Timber La ml, Act June , ! Nbc fr PsUkalM. rnltd Hrntt Uktut OA., The Ommn. Srptf mNt 4. 1W. Nolle U hfft'ht siren I hut n mmi-Mnc wlih the fmviton of thitof 'onfrns of Jiti , 17. oiutiliM "An iwl for the mile of ttniher Unrts in Ihe ?iniif of mlifornm, Or Iton, NerntU, and Wnshtnrton TVrrttirv," . ieniti1 t M thr I'nhlU1 titin rt of Auftnl 4, KrfwNt' Wntilh Inrie. of Portland, hnn! of Vultnomnh. Simr ot re (rn. hu this ttv fll. It ihi office hr irn t Moment N. fr the (Mtrvhaw of the N Kl4 of Meet inn V. art. tn Tow nlit) No. I-' Hmi ice No, IK K WM.ftmt will offer ,r.of to how that the Unt mohkM t more vMimble for tin ttmlwr or Mont than for mtrieulmrnl ur iMwen, and to entublihh her einimtosnul Uiol In tor theatnuty clerk t lTmevHle, Oreon. on the loth day of Juiumry, 17. Hlie nil men wiim; WillUin c. Ford, Jmi S, Smith, f M. chrl tm, chrle A. timv, of Pr.nvtH Orvuron. Any and 1) tMrson cUiming ailverwly the vm-tM.tnvrilwa lnml are requested to file their elHirnn tn thin oftu on or before ad loth day ol Jannarv, lM-p Mh-haklT. NoLaN. Re:tter. Juniper Butte Stock Ranch. Standard bred Stallions nd Fllies For Sale. Al ways a few on hand for customers. JOHN SCH MEIER, Breeder of Blooded Stoek, Pot Crook county, Or. jffenderson Wines and Liquors Country Orders Solicited First Door South of the Foindexter Hotel The Crook County Farms, Timber Lands and Town Property brought and sold. Homesteads and Um ber Claims Located, surveyed and estimated Abstracting. Call on or address THE CROOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE Prineville, Oregon. a The Dalles R. II. WEBER, Proprietor, The Dalles, Oregon GROWER ASD DEALER IS FRUIT. SHADE O r? tf GRAPE VINES jj ORNAMENTAL I W IZ EL O SMALL FRUITS j ETcrfreeat, Rosea and SknibWry, Hyacialks, Talips Lilliea, Dakilias, Peaaues, Etc i irnrrv vnr f .iTiriv:i'p it tc rorv jiU ' ' . a aj vi tn t nuuu I. 1, 11 io r ouu ill afaan RAmAmlw i,s Trus sa rlrrhurv Wi t V,, , Imnsluvti !j P. B. POINDEXTER, Agent h PRIXEVILLE. OREGON" Closing Out Sale OF LADIES' FURNISHINGS, Etc. Having decided to discontinue from carrying Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line of these goods will therefore be sold at ACTUAL COST Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as it means a big saving of money to you. We have in stock useful articles of wearing . apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices and you will buy. THEf OWL CASH" STORE R. B. ADAMS, THE GREATEST CURE FOR COUGH3A"COLDS GUARA7aTEg3 CURS, FOR Croup, Whooping Cou?rh, CronchUia, La Grippe, Quinsy, Hoarsenes s, Heir.orrhsgs of the Lungs, Weakness cf the L'jgo, Asthma and a!2 diseases of THROAT, UmaO AND CHEST PREVENTS PNEUMONIA Eleven years ngo Dr. King's New Discovery permanently cured me of a severe end dangerous throat and lung trouble, and I've been a weU man ever since. G. 0. Floyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. PRICE 50c 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY Timber Land, Art ot Jiin , IK'S. Kotica for Publication. fnlie.1 land 0o. Th fallcs. Omnia. OtioIxt , I. Slt is bri't'T (hfQ i hat In eomtiauc with 111 pmvlstmia til lh act of (Vtnrm irf Jimp S, is "a, fimilnl a. I f,rih sall limtaT laixls in ih Siaiea of California, Or- gin. ia,ia. ant Washington Territory, as exwmtrd 10 all th Puhhr laml Siatca hr act ol Anntt! 4, ISA1, th followtnirnAimM persons hsvr, on Ainiii! 