CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY BAILEY ft OWAV, tvbllhrt. lilt Ti at h nintn at PMaevtlle. Otrioa, r c o o .1 -r ) . matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES Invariably In Advtnc One Year $1.50 Six Month 75 ct Three Month.. 60 ct Advertising Rat: Display advertising fl 00. 7S ronu nt 50 ornts wn!m( t time u.l pace. Local Reader tl.00 per inch. Bmlnne lorals 5 wnt per lino. fr.l ( Thnk tun Reeolatlona ol Condolence tl-M. "Want", "Uwl", U a.s n,1 "RstrT" Notion t eeut a wont. Published Every Thumlay at Uie Journal BuilJiug, Printline, Oregon THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1906 DRY FARMING. Th rubject of dry farming should be of great interest to the people of Crook county. There is immense possibilities in it for the people of Central Oregon. The principle involved is by no means a new discovery. It has long been known that thorough surface culti vation conserves moisture. The "Campbell svstem" which has shown such wonderful results when followed intelligently has re vived the subject in the semi-arid west with the result that many thousands of acres that were con sidered worthless are brought under cultivation. A writer in the Century in describing the sys tem says that two things are neces sary. "First, to keep the surface of the land under cultivation loose and finely pulverited. This forms a soil mulch that permits the rains and melting snows to percolate readilv through to the compacted soil beneath, and that at the same time prevents the moisture store in in the ground from being brought to the surface by capillary attrac tion, to be absorbed by the hot, dry air. The second is to keep the sub-soil finely pulverized and firm ly compacted, increasing its water holding capacity and its capillary attraction, and placing it in the best possible physical condition for the germination of seed and the development of plant root. The dry farmer thus stores water not in dams and artificial reservoirs, but right where it can be reached by the roots of growing crops." Following out these methods a rainfall of twelve inches can be conserved, we are told, so effective ly that it will produce better re sults than are usually expected of an annual precipitation of twenty four inches in humid America. This discoverer and demonstra tor of these principles has made it possible to cover with wheat and corn, alfalfa and other useful crops, ten thousands of square miles of fertile land on which nothing but sage brush, cacti, Kansas sunflowers and bunch grass are now found. What this means to the country is best appreciated when the vast amount of arid land, that cannot be reclaimed by irrigation even, is considered. Snow or rain falls, to a certain ex tent, everywhere, and when the precipitation is utilized, as suggest ed millions of acres will be added to the habitable area of the coun- ,ry- The people of Eastern Oregon will he gratified to learn that the Hwlrographic Office of the Geolog ichI Survey will co operate with Siute Engineer Lewis and enter upon a thorough study of the water resources of the state of Ore gon. The object is to determine the amount of water available for irrigation and power purposes. The underground waters will be carefully studied in that land ly ing outside of the reach of rivers and streams may be reclaimed by reason of the under ground supply Many strangers are to be seen going over Crook county looking for land and investments of one kind or another. These people are just what we want. They have considerable means or at least suf ficient money to give them a good start in a new country where prices have not been boomed out of reach of the average man's purse. It will not be many years before present prices will double or quadruple in value. Its bound to come. What are you going to do about insurance is becoming a serious matter in Oregon. With about ten millions of insurance that is practically worthless and the un certainty existing as to the finan cial standing of other companies makes a complicated situation. The uncertainty is what ia causing the anxiety. One cannot tell whether he is insured in a solvent, Single Coii.. Sol insolvent, shaky or a six-bit company. The new wheat in the Walla ' ,u r"r-w. lug-o.