e Big Crowd at the Opening of the Crook County Fair Yesterday. Fine Exhibits of Fruit, Vegetables and Livestock. Good Racing Crook County Journal VOL.X PR1NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER 11, 1906. NO. 43 L J 1 L J 3 rn LJ ri M L J C3 r.n M a LJ LJ rn a r.n LJ ri r!n LJ r.n L J rn LJ r n LJ r.n L j rn rn LJ r.n L j r.n LJ r.n Kn L J rn LJ rn LJ r.n LJ r.n L j r.n M LJ B1 LJ r.n LJ r n LJ r.n LJ rn LJ rn L J r.n LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ rn LJ r.n LJ r,.n LJ rn LJ rn LJ rn L'J m i m ria CO r.n V'J Pi 01 tltl nn rn cu nn na tu nn rm t"J ra tij pa ptj r.n uy na uu nn na r.n U'J na pa C'J na cu na na Selling at Very Low Price.. YOU WILL NEED ONE The Good Housekeeper ADMIRES A GOOD RANGE Let Us Show You Ours High Grade Low Priced Highest Guarantee Economical in Fuel Perfect Bakers 111 Fifteen Stylei of Air Tight Heating Stoves which we are M a. r..i k j i. j r 1 L J ri L J r i r n t.j ri lj n n i. j n u J r.n LJ r.n L J ri r.n lj r i L :j r.n LJ ri r.n LJ r..n LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ r ,.i L J n L J L J r.n LJ r.n LJ L J r.n L J r.n LJ r, i L J r.t L J n LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ rn LJ r,.n LJ r.i LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ rn LJ r.n LJ r,n LJ r.n LJ rn l J rn LJ r.n LJ r n L J rn LJ r.n LJ r.n L J rn LJ r.n L J rn LJ r.n LJ r.n LJ rnrnnr:nrnrnrnr!nr5nr!n'',nr!nrnirnrinrn LJLJUJLJLJLJLJLJCJLJLJLJLJkJkJkJLJ r i JUST ARRIVED. ririririMrinrinrvirinnrriririririrv"rir"ir"tr,ir,nnrinrirnr,irirvinnr,.i LJLJLjLJLJkJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ Semi - Annual Statement Of the Treasurer of Crook Countv, Oregon, for the 3 month ending Heptetnbei 80, 11KX5, of aioneya received and paid out, from whom received and from what source, and on what account paid out. Kitchen Supplies Lisk's Heavy Graniteware Anti Rust Tin ware, Besides Cheaper Grades of Tin and Graniteware Cutlery, Dishes, Glassware Bed Room Furnishings New Pillows, Made Pillow Cases and Sheets, Towels Comforts, Quilts and Blankets C. W. ELKINS Shctniko Warehouse Co. Skomiko, Oregon General Storage, Forwarding AND Commission Merchants . Dealers in Blacksmith Coal, Flour, Barbed Wire, Naiht, Cement, Lime, Coal Oil, Planter, Sulphur, Wool and Grain, Buck and Twine, drain and Feed. Agent for Wasco Warehouse Milling CoV. "White Kiver" and "Dalles Patent" Flour. Highest price paid for Hides and Pelta. Special Attention in paid to Wool Grading and Baling for EaHtern Shipments. Stock Yards with all the latest and best facilities for Handling Stock. TIJark 2otr Soocls in Care of ::::: www mi OFFIOER8: W. A. Booth, Pr.ild.nt O. M. Elkins, Vic Pr.ldnt Frio W. Wiloon, Oathl.r DIREOTOR8: W. A. Booth, O. M. Elkims, D. P. Btiwart, Frio W. Wilson. Transacts a General Banking Business Exchange Bought and Sold Collections will re ceive prompt attention ABdly Burned Girl or hoy, mini or woman, is quickly out of pain if Buoklen's Arnica Salve is ap plied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Tekon nh. Mich., guys: "I use it in my fam ily for cuts, sores and all fkin injuries, anil rind it perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. Best healing salve made, 25o at I). P. Adameon & Co., and Tern ploton & Son's drugstore. LJ r.n 1-4 Off 14 Off CLEARANCE SALE IN Gents' Summer Underwear CLAYPOOL BROS. Prineville, Oregon na L'J rn Lj na LJ r.n LJ na LJ na L J na LJ na LJ r.a LJ r.a L"J na L J na L J na L J na LJ pa na LJ na L'J na LJ na LJ na LJ CO 2L S K O o c 8 3 E. m e a c 9 0 . a is 8 ro cn to o S 9 rfk. O 4- OD -I w -I li es cn Kf 4- 14 0 8 O I a i cT! D i -i sr "3 c 50" o -1 tU - CO 00 -4 -J 00 W t er OB -i 2 - o 00 CO o CO to to o to to o t 211 7. ft to a o a c o c C a a o s c s co-re: s O - S t r- TS f g ?B JP 3 - 5 sr ? ; f S - 8 ? : g g 8 5 8 : i & ? C 5i ST ' a.l.??