21. IAIK, ftll In Ihls olho llifir woriimiiifnirnu, to-ii: 0o, oi O'Neil. tvumy of TiHk, ui l Or,-o, im uti'mvni No sni. lor xht pr flmw o( the . SK'.. sk. SK'i. ol SvHon IV n.l NW, NE'i oimvllon 1, T. 12 S, KMK, t M John H. Ooe. o( O Neil, ronnir of Crook. mtvt( niton. orn mmtement No. SH1. hr the pnrehw ol the Msu,. SK1. Si. tnj S . SK', of Stvlhtn Jl, To. U 8. K l K, w M. Anil will otfer roofs io how that the ln,t iHiiibt are more vttUtnttle tor the timber or ione thertHu than for jrriculturl purHe. at to emh!t!.h their eUiio to moI Utnls he lore the County clerk, t 1'riDertUe, Or-o, on January it. IWi. Thev name the followin wlinemt: Vevt Co aiot John H. Coe. ol 0 Sell. Orotron: C. A. Iunan, alter O'Neil and Ueorite O'Nell, ol Trim-vine, tremn. Any ami ail i-oreom elatmlni adversely any ol the ahovetesoribed land are requested to hie ihotr cikinif m thisomi tiaor betore the sul Ath dav ot Jsnuarv. ll-l-F. MicMiitL Ttf NoLaJt, Kejialer. School lioooks and School Supplies at A 1) A M S () N s & ZPollard Finest Cigars Uf In Stock Real Estate Co CO Si1 Nurseries Proprietor . AND Sl.OO Timber Und, AetolJunat, 1KT. Notic Pur Publiotktion. rmted HialealAnd Otto. The nallea, Oreon. Oetobvr tl, !. Nolle la here tor (Iren that la eomvllaae with the i'rii.n ol I ha aet ol Confreaa ol June a, UTa, entitled "t aet tor l ha saleot tlmlier landa la the Stales o California, Ore an. Nevada, and Vt aahtnatoa Terrttorv, aa eilen.le.1 to all the PmMic l.ud Statea by aet of Auvi.t 4. law, Raama Froseof IVtoevtlle. cNtunty of Crtk. stata ot Oregon, kaa thta dav nte.t ta inte omve aer sworn statement ssra for the Mtrehaae of lit t nbs. and n sit ol see No u, la township No la a. rant no kJ B. at. and will o(er irMl lo show that th land tight Is nor valuable lor Ita timber or alone than for aarrtculiural purwoeea. and eatablish her elatta to aald land befora th eouulv clerk at I'nuavilla, Orafoa, aa ta tata dav of Januarv. 1K. She names as wlineaaea: W H Mecoy. tleortr Turner, A K aastwood, a rl loitin, all Ol ma vine, orewon. Any and all persona lalatlna' adversely th abtveletrtbed lands are rtuted to HI their claims in tnts units oa or Daior aam nia aay of lanuarv, 117. Ilili MtvaitLT h'ou, Kesjlsler. Timber Utat. Act Jan a, lam. Hour fur PtiMl.allon. t'nltetl Slates Land 0!Tu", Th liallas. Orvcim. IH'tobar 90. lUsV Notlr Is hmrvby (Irva that la campllanr with th provisions of th act of otuiraaof jiiu a. mtltlrd "Aa act for lit sal of titnbtr Units in th states of California, Or. sn. NtpvaUa, and laashinaua Tarrtuvry," x londisi to all th public land slaw by act of A ua us t , UKI, Samuel A. Pro. of Prinerillr. roumr el t'mok. slat ol Onwos. ha this tlar flint in this o(nc hi sworn slat, mcnt No 3-il, for th nurrhaa of th MV, ki, of sc A. swi, ot am' 11, and sa'.sa. soc IN township la 9. rani it a, w a. anil will offr pnxtf to show that th land oiiMhl la more tral. nM for tu timber or stun than for aaricul taral purpose, and to MUhlish his rlaira Ui Kaia tana oetor inauntrcterK at rrtavvui Otvaou. on th 29th dar of January. I la7 . H aamea aa witnesses: H' H liusuin. W H M.Vor. Vt H Lofiiu. A A McCord, all of frlu villr, Orcon. Anr ana all person claiming advcraelr th abov-ttwrttied lands ar rtNiueated to 61 ihclr claims in this office, on or befor aald isth day of januarv, lsW. 11 iip Michael T ,Nolau, RcgUtor. Hotic lo Ctaditora. KsUI ofB. F. Zell. DtwaaeJ: Notioe ia hereby irtven hv th un.lersiirnetl ad- minuitrairix of the etal of it. i . ZU de- Cfal, to th creditors of and all other leraona having claims aaraiiwi Ut said estate to urewut them with the nexvaaarv vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to th iinderaifriu'd, at the otlice of M . R. Klliott in l'rineville, Orexun. Dated this 1st da; of November, 1AM. M A K 1 Adniinistratria of the KsUte uf B. F Zell, IVoeaaed Ttmlier Land, Act June 8, 17 Notice rur rMlillcallon. t'ntled rltatea Ijind Office. Tbe Dalles. Oreasui. IVUitier 15. latav Notice Is hereby (Iveu that In oomplinuo with the provisions of thearlof eoncrvaaof Junes, 1 entitled "An act ftir t h sale of timber lands In the stale of California, Orw- riHi. evaaaw ana waiiiuiiaum ieintorv,"a eiieiitiea lo ait