FOSTER I HORIGAN Are headquarters for the best of everything in their line. They quote the following prices on meats: Loin Stfuk 1'2M lvr IhuiihI Konnd Steak UVts ivr pound Shoulder Steak 3 pound for 2,Vts Prime Rib Roast UVt jht pound Plain Roast 7 and Sets per ound Roil Beef 6 and Sots per pound Pork Chops 12Jctier pound Loin Mutton Chop? l'2Jots per pound Shoulder Mutton Chop lOet per pound Leg Mutton KVt per pound Veal CulleU '. 12Jct x r pound Veal Roast 10 to 12Jct per pound Veal Stew Sot per pound Sausage ICots piT pound Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or in chunk. We have prices that are RIGHT the We also make a specialty of our own make of Hams, Bacon and Lard. Guaranteed to be striolty first class in both Qualitv and Flavor FOSTER & HORIGAN Liquor FtUtkm. To the Honorable County Court of Crook County, Slate t Oregon. We the tinders Sillied lel Tvller Sllil aCllial relllrllta of A.-hoxt I'rei iiict in t'rOok County, tr put, reopevifiiilv etilioii vour honorable IxHly to iirant license to lieiiioii A tirater to sell r.miuou, malt ami vinous liquor ami fcritit'iitetl cider at retail an) in Icsa quantities than one (tallon. for the eriot ol si mom In in Ashaood I'rvcinet, Crook Count V, Omiun. t M I om.lexter tieo 1 t atitew K K lVrrvnian J C ItroKAit J H O'kelloy K 1) Huston K.I Klkins ri 8 lilacs. Kit C Kaunell tns K Zelt C I Maiipiu J M Collins W K KaUs 1 MoCarty l.e Wow! John lavne Joth it.tnnati G It Heath Kntuk lVwk h W Toiuhnauii llert James .V C Kenton II C tinner II li Itolken W li rater Frank Miambrau John Crwcan C T Bradford John Atheeton Allan MacLennan Jatitea II Janieotl Thoe Hraskett A H Hale I) S Hamilton K lHiniont W I) Walker J W Klkins K D tiou-r C K Sandy Krwl MiVolluin C S M tirkle It J Viuesinlierry i.raat Ura-k. tl Notice is hereby given that the alx"re nuiml Kent. mi ,V tirater luentioned in the forecointf petition, will on the Ath day of November, prvoent the above named petition to the County Court of Crook County. Oregon, and apply for a lioeiis) to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors and lermeuted rider at retail and in Ion iuantittes than one gallon at Ashwood iu Asliwood rreemet, Crook County, Oregon, for a period of . months, Ukxtok A tiATK. Dated this' Suit day of September, I'.atik Want Ads Notice under this head HI be rlianjred at the rate of Osa CaaT per word per inaertion. Nothing lew than 30 cetil. FOK SALK. 1.VJ0 mrvaof kih land, 610 ncrvsi of ithh1 inotuiow, 30 nrrva tit nlftilfa, VuUatHt kmh! pMHlurv land; nil umler it 8-wlrv foinv and will Ih mild tr nn now. All tool thrown tu. :! honil ot hontoa broken. Tiki head of cattle, moat ot them atock cattle, ome attrra, Tearlntula ami S-yenr-olila, nil tor f 'Xikkt. l'npt cnali, Imlitnc on winy teruiH. Kor further ntorniittloti In qulre itt U V. Hnlloy, Pnttllitit, tnKtn. 7-12-tt TJhe deception SMITH & CLEEK, Propriktoks Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED MAIN STREET Poet Ollice Hox 92 PRIXEVILLE, OREGON Z ts ; 5-? V Jf ; 5f if a I ITHE HAMILTON STABLES II 8 BUCHANAN & ALLEN, Proprietors PRINEVILLE. OREGON Stock hoarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Sunt mon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Crook Count v. K. L. Booth, rlainliff. vs. I Sarah S. Lnmon, and H. i V. Ijtin-on, her hulatid, ) lWondanla ) To Sarah N. Lani-vm and H. V. Ijinsou lvfemlant-s. IS THK SAMK OK THK STATK OF OKKtiOS. You are hereby required toapnar and answer the complaint tiltsl against you in theaboxe entitled suit within six weeks lioiii the date of the lirt piiblioalion of this uinnions. which date ol hrt public tion is the !lh dav August. l'AHi. and U vou lull