Local Mention Mix lui roof Hanln ( liuu Kiiii f.ir M. I'.. IUIiIIm, of KimIiihukI m mm In town Muiuliiy. Jolin llfiiitt't-Hoii tvturki'il Krlilny (rum tt trip In 1'itrllninl. It. K. Nliiimun rt't tit immI 1'rlilny from a iiihIiii trip to I'ortlninl null rVitttle. Itiimlulpli Ki'U'linin win thrown from Mm In if. Ktitiiliiy nn.t Imillv hllllkcll up. T. K. MrCnlllMli'r A Co. iirp iiki-uIh for tin- Mtt'itll Miiu'imIiix mill I'm. irrim. j.lf tin to AiliimMon'H ilriiir nlotv iiml linvi- jour r.vin mlfiillllt'iilly titei I'.vU. I'Viink IVIHl, I In- Optklaii. , l.xiimliintloii frii. ll-M-tf Titer will In- a irraiiil liiill Tliiiuk jtlvlnn iviiilmr, NovimuIkt l!U, nt the r. A. A. V. liiill. The rluli on-luttrn w III furiilhli tlii iiiumI,-. TU ki tu f 1.00 HrueeOrity wiu In town tliU week Iroiu the rum-It on t'rooktil river, nt- tl'llrlllltf llllxllll-KN ItlllltlT mill vIm. with trh'iuU. Urine report utm k of nil klmU to m doing well. l.nkevlew exiierlemvil m ilUiiMtrotm Are recently. Nlxt r hnr. t ! Mum itioiii Mvi r.v Siiil.li'd, opnH Imiiw, liliK'kumltli nliui iiml t wo ntilili'tirin were litirneil, Thf limn h eotlitiuietl nt StO.OOO. Iinli'" Itutlierfunl, fiiniiinn of theArirue nllli'f, Im lieen on the ulrk lint I ln piml wii'k "ntiil we IlllVe lieen koIhU miiui'" IhhuIiiji iIiIn Hiv nt iiiornl (iml n llulutm run nil li.v our liiiii-i.mi'. Oiiliitiu AruuN. l.OST: A mutt Hum Ui-ii wnrktiiK nt tlu Kllie Hurlier nliop for tin- mt yenr. Itntlii-r nice looking, Imlr it trltle urn.v, drown even. Anyone kiiowliiK IiIm wlti-n-tiliiititH will con. fvr it favor liy luformliiK IiIh iirtner, runner I'owetl. W. 1. I'.iliiitiinUon of HImUt rami a IiuhIuihh trip to IVIm-vlHe Monday. (Icorim Weveim nnil Jim Madron if Minima are In town. Mm A nun (rook, of Orliuly, waa In town Tmnilny to file on a timber cliiliii. Have your eyea UmU and ulnawa titled liy W. Kmnk 1'etett. the Helen- tlllc Optlclnn. No charge unlraa kIiimkih tm antlafiu'tory, AilnmHon'a Initiator. 11-H-tf W. II. VYIItae nnil wife from the Willamette vnlley, who nave lieen vIhHIiik In Crook county tint iut uiotitli, left Hatiirduy for tlielr home. Mr. Wilts luia lieeii looklmr over Wiuliluicton nnil Idaho to If lie t'oiihl flml ft lietler iilwe thmi the viillcy ami returna atlnnd with where he liven. Mr. mid Mm. Wltta linve Hevcrnl eotiM mid dnuirhter Jlv- lute In Crook county. 4. N, Qiielierir, of Hlater, wm In town yeatenlity mid report that Winter wna vImIUmI liy a violent wlud atorm Moudiiy. The new hall aua. tallied ronelilerntile tlamaire and much atnudluic tlmtier waa blown down. He nam that Kiuaw crwk la now hlKher than waa ever known U'fore at thin time of the year and that themiow on the KUtera aeenra to lie iiieltliiif very fnat. Jerry Cramer, of Madraa, la aiiend lug a few day at the county neat. 8, iiolmea. of Croaa Key, la In town for a few day. Jerry Harder and wife, of Culver, were In town Hunday. Urlng that watch which other watchmaker can not make run to W. Frank Fetett. All repalrlnn ruaranteetl. Hueclal reoalrlnir a peclalty. 