-r Walla countrv has been tested and U'"m- lf lhe-v ,io th"-V VXHii ," o distinct 'grades are shown in I H,U i,,!l thing except this vea crop. Fall sown grain i fphter l on the heavier land was invariably I Tlu f'1""' K grade,! as Xo. 1, while sprin sownt,1,e rinUr nd iU U ,or grain on "light land" was graded ! lower. The yield is belter than the farmers exoeoted.'ni? between IS and 25 bushels ,0 tll? j -. . . I acre. The scarcity of the labor proh- j lem is not confined entirely to the ' United States. The K repp Co.'.: agents are scouring Belgium and France for competent mechanics to work in the great gun factory. The metal industries of Germany were never so prosperous as now. I There is no denrinr th vi.tne of advertising. Too many sue-1 cesses in the business world are di-! rectly traceable to its influence, j The merchants of Prineville are I just beginning to realize what an immense advantage the home jojtio iiuer in I'uiiuuig up iraue. 1 i: 1 r They go into every part of Crook countv and each paoer is rend bv .' ' at least five different famines other' than the one to which it was sent There is no medium to lie compar ed to the county papers for reach ing the consumers, and there is no better time than right now to lie- gin your fall campaign The drought continues in all parts of the State says the U. S. Weekly Weather Bulletin, the on ly precipitation reported being light showers in some of the coast counties and in the Powder River valley in the Blue Mountains. I r ,i" i-n , In the Willamette valley and the Coast Counties the forenoons were ! generally cool and cloudy and the afternoons warm and clear. In the remaining portion of the State, both the mornings and the after noons were generally clear There has been an increase in the num ber of forest fires and the atmos phere, in consequence, is becoming somewhat smoky, although, except in the immediate neighborhood ot the hres, the smoke is not dense. The mean temperature averaged about normal, and the week was considerably cooler than the pre ceding one. In Southern Oregon the mornings were unusually cool, and the afternoon temperatures averaged nearly three degrees above normal. In east of the Cascade M. . ountains wuillirn ( ooin ine nigni ana 'he day tem peratures averaged slightly over a degree aliove normal. r" lpfcrJrriirTilrTtiT - W 01 W A L I P i PT D 15 . . -. . - U There are many new pat M terns this yenr. We can '1 1 rn snow you a irreat variety of thein. All railes auil prices. Ask to wee our wall paper. ill 0. !P. Jfdamson A Companu hi TETEEr3EfIiEl SOMETHING NEW Eilers Piano House RENTAL CONTRACT PLAN Choice New Pianos at Wholesale $5 Down and $5 a Month Since we are to reopen our new retail store early next fall, we feel that we do not want to drop out of the retail business in the meantime. In order that our large wholesale warehouse at corner Thir teenth and .Northrup streets (which property we own) does not become filled up with Pianos" and Organs, and in order to keep things moving, we are offering the choice of any of these fine new Pianos at actual Wholesale and less than wholesale. In addition you can buy any of these beautiful Pianos on a new rental payment contract, paying So down and 5 a month. Think of it, your choice of fine new pianos at the bare wholesale cost and at the small payments of 85 per month. Write today for catalogues, etc. EILERS PIANO HOUSE "The House of Highest Quality," .'iM-SoS Washington St Redmond Fair Notes. One of the enjvallo fonture of the fair will Ih a farmei's institute ti,e evening f tho second day of the fair, when we expevt to have with vh Professor Withy coin ! di rector of the Oregon Agricultural College, also another eiker from tVrvallis, and Mr. Elias Nelson in the government employ at Twin Falls Idaho. He sure to attend i this institute. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Fair Association is planning an entertainment for one evening of the fair. Whatever they have will le well worth attending. The M. W. A. here expects to iiiMniHiiitni uie :ass tu me weeK Ask for one. Our novel tv races will not le so -A half-mile walk, a half-mile trot, and a half-mile run. Come to the fair and bring some- thing for exhibition, and see what the rest of the county can do and raise. K. C. Park, Secretary J. G. Cantrvll mul John Cluitntierx lam week purvlmmHl the Hucket , I... ,,, ,.f f X II.ul.,ll .....I .. III ...... !,,lltft .'..Vun.ler the tlrm ua.m" j of tautrvll & UihiiiU'ix. 11 -vou anl ' take'rhe Journal. hh 11 1 v ' 1 - . i f Wl SE, h :itii i'ifo&W BROS-' O&'l 1 .jy 1. 