POSTER & HORIGflN Are headquarters for the best of everything in their line. They quote the following prices on meats: Loin Steak Round Stenk Shoulder Steak Prime Rib Roast Plain Roast Boil Beef Pork Chops Loin Mutton Chops Shoulder Mutton Chop Leg Mutton Veal Cutlets Veal Roast .. . Veal Stew Sausage Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or in the chunk. We have prices that are RIGHT We also make a specialty of our own make of Hams, Bacon and Lard. Guaranteed to be striclty first class in both Quality and Flavor FOSTER I Uhe Reception SMITH & CLEEK, Proprietors Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED Poet Otlice MAIN STREET THE HAMILTON STABLES BUCHANAN at ALLEN, Proprietors PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable, We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent 8 BiBissrwircinrtrinri t jLJtJk;jk.jL:Jk.jLJk.ji. ji.jk.j C3 !i Prineville Machine 13 E. G. HODSON, Proprietor Ea I am prepared to do all kinds ol such as boring Lngine cylinders, dressing valves and valve seals, htting shafting lor any kind of machine, also plow and edge tool grinding, saw gumming and filing. Having installed new and up-to-date machinery for the above work, 1 can, in most cases, save you money over sending to Portland for repairs, say nothing about time saved which is cer tainly quite an item. At any rale give me a trial and then you will be in a position to judge for yourself. A supply of material EJ pa E3 CJ 153 C'J EP1 Fi3 CJ kept on hand at all times. m sknn inn feet East of PRINEVILLE, E3 ca SacybuL:ijyybijUkJikJk.kvJi.JkJ Liquor Petition. i To the Honorable County Court for the County of Crook, State of Orejron: The undersigned residents and legal voters of Black Butte precinct, Crook coun'.y, Ore gon, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to grant a license to F. M. Zumwalt &D.L. Miller, partnership, to sell spirit uous, malt and vinous liquors and fer mented cider in quantities less than one fallon in Black Butte precinct, Crook bounty, Oregon, for a period of six months from and after t e third day of November, 1906 W J Wood F M Booth John Schulte Douthit New K C Foster F F Bellman CLJohson J W Allen W H Cyrus W K Graham R E Jordan J G Wikon J E Fryrear M M Thomas H B Reed Fred Wiese H E Glaiier G Allingham T j Fryrear A G Trahan J 8 Linton 0 L Branton 8 Dickson Geo Wood D Winkle J F Kirtmer J E Fuller W A Vanhuskirk W T E Wilson John Amhlie Geo Cyrus C C Buchanan Henry Crahlree C L IJiismun Hardy Allen Frank Bodyfelt M L Oliver Alex Hniitfi Chas Hindman E W Kolx-rts M J Rolierts rjamuel Wichl M C Lawrence O I) Allingliaiu Geo Knalile B J Kit-hing J B Fryrear T Kiw Marion btil well S M W Hindman John Y Todd W X Cobb Jasper Johnson K L Johnson Lee Cover Notice is hereby given that the under signed will present the foregoing petition to the County Court for Crook County, Oregon, on Monday, the 5th day of Nov., 190B, at which time they will apply to the Court for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors and hard cider in quantities less than one gallon in sai.l pre cinct. County and Mate in accordance with the nraverofthe foregoing petition. Dated this 27th day of Sept., llUKi. 6t ZllMWAI.T it Mll.LKR. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new Fife and vigor; cure sour stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discomfort. 26c. Guaranteed by D. P. Adainson & Co., and Templeton & Hon, druggist. con, body to ami of A H H 12iOt lr ponJ 10ct per pound 3 pound tor 25ct lOets per pound 7 nd 8cU t pound 6 and 8cU per pound 12JcU per pound lSJcts per pound 10cU per pound KXjU per pound 12,cts per pound 10 to V2ets per pound lr pound lCcta per pound C HORIGAN Box 92 PRIXEVILLE, OREGON Shop Machine work (except casting) Prineville Flourinsr Mills OREGON kUakULyKucauaeauaeaeacBCB ReiutifuUr locsted ia Portland. Orryoa. otters snsurpsssed fscilltits Isff tb cul ture and education of young women. Special opportunities in Music. Art. Lsnrustss and Liter Well equipped Physics! snd Chemical Lab oratories. Herbarium snd Mineral Cabinet. The