Timber lnt. Ad inn . l Natic far PabUcta. fnO. late. jn.l Hflif, Thp Oalle.. Ori-frffll. Kri'intT '24. I "MS. Notice lii hereby given that in e.,tm.li.Hre with th nrnviiiiiin. of the .el of t't.nirr.-. of June , It. inlilrtl "An art fur tin- !' ( ttnilier land in the Hi.te. f ottui.mi.. ore Timber Land. A. t of Jim S. 1ST. Notic for Publication. t"nite.l St.tc Ijinl Onl.-. Ttif Ill.. Orvswu. smIht, t-. ..tiee i hereby fixer Hint tn iMiiipl'.nce aith On- ir..i coons ol the a,- nt Conerewnf June s, tv. tntnlsl "An a.t fur I ho wilo of limber lau.N In the Slate. o4 California. Orv- .n, Nevada, an.t wM,initin Territory, a .,, ,m, ii,W(o Un.l Siatea l.y act ajiennen xc a.iuie iiiinf inrtMi.ii .y aci . 4 lh (..nownn, -n.nt.Nt por-.n. nf A n vital at 1W KiltaM-fl Stui h ltsivtt. nt ' . . .. i . . a j i ...,. PonUnd. emiim- of Multnomah. Siatr ol On1- rn. hu Ihm 1r fHM in thin nffW hor sworn Ifttemcnt No, JttVi, fr the mvhuw ot tho N K1 ol Htvtion No. 2. lnTownlnp Nv t-"t S. tun No. 1H K. WM,m1 will mt rxt to how tht th Un mi?ht in mrr vIuhM (or lt timber or titont than (r ericultnrl fnr Kimhi, nd to entuhlih her nmm t Unit fore the cnutm drk i PnnoYiUo, Oixrmi, on th 10th dy of Jn'irv, UM7. 8h? names wiinoKuvn: WtlHm c. Fonl, Jnm S. Smith, r, M. rhd lon, Charlea A. tinvvt, of PrinovlHo. Orvrm. Any And all ieriNn rial mi n lvTstiy tlip wve--eoribca In ml are rsiutM t fiU1 ihttr claims in thin office on or N'for 10th tUy of Janunrv, W7. U-l-p Michael T. Nolas. Riftister. Juniper Butte Stock Ranch. Standard bred Stallions and Fllies For Sale. Al ways a few on hand for customers. JOHN SCHMEER, Breeder of Blooded Stock, Pout Crook county, Or. have, on Aiis i.i -it, m.nI in mt onn- th.-tr orn .int.'tttrniii. t.vwtt: . i i N. il, iviintv of mwk, fl of lr.-i:oti .worn p.i. -mom So rtlo. for tho tr, cli., ol tho i,!iK,. SKi, SK', ol Svtlon t tt.t S , N E1, ol So tton 3, T. IS & Kl K. t'.xhn II C.n. of O'Sotl. ronniy of Crook. !.!. of Hr.it'tt. norit ittomont No. SU'l. fr llio wilN li.M' ol tlio ,N,SIH4, SK. N. .n.l SW. SKi, of Sovtton A. Tp. It S, K U K. W M. An. I ill oiT.T r.Nr to nhow ih.l tli l.n l uicht ! mor.. l.i.Mo fr the tim!oror tono IhortNin than tor njinoiilltir.i inirNn. .it.i to 9imUU.1i Ihoir i'Uuh. to wii.l l.n.ts In forr Hi Couuiy clork, t'rinoitito, 1'wn, on J.nimrv n, Tliotr u.ni tho foUowing -trHm: l.ov C.N-nii.t John H. O.n'. ol i Soil. Oi-oti; C. A. Pun.-.ti, W lior O'Soil mt lioorso O'Nctl, of t'rinovtllo, ilnvon. tin .n.l .U i,or.on ol.itnintf ..hvraotv .ny of tho .lNivo-.i.n.'rifNNl i.n.t). ro ronuoi.to.1 to fllr titoir omtni in this iift.tNj on or ooioivtno nai.l Sih dv ol January, 1WT. ll l-P. MiiHKt T. Solas. Koiur School lioooks and School Supplies at A 1) A 31 SON'S jfeenderson Pollard Country Orders Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock Died. Additional Locals. K. li'tvtii-rti'ka I til from tli Julut Htm ram-lt.' At Sah in, tlnon. Novoinlxr Ttli, Mrx. Jaim O. llouthlt, npil , 1. . vtn. rue rvrunmn ! unmcm to frlnovllU' fur tmrrlnt amt wort' In lil Nnl.le lier hulMiiil In I'liiim ivsnotorv Ni)v'tiilir l:itl. The maiden until of the tliveimil wnn I.oiiln Jih Thntn. We wtts linrii nenr SprlnjiiloM. Mi-. Seittenilter W. 1. At 1.1 enn f hon.. i,eoriwil the tilalim with her Lw1 ,,, Bivt of th wwki iiiin.iitx with tin ox tenm. niiil net (ItNtl In l.tnti county, Orvtfon. Mie nn tiinrri.Nl to