so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff rill apply to said Court for the relief demanded in aaid complaint, to-wit; 1 hat the said defendants aiM each of them be required to allege and set forth their pretendeil interest or estate in and to the following described premise, to-wtt: the West halt of the Northwest quarter of Sectioti 8 and the East half of the North east quarter ol vtion 7, T. 13 S. K. 13 K of the Willamette Meridian tu Crook County, tregon. And the same be ascertained and determined by tit decree of this Court, and that the plaiutiif have a decree ;! this tourttbat he is the owner in fee simpleand in toaseasioii of the above de-cribed real propert v am) that the defend ants have no interest or estate therein. either lenl or equitable, a:d for such other or further relief as is meet in equity and good conscience. This summons is published in pursuance to the order of Hon. W. A. Hell. County Judre of Crook County, Oregon, which or der bears date the Sth day of August, M. K. Elliott, C. t Linden A McCain A Vinton, Attorneys for I'lain'.ilf. -tK"' Prineville Machine Shop E. G. HODSON, Proprietor I am prepared to do all kinds of Machine work (except casting) such as boring Engine cylinders, dressing valves and valve seats, lifting shafting for any kind of machine, also plow and edge tool grinding, saw gumming and filing. . Having installed new and up-to-date machinery for the above work, I can, in most cases, save you money over sending to Portland for repairs, say nothing about time saved which is cer tainly quite an item. At any rate give me a trial and then you will be in a position to judge for yourself. A supply of material kept on hand at all times. Shop 100 feet East of Prineville Flouring Mills PRINEVILLE, OREGON cjririfirinririririririr.t nrirTiririnrtrtrmnr t LLJUjL.LIWJl.Jl.-IUJl.Jl-JkJI-jl.-il. J UJU.lL JUJU JUJuJUJU JU JU-lUJU J Liquor Petition. To the Honorable County Court for the County of Crook. State of Oregon: The undersigned resi'lents and i jth voters of Black Butte precinct, Crook conn'y, Ure- fon, respectfully petition your Honorable lody to arrant a" license to "F. M. Zumwalt 4: 1). li. Miller, partnership, to sell spirit uous, malt and vinous liquors and fer mented cider in quantities less than one gallon in Black Butte precinct, Crook County, Oregon, for a period of six months from and after t e third dav of November. 1H06. W J Wood John Schulte K C Footer C L Jolison W II Cyrus R K Jordan J R Fry rear II B Reed H K Glazier T J Fryrear J 8 Linton 8 Dickson D Winkle J E Fuller W T E Wilson Geo Cyrus Henry Crabtree Hardv Allen M L Oliver Chits Hindnian M J Roberts M C Lawrence Oeo K liable J B Fry rear Marion Btilwell John Y Todd Jasper Johnson Lee Uover Notice is hereby given that the under signed will present the foregoing petition to the County Court lor ( rook County, Oregon, on Monday, the Sth clay of Nov., l!)0ti, at which time they will apply to the Court for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors and nanl cider in quantities less tliun one gallon in sanl pre cinct. County and btate in accordance with the prayer of the foregoing petition. Dated this i7th day of Sept., lit". Ot ZUMW ALT A' . Mll.LKR. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr. Kinji's New Life Pills. They lemoveull pois.onoun germs from the system and infuse i ew life and vigor; cure sour stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discomfort. 25c. Guaranteed by I). P. Adamson & Co., aud Tenipleton & Sou, druggist. F M Booth Douthit New F F f-elliuuii J W Allen "V K t iraliam J fi Wikon M M Thomas Fred Wiese (i Allingham A G Tral an O L Branton Geo Wool J V Kirtnier W A Vanhuskirk John Atnhlie C U Buchanan L Dasmun F'rank Kodyfelt Alex Smith E W RoU-rtx riamuel Wield O D Allingliam ri J Kiteliing T Riggs 8 M W Hindu W N Cobb K h Johnson in Professional Cards, Cm. &mJ JT. S9. 