. Oregon, November Mth m. Notice in horrbjr given tint in com lliaiie witb tb nvisima of the act of ConifreM of Jun3, 1H7H, entitled "An art for tht) rain of timber land in the Ktatea of California, On-gnn, Nevada, ami Waabinittoti Territory, " aeitnd il to all the Public Ijtnil KtaU by act of Auitimt 4, lHit'i, Anna Crook, of Grijusly, county of Cwk, ftiiltol Oregon, ban tliiauay HM In thin office her nworn ataUmmnt No W12, for I he riiinrbaM of th KW'a NWi of taction No 1, In -Townablp No 13 n, Hang) No Ift K, W M, ami will offer proof to aliow that th land aonlit la more valuable for it tltnlx-r or storm tbaa for aifiioul tural purpoaea, and to establish ber claim to "ii d land before the County Clerk at I'mievilb , Oregon, on the 8tb day o( February, 1907. She nanica an witmtww: Henry Montifotrif ry, Caajier Newbill, ) K New bill, J V iHw. of Uriiuily, Uregon. Anv and all rina claiming ad-verwh- the alve-dTibd laniia are ri )iirRUl to tile their claima in thin of fice on or Ijefore wid Hth day of Febru ary, 1M07. Mk-haki. T. Nolan. Il-Wp Kegiater. WEST SIDE METHODS Some Inside Information. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. (Mica far PaUkatM. United State Land Office, The Dallca, Ore(t". Augnxt lth 1906. Notice ia hereby given that in com pliance with the provimonf of the act of t'ongrcM of June 3, 1H7S, entitled "An act for the ale of titntjer lands in the htatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extend ed lo all the i'ohlic Ijind State by act of AugiiKt 4, 181)2, Albert Cubitt, of f'rineville, Oregon, county of Crook, State of Oregon, Iih thin day filed in thin office bia aworn atatement No. rHHKi, for the pore bane of the tS NKV4 and N,S,SK of Section No. 30, in Town ship No. 12 K., Kaoge No 18 E.. W. M. and will offer proof to (how that the DOPE" PREPARED Advance Some Facts tkat will Interest tke Government. land aougbt ia more valuable for iu timber or atone than for agricultural puriiowp. and to entablmh bia c aim to auiit I u ,11 1 tha IVnnl. f 'lu.L mt I'rineville, Oregon, on tbe ltitb day of I genera.1 petition, tbe moTeruent lor That all the people living on the weet side do Dot want a change of mail service u evidenced bj the fact that letters of instruction sent to them were handed in to tbe Journal. In order that people may learn the true inwardness of the situation we publish the letter in full with tbe exception of the name of the person to whom it was sent and the name of the town in which he lives. , The let ter is self-explanitorv and reads as follows: Bend, Or., 15, 1906, Dear Sir As already explained in the circular accompanying the General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Plaster, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Sacks and Twine, Grain and Feed. Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White River" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Baling for Kustern Shipments. Wool Grading and Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for Handling Stock. TIJark 2our Soods in Care of "S. W. Co." WW WW WW WWWWWS Shaniko Warehouse Co. CRQOS COUNTY 1UE OFFICERS: W. A. BOOTH, Praaldant O. M. Elkini, Vl Praaldant Fnito W, Wit-aoN, Oaitilar 0IRE0TOR8: w. A. Booth, O. m. Elkins, O. P. Stewart, Frio W. Wilson. Transacts a General Hanking Bxunness Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention ILL January 11KI7. lie tiamra aa witnesses: L. H. i Hamilton, of lirizxly, Oregon, Porter Qitinn, of tirixzly, Oregon, t bria tVjhra, of I'rineville. Oregon, and 8. J, New (him, of I'rineville, Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming adverse ly the above-detcrilied lands are re qtieitted to tile their claims in this office on or before aaid 16th day of January UWT. 11-1- p MicnAr.t T. Noi4K, Register. TimU-r Land, Art Junf S, IK1j.-NoU! for jiiDUcauun, t'nll. d Hlnl Inrt Offlns, Tim Italic, (nvcun. (tetnbet 14. IMS. Notiix In li.-n hy aivi'n llmt In eomuttancr uh Hm provlahtiMi uf tbe wt or eonarHnor Junes. lTNeniml "An st for IbeMklvof tlinlN-r IniKl. In tho bUIik or raiirornla. Om- gon. Nevada and WiMlitiicton Tirrtlory,H as nxK-ndiHl hi all lb pulillo laud statu br act OI A UgUPt 4, J-W. liiaao W. Hioar. of Prtm-vlllp, county of Cruuk. state or Ore K"ii, ha tliln lv II led In IhU oftlm hl sworn iMU-iiH-nt iso nr the purohawor lb !iS ami Mw't or w hi. in towninp is H. niiiap III a. w m. and will offer Druof to xhow ttanl tb IhtuI Miuitbt I more valuahH) tor lt uuiorror sump ttinn tor aartculturel pur- iki-m'w. Him uj tutuiiK nia riAira io saia Mtna before tlip munty clerk at Prlnevtll. Ornon, on the i'it h day of January. IXU7. nt name nit wunwju-.' m 11 wwau j fi Powell, Jobu KiU.T, U A Miller, all of Prlne yllle, Orvcon. Any and all Demons claiming adversely tbe iilive dwrlled lands are requeoted to fl'e thi'lr clsliin In Ibis ofltoeonor before suld 4"l h dny of January, 1I7. li-- Micbiwi