Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 23, 1906, Image 3

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    Local Mention
I. Ml. lie) It'd for I ' rt lit ul 8uudn,v
l-4'WU Hamilton of (irluly, WHH hi
town Sniurdiiy.
For wiill paper jro l A. II. I.lfp
Iiiiiii A Co.' unit mi vi money.
Wllllnni 1'rime mill linull.v mine In
from Mt'Kiiy Tucmlny on ImimIih
I mi i in deck mill l'lens Mlllioru got
back Tin-mlny from ItelltiitipSpriiikfK
Ue Ward left HiIm week for Davis
I, ak to look nfti'r his large sheep In
Ilnnk Stewart il I'millim, was do
ing tnwlinnn In I'rfnevlllc llu limt of
tin' week.
The Mn.vHowcr mine at Howard l
reported to lie liikliix out U'lterore
limn ever.
(iuy Ijiliilli llf (tt hack Monday
niter iiieiiiliiii a tew ilii.vx In I lie
James Me.Mcclt Mild Jewi Wlndouot
llayntark, were In I'rtnevllle the hint
of the week.
J. II. Wlnle nml family, mill Mr.
nml Mm. I Int I Mi I,niiKhllii return
l H11111I11.V from the Mnloli-M.
Mike Itrown, of the tlrui of M.ver
Itrowu of I'iiiiIIiiii, I In town,
lie In iiurwiiiH a very sore hand.
t, A. Dcdell left I'Vl.lrt.v for Twelve
Mllctovbdl his sister), Mm. I.lllnril
uinl Mm. Jiu'otiH. He returiteil Tiiih
ilny. J.J. i'lerson of HowHril, wus In
town Saturday, lie any the liny
c rop In IiIh pnrt of the I'ounly Im
Ktii I,
ItetlietiitM-r the Hulil Colitisl lit
(ilover & Starr's ("null (Irocery Store
end SeiteiuUr 1, liKNS, K.v ml In
Joiiriiul. Kvcrylmdy ha 1 ehnnee.
i Ladies Home Journal
Patterns f
i To C. W. ELK I MS
It. K. Slmiwon mill fiuulty. Mm. .1.
II. Crooks nml dntiuhtcr licutnh,
anil Mm. (I. N. ("Ilfion have returned
from their summer oiiiIiik.
Itev. .linnet t, Mr. nml Mm. Jordan
nml llol. Smith were out after tim
ber ehilms the other ilny. They nil
found suitable timber claims 11 m n
which they muile IIIIiik (IiIh mum-
Another railroad engineer pnld aj
vllt to I'rluevllle Monday. This
time It wn Mr. Miller who Iiiim juxt j
completed the survey from theOn-turlo-Nttt
ron line to the Trunk Line
coming up the leMi-htiteN.
Ily a slip of the mii hint week we
staled thntJ. II. Urny hud rented
the Taylor Hill plnre In town nml
whh Kotuir to move In. It should
have rend "(JeorKe O'Ncll." Mr.
Urny Ih xt III looking for n In nine.
Otis Logan nml Mis Kva Smith
were innriied nt Portland August
l.'ll Ii. The groom Im h mou of Sander
1 mi of Ciuiii t'm'k, The young
couple arrived In I'rluevllle Saturday
nml In the future will make their
home In Crook cuiiiit.v.
There nn many new pnt
ternM this yenr. We enn
Hhow you a great variety
of t In-ill. All grades nml
prices. AMk to mi our wall
2?. iP, jfjamrox f Ctmutmy
The Ix'Mt, HtihteMt running and
cheapest sewing machine Im found at
A. Ii. Llppmnn & Co.'s
WANTKI) An unlimited nnuilier of
lieef cattle. Will pay the highest
market prices. Address UrcHlinm
Trading & Packing Co., Orcshani,
Oregon. 8-l-."lp
Arch Powell nnd Charlie Lytic left
Sunday for Summit prairie to spend
four or five day hunting. The deer
are reported to be qulU) Kentle In
that Meet Ion and the lioyn coiimc
quently Mtnnd Home ehani'e. of brliiK
Ing home a few choleeents of veiiHlon
J..H. Winilom of Culver neeoin
panled liy Kley Hobey, of NrowiiM
vllle, were vlHltltiK In town the limt
of the week. Thin Im Mr. Hotiey'M
flmt vlnlt to Crook county for over
five yearn and hound Mr. Wlndom
have Ihnhi HpendliiK a couple of weeks
In traveling around over the county.
He wiim very favorably InipreMMed
with the rapid and milmt initial
growth the county had made.