Junto O. IKntthlt Jtllv .V ImnI. They H veil oil the Ul.l Doiintlon vlnliu nenr llnrrllmrr until 1. when they moved to K:xt. orn llrotfon find m ttliNlon liny Crook In lsiKl they ui.iviMl to Trout Crook, tvli..n hIio hn Ktuoe llvotl with lier twoaoiiH, her lumlnutd IwivIiik 1( tmrtiHl thi lite February 2. KIT. At nu early n. kUo irofeed fslith In Christ and tor nearly forty year h II veil a couslintlou, christian life. She united with the Pnttnnt KlMooal church. IVst,Hl loavc oue dauliter and two son; two ulster and one brother mid a host of friends to mourn her los V. T. Todd, of Slater, w In town Monday. It. F. Ahalt. ot Howard. WtVKMer. eil nt the rolndester. Hi wot' Knox, of l'ot, I roKlHtor- eil nt tJie Hotel rrlnevtlle. KoU'rt Jordan, of SUtor. wa In I ffi Men's Suits from $12.50 to Ml M N3 I.. K. loiila. of Hay Creek tVKltere.l at Hotel rrluovllle. J. U. Howanl. thecnttleitiHii. from Lower Hritltfe, wn tit town Moiulav. I. M. Covert and Klva Moriau catneoverfrom Itodniond Vodnoday. A. t Sanforil, the Ma.lra inor- chant, waat the county oat Tuo. day. Mr. l.titherClnypool. ot Paulina. wn In town Monday nttenilluw: the funeral of her mother, Mr, liouthlt. John Ulllon water, of 1'iwt. wn trtuiMiU'tliitf busiue In towu till week. .t"r j" M:wv. TV. i-:7v V4 yW'Wmm First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel The Shanlko Hoiuililtoan III It lust Isaiio contained the following ttoin It Holiert U McMurtory of I rlno- ttbout Crook county people: i. J. vllle. will write to Koliert J. lvoil ot IMw anl and wife ot Havcreek won IUiulain. Wash., he will hear ot lt shanlko lnt , nltfht on Ihoir wav somotlilii); to hi advantage. home from a trip to I'ortlaud 10l.Vlmoi J. H. Coinott, a prominent cut tie m SB i i i fiita hi ! r ' ' - 1 OVERCOATS $10 to $25 $ Supply your Fall and Winter Clothinn llj needs at Wurweiler's Store; the lar- Jj nest assortment to select from. Kuli, Nathan and Fisher Company's AS "Sincerity Clothing" for men can't be beat for equal style Q and quality. Material and fashion the pjc verv latest. Sinule or double breasted A or straight fronts. man of rrinevllle, wa lit Shanlko Tui-day on hi way home from Portland, where he dollvorv.l n Inrm IkiiuI of cattle to the 1'nlleil Meat U'onilMiuy Kx-Slioriff J. II. i.ray of Crook county wa In Shanlko Thtirday wi'h n bunch of lnvf cat I It' for hipuiont II. I I'rldry jCroM Key wa In towu Monday on hi way homo from Portland where lie had taken a bunch of cattle VttJMBBBBHaMBBBW-NVMMMMMIiiBliMHV' . The Crook County Real Estate Co J Farms, Umber Lands and Town Property a brought and sold. Homesteads and Tim- n 1 . N1" ff . 1 r,,,.., on.l oof inl.tn.1 Dei VlailMS lAJvalCU, ""I irim aim ecu ni. i Call on or address 4 THE CROOK COUNTY REAL ESTATE CO Princville, Oregon. The Dalles Nurseries R. U. WEBER. Proprietor, The Dalles, Oregon GROWER AND DEALER IS FRUIT. SHADE fDCCC GRAPE VINES ORNAMENTAL I tELELO SMALL FRUITS ErtrgT"". Kk tmi Skrabbcrj, Hy.ciolhi, Taiipt, Lillitt, Dakiliu, Pewuet, Etc WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, IT IS FREE Remember our Trees are Grown Without Irrigation P. B. POINDEXTER, Agent PRIXEVILLE, OREUON The Morgan Meri-antile Conipan,v adjuster and collectors, of the Kent on ltldir, Portland. Oregon, arc earnestly striving to diwreilit the tl;ma that I jwnemlly applied to eollectino; nj'ucle. Thl concern Is rapidly