W. Frank Petett J0ES l Has opened for business in the windows of Adamson's Drug Store. Hring in your Watch, Jewelry and Spectacle work. . . State Registered Optician, LAII 1 All Work Guaranteed Trial Solicited We Need Tire Protection. No water! No fire pressure! Were the exclamations that passed from one j?ron to another at the fire Tuesday. These startling facts were pressed home by the utter futility of the Prineville Light & Power Company to furn ish the city with any kind of fire protection. The fire was bad enough, but had the wind been in any other direction nothing but a miracle could have saved the town. Coming from the south west the sparks and flying ember were carried toward the Oehoco bottom and the north part of town. This was the only direction in which the fire could spread with out endangering the whole city. As it was it took heroic efforts on the part of the people living across the Oehoco to keep their property from burning up. Several fires started but people were on hand to put it out Dillon's barn had a close shave a couple of times. Now, what are you going to do about it? You all realize that some action is urgent and no lime should be lost in getting together and agreeing upon a plan. The old hand engine method beats the one we have two to one. If the P. L. fe P. Co. can furnish no better service let us clean out the old fire cisterns, connect them with the ir rigating mains and return to the primitive bucket brigade and hand engine. The total valuation of the tax able property in Crook county for 1906 is $5,892,317. This is more than double what it was in 1905. The two main reasons for such a phenominal increase are the dif ferent methods of valuation and the great increase in patented tim ber lands. Of course the county has enjoyed a good steady growth during this period but this reason would not be sufficient to account for such great strides in material wealth. Besides there are the ex emptions to be reckoned with in the 1905 valuation which are all included in the 1906 totals. The number of sheep in the county de clined from 117,644 in 1905 to 110.094 in 1906, a decrease of 7550. We would advise a careful studv of the table on first page. Many new names are being ad ded to the membership of the Prineville Athletic Association The reason for this is not far to find. Man is by nature a gregari ous sort of animal that loves the companionship of kind. This na tural instinct is fostered and de veloped to a pre-eminet degree in our social institution. The good work of the Prineville Athletic As sociation will be carried forward this year more vigorously than ever. The Crook county fair dill be in full swing before the next issue of the Journal and we will take this occasion to impress upon every farmer and cattleman the import ance of making it representative of what we can produce. We want Crook county to make a creditable showing so that outsiders will go away impressed with the greatness of our resources. r Send Your Watches or Jewelry for Repairs T O W I ah r l. r- i m j-ui Tf uiiv uuoi amceu. Vv" The Redmond J. H. EHRET, Proprietor, A Complete new line of Harness, Saddles and other lines as usually kept in a first class Harness Shop. There is also in con nection a Boot and Shoe Repair Shop. GIVE ME A-7 Name it Crooked River Valley. Editor Journal Some time ago there appeared in your paper an article from the pen of W. F. Hammer of Haystack, in the Al bany Democrat. The undersign ed has lived many years at the head of the South Fork of Crooked river. He has beeen asked to write to you making some comments on the article mentioned and in voking your aid and that of all good citizens in the proper nam ing of the valley in which that river rises. In the cheaper class of periodicals there are puzxle ad vertisements. The letters compos ing the names of eminent persons and familiar cities are jumbled. and prixes are offered for the prop er collocation of these letters so that the names may be disclosed. The writer and his neighbors, who, as Mr. Hammer avers, "hope that civilization will not overtake us," have acquired some of that fine discipline of mind necessarily resulting from the struggle for these prizes through long winter nights and are thus enabled to dis cover several things in Mr. Ham mer's