Local Mention W. II. IVk nnd wife of CiiIvit, took III the fair Inst wiyk, Warren llrown litis been on the Mk'k lint fur shout week. MIm Maude liotilm returned from thn Wllliiinetle viilley Huturduy. tluy Hettin of Powell HiiIUk, won In town Monday. Wlitli' nml wife linvit koii to 1'ortltind tOMlld tln winter. Mm. lUnsle Hill Iimm returned home (nmi h ncvernl weeks' visit In I'ort. Unit. lr, ('line nml wife, who hnve Ut-n taking lu tin fair, left for their home t Iaiwit Hrldge Hiwduy. Hurry tie of Howard, took in tin sight of the Crook County fnlrluM week, o L. H. 1,okiiii Ml Tuittdny for I'ort 'Und to w gone it iiionth vlnllliiK relative. e Mr. Nnloiiion of Hnlciu, rnine in Friday to tin fair mid n I tend Him dlntrit t court. (taorire 1. 114-key hit piinliiiwd tin Wllllntii F.lllott ninth nlioiit right lull)' went of town. Taylor Hill and wife are over from lh Willamette vnlley. They proved lip Oil their timber IhiuI. A. I. Iioiinhue nml F. I'. linyton (if I-nldlnw, nre attending Hit full terra of the dUdrUt court. David (1. Miller mid Mm. Annie Hlnnd, both of Crook county, were married, Haturday by Jim tire I.uekey, J. N. Weddle of Ntnytou, Or., m ihI through I'rlnevllle luitt week on hi way to hi ntm-ti on lleaver rnvk, Judge- Kriiidcr of I'ortlaml, l hold ing thla term of thn dUttrli-t court for Judge UnoUlmw, who U itwny on hi nununl vncatlou J. K. Taylor ami Family ret urned Monday from thn Willamette valley where they eut the mi miner Mr. Taylor Immediately left for Item! to meet Ida hee coming from the mini liier Hinge In the CiiM'tKle mountain). a t p School Supplies jj a. A 1) A M S O N S 1 A. Zell loot Ida puixe Hnturdny, Thn lnt time he hud It waa at the poatoRW. It contained mime thirty imIiI dollar. Thn nuder will Ih milt ahly rewarded by leaving anmn at thla ottlcn. It Allmrt Noble of I'rlnevllle, noil of (inortm Nohle, a prominent "took man of Kimteru Oregon, whm In the city yeterdny vlnltlng frlenda. He will attend thn Portland Hunlne College thla whiter. Alhany Herald. Thn Northwestern (Suaraiiteo and Truat Company of Portland, Or., will make loana at 6 nr cent on tlrnt mart KK ecurlty. Hen J. L. McCulluch, ,lrionvilln, our Crook County represent atlve. 10-4-tf Thn fair given hy the ladlea of the A mint on Friday hot waa a uplen dld auccetiM. The cluli building wit crowded from K o'clock until II. Dim hundred and twenty-nine dollar and ninety-live eent wn ruined ly thn ladled. Frank I. Miller, won of Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Miller of I.iunontH, died at their home Octolier 7, lOOfl. The rcinalna were burled In tlrey Butte cemetery. Fred P. Miller wna horn In Jeffemon, Marlon county, Janu ary 11, 1KU2. lie wna well thought of in thn community In which he lived. A. M. Urnkn of lleud, la In town attending court. Homer I hi via and wife of Paulina, lire Meudlllg court week III town, Adrian Crook luiaaold hi nuto motille to Frank Itodmaii of Culver. Attorney John Hall of Portland, la attending circuit court. AumIIii Kluer of Crook, waa vlalt llitf In town IiihI week. MIkm May llorluau la home from Mllwaukle for a vImIi. Mra. Jnmea Comlia will leave for California thla week to aNnd the winter. An elulit-poinid aon wna liorn to Mr. and Mra, John Newaoni at IVn- ver, Colorado, ftn Oclnlx-r fl. Vern HaU-r ami wife of piwt, were III town IiimI Week vUltlnu: ami ae. IllK the fair l(hta. T. J. Pcricm-aoH ami two ..na and dnujehter, Mlaa l'tlut, wen In town for the fair Inat week. Mayor (ioodwlllle of llelid, la aNmllntc a few dnya lit thn county aeat thla week. IMd you aee thn H.yenr-old ho rue at the fair? Thn old timer waa ex hlhlled hy II. F. Allen. tiran Mllla of Nuplee, came In Wmlneaitay to attend thn Crook county hluh acliool. C. It. Kwnlley la over from Ijild law thla week atteiullntf court and tranam'tliiK tiuwlmwa, Mr. HiiutliiKton, of thn firm of Huntlnttton & Wllaon, altoriieya-at-law, of