The twenty-fourth annual cata
log of the Oregon State Normal
School nt Monmouth lnw been re
ceived at thlH office. In Hpeaklug of
the function of the Normal School it
Bays: "The place of the Normal
School in a Mynteni of education Iiiih
been definitely determined. Educa
tors both abroad and In the United
States agree that the Htate Hhould
IiihIhI upon the proper training of
those who are to teach In the public
RchoolH. Every state in the Union,
with one or two exceptioiiH, lias
eMtobllHhed and is supporting train
ing schools for the purpone of sup
plying a body of competent teachers
for the public schools. The Normal
School must differ, therefore, from
all others. Its sole purpose must be
to train teachers." The Monmouth
Normal lias an excellent staff of
teachers and its graduates are
sought after by the schools of the
Mm. Al Mi'hohi of Howard I re
purled on the nick llt.
Sum I J 11 111 II 1 u wim In from Axh
wood lite IIimI of the Week,
Jerry UnrlM-r and wife of Culver,
were vlMltlug In (own the limt of the
Jt-MM Yniii'i'.v mid (a Hilly have rt
turned from llielr mitliig nt Crane
prairie. e
Fred Cln,vioo1 and lrwIIyde made
a Hying trip to Mijimw creek the
other day.
MiiMler Millard I'.lkliiM wiim given a
party Saturday to celebrat Ills
eleventh birthday.
Itev. Mr. Mitchell I'ltuie In from his
hoineNlcnit on the Ilewhutea for II
Mlmrt Mtny the liml of the week.
AiiMtln Klw-r wiim In from IiIm ranch
on Hear creek HiIm week vlMltlug
frleudM nnd IriiiiMiu'tlug IniMliieMM.
J. i:. Stew 11 it and wife nml J. W.
Horrlgaii and family have returned
from llielr outing on (he Upper lie.
J. II. tiray and family left HiIm
morning for an overland trip to the
Willamette valley. HeexiMi'tM to Im
a way about three weekM.
Ivlghtecii of the hay crew of the
Hhtck Unite (.and A Live Htoek Co.,
were dratted to fight Are at the head
of Canyon creek the other day.
Mr. MunriM' of CrowM Key, brought
a load of wateruii'loiiM to town Mou
ldy and the way they dlapiearei
wnm n caution. Everybody got one.
See iuy l.afollette At the pimt-oMee
Ifyoit want anything In the Mago
lne or NeWMpnpi-r line, lie takes
MttliMcrlptloiiM for any thing publlMhed.
J.I'". Houston and family were In
town Saturday from Itcnr creek en
route for two or three weeks' voca
tion at Crane prairie ami lnvln
Mayor Wurxwcller returned last
week from a vlnlt to IiIm old home at
JoMeph. Wallmva county. While
t here he Mold his Inten-Ht In the mer
cantile llrm of Wiirnweller Itrim.
Champ Smith and J. S. Smith
made H trip to MailraM laMt week on
liiiMlueMM. They report that the
cropM In the Haystack and I.amonta
Mtt'tloiiM to Is" looking fairly well,
but In the Agency Plain country they
did not look iim If much over n third
of crop would Im' linrveMted.
Mm. McDowell nprang an agree
able MtirprlMe on JiiiiImt Ciri-le hint
Prlday evening. It came In the form
ofMome choice refrewliineiitM. There
was both viM'til hihI liiHtrumental
iiiiimIc and 11 pleiiMant hour piimm-
eil after the Inline work was over.
The luvlusl giieMts were Mrs. Charles
KlkliiM. Mm. Ollie KlklitM. Mm. Wll
llaiiiHoii and Mm. Helkuap.
IjMi Cover and sou, of MntoleM,
wen1 In towuhiMt week. Mr. Cover
Im the owner of the lilgg's phut at
the head of t lie MatuleM which has
Imi'ii one of the inoHt popular resorts
on the eawl mIiIc of the tuouuttllUM
t IiIm MeiiMon. lie is over to sec u re it
mower and Muppllew for putting up
IiIm hay crop. He reports the vari
ous Prlnevllle parties ciuiiihiI at IiIm
place are having n royal good time,
and that W. A. Hell and It. E. Simp
son got In a few mIuiIm at a big U'ltr,
but failed to get any blood.
ft- T-l- L -w
W. Frank Petett, 0ES
Has ojM'itwl for buniwim in the windows tf
AdatiiHorrn Druf? Store. Hring in your
Wath, Jewelry ami 8Hi!Uic!e work. . .
" Htat Itegitere4 Ojitician,
All Work Guaranteed -Trial Solicited
Prlc from So to f 1. 80
Mail order Kllleil Promptly
'D. P. tfctamson d Co.
Uo to T. F. McCalllMter & Co. for
Stove PollMhlng CiIovcm.