letter. First putting together various covert allusions we are assured that by "Remmah Valley, a differ ent part of Crook county," the genial gentleman means the valley referred to above, and nsing the aforementioned acquired shrewd ness we find that "Remmah" is Hammer, and some light falls on the furtive reluctant condition of the writer's mind. My German neighbor said "Yes, bir, when you turn it round its converted all right." Another was reminded of the stealthy porch climber, this time innocently enough at the back of the temple of fame. Another said it was a back handed swipe at us for not naming it ourselves. We have thought of Roosvelt val ley and Edison valley. These great men would surely object to Tlevsoor and Noside. But they do not know, and could have no heart burning in the matter. Why then should not the affable correspon dent of the Democrat offer us "Hammer Valley," a noble name, the ringing insignia of virtuous in dustry? But let us get on to the end My neighliors agree that it be longs to us who live here to fur nish the name. We will not have the meaningless Syrian-sounding "Remmah," but there is one sug gested by one of the old-timers which will easily be agreed upon It isn't Paradise valley because we want to keep within limits Neither is it the one the undersign ed would have chosen. But be- r cause in area it compares favor ably with all the rest of the canyon of Crooked river we propose to call jt Crooked River Valley and we ask the papers and the friends gen erally of progressive geography to refer to it by that name. C. A. Gilchrist. P. S. Emulating the example of many sensible people who name their ranches, the Gilchrist Bros. are calling their place at the head of the river Kiverdale. A sign- N N E K I Ir Prices Reasonable ? Harness Shop REDMOND, OREGON A TRIAL hoard near the ranch house lias for a vear or more informed the travel ler that he if seventy miles from both Bums and Prineville, C. A. 15. A quiet home wedding took l,iiv at KprliitfWHter lost Snmln.v. MIhm Or l-ewelh-u mid Mr. Milton .ell were united In tlie lunula of matri mony. Mr. Zell In one ol rrluevllle tHKt young men, nml MIhm lwelleu i the eldewt dnnjchter of Mr. nml Mm, W.J. Ix'wellon of Sprtmrwater. The wedding took place at 12 oVUn-k noon Sunday the 2tnl ivt the Ievetl- en home. Only a number of the nearer relative were present. Iln ixTWHi) nerved after the cervinony, and after a ttme nHnt 111 Joyotin merrymaking, the newly wedded couple came to Kotacnda ami left for Prineville, where they have a home and will live. The relative present were: Mr. and Mm. U Hale, Ietter and Kthel Hale. Mr. and Mr. K. t'ur- tvn, Dora Currln, Mr. ami Mm. II. Cromer, Mr. and Mr. 8. Uaney, Mm, Iewellen. Kotneada News, Septem ber 27. Calf Lost Seward OSertd. Dark ml calf, part jcrecy branded JO" an left shoulder. Marked laitiftre crop in left er and umlerslope in ritflit ear. A reasonable reward will be paid for information leading to its recovery. Atluiess J. H. I'iioks, Prineville, Or. tlM-Lt Card of Thanks. We desire to extend our heal felt thank to our many friend who o kindly assisted In carving for and laying to ret our dear companion and mother. W. J. Wright. t K. Wright, Archie and Dona Wright, Medamc Maude and Kuth lleltrlch. Card of Thanks. We extend our imwt sincere thank to the Fire lVpartment, and to our many kind friend who worked ho hard and faithfully to save our property from the tire, ami who ex tended to u their sympathy, and of fer nf aid and assistance. We shall always hold you In grateful remem brance. Mm, I.IZZIK V.. Hykk, Dr. E. O. II vim. NOTICE OF MEETING. The annual meeting of the Crook Crook County Cattlemen's Association will be held at Prineville on Saturday, October 13, 1906, at 10 a. m. All mem bers of the Association are requeued to be present. (Signet!) E. T. Slat-ton, 7-3t Vice-President. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. One gray mare about 9 years old, branded CN on right stifle. $10 reward paid for return of same to Morrow A Keenan's ranch, also expense of making delivery. Frank Lyons, llMfit llavstack Or. Duuelitiee ef Fartacrskip Notice. Notice I hereby given that the firm of Wurzweiler & Thomson has lieen dissolved by mutual consent. A. Thomson and Arthur 1 lodges dis posing of their intercuts in the busi ness to Will Wurxweller, who will conduct the same In the future under the firm name of Wurxweller & Com pany. All outstanding accounts and notes are payable to A. Thom son and Arthur Hodges. Messrs Thomson and Hodge desire to thank their many customers for past patronage and favors, ami trust that they will continue to patronize the new firm. Will Wikzwhii.kk, A. Thomson, Akthi'K Hodoks. Smith 6c Foster fteal Csiato Farm Lands, Stock Ranches, City Proper ty, Homesteads and Timber Lands. Land titles examined and correctly reported. Bordia and dtf ICfanOl far vnim ladiM Muilc (LMebtlxkjr m.lbod), art: Complct eadaalc Coarn: ipcctaJ ladoccmeau. Fee tatetmaikw afldrs Slsur Supailac. RANKING BrMAft We pay 4 on time deposits, current rates on savings accounts, receive deposits subjetf to check, and do a genets, bank ing busneak. You can have the advantages of a strong bank at your very door by using the mails. Send us youi deposits. Acknowledg ment whI be sent you by return mail. Savings accounts received from one dollar up. Open an account with us and note how rapidly it will grow. J. FRANK WATSON. Prodo R. L DURHAM. V Pi-a&rt W. H FEAR. Snitur, 1 C. CATCHINCS, A tTrtirtf ffrt-mrttiit 247 Wash. St. Portland, Ore. "Tl6QOOQ ill IAS? Clean Up. . The property owner of the City of I'rlnevllle are hereby notified to clean up their premise. Stv to It that your yard and hack nllcya con tain no rubbish or waste pticr. The city ordinance regarding tlem1 matter w ill N strictly enforced. 10 4 tf J. II. Ciookrt, City marshal. Crook County Court House. Notice l herebv given that the County Court of Crook County, Ore gon, will rwelve senlitl bills for the the building of a new court house up to Novemlier ". P.HKt, at 10 o'clock a. m. , at the court house at rrluevllle, Oregon, a follow: First A bid tor the construction nml building of the foundation out of stone a originally planned by W. D. I'Ugh, Architect," Salem. Oregon. Second A bid for the construction and building of tlie foundation out of brick according to amended plan by ame architect. Third A bid for the construction and completion of theuerxtnieture a originally planned omitting the dome. Fourth A bid for the construction and completion of the building com plete a originally plauncd. Fifth A bid for the construction and completion of the building com plete according to the amended plan. That all bids must lw Huhmlltcd upon the plans and svllications of W, D. I'ugh, Architect, Salem. Ore gon, and McnleO and marked "Hlds tor Court House" adilreMscd to the County Clerk. I'rincvilie. Oregon. The County will pay cash upo.i any contract entered Into tor the building niul construction of any part or whole of a Id building. Certified check n mentioned In the seclllen tlon must accompany each bid. The plan and shi ItU atlons can be examined at the Otllceof W. D. I'ugh, Salem, Oregon, The Oregon Dally Journal Or) Ice, Portland, Oregon, ami at the Otllceof the Comity Clerk, Prineville, Oregon. The Court re serve the right to reject anv and all bids. Hy order of the Court. (Seal) Waiikkn Dkown, SMU-tit Clerk Crook County, Oregon. Danger From the Plague. There's grave ilatiiter from the plague of Coughs and Colds that are so preva lent, iiuIcmi you ttike Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mr, tieo. Wads, of Forest Citv, Me., writes: "It's a Ooditend to people living in climates where coughs and olds prevail. 1 find it quickly end them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures l.alirippe, gives wonderful reliel in Asthma and Hay Fever, and nuikes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Consumption, Coughs and Colds. 