Thn ialli-, la In town attend ItilC thla term of court, T. F. Ituchnnnii hna iiun-hawil the lutentit of J. A. Allen III the Hamil ton atnhlea and nlao purchajx-d thn lenae on the Hilton fiinl yard. V.J. O'Connor and wife of Ited liiond. wen In town Inat week vlalt liiK with frlenda nml taking In the fair. Mra. (Inu-e Cndilia, who liaa lavn vUltlnu her parent a Mr. ami Mra. 1). F. Ktewart for thn piiat three wneka, left today for her home In l4wtaton, Idaho. FOH HAI.K-Mra. Sarah P. (ilenn of fern for aaln neveral art Idea of houaeholil furniture. Price n-aaoti-al.le. Iminlm of Mra. It. P. Miller, Prlnevllle, On-Kon. 10-lNtf WANTKH Traveler for i-atahllMheil hollH, 12 ar week. JCxMuae advnnceil. " ItWcrnncna. Addniui with atamp, Joa. A. Ai.kxanokii, Prlnevllle, On-Kon. It WANTKD A ntenofc-rHpher and tyiwwrltnr; onn who owna hla miuiilne prvfernHl. State experi ence and aalary nxptH-twl. Ad dnaa I. 1. 4 P. Co., Kedniond, Om Kon. 10-l-tf F. O. I-otfau hna hoiiKht ft half In lenat In thn candy atom of V. V. Fonl. Mr. Ko-an la a practical candy maker having followed the hiiMlneaa In Portland for a huiiiImt of yenra. Alex Hlnton nnd wife nturned laat wei'k from vlalt to the Wlllnni ette valley. They aent n few daya vlaltlnii with their mother, Mra, Mary Hlnton In thla city on their way to the ranch on Henrcnvk. y VVV W W J Strictly inaile to measure ? garments. Ji The latest metropolitan styles. Prices within reach of all Thn n-Kiilar aervk-ea of thn Metho dlat church In thn old Flrat National Hank liulldlnK Hiindiiv achool at 10 a. in. Mornliia anrvlcn at II. Huhjwt " Vk torloua Faith." Kp. worth IeaKiie B::M) p. lu. KvenliiK preiu hlnir at 7-K). Huhjwt "Halaam and thn Anic'h" A diliatn will comn off Friday afternoon at thn IiIkIi achool lie tween thn nieiulN-ra of theOchocoul an iH-hntliiHT Hiaiety. Thn ipieatlon to lat illacuaaed la, naolviH, "That ak'ohol hna cnuxed mom unhappl-ni-aa than war." Thn n III i-iiiatlve aide will Im upheld by llert llnrnea and Arthur I, liulliorif. The nctcallve by Luther Moom nml Chnrlea Hum mera. Another InlKallnn canal la to Im hulli hy the Hipiaw Creek lrrlatlon company. Action waa taken to ward that end lit a meeting of the company which waa held at the court houae Tui-aday of thla week. The new canal In reality la to la an eiteiialou ami enlargement of one which waa Im-kuii laat year. The prcaciil capiuity of thla ditch la lav tween 100 and 2UU Inchea and thla will bn IncreiUM'd to 1100 Inchea and will carry water to thnw aectlona of land. Thn work la to lj projected throiiKh thn McCalllater net(hhor hood, thn Intake of thn new canal lying at a point aoiith of thn main canal on Kipiaw cre-k, where cou nt ruction work will la-gin Inaldn of a fortnight. The company expect to complete thn canal, which will le 10 inilea In h-iiRth, aome time thla fall. He. Mr. Mitchell will premh In thn PnahyU-rlaii chunh next Mun day, Detola-r 21. Hubject for 11a. i.".otea from thn Hynod." Huh-y-rt for 7Jm p. in. "One Man with Uod." It. P. Harrington, wife and aon Mt today for Marahflcld. Cm coun ty. They expect to make their home them In the future. Mr. and Mra. Harrington leave iiumeroua frlenda In Prlnevllle who triad Hint they will do well In their new home. ft V jl THC BtaT I3S 0fM 0-1 00 Jj n - In )ji A KUKS1I l.r OK ft MiWXK.Y'B l-.VXHY hi I'miti d Prlc tram e to Il.tO jj Mail r.r.l.