k) J krJ k J rn fj r kJ r:i La K3 rn ko kVJ r.i kj rrc c J r: t J r.n C3 rs t'j ra ra C3 Iff Si & & Seneral ffilacksmithing Horskshokinq, Wood Work, rrc.. Neatly and Promptly Don When it is Donk By : : : Slobert Ttfoore Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed Pkineville, Ohkoon. r.a r:i u r.3 r.3 r..i tJ r.a r.a k.j r.-i 1 j ra r.3 u r.a Li r.3 r.3 LJ r.3 l. u l. a j fji jl. u k :u k. l ul jw uw u r k .-JkUkk.JkUkfk.'Jk'.JkUkk'.iLUk.J Tit Value of Higher Education. brothers Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Supplies Sole Agents for Hop Gold Beer the Famous Napa Soda and Tiade Solicited M . I ne upera oaioon C. A. BEDELL, Prop letor In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Every Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars The tendency in th- working world today it to tpecialite. The age is patt when a man may know many culling and have it in hia power to aucceed in any of them, it such an age ever was. It ia true h may earn a living and yet change hie occupation daily but real success ia not ao measured, but rather in something more ao coroplished or accumulated. A man' best work can be done only when he tiains hia powers alon some particular line. For tuch specialisation higher education ii supposed to prepare him and in a the majority ol inatancea the sue cess he make ol life varies directly with the amount and quality of hia education. It roattert little what he follow; the high ichool and college ia engaged in develop ing faculties and powere in daily use. If nothing more is done than to teach him mental concentration much ia gained; but in addition an effort ia made to teach accuracy, order and nestness, uefu to the business man, reasoning, memory, and imagination, essential to the professional man, thrift and care fulness, valuable to the laboring man, and honeety and appreci ation of the need of hard work, necessary alike to all. If the higher school at ia asserted, trains these qualities can your boy or girl afford to lose such training? Not unless they or you are indifferent to their future. Very foolish i he who misses the opportunity to se cure all the education available and almost criminally blamable is the parent who permita hia child to do so. The day may come when the parent will bitterly re gret his neglect and the day will certainly come when the child will deeply blame hia parent for hia ; weak eubmission to the whims of I childhood. Nothing better pre ; pares for life than atrong parental 1 control and in no better way can become a "quitter" and a 0n- sequent failure in hia life work. Education should not be viewed merely from the practical, from the utilitarian standpoint; it haa this aide but it ia of minor im portance compare! with other, lha contributing towards the produc tion of strong, useful, Influential, successful men and women, by the inculcating ol useful precepts, by the training of useful habit, and by the giving of useful informa tion. For these reaanns, if you are a parent, give your boy and your girl all the education your means will permit that he may grow up in the way be should, that he may never have reason 'to fail in the honor due hia father and mother and that he may have all the suc cess his abilitiea and preparation warrant. Value of Timber Iacreuuf. En if m m m w " 1 1 I I he Redmond Harness shop J. H. EHRET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON A Complete new line of Harneaa, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harneaa Shop. - There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A I RIAL 5 it be exeicined than in holding the child in the schools and in requir ing that his work be thoroughly done. In order that the beat re sults be secured from the higher school, tasks must be hard and often discouraging. Consequently parental backing is often needed in holding the pupil. He is at an age wnen perseverance is lacxing and must be developed and he should be held to his task with a firm rein by both teacher and par ent. Otherwise he will probably A special dispatch to the Port land Journal says: Thousands upon thousands of dollars which - have poured into the pocketbooka of residents of this and adjoining counties during the past year bear witness of the remarkable rise in timber land values and the eager ness displayed during the past few months by tome of the largest timber companies operating on the Pacific coast to pain possession of the pine forests. It is estimated that since the first of the present year that 100,000 acres of yellow pine has passed from the hands of individu al owners to those of timber companies which are buying in central Oregon. The bulk of this lies in Crook county and in the northern borders of Lake and Klamath counties, through which the timber belt extends. The heavy demand for timber claims has created a steady rise in the purchasing price. The latter haa increased 50 per cent in many sections during the past 12 months. Districts in which quarter sections of pine were selling last year for prices ranging from $800 to $1200 are changing hands now at figures running between $2400 and $2000 for claims containing the same number of feet of pine, and it is stated that timber properly inside of the next year will snow another increase of value of $500 to $700 per claim. Wtntad. Hchool teacher for Hay Creek achool district No. 87. Salary $16 to 50 er month, ('all on or address by mall W. E. Duchikn, 10-25-2 t-p Hay Creek, Or. i