Mm. Estes Is offering her entire
Mtm-k of Spring and Sunnner Milli
nery nt greatly reduced prices. Tills
Im done hi order to make room for
the fall stiM'k. (Jet prices on milli
nery from her before buying. 7-lJ-tf
Ed Harris and wife of Hear creek,
were In town this week en route to
Albany, when they will reside this
winter. Mr. Harris has sold his
ranch ami stock at Alkali Hat toJ.
D. Taylor, of Sisters.
Johii Fleming the Montana sheep
buyer will ship today over the Co
lumbia Southern ltallroad !1,500 head
of mutton sheep, which he recently
purchased from the li. S. & L. Co., of
Hay creek. The sheep will Is? dipped
at the Moody vats before shipment.
Shantko Republican.
Arthur W. Clothier retiirneil to
Prlnevllle Tuesday.
Elmer Clark of Paulina. w visit
ing In town Saturday.
J. Holler of CroMM Keys, was trans
acting InislneMM In town the first of
the week.
It. If. Mavley of Laldlaw, was
transacting IhimIiicms In town the
limt of the week.
II. M. Street and wife and Link
Sliver of Mfttoles, were In town HiIm
week making application fortimlM-r
Kmelwri EleffMon have hwl the
0M-raCafe renovate and Installed
a lunch counter. A. Ullllam, former
y of the Polndeler Hotel, has the
C. A. Duncan has had the biilhllng
adiolulmr Smith & FosU-r's r-al
estate office renovated and will om-ii
a I an rant and lunch counter In
the near future.
Mm. Mlnit Wilson Wllmarth. ell-
tor of the Harney County News and
Mm. H. A. Smith of Hums, were In
town Monday en route to Portland
on a buslncMM visit.
Mm, A. tiesuer and daughter
Ithodit, who have Nvn visiting for
several wwks past, with Arthur
Hodge nml wife, left Monday for
their home In Salem.
James Dyer and wife of Antelope,
were III the city Wednesday on their
way to visit with Mm. Dyer's par
ents, Mr. am! Mm. A. C. Knlghten on
I'PIht Oi Iiim o. Mm. Knlghten came
down to meet them. Mr. Dyer bus
sold his Interest in the livery busb
iicks at Anteloie and will again take
up his rcMldc nee In Crook county.
William Hogg, w ho was recently '
bound over t. apis'ar Is'fore the
grand Jury In flaw) bond to answer
to the charge of stealing a calf,
raised the miiiiiinl of his bond and
Mecured his HIsTty. He was Iminedi-i
ntely rearrested on a charge of lar
ceny of n inn re. The cumc was tried
Is'fore Justice Luckes Tuesday fore-i
noon and Hogg was held Iti the sum
of frsKl to answer to the grand jury, j
He was not able to raise the amount
mid was remanded hack to Jail. Jim
Adams was Jointly Informed against
with Hogg and Ids bond was llxed
for the same amount.
J. K. Stewart k Co. are Mi-lllng
Men's Hummer Suits at very low
prices. If you need a suit now Is the
time to buy.
T. M. Ilaldwln and Addle Foster
have l"cn siimminied to Portland.
They left 011 today's sla(e.
Ilov. ChamlM'rlalu has appointed
Mayor Wurxwellcr a deli-Kate to the
Irrigation Congress to ts held at
Kolse Keptenils-r .1 to 8.
Dr. Win. II. Cnuimliig, a graduate
veterinary surgeon, luw tiM-ated in
I'rluevllle. He is now prepared to
do any kind of work In his line. 111m
office Im at the Hamilton HtahlcM.
J. S. Smith, Dr. (tall Newsom, and
Warren Smith, accompanied by
Frank Marlon, the timlM-r hsiator
from l.aldlnw. h'ft Monday for U-s-r
Ih-Mchuti'M to look over some yel
low pine tlitibcrcHmus for which they
exiM-et to make application.
Dr. C. A. Cllne and wife tit Ixiwer
Hrldge, nceiiinpalileil by Mm. L. E.
Jordan, who has been vlMltlug with
them at their home, arrived Wednes
day evening. Dr. (line and wife
came up to tile on t IihIht claims In
the Matoles country.
Traveling Bags, Shopping Bags
Suil Cases, Shopping Baskets
Telescopes Canvas & Jananese
Shawl and Blanket Straps
T I ffH . ffOA
LirunKs j 10 a-u.
Ik A JVjAi MlW AslW j(k fc rfW MV S jlkJI
For Sale Two biiHincMM buildiiigM
In Prlnevllle; Is-st hs-ation. Smith &
Foster. 8 9-tf
Cheap prices on sugar will not con
tinue In Prlnevllle many weeks
longer. We have a few sacks of the
pure Cane on hand yet. Glover &
Ike Ward lias sold out IiIm sheep
Interest to Jcs Yancey. This is the
proMTty Mr. Ward bought from Col.
