Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 13, 1906, Image 3

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    Local Mention
Bend, In Prlne-
J. W. Pop of
villi1 on IiumIihm.
T. W, Zimmerman of Howard, waa
In town yesterday.
MIm Htella liodgea has acccpled
a position In the poatortlce.
For w II Hr itoto A. II. Llpp
mnii Co. 'a mnl anvs money.
Nate and Karl YVuriweller leave
(or Portland today where they go
to attend achool.
Tli county court haa authorised
the clerk to advertise lor tilda to r
pert I Ihi rount v book.
Ilev. J. T. Moor announces Hint
h will preach tit the Union rliurrh
next Hiiutlay morn In if anil evening.
All are cordially IiivIUhI.
A. M. Hammer and Kit flllhert tf
Albany, Or., are In town to rov
up on some desert Und. Mr. 1 1 am.
iner, about ten years ago, waa a
partner of C. W. Klklna In tli cloth
ing business In Albany.
W. II. Cook waa In from lila rnm-h
In tlii Hnyatack section Monday.
Mr Cook reports having nuMied
harvesting securing on an avrrsge
ol 0 buahela to the arrv. This la
better than the general average In
that sectlou.
A. It. En t wood Iroin Upper Mc
Kay, brouitht aorne samples of corn
to town that were raised on hla
place without Irrigation. Mr. Raat
wood la eat l fled that they cannot
beat hla corn any where. lie says he
ouKht to know lwut he waa rale
ed In a corn at ate.
The annual Conference ol the
Methodist church, held In North
Yakima laat week, reappointed Iter.
W. P. Jlnnelt paator at Prinevllle
tor the ensuing year. Mr. Jlnnett
arrived home Thursday mornliiK
and will conduct the regular services
at the church next Hunclay.
I. L. Kelrhum. a prosperous
rancher who Uvea uat below town,
while commenting yesterday on the
steady growth ol I'rlnevllle, anld
that owimhI some property In the
City but sold It too aoou. He could
have doubled hla money If he had
held on a few year longer. He feel
certain that Prinevllle la going to
make a big place. It la thla confi
dence In a place that luaplre confl
deuce In others,
Henry ('mile and wife and dnugh
ter. MUM Kuby, left laat week for
Corvallla, where Mrs. Cadle and
Ruby will aend the winter, the lat
ter to attend the t'orvnllla College.
Mr. Cadle will view the alghla at the
State lair after which he will return
to Prinevllle.
Mlsa Kftle lobla haa returned from
II. Kn-d of Itend, wna In town laat
week on htialiieaa.
The Itedlty la being paluted and
otherwise Improved In apiearniice.
Mrs. Jack Kuiumera will leave for
The Dalle In a tew dnya to visit her
staler, Mrs. Omeg.
Four new hydrant have Imra ad
diil to the fire protection of the city.
They were tented Tueaday and ac
cepted by the city. During the tent
ing oeratloua several leaka wero de
velops! In the old limine In different
parte ol I lie city.
The city council haa granted er
mlaelon to I. I', Adiim.on to con
struct a fiUHH) brick building .IOxHO
feet and two stork's high on the lot
now iM'Ing vacated by the Caah
(Jrocery Htore. Mr. Adamaon will
add another story to the building
he now occupies and In conjunction
with the new building will have one
oftheflneat blocks In the city. The
aeeond floor of the two buildings
will le thrown Into one and fitted
up lor offices.
oa aooa gj
mr ioi o(am
A khkhii lot or
LUWNKY'B CANDY in I'araaia
SrlMfrsm to I.S0
Mall order Klllad Promptly
S. Jtdmmf d d
Great bargains In Groceries will
continue at Glover A Ktarr a Caah
Grocery through the month of Bep-
teinber. If you prefer to pay high
prices, trade elsewhere, tl
Luther Moore, who aieepa over
Ktewart's store, had quite a scare
Monday night. He heard some
strange noises shortly after he had
goue to lied aud the thought popped
Into hi head that burglars were
getting busy with the stock of goods
below, lie Jumped out of tied and
reached lor hla revolver but couldn't
find It, which la generally the rnae
when you get excited. Not having
anything formidable enough to
tackle a doughty ulght prowler he
thoimbt of the window about
twenty feet from the ground oen-
Inglnto the alley. Nothing daunt-
ed he made hla exit from that aer
ture and hiked up the alley to the
I'olndexter Hotel to get aaatHtance.
rive or atx adventurous spirits
volunteered to go back with hliu
and It was but a few minutes until
every exit leading from the store
waa guarded. Then they alt closed
In and discovered that the noise waa
caused by some goods falling off the
School Books and All
Kinds of School Supplies
W. Frank Petett,
IPIIfTI t? n F
Has ojx-ned for business in the windows of
Adamson's Drug Store. Bring in your
Watch, Jewelry and Spectacle work. . .