largest and oldest Lsdies' Seminary la the Pacific Northwest, it enjoys s nstionsl reputation for imj parting- the best physical, mental snd moral trsia ini; snd deTelopinit true womanhood. Equips socisily sod educationally for the most exalted station. Confers Academic snd Colleciate Degrees by State Authority. Interference with convictions of non-Cstholics in &cra pu loos y svoided. Academy is ideally located, amid inspiring; scenic sdvsar tat'es. Social opportunities such as are avsilable in no other city on tbe Coast. Buildings Isrge snd commodious. well-lif.'tted. bested and ventilated: dormitories and prirate rooms supplied with all moilern conveniences. Ths institution Is liberal and progressive without sacrificing the character a r: il traditions of age and achievement. Terms modest. Satisfactory references required. Write (ot announcement booklet. Board snd tuition $180 per vrar. Address Sister Superior. St. Mary's Academy PORTLAND. OREGON, U.S.V Experts Wanted. Sealed bids will be received by theCoun ty Court of Crook County, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m. November 7. 1906. for tbe experting of the books of tbe Clerk, Sheriff and 1 reaturer ot t'rooK uounty iromjuiy 4th V.m to July 2nd 190B. Bids to state whether charge is per day or sum total for the work. Bids to be sealed anu maricea "Expert" and addressed to the County Clerk, Prineville, Oregon. The Court re serves the right to reject any and all bids, J5v order of the Court. Warbkn Brown, 9-20-4t Clerk Crook County Oregon. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed the administratrix of the estate of James ii. Macliregor, deceased, has made and hied in the County Court tier final ac counting ot her administration et said estate and the Court has set the 19th day of October, 1906 at 10 o'clock in the fore noon at the County Court room in Prine ville, Oregon, as the time and place for Hearing said hnal accounting, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear mid object to said mini accounting'. Dated September 20, 1906. M. E. Eixiott, Administratrix of the Estate of James B MacUiegor, iieceased. Liquor FttiUoa. To th HonorabW Count Court of Crook CVuiilv, Hi! ol On-nn. t th unjor signed' Irirsl votrn aui actual ridiita of Aahwooit Tiwim-t to Crook Count, tire- rwpaftfuil prtttUn your honorable to if rani iiiwns to nnionl uraicr Mil sturiluoua. malt and inou liquors frrtuiitl cider at retail anil la lese K ... 11 . v.. t. .W u H . ..i six nionlh in AshsrooU PrecirH't, Crook County, Oregon. 1' lu-nton O U rater H Bolken ( M tVimleiter Uo D Caninr K K lWirrvtuan J C Brvwan J H Ok,elley K D Huston Kd Klkins H8 Black Kd C Kaitnell Ueo K Mi C P Naupin J M Colliua W K Kads D MH 'rty Lea Wood John ravin Jowth Barman O B Heath Frank lKak L W TomUnaon Bert Jamea A W Urater Krank hhambaau John Cimtn T Bradford John Atheeutn Allan MaoLennan Jama H Janison Thoa Braskett A H Hal l 8 Hamilton K Dumont W U Walker J W Klkins K D Oonter C K Sandv ed McOollum CBM'OorsJe It J kju.esinberrjr (iraat Mrseu Notice la nareo given that the above nuuiJ Hanton X Urate mentioned in the forecoing petition, will on Ui ftta day of Novamlier, lHUi, prvaent the above named netition to the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, and apply for a ticeu to all snirituoti. malt and vinoui liquiua and trnintet cider at retail and in lea quantities than one callon at Asharood in Ashwood Precinct, Crook Couuty, Oregon. for a period ol a. monttta, Dateil this Hh day of September, HWrt. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Crook bounty. R. L. Booth, I'laintiff. vs. Sarah S. Lain "on, and H H. iml, id H.W. W. Lamon, her hut bam Drtendanta To farah N. Lamson and H. W. Uiiimii lVfendants. IS THK NAMK OK THE 8TATB Or OKKCiON. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit within sil week from the date of the first publication of this Mummons. which date ot 6rst publica tion is the 9th day August, UMi, and if you tail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff eill apply to said Court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint, to-wit - That the said defendants an each of them be reuuired to alien and set forth their pretended interest or estate in and to the following described premises, to-wit: the West halt of the Northwest quarter of Section 8 and the East half of the North east quarter of section 7, T. 13 S. R. 13 h of the Willamette Meridian in Crook County, Oregon. And that the aame be ascertained and determined by the decree of this Court, and that the plaintiff bare a decree or this (.ourt that he is tne owner in fee simple and in possession of the above decribed real property and that the defend anta have no interest or estate therein. either legal or equitable, and for such other or further relief as is meet in equity and good conscience. This summons is published In pursuance to the order of Hon. W. A. Bell. County Judee of Crook Count. Oregon, which or der bears date the 8th dar of August. IW8. M. K. Elliott. C. C. Linden 4 McCain A Vinton, Attorneys for I'laintiff. 8-aw Timber Land. Act of June S, 1373. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oreiron. Aueust 27. 1W. Notice is hereby (?iven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con cress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Pub- lic-iana States ty act ot Auirust 4. lxrj. tne followinK-named persons have tiled in this office their sworn statements, to wit: Geo rife F. Curtis, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ot Oregon, sworn state ment No. 307y, tiled August 10, 1U06, for tbe purchase of the EU 8WW' and Lots 6 and 7 ol Section t, 1 p. 14 ., K. in vt . M. Vernon E. Cady. of Everett, county of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 30SI, filed August 10, 1!JB, for tbe Durchase ot toe Hi &'. ft v. NW' and N W SEW of Section 4. Tp. U .. K. la K.. W . M. Charles r. Hell, ot fponane, county ot oposaiie, suih: ui r asiuuMJii, iwurii statement No. 3072. filed August 13, 1!), for the purchase of the SWW NEW. WU 8EVi and Lot . , Section 5, Tp. 14 S., R. 19 E.. W. M. Fred E. Munch, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of W ashington, sworn statement o. iiJJ, nieu August 29, ran, for the purchase of the of Section 6, Tp.l4S., R. 1 E., W. M. That they will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stote tnereon man tor agncuj tural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lands before the Register and Receiver at the land otlice in The Dalles. Oreiron. on October 31. 19U6. Thev name the following witnesses: W, E. Cadv and Vernon E. Cady of Everett, Washington; Byron Cady, Rachiellus E. T I mnA U A L'.w.a. of Prineville, Oregon ; George F. Curtis, of Portland. Oregon: Fred E. Munch, Arthur W. Paterson and Fred J. Rielly, of Spokane. Washington, and Charles F. Bel) ot ttDokane. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the a bove-d escribed lands are re quested to file their claims in this otlice on or before the said 31st day of October, 1900. MICH AIL 1. ."IOLAM, 8-30-p Register, Notice of Sale of Beal Estate. Notice is hereby given, that In pursu ance of an order of the County Court for Crook County, Oregon made on the 4th day of September, 11106, in tbe matter of the estate of C. O. Ambs, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highext bidder for cash, subject to confir mation by said County Court, on the 20th day of October, 1906, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the front door of the County Courthouse in Prineville, Oregon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said CO. Ambs at the time of his death, and all right, title and interest that the said estate has acquired other than or in ad dition to that of the said CO. Ambs at the time of his death, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land described as follows, to-wit: the Northwest quarter of Section Eleven in Township Twelve South, of Range Sixteen East of Willamette Meridian in Crook County, Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale, cash. Dated this 20th day of September 1906. W. A. Booth, Administrator of the estate of C. 0. Ambs, Deceased. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United Btates Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, geptember 26, 1806. A sufficient contest affidavit having been fil ed in this office by Carl John 8undiiist, con testant, SKSinst homestead entry No. 14204, made February 18, HXX, for KWU, Section Si, Townsbjp IK H, Range 15 K, VV M, I f Jobn C. Fsber, Contestee, in which it is alleged that said Jobn C. Falier has wholly abandoned aaid tract; that he bas changed his residence there from for more than six months since making said entry; that said tract Is not settled upon and cultivated by said party ss required by law; that all such failures still exist; that said absence was not due to his employment In the army, uavy or marine corps of the United Htates in time of war. Held parties are bereby notified to appear, respond and offer evedence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on November 20, HHJ6, before Warren Brown, Coun ty Clerk, at his office In Prineville, Oregon and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m.on November 27, 1906, before the Register and Receiver at the United Htates Land office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affi davit, tiled August 7, 1M6, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be msde, It is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. lu-U-pd MicHAXL T. NoLAM, Keglater. Want Ads NotkM under Ihli head will be charged raw of On Cant rr par insertion, riotninc less man ju cents. FOR SALE. 1520 ru're of KtXHt Iniul, tUO iwrwi ot iriHXl meadow. 30 aorwt U mmifti, iMtwnee iriHXi paauir land; ail Under a S-wtrw kiHml will tie Bold for fS an acre. All tool, thrown In. 30 head tf hor broken, TOO head tt cattle, moat irf them tuck cattle, aonte tera. renrlanda and S-yeariUU. all tor 9 Fart caah, imlane ou enay term. For hirther ntorntation lit- quire of L. V. Bniloy, I'attllna, Orviron. 7-13-tt Hotice for PnbUcaUoa. Department of the Interior, 0 Land Office at The Dallea, Oregon. September 4, lt- Ki1m U herah aiveu that Jamea H Hawkins, of PrineviTle. Oreiron. ha Hied notice of hia Intention to make ttoal B year proof In support of hia claim, viit Homeatead Kntr No. 77W made Decent bar 1, !, for the Si KW, N W BW Vk ofdeclion 17 and NKV Pity w election lit. Tnwnahln 14 H. Kanir lw K. n M. anu that aaid onrnf will be made before the Regiater and Receiver, at The Dallea, Ore- gon, on October Slnd. Ittei. He namea the fallowing witneaaea to prove hia continuous residence upon, and cultivation or toe land, vis: Claud K. VYrivht. Iitaac M. Blevlns. Al den V. klnighten. Clyde C. Hon, all of fnnevtlle, Oragoa. l4-p MtcaatLT. Nolak, Register, Timber Laad. Aet of June t. IsTB. Botlca for PubUcatloa. United Mtatea I And Offloe, The Dalle. Ottwon. Aucust V. IWa. Notion la hervb slven that In eompllanos with Ibe provuloos of the Art of l'Mire of Junes, 1ICH, sntltled AO aol lor the aaleof Umber lands In the male of I'altrornla, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washlnctuo Territory " a extended to all the faMle-l.aad HUM by art of Aucust 4, I4M. In illowliisaamel aersoos nave nieo la lou oaice uieir swora itataniMitA to wll Helen H. Bunnell, of BeatlM, eoaaty or King, staleof Washlnflaa, sworn statement No. V7. Died Auau nieo Auiuat is, w tot n i ebaasortbe rlK NK1 . R HK and 8KS of Heotlon a, TP. 16 H. 16H., R. UsU W. M. Cataerln Keverman, of iatU eitunty of King, state of WashlngUm, wers statement No. M. Bled A usual IS. Wu. tor til pur- ehaseaf thewS ", ! and ! IK ol flection as. Id. ,Kttt.W k. I'laude K. HIM, of uranite raits, euuniv at Snobomlsb, slat or vaainun. swora latemenl No. SUIT. Bled Jul at, Isui, r III surehsa of to SsS. ttsetton IS, T 10 K. 1h tL. W M. Richard Turlev. of Oranlt rails, county of anobomtsb, state or wasoinaton. swora ,l.l.i.n I felM fllMd Jill JA 1MB HiriM puichaseof lb sws. HeeUoo I. TP. 10 K. ' That they wilt offer proofs to show that the lands sous-til are more valuable for lb tim ber or stotie thereoa than for acrtcultural Miroosr. and