in public tana statea bf aet or August t, ia. Aver F. Powell of Prineville, cniinlv of Crook, stale of Ore iron, das this dav filed In this oinre her sworn sialentent !o Ml, for the purchase of the nw'4, N',sw',of sec a, a oil Na'.aa1. of sec 4, township IS S, rarutelSK. W M.and will offer proof lo show that the land sought la more valuable for Ita tlnitier or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to eatablish her claim to nam lana before the (Viunt? llerk at Prineville, Oregon, on the ftth day of Janu ary, HUT She name a wlineaaea: M D Powell, J O Powell, John Kilter, I o Miller, all of Prine ville, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adveiselv the nhove described lands are requested lo die Ihelrclalms In this office on or before aald 3nth day of January, 1W7. 1I-T Michael T. Nolan, Rsglaler. Timber Land, Art June S, lffm. Notlo Ibr fubllaatlon. Tnited SlaU-a Land Offlca, The Dal lea. Oregon, October 15, 190. Notice Is hereby given that In oompltaace with the provisions of the act of eonarreaaof JuneS. 17H, entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In the state of California. Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," a extended to all the public land eta lee by act Ol AUgUSt t, 1.-V2. Isaac W. Spear, of Prineville. county of Crook, state of Ore gon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No Mo-, for the purchase of the hS b', and n't w(, or sec lo. In township IS 8. range ,, and will offsr proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish bis claim to aald land before the county clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2Mb day of January, Han. He names as witnesses: M D Powell, J O Powell. Jobn Rltter, C A Miller, all of Prine ville, Oregon. Ahy and all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office oa or before said th day of January, 1907. II-W Michael T. Nolan. Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Netica far faalkatMa. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oreeoi . AuirnBl 18th 1906. Notice ia hereby given that ia com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extend ed to all the Public Land States bv act of August 4, 1892, Albert Cubitt, of rnneville, uregon, county of Crook, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. :mi, for the purchase of the S4 N and NSEJi of Section No. 30, in Town ship No. 12 S., Range No 16 E., W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk at Prineville, Oregon, on the 16th day of January 1907. He names as witnesses: L. H. Hamilton, of Grizzly, Oregon, Porter Quinn, of Grizzly, Oregon, Chris Cohrs, of Prineville, Oregon, and 8. J. New som, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 16th day of January 1907. 11-1 p Michakl T. Nolan, Register. notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 13, 1806. Notice ia hereby given that Walter E. Helfrich, of Lamonta, Oregon, has filed no tice (if his intention to make final five-year proof in aupjiort of his claim, via: Home stead Kntry No. 7X04 made Decemlier 4, lWaJ.for tlieS NWJ4 and U HE of Section 15, Township 13 8, Range 14 K, W M, ami that said proof will be made before the County f;ierk, at Prineville, Oregon, on December 8, 1906. He names the following witnesses to prove hix continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, via: J. It. Helfrich, J. H. Helfrich, 8. D. Pierce, K. M. Love, all of Lamonta, Ore gon. MichaslT. Nolak, NW5p Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office, at Burns, Or., Nov. 9, 1808. Nolle is hereby given that James W. Kogle, of PnuUna, Oregon, has filed notice of bis In tention to make final five year proof In sup port of his claim, via.: Homestead Kntry No lA31. made November 8, Kwl, for ttiesH JtwK and n'4 jce, sec tp. 18 H, range 24 at, w M, and tnat aald proof will be made before War ren Brown, county clerk, at bis office at Prine ville, Oregon, on Ioember , 1(J8. He names the following witnesses to prove hla conllnuoua residence upon and cultlvav Llitn iirth. l.nH vi.