Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 04, 1906, Image 3

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Local Mention
Mr. Watts of 'I'lit linllm, Is In
I'tIIII'VIUc Oil tlllHltll'MM.
A daughter was born to Mr, and
Mm. Kalph Moore of II njr creek , Hep-triulx-r
Mm. tlrm-e Kn-ha ul Iwlstoli,
IiIiiIiii, Im ImIiIiik her inn-nlii, Mr.
Mm. IK V, Htewnrt.
I. MU'lii'l la moving It 1m utot'k of
KixhW from tli Hinlili Inillilliiif to
large, ninl rouniiodtotis quarters In
the new rrluevllle Hotel block.
IU'V. J.T. Moore announces that
Im will pn-iunat llu I'nloii church
wxt rliiiiiliiy nt h. in., Hint 7:.K .
in. Kveryouu cordially Invlli-d.
Mm. Minn Wllmartli, editor of the
It n rim New, who lias Is-en vlsltlnjr
relatives In Prlm-vlHo for a couple of
Weeks, left for her lluliie lit ItlirilH
yesterday lunruliiif.
Mr. Wlntick and ilniiKliter, Miss
I.orene, Mt yesterday for Hun IMejco,
Calif., MIm l-orene to study iiiuhIc nil
w Inter ninl Mm. Wlnuek to visit lor
about alt week with relatives,
Tim entertainment ulvell tiy tit
Woman's Christian Mission of the
I'nlon church Haturday evenlnic wn
well attended. Tim tllffereiit liuni
Item oil the proumtn were well re
reived lijr ii n appreciative audience.
A lien I little mil wan realised from
the proceeds of the entertainment
Tim lllnls-r fever linn not s-ltt
Itmilf In I'rlnevllle yet. week
Mm. Ollle KIklna, Mm. N. K. l.oKan.
Henry Utile. Mr. Itiglow of llooil
Itlver. Mm. Iloolliof Orantre, ninl
Hil nml Carl llyile, made tin n nirty
thnt took up rliiluia on the Mntolea.
Whlln nothing- very hi win foiiml In
thnt section nil lire satisfied with
whnt they got.
From reeiit Indications basket
ball will take a coinplciiotis part In
the attraction offered by the I'rlne.
villi Athletic Awmk-IiiIIoiu his winter.
Tim Holy Holler nml I'le Kmlrrn
have arramrcd for a serh-s of three
guinea the tiewt two In three to lie tle
clared the champions. The young
ladles of the Annex nre making- nr.
raugetiietit for A titlinls-r of frame
to le played thin full ami winter.
When you buy shoe why not
ili-iunnil n is-rfect tit. You rnn
gel that If you buy your sin-
of tin, a we curry sins' In till
slses nml width from A to KK.
giving you the mime range of
Mite to select from that you
would flml In a city Iiik store.
'I'lic nlxler, mint nml grandfather
1 Fred Micphcrd who In hi-ll for the
innrili-r of It, V. Zcll.i-iillcd to hint
few ilnya a no,
Tim Ml raw Hide will take place to
morrow evening as atiiiiiiiuced. Tim
tart will Im from the 1'nlon church
Instead of the Mi-thuillnt. I'roreeilH
to go Into the new building fuml.
V, A. Freeman, a foret KUAnl,
him nwlgucd hi iiimlt Inn with ttm
nvi-riiini-nt. The life of a guard
wa nllltle too strenuous lor lilin.
He rould not stand the exposure.
Ir. Turley of Klslers, I HNiidlug a
w day In town. Tim dis-tor I
ulte nil agriculturalist and I very
rim. I of whnt lie i-mi grow on hi
ranch. He ay thnt he run raise
ImoMt anything III the Vegetable
r fruit line.
H. N. Wllklim. V. !., of Corvallls,
who linn Ix-en In r rlnevllle for the
)iit week, left for home Tiieday.
Mr. Wllklim In irelilelit of the Ore
gon Funeral iMrecionr AwMN-iuiion
ml la ti delegate to the national
invention of uiiilertnkem to Im hehl
lit Klchiiiond, Va., nt xt year.