3timmr 3$ o I knap dt a 'wards 'mm mmm Smrfm, 00 IW tfW Maw'i I JWJL JU JU JkJLJL JW JL JU JL JU Noticw for PubUcaUon. IVpurtment of the Interior, Laud Otttc l The lllea, reron. rW-ptemher 4, 1. Not'ee is hereby civen thutjame II. HKkiit, tt lriiiAwill., t lr,i,ii hft tlletl notice oi nit intention iomue nnu urw jrw7u Vrmm. Uomestead Kntry No. 7T mde ikvein. her 1. I.xsn. ftir thSNWV NW v t of Section 17 and NKi SKv, of Swtion 18. Towiishii. U 8. Kaiure lit K. W M. and that saiii priHf will be made before the Keitiater aiui Kit'eiver, at i tie 1'atiea, vre- (ton, on tvtolier STJiiil. pmrt. tie name the ioiiowiiik witnesm-a to prove hi continuoua reeideuca upon, and cultivation of the land, vil: Claud K, Wright. Isuh'M. Hlrvins, Al len C. K ninli ten. Civile C. Hon, all 'of lrineville, Oregon. MichaklT. Noiah, KeKiter, vnfm. Timber Iml, Aot of June S, IH7. Notlcafor Publicatioo. t'nlleit Htatea Ijtml Orltce. The Italli. ouon. Aucum T.. IwW. Nothv Is herehv alwn that In iHtmnllane with the nniviHloiiM of the Act ifcTl'iituf rma of ' June3,IK7S, entitled "An ael tor the ul ii Ctui tmiiu PaoarrLT l oa NiuNT tlmlK-r Un.ts In the Ktnl.of t'allfonila. Or, i .. .. ... . I.HI. Nevada, and Washington territory." an j urwB uoua uaT or aiuaaua exieiuted l all the rul'lio-laml huIm lr I Dam ftroaa. Hmiuiki i OreoaiTa ael or Auaum 4, I'M, I lie lollowlna-nameil Demon have riled In nil omea lh. tr worn I rraooiT t ! stntemenu t wli: i Helen H. Bunnell, of Seattle, county of flOt-.j. Klua. ataieof Wah iwlnn.nworn lnlriiwnl ! vw-wywm r ri u r.T u n i. n u J ri ti t J ri u r.! u J u t j r i li u r.s i J L J iir ir tr ir f 't". v i ir i Jf W JU-IU JW Jki Jk. JU Jk Jk JW Jk JU' J Sonera $lacks77uViing lloitHKNiioKiMi, WtKin Work, ktc., NlCATLY ANH rilOMITI.V INK WllKN IT lit DoNK Hy ! : : h. JUJU JWJU JU JU JU JLJkJLJk JU JfL JU JU JU JL JU JU JU JU JU Jl. JUk. J Robert 7oorc Satisfaction Will Itc (.uarautccd rKINKVU.I K, OlIKtldN. 4H mm Smmmm. 0. jry PAptitimm mmm' Surf mmm So. i7. nled Au(us IN, How. Air I lie pur huvor Hi HK'i NK'. KS SK.and HWl HK'.of Hevtlon 1, Tp. 1 K., K. I K-, W. M. : Catherine Kewriiian, of Meatlle, counly of Kln. ataieof Waahlniiton, "worn alalenient ' No. SMV. flled Auusi K 1MM. lor the our- ehnaeof the w't' S and wS WH oi Nrciion an, i u. 1.1 , k. la a., w m. Claude K. Hlaae, of Uratilte ('all, counly of Hnohoinlsh, alale of Washington, aworn ; tau-nirnt No. Suit, riled July , IMV, Air tha purchase of the an1, deetlou W, Tp. lb K, K. lit K. W. M. i Hlehard Turley, of Granite Falla. counly of MnohomtNh, alate of Waahlnffton. aworn Mateiucnl Niv SUM. Olrd July .'. lwM, Air the ' puiehase of the awS, tiieetloa 14. To. 16 A, K. Is K, W. to. That they will offer proof to ahow that the lands aoimht are more valuable Ar the tln ' tier or stone thereon than Air agricultural . puriaiaea, and to eaiahllsh their claims to said lands Ix-fore the lbvUler and Receiver at the land ofWce In The liailea, trean,on Ochiber Soth, IWM. They name as witnesses: Catherine Kcver- j man and Helen H. Hunnell, ofHealtle. Wash-' Inxton: H. A. roster. I . A. IHincan andtr. Met alllsler, of Prineville. rwon: CainiUjell A. lunean. Clarence A. Mrt'allster and Mma Morris, of Prineville. Orcsrou: and Klehard Turlev and Claude K. Hlace, of Uranlte Falls, j Wasblimton. i Any and all persons rlalmlns; adversely i any of ttie atMve.deMcrllied lands are request ed to file their claim In this orttce no or be fore the said th day ofm-toher. I won. -,' p Micuakl T. Nmuar, Kenlster. Star Barber Shop HYDKtfc McHAB, IWh. Our haircutting is up-to-dalt. Our snaving is conilurtable. Our shop is new and clean. Ilonderfloa Building I'l. I Nr.VU.I.K, UKKIMIK a s sfW jsk afW sk afV iV atW M Ttnils r Mud, Act of JuneS, IT, notice (or PubUcaUon. Timlier Land, Act of June 178. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, July 21, lijml. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act cf Con gress ol June 3, l7s, entitled "A n act for the sale ol timlier lands in the States of Californis, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory ."'a- extended to all the Fnii lic Lain! States by act of August 4, s!r', the following-named persons have on July 14, 191 , tiled in this otlice their sworn stiitenitnts, to-wit: William J. liarlow, of Coeur'il Alene. county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn statement No. 'Mia, for the purchase of the WJi riB'4 and fcW'4, Section 1, Tp. 14 S U. lrt K , W. M. John H. Jarrett. of Ow ur'd Alene, coun ty ol Kootenai, state ol Idaho, sworn state ineut -o. JZf.H lor Hie purchase ol the Lots 3 and 4 and H'4 SV, Section 5, Tp. 14 8., K. 19 K.. W. M. Thomas P. McAuley. of Tacoma, county of Pierce, state of Wa-hingUjn, sworn statement No. ISjfjJ, lor the purchase of the Lots I and i and rtj NE4, section (i, Tp. 14 M., K. 1!) K., . M. That they will oiler proofs to show that the lauds sought are more valuable fonthe timber or stone thereon than lor agricul tural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lanos before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Oc tober 3, 1!IOO. They name the following witnesses: Thomas I'. McAuley, of Tacoma, Wash injrton; John II. Jarrett and William J. liarlow, of Cocur'd Alene, Idaho; Byron Cady and A. C. Knighten, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this otlice on or before the said 3rd day of October, l!i. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 7-2(i-pil Register Timber Land. Act of June 3, 1S7H. Notice for Publication. Vnited State I.and Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August -'7. 1906. Notice is hereby iriven that in compli ance w ith the provisions of the act of Con gress o! June 3,, entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Puh- lic-laml states ty act ol Auirust 4, l.ssri. the following-named persons have tiled in this office their sworn statements, to wit: Oeorge F. Curtis, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn state nuntNo. 3t?J, filed August 10, 1U0B, for the purchase of the k. and Ixit and 7 of tc-tion ti, Tp. 14 R. iy K., W. M. Vernon E. Cady, of Everett, county of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 3081. tiled August 10, lisi, for the purchase of the f.J NE1;, siE'-4 NWv; and N W l4 SEVJ of Section 4. Tp. 15 ti., R. 19 E.. W. M. Charles F. Bell, of Pjiokane, county of Siokaue, state of ashiiigton, sworn statement No. J72. fileil August 13, 1!J, for the purchase of the SW'-; NE'.;, Vf'i SEU ami Lot .Section 6, Tp. 14 Si., R. 19 E.. W. M. Fred E. Munch, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of S ashington, sworn statement No. 31J0, tiletl August 25, l'.Wti, for the purchase of the SEy of Section B, Tp.US., R. 19 E., W. M. That they will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stote thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish their claintR to said lands before the Register and Receiver at the land otlice in The Dalles, Oregon, on October 31, W. They name the following witnesses: W. E. Cady and Vernon E. Cady of Everett, Washington; Byron Cady, Rachiellus E. Jones, Perry Poindexter and H. A. Foster, of Prineville, Oregon; George F. Curtis, of