POSTER & HORIGRN Are headquarters for the best of everything in their line. They quote the following prices on meats: Loin Steak 12oU per pound Hound Sleak HVt per pound Shoulder Steak 3 pound tor 25ot Prime Rib Roast lOct per pound riain Roast 7 and Sets per pound Boil IVef 6 and Ms per pound Pork Chops 12 Jet jr pound Loin Mutton Chop 12 Jets per pound Shoulder Mutton Chop KVts per pound Leg Mutton lCVt per pound Veal Cutlets 12 Jets per pound Veal Roast 10 to 12 Jets per pound Veal Stew 8oU per pound Sausage lCcts per pound Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or in tho chunk. We have prices that are RIGHT We also make a specialty of our own make of Hams, Bacon and Lard. Guaranteed to be striclty first class in both Quality and Flavor POSTER I 1 Vhe ft o jzecevtion SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED Post Office MAIN STREET K4 . THE HAMILTON STABLES BUCHANAN ALLEN, Proprietors PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent L Jh.Jk.JLJL.Jk.Jk.JL.JI..JL.JL.Ik. J LJL.JkJLWLJLJLJkJLJkJLJLJLJLJ Prineville Machine Shop E. G. HODSON, Proprietor I am prepared to do all kinds of Machine work (except casting) such as boring Engine cylinders, dressing valves and valve seats, fitting shafting for any kind of machine, also plow and edge tool grinding, saw gumming and filing. Having installed new and up-to-date machinery for the above work, I can, in most cases, save you money over sending to Portland for repairs, say nothing about time saved which is cer tainly quite an item. At any rate give me a trial and then you will be in a position to judge for yourself. A supply of material kept on hand at all times. Shop 100 feet East of Prineville Flouring Mills PRINEVILLE, OREGON Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko SCHEDULE Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville t a. m. Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m. First Class Accommodations L The Redmond Harness Shop J. H. EHRET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON A Complete new line of Harness, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A TRIAL Get The Habit Of Reading the Advertisements in The Journal, both Display and Local It Will Make You Money. Try it anyway and note the Results down HORIGAN I Box 92 PR1XEVILLE, OREGON . . ra r.a LJ E3 LJ r.a LJ r.n LJ ra LJ r.a LJ r.3 LJ C3 LJ r.3 LJ ca LJ r.a LJ r.3 LJ r.3 LJ r.3 LJ r.3 LJ r.3 LJ r.a L2 Shingles, Mouldings, Window?, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON u Liquor Pstitioa. To tlir HoiioraW County Court fur th lii nly uf Crook, Suit f Orui: Th iimtt-niiirm'tt rvsuu'uis ami li-sra! votrr of Hlack Huti ivrrcnot, Crook coiin'y, Or svrt, rr-fwifliliy rtiiioii ymr HonoraM IVxIy lu xrniit license o V. M. Kutuwall A It. I.. Nllllor, partneoliip, to aril spirit uous, limit ami vmou liquor atui sr-nu-nlrJ cider in ouautiUr Iran than on gallon in Klwk ttutt precinct. Crook County, Orravn, for a period of six month from ud afHr I t third day of November, W J Wood F M Booth John Schull lKutllt New K C Kler K K iMlmau CLJohaun JWAII.u W II Cyrus V" K Graham RK Jordan J Q Wikoa J K Kryreur M U Thomas H H Koe.1 Viet H K Oh tier U JUlinKliam T I Kr mar A U Tralian J S Union U I. Hntnton S Irirkson Ueo Wood It Wink la J K Kinmer J K Kullrr W A Vanhuaklrk W T K Wil.on John Ambli to Cyrus C C Buchanan Henry Crabtre. 0 L Ua.imun Hardv Alloa Frank Hod v felt M L Oliver Atex Smith liiss llindman E W KonerU M J Roberta baniuel Wiehl M C l.arvnc O L Alliiisliaru Ueo Knabla tj J Kitchiug J U Fry rear T Rwnn Marion Si il well BMW Hln.lman John Y Todd W N Cobb J eier J oh nson K L J oh naon I .re Cover Nolle is hereby (rivrn that th under ligned will pre 4 nt the foreiroinK petition to the County Court for Crook County, Oregon, on Monday, the ton day of Not.. I'JOli, kt which time they will apply to the ioun n a iireneio veil aptniuoun, man at.d vinou Imuora and hard cider in quantities less than one irallon in aaid pre rinct. County and Male in accordance with the nraverofthe foreKoina; petition Datitl this i;tb day of Sept., ItfcW. fct Zl'HWALT k MlLLM. Ia