T. F. MeCntllstcr & Co. hnve Jnt
received n fine line of Full Hat nml
up-to-date Millinery (IoihI. If you
want the lAteat lve ua n cull. U-l.'Mf
Tim Trunk Line Ititllwiiy lina a
ramp of atirveyom At lUihr Vllhulo
tnir over ome of the work done
nearlv 12 month ajco, without the
allKhtent error. N.Co.
hnve ulo a new rump of "liluffem"
near Tim Villa, then there la llltch-
ciH-ka' IrrlnntloitlHta, M'heuiliit to
teal the water of IHwhtit river to
tcitllltm rmatllla i-ounty. Sherman
Cxuinty Oliarrver.
Notwltlmlnnillutc ttm Ion of the
rhurvta, the regular aervkn-a of the
Metodlat church will Im held next
Sunday aa follow: The Sunday
Kchool and the mornliiK aervlcea will
I? held In the County court room at
10 and II reaped I vely. By i-ourteay
of the l'realiyterlana the Kpworth
leairuo devotlonnl service will Iw
held lu that church at fl:H0 p. in. ami
the evenlnir pniu-hlnir will lie united
with their regular aervlce. Itev.
Walton Sktpworth, prealdliiK elder,
will conduct quarterly niwtlnn at
the court houe In the morning, and
will preach nt the I'realtyterlan
church In the evening.
T. J. I'Vrg-ueaon of the Bear creek
country, waa In the city Inat week
looklnir after hla Intereat here. He
aold a hunch of 210 head of tieef cat
- tie to Frank Fulton which will Im fed
for a time at the Fulton ranch am!
will then lie ahlpped to the Portland
market. Mr. FerKueaon got fill for
3-year-oltl aui'ra, $'MM for apuyetl
cowa, and t'M for tlry cowa. The
atock In the Bear creek count ry la In
arood condition. Imtter than for the
ntwt two or thre yeara. Mr,
FerKueaon alao dlHpoaed of thirty
two head of horaea at koo1 prices to
a man llvlnir of Nuuuw cmk. lie at-
trllmtea hla horae aalo to the iidver
tlalng value of the J ournal.
The high )lnka and amoker Riven
ly the I'rlnevllle Athletic Aaaocl
atlon laat Saturday evenlnir wiw a
moat enjoyable affair. Oueata be
Kim to arrive about 9 o'clock and
from that hour till midnight every
body gave themaelvea up to having
a good time. The bowling alleya
billiard tables and card tables were
never Idle for a moment. Meaars
Henry, Kennody and Scott furnlalie
orae good tnualc on the clarinet,
violin and plnno. Duncan Macleod
was at hla beat In a couple of good
songg, and Mr. Scott entertained the
company with noma guitar aoloa,
An elegant lunch waa aerved Jnat be
fore midnight and everybody left ft
home much pleaaed with the Initial
entertainment of the I'rlnevllle Ath
letic Aaaoelatlon. Before departing,
however, a vote of thanks waa ten
dered Mrs. Fred Wllaon, Mrs. T. M.
Baldwin, Mrs. 0. M. Elklnaand Mra.
Koaenberg, the wives of the club of
ficials, for the many good things
served at lunch.
Do not forget the dedication aerv
lcea at Howard next Monday.
Mlaalloodln and Mlaa Helen Klkln
fiitim In from Portland on WediMn-
day'a atiige.
Ilev. Baaa will hold aervk-ea the
com! Sunday In each month at the
Culver m-hool houae.
School Hoooks and
School Supplies
A 1) A M SON'S
Iewia McCnlllater ofHpuaw creek,
ua In town Ttteaday.
The NorthmiUra (luarauUw ami
TruKl Company of Portland, Or., will
make loan aid -r cent on flml mort-
KHKtt IMH-Iirity. nee J. MiH ttlloclt,
Vrineville, uur Crook (Vmiity repreaeitl-
alive. 10-4 tl
W. C. Ford la going to move hla
nndy kitchen and Icecream uirlom
out the FoaW-r A Hideout at ore to
the O'Neill iUwtaiirnnt building.
ar-ntem are nt work putting In
M-lltlona thnt will rut off the corner
the building for the liae of Mr.
Don Steffu la ahaklug hnmla with
hla old friend In Prlnevllle again.
'In-y are legion ami are clad to ace
him buck. He came lu Wedneailuy
morning for a vlit of a couple of
eeka. Don la a bloated Alawkn
mine owner ami expert to rvturn to
the laud of the midnight aim about
the mldille of the mouth.
