Give Uf Fire Protection. Und adjusted and dutifully fin-Ul lour iw-rvoir sites, Mch being J " -" R?JW3WW7mrWW Ifched. on branch olth. Turn.- ' POP Q A R I lJaJ-iSJiaN r. w.... TH av . . . i I It rrtt . . II The auction of providing ade- engnw will K spienuia 10. ine estimating rnginrrr -in aunt mean (or fire protection using uw im oi lire now. or nere in a iew .,. anu w. A.ii..t ,.iaU a dee., ln.ld on '2i inch. In fact at Sebastopol, make estimate- of the capacity the minda of our business men. -California, they uned -mm oi ana com oi construction oi inese They all appreciate the necessity connection with our reservoirs and it U now believed . ....... v.. .1. encine while verv manv of our CU!- that these will prove feasible sites II I irflllllkl. HI'I Hill. flir llttri ii wt - c - a I fentielees condition was Residence in .'rinevilU Inquire of 1). l A DAMSON . x, . t I I 1 1. a iV ... a ... . t(Minm UM lixiu 101 ft mi warveiv I ami uuu juuuinu wmrr mar home to everyone of them at thesny lean than HW. Using tuou aiomi io luruian an amine aupp.y recent fire. Thev all realize that j ! of fire hose we guarantee that for the segregation. not much would have been left of or Mnch stream can be Another thing that w content- Prineville had it not been for the i thrown horizontally a distance oi plated la the maung ot a new neau fortuitous change in the direction ; nom iw to iz; ieei, or using w . ,m. .,ir -tk,., of the wind at the time of the fire. nes of hose, 500 feet in each line, down the Tumalo from the prea They do not propose to take anv'i-ncb and a .-inch stream can ent intake oi the t,oiuroi.ia tutr. more chances. With this thought be thrown a horizontal distance of ern Company. This will serve in mind E. G. Hodson. chief of the j W to 100 feet each. two very important purposes; first, P,;ill. flr rlen.rtment. has The engine will develop an actu- it will enable the water to r car- . . .... . - t F - . .... I . . l . n;nii.tina the cl.ima made I 15 horoe-power and will force nea on a grade irom me creei io h the Watmna Engine Works I the water on the flame under a the lands to be irrigated and avoid Co. of St. Paul, Minn. This firm ! pressure ot from iH) to 130 pounds the abrupt drops in the canal as it has for a number of veare put on to the square inch. 1 his will give now exisw. mis w.u serve w the market a gasoline fire engine 1 you a good idea of the effectiveness conserve a large amount of water .Wh nlfl n ei snlendid satis- o this machine. mai is now ios vj s-pKC am. faction. It is adapted to the needs! "Another valuable feature is evaporation. It will also permit of small cities and towns and does' that it does not require an expert winter irrigation, which is impoa- nnP-half as much as i engineer to operate it. N e send sible with the intake at it present we would have to pay for a steam'" our own expense with each en- location, owing to the high alti fir. nf,in Th Mtpr to Mr. i gnie we sell, a competent engineer uue. Hrwlann reaA a !, i from OUT UClory 10 make me ae- neueau irni ui iui iiiuiiivi . , . . ,,t iliverv tests, do the work that we are in the vicinity oi broken lop e BIT K1U IU HIU" IIMl J , " , . .....I i I W. I p . : . . . J. ..n: mnnntain a rFV htoh alflltlilA c . .1 1 . . I . n . 4 a nljlal a ...... A a I Ka .j-Mt 1. 