fonrolnjr to the front on the Pacific Coast a reliable collector and it has built up for itself an envi able reputation for honoety and souatv iloauiifr witn us cueni. The merchant of the State have Chrl Cohr oivasloiioil hi frleitil lonit felt the need of a Company to much anxiety Saturday niht and which t her could irlve their ovonlno Snmlav. He trot four hiiudrcil tlol- noti" and account .tor collection I lar for the purpose of proving up on with the Muraiut that all moneys hi tlmlH-r lialiu, but instead of dolus collected thereon would lie promptly I mi went off on a 'hl(;h lum-smiio. remitteil. The Company iminU'r I ill won rellovotl him of most of tin amomr it customer the lentliutt money durini; tho day and uotlilnu iisim-s firm of Portland, and It more wn tluiuht of tho mailer police of iuakinir no charge whatso Hut Salnr.lav nhtht lion lini did vor tinlos collirtion Is made, seems I not show up at home it wasllioiiuht absolutely fair. Thi paper I satis- that he had w aiideroil off and fallen tied that the Company i reliable mid asleep somewhere. A the night w as we therefore have no hesitancy in I rol.l, si'tiniilng partle wen orgim nx'ommendlno; It to our patron. 1 and l'rlnovillc ami viciuity See their nd. on page throe. eoiired all night tor the uiisxIiiK man. He could not In' found. Sun day word reached town that lie wa ' u Antelotie. GatewootJ Mining Co. B. Cialcwood, manager of the Mayflower mines at Howard, nc couipanied by John A. McLean and T. W. Zitnniernian, returned recent! v from Scuttle. Mr. Mc Lean, who ia a mining gineer, comes to lake the fiijHriii tendency of the mine where con siderable work will be done along various lines of development and improvement this fall and winter Mr. uatewood spent a few hours at Shaniko where the first carload 0'Neil Bakery J In the Miller Building Closing Out Sale OF LADIES' FURNISHINGS, Etc. Having decided to discontinue from carrying Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line of these goods will therefore be sold at ACTUAL COST Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as it means a big saving of money to you. We have in stock useful articles of wearing apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices and you will buy. THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor THE MUG 0 tyi fj Us Ladies,' Misses and Children's Hj Winter Apparel ' fli Handsome Fall and Winter Coats of Gray rn shadow rlaids and Black and mixed Cloths - - $10 to $20 each M Prices from $15.00 to $25.00 per Suit 94 m Ladies' Walking Skirts of Fancy Gray Plaid Materials - - $4.50 to $7.50 each Misses and Children's Long Coats of all the tri !atc:t styles and materials. Prices range Jfl IH-IU - - yit;u to yibiiv v iv ii trcm m WURZWEILER & COMPANY M PRINEVILLE, OREGON Jr , mmmm to mm tm m mm .St SB Fresh Bread. Pie ami take t ulway on hand. J Pastry of all kind made to 9 order. PRINEVILLE, - OREGON . JI.JkJUI.JLil.JUJIJJ Notice far Pablicatiea. Iepartmi'nt of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles Oregon October 30th, IdOtl. Notice is hereby iriven that Susan E Ginson, of Post, Oregon, hag file.1 notice of her intention to make hnal five-year oroof in sut)iKrt of her claim, vi: Homestead tntry .o. i-rni nnnie ci concentrates irom llie aia Vliowcr February 23, ItHW, for the Sjfc.4 ot .jii i Bi,;nlM,l ... Tneoma a 1 V-l w'lTl-- U....:.... T