to esiabllah their etalm to said lands before the KeeUier and Raeelver al the I land onto In The llallea, Omroo.on Dclober . a. )lh. laua. a They aame as witnesses lainenne Hover maaand Helen H. Bunnell, of Matlle. Wash liuflon: H. A. Footer. C A. lluncao and ('. K. Mot-alllster, of PrtMville. Orvn: Campbell A. IHiucan, rtarane A. atetailster aim aima Morris, of Prlnevlll. Ontos: and Hlehard Turlev and Claude E. Htace. of Uranlt falls. Wsshlngton. Any and all persons elalnilna adversely any of tbe Bbov4earrtbed lands are request ed to file tbelr claims In this office on or be fore the said nh day oTOrtober. tww. MiVp MichablT. Nmlab, Healsler, Timber Land, Act of June 187S. Notic for Publication. Department of the Interior, United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 8, 1WW. Notice ia hereby given that In compli ance with the provisions of ths act of Con gress of June 3, 1873, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of tialitornia, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing ton t erritory, aa extended to all tne rumic land states Dy act oi aukum , isb, Adulph Hsnkey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Oreiron. has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. Stritf, for the purchase of the NK of Sec tion 28, Tp. 12 S. K 111 K. W. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor tne timoer or stone tnereon than for agricultural purposes. and to establish his claim to said land be fore the County Clerk of Crook County, at the Court House in Prineville, Oregon, on Novembers, IS. He names as witneaaea: 8. J. Newsntn, Walter O'Nell, of Prinerillei Oregon, Will- lam McMeekin, Mary McMeekiu, of Oria- ily, Oregon Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are reUe."Wd to file their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of November. UMtt. 9-ti-p Micuaii. X. Nolak, Register. Hotict to Creditors. In the Matter of th estate of Aleiander McCloy, Deceased: Notice) is hereby given by the undersigned, the administra tor ol the estate of Alexander McCloy, de ceased to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this ltftli day of July, 1906. P.B.Davis. Administrator of the estate of Alexander McCloy, Deceased. jlSt-t Timber Land. Actor June I, U7S. Notice for Publication. Depai tment of tbe Interior, United Htates lnd Offlos, Tbe Dalles, Oregon, July W, 10. Notion Is hereby riven that In compliance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of Janet, 1871, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tbe States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Wsshlngton Territory ," as extended to all the Public Land Htates by act of A us lint 4. IJM. Charles M. Charlton, of Salem, county ot Marlon, state of Oregon, bas this day Bled In this office bis sworn state ment No. solo, for the purchase of tbe K'4 NE'i, HW'i NB'and NWX HKH of Section 36, Tp. 13 8., R. Is m.. W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable for tbe timber or stone tnereon than for agilcultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Omnty Clerk of Crook County, at the Court House In Prineville. Oresron. on November . lwos. He names as witnesses: b. j. newaoin, ui Prineville. Oregon. William McMeekin, tirlx- sly, Oregon; Carey w, jroater, Koiertilarrlnc- Inn. Prlnvill. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this ofrlre on or before said Vtb day of November, Iwe. 840-np MicbablT. Nona, Pglster. notice of Sals of Baal Estate. Notice is hereby" riven, that in pur suance of an order of the County Court of Crook countv. Oregon, made on the 2nd day of July. 1906, In the matter of the estate of Joeeph Whitfield, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of aid estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for caan, subject to confirmation by the (aid (Jounty Court, on Satnrdav. the 8th day of September, 1906, at two o'clock in th afternoon at the Courthouse door in Prineville, Ore- all the riirht. title, interest and estate of the aaid Joeeph Whitfield at the time of his death and all the right, title