-'0': .5: r - cr . . . i M: : : 3 B O p 3 8TgSP z; C m S to to 00 Ol M W -I CO (O - K 00 p 288 . . -i 3 CO P"Cn0Ol a CO l t o o 00 4 o CO P C" CO . 30 - I SK9 O I -1 Op to o o en to 00 a. 00 to CO to -I o 5 ! "3 "so o P3 a O cr to CO to O -4 C71 to CO 00 to CO 00 to 00 en 00 -4 00 o to o to GC CO - 00 Cn g Cn CO C CO to to Cn to OS to 2 o Cn CO cn CO CO CO to to o 00 to o so rn 0 -o 3 Semi-Annual Kcport H the County Clerk of Crook County, Kute of Oregon, nhowing the amount and nnmlmr of rluirns allownl .y the County Omrt of said County, for what allowed, amount of warrant d-awn. the amounbi of warrant ouUtanding and unpaid from the lt day of April. to the 30tli day of Hepteinher, 1W, otti incluMve. Amount of OutstandinK Warrants Unpaid thitstanding unpaid County Warrants on the 30th day of SeptemW, 1UU6 23.1.0H Total amount of onpaid Coun ty WarranU TM.M On What Account . A nit. Allowed Circuit Court 130 $ 2S74.20 County Court 7 112.00 Commiff loners Court 14 iP.i7.lW Justice' Court 40 l'W.25 Kheriff'g office 4 131U.U9 Judge's office 3 300.00 Clerk's office 2 600.00 Treasurer's office 3 200.00 Hchool gnpt's office 7 258.37 AseesDor's office 8 &4.00 ConsUhle't office 2 107 .SO Tax Rebate 1 13.44 Court bous expense 17 511.37 Jail 2 233 65 Care of poor 24 787.59 Roads and Bridges 49 &2.92 Election supplies 4-VS 2006.81 8 hool exenses 14 1158.19 Stationery and postage 1 1 102.87 Express, Freight and Telephone 9 82 85 Printing 5 48925 Records 2 8.40 List of land 1 ' 22.70 Library fund 1 201.80 Total claims allowed 812 (18892.04 STATE OF OREGON, I County of Crook, J I, Warren Brown, County Clerk of the County of Crook, State of Ore gon, do hereby certify that the foregoing U a true and correct statement of the number and amount of claims allowed by the Countv Court of said County for the six months enditg on the 30th day of September, 1906, on what acconnt the same were allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and in my official cuatody. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County, this 1st day of October, A. D. 1906. IsealJ WAKKr-.N BKOWN. County Clerk, By Mat Bells Rkkd, Pep. Semi-Annual Summary Statement Of the financial condition of the County of Crook, in the State of Oieeon. the 30th day of September, A. IX 1906. Liabilities To warrants drawn on the County Treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid To estimated amount of interest accrued thereon . Total Liabilities . $2336.06 (2336.06 Resources By funds in the hands of County Treasurer applicable to the payment of county warrants By funds in hands of County Sheriff applicable to the payment of county warrants By estimated unpaid current taxes applicable to the payment of county warrants Totu, IUsodhkks , (12289.69 1543.63 5818.94 (19i52.26 THE FAIR A BIG SUCCESS Fine Showing of Crook Co. Products. SOME GOOD RACING Exhibits Not Quite Ready for the Opening Will be Ready Today. Circuit Court Calendar. I, W. F. King, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and cor- tect statement of the amounts received, paid out, and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said County, for the three months ending on the 30th day of September, A. D. 