1 (V ii i ,-, ' siruci ine nre aepariment now 101 u,uD "." scenery oi ine i acme I1VII - F J la tka Mill.r Buildtaf Fwh Urend. lt nnd t'Hken ulwjiy on tmiul. rnatrr ot nil kinds mnde to order. PRINEVILLE. - OREGON i chine. It will also onerate for Coast, including alaciers, water u i r t AnA - take care of and oterate the ma nincenl a j-. -,f. . O A 4 Vv a Ann!naa rkl tAirn Tr Tided' we can prove them to be a ! hour9 l - time without stopping, falls, deep gorges and great moun- reliable machine. We fully ap preciate your anxiety on this point and as you state "reliability in the ! requiring practically no other at- wins covereu wuu prrpriuai mtu, tention other than oiling occasion- and if the water of this snow may ally until the engine is shut down, be conserved by storage reservoirs, TH- : V. 1 J I llviin 4 Kaa a-tar en t-irl V frar I hi at HPO gasonne engine, esieciallv a gaso-iUfvv mn wlnl . . ' line fire engine, is a mosl import-! " h 15 hou" " regregat.on, which contains some ant point to be considered." be- or. at one time. of the ch lands in the state . , ! LJisi may we aeiiverea one oi ., , i,i v, ji .,i ;a our engines w rorin tvena, wre- w time to be lost "in adjusting lhe n, and among other recent sales road, which crosses the Deschutes J ' . ' T l 1 1 V- )..... I w ikn ,i .11 .;wt will hd .1.- are ran jjeanaro, v. aiuornia: jvens-i '" ma V"V , . .. , . , , ii.i . i Warroad. Kooseve t. Men maue 10 oiossom use me rose ami , , . the fine climate, rich soil, and at Juniper Butte Stock Ranch. Standard bred Stallions and Fllies For Sale. Al ways a few on hand for customers. JOHN SCHMEER, Breeder of Blooded Stock, Post Crook county, Or. different parts in order engine can operate. "We might atate at the outset ington ahca, Darfur, Solway, Oslo, Miz niitri Miniijmt., iwi-oFriliu .11. 1 1 tractive scenery will brine thous mat our gaso . ne nre s no Michigan: Le Claire, -nda of settlers to this fair land. experiment, but is the result of Cle- pin I rvar - . . ; . waiu 4avau( vsa faaN m oriiarionra in t ho manil. ; .iburne, Texas; Pea pack. New Jer-i bucks for Sale facture of all kinds of engines, and ! . .. . further we might state that before ! -V' V' -erae, , At the T s. HamilU)n nn,ht ne.r the engine was offered to the pub-j J e,U,rne' Aftra',3 A.hwoojl Crook Co Oregon. Three , Manitoba; and others. The en- hundred head of yearling IVlaineiand licit was first fully tested at our, s Mernofc NonebetU)r in th. factory and the tests proved the'?. . ... country. It costa nothing to see them mechanical construction to be cor- : years ago, CIIIU UU11I1K . 11V hue 1 1IU HI t J - , . , , , , . 1 satisfactory ciJgiuc line urtrLi uu iuc uiaj an, (sine 189S) we have sold hun dreds of these engines and they are today in service in nearly all the states of the Union, besides many in foreign countries and they have proven themselves to be without exaggeration the most ef ficient, most practical, reliable and imtsv rola An Nina tvi a r n f " 1 1 1" . ... recently ea on the American uontinent, ; i hcate of one we sold them two which engine was so that they ordered a country, it eoeu nothing All customers treated alike O-'JU-lm Lost, Strayed or Stolea. - 1 duplicate engine last summer.! One gray mare about 9 years old Some time aeo the war denartment brande.1 CX on right stifle. $10 reward t Whin7tnn r.;n..l hrA PiJ ,or return ot same to Morrow V'oanan'a rn ixli a 1 ii atiwnBA nt nt a br I fi (7 ui army uuicers to couuucv an ex- delive Frank Lyons, naustive test ot our hre engine lO-MU Haycnk, Or, with a view to ordering an engine for service at the important army posts. The test was perfectly satiKlactorv bo rrmcn bo that wp delivered one of our No, , . . f,ra . . . . , . v ii.iuto iui uit ci.iw at i uu ana wey are posiuveiv me iueai:,r ... . . c -.I .1 u i i i Myer, V lrginia, the volunteer fire departments for service in any small city or town. "The engine is fitted or provid ed with two methods of starting that is by the electric spark, which is provided by means of the "jump spark" system, such as is used on high grade automobiles and an im proved Bunsen burner with a plat inum hot tube. By means of the electric eparker