Tim of Peace. In tho firat rjinnllis of the Kusaia- Japan war we had a itrikinn example of tho necessity for preparation and the early advantage of thorn who, ao to speak, ' have Miingled their roofa in dry wealber." The virtue of preparation has made hUtory and given to ua our greatest men. The individual a wvll as the uation should be prepiirwl for any emeivency. Are you prepared to sucrowfully combat the first cold you take? A cold can be cured much mora quickly when treated as soon as it has been contracted and before it has be come settled in Uie svstein. Chamber lain's Cough Kemedy is famous for its cures of culUs and it should be kept at hand ready for instant use. For sale by I. t. Adarason A Co. Liquor Petition. To the Honorable County Court of Crook County, State of Orriron. We the under signed legal voter and actual mideuts of Asliwoo.1 frecinct in Crook County. Ore gon, respectfully petition vour honorable tKxly to grant a licence to llentoii A Urater to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors anu icrmenieu cmer at retail ami in less quantities than one gallon, for the period of six months in Ashwood Precinct, Crook county, uregon. A C Benton f i M Poindexter H C Grater Geo D Cardew H H lklken R F Berryman A W Grater J C Brogan Frank Suambeau J K O'Keliey John Creeran K O Huston C T Bradford Ed Klkins John A thee ton 8 8 Black Allan MacLennan Ed C Rannelt James H Jamson Geo R Zell Thos Braskett C P Maupin A H Hale J M Collins D 8 Hamilton W K Eads F Dumont D MeCarty W D Walker Lee Wood J W Klkins John Payne E D Goner Joseph Bannan C E Sandy O B Heath Fred McCollum Frank l)oak C 8 M'Corkle L W Tonitinson B J yuesinberry Bert James Grant Bra-kett Notice is hereby given that the above named Benton A Urater mentioned in the foregoing petition, will on the 6th day of i ovenuier, iuo, present tne a Dove named Detition to the Count Court of Crook County, Oregon, and apply for a licence to sen itpiniuuun, man aim Tinoua nquurs and fermented cider at retail and in lew quantities than one gallon at Ashwood in Ash wood I'rccinct, Crook County, Oregon for a period of six month. BsxTosi lb Gbatxr. Dated thU 20th day of September, 1908. Kids Happy for Life. Great hnppinf si came into the home of 8. C. Llair, school superintendent, at St. Albans, W. Vs., when bis little daughter was restored from the dread ful complaint he names. He says: ' My little daughter had 8t. Vitus' Dance, which Yielded to no treatment but gicw tteadtly worse nntil as a last resort retried tlectnc Bitters; and I rejoice to Sir. three bottles effected a complete cme." Quick, sure cure for nervous complaints, general debility, female weaknesses, impoverished blood and maUri.i. Guaranteed by D. P. Adamson & Co., and Temple ton & Bon's drug s ore. I'rice OUc. Katies tD Creditors. Kstate ofB. F. Zell, Deceased: Notice i hereby iciven by the undersigned ad- no tii.-l Tutrix of the estate of B. F. Zell de ceased, to the creditors of and all other perrons having claims against the said ea'ute to pre i nt them with the necessary k tidier, within fix months after the tir.-t i iiblicatioii of this notice, to the iinricrMguei, at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prineville. Oregon. Dated this 1st day of November, 1906, MARY ZELL. Admit. Mratrix cf the Estate of B. F, Zeil, Deceased , A Year of Blood. The year 1903 will long be remember ed in the home of F. . Tacket, of Al tian -e, Ky., as a year of blood: which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tacket's Iun'8 that death seemed very near. He wu ea: hevere bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began tak ing Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, with the astonishing result tnat alter taking tour Dottles 1 waz com pletely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guaranteed for hore Lunge, Coughs and Colds, at D. P. Adamsori & Co.. and Tern Die ton A Sen's drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Notice far PaUicatiaa. Eepartment of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, O.