FOSTER & HORIGRN Are headquarters for the bost of everything in their line. They quote the following prices on meats: (Continued from Brut kv) Loin Sink 12 41 pound Round Steak UVt lr pound Shoulder Steak 3 pound for 25cU Prime Rib Boast 10et per pound Tlain Roast 7 nd 8cU per pound Roil Reef 6 and Sot per pound Tork Chop er pound Loin Mutton Chops l'2cis r pound Shoulder Mutton Chop 10et per pound Leg Mutton lvV-U per pound Vtl Cutlet 12cw per pound Veal Roast 10 to l'2et Pr PunJ Veal Stew lr PunJ Sausage ICcU per pound Call on us for prices on beef by the quarter or in the chunk. We have prices that are RIGHT We also make a specialty of our own make of Hams, Bacon and Lard. Guaranteed to be striclty first class in both Quality and Flavor FOSTER & HORIGAN Prior took a wide range, run ning from iit cen Is, which was paid at Shaniko tor the best offer inps, down to 12 cent, or pomibly a cent lower, lor onie coarse, 'sandy clip. The best value were real i ted at the opening of the season, the last price showing a decline of 2 cent from those first paid. Thi course wa probably to b e i pec ted with the market heUl under restraint. It is also likely that had the grower con tracted their wool before it wa shorn they might have done better than they did with the clipped article, a the buyer that were in Want Ads N'xtinn un.lvr IhU hoait will be ! clianrM at th rata f On Ct Vr rl per tnavrtion. Nothing Ires hn cns. FOU 8AI.K. IMO norvtnat r"i Intnl. W urns ot giioa memlnw, 30 Hen i4 nltnirm tminnoo (roon rniur Irtntt; nil under A 8-w Ire ft'iioe itiul will le milil tor $ nn non. All tool thrown In. 2 heul of honnn broken, TWO hem! ol cnttks itiont i4 them toek rttk ome "Uvrsi. eMrlnmU niul avonr-olil. nil tor f 2A.00U. Part cnh, ImImikv on eny term. For further niorniRtion in quire tt I V. Walley, raullnti, Orvjron. T-U'-tt The BreeU of lit. Professional Cards Ormfmm,. It' a iimirioant fact thai the stroii- mmt animal iJ ita liw. the irorillv. also the field looking forcontracU were h the largw Jhk. Powerfu lungs 9 I iwMrfiil Mb ft 11 rat lliter 111 then disposed to pay some preuu- k thl hrwiihina onraiu rinht hu;ild No great amount could have b man' chiefest tudv. Uk ' , . ... I ami of other, Mr. Or A. 8tenhn, ot Port W llliams. O.. It Itwrtitxl how v do this. She write: "Three bottle I I CTlrilrrlrrlriclJTlv Shingle, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP&PERRY PRISE VI LLE, OREGON' n CJ ra CJ n ca n Li n E J ri u cri ca r .3 t J ri CJ ri ca ri E3 ri C3 GILBERT'S Ice ream, Ice Cream Sodas and Confectionery Candle are fresh daily from the Prineville factory, the ouly one in the county. Quality and flavor unsurpassed. Superiority ha alwavs been the test of Uillierc'. The aiue factory I turning out tiie best grade of lee Cremt made from pure cream. Your patronage orice secured will never W lost. Present Location with Rideout & Foster r.i r.a LJ r..i L. J r.i C3 r.a r.a tj r.a LJ um. been contracted, however, with the majority ot buyers holding back. The profit that accrued to the woolgrowers, while about a large as last year, were not so extensive as in some previous years, as the cost ot production ha been less when wool have sold around 14 and 15 cents than now. Last win ter proved an expensive one for most flockmasters and in addition the fleeces turned lighter. Owing to the long winter and the dry summer and fall the quality of the clip on the whole was somewhat inferior to that of the two previous seasons. The weight in most cases