State Registered Optician,
MTT" J r -it- TiSim n ttt wttm t .ram a. ii.i.r .-. n i a.
All Work Guaranteed -Trial Solicited J
Mr. McDowell of tlie I'rlnevllle
Hotel got back this week from Port
Mr. Loiran returned laat evening
from a six weeks' visit toKt. Martin's
The long drought waa broken by
gentle fall of rain Haturday and
Haturday evening.
Mrs. C. T. Llllard and family of
Paulina left thla mornlug tor t'ort-
lattd. wtiere they will speno ine
It. 8. Price Mt last week lor Balem
to lie In attendance at the Stat lair
and to vllt his parents who reside
near Albany. He expects to be ab
sent three or four weeks.
Omar Cyrus, ot Haystack, waa In
town Tueaday. He report naving
finished harvesting his garin crop.
The average yield from 150 acres ot
land waa 0 buahel to the acre.
Mrs. Cecil and her two daughters
of nil ver Lake, who have spent the
ummer on their ranch near Burns,
topid over In Prinevllle yesterday
on their way to Portland for tne
School lioooks and
School Supplies
'Jl . Bi.
The Nicest Assortment
of TABLETS in Town
The old established Arm of Wurs-
weller k Thomson haa tieen dissolved.
The Interests of A. Thomson and
Arthur Hodges have been bought by
Wurtweller Co., who will continue
the buMlneea at the old stand. It
waa on August 27, lffiff, when Wurt
weller ft Thomson bought out M.
Hk'hel ft Co., and three years later,
on July 1, 1000, Arthur Hodges pur-
chased an luterest In the Arm. The
business is one of the largest In the
county and haa been very prosper
ous. Ferd McCalltster haa purchased
from 8. J. Newaom the lot next to
the Journal office with a 53-foot
frontage. The laundry building has
Iteen moved to the rear of the lot
to make room for the building now
occupied by Glover ft Starr's Cash
Urocery. This building Is being
placed here until spring when It
will lie replaced by a substantial
brick store. The lot made vacant
by the removal of the Caah Grocery
next to Adanisou's drug store will
be the site of a handsome brick
tructure to tie put up this tall.
There will be no services In the
Presbyterian church next Sunday.
Miss Gertie Prlne of Lewlston, Ida
ho, a granddaughter of Dan Pow
ell, came In on Friday's stage lor a
visit with her grandparents.
Cheap prices on sugar will not con
tinue In Prinevllle many weeks
longer. We have a few sacks of the
Dure Cane on hand yet. Glover ft
Rev. Frank Blmmona, pastor ot
the Baptist church ot Lakevlew, All
ed the pulpit ot the Union church In
Prinevllle Sunday evening. He goes
from here to his old home at Fossil,
Or., for a brief visit
Mrs. Este Is offering her entire
stock of 8pring and Summer Milli
nery at greatly reduced prices. This
is done in order to make room for
the fall stock. Get prices on mill!
nery from her before buying. 7-U-tf
J, P. Dawson was up before Jus
tice of the Peace Luckey Friday
charged with assault with a deadly
weapon upon the person ol A
Ad. Keller. Dawson was bound
over In the sum of f 100 to appear be
fore the grand Jury.
Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock a
Are alarm was turned in caused by
a blaxe at the city Jail. E. Gilbert,
who has been drinking heavily tor a
week or more was locked up in the
afternoon to sober off. While in a
maudlin condition he conceived the
Idea that he would burn his way to
freedom. Gathering up a matress
filled with straw he placed It against
the door and touched a match to it.
It was soon ablate and flames where
soon iHsulug between the grates of
the door. An axe was quickly se
cured and the Jail opened and not a
moment too soon, either. The
moke in the Jail was stifling and it
was only upon a second attempt on
the part ot Sheriff Elklns and Dr.
Rosenburg that the unconscious
man was dragged Into the open air.
He was revived with some difficulty
and is now couflnod in bed with a
badly blistered throat and lungs.
E. C Faught, of Crook, la In Prlne-
vllle this week.
Miss Maude Brown has returned
from Cross Keys where she has been
vlaltlng her sister, Mrs. Bolter, for a
couple of months.
