Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, September 13, 1906, Image 2

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V BAILEY ft OKAY, rnklllMrt.
Knlrrrd I I h ro l i m re at Pr I n t 1
One Year
Three Months... WfU
Advertising Rtes: Tisr'T S'trvrtisins, f , TOivnts unit ti arrortllnc lo Ilia and
space Local (tmlm f 1 .00 pvt Inrh. Ruilnnu kauli mm per line. Card of Thanks ft..
Resolutions of Conilolrnre tl.80. " am", "Loot", cits. ali and "Kslraj-" Nutin 1 cai a word.
Published Every Thursday at the Journal BuiUing, rrlneville, Oregon
Last Word for the Redmond Fair.
Editor Journal, IVar Sir Will
you please say to your readers as a
last word that preparations for the
fair are coming on in fine shape.
The grounds show what can he
done with our rocky lands; the
track is in good order and build
ings and tents' are going up.
Entries are U'init made, entry
cards made out and reserved to
be called for when the exhibit. are
on hand. We will have Crook
Cotinty grown tobacco to show;
sunflowers, tomatoes and thorough
bred stock of all kinds.
For amusements the first after
noon we will have a slow horse
race, a half-mile bicycle race for
purse, also a three-legged race.
Prospects are more flattering
every day for good exhibits, good
races and good crowds
Don't forget the musical enter
tainment the first evening, farmers'
institute the second evening, and
the grand ball to close with
Let every one who comes join
the Boosters' Club. It every
body come from Prineville and
boost for the county fair.
List of awards will be published
in the Journal and the other coun
ty papers.
Now what more can I say?
Only this that every one should
come and see what a little town
that has not been on the map two
years can offer for your entertain
ment. Very cordially yours,
E. C. Park.
Do not forgot the Basket Social
at the I'nlon Church thin (Thnrwlay )
evening. EverylxMly invited.
B. GatewtMxl Is in town.
J. Frank Stroud of Bend is In the
Crook County Court House.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of Crook County, Ore
gon, will receive sealed bids for the
the building of a new court house up
to November 7, littH!, at 1(1 o'ehiek a.
m., at the court house at Prineville,
Oregon, as follows:
First A bid for the construction
and building of the foundation out
of stone as originally planned by V.
D. Pugh, Architect. Salem, Oregon.
Second A bid for the construction
and building of the foundation out
of brick according to amended plan
by same architect.
Third A bid for the construction
and completion of thesuiH-rstructure
aa originally planned omitting the
Fourth A bid fir the construction
and completion of the building com
plete as originally planned.
Fifth A bid for the construction
and completion of the building com
plete according to the amended
That all bids must lie submitted
upon the plans aud sieeifieation8 of
W. D. Pugh, Architect, Salem, Ore
gon, and sealed and marked "Bids
for Court House" addressed to the
County Clerk, I'rineviiie, Oregon.
The County will pay cash upon
any contract entered into for the
building aud construction of any part
or whole of said building. Certilied
check as mentioned in the specilica-
tions must accompany each bid.
The plans and specifications can be
examined at the Office of W. D. Pugh,
Salem, Oregon, The Oregon Daily
Journal Office, Portland, Oregon,
and at the Office of the County Clerk,
Prineville, Oregon. The Court re
serves the right to reject any and all
By order ot the Court.
l-13-(5t Clerk Crook County, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby givcu by Margaret Nye,
the undersigned executrix of ttie last will
and testament of M. C. Nye, deceased, to
all persona having claims against said
estate to present them with the proper
vouchers to the undersigned ut the otiice of
SI. K. Elliott in frineviile, Oregon, within
nix months from the date of this notice.
Dated this :23d day of August. llKXi.
ilAKOAIiEI' Nye,
Executrix of the estate of At. (J. Nye, de
ceased. Well Worth Trying.
W. II. Brown, the popular pension
attorney, of I'iturieM, Vt., says:
"Next to a pension, the best thing to
get is Dr. King's New Life l'ills." He
writes: "They keep tny family in
splendid health." Quick cure for Head
ache, Constipation and Biliousness.
25c. Guaranteed ut I). P. Adauison &
Co., and Teuipleton & Soil's drug store.
1 1. Oimoi. seaa4.lass aaallsr
- In variably In Advano
Six Months 75 eta
Single Oonief) 5 ct
wjMwf tkt &litioH ff Tkt Finl
XatUHal ltni, in YiitmMf, in tkt
Stittt VrH, at tkt clom of frust'ar,
September 4, IffOli.