The iiii-mU-m of the Ladh-a Annex
hehl a very ilennnt meeting the
other day. There wna a abort pro
gram nfler which MIhmc Hnw-I How
aril, Ucrtle Sharp nml I'ua Stewart
aerved refreshment. Thn1" new
untiic were added to the niemU'r-
hip roll Mlaaea Jennie and Kate
Wllliamaon and Ml Stella Hodge.
Tim I'reabytei-lan Lad lea Aid So-
rk-ty will give a Mother (looae fair
about Dei-emU-r 14. There will la
fruit cake, plum tiuddlng, inltice
meat, flowering bulba etc., thing
irthe houae ami thing to wear.
'oiue one ami all and see Mother
Andrew Luwhoii and daughter,
Mlaa Nannie Lawaon, of Willlnma-
urg, Kentucky, arrlveil In Crook
county laat week ami are vlaltlug
Ith the former'a brother, Jamea
awaou, on Mill creek. Andrew
jiwwiii and 1". Johnaon.of thla city,
are old time arhooliuntea ami at-
tnled M-hool together In Wllllama-
ti rg nearly hall a century ago.
Itat week wna the flrat time that
they had aeeu each other for 45 yearn
aud the meeting la-tween the two
waa cordial In proportion. Mr.
awaou aud hla eatimable daughter
111 vlalt frletida and relative In
hla vicinity for aeveral week.
Millinery Opening
Also Nw Showing of
Furt and Cloak
Nl Seuvanlr Civan to tk Ladiat f
Mra. J. M. Chamber and daughter
Kate returiuHl laat week from a two
mouth' vlalt with relative and
friend at Fugeuennd Albany.
A. L. Wlgle anil wife and two
children were lu town thla week
from Camp creek enroll to to Port-
titnl and ot her valley imlut for a
month'a vlalt.
Itoacoe Knox, of Poat waa trans
acting bualneaa In town today. Mr,
Knox Inform ua that they exect to
cut the third crop of alfalfa on hi
ranch thla year, ami that the tall
graaa ha Ntartcd In good shape,
making atiH-k conditions In that ace
ttou look the very beat.
The third annunl fair given by the
Ladles Annex will take place
at the Prlnevllle Athletic Aaaocl-
atlon'a rooms Friday, Octolier 12th,
There will Im all kinds of attrac
tions. "Columbia" will have
booth and so will "Uncle Sam
There will Im a Japanese booth
candy booth, loe cream and sherlmrt
ami all kinds of booths. A circus
will hold forth on the first floor,
Dr. Koscnlmrg will train the animals
and act aa ring master. Something
goitd may lie expected. You can see
the entire itcrforiiiance for 10 cent
OMK IN anil nee our new fall
at vie In
Banner Brand Ladies' Waists,
Skirts, Kimonas, Wrappers, Pet
ticoats, etc Rideout & Foster
WANTED Cabinet makers aud car
penters. Only llrst-cltiss meclmntca
need apply. Good wages will In1
paid. A. H. Llppman & Co. 9 20-tt
Hev. Mitchell will preach In the
Presbyterian church next Sunday at
11 a. m. Subject "Suicide." The
Methodists are Invited to hold Ep-
worth League ami church service
at :.'!0 and 7::)0 p. m.
Exhibitors at the Crook county
fair should bear In mind the need of
having their exhibits lit place early,
You get the choice of positions be
sides avoiding tlie confusion that al
ways attends the opening day.
Ed Parker, of the firm of Wlgle &
Parker, was In town this week from
the ranch on Camp creek. Mr. Park
er brought In a bunch of W) head of
three-year-old steers which the firm
hail sold to E. T. Slayton for feeders
The price received was f 31 per head
J. E. Stewart & Co.
A new totk of
Banner Brand Suite lor Men
and Boyi
at Rideout & Foster's.
Mayer Shoes
We know you will appre
ciate Mayer's Cutom-made
Shoe. No hiKH were ever
made that ejualel them.
They are Btvlesh in awiear-
A. 11 1 -
ance, Bl wen, aim are very
We will be glad to show
why Mnyer'a Shoes are the
t .1
onlv one to ouy.