the engine can be started instantly, while with the Bunsen burner and platinum tube we guarantee that the engine can hp flt.nrt.pfl in t.Via pnlrlpct. a'patlipr t in from two to four minutes time which is remarkably fast lime and much quicker than the firemen can unreel and connect the hose and be ready for a stream. "For use in cold weather, such as is experienced in the Northwest, the engine is provided with an auxiliary vaporizer so that the fast time referred to can be made right along, regardless of the atmos phere. The engine works perfectly in all kinds of weather, as indeed it must do in order to be an ef fective machine and your people need not have one minute's hesita- Clean Up. The proHrty ownera of the Otr of Prlneville are hereby notltled to clean up their premises. Soe to that your yards and back alleys eon tain no rubblHb. or waste itaoer. one ot the import The city ordinances regarding ttiette ant army stations in the country I matters will Ih? strictly enforced and iust across the Potomac from KW-tf J- Ckooks, City marshal Washington "The price of our No. 2 engine complete with equipment includ- An persona knowing, themselves to ine, .nrtinn hn witt, .t,;, Indebted to me will pleae make . . . , , . ' some arrangement to pay the same play pipes with nozzles, lanterns, either , wh()le r pilrt. Xlle nrt hand pole, drag rope, rope reel, ha left me without a home and tool box, wrenches, tools, etc., is must have the money to rebuild am fifteen hnnflrf.fl nfl tnnto. five fumlHh the same. Notice. ($1525) dollars delivered at Shani- ko. j "If you wish we can send vou a j detailed specification and proposal i that you can submit to the coun cil. We take it that you already 10-ll-2t Yours Iteectfully, Dk. E.O. Uvkk. Strayed. There came to my place near Ia- monta about three weeks ago tw horses answering the following lie have fire hose and hose cart. If scriptlou: One black gelding, brand. not we will be glad to include this M with double X with bar dow in the price of the additional equip ment in our proposal." Plenty of Reservoir Sites. A Laidlaw special to the Ore- gonian says that Engineer A. L. Aldridge and crew, who have been working under the direction of State Engineer Lewis, and the set tlers on the Columbia Southern Irrigating Company segregation, right end of X on left shoulder, weight about 1200 pounds. One light gray or white horse, branded with diamond lying down, weight about 1200 pounds Both horses are broke, Parties proving property can have the sume by calling at my ranch and paying pasture bill on same and the cost of this notice. 18-4t Embhy Sbalks, Lamonta, O DuMlatiea f Paruankip Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the have just returned from the head Arm of Wurzweller & Thomson has waters of Tumalo creek where thev dissolved by mutual conseti " 1 mi a .1 rr . i . Ii Iiavp ln maVinc .,,. fnr trm i "omson anu Armur nooges ins- tion in takins this for wanted. L. . ,i. posing ol tneir interests in tne l.usl . . ... . ' F"J u.0wci...8 11 nine are to w, Wur-Welw who will otherwise you can readily under stand the engine would not be a practical, fire fighter. "The pump is fitted for 2$ inch feasible reservoir sites. The Turn- conduct the same in the future und alo is the source of water supply the firm name of VVurzweiler & Com for the Columbia Southern Hetrre- pany. All outstanding accounts I (ration and owin tn an ainiarenf I are puyauie to n. mom. F3 F3 '.vi ...! A I. .. M 11. .,1 . t C V.