joMrea! J VOLX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 22, 1906. NO. 49 Crook Gomimity CJ L J r.i t j r..i rA w J C2 i M r.i I M k'J r.i u J rs.i 3 r..i tJ r.-i k j r..i k j r..i k J E3 M LJ r.n k j M k j LJ ft LJ u k J r.i kj LJ m k j r.i L-'-l K'Jj r..i kj lj C3 3 k J n,t k j r.a L.J TAKE ADVANTAGE THANKSGIVING ui uie nianuiaciuicis puce arc iiuw uii sale at a trifle more than the jobber gets for them Ak to see lite Gotian Shoe lor ladies Best Shoes made lor $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 "Oenita" ladies' Union Suits Rrguular $1.25 Special lor this sale at ... ladies Blark Worsted Vests Regular $1.75 value -Special jor this sale at ladies' Jersey Cotton Vests and Pants Regular 00 value Spccal at .... Child's "Nswalli" Waist Special Our Gold Bond Profit Sharing Coupon arc Good in Thia Sale DO YOU "KNOW ABOUT IT? C . W. ELKI NS kJL,Jk JtJUJkJkJk JC JkUk Jk JLUk Jk .TI - J M. M W W Onaniko uarenouse Lo. General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants Dealer b in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Nails, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, Sulphur, Wool and drain, Sucks and Twine, Grain and Feed, Agents for Wasco Warehouse Milling Co's. "White River" and "Dulles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid (or Hides and Pelts. Special Attention is paid to Buling (or Kan tern Shipments. Stock Yards with all the (or Handling Stock. 7fark Sour Soocis in Care of I JUST ARRIVED! ,.1800 Pieces Granite and Tinware, Many 1 Ol Aa r4 i j Pieces worth 35cents. Special at lCW See our New and Up-to-date Line of Ladies' Footwear Many Sizes, Forms and Styles to Select From Boys and Youths two and three piece suits. Some Extra Values at Low Prices : : CLAYPGOL BROS. 0 Dozen of Ladies' and Children's Fleece Lined and Woolen Hose which I bought Children's Fleeced Hose Regular 25c value... 15c Children's Wool Hose Regular 85c value 22Jc Ladies' Fleeced Hose Regular 25c value 15c Ladies' Fleeced Hose Regular 35c value ... 22Jc ladies' Fleeced Hose Regular 50c value 35c Ladies' Wool How Regular 50c value 35c Ladies' Worsted Hose Regular 55c value .... 40c Ladies' Worsted Hose Regular 65c value...-50c Fancy Ribbons Regular 85c to 50c values now ,.. 15c to 25c Big Lot Silk and Satin plain shades 5c to 20c Men's Hose Men's Fast Black Cotton Sox, 8 pair lor $1.00 Men's Fast Black Cotton Sox regular 85c value Special now at 25c Men's Wool Hose regular 35c value . 25c New Fancy Silk Mufflers $1.25 to $2.00 $1.00 $1.25 47Jc at 22C JkUkbJk JkUkklJkJkUkUkLkULJkJLJkJkUkUL,UkJkUkUkLlkJ V Wool Grading and latest and best (acilities t JLJkJbJkJkJuykJbJkJkJkJkJI.JkbJbJl J ... i U r i L-'J r.i i ti r.i n R.I U r.i LJ R.I k J R.J u f. J r.i LJ R.I KJ Ct LJ n LJ e i M LJ CI k J ri L J CI L J ri t J ri 1 1 r.a LJ ri t J ea LJ E2 LJ Til LJ rn LJ R3 LJ R.1 LJ r.a t J R.I L J C.1 LJ r,a LJ c.i k J ci LJ R.I CJ "? ua C3 LJ fsa LJ C.1 k J r.a LJ R3 LJ r.a OF OUR SALE H ose Ribbon LJ R3 LJ R3 LJ R3 LJ k J r.a k'LJ r.a kj R3 t j ceqqe Him mi OFFIOER8: W. . Sooth, Prl.nt O. M. Ilkin. Vic Pr.ald.nt FftID W. WiLaON, Oathtor OlREOTOH: W. A. BOOTH, O. M. IlKIM. B. F. Stiwaht, Fo W. Wiumh. Transacts a General Hanking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt atten tion TAD O A I C i r j n o i l- 4 Residence in Prineville 4 Inquire o( 2 D. P. A DAMSON 5 PRINEVILLE OREGON DAWSON FOUND DEAD Died frea U Effects tf Strokt f kftfltij UtcJ Aloae. Abraham P. Dawson was (ound dead on bis ranch at Lamonta Tuesday, When the bodj waa dia- co re red by a neighbor life bad been (or some thirty -six or forty eight hours. A messenger was at once rent to notify the proper county