1906. Witness my hand this 4th day of October, 1906. W. F. KING, County Treasurer. Sheriff's Report. To the Honorable Countv Court of the State of Oregon for Crook county- Gentlemen: I lieg leave to submit the following report of the receipts of the Mierilt 's Office for said countv for the period beginning J uly I, lm, ana ending on September 30, 1606, to-wit: Amount collected on roll of 1903 ...... .1 ( 33 08 " " " 1904 153 43 " " " 1905 ; 2722 09 Amount oi fees received 23 00 Total collections (2931 60 Amount paid County Treasurer (1387 97 Balance on hand and in bank Disbursements.. 1543 63 (2931 60 STATE OF OREGON Countv of Crook. 1 I hereby certify that the foregoing statement is correct as shown therein. FRANK ELK.INS, Sheriff Crook County, Oregon. By John Combs, Deputy. Dated October 3, 1906. There is no longer any doubt or uncertainty about the success of the second annual Crook County Fair. The big crowd at the open ing yesterday, the fine display of blooded stock, the exhibits of fruits and vegetables, the fine arts display by the ladies, the showing made in county school work, and the good racing program offer at tractions that wiil draw large crowds every day and keep them interested from the opening until the close next Saturday. Many exhibits were not in place yesterday. People living at a dis tance could not get here sooner and some of our townspeople did not calculate on such a large at tendance the first day. The pa vilion was so crowded part of the time that very little headway was made in getting things in place. By today everything will be in readiness. No detailed account of the fair is possible in this issue of The Journal, but net week we hope to cover it in detail. We are pleased to note the pres ence of many Redmond people who are on hand with some of their finest specimens of vegetables, grasses and grains. People from all parts of the county are here with their blooded stock making a sight you cannot afford to lose. bucks for Sale. At the T. 8. Hamilton ranch, near Ashwood, Crook Co., Oregon. Three hundred head of yearling Delaines and Spanish Merinos. None better in the country. It costs nothing to see them. All customers treated alike. 9-20-1 m OCTOBER TEEM. Charles Durham vs John 0'Kel ley and wife. S H Dorrance vs H A Melvin. Edith Ferguson vs Samuel J Ferguson. H F Dittzel vs S P Conroy and the Madras Milling & Mercantile Co. R L Sabin vs Mad rasa Milling & Mercantile Co. Anthon Ahlstrom vs Deschutes I & P Co. D McMillan and J D Honeyman vs E F Batten, A M Drake and A L Goouwillie. Charles Boyd vs The Bend Live stock & Produce Co. E Dorgan, F J Devine and J J Collens vs E O Hyde. E Dorgan & Co. vs Lizzie E Hyde. E Dorgan & Co. va Walter S Hyde. E Dorgan & Co. vs A J Boone. E Dorgan & Co. va J W Boone. E Dorgan & Co. vs J Frank Spin ning. E Dorgan & Co. vs Marie Spin ning. E Dorgan & Co. vs Mary J Powell. E Dorgan it Co. vs Elnora C King. E Dorgan & Co. vs Etta M Clark. E Dorgan & Co. vs Minnie M Whitsett. E Dorgan & Co. vs Oscar C Hyde. E 0 Hyde vs Naomi Salomon. The Pilot Butte Development Co. vs S II Dorrance. Wurzweiler & Thomson vs U S Cowles. A M Williams & Co. vs A A Mc Cord and E M McCord. Shaniko Warehouse Co. vs O G Collver. Alice V Denver vs Lewis S Den ver. - L M Douglass vs L E Douglass. The D I & P Co. vs Sarah E Barnett. The 1) I & P Co. vb Cowin II Barnett for judgment. A Ad Keller vs A P Dawson, Rock Island Plow Co. vs Will Wurzweiler and A Hodges. James Cram vs Ella Cram. The criminal docket not yet completed.