-J1 l ii. .., 1 Bull cum nrtnui iiuiir-Ft. iiii-nnrn, uic uwiv niouuai i j anu an yvc liu- ; riliui lilge VI water IOr Hie BUCCeSSlUl rpij uce you wihu an engine to be I reclamation of the project, there drawn by hand we would recom mend our No 2 size, which weighs complete with equipment about 3100 pounds and is fitted with two hose gates for discharge and 3-inch suction inlet. The suction hose is the best quality smooth bore suc tion hose made same as used on city e team fire engines. The wheels are the celebrated "Archi bald" fire apparatus wheels, which are also specified on all high grade fire apparatus. The springs are oil tempered, axles, forged steel and the engine throughout is con structed of the very best quality of material, assembled by skilled workmen in up-to-date factory. All parts are perfectly balanced project, has been considerable friction be tween the settlers and state land board on the one side and the Irri gating Company on the other. ine matter reached a crisis some time ago when the settlers called a mass meeting at laidlaw and after mature deliberation de cided to emplpoy engineers, who would work under the direction of the state engineer, to make a com plete re-survey of the entire pro ject with a view to determine if there is a sufficient water supply for the segregation These engineers began their la- oinson and Hodges desire t. thank their many customers for past patronage and favors, and trus that they will continue to patronize the new firm. Wii,!, Wukzwkii.k A. Thomson, Akthijii Hoimjks. Wounds, Bruises And Burns. liy applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruiees, burns and like injuries before lnnummation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and about one third the time required bv the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph ol modern mru- ery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poison in Keep a bottle of rain balm in von nors eariy mis monin and on their home and it will sav you time an ( i -ii . i ii.., money, not to mention the inconveni -" en!e anii guttering such injuries entail iney nave discovered anu survey-1 ror sale uy u. r. Auamson & Co. .aVafcafc.2 House and Three Lots for Sale lloiiNe, Ham and three lota for sale. Ikwt location In town. Cor. 2d and It U. Aiuily'to T. J. I-Vnruem.n. Cr-.M.k, Or. $ Men's Suits from $12.50 to $25 BMW ft PC FaU and Winter Millinery i Grand Opening, Monday October 8th. j A complete line of all the latest style. SMRS. ESTES Corner 2nd and Main Strt If A FULL LINK OF Machines and Records ALWAYS ON HAND. THE WINNER' CO. Prinetille Oregon Tliutwr Land, Act of June J, 1TS. Hotic for Publicatin. t'nlted HtUM Iind Offlop, The Dalit. Orrcun. tx-Uiber a. IK0S, Notice Is herelir given tlmt In compliance with the provtMiona or the act of (-onirn-tui of June 8. 1S78. enlltlrd An act for me aale ol timber landa In the HI a lea of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Waahlngtun Territory," a extended to all the Pulillc Itllii HlaU-a bv act ofAuguHl 4, PW2, the following-named per- aonii have, on Ht-piemoer in, niea in in offlra their Kworii HtateinentH. to-wll: Thomaa Enilerwin. or rlotiuiam, eoiiniy or Ohehall, alate of VVaahlngton, aworn mate- nient No. Tor the purchane ortlie r' N Wii and Hi NKf-i ff Meotlon it. Tp. 13 (, E 17 R. W M. John B. Gllleaple, ofHoqulam, county of rhehallH. mnte of Waahlnglon. aworn Klate- ment No. 827S. for the purcnaae of li! or Hectlon I, liU 1, 2 and S of ueoion -i, i p. u n, K 17 K. w M. Jamm R. McCauley, of HiMiulam, county of ChehalU, mate of MaahingUm, aworn maie- ment No. 3-74, for the purchaw of the N VJi and NS HKS of Meotlon 4, Tp. U H, R 17 E, w M. And will offer proof to atiow thai the landa Bought are more vaiunnie inr ine um ber or Ktone thereon than for agricultural purpone, and to ontalillnh their clatma to aaid lanoa beroie the Begntieranu tieceivei, at The iHtllen. On-iron, on January l. I'.lr7. They name the following wltnetmeii: Roliert J. Heed, Jnmea K MH .auley, John R. Ol hen- pie ana Iliomaa Knacraon, oj nuqumm, Washington: John W. Kilter, of I'rtnevllle, ttrviron. Any and all pemona claiming adversely the alove-dH.