officials at Prineville. Sher iff Elkins, Judge Belt and Dr. Roaenberg left that afternoon (or Lamonta. The body was (ound lying (ace downward about 300 (eet east of his house on a road .leading to some baystacka and well. A coroner's inqueet waa beld and after making a careful examina tion of the circumstance surround ing the death it was decided that Dawson came to his death from a stroke of apoplexy. Death came swiftly. He fell forward on his face and breast and died without a struggle. ; Dawson was about 60 years of age and waa unmarried. He was a most eccentric person and was generally avoided by bis neigh bors. He waa indicted at tbe last term of tbe district court for as sault with a dangerous weapon ' upon the person of A. Ad Keller. The esse waa continued ao that he might have time to get his wit nesses. Dawson lived in Crook county for twenty years, lie has a brother and nephew in Missouri and an ef fort will be made to find them. A Drive Across Crook Cowry. John Briedwell, Joha -Breeding, Alex McKinnon and Cheater Bried well returned the first of the week from their over the mountains trip by wagon into Crook county, where they attended the Prineville fair and shook hands with their old friend Fred Stimaon. They saw many things in rare contrast to the surroundings in the Wil lamette valley on the way and paid their respects to the Three Sisters and who can blame them they are very beautiful. After leaving the little town of Sisters, Mount Jefferson comes in view and the road they traveled gives an op portunity for a splendid view of the most beautiful mountains in Oregon. They drove through the junipers and sagebrush with vol canic aah for a road bed, a soil that will produce astonishing crops when water is applied and will grow rye higher than a man's head without irrigation. They crossed the beautiful Deschutes river, with Gatewood Mining & Trading Company OF HOWARD, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON Capitalization 500,000 Shares, Treasury Stock 100,000, Par Value Non Assessable. This is the first opportunity the people of Crook county have had to invest in one of their own mineral resources. Hitherto development work on this property has been conducted with private capital. Now the time has come to double the output, and in order to do so the management has decided to issue 10,000 Shares of Treasury Stock at $1.00 per Share for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the mine. This is probably all the stock that will be issued and it behoove those who desire to invest in this stock to place their orders at once. At present five stamps are running and it is desired to double this output in order to accomplish greater results. There is 3,000 feet of tunnel work already Send all Subscriptions and pV1-""' ita swift running cold, clear waters from the eternal snows of tbe Caa cadea and took dinner a little farther on at the Tetherow brothers' place, a very pretty little nook alongside tbe Deschutes, three miles north of Cline Fads, where peaches and pears are to be found every eeaeon. After leaving the Tetherow place they passed through the little town of O'Neil, another very pretty spot and from there traveled twelve miles up the Crook ed river valley, with interesting scenery on all aidea, to Prineville. Arriving a Prineville they found the citizens busily engaged with their annual fair, which they at tended and saw a variety of things which interested them. They re turned home by way of Madraa, another thriving town in Crook county, and from there to Tbe Dalles, where they took a boat to Portland and drove from the lat ter place home. John Briedwell says he saw many interesting