1 .. . .. .. , v- Sum inons. I.. . .. . j . . ... . . . . for Crook fount v. R. L. Booth, Plaintiff, arh S. Lamaon, ami H W ljtmmn, her husKimi, I Defemiants f To Sarah N. Laiuson and II. W. niwn DetenilantJt. IN T1IK NAME K TUB .STTK OK ORKOON. You are hereby r'qiiirei to q-i- ami answer the complaint hied acain.t you in the above entitUnt suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which date of hrst publica tion ii the ith day of August, tKi, arurif vou fail so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to said Court for the renei iiemanileil in -md eoniplatnt. to-wit; That the ;-aid defendants and each of them lie required to allege and t forth their pretended intere"t or estate in and to the follnwinedex-rihed pretnises, to-wit; the Vesl.hal,1 f the Northwest quarter of non nana uie nan 01 the Northeast quarter of -etin 7, T. 13 s. R. li K of the tion 8 and the East hal Willamette Meridian in Crook Countv I'reRun. Ann mat trie same neascertaineii and determined bv the decree of thi Court, and that the plaintiff hove a decree of thi. Court that he is the owner in fee simple and in possession of the above de scribe i real property and that the defend ant have no interet or estate therein, either leva) or equitable, and for such other or further relief as is meet in equity and pood con-cience. This summon i published in pursuance to the order of Hon. W. A. Bi ll. County Judge of Crook County. Oregon, which or der bears date the Hth dav of Auirutt. lf(. M. R. Elliott, C. C. Linden .V McCain A Vinton, Attorneys for i'laintiff. S-!l-5w Pacific University forest grove. oregon, a high-grade college with Superior equipment. ri II 1 . t . oeauuiuuy locaieu twenty r,m pi,i ix miles Full reeular cohere cours.'s. Academy gives strong-preparatory and 0 "'Kh tjchord courses. Conservatory of Music and School of Art, with superior instructors. Business hranchns tann-ht Gvmnasinm and I-k-M Alhl,.f a Physical Director. influences. ive. THE SCHOOL THAT STiNDS FOR THE BEST IN EDUCATION WRITE FOR CATALOGU: Well-eauinned Laboratories S Library of 13,0ou Volumes. B Healthful social life: religious iii ah Btuaent; enierjinses act I'UllTJ.AM), OU. 8-!)-2t I , Notice t hereby given to all prron having claims again-.! (herniate ol Win. C. ArmMroug. diveaM-d, to ptrtent them with the mti'Mtary voucher, to Ihe ttiider "igued. the Kdttunitrtor of aid enlnte, at hn oilice in I'rinevillr, Oregon williin i niouiha from Ihe date of thi notice. 1II thin (h day of June, ttai M. K. Kiliorr, Administrator of the estate of IVw, (', Armnlroiig. dooased. NIk i Fawl SettUawtM. Notice l hereby given to all pcmoiiw- erne , that I.. Kelly an hxeciitttx of the K-lnie of J, 8. Kelly, deceased, ha tiled her final account tied Kxivulru with the County Clerk of Crook comity, Orvgtm, and the court ha wl MoihIhv, I be Srd dy of September, l!t, at ten o'clock in the forenoon the tune for henrliig aid Kiual KeHrt, mid all peroii having object loon to id rvMirl are hen'hv re HUirvsl to prernl Ihe name at nid 'linn'. Uate.1 thin i.Tlll dav of June, 1'Ml. UkACK I.. KKI.LY, Kxivuum of the Klate of --"X-Tt J. 8. Kelly, deceased. CITATION In the Count v Court of the State of Ore gon, for the ountv of Crook. In the matter ol'the Kstate of I .v..,! C.O. AM Ms 1 "",,n To Stacia A in I m and all heir unknown of C. 1. A tub. IHve.sed O.KKKIINO: IN THE NAMK tK TIIK STATIC OK OKKllON, Ycu are herehv cite.1 and TrNiuired to atv- ear ill Ihe County IVurt of the State of tiregon, tor tne ountyor t roo, at in Court rom thereof, at 1'rineville in the Countv of Crook oa Monday Ihe 3d dav of September. VWi, at io'cba k, ill the alter. noon ot that ilay, then and there to how CKU.-e. if any there lie, why an order should not be made by the County Court for I rook County, Oregon, authorising and directing W . A. HHth. administrator of aid estate, to evil the real property lie longing to aaid estate, which ld real eMate is descriln-d as follows: The North west quarter of Section Kleven in Town ship twelve South, of Kunge Sixteen Kant of Willamette Meridian in Orx'gon, at pub lic sale for the purpose of txiyuig the cluims against the estate and the costs and expense ol adminislralion. Witness, the Hon. W. A. ItKI.I.. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Crook with the seal of said Court etlixed, this th day of July, A. l. I(l. AtTtsr: Whxs Haowa, Clerk. 