I 1 ,,,ri " r" " f.: 1? a iSp w i ..t smelter. The load lack but five that said tiroof will be made before the tons of being complete i.nd these County Clerk, at Pnneville, Oregon, on are being hauled overland at 111 uereiuwr o, i.. i)rt.f.ent time, lies Reg beina lie . ill ru I I ruin iir miiiH iihi-ii iii I nil- nmvn hr rniitinnotm reninence uoon. I - ' and cultivation of the land, viz: centratea are the first ever shipped Wallace Poet. Doiiula hmea.l, Joseph out of Crook ceuntv. Mr. luile Post and Monroe W.hmea.l, allot lost, -o.d si.l th rarload lot of Ml) Oreeon. 11-1-p MlCltABL I. aOLAK, KPglHter. IS78. tons would average $100 a ton, making a total of fMOOO for the first shipment. Lxtensive additiona are to l made at the Howard property dur ing the cornina few month. A sawmill, hoisting plant and eloc Timlier Land, Act June 3, Notice far Pablktiom. I'nited Stuteg Iand Office The Dalles. Oreitoi , Augngl lHth 1900. K ia hurutiv tntran that in enm t.liance with the provisions of the act of trical generating plant will he in Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An stalled and a number of new build- act tor tne sale ot iiniDer lanus in uie jn s erecteil ag goon aH Iumlr can Mates 01 California, uregon, oevaua, . -- , . , . , ... rr.. : , ami Washington Territory' ai ezteml' he obtained from the mill. This el to all the Public Land States by act will be done to accommodate the of August 4, 1892, Albert Cubitt, of j families of the miners at present 4 rnnevuie, uregon, county oi . took, KOrkina in the Mayflower and Male on iregon, nan u.in utiy u.eu ,.. nimi, . . ;i(Wti. for the purchase of the S N VM I spring when the management; win and NVjSEJ of Section No. 30, in Town- j,ut on si working force of between Sliipj0.l3n,,lii,fe .iuioj,., n. .i. go aml 75 ,,, 'J he electnciil ana win oner proo. to . u. , ... . , . fu,,,., lMniluim.hr. 1. more va natile lor 1s t"""' tinils-r or etone than for agricultural the day and night ghi.ld which will purposes, and to eHtalilish his c.aim to In at work tit Xt spring, find the. en- r.s 1. j r 1 CJ r t L J LJ ri Li ri LJ r.i LJ n LJ n LJ r, T L J r-i LJ r i LJ r i LJ r.n L"J LJ n LJ r 1 LJ n LJ r 1 LJ LJ n LJ LJ GR AND Thanksgiving Evening NOVEMBER 29th AT P. A. A. C. HALL 111 r..-i LJ r "I LVJ F9 US1C DV AVL TICKETS DR. KING'S FOR COUGHS and COLDS. FOR WEAK, SORE LUNGS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HEMORRHAGES AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as the grandest medicine of modern times. One bottle completely cured me of a very bad cough, which was steadily growing worse under other treatments. EARL SHAMBURG, Codell, Kas. PRICE 50o AND SI.OO 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C paid land before the County Clerk at Prineville. Oreaon. on the loth day ol January 1907. He names an witnesses: L. 11 Hamilton, of drizzly, Oregon. Porter IJtiinn, of (i.izzly, On gun, Chri ColirH of Prinevi e. Oreoii. ami !-. J . i:w S'.in. of Prineville, Oitguii. Any and nil persom claiming adverse ly the alxve-lerciile-l landH are le- aiiested to rile their i lainia in this ollic on or before naid Kith day of January PMJ7. 11-1 p Michakl T. Nolan, RegiBter. Timtior fjiu.i, Act of June 3, 187H. Notice For Publication. United HihI.