ob jects and ia aiuch pleased with bis trip. No one can truthfully say they have seen Oregon until they have made this trip. When the C. &. E. R. R. extends its line into that country, which it will in tbe near future, many valley people will visit that region every year. Amity Enterprise. County Court Proceedings. NOVEMBER TERM, C II Ericsson filed affidavit of wrongful awtewtment. Affidavit al- lowed and clerk ordered to credit sheriff on roll of 1905 with f 16 wrong ful aaeewement to C. H. Ertekson. C B Dinwiddle, county superln- tend&nt of schools died his Institute fund report for this year. After pay ing all expenses Involved In Institute work, etc., there Is a balance on hand of $161.55. The semi-annual report of tbe count v clerk waa approved. Tbe sheriff s semi-annual report waa approved. The treasurer's semi-annual report approved. Earl McLaughlin, road master. filed bis report for work done up to Nov. 5. Bills due and not paid $811. 20. A request for an appropriation of $2500 was made for carrying on tbe work of grading, graveling, making new grades and keeping tbe roads In good repair during tbe next two months. The request was granted and a total appropriation of $3311.20 made. Tbe exhibit fund report of the county school superintendent was approved. The report to the school board on high school sales was approved Tbe report shows that $16 35 waa received for blackboards sold. In tbe matter of a change In tbe Frank Forest road the viewers re port that said change will not ma terially Increase the length of the road and that the pew route lays upon much better ground than the present location, as It avoids tbe doby and rocky land over which the present road passes. Tbe said change Is entirely upon government land and therefore will not damage any property. We recommend that tbe court grant said change. Correspondence to the Gatewood Mining & Trading Company HOWARD, Crook County, OREGON In the matter of a change In the Black Butte road, the viewers re ported favorably. Tbe new loca tion will be npon much better ground; tt avoids the dangerous and steep grade In the gorge and that the grade of the proposed road will not exceed 8 per cent and will be op on a gravel sldeblll and not expen sive to build. The bid for expertlng the county books were taken under consider ation. The bids for tbe county court house were taken under advlNement. Tbe wages for tbe janitor of tbe blgh school were fixed at $4 per week. The petition of Zumwalt Miller for a liquor license was granted and bond approved. Tbe petition of Benton & Grater for a liquor linemte was granted and boud approved. In tbe matter of tbe Kotxman road. Tbe count surveyor and road viewers ordered to meet at the beginning of road and survey, view out and report. Tbe county clerk was ordered to have copies of 1906 assessment roll ready for extensions by January term, 1907. Clerk ordered to write up proceed ings of this court In the commission er'a Journal by next regular term and that thereafter have such Jour nal written up for signatures of tbe court. The following bills were ordered paid: Roy Summerschainman's fees $ 2 00 3 T Cramer, " " 2 00 J W Elliott, viewer's fees 4 00 C A Graves, surveyor's fees 10 00 Wuriweller A Thomson, mdse 19 30 B F Johnson, sawing wood for high school 18 00 W C Barnes, care of John Mun- son pauper 18 00 P Chltwood, Judge election 3 00 J L Luckey, Justice tees 5 00 H P Belknap, witness fees 1 50 Ad Keller, " " 1 50 B F Jones, special constable 5 50 C C Dunham. Jury lees 2 00 Jim Weigh ton, cleaning high school 13 50 Glass ft Prudhomme, record books 31 00 A C Strange, services redered aseesso r 10 00 Glass ft Prudhomme, commis sioner's cocket 17 00 Journal Pub Co, Portland, printing 45 15 F J Brooks, Justice fees 6 30 U S Cowles, witnes fees 1 50 Geo Mayers, witness fees. ...... 