-r. Kilted l'rn.iy ,1 rr b i J tiSSjgTia5f3rarr3 if. fcf3eEr3Er32l33 All Intenntlng exhlhlt at the Crook county fair waa a aword picked up hy W. II. Kinder In I73 on the Cup tain Wataou battle ground on Crooked river. The aalar la-longed to an officer and waa badly mated when found hurled In theanml. Attention la called to the advertise ment In another column of John H-h nicer. He la a well-known breed er of ntandnrd nta k and merit the consideration ofthoae who like fine boraea. Out of a at ring of five which Mr. Hchmeer haI at the Crook coun ty fair he aold four la-fore he left the ground. nlgllfCTlUrflfflllrJfr:ilfriH,T .1 Superior Grain Drills 1 G0RMLEY, The Tailor AAA A AAA AAA aVJ IT WILL I'AV YOU TO WATCH THIS SPACE EACH WEEK Our Bargain Bulletin We are Gosing Out our Entire Stock of Dishes to make room for Holiday Goods. You Make the Price, for they MUST GO as we MUST Have The Room. Rideout & Foster Mra. II. P. Belknap ha been con fined to bed with alckneaa alnce Sun day. Mm. ltaaH, wife of Rev. Bans of the Christian church, la down with an attack of malarial fever. The Christian Church entertain ment which waa to be given next Saturday has been postponed until November 3. T. F. MeCalllHter & Co. have Just received a fine line of Fall Hats and up-to-date Millinery Goods. If you want the latest give ua call. 9-13-tf Ike Mllla of Supine, la on the road to Heppner with 300 head of beef cat tle. Mr. Mills, who recently bought the William Combs place, will be at home In PrtnevHle about the first of the month. 8. W. Miller waa over from Crook county Inst week mingling with old time friends at the fair. He stopped but a short time. Burns Tlmen-Her- ald. Thn Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallls hns an enrollment this year of 655 student. This Is nearly 100 larger than ever before reconled at this time of the year. The college authorities are confident that the enrollment will reach at least 800 students In the institution during the school year. The Crook county students registered at Corvallls are a follows: Walter Allen Foster, Joseph William How.-ird, Ralph V. Polndexter, Prlnevllle; Harry K Hamilton, Bend; Mary Rosa Scog- gln, Laidlaw. C No. 77 No. 397 I 1 Western Lady Children, Misses Shoe Jjjjj k The Western Ijady Shoe This Shoe has been very v -.TC combines quality with style. popular with us; the sole is VV -"vie Many times we have known rather heavy but very flex- 1 Ss,i. V of these Shoes being worn a ible. An all around good "s!lp3 Full Year, rrice o$3450 Shoe. Price $1.50 SOME EXCEPTIONAL SHOE VALUES "Mayer" Stamped on the Sole Means Quality No. 756 No. 724 Yf JM Honorbilt Yerma Cushion ' All Mayer Shoes are now This Shoe has a full quilt- 'l X" y made with the full Vamp ed sole; light Vici upper ' J ll 'fAs which does away with the an ideal shoe, for old it v J ripping across the toe. gentlemen. J rri $4.00 1Mce $4.50 JS1 i I Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 1(5-7. all right-hand Single Disks, with0 or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made. . We Carry a Full Lino of Repairs Catalogues Mailed on Request. W. F. King' iillisnaiSill If you once try Mayer Shoes we believe you would have no other; they have a stylish appearance, and are exceptionally easy and durable. jr. E. STEWART & CO. Luna Lodge, No. 65. K. of P., en tertained a few frlenda at luncheon liutt evening- Dlntriet Attorney Mennefee of The Dalles, wan the KUet of honor. Mrs. McDowell of the I'rlnevllle Hotel furnUhed an ele gant lunch. The air knlghU and ladk-M pnaaed a moet enjoyable even ing. North western Trook county Into have another rural free delivery route etitabllHhed from the Culver poHtofHce. Tlie route runs south from Culver on the Trail crctsxlng road almost to Crooked river, thence east around Haystack moun tain by way of Jesse Wlndom's ranch, thence east to Jacob Stroud's corner, thence nortli to Grant's and from there to Haystack postofflce and to Culver. The route as about 25 miles long and will serve 120 fami lies. The Haystack postoftice may lie discontinued when the new route goes Into effect November 1. The M. E. church people have bought tlieC. Ham Smith residence projierty near the court house. The bouse will lie moved back and used for a parsonage. Whether a new church building will be started this fall or. not will depend upon how subscriptions come in. At the pres ent rate the church will go