and interest in the said estate may have acquired in addition to that of the said Joeeph Whitfield at the time of his death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land lving and being in the County of Crook, State ol Oregon, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Lots One and Two in Section Nineteen in Township Twenty South, of Range Eleven East and the East half of the Northeast quarter oi rwction Tpenty-four in Township Twenty South, oi Range len .asi oi uiu w ridian. - Terms and conditions of sale, Cash, Dated August 9, 1900. M. S. MAYriKi.D, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Whitfield, Deceased. SProfesst'onai Cards, y. J. Smitm JT. J. Jtr Smith 5c Foster Farm Lands, Slock Kam-haa, City l'roier. ly, Homesteads and Timber l.amls. Land titlaa examined and correctly reported. tVe-w ejr r m jV'aWv I tfe)r J4jrew Belknap dt Cdivards C0t Ae fW Smt Wiiwi'i aVv tfAMw Va)ev. Orfn. 4ttW Am Am aM f CmvAWi Veavy, Ormfm, Calls Akswkskd PaoarTiv Dat oa Niumt Omca Cms Duua Nosra or Apabson's Daw trroaa. Kssiubnci OrrosiTl Mbthooist Cnvbch VyjsesvVe, Orfm Star Barber Shop HYPE A McKAE, Prop's. Our haircutting is up-to-fj.ilt'. Our shaving is ct iiilartulile. Our shop is new anJ clean. TTotidtirBon Building PRI.VKVII.LK, - ORKUON J Timber Land, Act of June S, 11. Motlce for Publication. t'nlted Hutcs Land Offlre, Tbe Imllea, Oregon. August 'Jn, Iws. Nolle Is hereby given that lu t-oin pilsner with the provisions of the act of tVingma of Junel, 1H7H, entitled "Ansel fur Hie sale of timber lands lu the mates of Otllfurnla. Ore gon. Nevada, and Washington terrlinry,H aa extended to all the Puhllo-Und HUles by net of August 4. IftVJ tbe following-named per. aims have tiled In this office I heirs worn stake. uieuls to wll: Kay V. Constable, of Prineville, comity of Cnsik, state of Oregon, sworn atalcmriil No. 3041, filed August 4, osJ, forth purchase of mesa',',, w't sa'. ami sw's sr, oimcc lion i. Tp. U H.. It. IS V.. W. M. 1.11 lists M. Foster, of Prineville, county of Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn slaiemenl No, KHI. filed August I, Its, for the nun'hsaeof then1, K'i of Hecllon 14 and ,Nrt'4or nVctlmi 21, T la M, K 14 K, V M. tferoeltus IHiggan. of Prineville. euiintyof (rook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. HOW, filed August 17, IMM, for the purchaneof the NK1, of Hevtlon 21, Tp. 14 B., K, IS W. M. That they will offer proofs lo show that Ibe lands sought are more valuable for the tim ber or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lands before tbe County Clerk of Orook County, al Prineville. Oregon, on November s. inxt. They name tne following witnesses: II. A. Foster, A. C. Kulghlen. Floyd A. Howell, Frederic I. Htlmson. wi mm McMeekin. Hobeil Harrlnalon. (4. A . Prose. Charles A. Crooks, John V , t-'risiks. Hymn I ady, Prim. vine, urvgon. and Charles M. ( lisrIUiil. of Halem. Oregon. Any and all persons elslmlng adversely any of the above-drwcrllied lauds are requit ed to file their ntalnis In this ortli on or be fore the said sth day of Nuvemtmr. I wort. 840-xp Mli HAnLT. Nolaw, Iteglater Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Heptemls-r 1st, IMS). Notice Is hereby fives that Campbell A. Dun csn, of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled notice of his Intention to make final Hve-year proof In snpoortof his claim, vis: Homestead Kntry No. swio made August 14, luol, for Ibe NV of Hectlon 12. Townshln 16 H. Ksnse HI K, W. M. snd that said pnsif will bu mails belore the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Oc tober sib, iwja. lis names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, snd cultivation oi, ine isnu, vis. Charles Feuerhenn, Henry cram. Charles r. McCalllster, John t. Morris, sll of Prineville, Oregon. t-e-p Michasl T. Nolah, Register. Timber lnd, Act ol June X, IK7S. llotice for Publication. United Slates f And Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August . I 'JOB Notice Is hereby given that In oompllsune with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of