- U.w.V. f I lot,- Wnli..M Coulthard, March Logan, L. V. Balky, all of ruuiiuit, uregon. II-ittnp Wm. Farre. Register, TRY US We collect everywhere and make uo charge unlets collect ion In made. We pleiute our clientf). ASK THEM Address Miiuoan Mkiicantile Co., Kenton UMg. Portland, Ore, AdJitioBal Locals. A turkey rtt1wUI hM rt liowartl Sutidavr. A htttd W for relit fit AattwtMxI. S Bttf k t'hww hrr lu tlila jiht. A night nnl tlity whlft art eiu- ployvU at th- f!atwy ntlu at Howanl. A fthaft l Win stunk on the or body. It la down .) Kvt and It may I Urxfwutr.T to k tOtW. They r worklnit In ttrt ami will at ay with tm hsijev. . 1). UatewtMHl, tat tlie UatewtHHl Ml ul ny; Jk TratlliiK 0oniany. wan lu town yrjtnlny wi rout tt Titrt- land, SeattiV and Tacoma, whtrt he trora In th Inttrvst of hi company. He rvuorta that be w ill ortloraaaw mill, eujctire aud boiler to be UIihI liniutHllatolv. He fxixvt to liavt theiu tu ota.ratlon lu twt tnontha. The atearu plant w III be umtl aa aux lllary power lu ram ot trouble with water and dIU'hea. The alalia from the fiaw mill will (urnloh plenty ol cheap fuel. Caottiy Court Prwceedin. Frotu lirttt imtce. Veda IHirreiK'e, wltuetta hta 00 Joitlah WtlllaiiM, " 4 00 It M Gee. G C Blake. 11 K Tliialty, M F TlneU-v. Grant MHUr, Jerry lanH'r, I F Chtirvh. II W Turner, OF Fields, R lVllaven, Mrs. 11 8Crwlet, Mrs. Grace Fields, John Dorrance, Tin Gibson, Clifford Kelly, " 10 00 " 17 00 " 6 00 " 8 00 " 8 00 20 " 00 11 20 " 8 80 " 14 IX) " 16 00 " 8 80 " 10 00 " 3ft 00 " It 00 " 10 00 " 10 00 ' 8 00 ' 00 " 14 00 " 30 " 2 no r TCox. Mia. K T Cox, P G Milliorn, " USMinkler, Frank Kay, " " K.d White, II P llolknap, J W Ritter, " " II P Belknap, " H F Jones, T 11 1-afollett, at aaveaat-r Glaa A Prudhomme, fee book Glass & Prudhomme, Fisher ribbons " 12 00 ' 4 00 8 00 80 00 18 76 9 28 C W Elkins. court house expenses 14 HA A II Lippman A Co, high school expense 73 60 C b Kdwar.la, health officer salary 30 2,'i Belknap A Edwards, rare of poor 79 00 W F King, road account 240 93 " " court house expenses 42 6A " " high school expenses 4 20 Birdaong A Co, lumber 26 M " ' " 64 00 Frank Elkins, board prisoners 142 00 " " stamp 11 30 " telephone 21 5ft Jerry Cramer, guarding jail 37 00 Crook Co Journal, printing 87 00 I) M Elliott, care John Sum 72 00 W A Bell, judge's salary 100 00 Frank Elkins, sheriff's salary 418 66 Warren Brown, clerk's salary 300 00 C B Pinwiddie, supt's salary 66 66 W King, treasurer's salary 86 66 Wurxwoiler A Co, mdse 2 46 Jack Summers, telephone bill 108 36 State Central Telephone Co, 38 95 Salomon A Moon, mdse 7 30 A II Lippman A Co, mdse 7 60 R E Simpson, mdse 5 00 John Tetherow, chalnman 2 00 R M Bishop, " 2 00 T M Smith, " 2 00 M T Cowan, 2 00 J W Elliott, viewer's fee 16 00 W R McFarland, surveyor' fee 25 00 Grizzly Lake Lumber Co 43 36 Geo fielding, damage caused by breaking through bridge 62 85 warren Brown, stamp and ex press 21 30 J U Lafollett, assessor's fees 128 00 Winnek A Co, stationery 6 30 " " highh school account 46 60 " pauper account 60 Catherine V Conway, teaching school 150 00 C E Cleveland, teaching school 150 00 A u strange, teaching anil other expanses 292 73 T F Buchanan, witness fees 4 00 Shipp A Perry, lumber 8 80 " " " 60 90 Buchanan A Allen, U am hire 4 60 K O Hyde, witness fees 2 00 Wallace Poet, registering vote 3 70 P B Poindexter, bal on board 7 00 David Pickett, janitor work 28 00 FURS Bought and Sold n Commission 1 R. L. JORDAN PRINEVILLE,' OREGON Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given by