showed a decrease, the aver age per fleece for the state being about 7 or 8 pounds. In 1905 practically the entire Oregon clip , was contracted for, while on thesheeps' backs.. This vear 1.000.000 pounds is a full esti mate of the quantity sold in ad vance of shearing. In addition to the unwillingness of many of the large buyers to make contracts the growers were also disposed to hold their wools for the public sales days, as on previous occa sions thev have found this the more successful way of doing busi nees. -Oregonian. I Cmmt, fAft JT. IP. 33iknp Belknap dc Cdwards 00 Aw fW tfk Mawi'i Orfm, Sonera SSlacksmithing L J u r 1 u r a u u r a t J r.a L 4 k j ra LJ r a H u r a L J ra L J ra L J LJ LJLJIbJLJLJL JL J lIousrHimriMi, W'ooo W'ohk, NKATI. V AM PlloMl-II.Y 1oNK Whkn it i Donk It v : : : ftobcrt Vfoorc Satisfaction Will He (iuarnntccd Phi.nkvii.i.k, OllKOON. L J I L J r - L J r 1 u J r t L J I V J r 1 l j r 1 u r.a u r 1 L J r a k j r a lJ r 1 M L J r a L J r 1 u L JL JW JLJW jf L Ji. Jk JL. JLJWJL JL Jt JL ikJL. JW.J rrspi"iFnnnnnnnnjr ,ir .iF..i' p . r , . r . . r . it li. . r .ui.i' .-j EaLJLJJLJLJLJWJLJLJLJLJLiLJLJLJLJWJLaLaLJLJLJLJLaC 1 ZT(? of lr.- Kint'a New Piseovery topied my cough ol two year and cured me ol rtt tuy mend uioiiiini conaunipiiuii. O, if grd for tlmwt n.l Iuiik trouble. " Uunranteed by I', r. Aim on A "o.,nd Templetoo A Son, dru- cist. Pric 60c and f l.W. lnM oottlo free. Ttmbtir Lnd. Act of Juo S, Hotic for PubUcatloa. rnltrd Slatr lnd Olflw, Th0IW. dorm. Aucunl t. I. Nntlm is horvltv (Inn that In rmiipllano with th pruvinlona of I h Art nt Cmirvai of June t, liCH, raUllml Umber Itnili In I ZPAjutimm mmti Jury 4H mm Wk Ji Primmmti. Ormfn, An sot hr 111 Mlruf h Hlauw of I allmmln. Oro- n. N- art . and Wahliitn lirrllory " a rxtomlrd t all tna i-utnio-mna mnw ot art of Auiuil 4, IWJ, I ha inihiwinonaniru ppraona bava riled In tbla urHoa tbrlr aworn ataU.iiM.nla l wit: Hvlvn H. HuniM.ll. or Nratll. runntv m Kliia. atawof Waahlncton. aworn siairmont No. amir. nNMi Aucuai in. mr inn pur- rhaaa.tha KK. NK'a SKl, and KW SKA, of MaotloQ XI. TP. la H.. H. ill . M. OUtwrlna Krnrmui, ot trair, ntuniT m Klna. atatrof WaahlnaUm, aworn alatviiwrnt No. Mrd Aucuai IH, 1, lor Ilia pur- rhaar f tba WH KwH.aa1 KH and mw tw ol rVrUon . I p. 14 H , R. I a . w M. i'lauda K.8taa, or mnn raua.oouniror HaubumUh. atala of Waaltlmton. awitrn slalaraant No, W7. Bird July 3i, Iwa, Ar tha purcbaae of tlx u Mellon la TP- 10 H., H. a t- . ... . M Klrhard Turly, of Oranlta rail a, county of Snoh.jiulnh. alala of Waahlnilon. aworn " uatonvnt No. SUM. maa July nan, nr irw, ClLLi lIDfllU raoarrbv P 0 NlUITT Omci Oni Doom Noktr or Atunaui'i IikuuStokl Kiaiixcxri OrruaiTi UaTNOPiaT ('' iPrimmmlit, Off mm purcbax or tba . Meviloa t. TP. l K., W. M. Thai tbay will onVr proof to ihow thai ha " landa aoiight ar mora valuablo Air tha tliu-jS bar or auina thrmin than f-ir aurlrullutal " purpoaca. andtomalillab ihalr rlaliua to ald : 9 landa N-rora Ih K.-l-lr and Rawlvrr at lh. i " land om.w In Tba Oallaa. Orwon.on tVt.-r ' S nil n, om. i j, j. n j. - They nam a Wllnwawa; iniiirnna nt-vrr 1 " man anil Helen II. Hunnrll, ofHvatlla. Waah- Star Barber Shop 11YDK& McltAK, IWs, Our hairculting is up-to-date. Our snaving is comlortable. Our shop is new and clean. O'Tfeil Brothers Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also 92ar Supplies 9 Sole Agents for Hop Gold Door the Famous Napa Soda and ITa.Til3r Txctd-o Solicited. Hnndermin Buildinir PRINKVIUI.K, ORKOON eception SMITH & CLEEK, PROPBiETOiis Domestic and Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED Post Office Box 92 y I 71 MAIN STREET PRINEVILLE, OREGON THE HAMILTON STABLES BUCHANAN & ALLEN, Proprietors PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at Reasonable rates. Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent Timber Land, Act of June 3, 1878. Notice (or Publication. Cnitrd 8tatca Land Office. The Dmllr. Ore iron. AuKUat 27. !. Notice b hereby piven that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of l'on rreaaof JnneS. 1K78. entitled "An act for the sale of timber landa in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory." a extended to all the Pub lic-land btatee by act of August 4, 1W-'. the following-named persons have filed in this office their aworn statements, to wit: - Ueorite F. Curtis, of Portland, county or Multnomah, atata ol Oregon, sworn state ment No. 3U79. tiled Augti-t 10. 1U06, for the purchase of the ES 8W W and Ixt 6 and 7 ot section o, ip. u s., li. m &n nr. M. Vernon E. Cady. of Kverett, county of Snohomish, state of Washington, sworn statement No. 3081, filed 10, 1, for the nurchase of the c thi. bt.'ri SWW and N WW BEtf of SecUon 4, Tp. 16 8., K. 19 E., W. M. Charles K. Bell, of Spokane, county of Spokane, state of Washington, sworn statement AO. SJiZ. nieii aueu'i 11. i " for tha DurchaseoftheSW NKW. WX and Lot Baction 6, Tp. 14 S., R. It Fred E. Munch, of Spokane, county of .- . . . . . t .f 1. : . opuiaue, aiaie ui aiiiiiKvuii, bwuih statement No. 31 JO, filed August 25, 1906, for the purchase of the HK of Section, Tp. 14 8., R. 19 E., W. M. That they will offer proofs to show that the lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stole thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lands before the Register and Receiver at the land office in The Dulles. Oreeon. on October 31. 1906. They name the following witnesses: W. K. Cady and Vernon E. Cady of Everett, Washington; Byron Cady, Racbiellus E. Jones, Perry Poindexter and H. A. Foater, of Prineville, Oregon; George F. Curtis, of Portland, Oregon; Fred E. Munch, Arthur W. Paterson and Fred J. Rielly, of Hpokane. Washington, and Charles F. Bell of Spokane, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 31st day of October, 1906. Michael T. Nolas, 8-30-p Register. ' liicton: H A. Koaler. t A. Duncan anil ('. r. lctalllatr, or rrlnevine. iirmon: 1 amiieii A. Duncan, t'larance A. Mrfallaler and Mma Morrta. of Prtnevll a. Orawon: and Hli'linnl Turlev and Claude K. Hlace. of Oranltv Falla. Waanlngton. An and all Deraona elalralnc advrraely any of the above-deacrllied landa are ivqueat ed to die their rlaima In thla orncr ou or be fore the said nh day orockioer. iwn. s-su-p Mica a BIT. Hhulb, lUwiater. Timber Land, Act of June 1 , 1878. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Tnited Btatea Uml Ctlice, The Dalles, OregoD, August 8, liJ. Notice is hereby civen that in compli ance with the provisions of the act of Con rrm nf June 1X78. entitled "An act for r ' V.."i. j ur..i.i. HtH-llon 21. T 12 M. K 1 K. M uai.iornia. vrrg-.i.. j '"". " ""k ti.rnellua ln,U.ii, of r-rtnevllla. eountvof Tlmlair Ijiud. Act of Junes, lC. Notice for Publication. I'ntti-d Hlalea I jind Oftlrr. Tlie illi-. ini'in, Auut I "l Nolliw la IiopkIiv alveu that lit pomullanca with the pnivl.ton of the act of fimsna of lime ), IH7K, entlllad "Anai-t lor t ha aala nf timber landa In the Mialea of