60c slid $1 DO. Guaranteed by D. I'. Adam son A Co., and Templctoii A Son's drug store. Trial bottle tree. Sheriffs Sale. In the Ctri'uit Court of Itiv State ol Orcitoii (or V County, K.lwrJ BaUtarlll, I'lft. t v. J K. J. tiormnn. pell. ) Nolit-e is hereby given that lv virtue of mi Kxei'ution iiMiurU out f th, I'trt-ult Court, of the State of OreioUl (or IV am'o County, nit Hie Uth tiny uf 8eiiember t'A. iion jii.lKtneitt rendered In wtu Court on lite JiNI uy ol March CAM. in fnvorui Mw.r.l Bahlwiu. I'Uln ttft, ami Kt"Mt tl. J. utiruian, lHlelitlaut, to me UlriM'tel ami itelivred. I'omtnamltltit me to make tlieaums of n,:j& autl the further huiu ai J;tatttriiey' fet ami fii eoata. Iiliilon the lAih dav ol Seteiiiler levy ujMin Nl, SW'v.N', NW'j See. i, T.. lit. R 10 Ka.l ill CrMk Couiitv, Oregon, and I lll on Saturday October Joth'lwrt, at the hour of one o'clock In the afternoon ofaaidday, at the Court houw dtar in tlie City of t'rinevtlte, ('rMk Cotitity, OrcKoli, at public auction to the highc! bidder forcanhin hand, aell ail the rijthl, lllle and intereiu, which tlie dcfctiditiit, K. J. (hirmau. ottierwiae known as Kicii.ird .1. Oormroi tia'i oil the 1-tlh day of Se)lcliitNr or not ha 111 and to the above deMTItvd real (riMrly to atiitfy aald jlldittnent, altortley'a fti-a alil Ctinta and accruintc coftta, or ao iittlcb thereof a may in ueccattary to ttatiafy the aame. Dated tllia 17th da of SeitcmlT l'.anl. Krank tCi.aiNa, blieriff, rHk uiunty, Or. Hy John coiiiIm, lK'puly. A Young Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly lieen tmide young at 70. Twenty years of intense sutTering from dyspepsia had entirety disabled her, until six uiontlm ago, when she began taking Fleclric hitters which have completely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of lite, writes Mrs, W. L. tiilpatrick, of Danforth, Me. Greatest restorative medicine on the globe. Sets stomach, Liver and Kid neys right, purifies the blood, and cures Malaria, l!ilioiinees and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price 50c. Guaranteed by I). P. Adumson AC')., and lenipletun x hon i drug store. Timber Ijind, Act of June 3, 1S7S. Notice For Publication. United HtateaLatid Ofllce, Tlie Ilnllea. Oreiton, AiiKiit:il. Notice ia herebv iivcn tiial in comidialice Willi tlie froviniolia of the act of CoiiKrcaaot June a, 1S78, entitled "An act for the utile of timlier IhihIh ill the Klatea of California, Ore gon, Nevada, und Waniiiiitflou Territory," aa exteudeil to all the Public Land Htatea by act of Augut4, In'.rj, tlie followiUK-linined peraoiia have on AllKUat , 1W, filed ill this oltlce their aworn aiatcmentH, to wit: Lou K. NakIi, of Htajkane, iroimty ofHpikane, Hlate of Waaiiinxton, sworn Htateinent No. :U8, for the purcliaae of the K4 NWU and Lota 1 and '2 of S4-ction 7, Tp. 14 H, R 11 K, W M. Artiiur H. WriKht, of Hpokane, roiinty of Hpokane, Htate of WaahiiiKbin, -Hworn atate. ineut No. Hl.fl, for the purchaae of the NWU KK'i.H'i, KK'iand HKW H 4 of Section 12, Tp 14 8, R lli K, W M. Arthur L. Antdl, of Kiaikane, county of Hpo kane, Mtitte of VYaahiiiKton, sworn mntciiiciit No. mm. lor the purchaae of the HW!4, N K4 HWJ ol Hectioti &atld NKW Ml'U ol Section S, Tp 14 H, R l'J K. W M. Tlii!y will offer proofs to show that the landa aoiiKht are more valuable for tin-timber or atone thereon than lor agricultural purpoats, and tocatahliah their claims to Haiti lanrla Im fore the RcKialer and Receiver, t the land of fice in The liallca, Ori'ifon, on November '1, Tltey name aa wltneaaea: ltii K. Naah, Arthur II. WriKht, Arthur L. A iiK' l I, 0. F. Hell, red K. Miincli, all of Hpokane, WaaltliiKloii. Byron Catly, of Prineville, Oregon. Any autl all peraona elaimiiiK ailvernely any tif the alatvc.tleacriUMl lantla are retjueHtetl tt file their claiiuK in this ollice on or Itefort; aaitl 2:ird day of November, l!i. 'Mi-e MicllAKI. T. Nol.AN, ItKKlater. OintcNt Notice. Iietartinent of the Interior. United HtateB Land Oltlce, The Uallca, Orettu, Annual 2U, PNi. A auflicliMit contcat aftitlavit havinif been fil ed In this ollice by Florence H. Ctilllna, cou teatant, againat homcatentl entry No. 8:to, made. -ptcml)er24, isuu, for NK HVi NW4 W.yt, H'4 HK'A, Hectlon l, Towllalilp II, H, Kanifc 16, K, W M, by James HaatliiKH, Ciiii tfKl.f, in which it la aliened that aaitl Juitica Haatintfa has wholly abandoned aaitl tract; that aaitl tract is not settled upon and cultivat ed by aaitl party aa required by hiw; that lie haa chaiiKcd hia rcHltlcuce therefrom for more tliiiu aix inolitha alnt;e maklliK aaitl cnlry; that autrli failures atill exiat; thai saitl alleged ahaciice waa not tine to hia employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the United Hliites in time of war. Haiti partlea are hereby notilicd to appear, rcapond autl offer evitleuce touching aaitl allegation at IU o'clock a. in. on October 8, It!, Iw'fore Warren Brown, County Clerk, at hia ollice In Prineville, Oregon, anil that final hearine will lie heltl at 10 o'clock a. 111, on Oc tolier 16, 1!SK, before the Regis tr kiiiI Kcceiver at the United Hlalca Lauil Ollice In Tlie Dalles, Oregon. The said contealant having, in a proper altl tlavlt, filed Auguat 20, luufi act forth facta which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not he made, it ia hereby ordered and directed that auch notice be given hy due and proper publication. V-6-up Michael T. Nolan, Ueglatur, BBEGBBBBBBBBBBB CO m c: v tio cn or: 03 1T1C11 3 tsJUllS 1IU111 yiLmJV iu yuo Pd r V t'f P ffi mm CO AW.' I i-itliir.