T. Nolan, Register. Timber Land, Act of June J, 187s. Notice For Publication. Pnited Slates Lsnd Offlpe, The Dalles, Oreaoa, OetoberSl, lisle. Notice Is hereby isiveii that In eoniplisnre ith the iirovUions of lue set of Oainmioi June S, PCS. entitled "Au set for the ssleof timber lands In the States of Cslifornls, Ore iron, Nevada, slid Washington Territory," as extended tu all the Public Land States by act of AiiKunt 4. law, Kiuuia Prose of Prineville, county ol Crook. Stale of Oregon, has this dav nieu in idis omre her sworn atatement Nos&iB (or the nun-hase of the ' nk' and asi,. of see No la, in township No. IS 8, range No 1 B, o m, auu hi oner prooi 10 snow that the laml sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agriculiural purposes, and to establish her claim to ssid land before the county clerk at I'rineville, Oregon, on the '2sth day of January, IturJ. She names as witnesses: W H McCoy, Oeorga Turner, A R Eastwood, W H Loftin, all ol Priue villc. tlrcgon. Any ami all persons elaimttift adversely tha above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this otlice ou or before said th day of lammry, 1S07. U-Zip Michabl T. NoutK, Register. direct roots was insugurated during tbe session of the district court at which from your vi ciniiy was participating. In or der to get this route it is necessary that we leave nothing undone that can he done in connection with it You are no doubt aware that an application was made last spring and failed. This does not mean that our present effort will meet with the same fate for we are try ing to avoid all tbe errors and shortcomings of last spring s at tempts. In addition to the general ap plication of which you have copy, you should receive in about a week what purports to be a com mittee's summary or brief, which has been prepared in advance and is to be signed by what claims to be a committee composed of a cer tain number at every principal postoffice district as explained in the circular letter accompanying it. Besides Madras. Redmond Laidlaw, Bend, Silver Lake an Culver are preparing special local petitions or supporting statements to accompany the general petition and it is on this account I am in structed by the central committee to write to you, in order to have draw up one too. The local petition should be in the form of a letter addressed from an bearing any date between now and Dec. 1,1906, and to Hon. G. B. Cortelyou, Postmaster General, Washington, D. C. As it would be best to have it typewritten, we think you could get this done at Redmond without cost. Have it signed by at least 15 or 20 of your most representative men, showing after theaignatur tbe signer's busi ness. Bend this with tbe general petition to the address of tbe Cen tral Committee, Box 105 Bend, Oregon, not later tban the 28th of this month. In this local petition it will be well to call attention to the needs of your community, that is, fully explain the importance of your poatoffice as a population center both at present and in the near future, calling particular atten tion to saw mills, the lumbering or timber interests and the numerous irrigating ditches from Squaw Creek. Also call attention to the present onsatisfactory and irregu lar mail service from Shaniko to via Prineville and give the reasons for the same referring par ticularly to the adobe and Grizzly Mountain on the road between Heisler'a and Prineville and the alkali swsils and adobe on the Crooked River bottoms between Prineville and O'Nneila, in com parison with which it may be well to give your opinion of the route applied for from Shaniko to Bend via Madras. Redmond, etc. Be sure and say Grizzly Mountain and not Butte if you refer to Griz zly at all as the Department con siders a butte only a small hill. Trusting that you are meeting with good success in securing signatures, we remaim. Yours for success in this matter. L. D. Wiest, Chairman of Committee. A Corredioi. In the hurry of proof reading in our edition of November 15 tbe type made us say in regard to the new court house that "if the build ing was undertaken it would not cost the county more than $40,000, and might be built for lees." should have read "$45,000." That is the way it was written but when put into type it appeared as $40, 000. We did not notice the typo graphical error until our attention was called to it by some mislead ing statements made by our west side contemporaries. They seem to take exceeding unction unto themselves because the second bids were lower than those made at first. They take all the credid of saving the taxpayers the amount of the difference. As a matter of fact the first bids were turned down before the injunction was served. The county court had no intention of letting the contract at that figure and the claim made by these papers is simply a little bit of fiction. How They Feel at Madras. Madras, Oregon, Nov. 23, 1906. Editor Journal Since