Portland, Oregon; Fred E. Munch, Arthur W. Paterson and Fred J. Rielly, of Spokane. Washington, and Charles F. Bell oi Spokane, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this ollice on or before the said 31st day of October, 19U6. MlCHAKL T. N'OI.AK, !t-30-p Register. Culled States l-aild Office. The iLillea, iir.sjr.ui, August ft, lsV Nolle U hff.'bv given that In compliance ' wllb the provl.tons of the act of Oiiigresa of ! June S, l:s. entitled "An act lor I he sale of , timber Inmls In the Mtatrauf California. Orn- fun, Nevada, and washing ton territory." as , extended to all the rublHvand Htatea by act i of August 4. !VJ Ibe rollowtng-iiamed er j sons have Hied In tills oAo theirs worn state ments to wit: Kay V. Constable, of Prtnevttle, county of Cnaik. state of Oregon, sworn staUoitrttt No. StHJ, filed August 4, 1WIS, Ar the purchase of I he aa'4 a',, VrS s' and awS ' of iSeo tlon , Tp. 14 H., R. IS K., W. M. l.llllan M. Foster, or Prineville, county or ill N Experts Wanted. Sealed bids will be received by the Coun ty Court of Crook County, Oregon, up to II) o'clock a. in. November 7, I'Mi, for the exporting of the hooks of the Clerk, (Sheriff and Treasurer of ('rook ('utility from July 4th 1(Ki4 to July 2nd KHjli. Bids to state whether charge is per day or sum total for the work. Bids to be sealed and marked "Expert" and addressed to the County Clerk. Prineville, Oregon. The Court re serves Ibe right to reject any and all bids. Bv order of the Court. Warrbn Bbown, 9-2fMt Clerk Crook County Oregon. Notice of Sale of Seal Estate. Notice is hereby given, that in pursu ance of an order of the County Court for Crook County, Oregon made on the 4th day of September, 1!K, iu the matter of the estate of C. U. A tubs, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to confir mation by said County Court, on the 20th day of October, If!, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the front door of the County Courthouse in Prineville, Oregon, all the right, title, interest ami estate of the said CO. A mlii at the time of his death, and al! right, title ami interest that the said e- tate has acquired other than or in ad dition to that of the said CO. Ambsat the time of his death, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of laud described as follows, to-wit: the Northwest quarter of Section Eleven in Township Twelve South, of Range Sixteen East of Willamette Meridian in ('rook County, Oregon. Terms and conditions of sale, cash. Uated this 20th day of September 19W. W. A. Booth. Administrator of the estate of (J. O. Ambs, Deceased. Contest Notice. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon, August aj, I'.SXi A sufficient contest sMidsvit having been til ed in this ottiee by Florence H. Collins, con testant, atrainst homestesil entry No. sjna. IMHile October '25, I'.KSJ, for fJA NKU, Hection 31, S'4 S Heetion Itt, Township 11,8, Range 16 E, W M, by Patrick Hastings, Coutestee, In which it Is alleged that said Patrick Hastings has wholly abandoned said tract; that he has changed ills residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry; that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said oartv as rumired by law; that such failures still exist; that said alh-guil absence was not due to his employment in tlie army, navy or marine corps of the United Htates In time of war. Hah! parties are hereby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 1U o clock a. in. on uctober a, l'.ssi, before Warren brown. County Clerk, at his of flee in Prineville, Oregon, and that final hear ing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on October l.r. 11SJ6, before the register and receiver at the United States Land Ollice at The Dalles, Ore gon. The said contestant having. In & primer Hill davit, tiled Aiiuust -D. 1903. set forth facts wbieb show that after due dlliifenee personal service of Ibis notice can not be made, it is hereby or- ilereil and directed that siieu notice be given by due and proper publication. 