Keaidence in I'rineville
Inquire of
i ii i
The l-t, llghtent running and
heniet sewing machine la found at I
. 11. Llppman A Co. 'a
A meeting of the bualiiena men of
Prlnevllle waa called Monday even
ing to meet Mr. Itogera of Seattle.
the gentleman who has been Inatru
mental In bringing about the con-
aolhlatlon of the Mayflower mining
uroiM-rtiea at Howard with the
Washington Meteor Mining Com
pany. There waa a good attenu-
nee present when Judge Brink called
the meeting to order and Introduced
the apenker of the evening, Mr. Rog
er. Thla gentlemau spoke for aoout
au hour on the subject of mining.
There la more new wealth created
every year from mining than irom
all other source of wealth put to
gether," aald the apeaker. "You
may not Iwlieve It, but It la neverthe-
a fact which you can verify
foryouraclf. The cause of so many
failure lu mining U the lack of train
ing of the men lu authority. A man
might be a good merchant or pro
fessional man and yet he a complete
(allure when It came to managing a
mine." Mr. Itogera expreed him
If as highly pleased with the How
ard properties. Values have la-en
underestimated rather than over
estimated by the former owners.1
The question of building a wagon
road for the transportation of con
centrates toShanlko was discussed
and referred to the Prlnevllle Ilusl
ncss Men's League for further action,
It was the sentiment of those pres-
eut that anything that would bcue-
flt the town would receive their sup
The above cut represent
No. 58, a very pretty
with a good weight sole.
is a first-class winter
I.OWNKY'8 CANDY In l'ackaKe
Prlc. from Se to l.60
Mail order Filled Promptly
V. P. Xttamsom & Co.
FOR SALE Uood fall wheat. Walla
Walla club, stood the tet last winter
and is good fielder.
8-20-4t-p G. Sfkisokb, Culver, Ore.
In Mens Shoes this is a
D-nod one. e have more
dressy styles, but for e very-
pi day wear this one is
The first dance of the seaaon will
lie glveu at the rrlnevUle Athletic
hall Saturday Ooetober 6, by the
memlmrs of the Athletic Club. The
public Is cordially Invited to attend.
Miss Jackie Krock, the compositor
lu the Sentinel office, made a flying
trip to Fossil aud Condon Saturday
returning by the FihisII stage Mon
day. It was Miss Crock's first visit I
to those two lively towns and she
report Is-lng well pleased with the
country she passed over and the
towns she visited but Is Inclined to
think that winter comes on rather
early over there. As she had no
knowledge of the high country she
was going Into she says she did not
suffer for want of Ice. Mitchell Senti
to beat.
t an dim it unci r
Grand Opening, Monday
October 8th.
A complete line of all
the latest styles.
Misses and Children's Glaz
ed Dongola Lace Sunday
Shoe, with patent-leather tip
Neat in appearance and very
A hundred other styles in
stock Gun Metal, Paten
Leather, etc. Over 2000 pairs
in stock to select irom.
Superior Grain Drills
-rfvv . " - A -: 2J r.;. : - " , "A
Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Single Disks,
with or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub
ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make
the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made.
Wo Carry a Full Line of Repairs
Catalogues Mailed on Request.
W. F. Km;
CVNeil Bakery
la tha Millar Building f
Fresh Bread, Ties and Cakes t
alway on hand.
Pastry of all kinds made to
Fiasl Settlement.
Notice is hereliv given that the umler-
siirned the adiiiini.nratrix of the estate of
Jameit B. Mactirenor, deceased, ha.i made
nd Bled m the County Court her linal ac
counting ot her administration of said
estate and the Court has net the luth day
ofOctoher. lt6 at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon at the County Court room in eritie-
tlte, iireiron. as the lime and place lor
hearing said final arrountinK, at whirl)
time and place any person interested in
said estate may appear nnd object to said
final accounting.
Dated teplember 3D, 13.
M. E. Elliott,
Adminislratrii of the Estate of James B.
Ma irei;or, icea.ed.
Millinery Opening
We will be in our new building on
Saturday, September 29th with a
complete line of the latest creations
in millinery. Call and see them.
Warrants will be Cancelled.
In accordance with Section 3tst3, Bellin-
per& Cotton's Code, the following war-
ranta romanum; in thi otltce wilt t can
celled unless called tor within Ml davs
from date of this notice.