11 -XU Chaa. M. Klklna, of I'rlnevllle, haa old the fine Klklna place In the outhern auhurlia of the city owned for many year by hi father, to Chaa Mauaolf, a fanner realtllng on the (,'orvalll road, for f 4,000. Mr Mauaolf will move to the city and make hi home on the Klklna place, a fine miliurlinn prowrty. Albany Democrat. The iieople of Crook county have now mi opportunity to Invest eonie money In one of their own mine The Uatewood Mining ft Trail I tig Co., of Howard, are placing 10.000 aharee of treaury etiK-k upon the market for the purpoee of aecurlug fund to I tic re nee the output of the milieu. The in I lie la now paying IU way and when the Improvement Are made ahould become a good dividend payer. See their ad on Drat PHV. , v v v v v v nr v if v J Read my Clothing Ad t WILL SAVE YOU MONEY 4 4 .H llI.K LOST: A IIOMiuldle near- ly new. A Miillnlile rewnnl will lie paid for It return or Information Ic'iilhitf to It recovery. J. A. Tkm- fi.KTiiM, I'rlnevllle. Oregon. 111.V ! not forgi-t the entertnlnnient tomorrow (r'rlilay) evening In the noM'iiilily room of the Crook Cotintv High Hchool. AnIiIc from nn Inter- eetlng program the oliject of the en tertainment In worthy your natron- age, The prmi-cil will lie ihmhI to make n payment on the piano. Carnation Chapter, (). K. S.. had n tine lime laet I'rlilay evening, (iriinil matron Nherwln wn the gueet of honor. She complimented the Chap. lei-on It protleucy In the work of the order mid enlil that It would compare favorably with any liMlgi In the Htnte. IT WILL PAY YOU TO WATCH THIS SPACE EACH WEEK A FEW Seasonable Bargains Representative of hundred of others we are offering Men' Henvv Winter-weieht Fleeced Underwear II a Suit Men. Celebrated Wright' Health Underwear I2nd 12.50 " Meira Hrown Heavy All-wool Underwear $2.60 a Suit We will nell you guarantee all wool Sweater in black or gray for $1.60. Thi i a bargain. Other Sweaters of equally good valuei at from $2 to $6. Men' Heavy Uerman Sox $1 and $1.25 Men' Huckle Overxhoea $1.50 pair Our "lock of Rubber Good U comolet and of this leaion' giMKltt. Look out for old rubber good. Some ecial value in Winter Cap and Winter Glove Fend ua a mail order. We guarantee our good to uit or they may be returned at our einne. Rideout & Foster The General Furnishing Store. a- j- ,a -a- II. 1 I'nrry. who C. D. Urowo and O. M. Weymouth. of the firm of C. I). Hrown ft Co., of llend, are In I'rlnevllle on a bUMlnena trip. A brother of II. F. Shepherd, the murderer, who la acute need to be hanged No vein tier 80, la circulating a petition for a pardon for the un fortunate man. The document net forth that It la the belief of the petitioner that Hhepberd la of nn aound mind and that at the time he committed the murder he wan Ineaue. All Our Millinery at 1 Cost l C W. ELKINS J I II II H II U If if .. .. .. Superior Grain Drills l Crooked river. vlltor the firt hna a ranch on wan n county aent if the week. thi etar ioi okiam or aooa A Kit KM It LOT OK LOWKKY'ri CANDY In I'M-kagee Prlc from Be le 11.60 Mall tinier Killed I'runipily 0. P. jfJamto t C iff i l H jji The tnllfHt and eliorteHt Sheriff of Oregon, iiixl Incidentally two of the lh't one, met III the court hi nine nt Albany, nay n tllHiuttih to the Telegram, when Sheriff Frank I'.lkliiri, of Crook county, gret'teil Sheriff I). S. Smith, of Linn. Klkln I 0 fi-et 3 Inche In helghth and Smith fci't 1 Inche. Sheriff Klkln wRMlntho city on a vlMlt with hi fnther, County Traeurcr Jamc I'.IKIII. Adolph llatikty of Portland waa In I'rlnevllle the laxt of the week to prove up on hi ttmlier claim. lU'V. Mr. Moore waa treated to a eurprlee party lat Thurxdny evening by hi Trine vllle friend. O'Nell' ealoon waa broken open early Friday morning and the till robbed of ft) In Hiuall