7-llelip Notictf (or HublicHtion. Department of the Interior. Ijvnd tutice at The Oallcs, Oregon. July SO. l'Ml Notice is herebv given that John W. Snyder of 1'rineville, Oregon, has tiled no lice of his intention to make dual commu tation proof in support ol lua claim, ais: Homestead Kntrv No. HUH made March llUs1 for the W'l, NK4 ami N W v. SK Section !t. Tow nship It S , Hauge IA K, W. M , and I h it said pnnif w ill lie made be fore Ihe County Clerk, al 1'rineville, Ore gon, on ScpteuiMT Nth. PMi. He name., the following lo prove his con tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, Ihe land, via: William K. Mason, Andrew S. fields, Joseph f- Taylor, of 1'rineville, Oregon, Kdward M. hove, of Liimonta, Oregon. Mum l T. Nolan, 8-:.pd Kegtster. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. Ijind Office at The Dalles, Oregon. July 21, ItMl. Nolice is hereby given that Charles f. Wilcox, of l.ttmoiita, Oregon, has tiled no tice of his intention to make tiual coiunui taiion prtHf in support of his claim, via: Homestead Kntrv No. 131X3 inai'e January 12, for N at the N W H Sertion IS, Tuwiiship 1.1 S.. Range 14 K.. W. M ami that said proof will lie made la-fore D. F. Hea, I'iiIUhI States Couimissioner, at his oltice, iu Madras, Oregon, on August 2S, l!Mi. He imini-s the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, vii: Thomas McOhcc, l,evi Knorr, Frank Miller, ti. D. I'ierce. all of Ijniiimtu, Ore gon. MICHAKLT. NOI.AN. 7-2S-re Register. Tim1er Land, Act of June 3, 17. Notice for Publication. t.'uited States I -and Office, The Dailce, Oregon. July 21, liJDtl. Notice is hereby giveu that in compli ance with the provisions of the act oi Con gress of June 3, IHTS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Suites of California, Oiegon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Pub lic Land States by act ol August 4. lHt2, the follow ing pcr-ons have tiled in this oi lice their sworn stateme: ts, t-wit: Kdward Kwing Senra. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 2!iiK, tiled June 2!l, ltl, for the purchase of the 8 Wi-i NWli.N' SW ami SW!, Section 4, Tp. IAS., It. Iii K W. M . Oeorge K. Curtis, of Portland, county of Multnomah, mate of Oregon, sworn state ment No. 2!l2, tiled July 10, for the purchase of the SKJ, Section II, Tp. 14 8., K. 19 K.. W. M. Kachiellus K. Jones, of Prineville, coun ty of ( rook, state of Oregon, sworn state ment No. 2IM3, tiled Julv 10, Pj(i lor the purchase of the tK NWand Lots 3, 4 and 5. Section 8. Tp. 14 S., It. lit K., W, M. That they will uli'er proofs to show that t le lands sought are more valuable tor the UtnlKM or stone thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and lo establish their claims to said lands before the 'Register and Receiver at The Dailes, Oregon, on October 2, lllUj. They name the following witnesses: Kdward K. Sears, Kochiellus K. Jones, By Ton C'ady, H. A. Foster and I'erry Poin dexter, of Prineville, Oregon; Vernon E. Cady and Walter J. Cany, of Everett, Washington. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-descrilied lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before the said 2nd day of Octnber, 11)0. MICHA<. NOLAN. 7-2-pd Register. Timber Land, Act of June 1878. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, July 21, 1U0H. Notice is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of the act ef Con gress of June 3,1878, entitled "An act for tin" sale ot timber hinds iu the States of Notice to ('rvJitoi-w. Californis, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," a-i extended to all the Pub lic Land States by act of August 4, 181(2, the following-named persons have on July 14, 1WM1, filed in this ottice their oworn stHtementH, to-wit: William J. liarlow, of Coeur'd Alene, county of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn statement No. 2Mi5, for the purchase of the W'A is ami Ku SW!4, Section 1, Tp. 14 H., R. 18 li , W. SI. John H. jai-rett, of Coeur'd Alene, coun ty of Kootenai, state of Idaho, sworn state ment No 2!W4 for the purchase of the Lots 3 and 4 and H'A NWU, Flection 5, Tp. 14 H., li. W K., W. M. Thomas P. McAuley, of Taconia, county of. Pierce, Htate of Washington, sworn statement No. 2!K)3, for the purchase of the Lots I and 2 and hi NEJ4, beclion 6, Tp. 14 S., R. V.l E., . M. That they will offer proofs to how tliat tiie lands sought are more valuable for the timber or stone thereon than for agricul tural purposes, and to establish their claims to said lanus before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Oc tober 3, v.m. They name the following witnesses: Thomas P. McAuley, of Tacoma, Wash ington; John H. Jarrctt and William J. barlow, of Coeur'd Alene, Idaho; liyron Cady and A. C. Knightcn, of Prineville, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely any of the above-described lands are re quested to file their cluims in this oflice on or before the said 3rd day of October. 