Local Mention W. V. Magi tif MltiliWI, lulu I'rliuv till on titMlmiM. ('. II. Allen ( IUmhI, wit n county cat vlnltor Hnliinliiy, 'nmilHll A. limirnti proved upon hi IioiikIim1 Mondnjf. II. I). Hniimlcra, tilt1 piano tuner, i'miiim lit from I'orttiMiil limt week. II, F. Alien ami wife ! rortliiml, uro vIhIUiiic relative ami friend In Trine v III. Knrnli J. Honk of IaiiioiiIm, proved up on it rommtited limne- tend Moiidny. John llolfrlch made fliinl iroofim th liotiieatend of Cntlierliie ll.ltrltli, dettneO, Mobility, A. I. l-eedy, m prominent attorney oM'nnyou Cltjr, I rejiterel at tli TolnlitT. Mr. Iily I her to at tend tli mining term of th circuit court. lu not luric't th fitlr given by tli ladle of th Annex Friday evening. It will lw held In the I'rliievllin Ath U tlc Club hall nnd a Jolly good time U anticipated. Th Oraaa Valley Journal ay that th lCNchute Itnllroiid Coin, puny hiu four roiiliinnntlon ault In th October term of rourt for rl(ht of way through Nlicrinan rounty. HAVE A FIT When you tiurhoc why not demand a erfect lit. You can get that If yon luy your alloc of tin. a w carry hoe In all ie ami width front A to KH. giving you th nam raugwof Imh to ackct from that you won hi rind In a t-lty h tore. RIDEOUT & FOSTER T. V. McCiiIIImUt Co. have Jtiat received a IIiih tin of Knll data anil ll-t4Mlat Millinery (IoimIm. If you want th lateat itlv u a rail. W.I tf C. A. Chapman nrrlved word thnt h hail Imvo appointed one of th Judge of home for th rouuty fair at Prinevllle. While Oil I quite an honor, Mr. Cliapman aaya that h cannot accept th appointment aa hxrta booh to commence work on hi hoiucatead and will l too buay. Mr. Chapman la Al horseman nml would mak a good Judge. Item! tlulletln. The old CrtM.k County Hank but'd IniC will be ucd by the M. K. church people aa a place of wondilp until they ran build. Active atep have lieen taken looking toward a new church edifice. The building com mute met Monday nnd organlied. It lacompoMHl of W. A. Month, T. II. Ijifoll.tt, I. I Ketchuin. C. W. K.lk lim. J. II. Nhlpp ami W. T. Jlnnett. Hoticltlng committee were appoint ed and It In expected that work on a faTaiOor fKNHl building will noon be commenced. fsch School Hoooks and I School Supplies at A D A MSON'S Hot h enilx and a part of the boiler attheChiiMti aawmlll at SlHlem wa blown out hint week. Luckily no one waa hurt. A new boiler will lie ncraary Iwfore operation ran tw re limed. Marlon Travta of loin, Kan., hn accepted a poaltlon lit the Tempi ton drugtore. Mr. Travl come well recom mended nnd we trunt that himself and wife will make a perma nent home In Prinevllle. The t raw ride given by the mem tier of the Kpworth league for the iH-neflt of the MethodlMt church lnat Friday evening waa largely attend ed. Crowds of young people took advantage of the opportunity to go Into the country. Lunch waa aerved at Mr. Ketchum'a place. Some thirty odd dollars were raised for the church. Tho following are the Jurors for the coming term of the circuit court: OW Kidder. Haystack; TH Bren non, Paulina; W I) Cyrus, Sisters; A M Logan, ('rook; J It Mcnilcnhall, Culver; K It Francis, Lnmonta; Geo W Miller, rrinevlllc; J D Gibson, Cllne Falls; J II Zevely, Howard; P Chltwood, Grlxxly; Win. Uogue, Kos land; F E Daytou, Lnldlnw; W J Wood, Hlstcrs; A W Grater, Ash wood; Alex McLeunan, Asliwood; L C Caldwell, Lava; J B 8hlpp, rrtnevllle; Joslah WllllaniB, Prlne vlll; Henry Turner, Prinevllle; Alex Holhrook, Madras; C L Ream, Post; TN Balfour, Paulina; W G Killing beck, Culver; Stanton Black, Asli wood; It II Krug, Sisters; A 8 Phil Hps, Madras; Jerry Ackey, I.junontu; A W Boyce, Haystack; H W Brcece, Prinevllle; James Wood, Ashwood; II H Davis, Paulina. Strictly