Arrangement tor the second an
nual county fair to be given by the
Central Oregon Livestock ft Agri
cultural Association at Prinevllle on
October 10, 11. 13 and 13, are being
carried forward as fast as men can
do It. The pavilion is well under
way and the cattle sheds have re
ceived a good start. Everything
will be In readiness in good time tor
the opening.
H. F. Jones ot Redmond, a Crook
county delegate to the Boise Irriga
tion congress, passed through Prine
vllle Tuesday on his way home. He
says the Irrigation congress was a
great success. As Crook and Mai
hour counties were the only two ex
hlblts from Oregon they combined
and took first prise in grasses aud
grains. "As a matter ot fact," said
Mr. Jones, "we did not know that
prizes were to be offered or we could
have fixed up an exhibit that would
have crowded the best ot them for
the $500 sliver cup offered for the
best general display. We dldu'
know It, though, so only took along
some grains to show what we could
raise over here. We had the heaviest
wheat, oats, barley, rye, etc., ex
hlblted by any of the states. This
we consider a great showing tor
Crook county, when you consider we
had Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada
and Washington to compete with,
The grain came from the Laldlaw
country and was exhibited by the
Laldlaw Development League, repre
sented by J. N. K. Uerklng and K. is
James. "
Residence in Prineville
Inquire of
A. J. Noble last week purchased
tweuty-three acres ot land from
Arthur Hodges on the west side of
the river for 93000. Mr. Noble con
templates building thereon a $5000
home. He will have the place graded
and leveled and will plant It to
grass, trees and shrubbery. Water
to Irrigate will be piped from the
mill race. When completed It will
be one ot the finest places In the
county. Mr. Noble is oue ot the old
pioneers of Crook county who by
close application to farming and
stockralsing has accumulated a snug
fortune. He moves to Priuevtlle In
order to give his children the benefit
of our excellent school facilities.
At the ittMimond fair which opens
September 20th handsome premiums
are to be offered the stock-raising
people of this section tor the best dis
play ot stock. A premium ot $25
will be given for the best individual
display of grass, grain, vegetables
and fruit from Crook county and
also a $25 prise for the best Individ
ual display o)en to settlers on Pilot
Butte canal. On the last day the
Modern Woodman of America tug.
of-war team of Redmond will com
pete against auy and all teams com.
posed of members of this organisa
tion. A prise ot $50 is offered by the
management for the winning team
E. II. Hmlth haa returned from hla
summer's outing.
V.J. O'Connor and wife, of Red
mond, were visiting In town thla
The beat, lightest running and
cheapest sewing machine Is found at
A. H. Llppman ft Co.'
Mr. 8. J. Newaom left Sunday tor
Denver on a visit to her son, John
Newsotn. She expect to be absent
two or three weeks.
T. F. McCalllster ft Co. have Just
received a fine line of Fall Hats and
up-to-date Millinery Good. It you
want the latest give us a call. 13-tf
Omar Claypool, Walt Hyde and
Wm. Arnold returned Tueaday from
the huckleberry patch on the Mac
kenile. They report not being able
to get any berries and also that the
bunting was very poor, only secur
ing one deer on the trip.
Jack Patterson, a well-known
character about town, has become
Insane. He haa been on a spree lor a
long time with the result that his
mind is unbalanced. He I confined
In the county Jail awaiting examina
tion by the county authorities as to
hla mental condition.
A rather peculiar succession of ac
cident happened laat week at J. B.
Cartwright's ranch on lower Trout
creek. While putting up hay one of
the hired men fell oft the load and
broke hla arm, and the uext day an
other one of the men fell off a load
and broke hla leg. If this thing
keeps on the whole country up there
will lie crippled before the hay crop
la put up.
The faculty of the Crrook County
Hlg School for the enaulng year will
be Profs. Strange, principal; Cather
ine Conway of Portland, and Charles
E. Cleveland of Astoria. The new
teachers come highly recommended
and there Is every prospect ot a big
attendance at the high school this
year. The people of the county
are Just beginning to reallxe the ad
vantages of a high school training
for their boys and girls.
A. L. Mcintosh ot Paulina, waa In
Prinevllle the last ot the week. He
says everything Is fine up hi way.
Feed is good and sheep are doing
nicely. Hla son got back from Chica
go a short time ago where be bad
been with a band of two thousand
two-year-olds and yearlings. He
disposed ot them at a good profit.
Mr. Mcintosh haa still a thousand
dry ewes to put on the market. In
sheaklug of the county roads In his
section Mr. Mcintosh cannot say too
much In praise ot the work done.