-ji I.kii.I Olfi. p, The Dnllen, Oregon, Auxuitt 1M06. Notice in hereby ifiveli tlmt in eiiuiiiliHlice with the rviiin of the net of liiiinraiol June 3, 187S, entitle'l "An art for the Bale of timber lamia in the Htatea of Cnlilornia, Ore (ton, Neva.iH, ami WunhiiiKton Territory," an extended to all the Public Land Hlatea by ai t of AtixuHt 4, lh'-Ti, the followiiiK named (hthouk liave on aukuhi tj, iki, nieu in una oiuee their Bwom stttiementK, to wit: lyju K. Naih,ol Mioliane. county ol Hookane, mate of WashinKtun, worn alatement No. 8i;i, for the puriMiuHe of the rAi wy and IxtH 1 and 2 of Hi clion 7, Tp. 14 8, R 18 K, W M. Arthur H. Wright, of Hiuikaue, county of HH,kane, Ktale of WanhinKtou, awom Hiitte tnent No. 'M:fl, for thenrchaae of the NW4 SK'i, H'i HVM and M'A of Section 12,T 14 H, K 18 K, W M. Arthur L. AnKell, of Hpokane, county of H.o kane, Htate of WatthiiiKlon, aworn HtHtiMiient No. 3i:. for Ihe purcliaae ol the HVi'4, NK'4 HWK of Hection 5 and KK N of Bection a, Tp 14 H, K 19 K, W M. Ttiev wilt offer proof to sliriw that the landti uotiifht are more valuable for the timber or atone thereon than for agricultural purpoHea, and to cHtabliHh theirelaima to .aid landH le. fore tiie Keffiitcr and Receiver, at the land of. flee in The Dalleti, ori'KOU. on novemiier zi, lllOli. Thev ' name aa witiiCKHeti: lu E. Nanh Arthur If. WriKht, Arthur L. Angell, . K. Hell, Fred K. Muucii, all of Kpokaue, WaHhfnglon. Hyron ijauy, 01 criiieviiie, ttregon. Anv and'all iierMoiia claiming adverKelv anv of the alM.ve-di'Hcribed landH are reilienled to file theirclaiiiia in tbta office on or before aaid 2:-lrit day of November, l'JOt) vs-ti MichaklT. Nolan, Kegistcr hoifitifig plant will handlfi the Off tnken from the chaft wliich into bo himk in a phorl time. Mr. (ifltewood 1.4 very fangume of the reaultf to he ol tuiiiiti at, the pimiertv next fi n-on 'I he initio is already on a pity.ng h if-in anil with an addition of five new HtampF, which will be irirtnlled as noon an they can lie chipped to the eround. and a heavy increase in the working force it in fully be lieved that the Mayflower will goon boon n par with other mi net on the Pacific const which from a money making hacit have long since forced their wav to the front. L'J r. 1 ' r.ir-rirx rir'r.irr:tr.x:-irri-'rarirr-rr"rTi LJljLJl-J.. LJLJLJl JL '.' L J.'JLJ. JLJLJL.IL JL JU JL J . i ir rr r ..'L JL'JL . L JL J . rn L'.i -r.trir.ir"r ir ir ir irp r.n .L JLJLjUL JL.L A'JL'.l'J rciiesira 1.00 THE PLACE TO ' I hp I 01101 THE PLACE T SAVE MONEY M-V CKAl SAVE MONEY I. MICHEL, Proprietor Crockery :: Glassware :: Toys . 1 Hero Grain Cleaner and Bagger t C. W. ELKINS 1 Our store ia a palace of Crockery and Fancy Chinaware. Fancy Japanoso and Ilawain China in beautiful designs. Cut Glass just as good as good as Libby's, but not as costly. Don't fail to look over this lot.' This is a new thing in (Uasswaro and makes a beautiful present, as well as being useful. Our Toy Table is brimful of fun for the children. Look over' our line of Toilet Sets, Albums, Fancy Sta tionery, and Postcard Albums. The Post card Album is a "new" way to keep your "old" postals. See Our Window Display of Chinaware r." LJ r.,i LJ r;.l LJ r.i L'J r . L J r-t L J r i L J ri LJ rn L'J u r.i lj . LJ rn L J r.n LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn L J rn LJ rn LJ rn L'J r.i L J rn u rn L J rn LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn L J rn vu r.n L 1 r.n L I r 1 L I ri L'J