Itans an.l iliactmnl t ISjI.IV&.YI
Overdraft", arcurrd and unsecured. 2S.2'.27
I'. S. Uw.i to scur circulation li.VXLOO
PrrmiuiiM on I'. S. lUtui
Kmda, Securities etc. 1,511. W
Ktnkini; house furniture and
fixtures 8.967.01
1 W from National Hanks (not
Keorrv AfMital S4.MU.7S
lue frtmi State Banks and Eankera SI..W4.S4
lue from aproi reaerv igritl. lLS.Wki.Ss
(-heckn and ot her caah items... 7.il3
N.4e of other National Banks. . . . 1,000.01)
Fractional per currency, tticale
and ceiila
l. rt L Moniit Rikikve in Bank, Tit:
Specie f 16,
U-tral-trnuVr a. ... 1.0U) 17,420
C. S. certificate fxrpM deioaited
Keleuitioa fund with I'. S,
Trew'r ! l circulation) 625.00
T.-tal $Vi2,.VS.Sl
Cnpita) stock aid in $ 50,000 00
Surplus fund 10,000.00
I'mlivkled profit, loss expense
and taxes aid 4i2W 21
Natioual Rank notes outstanding. ll.THI.OO
lmc to other National Banks . . 343.fl
Dividends unpaid 2,235.00
lntlivkiual deposit subject to
check 326.W7.0S
IVuiand certiticatea of deposit .... 8,262. Tti
I'ertilied chwks 1.HJO.O0
County of Crool
I, T. M. Ralowim, Cashier of tha ahove
nauted hank, do solemly swear that tre ahove
statement is true to the hex! of mr know-led-,-
and Iwlief. T. M. BALDW IN,
SuWrilied and sworn to before ate this
llth day of S-ptemher, 1HH5.
Notary Public.
Wiu. WcixwiiLU
Carey W. Foster Directors
B. r . Allen
$5 Per Head Reward
I will pay $5 per head for horses with
the following brand j
(a wrench) on right or left still, prongs
pointing towards bead. Horses are known
as the Johnny Dean horse and range from
the John Day to Trout creek. Horses were
raised on Trout creek. Any one taking up
these horses, holding them and sending me
information so that I can come and get
same will receive the above reward per
bead. A. J. WASHBURN,
8-2-Stp 8uple, Or.
Starring to' Death.
Because her stomach was so weaken
ed by useless drugging that she could
not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of St.
Clair St., Columbus, O., was literally
starving to death. She writes: "My
stomach was so weak from useless
drugs that I could not eat, and my
nerves so wrecked that I Could not
sleep ; and not before I was given up to
die was I induced to try Electric Bit
ters; with the wonderful result that im
provement began at once and a com
plete cure followed." Best health
Tonic on earth. 60c. Guaranteed by
D. P. Adamson & Co., and Tern pie ton &
con, druggists.
Contest Notice.
Iepartment of the Interior.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, August -JO, 1906.
A sufficient ccmeftt allidavit bavins been Hi
ed in this olfiee by Florence B. Collins, con
testant, against homestead entry So. 86.W,
made 8-pteniher24, 1900, for NE NW
SK'4, 10, SE'i, Section 32, Township 11, 8,
Kange IS, E, VV M, by James Hastings, Con
testee, lu which it is alleged that said James
Hasting has wholly abandoned said tract;
that Maiil tract is not settled upon and cultivat
ed by said party as required by law; that he has
cuangea uis resiaence tneretrom lor more than
six months since making said entrv: that such
failures still exist; that said alleged absence
wasuoiuueiu uu employment in me army,
navy or marine corns of the United States in
time of war. Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, responu ana oner evidence toucning
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on October 8,
lfoS, before Warren Brown, County Clerk, at
his office iD Prineville, Oregon, and that Anal
hearing win beheld at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oc
lolr is, 1906 before the Register aDd Receiver
at the Culled Stales Land Office in The Dalles,
vr lion.
Tlie said contestant hiving. In a proper affi
davit, died August 20, 1S0, set forth facts
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not be made, it is
tereuy ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
'i-6-np Michael T. .Nolan, Register.
Timber Land, Act of June 1878.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon. July 21. 1906.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of Con
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale ol timber lands in the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended lo all the Pnb
lic Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
the following-named persons have ou July
14, lij, tiled in this office their sworn
statements, to-wit:
William J. Barlow, of Coeur'd Alene.
county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn
statement io., lor trie purchase of the
WW and EU SWy, Section 1, Tp. 14
ri., it. 18 E , W. M.