made to measure garments. The latest metropolitan styles. Prices within reach of all GORMLEY, The Tailor A lMy waa born to Mr. and Mm Italph Hharp Kunday, (VtoU-r 7. (ieorgn Wiley and wife of Toat, are aiteliillng tli fair. Hubert Johimloii. a rattleman from liinotila, had biiliieM In town Momlny The ladle of the ChrhUInn church will aerve refrenhmeiiU In Itclknnp'a hall October 20. The nrm-ivd will go to th benefit of the church Th aawinlll owned by Iiorrnnce Hroa. had a narrow m-npe from de struction recently. Th fir utarted on the mill fliMir but waa discovered before much damage waa don It. H. Iogan ram In from Hllver lik Monday forenoon wher he lie llvered a bunch of tork rattle lnt week. II expect to leave Kntur- dny for Tortland on a vlalt of a couple of week. It waa reported on the atreeta that the fiiinoua race bora John T., belonging to M. H. Mlgg waa burn- d In the big fire at Taeoina recently. Th rumor waa unfounded. Mr, IMgga hna received word that hla home la all right. C. W. Klkln and MIh Catherine A. Ooixlln were married at the home, of Mra. (Mil Klklna on Thuradny even ing, October 4. Th ceremony waa perforin.il by llv. W. T. Jlnnettof the Mcthodlat church. The wedding waa quiet and Informal. Only near relatives were present. After th ceremony refrenhmetita were eerved. Th parlor at Mm. Klklna were taateftilly decorateil for the iH-caalou with autumn lenvea and tlowering potted planta. The young couple need no Introduction to our reader. Mr. Klkltm la th head of on of our largiwt mercantile MtabUhmciita and MIh (JihmIIii waa a prominent high achool teiu'her. I Millinery Opening SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 c AIm Nw Showuif of Far anj Cloak Nt Smtveair Cia to tk Lmdio 4 C W. ELK1NS j Th North trmtern Guarsnt and Trout Conipsuy of Portland, Or., will nike loans at tt per cent on first mort gage security, riea J. L. McCulloch, Vriueville, our Crook County represent ative. 10-4 tf II. B. FoeU'r, who has a ranch on Crooked river opptwlte the Sharp place, waa In town on business this week. Thla Is Mr. Footer's drat year In Crook county and while he has had some hard luck on account of sicklies In hta family, he haa uo fault to find with the country. It beats Minnesota, he says, In productive ness, opportunities and In climate. Minnesota people make good cltl tetis and w would be glad to have more of them. Sheriff Itoss of Lincoln county, to gether with Isee Wade, his deputy, and Kd Wade, all of Toledo, and Henry Wulf of Portland, were in Prinevllle Monday on a trip through Crook county. The sheriff camped In Prinevllle in ISM and waa hardly prepared to see such a thriving town as the one that greeted him on this occasion. The sheriff Uvea at one end of the Corvnllls ft Eastern and says that there Is uo quest lou In his mind but that Prinevllle will ace a railroad In a year or so. It would have been built before this but tor the hostility of other roads. Sherlti Itoss Is serving his fifth term as sheriff of of Lincoln county. George Lewellen attended the wed ding of his sister Ora and Mr. Zell, at Springfield, Lane county. The bride waa well and favorably known In this city. Their new home will lie In Crook county." While the couple were enjoying their bridal trip they received word of the murder of Mr. Zell's brother, and Immediately started for Prlnevlllo to attend the funeral. While their wedding starts oft clouded by their brother's un timely death, thvlr bouts of friends wish them a long and happy career of prosMrlty. Sherman County Ol- servcr. f THf BEST lOf ORKAM OR 8O0A A FRK8H LOT OF c LOWNKY'S CANDY in Package Prle from So to 91.60 VI '111 .. . . IS J jjll Mall order Filled Promptly 