9-6-np . Michael T. Nolan, Register. Timla-r Land, Act of June : , LS74. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, I'niUd States Land Ollice, The Dalles ln,.,ul Alurllst li l't v.rfi,- i. KFukv ;.ii tht In ...,n,i,H. Cnaig, state of Oregon, sworn stalemeii ance aith the provisions of the act of Con- H. KvU,f Hection 14 and S N W gross of June 3. tss, entitled "An act for wtlon W, T IJK, It 1 K, M. the sale of timber lands in the Suites of, i' melius Duggan. of Prineville, eounty of Cfalilornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing. Crook, stale or Oregon, aworn statement No. toiiTerriurv,"aextendedtoallthel'tlhiic "led August 17, P4M. for lha purchase of Land State's by act of 4, isi, NK; of rktlon IB. Tp. 14 K., K. I K., W. Adolph Hankey, of Portland county of ' That they will offer proonilo ahow lhal the Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day ,d. sought are more valuable for the !lm- liled in this otlice Ins sworn statement No. ber or alone thereon than 'or agricultural .'Kl'si, for the purchase of the NE'jol'Sec- purposes, and to establish their claims lo tion 'JS Tn. PiS. K III E. W. M ami will said lands la-fore the ('mint y Uerg of Crook otter proof to show that the land sought is iVi'lii.'" Pr,nev"1"' 0nw,,n-oa Novemlr more valuable tor mo limner or stone tnereuu than for agricultural purposes. and to establish his claim to said land be fore the County Clerk of Crook County, at the Court House in Prineville, Oregon, on NovenilierU, Msl He names as witnesses: 8. J. N'ewsom, Walter O'Neil, of Prineville, Oregon, Will iam McMcekin, Mary McMcekiu, of liris ily, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above ilescn led lands are requested to tile their claims in this otlice on or lie fore said sth day of November. l'.sJtJ. I IM-p MtcuAKL T. Nolan, Register. S. I '. They name the following witnesses: H. A. Foster, A. C. Knighten. Kloyd A. Itowell, Frederie C. H.lm.n, William McMrekln, RoImiiI Harrington, H. A . Pnav, t'harlm A. t'nsoka, John W , Cnsiks, Hyron Cady, Prine ville, Oregon, and Charles M. CharlU.o, if Haleni, t)ngon. Any and all persona claiming adversely any of the abovcKleserttied lands are request ed to tile their claims In this nfflw on or be fore the said sth day of November, IMS). tLao-2p Mich aL T. Nola, Klter. Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of tba estate of Alexander McCloy, Deceased: Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the ndnuiilstra- Hr ot the estate ot Atexanuer aictioy, de ceased to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the otlice of.M. R. Elliott in Prineville, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this 19th day of July, 19. r. n. imvis. Administrator of ibe estate of Alexander McCloy, Deceased. jl-t Timber Land. Act of Jane S, 17. Notice for Publication. IVpaitment of the Interior, United suites fnd Otlice, The ladles, Oregon, July SO, 19Ho. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ofOongrcssof Juneg, 1S7S, entitled An act for the sale of tlmls-r hinds In the Htatea of al I Torn la. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended loall the Public Land Wales by act of August 4, IhW, Charles M. Charlton, of Halem, county of Marlon, state of Oregon, has this day Hied In this omne nis sworn siaio ment No. Sot.i, for the purchase of the K1 NV.'i.HW'A NK'.and N' HK'4 of Hection ", Tp. 12 H., R. 16 K.. W. M., and will offer proof to snow tnai tne inna sougiu is more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for iigilciiUurnl purposes, and to establish his cIhIiii to said land before the County Clerk of Crook County, at the Court House In Prineville, On-gon, on November V, isos. He mimes as witnesses: a. J. wewsom, or Prineville. On-voii. William McMcekin. Orls- sly, On-gon; Carey W. Foster, Kolairt Harring ton, Prineville. Any ana all persons claiming auverseiy the aliove-descrlhcd lands are requested to nie their eiuliiiH in this office on or before siild nth day of November, law). K-ao-np, Register. Notice for Publication. Depsrluient of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. ttrptcmbcr 1st. past. Notice Is hereby given that Campbell A. Dun can, of Prineville, Oregon, has tiled notice of his Intention to make final five-year proof In support of his claim, vis: Homestead Kutry No. initio made August 1. lwil. for theNVti.of Hection 12, Town. hip In M, Range IS K. W. M, and that said proof will be made Iwfore the County Clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Oc tolier sth, hut He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of, the land, via, Charles Keuerhelm, Henry Cram, Charles F. McCalllaler, John f. Morris, all of Prineville, Oregon. o-e-p Mich a XL T. Noi.ak, Register, Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice is herehv aiven. that in pur suance of an order of the County Court of Crook county, Oregon, made on the 2nd day of July, 1906, In the matter of the estate of Joseph Whitfield, deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of: said estate, will Bell at public auction to ! the highest bidder, for caBh, subject to confirmation by the eaid County Court, on Saturday, the Sth day of September, I 11XMI, at two o'clock in thf afternoon at the Courthouse door in Prineville, Ore-1 gon, all the right, title, interest and ' estate of the Bitid Joneph Whitfield at j Timber land, Act ol June X, IS78. j Notice for Publication. i United H la lea land Offlce, The Dalles. Oregon. August . IMS) Notice Is hereby given that In ooniullanee , with the pmvlslons of the act of (ongn-aaof iuneS, 1M7H, entitled "An act for the aaleof timber lands In the Htatea of Pali forn la, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory as extended lo all the Public-land Htatea by act of August 4, ISM, the following-named persons have nn July 80, I WW, filed In this of fice their swom atatementa, to wit: Henry K. Hoesly, of Hpokane, county of Hpokane, state of Washington, sworn state ment No. 8012, for the purchase of the N'i HW'4, N Yyt HK'4 and wt orHeotlon . TP. 14 8.. K. IB K.. W. M. Arthnr W. Paterson, of Hpokane, eounty of Hpokane, state or Y asntngton, sworn slate, ment No. H018, for the pun' base of the NS N'4, HW4 NW of Heutlon 10 and NE'., NKof Heetlon D.Tp. 14 H., K. 1 K., W. M. i Kred i. Rielly, Hpokane, county of Hpokane, atnte of Washington, sworn statement No. HOIIt. for the purchase of the N K of Hection l'A Tp. 14 H.. R. IS K. , W. M. i That they will oHer pnaifs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the title ber or atone thereon than for agricultural purposes, and Ui establish their claims to i aitld lands liefore the Register and Receiver ai. ine laud oiniw in i rw iunirs, wniijii, iiii November 7. IKOtt. Tbey name the following witnesses: Henry F. Hissilv. Arthur W. t'ateraon and Kred J. Rielly, of Hpokane. Washington; Hy ron Cady andA.O. Knighten, or Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are reu nest ed to tile their claims In this ottlne on or lie- fore the sale 7th