John H. Jarrett. of Coeur'd Alene, coun
ty of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn state
ment No. 29i4 for the purchase ol the
Lots 3 and 4 and S'N W, Section 5, Tp.
14 S., K. 19 E W. M. V
Thomas P. McAutey, of Tacoma. countv
of Pierce, state of Washington, sworn
slatement No. 2993, for the purchase of the
Lots 1 and 2 and si NEi, Section 6, Td.
14 8., R. WE., . M.
That they will offer proofs to show that
the lands sought are more valuable for the
timber or stone thereon than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish their
claims to said lanus before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Oc-
toner o, iwju.
They name the following witnesses:
lhohias i. McAuiey, of Tacoma, Wash
ington; John H. Jarrett and William J.
Harlow, of Coeur'd Alene, Idaho; Byron
C'ady and A. C. Knighten, of Prineville,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any of the above-described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office on
or before the said 3rd day of October. 190H.
7-20-pd Registe-
Taka RoUca.
Parties! who have hoiwsi In my
paattir must take them out.
9-A-Jt-p Mri Vamkkioi.
S Kswatd.
The alcove reward w ill be paid for infor
mation leading to the recovery of a sor
rel horwe, 10 ream oM, branded "7a" on
left stifle and "J O" on left shoulder ;
strayed awar two month ago from my
premise. Waa last heart! of on IV
per Ovhoco. Was raistxl on Beaver
creek. J. H. Dau, Prineville, Or
Pais from a Burn Promptly KtutvtA by
Cham barilla's Paia Balm.
A little child of Michael Strauaa, of
Vernon, Conn., was recently in (treat
pain from a burn on tha hand, and as
cold applications only tucreaaed the- in-
natnmatton, Mr. Straus came to Mr,
Jaraea N. Nichols, a local merchant, for
something to stop tha pant. Mr.
Nichols aava: "1 adviaed him to una
Chamberlain' Pain Halm, and the first
amdication drew out the inflammation
and gv immediate relief. 1 have used
this Imament myself and recontmeod it
very often for cuts, burns, strain and
lame back, and have never known it to
disappoint. For sale by I). P. Adam
son A Co.
Machines and Records
Prineville - Oregon
We pay 4oo tune deposits, current
ratei oa living account, receive deposits
subject to check, and do a general bank
ing busutesa.
You can have the advantages of a
strong bank at your very door by using
the mails.
Send your deposrtv. Acknowledg
ment will be sent you by actum nul.
Saving! accounts received from one
dollar up.
Open an account with us and note
how rapidly n will grow.
W. H FEAR. Smmmj
S. C CATCHING1 Aal Smmmf
it. - urtftlr
(Trust (fotupMUi
24 7 Wash St. Portland.Ork.
CfiPlfATTfooT TTaoSoSw'
Ability demands recognition.
Miss Clara Louise Marye, a grad
uate of the Holmes Business College,
starts for China this week, all traveling
expenses paid, to accept a position
. with a large lumber importing firm at
' Hongkong.
, J Miss Marye in a letter to the Holme
. Business College says : The small
amount of money 1 expended with the
Holmes Business College for tuition, I
consider one of the best investments I
could possibly have made.1
1$ Miss Marye is a young woman of
character and fine business ability.
Faithfulness and technical knowledge
Have finally won for her an enviable
distinction, and she is kind enough to
attribute lo the Holmes Business Col
lege credit for having equipped hci with
one of those necessary requisites.
flTke Hoi mes Business College has
started hundreds of young men and
women on the road to wealth and pre
ferment. J Send lor free announcement folder
giving detailed information about courses
of Study, tuition, etc. It is worth gelling
and worth keeping. Send in today, you
will receive the folder by return mail,
Timber land, act of June 3, IH7S.
Moticw for Publication.
I tilted Slates Ulid Orhe.
Th lalle, Oregon, July II. ItsM.
Nolle is serehy given that In ciimpll
new with tha nroviaions of tha act ol Con
gross of June J, l7, entitled "An act fur
the sale of tiuibvr lands in tha States of
Calitoruia, Oirgon, Neva-la, and Washing
ton Territory." aa extiidl to all Ilia Pub
lic ljoi.t Slates byai-tvd August 4. tisrj.
the following perms hav hied in this oi-tli-a
their sworn slalenienla, owit:
KVIward Kwtng bears, of Prineville,
county ofOrvKik, slate uf Oregon, sworn
statement No. !. IIIihI June 2V. HUM, for
the purchaaeof th8WV NWu, NHWV
and eWi, bWS,, ckwtion 4, Tp. li 8., R.
lit K W. M.