up. The amount subscribed has passed the $1200 mark. Our Methodist friends are much plensed at the substantial manner In which their appeal for aid has lieen met. According to the Madras Pioneer a gold-liearlug ledge of ore has bwn uncovered within two miles of the Hay creek postofflce. The ledge was discovered on the B. S. & L. Co.'s lands about two mile south of the postotlice, near what is known as the Brewer ranch. A fine ledge of mineral quarti was found and the company Is having it thoroughly prospected. .A tunnel Is being run un der the hill and is now about 80 feet in, with prospect work going steadily on. The quarti Is said to carry fair values In gold and to lie sutticiently promising to Justify some expendi ture iu further prospecting the ledge. In a letter from Miss Ethel Chap man of Bend, to The Journal she de sires to thank the gentlemen of Prlnevllle for their aid In helping her secure the fo prlie offered by the Pa ciflc Northwest for sending in the most subscribers to that Journal in any oue week. The number secured during the Redmond fair week was 140. It will be remembered . that Miss Chapman Is working for a free trip to the Jamestown Exposition which Is offered by the Pacific North west to the young Indies of the State of Oregon. The editor of the maga line compliments the young lady and congratulates Crook county on the representation the county would receive if she wins out in the big eon test. R. C. Horlgan of St. Jo soph. Mo. and Mrs. B. F. Bressiuan of Los Angeles, Calif., brother and sinter of J. W. Horlgan of Prlnevllle, left for St. Joseph Monday morning. Mrs. Bressiuan will spend a short time, there visiting with her mother, Mrs. Horlgan. This visit wns the first time In twenty-three years sluce the Horlgan brothers met. H. C. was then but a boy and time wrought many changes in him. It is twelve years since Mrs. Bivssmuu left Port land and that was the last time Mr. Horlgan saw Ills sister. R. C. Horl gan is a conductor on the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad where bis train sometimes makes a speed of 60 or 70 miles an hour. Ho found quite a contrast in the methods of transportation when he took the four-horse flyer at Shaniko for this city. Its nil lu getting used to It. If he would stay here a year he would exchange his flyer for the hur ricane deck of a cayuse, and we'll bet r. ! 'M''iMH i 4 I . im , int I i M i 'I '!"M'"li Millinery Opening I We will be in our new building on Saturday, September 29th with a complete line of the latest creations in millinery. Call and see them. T. F. McCALUSTER & CO. .ini I Mni Mni .... Mm, m,ii ni i nH"'H" '' Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP&PERRY ppivm'itip riBEviriw Closing Out Sale OF LADIES' FURNISHINGS, Etc Having decided to discontinue from carrying Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line of these goods will therefore be sold at ACTUAL COST Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as it means a big saving of money to you. We have in stock useful articles of wearing apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices and you will buy. THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor Cause and Effect The Explanation: The 0. K. Market since establishing its business August 14, 1905, has built up a trade unsurpassed by any other opposition shop ever openend in Prineville. Why? Because ai the first they established their prices satislactory with the people. That is the secret oi the success which has attended their business. The rule applies the year around. We Carry a lull line oi the best meats, vegetables, etc and expect to conduct our business in the future the same as in the past. We Thank the Public for their Patronage The 0. K. Meat Market STROUD BROS., Proprietors j Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention n B r-r-4 l &1 Vs ilEililililillllll on It.