&l km Ladies Misses and Children's Winter Apparel Handsome Fall and Winter Coats of Gray Shadow Plaids and Black and Mixed Clothes - - $10 to $20 each Ladies' Walking Skirts of Fancy Gray Plaid Materials - - $4.50 to $7.50 each Misses and Children's Long Coats of all the h'est styles and materials. Prices range from - - $3.50 to $12.50 each "WURZWEILER & COMPANY PRINEVILLE, OREGON to H M A Kl'l.l. LIN K OK Machines and Records ALWAYS ON II A NO. THE WIXNKK CO. rrineville Oreunn H0LESa1 "Opportunity treads upon the heels of achievement." J Make ready for success young man an! yfiunu woman by ejuippir( your self with the knowledge and skill which not only deserve success but which ac complish it, in spite of obstacles. 11 The 1 lolmes Business College has contributed this to the success of hun dreds of young men and women : care ful, intelligent, painstaking training, to develop the qualities and knowledge demanded by modem business mffthodi, and then, after graduation, lending them every assistance in securing positions offering opportunities for advancement. J We are proud of the immense file of letters received from our students who graduated ten, fifteen of twenty years ago. ITiey all ring with a tone of "achievement" of "success." Almost every one attributes his success to meth ods, habits and knowledge acquired at the Holmes Business College. Vou ate at liberty to read as many of them as you please. I Our folder telling all about the Holmes Business Gillege, the courses of study, tuition, etc., is worth getting and worth keeping. Send us your name and address and we will send it to you free, post-paid. BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON CrTENTH 5T5. PORTLAND. ORE, Write direct to principal, Hoom m. 1 W& 1 tl mm OVERCOATS I $10 to $25 Supply your Tall and Winter ClothiiiK fTj needs at Wurweiler's store; the lar- feW nest assortment to select from. Kulin, iittuitiii siiiu i i.iiwi "Sincerity Clothing" for men can't be beat for equal style fft :iih! utialitv. .Material ntul fnsbittn tlit very latest, Single Prices from $15.00 Notice to Creditors. N'olier la hereby given ly the utnlrraigif etl Utllnllliatralril of the ratute of l iuucl I). Koone, (lecfaaetl. to the erwlllors atltl all others having cluiloa ogallut the cat tile of l lnilcl It, 11. Mine, ileeraaeil, to prracnl them ltli the proper vouchers to the iintler lnetl at the olllef of M . It. Klliott in I'nueville, Hregoii, w ithin aU inontli') from tlie ilnte hereof, lhitetl this l.'th itny of .July, I'M). KI.I.A Jit N INK. Aciiinlttmtrli of the Kntnle of l,i iiiiu l U. Itoonr, JSvesaetl, Prineville-Slianiko Stage Line Daily Between Prineville and Shaniko St'HKDl'LK leaves Hlmniko, 0 p. 111. Arrives t rrineville (t a. m. leaves rrineville I p. tu. Arrives sit SltHiiiko I s. m. First Class Accommodations Second Crook County Fair Given by The Central Oregon Livestock & Agricultural Association Prineville, Oregon OCTOBER 10-11-12-13 Valuable Premiums Fine Speed Program Bring in Your Cattle and Farm Products. Show what Crook County is Capable of Producing WRITE FOR PREMIUM LIST 8 .itin'iiuij IkJ or double breasted to $25.00 per Suit Notice to CrcJllor. Notice Is hereby given hy Margaret ,N'y, the uinlerslgtieil rvrcuirtl of tlie leal will autl tratulnuiil of M. ('. Nye, ilciraacd, to all iersoii. having clnlioa ugalnat aald eatale to present tliem with the proer v.uit hcr to the iintenif.-neil at the oltiee of M. H. Klliott in I'rlnrville, llreg.111, within sis mouths from tlie date uf t,ia notice. I'alctl tills XM ilny of Aiigual, I1SSI M.tr Nt. Kxet'titris of the itale ol Si. I.'. Nye, tlc ccantl, n.'j3 Annual WMVAW Eft Pirn I Ml