1U0O. MICHAEL T. NOLAN, 7-26-pd Register. Agents for Butterick Patterns and 'JK SPECIAL 30 DAYS' SALE g 01 IUk Price Reductions in all lines of Ladies' and Children's Sum 0s fjhi mcr (ioods. Watch our big show windows for the Best Clash fjht aiues ever oucrcu Wash Skirts t ctuirruon oi vrasn anu anu won v.ovrr L Wash Skirts, all round iVnyths; llie thing A .11 .. i r . l. -i IfS I01, yur Summer Outing. w your rnoire tor lW lat 2 your choice lor Ixt 3 your choice lor I . I I $j SPECIAL IN TAN OXFORDS (J Ladies Regular $3.50 values Special Sale Price P7 Ladies' .tegular 2.r0 values Special Sale Price fey Children's Regular $2.25 values Special Sale Price Hosiery for Ladies Summer Dress and Children Wash Goods Goods Latlies lace lisle hose in while, Mceruel Craal in while. pancy Sjk ?inism 0rgnJir hlack and tan. all iiits: regular cream. Un. brown and green in ,fge a!Bortmrn, c roors 85c values. Special 25c shaJes. Special This Sale 20c ChilJren's lace lisle hose ,n Changeable Silk. Tongee. Mo- white, black anJ tan, all sizes Bolton Coverts, all good shades hair, Pongess and Fancy Cotton Regular 25c and 35c values d plenty ol them. Regular 20c Foulards. ALL REDUCED Special per pair 20c values. Special This Sale ISc FORTIUS SALE 18 Wl PRINEVILLE'S BIG m WURZWEILER & THOMSON, A FULL LINE OF Machines and Records ALWAYS ON HAND. THE WINNER CO. Prineville Orenon Singer Sewing Machine Co. I Will tnk old nuu'lilncH g 'k hiexclinnKeforiH'Woni'M S Will noil you mmdiliH'it X on monthly payment I All klmlM of r.'Kilr work $ done Ly our ng;i'nt who In iiIho thu authorized collector tor nil inoncyH due tin- company. $ For further Information S Inquire of WILL PERCY, Agent X At the Henkle renidence, one block A went of the Hofitoflice, Prineville, Or jl!!Cf Birnm bt mail We pay 4 on lime deposiu, cunenl rates on savings accounts, receive dcponU tubjecl lo check, and do i general bank ing business.. Ycu can have the advantages ot a strong bank at your very door by using live mails, Send us your deposits. Acknowledg ment will be sent you by return mail. Savings accounts received from one dollar up. Open an account with us and note how rapidly it will grow. 1 . FRANK WATSON. Prmdw R. L DURHAM. Vim Pit) W. H. I RAK. SniMir & C. CATCHINCS. A. it.r, t'Tiisi tiowpcinn 24 T Wa3h. St. Pohtland,Ob. V7 CAPITAL iT5cTT-Trre6oo5 n K in i.roou county. ...i r n $ .85 1.5 2.50 LADIES' AND Subscribe for The JOURNAL VZ, CLU1UUNG KATES The Oregon Semi-Weekly Journal $1.50 year The Crook County Journal - $1.59 year Both Papers - $3.00year Clubbing Rales lor the Weekly Oregonian at the Same Rale as Above I The 0. K. Meat Market STROUD BROS, Proprietor., m Deealeri in Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton, Pork, Butter m Eggs and Country Produce The following is a list of Loin Steak Round Steak Shoulder Steak Plain RoitHt Beef Prime Rib Roawt Veal Roast Loin Mutton Chop Plain Mutton Chopa Veal Chopa Pork Loin Pork Sausage Hamburger Bologne When you are buying anything in this line give us a call We Guarantee to Treat you Right Telephone Orders Will Closing OF LADIES' FURNISHINGS, Etc. Having decided to discontinue from carrying Ladies' Furnishings in stock, our entire line of these goods will therefore be sold at ACTUAL COST Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, as it means a big saving of money to you. We have in stock useful articles of wearing apparel. Call, see the goods, get the prices and you will buy. tWoWLCASH STORE R. B. ADAMS, Proprietor The Delineator Q pj r7fc WUUVUtt III V w lollies' Silk Knit Clovrs in white, lilmk and yJA rhampaigne colors si.c 6 lo 8, all two rlasp ft patent lastenrra. Regular $1.50 valura. rjC Special for ThU Sale $1.00 fjj Ladirs' white kiJ ylovrs. all Krgular f $1.50 valura. Special lor l!ii sale $ 1 .00 KNl CHILDREN'S $2.00 f $1.45 STORE S Prineville Oregon R our Prices on Meats -T pound lOeta er pound lOi-ta jier pound 8ct per pound lOcU jier jiound 12 jctt per ound l'ijcU per pound lOcta Mir pound 12JcIb per pound 12 Jets per pound lOcta per pound 10c Is per pound lOcta per pound Be Given Prompt Attention Out Sale j