CHllrnnila. tlra-a-nn. Nevada, and wahlnton UTrlUirv." aa amended U all Hi PuhllivUnd HtaU by act of AukuM 4, lWi Ilia rollowlns iiaiiiett per on have Died In thlantnce Ihelraworn nlaU iitenta lo wit: Itav V. rintahle, of Prineville, eounlv of I'riMiR, atale of tlnwun. aworn atalellH-tlt NtK H3,nled Auiilut . fur the Imrrhaarof Hie , aa1-, v'tii'iiniliv1, Ni'ofHvo tl.m s, Tp. 14 H.. It. IS V:., W. M. I.llllan M. Koaler, of rrlnevllle. eounlv of CriMik.atnle of i intton. wnrn ainleiiH'iil Nik Hihi, Died Auiu.ll, I sub, for the puri'lmaeof theet'a H',of Mi-.-lInn 14 and '" " jfcenderson & Bollard Bar Wines and Liquors Finest Cigars In Stock Country Orders Solicited First Door South of the Foindexter lintel Land States br act of August 4, Adolph Hankey, of Portland, county of 3 uitnoman, state 01 wrrgmi, naa una uaj tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 3tf, for the purchase of the N E! of Sec tion Z, Tp. I- n 10 it, vf . m, aim win od'er proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuaoie lor tue iimoer or aione tnereon than Kr agricultural purHses, and to establish bis claim to said land be fore the County Clerk of Crook ounty, at the Court House in Prineville, Oregon, on November 8, 190K He names as witnesses: 8. J. Newaom, Walter O'Xeil, of Prineville, Oregon, Will iam McMeekin, Mary McMeekin, of Gris sly, Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-deaenbed lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 8th day of November. 1!W. 9-tt-p Micvail T. Nolan, Register. Hotic to Creditors. CriHik. stale ofiir.'von, aworn statement No. m, nied Aiisual I. IW, for the purchase of tha NK', of roYtlon ti. Tp. 14 M., IC IS K., W. M. That they will onVr proofs loahow that tha lands auua-til are mora valuable for the lim ber or alone thereon than lor agricultural piirtHMa, and lo their rlaluialo uld land" la'fiire the .unity Clerk of Cnaik , 1 'oil nly, at Prineville, Onou, on Nnvcinlier They name tha following wllneaaea.' II. A. 1 Kii-l.T. A. I-'. Knlshtall, Kloyd A. Howell, i Frederic ('. HHinaon, W llllmn McMivkln. j rUilieit Harrington. H. A . Pniae, t'harlea A. I ('naiks, John N , t'niokH. Ilvroii t'adv. Prtue , vllle. Iinyiin, and t'harlea M. Charlton, . of Hwlem, tira!on. i Any aud all neraons elnlmlne adversely t any of the alMive-deiTrliad land are request ed to file their clitlm In Hit oltlce 011 or ho- fore the said Mh duv of Novemlier, Iwal. , itOJn Mli'lltlLT. Kcslsler. Notice for Puhticatiuii. Department ot the Interior, Prineville Machine Shop E. G. HODSON, Proprietor nnr.T-nnnrr-snr"in C JL J J JL-lt JLUk. Jt. Ik- Jtli A t"! LJ r ti C J ri t j LJ n LJ LJ n LJ ri L J r.i L J n L J LJ r.i LJ e 1 LJ L J Till riinririrjr.inr'ir'irinrinri L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JLJL JL JL' JL J L J r.T L J r.a LJ r.a LJ LJ ra LJ ra LJ ra LJ r.a LJ LJ ra LJ ra LJ n LJ ra L J ra LJ r.i LJ ra LJ I am prepared to do all kinds ol Machine work (except casting) such as boring Engine cylinders, dressing valves and valve seats, fitting shading lor any kind ol machine, also plow and edge tool grinding, saw gumming and liling. Having installed new and up-to-date machinery for the above work, I can, in most cases, save you money over sending to Portland lor repairs, say nothing about time saved which is cer tainly quite an item. At any rate give me a trial and then you will be in a position to judge lor yoursell. A supply ol material kept on hand at all times. jli liJ izil East of Prineville Flouring Mills PRINEV11XE, OREGON Contest Notice. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, August 10, 1st. A sufficient contest affidavit having been Died in this office by Edwin O. Hyde, contest ant, against homestead entry No. 1447, made May ti, lSaJ5, for H'4 Sf., NE4 8E'4, 8EMWU, Section 'JO, Township 14, 8., Range 16, E. W. jf, by William U. Hmilh, Contestee, in which It is alleged tbat said WiUiam 11. Bmith has wholly abandoned said tract: that he has changed bis residence therefrom for more than six months since making said entry; tbat said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law; that said alleged absence Is not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corps ol the United States in time of war. tiaid parties are hereby notified to aj near, resnond and offer evidence touching sal allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on October I, 1906, liefore Warren Brown, County Clerk, at hisoflicein Prineville. Oregon, and tbat final bearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oc tober 10. 1906. before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper af fidavit, filed July ill, 1W)6, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given bv .me and Drouer publication. vlCup Anne M. Land, Receiver. . Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, Xrutf lllbcr 1st, 1MM. 1. il. u.i....r ihi.inf tlcismlar Notice is hereby gives that Cami.twll A Dun 1 f. 11 itf PrliiMVllli. llr.Httin. h Itled llnllea of McCIo, Deceased: Notice is hereby ( hl, immioti to make Hnal five-year proof In given by the undersigned, the adnnniatra- j support of his claim, vis: Homestead Kniry tor ol the estate of Alexander McCloy. dc- ' So. wm made August I. Idol, lor the S . of .4 n .11 naraona havina claims Hffnlnst I Hertton 12. Townahlu I' K, Range IA K, W. M estate to nreaent the same with the 1 and that sal. .r.. oroner vouchers to the undersigned at the office ofM. R. Elliott in Prineville, Ore gon, within six months Irom the date 01 this notice. Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this linn day of July , 1906. Administrator of ihe estate of Aleiander Mcloy, Deceased. jl6-t Timber Land, Act of J nne 8, 17S. Hotic for Publication. Department of the Interior, United M tales Land 0(Tlee, The Dalles, Oregon. July 0, NntiM u hr.i. vlven Lhat in comDllanoe with the provisions of the act ofCongresaof Junes, 1H7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Mates of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Huites by act r Anaust 4. mi. Charles M. Charlton, of t said proof will be made belore the County clerk, at Prineville, Oregon, on Oc lobcr oili. Its. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi.leuce upon, and cultivation or. the land. vis. Charles Kuuerlielm, Henry Cram, Charles P. McCalUster, John V. Morris, all ot rrlnevllle, Oregon. (M!-p Mil hail T. Noi.H, Register. thlx rlHV fl en in tins omce lis sworn nih mentNo. 301S, for the purchase of Ihe K1 Niri nwu KKi. uml NWK HK'i of Heel lo or n a O Tfl n U7 U anA will .1 LJLJLJLJLJLJLJt.JLJLjLJl.JLJ L JL JL JL JL JL JL JL JU JL JL JL JL J Subscribe for The JOURNAL CLUBBING RATES $1.50 a Year Trie Oregon Semi-Weekly' Journal The Crook County Journal - - Both Papers - $1.50 year $1.50 year $2.50 year Clubbing Rates lor the Weekly Oregonian at the Same Rate as Above Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. September 4, 1906. Not'ee i hereby viven that James H. Hawkins, of Prineville. Oreiroii. has tiled notice of his intention to make final five- year proof in support of his claim, vis: Homestead Entry No. 779H made Decem ber 1, 18U9, for the 8J NW, NWH of Section 17 and 8K'4 of Section Hi. TownhiD 14 H. Range 19 E. W M. and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Ore gon, on October nd, !. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of the land, vis: Claud E. Wright, Isaac M, Blevins, Al lien C. Knighten, Clyde C. Hon, all of Prineville, Oregon. 9-6-p . Michael T. Nolan, .Register. Tlmlier Ijtnd, Act ol June ft, 1x78. Notice for Publication. Tnlled Wales fjind Ontne, The Dalles. Oregon, August ', P.SMI Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June !t, 1k;k, entitled "An aid for the sitleof limber lands In the Htiues of ' nllfornla, Ore gon. Nevatlu. and nashlnglon Territory, extended to all the Puhllc-lund Htnles bv act of August 4, IHW2, the following-mimed persons have on July so. I'Jub, nied In this of fice their sworn sialemcnis, to wit: i b li . .t li. ........... ,.r Haiem, county oi jiarion, ... ...-. .... . npujj,,,, ,., sluie of Wnshlngion, sworn sIhI.-- 1 ........ uiU't r..-.i.A n,. ..i.. .w., ..r.i.- UL HW'.,, N W' BK'i and M V4 W " 4 or election D. TO. 14 M.. I. 1 r... . M. Arthur W. Puterson, ol Hpokime, county of Hpokune, suite or V asnmgum, sworn sutuv inent No. SOI, for the purchase of the NS t's. HW' NW'j or raid Ion III and NK NK'.of rl' ctlon fl. Tp. 14 M , It. Ill K W. M r ml J, Hlelly, Hpokane, iunl.y orHiKiiinnH, slate of Washington, sworn slalenient No. 30IH. for the piirchiisn of the NK' of Hawtlon V. Tp. 14 M., It. Is K. , W. M. Thiil they will offer pnaifs to show that the lands sought lire more valunhle for the tim ber or stone thereon thmi for agricultural purposea. and Ui cHtntillsh their ctiilms to snld lands liefore the HeglMtef und llooolver at. the hind otllee In Tre lialles, Oregon, on November 7. P. oil. They mime the following witnesses: Henry f. Ilis-sly. Arthur W. Piilersoii and Fred j. Klelly, of Hpokane. WiishliigUm: Hy mn Cndy and A. U. Knlghlcn, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons clnlmlng adversely any of the alMive-descrllied Innds are request ed to tile their claims In this olllce on or be fore the siile 71 h duv of Novemlier, HHW. (W0-p MmiiAKf. T. Nolan, Iteglatnr. A Remedy Without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than an v other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, biliousness or constipation, these Tab lets are without a peer. For sale by D, P. Adamsou & Co. ner I proof to show that the land sought la more I valuable ror tne umoer or swiue uwinfn iukn for agilcultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the County Clerk of Crook County, at the Court House In Prineville, Oregon, on November , 1WSI. He names as witnesses: S. J. Newsotn, of Prineville, Oregon, William McMeekin, ;rls sly, Oregon: Carey W. Foster, Roljert Harring ton, Prineville. Anv and all nersons claiming advers'ly the above-deacrlbed lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before sold sth day of November, 1DUH. S-au-np Michael T. Nolan, Register. Notice of Sale of Seal Estate. Notice is hereby given, that in pur suance of an order of the County Court of Crook county, Oregon, made on the 2nd day of Jiilv, WW. in the matter of the estate of Joseph AV hit del I. deceased, the undersigned, the administrator of said estate, will sell at public auction to the higliert bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation l.y the said County Court, on Saturday, the Hth day of September, WOo, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the Courthouse door in Prineville, Ore gon, all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Joseph Whitfield at the time of bis death and all the right, title and iuteredt in the said estate may have orainired ia addition lo that of the said Joseph Whitfield at the time of big death, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Crook, State of Oregon, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Lots One and Two In Section Nineteen In Township Twenty South, of Range Eleven East and the East half of the Northeast quarter of (Section Tpenty-four in Township Twenty South, ot Range Ten East of Willamette Mer ridian. " Terms and conditions of sale, Cash. Dated August 9, 1906. M. S. Mayfikm), Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Whitfield, Deceased. nasasBEBaaaaassBaBBBSBBBaBgp The Opera Saloon C. A. BEDELL, Proprietor III The (Haze Hall A First Class House in Mvcry Respect Choicest Brands of Liquors, Wines and Cigars piacksmithing That Pleases U The Kind Vou Cct Ml J. II. WKILI'S (.Slle.iVse.cir to) COKXKTT & KLKIX'S A Stock ol Farm Machinery alwayn on listul rviririrsrintririnririiririr irrv-inrvirinrviri l. ji.JLJi.jii.jk jLJi:juJi.Ji.Jkji.. Beautifully located in Portland, Oregon, often unurpased facilities (or the cul ture and education of young women. Special oppurtunitica in Music. Art. Languages and Liter ature. Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab oratories, Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary In the Pacific Northwest. It enjoys a national reputation for Ira parting the best physical, mental and moral train ing and developing true womanhood. Equips socially and educationally for the most eialted station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees by State Authority, Interference with convictions of non-Catholirft 1b scrupulously avoided. Academy la ideally located, amid inspiring scenic advan tages. Social opportunities such as are available in no other city on the Coast. Buildings large and commodious, wrll lighted, heated and ventilated; dormitories and private rooms supplied with all modern conveniences. The institution la liberal and pro(!rri5ive without sacrificing the character and tradition of axe and achievement. Terms modest. Saiisfaciorv rderences required. Write for announcement t'onUet. Board and tuition $IH0 per year. Address SibttT Superior. St. Mary's Academe PORTLAND. OREGON, U.S. A t j r,.T vJ n I.J r.i v J ri tj ri kJ rrt k'j r.i LJ r LJ r i Li ri LJ ri L J n L J ri LJ ri LJ .JbJC Jk.Jk.JL. JL.JC JL. Jk.Jb JC JL Jt. J r,i LJ r.i LJ r i L J r,i LJ r.i LJ r.ii L J r.i LJ r.i LJ r,a LJ ri L J ri L J ri LJ LJ ri LJ r,i L J ni LJ THE O'NEE. Restaurant and Lunch Room SMELZER & ELF.FFS0N Prop.. i .... j 'I. 3or jCadics and Sentlomen Wfoals and ffiakcry Clinch Board by A week, $5.0O, with room, $6.00. Meal Tickets, $4.00"ir!iririririririnr.irr,.tr!ir!irirr!irir!ir'7ri LJL JLJLJLJLJL JL JL JL JLJL Jt. JL.JLJLLIL JL JL JL JL JL JUJL JLJL.J FOR Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Carpets, Hugs Linoleum, Matting, Lace, Curtains, Win dow Shades and Poles, Wall Taper Lincrusta, Doors, Windows, Transoms Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Cooking . Utensils, Wash Machines, Chuni9, Etc.,' go to A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. and save from 10 to 20 cents on Every Dollar