-rll)ea landa are reuueautu wt ine their claim In thla otlliie on or before aald 161 b day of January, Mil. lu-'lip Michael T. Nolah, Keglater, Desert Land, Final Proof. Notice for Publication. United States I and Office, The Dalles. Oregon. Octolier 13. Notice it hereby B'vej' that Herliert it. Ilawley, of I'oat, OreKon, haa liled no tice of his intention to make proJl on n ilesert-lanil nluim No. -2.rill. for the Lots 1. and 3 of Heetion 18. Tr. 17 H, R M K, W M before the County Clerk at t'ritieville, O gon, on the 7tli day of December, 1U). He names the following witnesses to prove the conipU-te irrigation and rcclamu lionofHaid land; Howard Morris, M. L. Brown, Isedore Meyer, of Hoat, Oregon; Charley Henry, of Paulina, Oreeon. M ll llAMy 1. BOIjAn, ffi Ladies Misses and Children's Winter Annarpl ' ' JT i M Handsome Fall and Winter Coats of Gray vi Shadow Plaids and Black and Mixed Cloths - - $10 to $20 each 3(3 Ladies' Walking Skirts of Fancy Gray Plaid H Materials - - $4.50 to $7.50 each M N-j Misses and Children's Long Coats of all the latest styles and materials. Prices range rrcn - - $3.50 to $12.50 each M" WURZWEILER & COMPANY PRINEVILLE, OREGON OVERC0ATS $10 to $25 Supply your Fall and Winter ClothiiiR Tj needs at Wurzweller'.s Store; the lar Kcst assortment to seleet from. Kuh, LU Nathan and Fisher Company's fjS "Sincerity Clothing" fa for men can't be beat for equal style y and quality. Material and fashion the VW very latest, Single or double breasted or straight fronts. Prices from $15.00 to $25.00 per Suit j 92 fa eMWr Si mm m CP TlmU-r lml. Art of Ju . Notice For Publication. (Milled Hum Lnl Oltli-.. The Itallra. ()rru. Auu.l l, lau. Unllra la hvrlr li-n that lu nuill'' with the nmrl.lon.ot the i tot I'ungrm ol I.,,,- isfts. eulltled "AO tor III. Ml H llllllT l.ll.lm IU til. lM-ol un-riii., ri Ml, Nev.l, IUt limlK lrriuirT, In .11 the Fubllc Ijinil Hl.te. by ..i a ..ii.i i ihh Hi. IiiUiiwiik n.iiKil ptini hv m Aiiiil e, m. men iu mi. their wnrntieineiu, to wit: Uu :. N.nh.ol ol ine, itir ul Muhlnidou. .worn Mieiuent Mo. S1JH. tor the nireli.eof the K'i NW'.n. L"U r. IF r., n m J. Send Your Watches or Jewelry for Repairs ml i ul 7. Ti. 14 tt. writ-in, le ol W. I AFllmr Ii. Wrlvlll. Ol HIHiK.UI Hpok.iii-. o( Wwlilnxton, rn lui-tll .o. ai.i,, inr inFBun-11." rlK'. g'.HK't iHl 8K8W!-,ol e-llou li, i' 14 8. K l K, W M. u Arthur U AtiKeii. oi n'n-. immiimj "i "i" kane, ut ol WMhlnsuiti. .worn liemi-iil No. m. lor the purvloueol th S N'i HW ol Sei ltou &ua IE)i N ol Boillou , Tp I4M. K It K. W M. t , , They will oiler proof, lo .how that the lamia aoiiiihl are more valuable lor Ihe tlinlier or lone thereon than lor aitrirumirai purixi, ami tomlahhah ihelr claim, to aald lamU lie. lor. the Ken later ami Ri-eelver, at Ih. land ol-H-e in The lalh-., OreKon, on orlullr , IWW. Thejf uame aa attneiuie.: Uu E. N.iih, Arthur II Wrlahl. Arthur L. Aimell. C. r. Hell, Fred K. Miini h, all ol HMikaiie. W aihliigloii. Byron fady, ol Frttievllle. )ri-Kon. Any ami all roii elnlmlnit aderml)r alijr ol the land, are re.iieli-d t4 file their claim, lu thin ortUc on or belure .aid ird day ol Novenitier, lt. IMM Mk-hailT., Beller, A Young Mother At 70. "My mother has atiililimly Ixwn inal youiiu at 70. Twenty yearn o( inttiee ufforiiix from ilyniielwia lial entirely iliaiibleil tier, until ix inciiitliH bko, when the began tuking Klei-tric Hitters which have compleUily cnml her anil reatorel the strength ami activity nlie had in the prime uf life," write. Mm. W. L. (iilpatru-k, of Danforth, Me. GreaU-dt