Kachtvllus R. Jonra. of Prinavilla, coun
ty of t'rook, avata of Oregon, sworn state
ment No, i!Kt, hlct Julv 10, 1AM, forlhe
pun-haaa of (ha SKV N V.aiid Uni J 4
and ft. Section , Tp. 14 S., R. 1 K W, M.
That they will uttar prvI tu show that
t i lauds sought are mora valuable tor the
timtwi or slona thereon than for agricul
lural purMea. and lo establish their
claims to said lands before Uie Kegiater
and Receiver at Tha Uallea, Oregon, on
Octolwr S, WB.
They name tha following witnesses:
Edward ki. haara, Rachiallus K. Jonea, By
ron Cady, II. A. Kosiar and Parry IVin.
dexter, of Prineville, Orvgun; Vernon K.
l and Walter S. Cady, of Kvarett,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
any of the alove-de--rill land ar re
iueatd lo His their claims in this otUcaon
or before, tha said Ind day of IVtober. ItfUtk
7--pd Register.
Tlmbar Land. Aciof Juns. 1(T.
Notice For Publication.
failed Bute land Offlc.
The Illea, Oreaon. Aug ml SI, 14,
Notice la hereby given thai In compliance
with tha provisions ol the act of Congrewol
June , IS s, entitled "An act tor the aateol
limber lands in thesuteeuf California, Ora
sou. Nevada, and waahlnston Territory." as
eitended lu all lb Public Land Hialea bv acl
ol A usual 4, ISA.', the tolluwin named perua
have on Autual l, t. Hied lu this uttr
their sworn statements, to wll :
Lou K, Naab.ot Hpukane. county otHpokana,
stale ot Uashlnston, sworn statenietil Nu.
sliSA. (or the purchase ol the K4 S W. and Luis
1 aud i ol Meetlon 7. Tp. 14 a H IS K. M
Arthur H. right, ot Skaue, eouuly of
ppoaane, siaie oi wasninsion, sworn state
ment No. 31S7, tor the purchase of the NMt.
8K,. S. tiK'. and MKkwol Heel ion 1 J, Tp
14 a, R is K, n at.
Arthur L Angel!, ot anokane, rounly of Spo
kane, slat ot Haahlnsun. swora siatemetii
No. SIM, fur the purchase of Ihe sHHi,, Na'i.
!WV of Seciloa sand NK14 N ot mo tion s,
Tt 14 8. K IS K. W M.
They will offer proofs to show thai the lands
sought are more valuable lor the tluiher of
stone thereon than for agricultural purposes,
and lo establish Iheirrlaiuia lo said lands be
lora the Kegister aud Receiver, at the land of
fice In The lollaa, Oregon, on November SI.
They name aa witnesses: Urn K. Nsih,
Arthur H. w rlghl. Arthur U Angrll, (' t. H.-II,
Fred K. Munch, all of Sokane. Waahtnglon.
Byron Cady, of rrluevllle. Oregon.
Any and all persona elatmlng adversely any
ol the aboveHtcacrtlied lands are retpieict to
Hie their t-laiina in this orlu-e on or l-tre said
'ftrd day ol November, Iwrt
Micnn.T. Nulan. Hi-gUler.
Contest Notice.
Department of Ihe Interior.
I'nited Hist.-. Land nitb-e.
Tha Uullee, Oregon, August JU, IWO.
A auflk-ienl coulesl stlnlavll having been til
ed lu this office, by Florence B. Collins, con.
Iratanl, against homestead entry No. MH,
matte tH-iober tS. lyuu. lor KS N t',. Mectlou SI.
Nw 'a- OeeOon XL Town.hlp II, 8, Range IS
K. W V, by Palm s Hasting, roiitesiev. In
which II Is aliened thai said 1'atrk k Hastings
hasaholly abandoned said tract; lhal he has
changed his residence therefrom tor more than
six mouths sine making said entry; that said
tract la not settled upon and cultivated by said
party as required by law; lhal such lallurea
still exist; lhal said alleged absence was not
due lo his employment lu the army, navy or
marine corps ol the In I led Hutrs InUuieof
war. Maid parties are hereby notified to ap
pear, respond and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on October S,
before Warrea Hrown, County Clerk, aihlsol-Bi-e
In Prineville, Oregon, and that dual hear
ing will be held ai 10 o'clock a. m. on October
li. I sua, before the register and receiver at the
United Stale Land OAle at Tha Dalles, Ore
gon. The said contestant having. In a proper affi
davit, died August JO, isms, set forth facta which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby or
dered and directed thai such notice be given
bydusand proper publication,
t-a-np f. , sjicuau, T. Nolan, Register.