0. P. Jfdamton d Co, Geo. T. Parr.of the Eastern Oregon Land Company, Is growing tired of Itelng up against It In the failure of crops in Sherman county and has de cided to Introduce a hardy variety of grain, which will resist the drought. Ilia company will ship In to Sherman county 400 sacks of Turkey Red wheat, the kind that haa proven the salvation of Western Kansas, and farmers will have an opportunity to give it a trial. It is said to lie the greatest drought re slstant known, a good ylelder, and being strictly a winter wheat, It Is believed will prove a solution of the dllllculty In Sherman county. S0ME IN and see our new fall stylos in Banner Brand Ladies Waists, Skirts, Kimonas, Wrappers, Pet ; ticoats, etc. Rideout & Foster A new stock of Banner Brand Suila lor Men and Boy at Rideout & Foster'. Circuit court convene next Mon day. Ik Mills of Hiiple, haa bought th William Comlsi proer!y on Flrat street. C. C. Dunham and P. M. Dunham. Bear creek stockmen, were In town th but of the week. John II. Ktldhnm and Pearl Farth ing of Sisters, were married Octols-r 7th by Elder II. A. Cain. George Cyrus and wife and two children of Misters, are In town Visit ing friends and taking In the Fair Sight a." Dr. It. F. Parsou the well known eye doctor, is again at the Polndex- ter hotel on his annual visit. If yon have any ailment it would be well to him. Fred Flsk of Prinevllle, haa accept ed a position aa salesman with Mra. Lena M. Ijunb. He left this morn ing for Shaulko, to meet Mrs. Flsk, who Is returning from a visit at Moro. Madras Pioneer. I. Michel extend to th visitors of the Crook county fair a cordial in vitation to call and !iiMet his new quarter in the Prinevllle Hotel block. He lias Just moved In but Is getting thing In shape aa fast as circumstances will permit. The first anniversary number of the Hood Hlver News-letter has reached our table. It I a special II lust rated edition designed to let out siders know of the advantages to lie found In that wide-awake, hustling town. The press work Is excellent and typogrnphlrnlly the edition re flects much credit upon the News- Letter working force. Such edition serve the two-ioii! purpose of at tracting attention to the town hlch Is served by the pajx-r aud proclaim In no uncertain way the resource of the county. You do not have to rely upon statement of fact entirely, you can see from photo graph view Just what'a what. FOR SALE Residence in I'rineville Inquire of D. P. A DAMSON j UkA.A1uAAUUAaaaJ The iicst, lightest running and cheapest sewing machine Is found at A. H. Llppman ft Co. 'a Frank F. Toevs, who represents the H axle wood Creamery Company of Portlnnd, dropied Into the Jour nal office yesterday Jut to get a whiff of the smell of printer's Ink. Mr. Toev is an old newspaper man. He waa connected with the Albany Herald for two years aud a hnlf and waa on the Salem Ktatfinun ten years, hence his love for the old fa miliar print shop smell. This is Mr. Toevs' first visit to Out nil Oregon aud he Is much pleased with the country. "It Is Just like Kansas," he said, "my old boyhood home." He reports business good In his line. Some time ago the Journal made mention of the resourcefulness of western women, and at the tlma we might Just aa well have narrowed the application and said Crook county women. The Item, neverthe less, seems to have stirred up com mendable pride in the achievements of what women can do In a sphere that Is supposed to belong exclusive ly to the stronger sex. Mrs. Ijee Wlgle, who lives with her husband, a prosperous cattleman at the head of Camp creek, la deserving of special mention, say her friends, for the eaae with which site can turn from house hold cares to the