change. K. It. Spark and (luy Alllngham are In town thi wi-ck from Lower lirldge. The 12-vear-ild hoii of Mm. Pitch- er, of tlrtiily, met with a painful accident Sunday morning. It aeema the boy win roping Home calvee And In mime way icot the Hecoud and tlilnl linger of hi right hand tanirl- ed In the roe with the rex lilt that he hi likely to lone the tops of hi linger. Dm. Ilelknap and Edward were called tt at tend the boy and t hey are doing all they can to eave the Injured fingem. Joe L!ter. of I'aullna, waa In town the other day. He had Juet returned from Shanlko where he de livered a bunch of beef cattle. I. Michel haa a flue window dhtplay of chlnaware. He haa fancy Japan ese and Hawaiian rooda tieMlde many other kinda beautiful In deelgn and flnlHh. The Black Butte Land ft Sheep Co. of Slatera haa aold 2M0 bead of lamb to C. P. Ragadale of Kent. The price paid waa $2.75 a head with a 5 per cent cut. The ehecp are to be de livered at Shanlko. Ike Mill haa moved Into Prttie vllle from hi rauch at Suplee. He wlnhed to give hi family the benefit of good school and hence bought the Wn. Coraba place on Klmt etreet for hla town home. J. H. Kelly of Tout, waa In town laet week attending to buglneea con nected with the estate of H. S. 8mead, deceaaed. Mr. Kelly reporU that he aold the personal nrooertv of the estate at public sale on the 3rd of thhj month. conMlatlmr f Mttk. There I to lie a Hhixitiug match for chicken and turkeya at Xltem, Or , on ThaukHglvIng Iay. Tins fentlvl tlea will wind up with a grand ball and supper In the evening. Every one la aaMured a good time. The committee on arrangement eoulu of t. M. Zutnwalt, II. K. Allen and D. L. Miller. Rev. Mr. Mitchell will preach In the Presbyterian Church Sabbath next. November W. Subject for the morn ing "Unseen Resources of the Soul." For im The Kword. IU Work and Doom." ChriMtlan Endeavor before evening service; led by Mine Beulah Crooks. Subject " How the Bible Condemns Intemperance." - n TRY US We collect everywhere and make no charge unless collect Ion Is made. We pie one our clients. ASK THEM f Addraai MoKOAM MtKCANTILa Co., Fenton Bldg. Portland. Ore. John Taylor, of Alkali Flat, waa doing buslnees In town yesterday. The following named persona prov. ed up on their timber claims before the county clerk within the past week: Hector D. Still, Mrs. Carey Foster, Cornelius Duggan, Adolph Haokey, C. M. Charlton, Sarah A. Wright, Fred C. Stimson, Chris Cohrs, Frank Foster and R. V. Constable. The "Foot" social given by Juni per Circle In Belknap hall Friday evening drew a large crowd. Attor ney Biggs made a good auctioneer but the ladles were somewhat shy of their feet. Not very many were offered for sale. Those that were put up brought good prices. Miss Allle Hortgan's "foot" sold for 12.25 and this being the highest price she waa awarded the priie of a tine pair or shoes. There waa a good literary program. Dr. BelknaD'a uaDer on the care of the feet waa highly com mended and the music by the mando lin club waa much enjoyed. l - . J Ejrtrlf CoDiUng of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Siagle Disks with or wrthout graaa need attachments. The effective feed method of lub ricating the dines, style of discs and other good points all combine to make the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made. Wo Carry a Full Line of Repairs Catalogues Mailed on Request. W. F. Dnert Land, Pinal Proof. Notice for Publication. United 8ute I and Office, The Dalle, Oregon, October 13. 