He and bis neighbors want to tender
a vote of thanks to tne county
Court, Road master McLaughlin and
last but not least, the man behind
the shovel.
Horses For Sale.
Hrange Horses from 950 to
1200 pounds, unbroken; five or
six broke horses that will
weigh about 1200 or 1300 lbs.
All young. For further partic
ulars apply to T. J. Fkroueson
Crook poMtofflce, Crook Co., Or.
House and Three
Lots for Sale
House, Barn and three lots
for sale. Best location In town.
Cor. 2d and B sta. Apply to
r. J. ergueson, t;rook, or.
Superior Grain Drills
Consisting of 10-7, 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7. all right-hand Single Disks,
with or without grass seed attachments. The effective feed method of lub
ricating the discs, style of discs and other good points all combine to make
the SUPERIOR the best Seed Drill made.
We Carry a Full Line of Repairs
Catalogues Mailed on Request.
W. F. King'
eil Bakery J
lath Millar BaOdnf
Fresh Bread, Plea and Cake
alway on hand.
Pastry of all kinds made to
Anyone who haa left for keeping
any package, parcels, oia saaaies.
pack outfits, etc., at the Hamilton
Stable during the past several years
are requested to call and take the
same within two weeks from the
date ot this notice, or they will be
sold at auction to the highest bid
der. This is made necessary by the
fact that articles of various kinds
have accumulated and become a
nuisance. Dated this 6th day of
9-6-2t Buchanan ft Aixen.
Notice to Debtors.
Anyone knowing themselves In
debted to us will please call and set
tle the same at once.
9-6-4t Smits ft Cl-KKK.
The Latest Fashions now on display
Call and see them.
4 ,.,.4il4iti M"''l' M' I ' l' M' 1 1' Miiiii '!" '''
Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line
Daily Between Prineville and Shanlko
Leaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives st Prineville 6 a. m.
Leaves Prineville 1 p. m. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m.
First Class Accommodations
On Saturday Deputy Sheriff Combs
presided over a sheriff's court. The
case grew out ot the disputed owner
ship ot a horse. O'Neill Bros, at
tached a horse as the property of P.
G. Mllllorn. Meantime Charles Be
dell claimed the ownership ot the
animal on a basis of priority. He
purchased the animal, he claims, be
fore the writ of attachment was
served. The sheriff. In order to pro
tect himself from liability, summon
ed a jury of six peers ot the realm
and submitted the case to them
The verdict of the Jury operates as a
full Indemnity to the sheriff. The
lurv tailed to agree and were dis
charged by the court. The case was
tried again Wednesday and Judg
ment rendered In favor ot Charles Be
FOR SALE Two ot the best gral
farms lu the Haystack country for
sale, 440 acres at 25 per acre; 1000
acres at f -"0 per acre, uooa water,
orchards and small fruits on each
fastn. Good crops grown every
eea:u. Other farms and home
steads at the right figure. City
property from $500 up.
tf-6-tf Smith ft Foster.
Piano Tunlnc.
Mr. J. A. Owenhouse, piano tuner,
with Ellers Piano House of Port
laud, will lie In Prinevllle for a short
time. Parties desiring piano or or
gan tuning and repairing please
leave orders at Terapleton's drug
store. All work guaranteed.
Reference B. F. Scott, special
salesman for Ellers Piano House.
One sorrel colt, unbranded, five
months old. two white hind feet, dia
mond on nose, evidently followed some
team off. Anvone knowing tne where
abouts of fame will receive a suitable
reward by notifying J. F. Wkioand, La
monta, Oregon. 9--4tp.
Send Your Watches or Jewelry
for Repairs
All Work Guaranteed.
Prices Reasonable
' :x' '" - c; rtessr ' jaw- T ' v -. -"
- r rrrr -r ' - X N. ;
vwO-v-... - . fV. y -Y:j
No. 32 Road Wagon with Shafts or Pole
Wheels. 1 inch Sarven, 39-43 inches
full bolted, 6-16 inch tires
Painting. Shafts, Wheels and Gear
Red, striping, two fine lines
Body. Xew Style, black, double line
gold, with green outline stripe
Trimmings. Green Leather, Biscuit
cushion, imitation leather seat
0 '
ends and fall, dull black but
tons and trimmings
The above is one of the most popular rigs for
ordinary use; durable and attractive. Prices
and terms on application.
We also have other styles of Road Wagons, also
Buggies, Hacks, Buck Boards, and the Schuttler
Wagon. If you are in need of anything in this
line call and see them.
J. E. Stewart & Co.