-egon, October 30 1906. Notice is hereby given that Henry Rockey, of Graz!y, Oregon, has filed notice of his intention to make final five- year proof, in support ot his claim, viz : Homestead Entry No. 9510 made July l, 1H01, lor the 848Wi, jNK$SW and SWJSEJi of Section 25, Township 12 H, Range 15 E, w M, and that said proof will be made before the Countv Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on De cemlter 8th, 1906. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon. and cultivation of the land, viz; S. W. Compton, Henry Montgomery, C. W. Palmehn, and L. II. Hamilton, all of Grizzly, Oregon. 11-1-p Michakl T. Nolan, Register. Timber liul, Act ot June : , 178. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Cnil.-d tUta liid Oltt.-, The Dalles. Onsrou. Ausiim a. tU. Notice ia hereby given that In compli ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con rem f June S, 1HTH. rntitleil "An act for the sale of timber laiula In the State of Oalttornta, tregon, Nevada, and Wash log too Territory." a extended to all the Public 1-and State by act of August 4, Ht'i Adolph liankry, of Portland, county of Multnoitiali, state ot Oregon, naa this day tiled in this orlice hia sworn statement No. SOlO, for the purchase of the N Ki of See- tioa Tt. lx H. K IH K. w. M. ami will otter proof to show that the land sought t more valuable for the timlier or atone tnereon than for agricultural purpose. and to establish hia claim to said land be fore the County Clerk of Crook County, at the Court House in Prineville, Oregon, on Novembers, IMuu. He names as witnesses! 8. J. Newsotu, Walter O'Nril. or Prineville. Oregon. Will Um McMcekin, Mary McMeekiu, of Orts- siy, Oregon. Anvamiall tieraona elalmlne adversely the above described lands ar requested to tile their claims in thia office on or before id 8th day of November. I'ASi. IM-p MtcwsiL T. Nolan, Register Timber Iand. Act ot June a, IS7S. Notic for Publicatioa. IVpaitmeDt of the Interior, t'ntled Hiatea ljtnd limw, The Itollea. Oreaon. July SO. lM. Notice U heretv atvea that In coined lance with the Bmvlsloaa of the act ttlXiwivMiif Junes, ltiT enUiled A act hir theaatcof unioer lamia In Hie xuibe o islirornla.lir. on. Nevail. and Washington Ttrrtlury," s extended to all the Pubtki Und Htalea hr act of Aiutust i. Ctiarlea M. Cliarllon. of euuem, eouniy or Marion, auti or orrffon, naa tbla day Rled In Ibis office hia sworn stole men! No. IS, hr the pnrvtiasa ot the Kl NITfcSWS Mk'asaa !xni4 K' orHmlio flk Tt. x V. H. IS K.. W. M.. and wilt ortVi proof to show that Om land antmtit la mora valuable ror in uiuner or sum inereon lliaa nr f ((cultural purfiosm. and to eaitiltati hi claim to aald laud tenn til Ckninty Clerk ofOoik County, at tln'lurl House In irlnevHle. Onwxw. on Novemlwr S. tMav ttenamoa as wltneasnu (s, J. Newsoni. of. rrinevllla, Ortvon, luiam Mi'Meekln, ilrt aly, Oreun; t'srwy W, roster, Hubert Uwrrtua- un, mneviue. Any and all Persona eialtntiur adversely the aiwyeMleaertbel lands are requested to Ale their claims tw thla office on or henkra snld th day of November, 190. Mu-np Mn ai.T., Helsler. Timber lnd. Aot of June S, 1TS. '( , Notice for Publication. United Htatea Uod Office. The Dalle. Ore on. A usual Isfv. ltua. Nolle la hereby siren that In com oils nee with lite provisions of the act ofOouaresa of Juuet, IsTs, entitled "An act lor the sale or limber lands In In mate of ralllOrnl. Ore ton, Nevada, and washlncton territory." a extended toall In Publloland Hlalr by act of Ausust 4, 1SKI lb Mlowlns-nsnmd pr- have Died lu this oftbv theirs wvrn slate- menu to miu Kay V. Constable, of Prineville, county of I rox. slate or iiresnin. sworn statement No. J04X. tiled Aucusts, HAM, ror the purchase of I h am' s',. w l m and aw ' a S of r ( I. ... ... T.. T . u ft I u V u. U Ulllan M. Foster, of rMuevtlle. county of ITouk. state or imvim, sworn Ntk. BI, filed Aususi I, 1WM, flr the min-liiv of tlieh', tVcUon 14 and NWof rfeeUon A T lx , It 1 F, M. Cornelius tluaaan. of Prtnerllle, county of I roox. slat of Or on. sworn statement No. J8, Bled August 17, IMJa, for the pun-lmsenr III MiH of Hecuon O. TP, n H., K. IS IC, W. M. That they will onVr proofs