1 80 Grace Cowles, " "... 1 50 W H Rodman, " " 4 50 Frank Lyons, " " 1 50 Howard Turner, " " 1 50 T B Tucker, witness fees and milage 6 50 Myrtle J Hamer witness fees and milage 7 50 L A Young, witness fees and milage 4 70 Bud Fields, witness fees and milage 5 20 James Maddron, witness fees and milage 5 40 Mrs. Jas Maddron, witness fees and milage 5 40 Journal Pub Co, Portland, printing 9 80 Logan ft Co, overpaid taxes 10 09 A H Grant, Justice fees 8 46 John F Dell, Janitor work 15 00 Tom Langon, plot of Zell premises 20 00 D S Smith, sheriff Linn Co, fees 13 00 Josiah Williams, Juror's tees 18 00 TMPost, " " 2 00 R W Breeee, " " 23 00 completed, besides 400 feet of drifts and upraises on the ore body. The average width of vein four feet in diorite formation. The values are uniform and run from $25 to $125' a ton. Under the present management the work has gone steadily forward, a force of about 15 men being employed. The property consist of 33 claims in the South eastern part of Crook county, on the head waters of the Ochoco river. There is an abunndance of water for power purposes and some of the best timber in the county is located on these claims. The economic con ditions for mining could not be better. The Company also owns a general merchandise store which furnishes supplies to sheep and cattlemen 17 40 19 NO 23 00 20 50 21 00 22 00 , 19 00 16 40 32 00 27 60 2 00 , 26 00 27 20 30 00 26 00 24 00 25 00 , 25 00 , 26 00 . 26 00 , 24 00 . 24 00 . 25 00 , 31 00 . 200 . 13 20 Jerry Achey, " R II Krug. "., Alex Holbrook, " , J D Gibson, 8 8 Black, " A W Boyce, " "., H Turner, " ". T N Balfour, A M Logan, M A C Barton, " James Wood, Alex McLennan, W E Bogue, " W J Wood, " ". J R MendenhaU, " A 8 Phillips, - F E Dayton. " W D Cyrus, " . A M Grater, " W G Klllingbeck " O W Kidder, CLReam, , " ". II H Davis, " Randolph Gibson, " LC Caldwell, " Jim Zlmmerlee, witness fee 11 70 J L Luckey, " " 2 00 Oscar Cox, " 11 20 W J Craln, " 10 80 O E Elliott, " " 11 60 W H Cadle, " " 11 80 Jim Sears, " - 10 00 Dave Evans, " " 12 80 J W Stanton, " 12 60 E T Slayton, " " 10 60 A Ad Keller, " " 3 00 CSMInkler, 10 00 John Bostwlck, " " 12 00 B F Johnson, " " 6 00 Prof Henry, " " 12 00 J H Smith, " " 11 00 Wm Marks, " " 14 00 Ira Ray, " " 15 00 L E Morgan, " 26 00 W A Burgett, " " 35 00 Dave Newman, " 35 00 J H Zevely, " " 16 00 Robt Montgomery" " 19 50 J F Cadle, " " 6 80 J P Johnson, " " 12 00 Alex Hlnton, " " .. 8 20 Robert Wiley, " " 22 60 J C Houston, " " 4 00 V A Bedell, " " 4 00 P B Davis, " " 6 00 J H Crooks, " . " 4 00 R S Price, f " 2 00 Trace Beard, " " 16 00 AM Logan, " " 2 00 L T Henneas, " " 76 40 MaryFTurnidge, " - 75 60 J LTurnldge, " " 75 60 John Geddes, " 70 40 W A Booth, " 6 00 J R Geddes, " " 75 00 J E Roberts. " " 4 00 O J Dawson, " " 13 40 Harry Barnes, " " 14 40 G W Gregary, " " 12 00 S J Milllorn, " " 10 40 John Milllorn, M " 14 00 N A Dibble, " ' 26 00 Jeus Bjorndal, " " 14 00 Calvin Blair, " 26 00 James Cram, " " 14 00 TS Balfour, " 200 F H Gilchrist, " " 20 00 Randolph Gibson, " 16 00 Minnie Tillery, " " 13 00 Ed Parker, " " 6 00 J C Reynolds, " " 13 00 Tom Langon, " " 27 60 P Chltwood, " ., C R McLallln, " " 27 60 John 8 Walte, " " 27 60 Geo Hobbe, " 27 60 ' Abel Wolf, " " 27 60 Hiram Gibson, " ' 15 80 J F Stroud. " " 4 00 DEQuackenbu8b, " " 12 00 Mrs Claude Dunham, wit tees... 6 50 C S Edwards, witness fees 10 00 Wm Wigle " " 6 00 C L Gist " " 9 40 J B Cornett " " 10 60 (Continued on page 3.) Subscription Price $1.00 per Share Paying from the grass roots down.