Nye for 27.0tX). A snug sum was re
alized on the Investment. The new
owner Im a shrewd ImimIiicsm man nnd
one that keeps inclose touch with
proKTty values In Crook county.
A man by the name of Hendemoii
was brought to Prlnevllle Friday
night from Howard suffering from a
very bad cut across the top of his
head. The man, who Is a camp ten
der for F, McKay, was ridinga horse.
and In some unaccountable manner
was thrown upou his head on a pile
of riK-ks. He was unconscious for a
time but managed to get back to
camp when be wan brought here for
medical attention.
Announcement wiim made this
morning, says a Pendleton dispatch,
of a gift of flO,(M)Ocuh to the Pen
dleton Academy from William M.
Itrowu, of Paulina, Crook county.
The money Is given for the purpose
of erecting a boys' dormitory for the
school, and Is available at once.
However, the building cannot Is?
erected Is-fore the next school year.
The gift is made on condition that
another f 10.000 Ik1 raised as a sus
tenance fund. Hrown is a wealthy
Stockman of Central Oregon.
Send Your Watches or Jewelry
for Repairs j
All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable
Q $4 T $4 i3i 7 181 1& ft 1S1 1&1 tv7 i3i $4 $4 $4 $4 n
Residence in Prineville 4
Inquire of
Cherries shipped from Hood Klver,
Oregon, this season to the City of
Mexico went through In seven and
one half days, witli but IS per cent
damage. The fruit was carried by
open express during the very hottest
days of the summer without any
protection by cold storage.
Chas. Sherlock purchased l.r00 head
of sheep from the following parties:
500 head from Schroder of Silver
Lake, 500 head from McKuue and
(100 head from McCali, all at $3.10 per
head. He also purchased 1300 head
of iambs from John Davis of Davis
Creek, to be delivered In September
and October. The price paid was
$2.25. Lakevlevr Herald.
Closing Out Sale I
('omniencing July 23th. and ending Setemlier 1. liHK), I will
prtsent to my customers purchasing the most Uroeeries
First Prize, $20 in gold
Second Prize, $10 in gold
Third Prize, $5 in gold
(Other Uroeerynien debarred from entering the contest.)
14 pounds Best Cane Sugar $1 o0
100 pounds Blue Ribbon sugar... 25
100 pounds Rest Cane sugar 6 75
4 pounds Shillings Rest Soda 25
tl ISars Star Soap 2-r
10 Cans Standard Corn 1 00
8 Cans Extra Standard Tomatoes 1 00
35-ecnt Coffee 30
25-ceut Coffee 20
Other groceries in proportion.
W. F.
j O'Neil Bakery
2 In At Miller Building f
s Fn-eh Bread, I'ien and Cakes k
j alwny on hand.
4 Poetry of all kinds made to w
onler. f
'I I'M I'll I 1 "I' I H 4 1 M .1-M t 1 11 1 , M I ..i
I Clearance Sale
IN order to make room for the fall ctock our
Spring and Summer Millinery
WUl be Closed Out at Reduced Prices. Call in
and see us before buying and save money
St aim ol JT othw iraSiO ol pntii " "
it.niu t ihrir !!, ci;nrc and tiaUc)l.
M. l'nir. MtlB'TiQ.iwol Va.hkBl
mo,.- ,u Ih-tnmn ; Mlv Ln4m-0"
,uMm fl(,nupb.' OHI.JIIeflll.
r. ., criio. .iy.6MnbffUM-ll CM-
I.uSt ImliVlMli. HM. "
llhrt.l ih , : Fall t flu(i:c. -a,.4
PiiiH..m ttlo,;u (showing fr p.-m.ams)
Wl Ire. AWrM THE McCALL tU K -
Prineville-Shaniko Stage Line
Dally Between Prineville and Shaniko
1 .eaves Shaniko, 6 p. m. Arrives at Prineville 6 s. m.
Ijesves Prineville 1 p. in. Arrives at Shaniko 1 a. m.
First Class Accommodations
I make the prices and do not cut to imitate others,
ask you-to call and examine goods and prices.
A l Ml ; d Sgi!
. fii,- tr y i tv -Xi'. w " -
-vr' -
No. 32 Read Wagon with Shafts or Pole
Wheels. 1 inch Sarven, 39-43 inches
full bolted, 5-16 inch tires
Painting. Shafts, Wheels and Gear
Red, striping, two fine lines
Body. New Style, black, double line
gold, with green outline stripe
Trimmings. Green Leather, Biscuit
cushion, imitation leather seat
ends and fall, dull black but
tons and trimmings
! B N
The above is one of the most popular rigs for
ordinary use; durable and attractive. Prices
and terms on application.
We also have other styles of Road Wagons, also
Buggies, Hacks, Buck Boards, and the Schuttler
Wagon. If you are in need of anything in this
line call and see them.
. Stewart & Co.