Junes, UT7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Slates of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," extended to all tne t'unuo-ianu whim iy act of August 4, lHW, the following-named persons have on July so, iwn, nied in una or. rice their sworn statements, to wit: Henry F. Hoesly, of Spokane, aonntyof Spokane, stale of Washington, sworn slut. men! No. HOI'2, for the purchase of the N'i 8W!4, N wy sir4 and nv!4 mw or Heotlon 9. Tn. 14 H.. K. IV V... W. M. Arthur W. Paterson, of Spokane, county of Hpokane, state or v sstilnguin, sworn SMttc menl No. 8018. for the purchase of the N'i NWJ4, HW'4 NW", of Hecllon 10 and NK'4 NE'4of Heetlon , Tp. 14 n., K. IB K., w, M. Fred S. Rielly, Hpokane, county ofHpoknne, stale of Washington, sworn statement No. HOIS, for the purchase of the HV. of Heetlon U. Td. 14 H.. R. is K , W. M. That they will otter proof to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the um ber or stone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lands before tbe ttv-glster and Receiver at ths land omce In The Dalles, Oregon, on November 7. IVuo. Tbev name the following witnesses: Henry F. Hfsly, Arthur W. Paterson and Fred J, Rielly, of Hpokane, Washington', By ron Cady and A. C. Knighlen, of Prineville, Oresron. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described landsare request ed to file their claims In this office on or be fore the sale 7th day of Novointwr, inon. 8-80-p MiohaklT., Register. Danger From th Plague. There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and ('olds that are so preva lent, unless you take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Wails, of Forest City, Me., writee: "It's a Godsend to people living in climates where coughs and eclds prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1 00. Guaranteed by D. P. Adam son dc !o., and Templeton & Son's drug store. Xfial bottle free. C Jk. JkJi, Jk. Jli Jk. Jt. JW Jk JlKAti r v Sonera Sftlacksmithing t. j IIOKHKHHOKINU, VtHI WllltK, KTC., NKATl. V ANI Phomitlv IKinic Whkn it im Ionk Hv i : : Robert 7ooro t"J r.t LJ r t li u v -j r .1 U r.t t j r.n k j u Satisfaction Will He Guaranteed PhINKVII.I.K, OhKtlON. k Jk. Jk.ylk. Jk. JL. JkJkJkJL Jk. JL Jk. jf O'Tfeil brothers fit or JYui Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also 'S3ar Supplies Solo Agents for Hop Oold Boor the Famous Napa Soda 2Tcimll-3r Txado Solicited. Jftencterson Wines and Liquors Country Orders Solcited First Door South of The Opera Saloon C. A. BEDELL, Proprietor In The Glaze Hall A First Class House in I' very Kespeet Choloest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars glacksmithing Kind You (set J. II. A Stock of Farm Machinery fn"ri'ir5"iriririri-iri"tri',iri-t jrinnnnrTrinnTnnnnnnrinnist uijiJiJisJtsauauisisJuuuisJuaSwiJuuuuuJri n an LJ ni LJ L J n.i t: j r.i ti4 a 'j THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Props. ai,ssss -assasssssssssssai ass isssa assssssssss- mmm ssssaasHSsassss asasBasssss assssassaMaaas. ssssssasiasaaMasassssssaSBBassssssBsa Sor jCadics and Scntlemen ffljeals and ffiakcry jCunch Board by the week, $5.00) with room, $6.00. Tickets, $4.00 r.i Li L J L J r.rt L J r,:i C4 rii LJ LJ L'JLULIJLULULULyLJLlJLULULUL!jyULLL!ULl!JUUL;ULiULULULyLtJUUy'J F0R Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpets, Rugs Linoleum, Matting, Lace, Curtains, Win dow Shades and Poles, Wall Paper Lincrusta, Doors; Windows, Transoms Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Cooking Utensils, Wash Machines, Churns Etc., go to A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. I jS and from 10 to save 'iriifirtrir,', ir.r.te-1 : jk. jf i jwjt. jtj jk.uvu jljw jk, ! jw jc 4 r, i k. J r.t k. 4 t u r t k 4 r.t t j ri M r..t k . r.t k. Jk.uik Jk. Jk, JkMkC JLaik. JL JL Jk.J ind bollard Finest Cigars In Stock. the Poindexter Hotel That Pleases at' WKJLFS (Hucoesaor to) CORN KIT iV KLKINS alwayn on hand 20 cents on Every Dollar n LJ LJ L J ri LJ na LJ TM LJ r.a LJ na LJ na LJ na LJ r.i L J ri LJ r.a LU r.a LIU r,a ca na LJ 3 ft