to show that the lands soufht are more valuabl for Die tim ber or stone thereon than (or agricultural purptwes, and to eatabllah their claims lo said lands before the County Clerk of Orook County, at Priuevllfa, Oregon, on November s, liSJB. They name the fttllowlns witnesses: H. A Poster, A. C. Knlchlen, Floyd A. Howell, Frederic C HUrason, William McMeektn, Robeit Harrlncton. M. A . I'rose. Charles A. Crooks, John . Crooks, Hyrun lady, Prine- riii. urecon, ana Charles M. cnariloo of Haletu. Omron. Any and all persona dalmlnc adversely any of the above-deswrllwd lands are request ed to file their olalma In thla ofOoe cm or be fore the aald th day or November, 1WM. S-So-ip MichablT. Nolan, Kcclstor Timber Land. Aot of June a, ISTS. Hotke for Publicatioa. United States Land Orflc. Th Dal les. Onwon. Ausust 2&. IsDS Notice I hereby given that In enmpllane with th provision of lbs act of Oodst rests of lunet, URH, entlUed "An act forth sale of timber lands In tne male or California, lire- son, Nevada, ana nasliliiftoa Territory, as extended lo all tne rubiio-iana male by act of Ausust 4. ISVX the rollowlnt-named persons have on July SO, IMJS, Bled lu thla of fice their sworn statements, to wlu Henry t. Uoesly, of Hpokane, county of rlpukane, slate of naa bins tun, sworn state ment xx muz, ror in purchase or lb NS nwv, ri W5 MBA. ana s f or unction S. Tn. 14 B.. H. IS K.. W. M. Arthur W, Paterson.of Spokane, county of Mpokane, slat or w aablnslou, sworn atate ment No. Suut, hr tbe purchase of tbe N1 ow nw or neciion iw ana wrv NE4of Heetlon 9. To. 14 8.. R. If K.. W. M. Fred J. Rlelly, Hpokan, eounty ofHpokane, siate or "aaiiincton, sworn statement no. Vila, for tbe purchase of tbe NK' of Heetlon li. Tn. U 8.. R. IS K . W. M. That they will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable ror Ihe lim ber or atone thereon than for agricultural purpose, and to establish their claim to aald binds before tbe Register and Receiver at th land office In The Dalles, Oregon, on November 7. Tbay nam tb following witnesses: Henry P. Hoesly. Arthur W. raterson and Fred J. Rlelly. of Hpokan. Washington: By ron Cady and A. O. It nigh ten, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely any of tbe above-described lands are request ed to fil their claims In this onto on or be fore th sal 7tb day of November. ISO. MO-p MichaslT. Nolam, Register. Contest Notice. Department of th Interior. United Hlatea Land Office, Tb Dslles, Oregon, September , lSUo. A suOctent contest affidavit having been fit. d In this office by Carl John 8undulat, con tesunt. against homes tesd entry No. 142U4, made February IS, IMS, lor N WW, Section 82, Township U S, Rang 14 E, W M, by lohn C. Faber, Contestee, In which It la alleged that aald John C. Faber has wholly abandoned said tract; that h has changed his resilience there from tor mora than six months sine making aald entry ; that said tract la not settled a poo and cultivated by said party as required by law; that all such failures still exist; that said absence was not due to hta employment In the army, nary or marine corps of the United 8 tales in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to aipar, respond snd offer evedence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on November '20, IMS, before Warren Brown, Coun ty Clerk, at bis office In Prlneyllle, Oregon and that anal hearing will be held at 111 o'clock a. m. on November 27, lDut, before the Register and Receiver at the United Suites Land Office In The Dalles, Oregon. Th said contestant having. In a propr aft) davit. Bled Ausust 7. 180$. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notic can not be made, It is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given Dy uue ana proper puoucaiioa. 10-U-pd hticMASL T. Nolan, Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 13, 1U08. Notice Is hereby aiven that Manford D, Nye, of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled no tice of his intention to make final live- year proof in support of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 7739 made Novem ber H.189, for the H'A BK, NEJ HE'4 andSK NEW of Section 5, Township 18 H, Range 18 K. W M, and that said proof will be made toetore uie oouniy uiers, at rrineville, Oregon, on December 7, luuti. He names the following witnesse to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, vis: John Milliorn, O. H. Nye, P.O. Milllorn, Austin Kiser, all of Crook, Oregon. 