If otic to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given by the undersign.
ed administratrix of the estate of Lemuel
0. Boone, deceased, to tha creditors and
all other having claims against the estate
of Lemuel Q. Boone, deceased, to present
them with the proper vouchers to the
undersigned at the office of M. H. Elliott
in Pnnevtlle, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated this 12th day of July, 1906.
Adninistratrix of the Estate of Lemuel
O. Boone, Deceased.
Crook County Fair
Given by
The Central Oregon Livestock & Agricultural Association
Prineville, Oregon
OCTOBER 10-11-12-13
Valuable Premiums
Fine Speed Program
Bring in Your Cattle and Farm
Products. Show what Crook
County is Capable of Producing
Q Agents for Butterick Patterns and The Delineator pi
$1 HiR ricc Reductions in all lines of Ladies' and Children's Sum- (!3Cj
fn mer Goods. Watch our big show windows for the l.est Cash fl
jjjj Values ever offered in Crook County. Kg
Wash Skirts
A collection ol Crash anil and Colton Covrq
Wash Skirts, all rounJ Icnyths: just the thing
lor your Summer Outing.
Lot 1 your choice lor $ .85
Lot 2 your choice lor 1.25
Lot 3 your choice lor,.., 2.50
Ladies Regular $3.50 values Special Sale Price $2.00
Ladies Regular $2.50 values Special Sale Price $1.65
Children's Regular $2.25 values Special Sale Price $1.45
Hosiery for Ladies Summer Dress
and Children Wash Goods Good8
Ladies lace lisle hose in white. Mrued Crad. in white. p,ncy &,k Fin;sU qj
black and tan. all mts; regular cream, tan. brown and green ; Urge nwmrn 0
35c values. Special 25c shades. Special TbU Sale 20c
Children's lace lisle hose in ' Changeable Silk, rottgee. Mo
while, black and tan. all sizes ,,on Coverts, all good shades hair. Pongrss and Fancy Cotton
Regular 25c and 35c values "d plenty ol them. Regular 20c Foulards. ALL REDUCED
Special per pair 20c values. Special Tbw Sale 15 FOR THIS SALE
boaxatac aa Sar wbaol far ?aua laaiaa,
Most iLaaehtlskf ishas1). An: Ciat.
Aeaaaast Csarsa; aswrlai laassata ss
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
J Will tnke old machine
A in exchantc fur new one
Will bmI you innchliiH)
)n monthly pnytufntii
All kinds) of rvpnlr work
done by our njrent who
In also th anthortseil
collnetor for all money
duo the compiiny.
For further Information
Inqulni of
X AtthcHcnkle rosldenca, on block
A w"t of the Hostotficc, I'rineTllla, Or
patent lastenera.
Special for
LaJirs' white
$1.50 values.
I The 0. K. Meat Market
STROUD BROS Proprietors
Deealers in Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Butter
Eggs and Country Produce
The following Is & list of our Prices oa Meats
Loin Steak
Hound Htcak
Hlioulder Steak
Plain KoaHt Iiuef
Prime Rib Roaat
Vesl Roast -Loin
Mutton Chops
Plain Mutton Chops
Veal Chop
Pork Loin
Pork SaiiHsge
When you are buying anything in this line give us a call
We Guarantee to Treat you Right
Telephone Orders Will Be Given Prompt Attention
Having decided to discontinue from carrying
Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line
of these goods will therefore be sold at
Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as
it means a big saving of money to you. We
have in stock useful articles of wearing
apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices
and you will buy.
R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor
Special in Gloves jiJ
ladies' Silk Knit Glovrs in white. LUrk ami Lis)
champaigne colon sizra 6 to 8, all two clasp "IS
Regular $1.50 valuea. kS,
Thu Sale ,....
kiJ gloves, all lizrs. Hetjular
Special lor thin tale . $1.00
Prineville Oregon ffl
Strictly niado to measure a
rvsi sfv-avi t at !
Hilitart j
tch of
km laiviiiO
The latest metropo!
rricea within reacl-
all. 4
12 lets xr pountl
10ctn Kr pouml
lOcU ier pound
Kctn per Hund
lOets per pound
12,ct ier jKiund
12cU per jxiund
lOcU per pound
12Jcta per pound
12 Jets er pound
lOcts per pound
lOcU per pound
lOcts per pound
Out Sale
Writ direct to Principal, Room 626.