day of November, IfltW. tt-HO-p Michael T. Nolan, Register, Beautifully loeited la Portlsnd. Oregoa. offers snsurDtsied facilities for the cul ture and education of young women. Special the time of his death and all the right, ' t?!?!"" title and interest in the Bald etate may , have acquired in addition to that of the said Joseph Whitfield at the time of hid death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying ana being . in the County of Crook, State of Oregon, and bounded and described as follows, j to-wit: Lots One and Two in Section, Nineteen in Township Twenty South, ature. Well equipped Physical snd Chtmlcal Lab oratories. Herbarlnia and Mineral Cabinet. Th largest snd oldest Ladies' Seminary la the Pacific Northwest, It snjors a nstlonal reputation lor I parting ths best physical, nsntal snd moral train ing and developing trus womanhood. Equips socially snd educationally for ths most exalted station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees by Ststs Authority. Intarferencs with convictions of non-Cstliolici Is scrupsloasly avoided. Academy Is ideslly located, smid Inspiring scenic sdrsa- of Range Eleven East and the Kant half tages. Social opportunities such as are available ..".... . li . ...... . .. . n..ui i oi the Mortlieanx quarter oi neciion Ttienty-four in TownBhip Twenty South, I of Range Ten East of Willamette Mer-1 ridian. ) Terms and conditions of sale, Cash, i Dated August 9, HMMS. M. 8. Mayfikld, I AdminiHtrator of the Estate of Joseph ; Wbitlield, Deceased. in no other cltr on the Coast. Buildings large and commodious, well lighted, hcattd and ventllsted dormitories snd private rooms supplied with sll modern conveniences. Ths In it i to tlon Is libersl and progressive without sacrificing the character and traditions of sgs snd schievement. Terms modest. Sstlnfactory references required. Write for announcement booklet. Board snd tuition $180 pat year. Address Sister Superior. St. Mary's Acadcmf PORTLAND. OREGON, U.S.sV 0'9fet brothers Primmnilm't WMmlmtmU Xt 'ammr Jfrnttm Flno Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also ffiar Supplies Sole Agents for Hop Oold Deer and the Famous Napa Soda 0.123.1137- Tiado Solicited. HEEESeBBBEBeBB GQQQSSQSQSOS jfcenderson tPollarci Country Orders Solicited Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock First Door South of the Poindexter Hotel The Opera Saloon C. A. BEDELL, Proprietor In The Glaze Hall A First Class House lUesreet in Jiverr Choloest Brands of Liquors, Wlnoi and Cigars 5 piacksmithing That Pleases KI11J You (ict lit. J. H. WKiLF'S (8ticMMuir Ui) coKXKrr & KLKIKS A Stwk of Farm Machinery ftlwayn oh haml UUiai4lsJaiiJI3ayUtls1BIJtaJlJUJB!JUya.lJU LJ L'J t j ri L J B1 C'J Bfl U'J rn LJ r.7 LJ L'J CJ CJ En L'J LJ THE O'NEIL Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELEFFSON Prop.. Trr. . . . ' . .. 3or jCadtcs and Sentlcmcn 7?eals and ffiakcry Jlunch Board by tha week, $5.00; with room, $8.00. Maal Tickets, $4-00 rinnpir,ntnr.rir.nrnrrnnnnnr3ir,!iir!n L1JLLiHJLUL.LiLULlJLyuyLIJLJLULUUUL!ULULJLULULIJLWLUL.,JLiljLULJlJ FOR Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpets, Ruga ! " T ivw.lam.i fott?nr T.nro riiirtn?n9 Win. ijiiiuivuiii, .(inbuiuf "-v.-, .. ... dow Shades and Poles, Wall Paper Lincrusta, Doors, Windows, Transoms Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Cooking Utensils, Wash Machines, Churns, Etc., go to i S and save from 10 to 20 cents on Every Dollar A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. I M u J r i. J r i k. J r..i i. J ri y i. j n M M u r .1 U J r..i n C3 rut LJ LJ r..n LJ rii-i L J nil U'J nn LJ nn LJ no L"J nil LU rn L J nn L J r..i Li nci LJ nn LU na LJ