reetorativn iiimllcine on the glolva. KeU Btumach, Liver and Kid neys right, pur i lien the blood, and cnren Malaria, liilioiinneNR and Weakneimea. Wonderful Nerve Tonic, .'rice SOc. Guaranteed by 1). P. Adatnaon itO., and Templeton 4 Hon'g drug t)re. Desert Land, Filial Proof. Notice fur Publication. United 8tate Laiid Office, The Dulles. Oregon. October 13, M. Notice in hereby given that Frank Kor ent, of Prineville, Ureffoli, haa died notice of his intention to nmke proof on hl.deH ertrlitiKl claim No. !, for tlieKUX N W and BW; HR4 of Hection Tp. 14 H, tt 14 K, W M, before the ('amity Clerk at Prinevilte, Oregon, on the 7th day of De cember, lmni. He mime the following witnetineH to prove the complete irrigation and reclama tion of Mtid land: 1). k. McDowell, K. A. Davenport. Heorge O'Neil, William Daven port, ot Prineville, Oregon. MM 11A1'.I 1 port, 10-2flp NOI.AN. KegiHter. 10-2.'.p Kegi.ter. Notice for Publication. Department of the interior. Land Otlice at The Dulles, Oregon. October 13, ll. Notice is hereby given that Kzekiel V. HemirickHoii, of Prineville, Oregon, lias fil ed notice of bin intention to make tinal commutation proof in support of hie claim, viz: HomeHteail Entry No. 14113 made January 6, 180r, for the Vi and K HWK of Hection 15, Township 16 8, Range 15 E, W M, and that xaid proof will lie made before the County Clerk, at Prine ville, Oregon, on Decern her 7, liKXI. He name, the following to prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: James A. MolUtt, George W. Jones, William R. Smith, James R. Harvey, all of Prineville, Oregon. Michael T. Nolak, 10-25r Register, Notice for Publication. Department ol the Interior, ftiid Office at The Dalles, Oregon. October hi. 1IKXI, Notice Is hereby given that Walter O. LithiFow. of I.aniouta. Ori-Kon. has tiled notice of bia intention to make final tlvc- ear proof in support of his claim, viz! Ifttlf.) lllltue isoveoi- K NKU and N K'A NWof Hection 10, Townsbi; l.'IBoutli, K.rmn 14 K. W M. and tliat said proof will bit made before the County Clerk, at I'rlne ville, Oregon, on De:emler H, l!)0lf. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, viz: L. A. Moore, A. It. Mixhlur, of Lamonta, Oregon, V. Butler, Culver, Oregon, 0, K. Smith, Frineville, Oregon. , MICHAEL T. NOLAN", lO-ffip Register. Insomnia and Indigestion Cured. "Last vear I had a very severe attack of iidiizcHtion. I could not sleep at night and Buffered inont excruciating piung for three hours aftci each meal. I wan troubled this way for about three months when I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and receiv ed immediate relief," says John Dixon, Tullamore, Ontario, Canada. For ralo by D, P. Adanisou & (Jo. TO WIN NEK I All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable u The Redmond Harness Shop J. H. EH RET, Proprietor, REDMOND, OREGON 4) A Complete new line of Harnett, Saddle r and other lines as usually kept in a first clatt Harnett Shop. There it alto in con- g nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. g GlVfc ML A I RIAL g T II li lLACli TO SAVli MONliY The Leader 1 I. MICHEL, Proprietor (Prineville Hotel Building) We are comfortably located in our new quarters and are doing buaineH9 on busi ness principles namely we are giving you the best bargains to be found in the city. Call and see our new line of Cloth ing, Hats, Caps and Shoes. Our Dry Goods Department is complete. Special values in Woolen Dress Goods, Outing Flannel, Calicos, Etc. :. :: :: :. :. The Packard Shoe For Men The Julia Marlowe Shoe for Women's Wear BOTH STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE Souvenir Japanese Tray will be given away to every Lady Customer next Saturday, October the 27th, at The Leader