10-25p Michael T. Nolan, Register. Notlcs for Publication. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October 13, IH08. Notice is hereby (riven that Walter E. Helfrich, of Latnonta, Oregon, has riled no tice of his intention to make final five-year m-oof in suDDort of his claim, vis: Home stead Kntrv No. 7804 made Decern her 4. 1899, for the B'A NW and BJ NEJ4 of Section 16, Township 13 8, Range 14 E, W It , and that said proof win oe matte oeiore the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on December 8, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. the land, vis: J. R. Helfrich, J. a. Helfrich, b. i. Pierce, E. M. Love, all of Lamonta, Ore gon. MICHAEL A. NOLAN, 10-l!5p Register. SProfosstonai Carets JV. Jf. wtM SmtA & Jostsr 3V ? Parm Lends, Slock Ranch. City Proper. l .! Tln.l. 1 I . .l title examined and correctly reported. eft Cli,H, vve, Ortfm. Vv.v. t?rwjru. C. Cdmmtt JT. P. 334knmr Belknap Cd wards Otmm Jtlur Par W gesw' Aa Maw asm sn,m tCVasANM AH mm WfVA. vv"v Ortf. lPAjf4inH ) iainw) Calls Asswsaso Paoamv Day oa Niuhv twin tN a nooa Noaru or Anos's DBUHSnna. KasioaMca Orruairs Mstmiwisv I'Miiaca Vvsm, Vjri Notice of Html Settlement. Nolle is hereby given that Ihe under, algneil has tiled her r'lnal Account aa K- ecutrlx of the Kstate of M. A. Moore, de- ceacd. with the County Clerk of Crook county, Wtnte of Otrgon, and the County Court ofmilil county haa fixed Monday, the 3rd dnv of IHwemher. I',si at 10 oVIik k in the l u. noon as the time for heariiiu aald unit! count and any objections that may be made thereto, ami for making an order of tlnal wttlenient in said matter. Dated and publishnl lirsl time October litn itasi. risskH K. moons, Kxecairix i f Ihe estate of M. A. Moore drceaisril. 10-H-7t Famous Strtks Brwaksrs. Thet mo-t famous stiike btvakers In the land n.c Dr. King's New I.ifo Pills. n hen liver and bowels go on strike, they quickly eottle the trouble, and the purifying work goe right on. Keetcure lor constipation, headache and diaaineas. socatl). f. Adamaon A Co., and Tern piston A Hon, druggists. Timber !nd. Act of June 3, 1878, Notice for Publication. United State Land tittle. Th Dalle. Oregon. October 20. ltMI. Notice Is hereby given that In cotnoll snce with the provisions of the act ol Con gress of Jon S. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Htales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory,1' as extended to all the Pub lic Land Mtates by act ol August , imn, tbe following-named persona have, on September 8, UtJ, Bled ill this oitle their sworn statements, to-wtt: Uus tkiluerg. of llotiulam, county of Chehalis, stale of Washington, sworn statement No. 3180 for the purchase of the Hh'-i, bK'-i HWl( and Lot 4 of Section 30. Tp. 12 8, R 17 K, W M. Fred T. Lenfcsty, of IIoxuiam, county of Chehalis, stale of Washington, sworn statement No. 3181, for the purchase of the NhXa. NK 8W( and Lot 3 of Section 30. To. li 8. R 17 K. W M. James (1. Cooper, of llotjulam, oounty of uuenaiia, state ot w aaiiington, sworn statement No. 3182, for the pun-has ol the KVi NWW and Lot t and x of Section 81, TP. 12 8. R 17 K.WM. Prank K. Redlern, of HoUiain, eounty of Chehalis, state ol Waahimrton. sworn statement No. 3183, for the purchase of the WWHW,, BWNWW ofHc-tionS3anil HKjbKH ofHeclion 82. Tp. 12 8. U 17 K, Hannah Lenfesty, of Hoiiulam, county of Chehalis. state of Washington, sworn statement No. 3184, for the purchase of the BK, of Hertion 21, Tp. 12 8, It 17 K. W M. And will ofler proofs to show that ths lands sought are more valuable for the timbei or stone thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish their claim to aald lands before the Register snd Receiver at lbslslles, Oregon, on January j, iwri. They name ths following witnesse Ous 8olberg, Fred T. lenfesty, James U. Cooper, Frank K. Redfern and Hannah l.enfenty, of Houuiam. Wa-hlngtoii; John W. Ritter. ofFriiievllle. Oaegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of tbe above-descrilied lands are re quested to Sle their claims in this office on or before tne saia Yin day of January, iuuy. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 10-2Sp Register. The Exact Thing Required for Constipa tion. "As a certain purgative and stomach Eurifler Chamberlain' Btomach and iver Tablets seem to be the exact thinrr rexiuirexl. stronor enouirli for the most robust, yet mild enough and safe or children and without that terrible griping so common to most purgatives," say K. h. weDster A CO., cuora, un tario, Canada. For sale by D. P. Adam son & Co. Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1878. Kotlce for Publication. United Htutes Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, October 20, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con gress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the Htatcs of California Oregon. Nevada, and Washing. ton Territory, as extended to all the Piil itc land states by act of August 4, 18t, the following-named persons have on Hep temher 15. 1U06. Hied in this office their sworn statements, to-wtt: Owen C. Ogden, of Houuiam, county Chehalis, state of Wshinfrton. sworn statement No. 82fX). for the purchase of the BE NWJi, HWW tiFM, Ix)ts2and8of Hection 1, Tp. 13 8, R 17 K, W M. Herman Hubble, of Houuiam. county of Chehalis, state of asliington, sworn statement No. avtrl, for the purchase or the 8KW of Section 33. To. 12 8. R 17 E. W M. Florence Hubble, of Houuiam. county of Chehalis, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 3201, for the purchase of lot 4 or section 8, ixts i, -i ana a or Mo tion 4. Tp. 13 8, R 17 E W M. And will oner proof's to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricul tural Duruoses, and to establish their claims to said lamis before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on January 15, 1907. They name the following witnesses: Owen 0. Ogden, Herman Hubble, Florence Hubble and J, K. Mcl'aune. rloquian, Washington: J. W. Ritter and R, E. Jonas, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are re uuested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 16th day of January, 1907. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 10-25p Registr. M t J Sonera ffilacksmithing X lloMMKsiioKiNti, Wood Wohk, to, Neatly and 1'homiti.y Ionk Wmkn rr m Ionk Hr : : : ftobart 77oorc t j Satisfaction Will I'hinkvili.e, rir;rrr!sst. O'Tfeil Brothers ftt0r Jfmt9 Flno Wlnos, Liquors and Cigars, also Supplies r1 Solo Agents for Hop Oold Door and tho Famous Napa Soda dirnAlr Txad.o Solicited, w Mnderson Pollard Wines and Liquors Be Country Orders Solicited First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel The Opera Saloon C. A. BEDELL, Proprietor In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in Every Respect Choicest Brands and piacksmithing ft Is Th Kind You Get at J. H. WIGL1JS (StioocMor to) COKNKTT & ELK INS A Stock of Farm Machinery wnifiinnrnrrirnninirisriiir'nar'iiiininirir'fiiniriafln" LJ fill THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop. JFor jCadies and Scntlcmcn 77fcals and 5&acery jCunch Ctl LJ Li CBJ EH ra ca cut ra V'J r.a Board by th weak, $5.00 with riarnrjnnnrnrBr.nnnrnniarnBB iQycyuyLiuuuuyyuuuyyuuuyL'uituuyuLiuuyuuuuuuu f FOR Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpets, Rugs Linoleum, Matting, Lace, Curtains, Win dow Shades and PoleB, Wall Paper Lincrusta, Doors, Windows, Transoms Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Cooking Utensils, Wash Machines, Churns, Etc., go to i A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. I and save from 10 to r. v a M li He Guaranteed Okkoon. Finest Cigars raasmB Uf In Stock of Liquors, Wines Cigars 2n That Pleases always on hand room, $6.00. Maal Tlckats, $4.00 ft 20 cents on Every Dollar ra ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra ra CJ ra LJ ra uu ra tj ra LJ ra L J ra LJ ra uu ra LJ ra t j ra