19. H. liawley of Poat, Oregon, ha filed no- tlCeOlhiH lritjntl.m tj m.k. nm..rftn ki deaert-land claim Nn rr tha I.i. I 9 snd S of Section W. To. 17 8. R 22 E. W M. uciur wic uiuoit viera at rnneruie, ure goo, on Hie 7lh day of December, 1H08. II name the following witnesses to froe tbe complete irrigation and reclama ion of said land Howard M Charley Henry, of Paulina. Oregon. UU'HAk l T Kl k r -25p ReirUter. HOTICIOr XLECTI0H. A meeting of the Prlnevllle Fire Department will bt held the flrst Monday In December for the purpose of electing a chief and aselMtant chief. Time of meetlnir will be from 5 to 7:30 p. m. All members of No. 1 and 2 are requested to attend the election. Win. Draper. Pres. a. N. Clifton, Secretary. f S Strictly made to measure garment. The latest metropolitan styles. Prices within reach of all G0RMLEY, Timber Land, Act June 1, UTS. Notic for Publication. railed Bute Land Office, Nolle u herehv .Iv.n th.t l. ) . with the rri)iai,in. l th. . nine I, 1K7K, enlllled "d art forth ul. t.1 uniuvi Hum mtnc siaietol cailfi.rnia r.ru fon, Nerada. and Waahlngtoa Terrliorr ' a extended to all the Public Land Slate by act v. .KU. .w, uiw t.iiian. oi rrtneviue. MUBIVMrmnk fllat.AlAM.n I . ; - . W7&, lor tbe purchase ot Uta 814 & of Section NO. '2f In Tovnihin Ma I'). L -V.. i. W M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought i more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to mMu ner claim to asm land before the counit clerk st Prinerille, Orrfon, on the 10th ds of Jsnusrv, M07. f esrsora. Wslter O'Neil. George Merer - "M','"..ti, vi rriuevilie, uregon mtj a u u . 1 ! ill person claiming sd'erseljr the .buu. .id nuuwira 10 nie their elsim in thi office on or before said luth dsr ot jsauarj. 1MJ7 HicaaaxT. Noulk, Regliter. 4 Cll J IU- ft Fall and Winter Millinery 4 4 4 1 4 1 A complete line of all the latest styles. J MRS. ESTES Cause and Effect The Explanation: The 0. K. Market since establishing its business August 14, 1905. has built up a trade unsurpassed by any other opposition shop ever openend in Prineville. Why? Because ai the first they established their prices satisfactory with the people. That is the secret of the success which has attended their business. The rule applies the year around. We Carry a full line of the best meats, vegetables, etc, and expect to conduct our business in the future the same as in the past We Thank the Public for their Patronage The 0. K. Meat Market STROUD BROS, Proprietors Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention t'iiiliiiiii,liiii,4,4,iiiii,,ii,lt., ,,,,,, niLiinnnm iiii tn i Big Reduction In Hats Our Stock of Ladies Hats Consisting of all the latest styles will be sold at a big REDUCTION T. F. McCALLISTER & CO. r ti !- m I h ine laUlor j ! Comsr 2nd a.d Main Stre,U ft i m m I y r i w rw.. iua... - 1 1 m L i -JTT!; '''''''''s'ssssssss..sss.i.m.m..m,,,,,.m..m. I latiaiitiilitlnariaiiiiisj.ai tntusj n.,!,,!.!!, iMMMa.I,4tat. ,. , ...f , , .., . t , ,,,,,, J ,annWanaanWwnas ft Tmmmmmmmmm1'mmm BBBaBaBaBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBS.-9 'uj: .SSrasSBEAaXSSSaBBSBBBaeaaBBBaVaa. ' Merdiaodise $25,000 Stock of Sltapfle Groceries, Hardware, Shoes, Clothing Dry Goods, Etc. EVERYTHING REDUCED. Lowest Prices Ever Made InPrineville. J Stewart C ompaey aaaadO