the under signed executors of the last will and testa ment ef Edward (i. Bolter, deceased, to all creditors of and all persons having claims against tne estate or the xaiu aeceaaed to present them with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the ouineof M. R. Klliott, In Prineville, Oregon within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated November 22, 19U6. JOHNG. BOLTKR M. R. ELLIOTT Executors of the last will and testament of Edward O. Bolter, deceased . CITATION. In the county court of the atateof Oregon, for the County of Crook- in the matter of the estate of Alex ander McCloy, (lecenaed. Citation. To all devltteea and heir unknown of Alexander McCloy, deceased, greeting: In the name of the state of Oreiron you are hereby cited and required to appear In the county court of the atate of Oregon, for the county of urooK, at the court room thereof, at rnnevine, in the county of Crook, on Monday, the 7th day of January. 1907, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, If any there be, why an order of sale should not tie made authoriz ing P. B. Davis, the administrator of said estate, to sell the following de ecrilted real estate belonging to said estate at private sale, to-wlt: The 8WS of the NW of ftec 10: the 8E4 of the NEJi and the N of tbe 8EV of sec 9, In township 12 8, of R 9 E of Willamette Meridian in crook county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. W. A. Bell, Judjr of the county court of the atate of Oregon, for the county of crook, with the eeal of said court affixed, this 22d day of November, A. D., 1906. hiai. Attest: Warren Brown, clerk. By May Belle Reed, deputy clerk. fi Men's Suits from $12.50 to $25 8 A mm gj Ladies,' Misses and Children's Winter $ Handsome Fall and Winter Coats of Gray fi Shadow Plaids and Black and Mixed hi Cloths - C Ladies' Walking Skirts of Fancy Gray Plaid C2 Materials - - $4.50 to $7.50 each yi Misses and Children's Long Coats of all the latest styles and materials. Prices range from - - $3.50 to $12.50 each M WURZWEILER & COMPANY h1 PRINEVILLE, OREGON f3 3SS3SEiSSSS E3 jji.jjujfcjyiHdjLJUjUJlJUULJUJi.JLJtJl.JWJUJi.Jl.JUJl.JtJLJWJl.JlJl.Ji; JL. JLJW JL JL JL. J a. J L J t J Da LJ na rP L J na GJ B-1 ca en ca r.n cu en ca r.i ca ri Bit aa L-l na LJ na tj na nn 133 ca Bl LJ ca ra an BO ta ra ca ra U'J ria va ca ca ca ca na ca ra ca fja ca ca ca ca ca ca GRAMD EAL Thanksgiving Evening NOVEMBER 29th AT P. A. A. C. HALL Music By Club Orchestra ca BUlsUliUCBBBI&OUy.Bl.ytiB : The Leader SAVE nOflli SAVE MONEY I. MICHEL, Proprietor Crockery OVERCOATS $10 to $25 Supply your Full and Winter Clothinn needs at Wurweiler's Store; the lar gest assortment to select from. Kuh, Nathan and Fisher Company's "Sincerity Clothing" for men can't be beat for equal style and quality. Material and fashion the very latest, Single or double breasted or straight fronts. A. aa aa . Aa M A fa sD Prices from $15.00 to $Z5.UU per 5uit m Apparel - $10 to $20 each :: Glassware :: Toys Our store is a palace of Crockery and Fancy Chinaware. Fancy Japanese and Hawain China in beautiful designs. Cut Glass just as good as good as Libby's, but not as costly. Don't fail to look over this lot.' This is a new thing in Glassware and makes a beautiful present, as well as being useful. . ' Our Toy Table is brimful of fun for the children. Look over our line of Toilet Sets, Albums, Fancy Sta tionery, and Tost card Albums. The Post card Album is a "new" way to keep your "old" postals. See Our Window Display of Chinaware iT 8 1 ?. nr., i i i "i v, i tit fVtj.s V V na LJ LU ra L J ra L J ra L J r.i L .1 ra LJ r a L J ii ra Li ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra LJ ra ij ra L J ra MM ra L J r i L J ra i j ra LJ ra L J ra L J ra LJ ra L J ra L"J ra LJ ra L J ra L J LJ