NoClass Amt To Whom Concerned Itale
14 8 t2.00WmAver May a l'l
S-- H l.twlva Oarraw Jan 12 1
!MA S.25 Henry Ualison Mai 7. IKH6
W- l.OOLC Stevens
tW l.OUOeoive Palmer " "
5HS 10 l.VIMrs.MJ Mannin Not T.1IW5
ttttt 1U 1.60 VVm UkiikIs '
T 10 1.1I0C Hawllen Mar 7. lf-H
24-2 10 10.00 W V Jenntson... .July 10,
tKO 11 LOO Prank Mllliur " 11.
75 A .75 Wllllmil Harris ...Jan 11. MOT
A 18.50 Jo in Far ev Mar 4.
tJ7 12 1.00 Marshall VanBlblerMay M.
'.H 12 1.00 John Slice " "
8H 12 1.00 Frank Chamberlain"
4tB 12 1 008 AChlpman
4 12 1 SO Lucretia Fliwk "
4"2 12 l.uo J a Flack " '
K25 1-2 1.00 eeo Farley "
12 1.50 W H Howe a "
SH 12 1.60 R F. Misener " "
S. 12 1.00 8 8 Nelson " "
4t4 12 1.U0 s 8 Nelson " "
SSI 12 1.50 David Osborn " "
422 12 1.50 CW Ravmond "
508 12 1.50 John O'kelley Julys.
sfl 12 2.00 Richard Url fflth . . . S.-pt
6T2 12 9.00 Issue Clover "
951 12 1.50J Hlmons Jan . 1
i IS 1.50 F RobttaiUe Mar 14.
2 18 s.dO Nelson Hlewsmar.. . ." '
ISO is 2.00 J Mlckhatn May 24
H IS S.oojeas Allen July 7.
Hated this 20th day of September, 1908.
Wakhkn Brows, Ccunty Clerk.
Horses For Sale.
Kranire llorsts from K0 to
12(K pounds, unbroken: live or
six broke horsts that will
welRh about 1200 or l:UH lbs.
All young. For further partic
ulars apply to T. J. FrroI'Ehon
Crook postotlice.l'rook Co., Or.
House and Three
Lots for Sale
House, Warn ami three lots
for sale. Kest. location in town.
Cor. 21 ami B sts. Apply to
T. J. l-Vrguesoii, Crook, Or.
Shingles, Moulding?, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc.
Closing Out Sale
Having decided to discontinue from carrying
Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line
of these goods will therefore be sold at
Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as
it means a big saving of money to you. We
have in stock useful articles of wearing
apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices
and you will buy.
Wounds, Bruises And Burns.
By applying an antiseptic tlressingto
WOlinuS, oruites, uurns aim uau iK iunus
before inflammation sets in, they may
be healed without maturation and in
about one third the time required bv
the old treatment. This is the greatest
discovery and triumph of mod.-rn surg
ery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm,, acts on
this same principle. It is an antiseptic
and when applied to such injuries,
causes them to heal very quickly. It
also allavs the pain and soreness and
prevents any danger of blood poisoning.
Keep a bottle of Pain balm in your
home and it will savt you time and
money, not to mention the inconveni
ence and suffering such injuries entail
For sale by 1). P. Adamson & Co.
4 ' Corner 2nd and Main Street
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Notice to Debtors.
Anyone knowing themselves in
debted to us will please call and set
tie the same at once.
9-6-4t Smith & Ci.kek.
R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor
The 0. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS., Proprietors
Deealers in Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Butter
Eggs and Country Produce
The following is a. list of our Prices on Meats
Loin Steak
Round Steak
Shoulder Steak
Plain Roast Beef
Prime Rib Roast
Veal Roast
Loin Mutton Chops
Plain Mutton Chops
Veal Chops
Pork Loin
Pork Sausage
12icts per pound
lOcts per pound
lOcts per pound
Sets per pound
10cU per pound
l'2cts per pound
12 Jets per pound
loots per pound
12et8 per pound
12Jct8 per pound
lOcts per pound
lOcts per pound
lOcts per pound
When you are buying anything in this line give us
We Guarantee to Treat you Right
Telephone Orders Will 6e Given Prompt Attention
' ZS I