hard work of hired men. Mr. Wlgle being away It de volved upon hla better halt to run the ranch, and she did It, too. The hired men, who Mrhaps did not take kindly to the change of bosses, objected to some orders given lu re gard to fall plowing, and refused to carry them out. They were prompt ly fired and the work finished by Mrs. Wlgle herself. She plowed four teen acres in five days, besides tak. tug care of her teams and doing the rest of tho farm work. Mrs. Wlgle Is also as handy with the title as she Is skilled in music nnd kindred ac complishments. Twenty-two coy otes this tall testify to her unerring aim. Her varied accomplishments do not In the least detract from her many charming womanly qualities. gVArfW AAAA AAAAAJB Coll anil W mra r a i au aiiu f r imvi i Millinery Grand Opening, Monday October 8th. A complete line of all the latest styles. MRS. ESTES 4 Corner 2nd and Main Strost i J. L Stewart & Co. Mayer Shoes We know you will appre ciate Mayer's Custom-made Shoes. No shoes were ever made that equaled them. They are stylesh in appear ance, fit well, and are very durable. We will be glad to show why Mayer's Sbies are the only ones , to buy. The above cut represents our No. 58, a very pretty shoe with a good weight sole. This is a first-class winter shoe. In Men's Shoes this is a good one. We have more dressy styles, but for every. day wear this one is hard to beat. Misses and Children's Glaz ed Dongola Lace Sunday Shoe, with patent-leather tip Neat in appearance and very durable. A hundred ether styles in stock Gun Metal, Patent Leather, etc. Over 2000 pairs in stock to select from. $3.5 $3.5 J. E. Stewart & Co. PRINEVILLE, OREGON irrj l,i,1 1 Superior Grain Drills 1 1 Superior Grain Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Single Disks, with or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make the SUPERIOR the bi Seed Drill made. We Carry a Full Line of Repairs Catalogues Mailed on Request. AAAAAAAAAAAJ J O'Neil Bakery f la th. Miller Building Fresh Bread, l'lea and Cakes alway on hand, i'nstry of all kinds made to A order. ft tPRINEVILLE, . OREGON t FOR SALE Good fall wheat, Walla Walla club, stood the teat last winter and i a good fielder. 9-20-4t-p G. SraixoKB, Culver, Ore. Warrants will b Caclld. In accordance with Section 2R33, Bellin fKT A. Cotton 'i Code, the following war rant remaining in this ofticw will he can celled unlma called for within 80 days from date of this notice. No Clan A mt To Whom Concerned late A4 SJ g W6 S 91 W 6W 10 Mli 10 7 10 241 10 (no ii rrs a 4 A tit it ija it tJ II 4lB 12 SS4 12 4"2 12 MR 12 SV6 12 W la 81 1J 4I4 12 SSI 12 itt 12 8H 12 M 12 72 12 ari 12 IV 18 2 18 10 IS 204 It I t oo n Avery l.Wlva Harrow ... I. Henry Hanaon. l.UI L C Htevens ..My JIH ..Jan 1S16 1.00 Oeonre Palmer " " " l.fiO Mra M J Manninc..Moy 7.IW6 .ou " m ummu I.BDC Pawllen 10.(10 W 1' Jennlnon. 1.U0 Frank Mltmr . . .76tnmm Harrl le.nll John Karier. ... ...Mr 7. W ..July 10, " . "II, " ...Jan H, WW Mar 4. i.uuMaraiiall vanBlblerMay H, 1.00 John Hlloe " " " l.Mrrank Chamberlain" " " I 0US ACtilpmnn " " I 80 LatTPlta KUw-k " " l.iwj a Klark " " " I Worn Farley " " " 1.S0W H Howe " 1.60 R E Mlirener " " " 1.00 a a Nelaoo " " " l.US8Nelon - " " 10 David Onborn " 14 IJC Ravmond " " 1.80 John O Keller July. - 2.00 RlchardirlirHh....8. pt " 2.00 Inwc mover " " 1.50 J Hlmona Jan , 1M8 1.50 F Kotittallle Mar 14. " l.fW NHon Wewamar... " " " 2.00 J Wlokhain. May 84 " I.WJaa Allen July 7. thia XHb day of September. 