there has been so much talk and so much ink-slinging and so much petition ing and so much injunctioning around here it has almost addled tbe brain of some of our people until it has almost made us believe that Prineville is not on tbe map; that it is simply a razor-backed rooster. Therefore the Madras Dreamer dreamed a dream during time when tbe whole country round about was in a whirl around the Madras hub. An J it was this: A large new county court house was seen perched upon the back yard of a place of abode near a lit tle green-covered residence in East ern Madras and over the door of this massive house of public utility and justice were inscribed tbe words "At Last." If at first you don't succeed at Antelope try, try again at Madras where success is realized." Upon this wonderful piece of modern architectural beauty and county pride was a famous two-story dome and from the balcony of the first story bung large picture labeled "Madras ownsite Sec'y and TJ. 8. Com'r," and on its left was a pile of sand or dust and on tne ngbt was an empty pitcher trying to pour water upon the sand. Just behind the picture could be seen an artesian well-drilling outfit whose boss was reading a notice which read some thing like this, "Wait until we are incorporated as a city and then we can use public funds to pay you for your job the people are clamoring for and build up our town." Within an alcove upon the second story was a huge statue of soft soapstone seated upon a flimsy stool and before it stood the image of the old Des.dwood stage coach labeled "To h 1 with Prineville, for thanks to the Pio neer we travel a different trail." In the band of the image was clasped the Madras Pioneer cover ed with land proof notices of many people who want to prove up and leave (their cash). In the mouth of this image was a forked bugle and out of one came a blaze of fire and out of the other came icicles. Upon its brow was a crown beauti fully inscribed "I am the highcock alorum and he below is the low cockalorum." Then the Dreamer awoke and after looking around in wonder saw that the same old world was here and its business was carried on in the same old . ... .1J ...x way ana at tne same oia bisuu. Yours truly. The Dreamer. T. F. McC&Uister Sc. Co. are agents for the McCall Magazine and Pat tern. 11-8-tf NOTICE OF ELECTION. A meeting of the Prineville Fire Department will be held the first Monday In December for the purpose of electing a chief and assistant chief. Time of meeting will be from 5 to 7:30 p. m. AU members of Nos. 1 and 2 are requested to attend the election. Wm. Draper, Pres. G. N. Clifton, Secretary. for sale 9 Residence in Prineville i w Inquire of S I D. P. ADAMSON iatJaiV awVjafaW jW JatV A. JV.JatVjrffc jAt jftt JaflaV i iJUSTMRIVEDI Gatewood Mining & Trading Company ! OF HOWARD, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON Capitalization 500,000 Shares. Treasury Stock 100,000, Par Value Non Assessable. Subscription Price $1.00 per Share. Paying from the grass roots down. 2 800 Pieces Granite and Tinware, Many 1 Ol Pieces worth 35cents. Special at -2' See our New and Up-to-date Line of Ladies' Footwear Many Sizes. Forms and Styles to Select From Boys and Youths two and three piece suits. Some Extra Values at Low Prices CLAYPOOL BROS. PRINEVILLE OREGON I : The property consists of 33 claims in the South eastern part of Crook county, on the head waters of the Ochix'0 river. There is an abundance of water for power purposes and some of the best timber in the county is located on these claims. The economic con ditions for mining could not be better. The mines are now on a payiny basis, but with . additional machinery they can be made a big dividend payer as the output can be doubled with very little additional cost. of labor. In order to install this ma chinery the management has decided to issue 10,000 shares of Treasury Stock. This stock will in all probabilities be the last offered for sale. It will be sold at 81. 00 per share. There is no deviating from this price. That the stock will increase in value is a certainty. You can find no better place to invest your money. If you desire to get in on this you will have to do so at once, as this stock was put on the market in order to give the residents of the county a chance to realize something from an investment in one of their own properties. This is not a speculation at all but a sound business investment based upon ascertained facts. The mine has been developed beyond the experimental stage. About the best recommendation we can give these mines is that the men employed by the company are investing their savings in the purchase of this stock. Also such men as Clark, Daly, Fair, Haggin, and a host of others have made their money from mines and the development of them. Send all Subscriptions and Correspondence to the Gatewood Mining & Company lZt' HOWARD, Crook County, OREGON V.