1906. W'auulv Bbuwr, Ocunty Clerk. Dated Sharitr Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon lor naaroi.'ouniT, Edward Baldwin, PUT. ) n. R. J. Gorman, Deft. I Notice is hereby iven that by virtue of an Kxeculion iwued out of the Circuit Court, oi the Stale of Oregon for Wasco County, on the Hihday of September lilofi. upon a judsmeut rendered In said court on the sisi nay 01 March 1W8. iu favor of Edward Baldwin, Plain tiff, and against K. J. liorman, Defendant, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to make the sums of feitUS and the further sum of 826 attorney's fee aud til costs. I did on the 15th day of September WW, levy upon N' SWVi, 8 KWI See- 21. Tp. 12 8, A 10 East in Croos County, Oregon, and I will on Saturday October th 1906, at the hour of one o'ckH'k in the afternoon of said day, at the Courthouse door ill the City of Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash in nand, sell all tnerignt, line ana interest, which the defendant, K. J. liorman. otherwise known as Kicbard J. tiormau had on the l&lh day of September or now has in and to the above described real properly to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees and costs ana accruing costs, or so mucn mereoi as may be necessary to satisfy the same. uateo mis ran uay oi wpiemiwr isvo. FRANK ELK1MS, sneriD, crool County, ur. By John combs. Deputy. ( Hol House and Three Lots for Sale House, Barn and three lota tor sale. Beet location in town. Cor. 2il and B fits. Apply to T. J. Fergueson, Crook, Or. Wounds, Braises And Burns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wouuda, bruites, burns and like injuries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and iu aHtit nna third thA tiniA nHilliml hv the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery ana triumph ol mouern snrg aiv f!liam)tttrliiiii'a Pain Kilm arts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic ana wnen appneu w bucu injurn, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poisoning. Keep a bottle of Pain bulm in your home and it will sav you time and money, not to mention the inconveni ence and suffering such injuries entail. rv I, t 1 S. ror saie uy u i auhnibuh ut w. Notice to Debtors. Anyoue knowing themselves in debted to us will please call and set tle the same at once. 9-ft-4t Smith & Ci.kkk WSJ W. .F.King Millinery Opening We will be in our new building on Saturday, September 29th with a complete line of the latest creations I in millinery. Call and see them. I i T. F. McCALUSTER & CO. li.iliini I I I. HiiiiI I LUMBER Closing OF LADIES' FURNISHINGS, Etc. Having decided to discontinue from carrying Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line of these goods will therefore be sold at ACTUAL COST Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as it means a big saving of money to you. We have in stock useful articles of wearing apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices and you will buy. THE OWL CASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor Cause and Effect The Explanation: The 0. K. Market since establishing its business August 14. 1905, has built up a trade unsurpassed by any other opposition shop ever openend in Prineville. Why? Because ai the first they established their prices satisfactory with the people. That is the secret of the success which has attended their business. The rule applies the year around. We Carry a full line of the best meats, vegetables, etc., and expect to conduct our business in the future the same as in the past We Thank the Public for their Patronage The 0. K. Meat Market ' STROUD BROS., Proprietors Telephone Orders Will Drills .Hn, 4.i H. n li.lmij. 1 Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, p Doori, (jlasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. m SHIPP&PERRYl PRINEVILLE, OREGON Out Sale Be Given Prompt Attention J Chronicle.